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What is Wiccan-Christian-Pantheism?

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What is Wiccan-Christian-Pantheism?


By Robin T. Quinn


We are indeed an interesting mix. Because modern Pantheism is our

principle foundation, I should begin with a short synopsis of

Pantheism for those who are not familiar with this philosophy.


Pantheism has nothing to do with " pantheon " or " polytheism " - belief

in many Gods. It is neither theism nor atheism, but transcends both.

Its central tenet is that the Universe is the ultimate reality, the

ultimate object of reverence, while nature is a sacred part of the

totality of which every one of us, in life or in death, is an

inseparable part. In short, God and the Universe are One in the same.

We live inside of God, not outside. God is an Infinite Organism, and

all finite organisms are part of IT, cohabiting within IT.


Pantheism is an ancient belief, older than Buddhism or Christianity,

and may already count hundreds of millions among its members. Most

Taoists are Pantheists, along with many Chinese, Japanese and Western

Buddhists, deep Ecologists,

Pagans, Animists, followers of many Native American religions, and

many Unitarian Universalists. The central philosophical scriptures of

Hinduism are Pantheistic. Many Atheists and Humanists may be

Pantheists without realizing it.


Now for the Christian aspect in this conglomeration.

There are many logical reasons to believe Jesus was not teaching

about the anthropomorphic Jewish god, as the vast majority simply

assumes. Rather, he was ingeniously speaking about the Pantheist God.

This would explain why he used so many Pantheistic metaphors and

parables. Had he plainly spoke about the Pantheist God, surely the

Jewish fundamentalists would have immediately stoned him to death.


Jesus never claimed to be a god, in fact he said, " What I can do, you

can do even greater. " What god would say such a thing? Most people

simply assume he was claiming to be a god when he said, " God is in

me, and I am in God. " That is a statement all Pantheists can make.

And to clarify this Pantheistic saying, we are all " part " of God, not

the " whole " of God. We are all the sons and daughters of the

Universe, made of the same materials and elements as the

Universe/God. And this is in perfect alignment with modern science.

It was with the blessing of the Roman empire around 300 AD, which

allowed the Catholic Church to proclaim Jesus as a god. To

Pantheists, there is only one God, Thee Universe.


In conclusion with the Wiccan perspective, without question Jesus

casted a spell on this world, and even after 2000 years it continues

to burn brightly. No one comes close to the magical spells of Jesus.

As he stated, " I have casted a fire upon this world. " However he was

a good Witch, and thousands of years ahead of his time. He was the

ultimate Witch, teaching love and non-violence in a era of horrible



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