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हरे राम कृष्ण॥

Dear Gunjan, Namaskar

I'm cc'ing this to the lists as you have posed some good questions.

Comments below.


Yours sincerely,





Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

Jaimini SJC - Denmark

email: visti

For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com



Gunjan Bhatt wrote:


Respected Visti ji,


Recently I went

through an

article presented by You in SJC Conference in Europe in the year 2005


"Parivartan Yoga" therein I found different types of Parivartan yogas

based on

1] Signs Parivartan, 2] Nakshatra Parivartan{Jiva Parivartan} and 3]


Parivartan{Karaka Parivartan}.

After going through

this paper

when I analyzed my chart I found that all

the nine planets in my chart are involved in one or more Parivartan Yoga.

Can you please guide me how should I interpret this situation and also


give me guidance on my below mentioned queries:


How should a

planet be interpreted if a single planet is involved in more than one

type of parivatan yoga with different planets?



This depends on the type of parivartana. Treat each type of Parivartana

separately as obviously the same planet cannot be involved in more than

ONE TYPE of parivartana. But, it means that the planet causes a strong

sambandha with other PEOPLE in your life for purpose which depends on

the nature of the parivartana.. i.e. Nakshatra parivartana is all about

the community and your association with it. The rasi parivartana causes

YOGA with certain people for the purpose indicated by the houses in the

parivartana. I.e. a parivartana a long the second and twelfth houses

can give increase of family and wealth through foreigners, and at the

same time it can give foreign travel and financial losses through

travels/abroad stay. Whichever of the two will be prominent depends on

whether the planet in the second house or twelfth house is active

during its dasa.

In this manner differentiate the results.



I am under

impression that if there is a parivartan yoga in signs then the planets

involved in the yoga give results as if they are situated in their own

house{Swa-Gruhi} whereas if the parivartan yoga is in Nakshatras then

the involved planets will act as they are situated in their own

Nakshatra {Swa-Nakshatri}. If the above stated principle is correct

then should we include this results in Varga Strengths i.e "Varga

Vimshopaka" and "Vaisheshikamsa"?



Nope, definitely not. I was advised against thinking in such lines. I

can recommend reading the principles reg. Parivartana that Mantresvara

gives in Phala Deepika.



If the above

principle is correct than does the status of a planet changes from

exaltation to debilitation or vice versa? For example, in my chart

Saturn is in Virgo while its lord Mercury is in Libra {exaltation sign

of Saturn} then should we consider Saturn as an 'Exalted Planet'?






How should one

interpret any other planet which is not involved with such parivartan

yoga but makes another yoga through aspect or conjunction with one of

the planets involved in such parivartan yoga?



Rasi Parivartana is the strongest of the FOUR types of yoga/sambandha.

So the parivartana is a yoga itself.


Over and above the

above stated

concerns, as Shri Sanjay ji have said in one or more lectures that the

divisional charts are linked together, then should we merge different D


and see any parivartan yoga between planets in one D chart and a planet


another D Chart? For example, in my chart Saturn in D-1 is in Virgo

whereas it

lord Mercury in D-9 Chart is in Capricorn then should it be considered

as a

parivartan yoga between planets of D-1 and D-9 Charts? If yes then how


they be interpreted?


This is stretching the principles a bit, but i will not refute the idea

as you are implying that there is a Sambandha between God (Navamsa) and

you (rasi) through those specific grahas. Is there?


My details are as




T Bhatt

Date of Birth: 15th

November, 1980

Time of Birth: 11:50:00


Place of Birth:

Ahmedabad, India

I would be grateful

if you can

please throw some insight in the above stated matters.


Gunjan T Bhatt

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