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malefics in the 2nd house from Lagna , AL and Atma Karaka

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II hraum namah adityaya II





Dear Gurubhay , Namaskar



It shows bodily defects through

(2H from ) :


Lagna - birth and conditioning.


Paka Lagna - misdirected inteligence.


Arudha Lagna - wrong lifestyle.








Rafal Gendarz,











kofoed2 napisał(a):



Dear Rafal,


Yesterday you mentioned that malefics in these 3 houses each have a

different effect on health. Please explain.


Best wishes and long life,

Anders Kofoed


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|Hare Rama Krishna|


Dear Gurujans, namaskar


This is very intersting. How about a chart that shows that ALL 3 have

a malefic in 2nd from them? For eg. a Virgo lagna with:


Birth details are:

8 March 1999


Hemel Hempstead, UK


1. Mars in 2nd from lagna (rules 3rd and 8th house)

2. Saturn in 2nd from Paka lagna (rules 5th and 6th house)

3. Rahu (rules 6th house)is in 2nd from AL (which is in 10th house

gemini) Am assuming rahu has lordship here as it has longer longitude

than co ruler saturn.


It would seem that such a person is disadvanged seriously from life

brith and it only gets worses.


What would be the remedy or remedies for all these?


I know that 2nd house rules speech and mars (2nd from lagna) there is

bad as it gives the person rough/angry speech. But in this eg, Mars is

debilitated being in 2nd house libra. That makes the problem even

worse right? This child started Mars dwi-saptati maha dasa(lagnesh Me

is in 7th hse)in July 2005, and change is speech is v noticable

-snappy and rude especially tone of voice.


Saturn (2nd from paka lagna) too is debilitated in 8th house Aries

plus it being in 8th house is kantak sani.


Am very much beginner and thanking you all Gurujans whose replies in

the group aids Jyotisha learning immeasurably.


respects and regards





, Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme



> II hraum namah adityaya II

> Dear Gurubhay , Namaskar

> ------

> It shows bodily defects through (2H from ) :


> Lagna - birth and conditioning.


> Paka Lagna - misdirected inteligence.


> Arudha Lagna - wrong lifestyle.




> ------

> Regards,

> *Rafal Gendarz,*

> www.rohinaa.com <http://www.rohinaa.com>




> kofoed2 napisa?(a):

> >

> > Dear Rafal,

> >

> > Yesterday you mentioned that malefics in these 3 houses each have a

> > different effect on health. Please explain.

> >

> > Best wishes and long life,

> > Anders Kofoed

> > www.pavitraya.com

> >

> >


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