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marriage and curses -vistiji please check my analysis

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Hare Rama Krishna


Dear vistiji, rafalji namaste,

this query was posted by a girl in the vedic astrology forum. I have

tried to look at it and apply what i have learned from vistiji's and

sanjayji, mp3 of lectures. Please take a look and "mark" so to speak. I have of course not and would not give this to the girl as I do not know enough and would be horrified to give wrong analysis and remedy. This is for my practice purpose but I see so many curses, if you could be kind enough to help..

Thank you.


Girl is writing:

On 5/28/07, vrushali_kocharekar <vrushali_kocharekar wrote:

> >

> > I am a 27 year old girl. My birth date is 22nd feb 1980. And birth time

> > is 9.50 pm, at Mumbai. Can someone please predict as when my marriage

> > will take place? And what kind of person he will be? How will i know if

> > he is the one i m looking for? & will it be a life-long marriage?

> >

> > Thanks

> > Vrushali


What I see is:

If the girls marriage is going to be her first serious relationship then:

-UL lord and A7 lord aspect each other, so it will be a love marriage.


- UL lord venus is exhalted in 7th house in rasi chart. Spouse will come from a high status and/or wealthy family.


- UL lord does have 2 malefics (sani and mars aspecting it)so marriage may not get off to a happy/harmonious start...


- The sustinance of the marriage, seen by 2nd from UL, has the aspect

of saturn, so that is not good, as further, there are no benefics

aspecting this 2nd from UL positon.


-However, the lord of 2nd from UL is mercury and it cojoins ketu. I

don't see how her marriage will break easily. It may not be happy but

it won't break easily, certainly so long as ketu does not acomplish its

agenda of continuing the lineage, ie beget a child/children.


- More than anything else I see 3 curses in the chart.

1 is of a bhramin (Ju afflicted by rahu and mars in 12th house)

2nd is of a relative (mercury afflicted by sun, ketu, mars and rahu)

3rd is of spouse from a previous life (venus is afflicted by saturn

and mars). Further venus is in marana karakastan in navamsha. So indeed

there is suffering to be seen in marriage.


Moola dasas are looking like this:


Moola Dasa (dasa showing the root of events - past karma):

Maha Dasas:


Merc: 1980-02-22 - 1990-02-22

Ket: 1990-02-22 - 1992-02-22

Sun: 1992-02-22 - 1998-02-22

Rah: 1998-02-22 - 2010-02-22

Mars: 2010-02-22 - 2011-02-22

Jup: 2011-02-22 - 2023-02-22


With 3 curses, i cannot determine which is going to cause the most

grief and so will act as the main curse. She is running rahu moola

mahadasa at present and rahu aspects saturn which is the natural karaka

for the 8th house, so both Ju and Me curses are active at present? With

venu curse activating as soon as she marries?

In terms of marriage analysis, 2nd from UL also shows the immediate

cause of break of marriage and is ruled by mercury, which is one of the

cursing planets and also AK. So the relatives of her spouse can be the

cause of breakage of marriage?


-The most malefic of the planets involved in the curse of spouse AND

associated with the 8th house is mars (mars lords her 8th house and

also aspects it), and mars moola dasa starts from Feb 2010 to Feb 2011.

So does it mean that it is only this short period during which a curse

is active?

- Venus has argala on her UL rasi in 2010, so marraige can likely happen then?


- I think that the curse of brahmin and relative is already active as

she is currently running Rahu moola dasa (from 1999 to 2010) and rahu

is one of the malefics involved in the curse and aspecting the 8th

house and also the 8th house natural karaka saturn.


- Also this curse is in 12th house, so very difficult to overcome. This

is further compounded by the fact that propriating 12house lord sun is

not an option as it is also involved in the curse and is placed in

dusthana 6th house.


This girl needs remedy for these curses. She needs to do remedies now before marriage to allivate the problem.



- Fast on Mondays (UL cojoins moon)

- Kamalatmika sadhana to alleviate curse of spouse

Om kamalatmikaye namah on sphatik mala. 3 rounds after 10pm starting on a friday.


- Once kamalatmika sadhana is completed, then to begin also a krishna

mantra on monday (prathiadhi devata for moon is srikrishna) and this

will physically bring her spouse to be into her life. what mantra should it be?


- To remedy an afflicted jupiter pray to surya but surya here is

involved in a curse and is also badly placed. So how to remedy the

guru-chandala yoga here?-navamsha has ve and mars aspecting with jupiter involved also in this. there is talk in some of the posts here regarding this combination/aspect with jupiter also aspecting combination as showing heightened libido. however it is not clear whether this has to occur or be connected in some way with the 2nd house or it can apply anywhere in the navamsha.


please correct if i am wrong and also add expand where i have missed.

I am finding this chart very tough. I keep seeing problems but remedies

not so easy. Many thanks.





vedic astrology , "Praveen Agrawal" <pkumar24 wrote:


> Marriage is considerably delayed, husband will come from abroad or a place

> far away from yours and married life won't be a bed of roses. This is the

> clearly visible trend and calls for strenuous efforts on your part to help

> sustain your marriage.


> Marriage may take place after Sep 2010, but take it with reservations. It

> may be capricorn Chara dasa when your husband will get a very good job /

> will progress professionally. If your TOB is exact, troubled love affairs /

> relationships are indicated.


> Best wishes,


> P.Kumar



> On 5/28/07, vrushali_kocharekar <vrushali_kocharekar wrote:

> >

> > I am a 27 year old girl. My birth date is 22nd feb 1980. And birth time

> > is 9.50 pm, at Mumbai. Can someone please predict as when my marriage

> > will take place? And what kind of person he will be? How will i know if

> > he is the one i m looking for? & will it be a life-long marriage?

> >

> > Thanks

> > Vrushali

> >

> >

> >




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