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My Marriage WHEN?

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Dear expert astrologers ONLY,


My birth details are as follows:


Date of birth : 15 May 1968

Time : 01:05AM (indian time)

Place : Raipur city (Madhya Pradesh/Chathisgarh state)


I am still NOT married, can you please tell me when can I get married?


Thanks for your time. May God bless you all.

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pandit ji has read your horoscope

according to him your horoscope is exellent, you have

lot of money in your life and can get sudden money

also. you have name and fame in your horoscope also.

you can go abroad and get awards by government. you

will do social works in your life and give doniationa

also.but disturbence in your life. send your

photograph. pandit ji will read your horoscope

according to your photograph after then he will give

you more detials.



You can also contact Panditji via Phone for any

Further Details.

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The timings to call him : --------- 02:00 - 07:00 PM

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The timings are in Indian Standard Time ( IST ).

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Thanking you for your mail and waiting for your reply.

God Bless you : ----------

Astrologer Prakash Chandra ( B.Sc ).






--- " venkat.yasmin " <venkat.yasmin wrote:


> Dear expert astrologers ONLY,


> My birth details are as follows:


> Date of birth : 15 May 1968

> Time : 01:05AM (indian time)

> Place : Raipur city (Madhya Pradesh/Chathisgarh

> state)


> I am still NOT married, can you please tell me when

> can I get married?


> Thanks for your time. May God bless you all.






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Dear Mr. Venkat I have gone through with your horoscope. as you said you are not married and when ur marriage take place no doubt...reasons for delay in marriage 1) Jupiter in 8th house 2) venus is hammed between malafic 3) moon (being 7th lord also) is aspected by saturn 4) 7th lord in 12th house. there are other also but see now when jupiter comes in Saggitarius then it make chances for marriage for you. do some remedies for good result 1) pray daily Goddess Parvati and Laxmi for marriage 2) Daily go to temple and offer water to Shiv lingam 3) and put some SINDOOR in feets of Parvati soon you will get result Regards"venkat.yasmin" <venkat.yasmin wrote: Dear expert astrologers ONLY,My birth details are as follows:Date of birth : 15 May 1968Time : 01:05AM (indian time)Place : Raipur city (Madhya Pradesh/Chathisgarh state)I am still NOT married, can you please tell me when can I get married?Thanks for your time. May God bless you all.

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Sir, Thanks for your reply. Please tell me when will jupiter come to saggitarus? I mean on which date in English calendar? VenkatNeel_Nonu <neel_nonu wrote: Dear Mr. Venkat I have gone through with your horoscope. as you said you are not married and when ur marriage take place no doubt...reasons for delay in marriage 1) Jupiter in 8th house 2) venus is

hammed between malafic 3) moon (being 7th lord also) is aspected by saturn 4) 7th lord in 12th house. there are other also but see now when jupiter comes in Saggitarius then it make chances for marriage for you. do some remedies for good result 1) pray daily Goddess Parvati and Laxmi for marriage 2) Daily go to temple and offer water to Shiv lingam 3) and put some SINDOOR in feets of Parvati soon you will get result Regards"venkat.yasmin" <venkat.yasmin > wrote: Dear expert astrologers ONLY,My birth details are as follows:Date of birth : 15 May 1968Time : 01:05AM (indian time)Place : Raipur city (Madhya Pradesh/Chathisgarh

state)I am still NOT married, can you please tell me when can I get married?Thanks for your time. May God bless you all. Looking for people who are YOUR TYPE? Find them here!

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Dear Venkat, Did you really not marry sometime between the period Feb 1995 and Jun 1995 ? I can not believe it. However when you are declaring yourself as unmarried. This may be correct.. If it is correct then also so many opportunities were passed over and now it is only Almighty who can help you. So pray for Laxmi or Parvati goddess. Wish you all the best. Ramesh Mishravenkat tinnium <venkat.yasmin wrote: Sir, Thanks for your reply. Please tell me when will jupiter come to saggitarus? I mean on which date in English calendar? VenkatNeel_Nonu <neel_nonu (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Dear Mr. Venkat I have gone through with your horoscope. as you said you are not married and when ur marriage take place no doubt...reasons for delay in marriage 1) Jupiter in 8th house 2) venus is hammed between malafic 3) moon (being 7th lord also) is aspected by saturn 4) 7th lord in 12th house. there are other also but see now when jupiter comes in Saggitarius then it make chances for marriage for you. do some remedies for good

result 1) pray daily Goddess Parvati and Laxmi for marriage 2) Daily go to temple and offer water to Shiv lingam 3) and put some SINDOOR in feets of Parvati soon you will get result Regards"venkat.yasmin" <venkat.yasmin > wrote: Dear expert astrologers ONLY,My birth details are as follows:Date of birth : 15 May 1968Time : 01:05AM (indian time)Place : Raipur city (Madhya Pradesh/Chathisgarh state)I am still NOT married, can you please tell me when can I get married?Thanks for your time. May God bless you all. Looking for people who are YOUR TYPE? Find them here! Now that's room service! Choose from over 150,000 hotels in 45,000 destinations on Travel to find your fit.

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