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Very Long Mail, 14 Good Questions: Please reply (esp. Visti & Rafal)

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Hello everyone,


I am a rank beginner in the field of astrology and I have started by

reading a little from PVR Narasimha Rao's book " Vedic astrology - an

integrated approach " , referring to some of BV Raman's books,listening

to mp3's by Visti Larsen, reading webpages on

varahamihira.blogspot.com and srigaruda.com.


I tried to analyse my own chart as an example. Based on whatever

little I could understand with my meagre efforts, I have the following

questions regarding my chart. I will be greatly obliged if the learned

members of this group could help me understand the following issues.


Please give the detailed logic for your conclusions, and quote

references or sources in books like BPHS etc. wherever possible, if it

isn't too much trouble.


Thanks in advance for your valuable time, and for sharing your

knowledge and experience.




Satyakant K.





The birthdata is as follows.


February 7, 1975

Time: 1940 hrs Indian Standard Time

Place: Sambalpur, Orissa, India

(i.e. Sambalpur town in Sambalpur taluka in Sambalpur district)


(83E58' 21N27' approximately; are these coordinates correct for this

place? JHora 7.2 gives 3 sets of coordinates; I am not sure which one

is correct.)


The rasi chart (D1) is


Leo - Ascendant

Scorpio - Rahu

Sagittarius - Moon, Mars

Capricorn - Sun, Mercury (2 degrees apart, RETROGRADE)

Aquarius - Venus, Jupiter

Taurus - Ketu

Gemini - Saturn (RETROGRADE)




Mercury is combust and retrograde.

(a) What is the effect of this?

(b) Since Mercury is combust, is Budha-Aditya yoga weakened? Is it

even present at all?




(a) Is parivartana yoga between 6th and 11th bhavas (i.e. Mercury and

Saturn in the chart) supposed to be inauspicious? If yes, in what way

i.e. what is the consequence?

(b) Saturn in the 11th bhava, especially when retrograde, is supposed

to be very good. But how is that affected by this inauspicious


© Does the fact that Mercury is combust (2 degrees apart from Sun)

make any difference to this effect?

(d) Does the fact that both Mercury and Saturn are retrograde make any

difference to this effect?




I read on one of the pages on varahamihira.blogspot.com that

" If Jupiter is lord of 8th it cannot be part of Rajayoga "


Is that a disadvantage in this chart?



The Yogas which I could detect based on a superficial analysis are:


Anapha, Sunapha, Ubhayacharya, Vesi, Vosi, Dhuradhara, Budha-Aditya,

Chandra-Mangal, Satkalatra, Dhimantah.


Are there any more yogas present in this chart?




Also, on another page on varahamihira.blogspot.com I read that

" Jupiter-Venus combination is a destroyer of yogas when Lagna is Leo "


So which yogas get destroyed in this chart and which actually survive?




Moon and Mars are supposed to be compatible, and Sun and Mercury are

supposed to complement each other, but Jupiter and Venus are supposed

to be an incompatible combination. What does that mean? What is the




Indicators of intelligence: Lagnesh in 6th bhava, Budha-Aditya yoga,

Saturn in 11th bhava, jupiter in 7th bhava.

Is that correct? Any more?



Indicators of wealth: Saturn in 11th, Chandra-Mangal yoga, Sunapha


Is that correct? Any more?



Every single astrologer who has seen this chart has said that marriage

is sure but it will be late. Please comment (on the `sure' part at least).







Is Moon weak in this chart?



What is the correct gemstone to wear? Red coral for Mars? Or white

coral for Moon+Mars?



Does Jupiter need strengthening? i.e should a yellow sapphire also be




Can/Should white coral and yellow sapphire both be worn




Is ruby recommended based on this chart? When should it be worn? (i.e.

which dasa, starting when, etc.)



In 1995 an amateur astrologer prescribed that I wear a ruby, but for

financial reasons the ruby was never bought. In 2006 a self-taught

practising astrologer was consulted for a prescription on the type

and size of ruby to be worn. He said that a ruby is good, because it

will improve health. But better than a ruby I should be wearing a

stone for Mars i.e. the red coral (moonga in hindi, povalaa in Marathi

and Telugu), because that will bring luck. So I began wearing a 6.87

carat red coral set in silver, from October 2006. Later when I

enquired he told me that the prescription for the red coral is based

on Mars being the lord of 9th bhava, for fortune.


Recently, another professional astrologer was consulted. This

gentleman claims to have been practising for 42 years (he is 83 he

says), he learnt astrology by learning Sanskrit first and reading

original texts, and he and his 3 sons depend on this for their

livelihood. When asked about the gemstone, he said that the red coral

I am wearing is the correct stone to wear when Mars is alone. But when

Mars is conjoined with Moon, then the correct stone to wear is a

" white coral " because that will make both Moon and Mars strong. In my

chart Moon is weak and it is making Mars weak. Without strengthening

Moon, there is no use strengthening Mars i.e. wearing this red coral

is as good as not wearing anything. His son who was present said that

this Moon-Mars combination gives a wavering mind (one makes a strong

start but does not continue with the same energy) and this white coral

will correct that problem. He also said that this white coral should

be worn in triangular shape.


The astrologer also said that I should strengthen Guru, so I should

wear a yellow sapphire (pukhraj in hindi). I asked about the ruby, he

said that that will help but the time for that is not now, that can

come later.


I was wondering how there can be two such different opinions based on

the same chart, so I checked with the first astrologer who prescribed

the red coral in 2006. He said that in 27 years of studying astrology

he has never heard of a white coral. He also said that the red coral I

am wearing is the best thing for me and I should not need anything

more for a few years. He said that one should never wear more than 2

colours at a time.


I tried to search for guidelines on gemstones, esp. with the recent

thread on " Choosing gemstones " on this mailing list and the links

which were mentioned there (varahamihira.blogspot.com), and in Sanjay

Rath's book " Vedic Remedies in Astrology. " From that I could find the

following justifications


Ruby is recommended because it is for Sun which is Lagnesh

Coral is for Mars which is lord of 9th bhava

Yellow Sapphire is for Jupiter which is lord of 5th bhava


I couldn't understand anything about the timing i.e. when each of

these stones is to be worn.


I couldn't find anything on whether Moon is weak in this chart and

whether it is weakening Mars.


But more importantly, I couldn't find any indication about white coral

being prescribed for Mars+Moon combination.


I even searched for information on what white coral is; it turns out

that white coral can occur naturally. But the process which results in

it's creation, called coral bleaching (due to high water temperature,

high salinity, changed chemistry etc.), made me wonder if coloured

coral can be artificially bleached to be sold in the market as white

coral. i.e. how should one recognise authentic white coral?



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