Guest guest Posted July 31, 2008 Report Share Posted July 31, 2008 Om Gurave Namah Namaste to both of you, Dear Job: Nice article. Though I disagree with that point " no need to say what you feel out loud " . I don't know... there are different kinds of love to our closest. I can only say from my personal experience that my relation with my family members improved a lot since I am showing them how much I love them no matter what kind of response there is from their side. It became pretty much two sided so far... Somebody has to do that first. Have in mind that we are all just human beings. I think my parents understand much better when I tell them how much I love them and hug them comparing to reading this article and trying to explain that my love to them is just a part of my false Ego and that it is just an illusion, so no need to say or show anything. They gave me life on this Earth and I believe that I have an obligation to respect that fact and to show them how much I appreciate it in every way (sorry, so far the only thing they understand with their modest mind is a hug, " I love you " and doing something for them). After all, they are God on this planet for me by bringing me in to this world. But theories are nice... There are so many of them. And I completely agree that there is no definition of love. Dear Prathosh: You can chose to spend rest of your life trying to find short or long definition of true love. I wish you good luck to be the first person in history who accomplished that. Somehow I have an impression that definition of true love is not really what you are after. You are trying to find proof that it exists. You are trying to find verification and guarantee that it does exist, that there is true love for you, that it will last for life time and that you shall be happily ever after with someone. Sorry, there are no verifications and guaranties for true love. Do you really want to waste your valuable life on this? (I am so sorry for being this hard on you. I am trying to reach you somehow. I feel that you are badly disappointed in partnership and I am trying to get you out of that in any way that I can. And your words " I am brave like a lion " they don't sound too convincing to me yet (I am not the one you should assure that you are not afraid of anything). They don't sound convincing since you wrote them at the very bottom of your email... after trying to find an answer for proof of true love in 70% of your writing. One will try to get up only after realizing he tripped and fell down.) Trying to find proof and guarantee for true love would be pretty much like asking God to appear on Earth for you, to prove exclusively to you that He exists. Sorry, you have to believe in God, it is the only option you have. You must have faith in God. Otherwise you may feel very lonely and that life makes no sense at all. BTW is there definition of God? One single universal short definition? " Is there true love in Kali Yuga? " you asked. I remembered one more example in the meanwhile. Sanjay Ji & Sarbani Ji (I do hope that they won't mind for mentioning their privacy here, it is for someone's best. I apologize in advance.). Have you ever seen them together? You should. It brings back faith in true love instantly. First time I saw them both in the same room, yet some 10 feet apart from each other, I was not informed that they are together and having plan to get married somewhere at the end of that year. This " it " between them " flushed " me when I stepped in that room. It is so strong. Considering this I do believe that they are very happy with each other. That is why I blindly accept everything Sanjay Ji ever wrote about concept of Upa Pada. He showed on example of his own life that it works. I fully trust on advices and teaching only from people who are satisfied with their own life. (Ok, I am a human being, I need to be assured in some way in theory) Have I convinced you to read those articles? There is a good instruction in them I assure you. I just think you need " HOW " more than definition. What I am aiming at about this instruction is " Upa Pada is giving " . Partnership is giving dear Prathosh... without any expectations from other side. And having faith that it will all turn out well after all (So what if it doesn't? So what? You will cry it out, get up, wipe off the dust from your shoulder, forgive, still continue to believe in good and in true love no matter what, because this is the only way to find it. This life or next.) Give unselfishly and show what you feel. Be there for your beloved when you find one. I assure you that your beloved will give back love in return. Someone has to start it first. Be that " first " and have faith no matter what. (BTW I like to cook also. I will just add that I have never shared a recipe without testing it first.) Please, please, please find yourself a Guru. I don't think that you are able to go through this alone. Find a Guru as soon as possible, please. But first ask him/her is he/she satisfied with his/her life. (I'll forward you one email from Lakshmi Ji on other occasion. You may find some useful points for yourself in her writing) My warmest regards to you both (Job & Pratosh), Maya Hari Om Tat Sat , job rodenburg <rodenburgjob wrote: > > > > ठ" मॠलकà¥à¤¶à¥à¤®à¤¿-नरसिमà¥à¤¹à¤¾à¤¯ नमहà¥à¥¤à¥¤ > om lakÅ›mi-narasimhÄya namah|| > > Dear Prathosh and Maja, > > Maja, I appresiate your approach on the question. > As the seaker and the questioner are striving to take this subject whole heartedly, I would suggest to read the article on love from an adwaita point of vieuw. > Below is the address of the mentioned article. > Greetings Job > > > & id=35 > > : majastrbacastro: Wed, 30 Jul 2008 15:33:49 +0000[Om Krishna Guru] Re: Thanks a lot For reply Majastra and pls reply doubts i have asked in ur answer > > > > > Om Gurave NamahDear Prathosh,Namaste " and Is that possible that if I have Very bad karma and if i come to > > ask astrology and whether that bad karma will give me wrong > > prediction by any astrologer even Though they are accurate ones " > > Believe it or not, this can happened sometimes. Would you like me to > explain why that is so? - YES I WANT EXPLANATION PLS I was having this experience myself. You do understand that I can not give you details, of course. I'll have to use word " Karma " here, sorry. Reading depends a lot on specific moment in life of the one who asks for Jyotisha's advice. If it is moment for someone to get a good advice and remedy, God will give his support to Jyotisha to provide it. Otherwise, if someone is meant to pay off some Karma debt, go through unpleasant experience due to that, then I am afraid that even the best Jyotisha in the world will be unable to relief this in any way (meaning, " mistake " in a way can happen). Sorry but abilities of Jyotisha directly depend on God's will.All this for the sake of: " You see, life usually brings us precisely in situations which we are deeply afraid of. Only to confront our fears and overcome them. " and similar to this. " WHY DIVORCE HAPPENS THEN IS IT BEC > OF ONLY EGO ISSUES...... " Hm... We can use Jyotish here. Chandra is love/emotions, and Sukra is desire. Do you find " Ego " in these Grahas? Why do you think that abounding of partner is an " Ego " issue? " THAT MEANS AT END OF THE DAY ALL ARE SELFISH > RIGHT... " I said " some people " not all.THAT MEANS IN THIS WORLD EVERYONE WANTS HAPPINESS SO THEY CAN > GO HOWEVER THEY WANT IS THAT LIKE THAT >???????? " I believe that it is inborn in people to seek for happiness. All people make choices how to accomplish this with all the wisdom they have available at the moment. God is there to judge if their choices are right or wrong. " THEN AGAIN DOES IT MEANS > > WIFE WILL EXPECT EMOTIONAL HAPPINESS FROM HUSBAND AND HUSBAND SHD > GIVE HAPPINESS AND NOT EXPECT ANYTHING????????????/> PLS REPLY. " You never heard of cases husbands abounding their wives? Maybe your " case study " is not based on proper population sample... I believe that you can find precise answer to your question in Sanjay Ji's articles about Upa Pada. Read definition of Upa Pada (if you are inpatient I'll just answer with " YES " and it refers to both husband and wife. You should read those articles to learn " WHY " ). " IN KALI > YUGA CAN U SHOW ME 1 PERSON WHO WILL NEVER LOVE AGAIN AND SPEND HIS > LIFE IN TEARS AND MISERY...... " There are such people. If I would go out on the street this very second, I believe I would be able to make photography of at least 5 of such people within 15min. Some of them literally alone, some of them in " tears and misery locked inside " trying to have a normal relationship without dealing with this first. " AND IS THERE SOMETHING CALLED TRUE LOVE IN KALI YUGA......... " Yes, there is. I have one example in my own family (fits to criteria " Kali Yuga " , don't worry). " IF YES > WHAT IS TRUE LOVE PLS REPLY.. " You see... much wiser people than me tried to define this. Some very wise minds wrote a whole book trying to make a definition of true love. I don't think that I am smarter then them, so... I am sorry (I am only able give you one practical example of it, but I really have no intention to write a whole novel about my great grandmother here on the list). Yet again, you expect rational definition on emotional side of human beings? Rational definition is Budh... hm... How far away from Chandra... " YOUR RIGHT I WAS HAVING FEAR ONCE...AND > SCARED...BUT EXPERIENCE HAD MADE ME A BETTER PERSON...NOW I AM READY > EVEN TO FACE SHANI GRAHA IF IT COMES ......I AM HAVING 1000 LION > CONFIDENCE...NOTHING CAN STOP MY GROWTH........ITS NOT > ARROGANT...JUST POSITIVE CONFIDENCE.... " That is the spirit. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger... and wiser! Nuclear, cold and fiery weapon from one side and (as official science claims) AIDS and cancer on the other side can kill you (Yet, who cares, your soul is eternal.). All rest you can survive. " AS REGARDS TO ASTROLOGY...I DO > RESPECT IT....BUT I FEEL....ITS NOT ALWAYS RIGHT..... " Jyotish is never wrong, but Jyotisha can be. Have this in mind.We are all trying our best not to make an error.Maybe you should take Visti Ji's advice about finding a Guru for yourself. I am far from competent to answer all your questions, but I am trying my best with all experience that I have.Best Regards,MayaHari Om Tat Sat , " prathoshg " <prathoshg@> wrote:>> , " Maja > Strbac " <majastrbacastro@> wrote:> >> > Om Gurave Namah> > > > Dear Prathosh,> > Namaste> > > > > > Sorry to interfere to your question addressed to Visti Ji, but I > > would just like to sheer a few thoughts with you.> > > > (I'll copy/paste parts of your email and add comments)> > > > " 1.Does Curses really exists.....if yes ...what is proof " > > > > Yes they do exist. You can try to find proof if you ask people to > > sheer their own experiences about curses in their chart (of course, > > prior to this you must be well informed about curses issue and how > > to observe it in someone's chart) -OK AGREED > > > > " and Is that possible that if I have Very bad karma and if i come > to > > > ask astrology and whether that bad karma will give me wrong > > > prediction by any astrologer even Though they are accurate ones " > > > > Believe it or not, this can happened sometimes. Would you like me > to > > explain why that is so? -YES I WANT EXPLANATION PLS > > > > " 2.There is a Husband and wife...gets married and loves each other > > and > > > fights happens everything ok.....but why suddenly one day it > > becomes > > > extreme and they broke each other..........why this all > > happens.....i > > > mean how it happens...if u say again it happens all > > of > > > sudden and even if it brokes one suffer more and other does not > > > suffer or suffer less...........why like it .... " > > > > I don't understand what confuses you here. It is life. It is > people. > > It is human nature. This happens all over globe to so many couples. > > (There, I did not use " Karma " ) WHY DIVORCE HAPPENS THEN IS IT BEC > OF ONLY EGO ISSUES......> > > > > " Example me and my Lover say A And B ... C Comes in middle...and B > > > Goes to C.....And A Is left alone....> > > > > > Now How will B Go to C....When A Is Loving.... " > > > > > > Again, this is human nature. These things can happen. So many > novels > > and poems were written throughout whole history of civilization > > about it. What is so confusing and surprising to you? It exists as > > long as human beings.> > > > " B " will just go, run off, chase own chance for happiness and love. > > Some people can be very selfish, you know and feel no guilt about > > it. - Question -THAT MEANS AT END OF THE DAY ALL ARE SELFISH > RIGHT...THAT MEANS IN THIS WORLD EVERYONE WANTS HAPPINESS SO THEY CAN > GO HOWEVER THEY WANT IS THAT LIKE THAT >????????> THEN AGAIN DOES IT MEANS > > WIFE WILL EXPECT EMOTIONAL HAPPINESS FROM HUSBAND AND HUSBAND SHD > GIVE HAPPINESS AND NOT EXPECT ANYTHING????????????/> PLS REPLY.> > " A " has choice to be frustrated, angry, hurt, live in pain for the > > rest of life, to luck own heart, swear never to love again and > spend > > life in tears and misery. This is normal and human nature.- IN KALI > YUGA CAN U SHOW ME 1 PERSON WHO WILL NEVER LOVE AGAIN AND SPEND HIS > LIFE IN TEARS AND MISERY......> > AND IS THERE SOMETHING CALLED TRUE LOVE IN KALI YUGA.........IF YES > WHAT IS TRUE LOVE PLS REPLY..> > > > There is another choice: to cry out, get up, wipe off the dust, > > continue to believe in good, continue to believe in love no matter > > what, to forgive and move on. This is hard and it takes lot of > > training and good will. But reward is worth of it-loving again.> > > > > > " How come People suddenly possible to get attracted to some person > > and > > > leave the other it possible in world..........> > > > > > I am Suprised.........Pls reply Logically and Practically " > > > > > > Logical and practical explanation on emotional side of human > > nature?! I don't know... Maybe you are asking too much.> > > > > > (Pardon me if I am wrong, but you sound very scared to me. Don't be > > scared. You see, life usually brings us precisely in situations > > which we are deeply afraid of. Only to confront our fears and > > overcome them. There is nothing in life that you should be scared > > of. Your soul is eternal.) YOUR RIGHT I WAS HAVING FEAR ONCE...AND > SCARED...BUT EXPERIENCE HAD MADE ME A BETTER PERSON...NOW I AM READY > EVEN TO FACE SHANI GRAHA IF IT COMES ......I AM HAVING 1000 LION > CONFIDENCE...NOTHING CAN STOP MY GROWTH........ITS NOT > ARROGANT...JUST POSITIVE CONFIDENCE....AS REGARDS TO ASTROLOGY...I DO > RESPECT IT....BUT I FEEL....ITS NOT ALWAYS RIGHT.....> UR VIEWS HIGHLY APPRECIATED> > THNKS> PRATHOSH> > > > > > Warm regards,> > Maya> > > > Hari Om Tat Sat> > > > > > > > - -- In , " prathoshg " <prathoshg@> > > wrote:> > >> > > Hare Krishna> > > > > > 1.Does Curses really exists.....if yes ...what is proof > > > > > > and Is that possible that if i have Very bad karma and if i come > > to > > > ask astrology and whether that bad karma will give me wrong > > > prediction by any astrologer even Though they are accurate ones> > > ??????//> > > > > > > > > 2.There is a Husband and wife...gets married and loves each other > > and > > > fights happens everything ok.....but why suddenly one day it > > becomes > > > extreme and they broke each other..........why this all > > happens.....i > > > mean how it happens...if u say again it happens all > > of > > > sudden and even if it brokes one suffer more and other does not > > > suffer or suffer less...........why like it ....> > > > > > > > > > > > 3.sanjay ji said i will have para dara dosha.....that is 3rd > > person > > > will come between couple and love will go towards other person > and > > i > > > will have one sided Love....perfect...> > > > > > > > > > > > Now my logic is > > > > > > Example me and my Lover say A And B ... C Comes in middle...and B > > > Goes to C.....And A Is left alone....> > > > > > Now How will B Go to C....When A Is Loving....> > > > > > If u say again Karma.....> > > > > > > > > How come People suddenly possible to get attracted to some person > > and > > > leave the other it possible in world..........> > > > > > I am Suprised.........Pls reply Logically and Practically> > > > > > Thanking u> > > Prathosh> > >> >_______________ > Ontdek de snelste manier van communiceren! > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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