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Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?

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||Aum namah shivaya||


Dear Rafal,



So , this means that imbibing a gem with gayatri from Rig Veda makes

it harmless ?? (physically atleast !)



chandan s sabarwal.


, Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme



> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

> Dear Maja, Namaskar


> 2.


> Somanatha drekkana is for ojas, health and sexuality, if youll


> gem of 2L you can destroy the marriage.


> First I see the favourable gems based on Rasi THEN I go to

divisions and

> if there are problems I leave the choice for the client and advise


> procedure of imbimbing the gem with gayatri from Rgveda.


> Regards,

> Rafal Gendarz

> -----------------------------

> http://rohinaa.com

> rafal



> Maja S(trbac pisze:

> >

> > Om Gurave Namah

> >

> > Dear Rafal, Namaste

> >

> > OK... can you please finish that last sentence with:

> >

> > 1) ...as favorable choice of planets

> > 2) ...to avoid these planets

> >

> > Whichever one is correct (I suppose " 2 " ).

> >

> > If these bhavas are empty, then can we ignore Somanath Drekana?

> >

> > Warm Regards,

> > Maja Strbac

> >

> > Hari Om Tat Sat

> >

> >

> > --- On *Wed, 12/10/08, Rafal Gendarz /<starsuponme/* wrote:

> >

> > Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme

> > Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on


> > charts ?

> >

> > Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 2:21 AM

> >

> > *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

> > Dear Maja , Namaskar

> >

> > I cant comment its wrong but its new to me. Usually we see


> > in 2,6,8.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Rafal Gendarz

> > ------------ --------- --------

> > http://rohinaa. com

> > rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Maja S(trbac pisze:

> >> Om Gurave Namah

> >>

> >> Dear Rafal, Namaste

> >>

> >> My logic was that Graha corresponding to chosen Gemstone


> >> not be inimical towards LL in Somanath Drekana, and that it

> >> should not be Graha lording 2nd bhava in Somanatha Drekana.


> >> will survive if you say " your logic is bad " :) I give you a


> >> light to use this phrase :) No hard feelings)

> >>

> >> Warm Regards,

> >> Maja Strbac

> >>

> >> Hari Om Tat Sat

> >>

> >>

> >> --- On *Wed, 12/10/08, Maja S(trbac /<majastrbacastro@

> >> >/* wrote:

> >>

> >> Maja S(trbac <majastrbacastro@ >

> >> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on

> >> divisonal charts ?

> >>

> >> Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 1:00 AM

> >>

> >> Om Gurave Namah

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Dear Rafal, Namaste

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> (What would I do without you guys?)

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> You are right. I just checked again email sent by Branka

> >> Larsen (on Serbian list, no point in giving you a link I

> >> suppose :) where she was mentioning Somanath Drekana and

> >> true, she never mentioned 2nd bhava when choosing a


> >> I think I only mixed up few points I have learned about


> >> divisional chart separately from Gemstones... this is

> >> funny... until few minutes ago I could swear that I read


> >> in that email.

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Are you in a mood for a few replies?

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Warm Regards,

> >>

> >> Maja Strbac

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Hari Om Tat Sat

> >>

> >> --- On *Tue, 12/9/08, Rafal Gendarz /<starsuponme@


> >> wrote:

> >>

> >> Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl>

> >> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone


> >> divisonal charts ?

> >>

> >> Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 11:46 AM

> >>

> >> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

> >> Dear Maja, Namaskar

> >>

> >> I was taught about bhavas in Somanath drekkana not

to see

> >> sambandha of 2L - where does it come from please?

> >>

> >>

> >> Regards,

> >> Rafal Gendarz

> >> ------------ --------- --------

> >> http://rohinaa. com

> >> rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com

> >>

> >>

> >> Maja S(trbac pisze:

> >>> Om Gurave Namah

> >>>

> >>> Dear Chandan, Namaste

> >>>

> >>> As long as Graha corresponding to chosen Gemstone

is not

> >>> inimical towards Somanath Drekana Lagna lord, it is

> >>> quite OK. That was for divisional charts. (BTW be

> >>> careful and avoid lord of 2nd bhava in this


> >>> chart)

> >>>

> >>> Yes, Arudhas... that is Rasi chart also, where we


> >>> all Dosas usually ;)

> >>>

> >>> So, you want to wear Gemstone for AK under curse

> >>> involved in Pravraja Yoga in 7th bhava. That is


> >>> Until August next year? OK... (Oh... and it is in


> >>> from AL )

> >>>

> >>> Man, but why are you choosing remedies for your own


> >>>

> >>> Regards,

> >>> Maja Strbac

> >>>

> >>> Hari Om Tat Sat

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> --- On *Tue, 12/9/08, Chandan Ssabarwal

> >>> /<wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT) com>/* wrote:

> >>>

> >>> Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT) com>

> >>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing

gemstone on

> >>> divisonal charts ?

> >>>

> >>> Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 2:16 AM

> >>>

> >>> ||Aum namo bhagwate narasimhaya| |

> >>>

> >>> hey maja ,

> >>>

> >>> I was just trying to learn new ways , and


> >>> see if @ all gemstones are possible even when


> >>> and d-10 lagna's are inmical to each other !

> >>>

> >>> hwoever , i realized last night the IMPORTANCE


> >>> using gemstones from Arudha Lagna , as it is


> >>> manifests !

> >>>

> >>> i still remember , about you recommendation to

> >>> remove the yellow sapphire im wearing , and yes


> >>> will .. but i forgot to tell you , right now


> >>> Rahu AD , so maybe just until then :)

> >>>

> >>> also i have realized . gemstones are nt

everything ...

> >>>

> >>> mantras done with discipline and dedication are


> >>> very superior !

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> humble regards,

> >>> chandan s sabarwal.

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> -------------------


> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com

> >>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.15/1839 -

Release 2008-12-09 09:59

> >>>

> >>>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> ----------------------------


> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com

> >> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.16/1840 - Release

2008-12-09 16:53

> >>

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >


> >

> >

> >

> > Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com

> > Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.16/1840 - Release Date:

2008-12-09 16:53

> >

> >


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Jaya Jagannatha



Dear Chandan,



May I? The gayatri suggested by Parasara and in Padma P is to

acknowledge the supreme energy that is causing the malfeasance. It

does not say that by offering the gayatri, it nullifies the

malfeasance of the planet in order that you can wear the gemstone.

In times of strife caused by that planet, the Padma P suggests you

donate that gemstone including other items besides Anusthan and homa

which are all inclusive of quelling the planet's negativity towards

the person.


Crystal clear ;-))?







On 11 Dec 2008, at 10:43, chandan486 wrote:


> ||Aum namah shivaya||


> Dear Rafal,

> Namaste.


> So , this means that imbibing a gem with gayatri from Rig Veda makes

> it harmless ?? (physically atleast !)


> regards,

> chandan s sabarwal.


> , Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme

> wrote:


>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

>> Dear Maja, Namaskar


>> 2.


>> Somanatha drekkana is for ojas, health and sexuality, if youll

> perscribe

>> gem of 2L you can destroy the marriage.


>> First I see the favourable gems based on Rasi THEN I go to

> divisions and

>> if there are problems I leave the choice for the client and advise

> the

>> procedure of imbimbing the gem with gayatri from Rgveda.


>> Regards,

>> Rafal Gendarz

>> -----------------------------

>> http://rohinaa.com

>> rafal



>> Maja S(trbac pisze:


>>> Om Gurave Namah


>>> Dear Rafal, Namaste


>>> OK... can you please finish that last sentence with:


>>> 1) ...as favorable choice of planets

>>> 2) ...to avoid these planets


>>> Whichever one is correct (I suppose " 2 " ).


>>> If these bhavas are empty, then can we ignore Somanath Drekana?


>>> Warm Regards,

>>> Maja Strbac


>>> Hari Om Tat Sat



>>> --- On *Wed, 12/10/08, Rafal Gendarz /<starsuponme/* wrote:


>>> Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme

>>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on

> divisonal

>>> charts ?


>>> Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 2:21 AM


>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

>>> Dear Maja , Namaskar


>>> I cant comment its wrong but its new to me. Usually we see

> planets

>>> in 2,6,8.


>>> Regards,

>>> Rafal Gendarz

>>> ------------ --------- --------

>>> http://rohinaa. com

>>> rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com






>>> Maja S(trbac pisze:

>>>> Om Gurave Namah


>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaste


>>>> My logic was that Graha corresponding to chosen Gemstone

> should

>>>> not be inimical towards LL in Somanath Drekana, and that it

>>>> should not be Graha lording 2nd bhava in Somanatha Drekana.

> (I

>>>> will survive if you say " your logic is bad " :) I give you a

> green

>>>> light to use this phrase :) No hard feelings)


>>>> Warm Regards,

>>>> Maja Strbac


>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat



>>>> --- On *Wed, 12/10/08, Maja S(trbac /<majastrbacastro@

>>>> >/* wrote:


>>>> Maja S(trbac <majastrbacastro@ >

>>>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on

>>>> divisonal charts ?


>>>> Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 1:00 AM


>>>> Om Gurave Namah




>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaste




>>>> (What would I do without you guys?)




>>>> You are right. I just checked again email sent by Branka

>>>> Larsen (on Serbian list, no point in giving you a link I

>>>> suppose :) where she was mentioning Somanath Drekana and

>>>> true, she never mentioned 2nd bhava when choosing a

> Gemstone.

>>>> I think I only mixed up few points I have learned about

> this

>>>> divisional chart separately from Gemstones... this is

>>>> funny... until few minutes ago I could swear that I read

> it

>>>> in that email.




>>>> Are you in a mood for a few replies?




>>>> Warm Regards,


>>>> Maja Strbac




>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat


>>>> --- On *Tue, 12/9/08, Rafal Gendarz /<starsuponme@

> wp.pl>/*

>>>> wrote:


>>>> Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl>

>>>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone

> on

>>>> divisonal charts ?


>>>> Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 11:46 AM


>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

>>>> Dear Maja, Namaskar


>>>> I was taught about bhavas in Somanath drekkana not

> to see

>>>> sambandha of 2L - where does it come from please?



>>>> Regards,

>>>> Rafal Gendarz

>>>> ------------ --------- --------

>>>> http://rohinaa. com

>>>> rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com



>>>> Maja S(trbac pisze:

>>>>> Om Gurave Namah


>>>>> Dear Chandan, Namaste


>>>>> As long as Graha corresponding to chosen Gemstone

> is not

>>>>> inimical towards Somanath Drekana Lagna lord, it is

>>>>> quite OK. That was for divisional charts. (BTW be

>>>>> careful and avoid lord of 2nd bhava in this

> divisional

>>>>> chart)


>>>>> Yes, Arudhas... that is Rasi chart also, where we

> check

>>>>> all Dosas usually ;)


>>>>> So, you want to wear Gemstone for AK under curse

>>>>> involved in Pravraja Yoga in 7th bhava. That is

> brave...

>>>>> Until August next year? OK... (Oh... and it is in


>>>>> from AL )


>>>>> Man, but why are you choosing remedies for your own

> chart?


>>>>> Regards,

>>>>> Maja Strbac


>>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat









>>>>> --- On *Tue, 12/9/08, Chandan Ssabarwal

>>>>> /<wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT) com>/* wrote:


>>>>> Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT) com>

>>>>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing

> gemstone on

>>>>> divisonal charts ?


>>>>> Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 2:16 AM


>>>>> ||Aum namo bhagwate narasimhaya| |


>>>>> hey maja ,


>>>>> I was just trying to learn new ways , and

> possibly

>>>>> see if @ all gemstones are possible even when

> rasi

>>>>> and d-10 lagna's are inmical to each other !


>>>>> hwoever , i realized last night the IMPORTANCE

> of

>>>>> using gemstones from Arudha Lagna , as it is

> what

>>>>> manifests !


>>>>> i still remember , about you recommendation to

>>>>> remove the yellow sapphire im wearing , and yes

> i

>>>>> will .. but i forgot to tell you , right now

> running

>>>>> Rahu AD , so maybe just until then :)


>>>>> also i have realized . gemstones are nt

> everything ...


>>>>> mantras done with discipline and dedication are

> also

>>>>> very superior !



>>>>> humble regards,

>>>>> chandan s sabarwal.



>>>>> -------------------

> --------------------




>>>>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com

>>>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.15/1839 -

> Release 2008-12-09 09:59






>>>> ----------------------------

> -----------




>>>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com

>>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.16/1840 - Release

> 2008-12-09 16:53







> ------




>>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com

>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.16/1840 - Release Date:

> 2008-12-09 16:53







> ---


> ~ om tat sat ~

> Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

> Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

> (2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said

> that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.

> (3) Practice charity in thought and deed - do one free chart

> reading today

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om namo bhagavate narasimhaya

Dear Chandan, Namaskar


Wearing gems in opposition to satvic mantras can have some sideeffects,

to correct this we do the mantras. Second reason is that when you do

this procedure you are associating not only with gem but with the Deva

which is much more effective.



Rafal Gendarz










chandan486 pisze:



||Aum namah shivaya||


Dear Rafal,



So , this means that imbibing a gem with gayatri from Rig Veda makes

it harmless ?? (physically atleast !)



chandan s sabarwal.



Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme



> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

> Dear Maja, Namaskar


> 2.


> Somanatha drekkana is for ojas, health and sexuality, if youll


> gem of 2L you can destroy the marriage.


> First I see the favourable gems based on Rasi THEN I go to

divisions and

> if there are problems I leave the choice for the client and advise



> procedure of imbimbing the gem with gayatri from Rgveda.


> Regards,

> Rafal Gendarz

> -----------------------------

> http://rohinaa.com

> rafal



> Maja S(trbac pisze:

> >

> > Om Gurave Namah

> >

> > Dear Rafal, Namaste

> >

> > OK... can you please finish that last sentence with:

> >

> > 1) ...as favorable choice of planets

> > 2) ...to avoid these planets

> >

> > Whichever one is correct (I suppose "2").

> >

> > If these bhavas are empty, then can we ignore Somanath


> >

> > Warm Regards,

> > Maja Strbac

> >

> > Hari Om Tat Sat

> >

> >

> > --- On *Wed, 12/10/08, Rafal Gendarz /<starsuponme/*


> >

> > Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme

> > Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on


> > charts ?

> >

> > Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 2:21 AM

> >

> > *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

> > Dear Maja , Namaskar

> >

> > I cant comment its wrong but its new to me. Usually we see


> > in 2,6,8.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Rafal Gendarz

> > ------------ --------- --------

> > http://rohinaa.


> > rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Maja S(trbac pisze:

> >> Om Gurave Namah

> >>

> >> Dear Rafal, Namaste

> >>

> >> My logic was that Graha corresponding to chosen Gemstone


> >> not be inimical towards LL in Somanath Drekana, and that


> >> should not be Graha lording 2nd bhava in Somanatha



> >> will survive if you say "your logic is bad" :) I give you



> >> light to use this phrase :) No hard feelings)

> >>

> >> Warm Regards,

> >> Maja Strbac

> >>

> >> Hari Om Tat Sat

> >>

> >>

> >> --- On *Wed, 12/10/08, Maja S(trbac /<majastrbacastro@

> >> >/* wrote:

> >>

> >> Maja S(trbac <majastrbacastro@ >

> >> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on

> >> divisonal charts ?

> >>

> >> Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 1:00 AM

> >>

> >> Om Gurave Namah

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Dear Rafal, Namaste

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> (What would I do without you guys?)

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> You are right. I just checked again email sent by Branka

> >> Larsen (on Serbian list, no point in giving you a link I

> >> suppose :) where she was mentioning Somanath Drekana and

> >> true, she never mentioned 2nd bhava when choosing a


> >> I think I only mixed up few points I have learned about


> >> divisional chart separately from Gemstones... this is

> >> funny... until few minutes ago I could swear that I read


> >> in that email.

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Are you in a mood for a few replies?

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Warm Regards,

> >>

> >> Maja Strbac

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Hari Om Tat Sat

> >>

> >> --- On *Tue, 12/9/08, Rafal Gendarz /<starsuponme@


> >> wrote:

> >>

> >> Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl>

> >> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone


> >> divisonal charts ?

> >>

> >> Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 11:46 AM

> >>

> >> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

> >> Dear Maja, Namaskar

> >>

> >> I was taught about bhavas in Somanath drekkana not

to see

> >> sambandha of 2L - where does it come from please?

> >>

> >>

> >> Regards,

> >> Rafal Gendarz

> >> ------------ --------- --------

> >> http://rohinaa.


> >> rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com

> >>

> >>

> >> Maja S(trbac pisze:

> >>> Om Gurave Namah

> >>>

> >>> Dear Chandan, Namaste

> >>>

> >>> As long as Graha corresponding to chosen Gemstone

is not

> >>> inimical towards Somanath Drekana Lagna lord, it is

> >>> quite OK. That was for divisional charts. (BTW be

> >>> careful and avoid lord of 2nd bhava in this


> >>> chart)

> >>>

> >>> Yes, Arudhas... that is Rasi chart also, where we


> >>> all Dosas usually ;)

> >>>

> >>> So, you want to wear Gemstone for AK under curse

> >>> involved in Pravraja Yoga in 7th bhava. That is


> >>> Until August next year? OK... (Oh... and it is in


> >>> from AL )

> >>>

> >>> Man, but why are you choosing remedies for your own


> >>>

> >>> Regards,

> >>> Maja Strbac

> >>>

> >>> Hari Om Tat Sat

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> --- On *Tue, 12/9/08, Chandan Ssabarwal

> >>> /<wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT) com>/* wrote:

> >>>

> >>> Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT) com>

> >>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing

gemstone on

> >>> divisonal charts ?

> >>>

> >>> Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 2:16 AM

> >>>

> >>> ||Aum namo bhagwate narasimhaya| |

> >>>

> >>> hey maja ,

> >>>

> >>> I was just trying to learn new ways , and


> >>> see if @ all gemstones are possible even when


> >>> and d-10 lagna's are inmical to each other !

> >>>

> >>> hwoever , i realized last night the IMPORTANCE


> >>> using gemstones from Arudha Lagna , as it is


> >>> manifests !

> >>>

> >>> i still remember , about you recommendation to

> >>> remove the yellow sapphire im wearing , and yes


> >>> will .. but i forgot to tell you , right now


> >>> Rahu AD , so maybe just until then :)

> >>>

> >>> also i have realized . gemstones are nt

everything ...

> >>>

> >>> mantras done with discipline and dedication are


> >>> very superior !

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> humble regards,

> >>> chandan s sabarwal.

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> -------------------


> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com

> >>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.15/1839 -

Release 2008-12-09 09:59

> >>>

> >>>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> -------------------------


> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com

> >> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.16/1840 -


2008-12-09 16:53

> >>

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> > -------------------------


> >

> >

> >

> > Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com

> > Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.16/1840 - Release


2008-12-09 16:53

> >

> >









Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.16/1842 - Release 2008-12-10 18:53

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हरे राम कृष्ण

Dear Swee, Namaskar.

Is the gemstone donation advised when it is associated with the 12th

house/upapada or in other scenarios?

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen


www: http://srigaruda.com

@: visti



Swee Chan skrev:



Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Chandan,



May I? The gayatri suggested by Parasara and in Padma P is to

acknowledge the supreme energy that is causing the malfeasance. It

does not say that by offering the gayatri, it nullifies the

malfeasance of the planet in order that you can wear the gemstone.

In times of strife caused by that planet, the Padma P suggests you

donate that gemstone including other items besides Anusthan and homa

which are all inclusive of quelling the planet's negativity towards

the person.


Crystal clear ;-))?






On 11 Dec 2008, at 10:43, chandan486 wrote:


> ||Aum namah shivaya||


> Dear Rafal,

> Namaste.


> So , this means that imbibing a gem with gayatri from Rig Veda


> it harmless ?? (physically atleast !)


> regards,

> chandan s sabarwal.


> ,

Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme

> wrote:


>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

>> Dear Maja, Namaskar


>> 2.


>> Somanatha drekkana is for ojas, health and sexuality, if youll

> perscribe

>> gem of 2L you can destroy the marriage.


>> First I see the favourable gems based on Rasi THEN I go to

> divisions and

>> if there are problems I leave the choice for the client and


> the

>> procedure of imbimbing the gem with gayatri from Rgveda.


>> Regards,

>> Rafal Gendarz

>> -----------------------------

>> http://rohinaa.com

>> rafal



>> Maja S(trbac pisze:


>>> Om Gurave Namah


>>> Dear Rafal, Namaste


>>> OK... can you please finish that last sentence with:


>>> 1) ...as favorable choice of planets

>>> 2) ...to avoid these planets


>>> Whichever one is correct (I suppose "2").


>>> If these bhavas are empty, then can we ignore Somanath



>>> Warm Regards,

>>> Maja Strbac


>>> Hari Om Tat Sat



>>> --- On *Wed, 12/10/08, Rafal Gendarz /<starsuponme/*



>>> Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme

>>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on

> divisonal

>>> charts ?


>>> Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 2:21 AM


>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

>>> Dear Maja , Namaskar


>>> I cant comment its wrong but its new to me. Usually we see

> planets

>>> in 2,6,8.


>>> Regards,

>>> Rafal Gendarz

>>> ------------ --------- --------

>>> http://rohinaa.


>>> rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com






>>> Maja S(trbac pisze:

>>>> Om Gurave Namah


>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaste


>>>> My logic was that Graha corresponding to chosen


> should

>>>> not be inimical towards LL in Somanath Drekana, and

that it

>>>> should not be Graha lording 2nd bhava in Somanatha


> (I

>>>> will survive if you say "your logic is bad" :) I give

you a

> green

>>>> light to use this phrase :) No hard feelings)


>>>> Warm Regards,

>>>> Maja Strbac


>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat



>>>> --- On *Wed, 12/10/08, Maja S(trbac


>>>> >/* wrote:


>>>> Maja S(trbac <majastrbacastro@ >

>>>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on

>>>> divisonal charts ?


>>>> Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 1:00 AM


>>>> Om Gurave Namah




>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaste




>>>> (What would I do without you guys?)




>>>> You are right. I just checked again email sent by


>>>> Larsen (on Serbian list, no point in giving you a link


>>>> suppose :) where she was mentioning Somanath Drekana


>>>> true, she never mentioned 2nd bhava when choosing a

> Gemstone.

>>>> I think I only mixed up few points I have learned about

> this

>>>> divisional chart separately from Gemstones... this is

>>>> funny... until few minutes ago I could swear that I


> it

>>>> in that email.




>>>> Are you in a mood for a few replies?




>>>> Warm Regards,


>>>> Maja Strbac




>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat


>>>> --- On *Tue, 12/9/08, Rafal Gendarz /<starsuponme@

> wp.pl>/*

>>>> wrote:


>>>> Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl>

>>>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone

> on

>>>> divisonal charts ?


>>>> Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 11:46 AM


>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

>>>> Dear Maja, Namaskar


>>>> I was taught about bhavas in Somanath drekkana not

> to see

>>>> sambandha of 2L - where does it come from please?



>>>> Regards,

>>>> Rafal Gendarz

>>>> ------------ --------- --------

>>>> http://rohinaa.


>>>> rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com



>>>> Maja S(trbac pisze:

>>>>> Om Gurave Namah


>>>>> Dear Chandan, Namaste


>>>>> As long as Graha corresponding to chosen Gemstone

> is not

>>>>> inimical towards Somanath Drekana Lagna lord, it is

>>>>> quite OK. That was for divisional charts. (BTW be

>>>>> careful and avoid lord of 2nd bhava in this

> divisional

>>>>> chart)


>>>>> Yes, Arudhas... that is Rasi chart also, where we

> check

>>>>> all Dosas usually ;)


>>>>> So, you want to wear Gemstone for AK under curse

>>>>> involved in Pravraja Yoga in 7th bhava. That is

> brave...

>>>>> Until August next year? OK... (Oh... and it is in


>>>>> from AL )


>>>>> Man, but why are you choosing remedies for your own

> chart?


>>>>> Regards,

>>>>> Maja Strbac


>>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat









>>>>> --- On *Tue, 12/9/08, Chandan Ssabarwal

>>>>> /<wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT) com>/* wrote:


>>>>> Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT)


>>>>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing

> gemstone on

>>>>> divisonal charts ?


>>>>> Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 2:16 AM


>>>>> ||Aum namo bhagwate narasimhaya| |


>>>>> hey maja ,


>>>>> I was just trying to learn new ways , and

> possibly

>>>>> see if @ all gemstones are possible even when

> rasi

>>>>> and d-10 lagna's are inmical to each other !


>>>>> hwoever , i realized last night the IMPORTANCE

> of

>>>>> using gemstones from Arudha Lagna , as it is

> what

>>>>> manifests !


>>>>> i still remember , about you recommendation to

>>>>> remove the yellow sapphire im wearing , and yes

> i

>>>>> will .. but i forgot to tell you , right now

> running

>>>>> Rahu AD , so maybe just until then :)


>>>>> also i have realized . gemstones are nt

> everything ...


>>>>> mantras done with discipline and dedication are

> also

>>>>> very superior !



>>>>> humble regards,

>>>>> chandan s sabarwal.



>>>>> -------------------

> --------------------




>>>>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com

>>>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.15/1839 -

> Release 2008-12-09 09:59






>>>> -------------------------

> -----------




>>>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com

>>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.16/1840 -


> 2008-12-09 16:53






>>> -------------------------

> ------




>>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com

>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.16/1840 - Release


> 2008-12-09 16:53







> ---


> ~ om tat sat ~

> Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

> Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

> (2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said

> that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.

> (3) Practice charity in thought and deed - do one free chart

> reading today

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हरे राम कृष्ण

Dear Chandan, Namaskar.

Actually performing Jeeva Nyasa to a gemstone makes it harmless. This

is recommended by Orissa Jyotishis.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen


www: http://srigaruda.com

@: visti



chandan486 skrev:



||Aum namah shivaya||


Dear Rafal,



So , this means that imbibing a gem with gayatri from Rig Veda makes

it harmless ?? (physically atleast !)



chandan s sabarwal.



Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme



> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

> Dear Maja, Namaskar


> 2.


> Somanatha drekkana is for ojas, health and sexuality, if youll


> gem of 2L you can destroy the marriage.


> First I see the favourable gems based on Rasi THEN I go to

divisions and

> if there are problems I leave the choice for the client and advise



> procedure of imbimbing the gem with gayatri from Rgveda.


> Regards,

> Rafal Gendarz

> -----------------------------

> http://rohinaa.com

> rafal



> Maja S(trbac pisze:

> >

> > Om Gurave Namah

> >

> > Dear Rafal, Namaste

> >

> > OK... can you please finish that last sentence with:

> >

> > 1) ...as favorable choice of planets

> > 2) ...to avoid these planets

> >

> > Whichever one is correct (I suppose "2").

> >

> > If these bhavas are empty, then can we ignore Somanath


> >

> > Warm Regards,

> > Maja Strbac

> >

> > Hari Om Tat Sat

> >

> >

> > --- On *Wed, 12/10/08, Rafal Gendarz /<starsuponme/*


> >

> > Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme

> > Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on


> > charts ?

> >

> > Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 2:21 AM

> >

> > *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

> > Dear Maja , Namaskar

> >

> > I cant comment its wrong but its new to me. Usually we see


> > in 2,6,8.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Rafal Gendarz

> > ------------ --------- --------

> > http://rohinaa.


> > rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Maja S(trbac pisze:

> >> Om Gurave Namah

> >>

> >> Dear Rafal, Namaste

> >>

> >> My logic was that Graha corresponding to chosen Gemstone


> >> not be inimical towards LL in Somanath Drekana, and that


> >> should not be Graha lording 2nd bhava in Somanatha



> >> will survive if you say "your logic is bad" :) I give you



> >> light to use this phrase :) No hard feelings)

> >>

> >> Warm Regards,

> >> Maja Strbac

> >>

> >> Hari Om Tat Sat

> >>

> >>

> >> --- On *Wed, 12/10/08, Maja S(trbac /<majastrbacastro@

> >> >/* wrote:

> >>

> >> Maja S(trbac <majastrbacastro@ >

> >> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on

> >> divisonal charts ?

> >>

> >> Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 1:00 AM

> >>

> >> Om Gurave Namah

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Dear Rafal, Namaste

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> (What would I do without you guys?)

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> You are right. I just checked again email sent by Branka

> >> Larsen (on Serbian list, no point in giving you a link I

> >> suppose :) where she was mentioning Somanath Drekana and

> >> true, she never mentioned 2nd bhava when choosing a


> >> I think I only mixed up few points I have learned about


> >> divisional chart separately from Gemstones... this is

> >> funny... until few minutes ago I could swear that I read


> >> in that email.

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Are you in a mood for a few replies?

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Warm Regards,

> >>

> >> Maja Strbac

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Hari Om Tat Sat

> >>

> >> --- On *Tue, 12/9/08, Rafal Gendarz /<starsuponme@


> >> wrote:

> >>

> >> Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl>

> >> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone


> >> divisonal charts ?

> >>

> >> Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 11:46 AM

> >>

> >> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

> >> Dear Maja, Namaskar

> >>

> >> I was taught about bhavas in Somanath drekkana not

to see

> >> sambandha of 2L - where does it come from please?

> >>

> >>

> >> Regards,

> >> Rafal Gendarz

> >> ------------ --------- --------

> >> http://rohinaa.


> >> rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com

> >>

> >>

> >> Maja S(trbac pisze:

> >>> Om Gurave Namah

> >>>

> >>> Dear Chandan, Namaste

> >>>

> >>> As long as Graha corresponding to chosen Gemstone

is not

> >>> inimical towards Somanath Drekana Lagna lord, it is

> >>> quite OK. That was for divisional charts. (BTW be

> >>> careful and avoid lord of 2nd bhava in this


> >>> chart)

> >>>

> >>> Yes, Arudhas... that is Rasi chart also, where we


> >>> all Dosas usually ;)

> >>>

> >>> So, you want to wear Gemstone for AK under curse

> >>> involved in Pravraja Yoga in 7th bhava. That is


> >>> Until August next year? OK... (Oh... and it is in


> >>> from AL )

> >>>

> >>> Man, but why are you choosing remedies for your own


> >>>

> >>> Regards,

> >>> Maja Strbac

> >>>

> >>> Hari Om Tat Sat

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> --- On *Tue, 12/9/08, Chandan Ssabarwal

> >>> /<wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT) com>/* wrote:

> >>>

> >>> Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT) com>

> >>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing

gemstone on

> >>> divisonal charts ?

> >>>

> >>> Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 2:16 AM

> >>>

> >>> ||Aum namo bhagwate narasimhaya| |

> >>>

> >>> hey maja ,

> >>>

> >>> I was just trying to learn new ways , and


> >>> see if @ all gemstones are possible even when


> >>> and d-10 lagna's are inmical to each other !

> >>>

> >>> hwoever , i realized last night the IMPORTANCE


> >>> using gemstones from Arudha Lagna , as it is


> >>> manifests !

> >>>

> >>> i still remember , about you recommendation to

> >>> remove the yellow sapphire im wearing , and yes


> >>> will .. but i forgot to tell you , right now


> >>> Rahu AD , so maybe just until then :)

> >>>

> >>> also i have realized . gemstones are nt

everything ...

> >>>

> >>> mantras done with discipline and dedication are


> >>> very superior !

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> humble regards,

> >>> chandan s sabarwal.

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> -------------------


> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com

> >>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.15/1839 -

Release 2008-12-09 09:59

> >>>

> >>>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> -------------------------


> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com

> >> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.16/1840 -


2008-12-09 16:53

> >>

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> > -------------------------


> >

> >

> >

> > Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com

> > Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.16/1840 - Release


2008-12-09 16:53

> >

> >


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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Rafal, Namaste


Yes, I am aware that Rasi chart is "Queen of Hearts" :) and not just for choosing Gemstones.


Maybe I should have formulated my question like this (few emails ago):


Rasi chart is high priority number one, this is OK. Is there any divisional chart which you take in consideration as more significant for this choice comparing to other divisional charts? Or they all have same level of "secondary priority" comparing to Rasi chart?


(After reading Branka's email I thought that Somanatha Drekana is kind of second priority, and then we switch to all rest divisional charts).


Can you tell me more about effects when a client decides to wear Gemstone which is favorable by Rasi chart, but it is not such a good choice considering some divisional charts? Maybe one example (or two... or three, the more the merrier :) ...?


Warm Regards,

Maja Strbac


Hari Om Tat Sat

--- On Wed, 12/10/08, Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme wrote:

Rafal Gendarz <starsuponmeRe: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ? Date: Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 8:46 AM



om namo bhagavate narasimhayaDear Maja, Namaskar2.Somanatha drekkana is for ojas, health and sexuality, if youll perscribe gem of 2L you can destroy the marriage. First I see the favourable gems based on Rasi THEN I go to divisions and if there are problems I leave the choice for the client and advise the procedure of imbimbing the gem with gayatri from Rgveda.Regards,Rafal Gendarz ------------ --------- --------http://rohinaa. com rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) comMaja Å trbac pisze:







Om Gurave Namah


Dear Rafal, Namaste


OK... can you please finish that last sentence with:


1) ...as favorable choice of planets

2) ...to avoid these planets


Whichever one is correct (I suppose "2").


If these bhavas are empty, then can we ignore Somanath Drekana?


Warm Regards,

Maja Strbac


Hari Om Tat Sat

--- On Wed, 12/10/08, Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl> wrote:

Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl>Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 2:21 AM



om namo bhagavate narasimhayaDear Maja , NamaskarI cant comment its wrong but its new to me. Usually we see planets in 2,6,8.Regards,Rafal Gendarz ------------ --------- --------http://rohinaa. com rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) comMaja Å trbac pisze:







Om Gurave Namah


Dear Rafal, Namaste


My logic was that Graha corresponding to chosen Gemstone should not be inimical towards LL in Somanath Drekana, and that it should not be Graha lording 2nd bhava in Somanatha Drekana. (I will survive if you say "your logic is bad" :) I give you a green light to use this phrase :) No hard feelings)


Warm Regards,

Maja Strbac


Hari Om Tat Sat

--- On Wed, 12/10/08, Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ > wrote:

Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ >Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 1:00 AM










Om Gurave Namah

Dear Rafal, Namaste

(What would I do without you guys?)

You are right. I just checked again email sent by Branka Larsen (on Serbian list, no point in giving you a link I suppose :) where she was mentioning Somanath Drekana and true, she never mentioned 2nd bhava when choosing a Gemstone. I think I only mixed up few points I have learned about this divisional chart separately from Gemstones... this is funny... until few minutes ago I could swear that I read it in that email.

Are you in a mood for a few replies?

Warm Regards,

Maja Strbac

Hari Om Tat Sat--- On Tue, 12/9/08, Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl> wrote:

Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl>Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 11:46 AM



om namo bhagavate narasimhayaDear Maja, NamaskarI was taught about bhavas in Somanath drekkana not to see sambandha of 2L - where does it come from please?Regards,Rafal Gendarz ------------ --------- --------http://rohinaa. com rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) comMaja Å trbac pisze:







Om Gurave Namah


Dear Chandan, Namaste


As long as Graha corresponding to chosen Gemstone is not inimical towards Somanath Drekana Lagna lord, it is quite OK. That was for divisional charts. (BTW be careful and avoid lord of 2nd bhava in this divisional chart)


Yes, Arudhas... that is Rasi chart also, where we check all Dosas usually ;)


So, you want to wear Gemstone for AK under curse involved in Pravraja Yoga in 7th bhava. That is brave... Until August next year? OK... (Oh... and it is in MKS from AL )



Man, but why are you choosing remedies for your own chart?



Maja Strbac


Hari Om Tat Sat








--- On Tue, 12/9/08, Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT) com>[Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 2:16 AM




||Aum namo bhagwate narasimhaya| |


hey maja ,


I was just trying to learn new ways , and possibly see if @ all gemstones are possible even when rasi and d-10 lagna's are inmical to each other !


hwoever , i realized last night the IMPORTANCE of using gemstones from Arudha Lagna , as it is what manifests !


i still remember , about you recommendation to remove the yellow sapphire im wearing , and yes i will .. but i forgot to tell you , right now running Rahu AD , so maybe just until then :)


also i have realized . gemstones are nt everything ...


mantras done with discipline and dedication are also very superior !



humble regards,

chandan s sabarwal.


Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.15/1839 - Release 2008-12-09 09:59



Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.16/1840 - Release 2008-12-09 16:53



Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.16/1840 - Release 2008-12-09 16:53

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Dear Majaji, Zoranji

Thanks for the response.

I had been under the impression that since AK represents the sins of

the past, gemstone would accentuate the 'bad' qualities too and

therefore not advisable.


A general question that I do want to ask is does a gemstone just


a. Amps up the good qualities of the planet

b. Amps up both bad and good qualities

c. Purifies the planet so that the negative qualities go down and

positives are strengthened further?


I am trying to relate the mechanism to mantras. There was a post by

Sh. PVR few months back which said that the graha mantras strengthen

the planet, all its qualities, both positive and negative.The mantras

for the deity of the planet on the other hand increases just the

positive qualities and reduces its negative ones.


Is the mechanism of the gemstone somewhat similar to the grahas or the



Even about the above explanation of Sh PVR I had some doubts. Gemstone

is a lifeless piece of molecules, very less consciousness. Grahas on

the other hand in vedic astrology are supposed to different from mere

planets and therefore are supposed to have some consciousness?

Therefore even a graha mantra should purify rather than simple

strengthen all it's significations.


Your comments would be highly appreciated.





, " ahimsavm " <ahimsans wrote:


> Om Namah Shivaya,

> Dear Shiv,

> Why not? Gem stone can never grant moksa to a soul but can remedy

> the other things for the planet which it signifies. Even if it is Ak.

> Best wishes

> Zoran Radosavljevic

> www.siva-info.edu

> www.ahimsazr1.wordpress.com


> , " Shiv " <theblisswithin@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Namah Shivaya

> > Dear Zoranji,

> > If this favorable planet 5th/ L5 of D10 happens to be AK, will it

> > still be good to wear its gemstone?

> >

> > Thanks

> > Shiv

> >

> > , " ahimsavm " <ahimsans@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Om Namah Shivaya,

> > > Dear Maja,

> > > Unfortunatelly, you are not correct. Gemstone of the favourable

> > > planet in 5th house in Dashamsa, or 5th lord in dashamsa,

> provided

> > > it is well placed and good for Rashi Chart, is the biggest

> blessing

> > > one can have to enhance wealth. To avoid further questioning of

> some

> > > list members where I got it from- From Sanjay teaching me

> dashamsa,

> > > each house,planets in each house, yogas, devatas, dig chakra in

> the

> > > minutest detail, many years back. I taught some of it on West

> Coast

> > > Conference in California, USA in 2005.

> > > Best wishes

> > > Zoran Radosavljevic

> > > www.siva-info.edu

> > > www.ahimsazr1.wordpress.com

> > >

> > > > Om Gurave Namah

> > > >  

> > > > Dear Chandan, Namaste

> > > >  

> > > > Last what I was reading about Gemstones was that we should

> use

> > > Rasi chart (D1) and Somanatha Drekana only when choosing it. I

> could

> > > be wrong, maybe one more divisional chart should be added to

> this

> > > list, but I am sure it is not D10.

> > > >  

> > > > Where is the end once when you start remedying each divisional

> > > chart? “Fix up†one and you can “damage†at least 5

> other

> > > divisional charts. This is not a procedure for choosing

> Gemstones.

> > > >  

> > > > P.S. I am looking at your chart right now. You were thinking

> of

> > > Diamond… You know… that crowd in your 7th bhava, you need

> > > something to cancel its results somehow. I don’t think that

> > > strengthening any of those Grahas is a smart move (unless...

> this is

> > > what you want from life). Can you guess why?

> > > >  

> > > > Regards,

> > > > Maja Strbac

> > > >  

> > > > Hari Om Tat Sat

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > --- On Mon, 12/8/08, Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix@>

> > > > [Om Krishna Guru] Choosing gemstone on divisonal

> charts ?

> > > >

> > > > Monday, December 8, 2008, 1:25 AM

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ||Aum namo bhagwate narasimhaya| |

> > > >  

> > > > dear all ,

> > > >  

> > > > what is to be done is a graha being a yogakarka in d-10 is a

> > > functional maleifc in rasi chart ? how is the gemstone to be

> worn

> > > then ?

> > > >  

> > > > pls advise ....

> > > >  

> > > > regards,

> > > > Chandan S Sabarwal.

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Swee, Namaste


(I am terrible... you of all people here... I skipped to write you this one:




I could spend a whole week asking questions inspired by your email. These comments and questions came out after reading your email twice (there is more where it came from):


Big fuss about natural malefics? I don’t know... It is not scary at all to wear a Red Coral for Mangal, as I had the chance to read advices here. But there is another dilemma. Blue Sapphire is for Sani? Well... it is kind of "nor boy or a girl" as I was reading here on the list for months back.


Then one list member included with (can't remember his name, I sure hope he will be able to forgive me if he is reading this): "I am happily wearing Blue Sapphire, and Sani is badhakesh in my chart. This advice was given by Sanjay Rath"


I was like... "WHAT???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (not because of fact that it is badhakesh).Then he added "I am also happily married"


Then I was speechless... (******MUTE******)


That is the only big fuss I would raise over this natural malefic. Any comment?


(This is not working like this. I will write rest there bellow by adding some pink font to your email.)


Thank you so much for including with your sweets, treats and lovely goodies!


Warm Regards,

Maja Strbac


Hari Om Tat Sat

--- On Wed, 12/10/08, Swee Chan <swee wrote:

Swee Chan <sweeRe: [Om Krishna Guru] Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ? Cc: sohamsa , "" Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 10:43 AM




Jaya Jagannatha

Dear Maja,



What if malefic in 12th from Karakamsa is Ishta Devata?


Does it matter? A gemstone like the shaligramas i.e., ammolite, garnet, or agatised gems or that of petrified wood in the Garuda Stambha at Jagannatha Puri are all duly worshipped.


I don't understand what the big fuss is if the lord of a good bhava in rasi is well positioned, is exalted of in MT or svakshetra with overall counts of sitting on the Lion's throne (simhasana) out of ten vargas, regardless if it is a natural malefic.


Bala asura's body turned into seeds of gems because he offered penances for a hundred years - ( I am sure these are not human years) and all these seeds are taken over by the devas, yakshas (ie Kubera and his family), the siddhas also took seeds for their meditation, the gandharvas too (yes, even a musician can benefit); Ravana vied with the Sun and the Sun managed to take hold of the seed of the Ruby - which was my question. Bala asura's blood (denoted by Moon) is presided over by the Sun.


Why Somanath Drekkana???? (I seriously thought this is reserved for looking at a lady's sexuality). Surely it must be the Somanath Navamsa???? You used "I thought" as past tense, or this is what you still think? I don't quite understand "Somanath Navamsa"?

A snap view of a lady's suffering can also be assessed between the lagna (rasi) and the trimsamsa lagna.


We did this mid year in Almora on health issues. Ojas controls one's longevity. My AK is Moon in the 4th in S.N. - I loathe salt and yet it is suppose to be good for replenishing my ojas. (So you guys finally managed to agree somehow that Moon is for salt some few months ago :)


I have worn the Pearl - (its rubbed off its luster onto me ;-)). If the simplistic assessment is the 12th from AK, what's my Istha devata? Care to explain anyone? Despite this, Krsna's name is on my lips whenever, daily...It is said that when one offers devotion, worship, homa and give in alms the items pertaining to that planet (gross level), and the mind is rid of misshapen thoughts , the person naturally will be blessed with all because of the positive aura he/she emits - Padma P. I can not agree more.


Someone asked about AK - I don't see why not. I have successfully prescribed an emerald for a person whom at the time rose to heights and made so much (multi million $) and his projects are now even bigger despite the global meltdown.




Lovely... you are mentioning "AK, I don't see why not" together with "Recommended Emerald". Well, this curious Bu AK would like to ask you "What was that big fuss about AK being a "NO, NO!" for choosing a Gemstone? Would you really warmly recommend AK Gem if position in chart is favorable? Why?


BTW is Jade for Mercury? (I adore it… love it... )

It is certain that you have had the punya from many past lives to be able to own these gemstones. Even just owning them - not adorning them. This brings to mind about the gemstone will do injustices if chosen wrongly as each of these gemstones especially the potency of the diamond - it has been said that even a speck of diamond has the guardianship, even the abode of a deity. What the Garuda P does not say is that each gem requires prana pratishta before adorning it or after owning it (since you've tried it out under your pillow) and you invite the deity a haven in that gem. Yes... first time when I have heard that simple entering in Jewelry store, buying a ring with Gemstone and placing it on finger is... not even 5% of a remedy, I was totally thrilled that there is more to it.

Trying out a gem under your pillow


It's pretty clear the description concerns the dark bluish grey star sapphire and not a clear faceted blue sapphire whose preferred colour is the cornflower/cobalt blue and one that has the intensity of Indra's thunderbolt. Talking about which, I wear the Blue Sapphire (badhakesh) and also own and have adorned the quadruple blue aquamarine. Flawless enough to house good energy ;-) Each of them gives me effects in their own right.



Up there I asked you that "nor boy or a girl Q" :) It is a lovely color, true!


If one has had to face the wrath of a deity due to past demerits, that person would be born blind, a pauper, childless etc. Agree?



Well there are many forms of suffering due to past demerits. How about having it all... except peace of mind. You know, here they often say that terrible curse is not lacking with something your whole life. Worse is to have it and then lose it. Someone born blind... is not aware of what he/she is missing.


[You have just reminded me to ask you one question I had on my mind for some time.


[What is the difference between using Pancha, Sapta and Navagraha Ratna when choosing a Gemstone?]


In the Puranas I have only come across the Nine which are used for the Siva-Shakti pujas and Ganesa pujas. The colours of the gemstones pertaining to the shaktis are dependent on their type of energy - blue for vashikaran etc. - (can't go further than this.) Okie... :)

For the one with the 5 gems, Parasara Maharsi have also suggested this especially used for person born during Amavasya to pacify ancestors who may pass on their punya and not completely take the entire family to the streets, leaving them homeless and penniless. These 5 gems are to be used in conjunction with the 100 types of herbs (for the Sun's yagna and bath, the herbs are different). Jamadagni is the rishi over the 52 types of manis (herbs that are so portent, they are also classed as "gems/mani") - ref Atharvaveda.


Sorry, haven't as yet come across the sapta. pint me in that direction and I shall try and dig it up for you.

As a matter of fact, wow, I do have one reference there on my bookshelf. Wow, one and only :) :):) I read this in "Vedic Remedies" page 274. You know, this book is alpha and omega of what I have available as reference for Gemstones at the moment.

Incidentally, the Skanda P has an account of offering a gold bracelet by throwing this into a lake. Heard of this before? Wherefrom dear Swee? Where from could I have... No. Sadly I did not.








On 10 Dec 2008, at 18:01, Maja Å trbac wrote:








Om Gurave Namah


Dear Rafal, Namaste


All what you have mentioned here, is there imperative to avoid it? (What if malefic in 12th from Karakamsa is Ishta Devata?)


Warm Regards,

Maja Strbac


Hari Om Tat Sat--- On Wed, 12/10/08, Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl> wrote:

Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl>Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 2:22 AM



om namo bhagavate narasimhayaDear Maja, NamaskarWhat if its Lagnesh of D30, or 8L in D10, or malefic in 12H from Navamsa Lagna or Karakaamsa, or Mangal aspecting or occupying sixth/tenth in d7. There are many factors.Regards,Rafal Gendarz ------------ --------- --------http://rohinaa. com rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT)

comMaja Å trbac pisze:







Om Gurave Namah


Dear Zoran, Namaste


(Again... what would I do without you guys? :)


This is just guessing, so please correct me if I am wrong.


When choosing Gemstones most important starting (and final) point is Rasi chart. We can not satisfy all divisional charts with one Gemstone, correct? Somantha Drekana being important for Ratna makes sense, because Ratna is related to Chandra. As I know our attention when observing this divisional chart should be on Chandra and Sukra. Level of Ojas, which is very important for health, corresponds to Jala Tatva (Chandra and Sukra). I understand logic used here.


If carefully chosen Gemstone which fits to both Rasi chart and Somanatha Drekana by some lucky coincidence fits to 5th bhava in D10, than it is just lucky coincidence not imperative. Am I wrong here?


Warm Regards,

Maja Strbac


Hari Om Tat Sat



--- On Tue, 12/9/08, ahimsavm <ahimsans (AT) nadlanu (DOT) com> wrote:

ahimsavm <ahimsans (AT) nadlanu (DOT) com>Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 5:08 PM



Om Namah Shivaya,Dear Maja,Unfortunatelly, you are not correct. Gemstone of the favourable planet in 5th house in Dashamsa, or 5th lord in dashamsa, provided it is well placed and good for Rashi Chart, is the biggest blessing one can have to enhance wealth. To avoid further questioning of some list members where I got it from- From Sanjay teaching me dashamsa, each house,planets in each house, yogas, devatas, dig chakra in the minutest detail, many years back. I taught some of it on West Coast Conference in California, USA in 2005.Best wishesZoran Radosavljevicwww.siva-info. eduwww.ahimsazr1. wordpress. com> Om Gurave Namah> > Dear Chandan, Namaste> > Last what I was reading about Gemstones was that we should use Rasi chart (D1) and Somanatha Drekana only when choosing it. I could be wrong, maybe one more divisional chart should be added to this list, but I am sure it is not D10. > > Where is the end once when you start remedying each divisional chart? “Fix up†one and you can “damage†at least 5

other divisional charts. This is not a procedure for choosing Gemstones.> > P.S. I am looking at your chart right now. You were thinking of Diamond… You know… that crowd in your 7th bhava, you need something to cancel its results somehow. I don’t think that strengthening any of those Grahas is a smart move (unless... this is what you want from life). Can you guess why? > > Regards,> Maja Strbac> > Hari Om Tat Sat> > > --- On Mon, 12/8/08, Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix@. ..> wrote:> > Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix@. ..>> [Om Krishna Guru] Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?> > Monday, December 8, 2008, 1:25 AM> > > > > > > > ||Aum namo bhagwate narasimhaya| |> > dear all , > > what is to be done is a graha being a yogakarka in d-10 is a functional maleifc in rasi chart ? how is the gemstone to be worn then ?> > pls advise ....> > regards,> Chandan S Sabarwal.>

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Jaya JagannathaDear Visti,NamasteOn Gems:UL - Venus + Jupiter are the karakas. The GP seems to concentrate more on the misery of women who wear a diamond. It does seem that for UL problems, the various coloured diamonds that pertain to the tutelary deities can be donated. As rare as eternal marriages come - like Visnu-Laksmi, Siva-Parvati, Raama-Sita, there are many vratas for both sexes. Aditi offered her penances and made herself so pure that her request for Visnu to take birth through her womb was granted. (He took birth as Vamana).The other hint that is vital for me is that the bone shards (from bala asura) that fell off the vajra became hexagonal gems - there are many varieties -in this category. But the main thing is that the six main portions of his body fell into various mountains (denotes the various supporting bones in our body), and the body part that fell on the diamond mines are mainly trigonal (some especially, blue sapphires) have the same trigonal crystallisation.On Metals:It is especially good to note that those who are stricken with any of the planets at birth or transits, should wear (on their bodies) the metals that pertain to them. The person should also bath and throw in the fire, the pieces of the metals/sandalwood representative of the planet that causes the malignant effect.The guardianship of the deity including their subordinates (interesting to note for Ketu, the mantra falls under Indra/Brhaspati (same plenary portions)Though mantras for some of the planets have a variation from those as suggested for the gems. - Ref GPGems are placed in the water pot. We did this for a certain puja (over here) and the pujari took off with the 5 gems, ruby, sapphire, yellow sapphire, diamond and orange garnet - well and good as that is the intention :))love,Sweep/s back on SundayOn 11 Dec 2008, at 16:02, Visti Larsen wrote:हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£Dear Swee, Namaskar.Is the gemstone donation advised when it is associated with the 12th house/upapada or in other scenarios?Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen----------www: http://srigaruda.com@: visti Swee Chan skrev:Jaya JagannathaDear Chandan,NamasteMay I? The gayatri suggested by Parasara and in Padma P is to acknowledge the supreme energy that is causing the malfeasance. It does not say that by offering the gayatri, it nullifies the malfeasance of the planet in order that you can wear the gemstone.In times of strife caused by that planet, the Padma P suggests you donate that gemstone including other items besides Anusthan and homa which are all inclusive of quelling the planet's negativity towards the person.Crystal clear ;-))?love,SweeOn 11 Dec 2008, at 10:43, chandan486 wrote:> ||Aum namah shivaya||>> Dear Rafal,> Namaste.>> So , this means that imbibing a gem with gayatri from Rig Veda makes> it harmless ?? (physically atleast !)>> regards,> chandan s sabarwal.>> --- In  , Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme> wrote:>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>> Dear Maja, Namaskar>>>> 2.>>>> Somanatha drekkana is for ojas, health and sexuality, if youll> perscribe>> gem of 2L you can destroy the marriage.>>>> First I see the favourable gems based on Rasi THEN I go to> divisions and>> if there are problems I leave the choice for the client and advise> the>> procedure of imbimbing the gem with gayatri from Rgveda.>>>> Regards,>> Rafal Gendarz>> ----------------------------->> http://rohinaa.com>> rafal>>>>> Maja S(trbac pisze:>>>>>> Om Gurave Namah>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaste>>>>>> OK... can you please finish that last sentence with:>>>>>> 1) ...as favorable choice of planets>>> 2) ...to avoid these planets>>>>>> Whichever one is correct (I suppose "2").>>>>>> If these bhavas are empty, then can we ignore Somanath Drekana?>>>>>> Warm Regards,>>> Maja Strbac>>>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat>>>>>>>>> --- On *Wed, 12/10/08, Rafal Gendarz /<starsuponme/* wrote:>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme>>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on> divisonal>>> charts ?>>> To:  >>> Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 2:21 AM>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>> Dear Maja , Namaskar>>>>>> I cant comment its wrong but its new to me. Usually we see> planets>>> in 2,6,8.>>>>>> Regards,>>> Rafal Gendarz>>> ------------ --------- -------->>> http://rohinaa. com>>> rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maja S(trbac pisze:>>>> Om Gurave Namah>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaste>>>>>>>> My logic was that Graha corresponding to chosen Gemstone> should>>>> not be inimical towards LL in Somanath Drekana, and that it>>>> should not be Graha lording 2nd bhava in Somanatha Drekana.> (I>>>> will survive if you say "your logic is bad" :) I give you a> green>>>> light to use this phrase :) No hard feelings)>>>>>>>> Warm Regards,>>>> Maja Strbac>>>>>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat>>>>>>>>>>>> --- On *Wed, 12/10/08, Maja S(trbac /<majastrbacastro@>>>> >/* wrote:>>>>>>>> Maja S(trbac <majastrbacastro@ >>>>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on>>>> divisonal charts ?>>>> >>>> Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 1:00 AM>>>>>>>> Om Gurave Namah>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaste>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (What would I do without you guys?)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You are right. I just checked again email sent by Branka>>>> Larsen (on Serbian list, no point in giving you a link I>>>> suppose :) where she was mentioning Somanath Drekana and>>>> true, she never mentioned 2nd bhava when choosing a> Gemstone.>>>> I think I only mixed up few points I have learned about> this>>>> divisional chart separately from Gemstones... this is>>>> funny... until few minutes ago I could swear that I read> it>>>> in that email.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you in a mood for a few replies?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Warm Regards,>>>>>>>> Maja Strbac>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat>>>>>>>> --- On *Tue, 12/9/08, Rafal Gendarz /<starsuponme@> wp.pl>/*>>>> wrote:>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl>>>>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone> on>>>> divisonal charts ?>>>> >>>> Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 11:46 AM>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>> Dear Maja, Namaskar>>>>>>>> I was taught about bhavas in Somanath drekkana not> to see>>>> sambandha of 2L - where does it come from please?>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>> ------------ --------- -------->>>> http://rohinaa. com>>>> rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com>>>>>>>>>>>> Maja S(trbac pisze:>>>>> Om Gurave Namah>>>>>>>>>> Dear Chandan, Namaste>>>>>>>>>> As long as Graha corresponding to chosen Gemstone> is not>>>>> inimical towards Somanath Drekana Lagna lord, it is>>>>> quite OK. That was for divisional charts. (BTW be>>>>> careful and avoid lord of 2nd bhava in this> divisional>>>>> chart)>>>>>>>>>> Yes, Arudhas... that is Rasi chart also, where we> check>>>>> all Dosas usually ;)>>>>>>>>>> So, you want to wear Gemstone for AK under curse>>>>> involved in Pravraja Yoga in 7th bhava. That is> brave...>>>>> Until August next year? OK... (Oh... and it is in> MKS>>>>> from AL )>>>>>>>>>> Man, but why are you choosing remedies for your own> chart?>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>> Maja Strbac>>>>>>>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- On *Tue, 12/9/08, Chandan Ssabarwal>>>>> /<wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT) com>/* wrote:>>>>>>>>>> Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT) com>>>>>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing> gemstone on>>>>> divisonal charts ?>>>>> >>>>> Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 2:16 AM>>>>>>>>>> ||Aum namo bhagwate narasimhaya| |>>>>>>>>>> hey maja ,>>>>>>>>>> I was just trying to learn new ways , and> possibly>>>>> see if @ all gemstones are possible even when> rasi>>>>> and d-10 lagna's are inmical to each other !>>>>>>>>>> hwoever , i realized last night the IMPORTANCE> of>>>>> using gemstones from Arudha Lagna , as it is> what>>>>> manifests !>>>>>>>>>> i still remember , about you recommendation to>>>>> remove the yellow sapphire im wearing , and yes> i>>>>> will .. but i forgot to tell you , right now> running>>>>> Rahu AD , so maybe just until then :)>>>>>>>>>> also i have realized . gemstones are nt> everything ...>>>>>>>>>> mantras done with discipline and dedication are> also>>>>> very superior !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> humble regards,>>>>> chandan s sabarwal.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------> -------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com>>>>>'>http://www.avg. com>>>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.15/1839 -> Release 2008-12-09 09:59>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------> ----------->>>>>>>>>>>> >>>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com>>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.16/1840 - Release> 2008-12-09 16:53>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------> ------>>>>>>>>> >>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.16/1840 - Release Date:> 2008-12-09 16:53>>>>>>>>>>>> --->> ~ om tat sat ~> Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.> Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'> (2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said > that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.> (3) Practice charity in thought and deed - do one free chart > reading today

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Jaya JagannathaDear Maja,NamasteFor a Mars that will cause malfeasance, then offer red sandalwood into the fire (homa), bathe with pieces of red sandalwood (can be purchased from the Gov't house close to Connaught Place, New Delhi)Else you can offer oblations, mantras and present this with garments etc pertaining to the planet.If Mars is your ascendant lord and it is well placed, is the yogada, has good vaiseshikamsa, the Red Coral, the size of a gunga berry, red in colour can bring so much wealth. The seed of this must have been taken by the yaksas :))Badhakesh works like Saturn. If Saturn is your badhakesh - Taurus or Aries lagna and the planet is well placed, in strength, happy at many places in the vargas, why not? But the criterion is more like if Saturn is placed in the 2nd from UL and not that Saturn is the badhakesh.A beautiful flawless Sapphire keeps Yama at bay, as BS is said to have formed from Bala asura's eyes (Sun + Moon), also said to be in possession by Lord Jagannath whose BS is so mesmerising that one who ever sees it, will forever keep Yama at bay. This reminds me of the Paramahasa Yogananda's story....love,SweeOn 11 Dec 2008, at 18:26, Maja Štrbac wrote:Om Gurave Namah Dear Swee, Namaste (I am terrible... you of all people here... I skipped to write you this one: WHAT WOULD I DO WITHOUT YOU GUYS....  :) I could spend a whole week asking questions inspired by your email. These comments and questions came out after reading your email twice (there is more where it came from): Big fuss about natural malefics? I don’t know... It is not scary at all to wear a Red Coral for Mangal, as I had the chance to read advices here. But there is another dilemma. Blue Sapphire is for Sani? Well... it is kind of "nor boy or a girl" as I was reading here on the list for months back. Then one list member included with (can't remember his name, I sure hope he will be able to forgive me if he is reading this): "I am happily wearing Blue Sapphire, and Sani is badhakesh in my chart. This advice was given by Sanjay Rath" I was like... "WHAT???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (not because of fact that it is badhakesh).Then he added "I am also happily married" Then I was speechless... (******MUTE******) That is the only big fuss I would raise over this natural malefic. Any comment? (This is not working like this. I will write rest there bellow by adding some pink font to your email.) Thank you so much for including with your sweets, treats and lovely goodies! Warm Regards,Maja Strbac Hari Om Tat Sat--- On Wed, 12/10/08, Swee Chan <swee wrote:Swee Chan <sweeRe: [Om Krishna Guru] Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ? Cc: sohamsa , "" Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 10:43 AMJaya JagannathaDear Maja,NamasteWhat if malefic in 12th from Karakamsa is Ishta Devata?Does it matter? A gemstone like the shaligramas i.e., ammolite, garnet, or agatised gems or that of petrified wood in the Garuda Stambha at Jagannatha Puri are all duly worshipped.I don't understand what the big fuss is if the lord of a good bhava in rasi is well positioned, is exalted of in MT or svakshetra with overall counts of sitting on the Lion's throne (simhasana) out of ten vargas, regardless if it is a natural malefic. Bala asura's body turned into seeds of gems because he offered penances for a hundred years - ( I am sure these are not human years) and all these seeds are taken over by the devas, yakshas (ie Kubera and his family), the siddhas also took seeds for their meditation, the gandharvas too (yes, even a musician can benefit); Ravana vied with the Sun and the Sun managed to take hold of the seed of the Ruby - which was my question. Bala asura's blood (denoted by Moon) is presided over by the Sun. Why Somanath Drekkana???? (I seriously thought this is reserved for looking at a lady's sexuality). Surely it must be the Somanath Navamsa???? You used "I thought" as past tense, or this is what you still think? I don't quite understand "Somanath Navamsa"?A snap view of a lady's suffering can also be assessed between the lagna (rasi) and the trimsamsa lagna.We did this mid year in Almora on health issues. Ojas controls one's longevity. My AK is Moon in the 4th in S.N. - I loathe salt and yet it is suppose to be good for replenishing my ojas. (So you guys finally managed to agree somehow that Moon is for salt some few months ago :) I have worn the Pearl - (its rubbed off its luster onto me ;-)). If the simplistic assessment is the 12th from AK, what's my Istha devata? Care to explain anyone? Despite this, Krsna's name is on my lips whenever, daily...It is said that when one offers devotion, worship, homa and give in alms the items pertaining to that planet (gross level), and the mind is rid of misshapen thoughts , the person naturally will be blessed with all because of the positive aura he/she emits - Padma P.  I can not agree more.Someone asked about AK - I don't see why not. I have successfully prescribed an emerald for a person whom at the time rose to heights and made so much (multi million $) and his projects are now even bigger despite the global meltdown. Lovely... you are mentioning "AK, I don't see why not" together with "Recommended Emerald". Well, this curious Bu AK would like to ask you "What was that big fuss about AK being a "NO, NO!" for choosing a Gemstone? Would you really warmly recommend AK Gem if position in chart is favorable? Why? BTW is Jade for Mercury? (I adore it… love it... )It is certain that you have had the punya from many past lives to be able to own these gemstones. Even just owning them - not adorning them. This brings to mind about the gemstone will do injustices if chosen wrongly as each of these gemstones especially the potency of the diamond - it has been said that even a speck of diamond has the guardianship, even the abode of a deity. What the Garuda P does not say is that each gem requires prana pratishta before adorning it or after owning it (since you've tried it out under your pillow) and you invite the deity a haven in that gem.Yes... first time when I have heard that simple entering in Jewelry store, buying a ring with Gemstone and placing it on finger is... not even 5% of a remedy, I was totally thrilled that there is more to it.Trying out a gem under your pillowIt's pretty clear the description concerns the dark bluish grey star sapphire and not a clear faceted blue sapphire whose preferred colour is the cornflower/cobalt blue and one that has the intensity of Indra's thunderbolt. Talking about which, I wear the Blue Sapphire (badhakesh) and also own and have adorned the quadruple blue aquamarine. Flawless enough to house good energy ;-) Each of them gives me effects in their own right. Up there I asked you that "nor boy or a girl Q" :) It is a lovely color, true!If one has had to face the wrath of a deity due to past demerits, that person would be born blind, a pauper, childless etc. Agree?Well there are many forms of suffering due to past demerits. How about having it all... except peace of mind. You know, here they often say that terrible curse is not lacking with something your whole life. Worse is to have it and then lose it. Someone born blind... is not aware of what he/she is missing. [You have just reminded me to ask you one question I had on my mind for some time. [What is the difference between using Pancha, Sapta and Navagraha Ratna when choosing a Gemstone?]In the Puranas I have only come across the Nine which are used for the Siva-Shakti pujas and Ganesa pujas. The colours of the gemstones pertaining to the shaktis are dependent on their type of energy - blue for vashikaran etc. - (can't go further than this.) Okie... :)For the one with the 5 gems, Parasara Maharsi have also suggested this especially used for person born during Amavasya to pacify ancestors who may pass on their punya and not completely take the entire family to the streets, leaving them homeless and penniless. These 5 gems are to be used in conjunction with the 100 types of herbs (for the Sun's yagna and bath, the herbs are different). Jamadagni is the rishi over the 52 types of manis (herbs that are so portent, they are also classed as "gems/mani") - ref Atharvaveda.Sorry, haven't as yet come across the sapta. pint me in that direction and I shall try and dig it up for you.  As a matter of fact, wow, I do have one reference there on my bookshelf. Wow, one and only :) :):) I read this in "Vedic Remedies" page 274. You know, this book is alpha and omega of what I have available as reference for Gemstones at the moment.Incidentally, the Skanda P has an account of offering a gold bracelet by throwing this into a lake. Heard of this before?Wherefrom dear Swee? Where from could I have... No. Sadly I did not.love,SweeOn 10 Dec 2008, at 18:01, Maja Štrbac wrote:Om Gurave Namah Dear Rafal, Namaste All what you have mentioned here, is there imperative to avoid it? (What if malefic in 12th from Karakamsa is Ishta Devata?) Warm Regards,Maja Strbac Hari Om Tat Sat--- On Wed, 12/10/08, Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl> wrote:Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl>Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?To: Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 2:22 AMom namo bhagavate narasimhayaDear Maja, NamaskarWhat if its Lagnesh of D30, or 8L in D10, or malefic in 12H from Navamsa Lagna or Karakaamsa, or Mangal aspecting or occupying sixth/tenth in d7. There are many factors.Regards,Rafal Gendarz ------------ --------- --------http://rohinaa. com rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) comMaja Štrbac pisze:Om Gurave Namah Dear Zoran, Namaste (Again... what would I do without you guys? :) This is just guessing, so please correct me if I am wrong. When choosing Gemstones most important starting (and final) point is Rasi chart. We can not satisfy all divisional charts with one Gemstone, correct? Somantha Drekana being important for Ratna makes sense, because Ratna is related to Chandra. As I know our attention when observing this divisional chart should be on Chandra and Sukra. Level of Ojas, which is very important for health, corresponds to Jala Tatva (Chandra and Sukra). I understand logic used here. If carefully chosen Gemstone which fits to both Rasi chart and Somanatha Drekana by some lucky coincidence fits to 5th bhava in D10, than it is just lucky coincidence not imperative. Am I wrong here? Warm Regards,Maja Strbac Hari Om Tat Sat --- On Tue, 12/9/08, ahimsavm <ahimsans (AT) nadlanu (DOT) com> wrote:ahimsavm <ahimsans (AT) nadlanu (DOT) com>Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 5:08 PMOm Namah Shivaya,Dear Maja,Unfortunatelly, you are not correct. Gemstone of the favourable planet in 5th house in Dashamsa, or 5th lord in dashamsa, provided it is well placed and good for Rashi Chart, is the biggest blessing one can have to enhance wealth. To avoid further questioning of some list members where I got it from- From Sanjay teaching me dashamsa, each house,planets in each house, yogas, devatas, dig chakra in the minutest detail, many years back. I taught some of it on West Coast Conference in California, USA in 2005.Best wishesZoran Radosavljevicwww.siva-info. eduwww.ahimsazr1. wordpress. com> Om Gurave Namah>  > Dear Chandan, Namaste>  > Last what I was reading about Gemstones was that we should use Rasi chart (D1) and Somanatha Drekana only when choosing it. I could be wrong, maybe one more divisional chart should be added to this list, but I am sure it is not D10. >  > Where is the end once when you start remedying each divisional chart? “Fix up” one and you can “damage” at least 5 other divisional charts. This is not a procedure for choosing Gemstones.>  > P.S. I am looking at your chart right now. You were thinking of Diamond… You know… that crowd in your 7th bhava, you need something to cancel its results somehow. I don’t think that strengthening any of those Grahas is a smart move (unless... this is what you want from life). Can you guess why? >  > Regards,> Maja Strbac>  > Hari Om Tat Sat> > > --- On Mon, 12/8/08, Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix@. ..> wrote:> > Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix@. ..>> [Om Krishna Guru] Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?> To: > Monday, December 8, 2008, 1:25 AM> > > > > > > > ||Aum namo bhagwate narasimhaya| |>  > dear all , >  > what is to be done is a graha being a yogakarka in d-10 is a functional maleifc in rasi chart ? how is the gemstone to be worn then ?>  > pls advise ....>  > regards,> Chandan S Sabarwal.>

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||aum namah shivaya||


dear visti,



so this means that i could possibly wear a gemstone which is yogakaraka for my d-10 and maraka for my Rasi chart , but merely by infusing it with the relevaent gayatri from the rig deva , coupled with the best muhurta , gives no physical side effects @ all ....


after infusing it with the relevant gayatri , would still the placement from AL be need to considered ? or , the gem stone just becomes completely harmless....?


humble regards,

chandan s sabarwal.

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||aum namah shivaya||


dear swee,




things starting to make more sense now ! i swear im not going to go

by those silly lagna lord , 5th lord , 9th lord rules from now on !


the mantras have soo much power ! why not simply choose a gemstones

thats most essential , for the most essential varga or rasi , simply

infuse the right mantra and let the gemstone do its work !!



humble regaards and thanks to everyone for all their time and

patience ,


chandan s sabarwal.


, Swee Chan <swee wrote:


> Jaya Jagannatha


> Dear Maja,

> Namaste


> For a Mars that will cause malfeasance, then offer red sandalwood

> into the fire (homa), bathe with pieces of red sandalwood (can be

> purchased from the Gov't house close to Connaught Place, New Delhi)

> Else you can offer oblations, mantras and present this with


> etc pertaining to the planet.


> If Mars is your ascendant lord and it is well placed, is the


> has good vaiseshikamsa, the Red Coral, the size of a gunga berry,


> in colour can bring so much wealth. The seed of this must have


> taken by the yaksas :))


> Badhakesh works like Saturn. If Saturn is your badhakesh - Taurus


> Aries lagna and the planet is well placed, in strength, happy at


> places in the vargas, why not? But the criterion is more like if

> Saturn is placed in the 2nd from UL and not that Saturn is the

> badhakesh.

> A beautiful flawless Sapphire keeps Yama at bay, as BS is said to

> have formed from Bala asura's eyes (Sun + Moon), also said to be


> possession by Lord Jagannath whose BS is so mesmerising that one


> ever sees it, will forever keep Yama at bay. This reminds me of


> Paramahasa Yogananda's story....


> love,


> Swee


> On 11 Dec 2008, at 18:26, Maja Štrbac wrote:


> > Om Gurave Namah

> >

> > Dear Swee, Namaste

> >

> > (I am terrible... you of all people here... I skipped to write


> > this one:

> >


> >

> > I could spend a whole week asking questions inspired by your


> > These comments and questions came out after reading your email

> > twice (there is more where it came from):

> >

> > Big fuss about natural malefics? I don't know... It is not scary


> > all to wear a Red Coral for Mangal, as I had the chance to read

> > advices here. But there is another dilemma. Blue Sapphire is for

> > Sani? Well... it is kind of " nor boy or a girl " as I was reading

> > here on the list for months back.

> >

> > Then one list member included with (can't remember his name, I


> > hope he will be able to forgive me if he is reading this): " I am

> > happily wearing Blue Sapphire, and Sani is badhakesh in my


> > This advice was given by Sanjay Rath "

> >

> > I was like... " WHAT???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " (not because of


> > that it is badhakesh).Then he added " I am also happily married "

> >

> > Then I was speechless... (******MUTE******)

> >

> > That is the only big fuss I would raise over this natural


> > Any comment?

> >

> > (This is not working like this. I will write rest there bellow


> > adding some pink font to your email.)

> >

> > Thank you so much for including with your sweets, treats and


> > goodies!

> >

> > Warm Regards,

> > Maja Strbac

> >

> > Hari Om Tat Sat

> >

> >

> > --- On Wed, 12/10/08, Swee Chan <swee wrote:

> > Swee Chan <swee

> > Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Choosing gemstone on divisonal

charts ?

> >

> > Cc: sohamsa , " " <SJC-

Africa >

> > Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 10:43 AM

> >

> >

> > Jaya Jagannatha

> >

> > Dear Maja,

> > Namaste

> >

> > What if malefic in 12th from Karakamsa is Ishta Devata?

> >

> > Does it matter? A gemstone like the shaligramas i.e., ammolite,

> > garnet, or agatised gems or that of petrified wood in the Garuda

> > Stambha at Jagannatha Puri are all duly worshipped.

> >

> > I don't understand what the big fuss is if the lord of a good


> > in rasi is well positioned, is exalted of in MT or svakshetra


> > overall counts of sitting on the Lion's throne (simhasana) out


> > ten vargas, regardless if it is a natural malefic.

> >

> > Bala asura's body turned into seeds of gems because he offered

> > penances for a hundred years - ( I am sure these are not human

> > years) and all these seeds are taken over by the devas, yakshas


> > Kubera and his family), the siddhas also took seeds for their

> > meditation, the gandharvas too (yes, even a musician can


> > Ravana vied with the Sun and the Sun managed to take hold of the

> > seed of the Ruby - which was my question. Bala asura's blood

> > (denoted by Moon) is presided over by the Sun.

> >

> > Why Somanath Drekkana???? (I seriously thought this is reserved


> > looking at a lady's sexuality). Surely it must be the Somanath

> > Navamsa???? You used " I thought " as past tense, or this is what


> > still think? I don't quite understand " Somanath Navamsa " ?

> > A snap view of a lady's suffering can also be assessed between


> > lagna (rasi) and the trimsamsa lagna.

> >

> > We did this mid year in Almora on health issues. Ojas controls

> > one's longevity. My AK is Moon in the 4th in S.N. - I loathe


> > and yet it is suppose to be good for replenishing my ojas. (So


> > guys finally managed to agree somehow that Moon is for salt some

> > few months ago :)

> >

> > I have worn the Pearl - (its rubbed off its luster onto me ;-)).


> > the simplistic assessment is the 12th from AK, what's my Istha

> > devata? Care to explain anyone? Despite this, Krsna's name is on


> > lips whenever, daily...It is said that when one offers devotion,

> > worship, homa and give in alms the items pertaining to that


> > (gross level), and the mind is rid of misshapen thoughts , the

> > person naturally will be blessed with all because of the


> > aura he/she emits - Padma P. I can not agree more.

> >

> > Someone asked about AK - I don't see why not. I have


> > prescribed an emerald for a person whom at the time rose to


> > and made so much (multi million $) and his projects are now even

> > bigger despite the global meltdown.

> >

> > Lovely... you are mentioning " AK, I don't see why not " together

> > with " Recommended Emerald " . Well, this curious Bu AK would like


> > ask you " What was that big fuss about AK being a " NO, NO! " for

> > choosing a Gemstone? Would you really warmly recommend AK Gem if

> > position in chart is favorable? Why?

> >

> > BTW is Jade for Mercury? (I adore it… love it... )

> >

> > It is certain that you have had the punya from many past lives


> > be able to own these gemstones. Even just owning them - not

> > adorning them. This brings to mind about the gemstone will do

> > injustices if chosen wrongly as each of these gemstones


> > the potency of the diamond - it has been said that even a speck


> > diamond has the guardianship, even the abode of a deity. What


> > Garuda P does not say is that each gem requires prana pratishta

> > before adorning it or after owning it (since you've tried it out

> > under your pillow) and you invite the deity a haven in that gem.

> > Yes... first time when I have heard that simple entering in


> > store, buying a ring with Gemstone and placing it on finger


> > not even 5% of a remedy, I was totally thrilled that there is


> > to it.

> >

> > Trying out a gem under your pillow

> >

> > It's pretty clear the description concerns the dark bluish grey

> > star sapphire and not a clear faceted blue sapphire whose


> > colour is the cornflower/cobalt blue and one that has the


> > of Indra's thunderbolt. Talking about which, I wear the Blue

> > Sapphire (badhakesh) and also own and have adorned the quadruple

> > blue aquamarine. Flawless enough to house good energy ;-) Each


> > them gives me effects in their own right.

> >

> > Up there I asked you that " nor boy or a girl Q " :) It is a


> > color, true!

> >

> > If one has had to face the wrath of a deity due to past


> > that person would be born blind, a pauper, childless etc. Agree?

> >

> > Well there are many forms of suffering due to past demerits. How

> > about having it all... except peace of mind. You know, here they

> > often say that terrible curse is not lacking with something your

> > whole life. Worse is to have it and then lose it. Someone born

> > blind... is not aware of what he/she is missing.

> >

> > [You have just reminded me to ask you one question I had on my


> > for some time.

> >

> > [What is the difference between using Pancha, Sapta and


> > Ratna when choosing a Gemstone?]

> >

> > In the Puranas I have only come across the Nine which are used


> > the Siva-Shakti pujas and Ganesa pujas. The colours of the

> > gemstones pertaining to the shaktis are dependent on their type


> > energy - blue for vashikaran etc. - (can't go further than


> > Okie... :)

> > For the one with the 5 gems, Parasara Maharsi have also


> > this especially used for person born during Amavasya to pacify

> > ancestors who may pass on their punya and not completely take


> > entire family to the streets, leaving them homeless and


> > These 5 gems are to be used in conjunction with the 100 types of

> > herbs (for the Sun's yagna and bath, the herbs are different).

> > Jamadagni is the rishi over the 52 types of manis (herbs that


> > so portent, they are also classed as " gems/mani " ) - ref


> >

> > Sorry, haven't as yet come across the sapta. pint me in that

> > direction and I shall try and dig it up for you.

> > As a matter of fact, wow, I do have one reference there on my

> > bookshelf. Wow, one and only :) :):) I read this in " Vedic

> > Remedies " page 274. You know, this book is alpha and omega of


> > I have available as reference for Gemstones at the moment.

> > Incidentally, the Skanda P has an account of offering a gold

> > bracelet by throwing this into a lake. Heard of this before?

> > Wherefrom dear Swee? Where from could I have... No. Sadly I did


> >

> > love,

> >

> > Swee

> >

> >

> > On 10 Dec 2008, at 18:01, Maja Štrbac wrote:

> >

> >> Om Gurave Namah

> >>

> >> Dear Rafal, Namaste

> >>

> >> All what you have mentioned here, is there imperative to avoid


> >> (What if malefic in 12th from Karakamsa is Ishta Devata?)

> >>

> >> Warm Regards,

> >> Maja Strbac

> >>

> >> Hari Om Tat Sat

> >> --- On Wed, 12/10/08, Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl> wrote:

> >> Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl>

> >> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Choosing gemstone on divisonal

> >> charts ?

> >>

> >> Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 2:22 AM

> >>

> >> om namo bhagavate narasimhaya

> >> Dear Maja, Namaskar

> >>

> >> What if its Lagnesh of D30, or 8L in D10, or malefic in 12H


> >> Navamsa Lagna or Karakaamsa, or Mangal aspecting or occupying

> >> sixth/tenth in d7. There are many factors.

> >>

> >> Regards,

> >> Rafal Gendarz

> >> ------------ --------- --------

> >> http://rohinaa. com

> >> rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Maja Štrbac pisze:

> >>>

> >>> Om Gurave Namah

> >>>

> >>> Dear Zoran, Namaste

> >>>

> >>> (Again... what would I do without you guys? :)

> >>>

> >>> This is just guessing, so please correct me if I am wrong.

> >>>

> >>> When choosing Gemstones most important starting (and final)


> >>> is Rasi chart. We can not satisfy all divisional charts with


> >>> Gemstone, correct? Somantha Drekana being important for Ratna

> >>> makes sense, because Ratna is related to Chandra. As I know


> >>> attention when observing this divisional chart should be on

> >>> Chandra and Sukra. Level of Ojas, which is very important for

> >>> health, corresponds to Jala Tatva (Chandra and Sukra). I

> >>> understand logic used here.

> >>>

> >>> If carefully chosen Gemstone which fits to both Rasi chart and

> >>> Somanatha Drekana by some lucky coincidence fits to 5th bhava


> >>> D10, than it is just lucky coincidence not imperative. Am I


> >>> here?

> >>>

> >>> Warm Regards,

> >>> Maja Strbac

> >>>

> >>> Hari Om Tat Sat

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> --- On Tue, 12/9/08, ahimsavm <ahimsans (AT) nadlanu (DOT) com> wrote:

> >>> ahimsavm <ahimsans (AT) nadlanu (DOT) com>

> >>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Choosing gemstone on divisonal

> >>> charts ?

> >>>

> >>> Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 5:08 PM

> >>>

> >>> Om Namah Shivaya,

> >>> Dear Maja,

> >>> Unfortunatelly, you are not correct. Gemstone of the favourable

> >>> planet in 5th house in Dashamsa, or 5th lord in dashamsa,


> >>> it is well placed and good for Rashi Chart, is the biggest


> >>> one can have to enhance wealth. To avoid further questioning of


> >>> list members where I got it from- From Sanjay teaching me


> >>> each house,planets in each house, yogas, devatas, dig chakra in


> >>> minutest detail, many years back. I taught some of it on West


> >>> Conference in California, USA in 2005.

> >>> Best wishes

> >>> Zoran Radosavljevic

> >>> www.siva-info. edu

> >>> www.ahimsazr1. wordpress. com

> >>>

> >>> > Om Gurave Namah

> >>> >

> >>> > Dear Chandan, Namaste

> >>> >

> >>> > Last what I was reading about Gemstones was that we should use

> >>> Rasi chart (D1) and Somanatha Drekana only when choosing it. I


> >>> be wrong, maybe one more divisional chart should be added to


> >>> list, but I am sure it is not D10.

> >>> >

> >>> > Where is the end once when you start remedying each divisional

> >>> chart? " Fix up " one and you can " damage " at least 5 other

> >>> divisional charts. This is not a procedure for choosing


> >>> >

> >>> > P.S. I am looking at your chart right now. You were thinking


> >>> Diamond… You know… that crowd in your 7th bhava, you need

> >>> something to cancel its results somehow. I don't think that

> >>> strengthening any of those Grahas is a smart move (unless...

this is

> >>> what you want from life). Can you guess why?

> >>> >

> >>> > Regards,

> >>> > Maja Strbac

> >>> >

> >>> > Hari Om Tat Sat

> >>> >

> >>> >

> >>> > --- On Mon, 12/8/08, Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix@ ..> wrote:

> >>> >

> >>> > Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix@ ..>

> >>> > [Om Krishna Guru] Choosing gemstone on divisonal

charts ?

> >>> >

> >>> > Monday, December 8, 2008, 1:25 AM

> >>> >

> >>> >

> >>> >

> >>> >

> >>> >

> >>> >

> >>> >

> >>> > ||Aum namo bhagwate narasimhaya| |

> >>> >

> >>> > dear all ,

> >>> >

> >>> > what is to be done is a graha being a yogakarka in d-10 is a

> >>> functional maleifc in rasi chart ? how is the gemstone to be


> >>> then ?

> >>> >

> >>> > pls advise ....

> >>> >

> >>> > regards,

> >>> > Chandan S Sabarwal.

> >>> >

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com

> >>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.16/1840 - Release


> >>> 2008-12-09 16:53

> >>>

> >>>

> >>

> >

> >

> >


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Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Chandan,



You have not quite understood the power of gemstones.


Let's put it this way: Mantras, homa, charity etc all go hand in hand

- especially if you are delegating planetary energy of the plenary

portions of the devarishis (YES, they all had to become Kalenemi's

children, some plenary portions took birth as Hiranyaksha and Prahlad

etc.,), herbal baths are also included with the kavaca of the deity.

For example, if you are doing this to quell Sun's malfeasance, it is

best to elect a day which is normally the first Sunday from Sun's

entry into a sign and continue with the puja, bath etc., for seven

consecutive Sundays. Since I have always followed the path that it is

puja, yagna, anusthan, chairty first and not offer the prayer and

hope that this has sufficiently quelled the deity's wrath towards you

and then you proceed to wear the gemstone that has his guardianship.


It took Shukra another lifetime to be given the Sanjivani mantra by

Lord Shiva after Shukra installed the Ruby linga. It was while Shukra

was extolling Him, that Lord Shiva recalled the Ruby installation and

awarded Shukra with the mantra.


See, everything goes hand in hand. Choice is from Rasi in strength

and the rest follow out of the 10 charts under assessment.







On 12 Dec 2008, at 12:42, chandan486 wrote:



> ||aum namah shivaya||


> dear swee,


> namaste.


> things starting to make more sense now ! i swear im not going to go

> by those silly lagna lord , 5th lord , 9th lord rules from now on !


> the mantras have soo much power ! why not simply choose a gemstones

> thats most essential , for the most essential varga or rasi , simply

> infuse the right mantra and let the gemstone do its work !!



> humble regaards and thanks to everyone for all their time and

> patience ,


> chandan s sabarwal.


> , Swee Chan <swee wrote:


>> Jaya Jagannatha


>> Dear Maja,

>> Namaste


>> For a Mars that will cause malfeasance, then offer red sandalwood

>> into the fire (homa), bathe with pieces of red sandalwood (can be

>> purchased from the Gov't house close to Connaught Place, New Delhi)

>> Else you can offer oblations, mantras and present this with

> garments

>> etc pertaining to the planet.


>> If Mars is your ascendant lord and it is well placed, is the

> yogada,

>> has good vaiseshikamsa, the Red Coral, the size of a gunga berry,

> red

>> in colour can bring so much wealth. The seed of this must have

> been

>> taken by the yaksas :))


>> Badhakesh works like Saturn. If Saturn is your badhakesh - Taurus

> or

>> Aries lagna and the planet is well placed, in strength, happy at

> many

>> places in the vargas, why not? But the criterion is more like if

>> Saturn is placed in the 2nd from UL and not that Saturn is the

>> badhakesh.

>> A beautiful flawless Sapphire keeps Yama at bay, as BS is said to

>> have formed from Bala asura's eyes (Sun + Moon), also said to be

> in

>> possession by Lord Jagannath whose BS is so mesmerising that one

> who

>> ever sees it, will forever keep Yama at bay. This reminds me of

> the

>> Paramahasa Yogananda's story....


>> love,


>> Swee


>> On 11 Dec 2008, at 18:26, Maja Štrbac wrote:


>>> Om Gurave Namah


>>> Dear Swee, Namaste


>>> (I am terrible... you of all people here... I skipped to write

> you

>>> this one:




>>> I could spend a whole week asking questions inspired by your

> email.

>>> These comments and questions came out after reading your email

>>> twice (there is more where it came from):


>>> Big fuss about natural malefics? I don't know... It is not scary

> at

>>> all to wear a Red Coral for Mangal, as I had the chance to read

>>> advices here. But there is another dilemma. Blue Sapphire is for

>>> Sani? Well... it is kind of " nor boy or a girl " as I was reading

>>> here on the list for months back.


>>> Then one list member included with (can't remember his name, I

> sure

>>> hope he will be able to forgive me if he is reading this): " I am

>>> happily wearing Blue Sapphire, and Sani is badhakesh in my

> chart.

>>> This advice was given by Sanjay Rath "


>>> I was like... " WHAT???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " (not because of

> fact

>>> that it is badhakesh).Then he added " I am also happily married "


>>> Then I was speechless... (******MUTE******)


>>> That is the only big fuss I would raise over this natural

> malefic.

>>> Any comment?


>>> (This is not working like this. I will write rest there bellow

> by

>>> adding some pink font to your email.)


>>> Thank you so much for including with your sweets, treats and

> lovely

>>> goodies!


>>> Warm Regards,

>>> Maja Strbac


>>> Hari Om Tat Sat



>>> --- On Wed, 12/10/08, Swee Chan <swee wrote:

>>> Swee Chan <swee

>>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Choosing gemstone on divisonal

> charts ?


>>> Cc: sohamsa , " " <SJC-

> Africa >

>>> Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 10:43 AM



>>> Jaya Jagannatha


>>> Dear Maja,

>>> Namaste


>>> What if malefic in 12th from Karakamsa is Ishta Devata?


>>> Does it matter? A gemstone like the shaligramas i.e., ammolite,

>>> garnet, or agatised gems or that of petrified wood in the Garuda

>>> Stambha at Jagannatha Puri are all duly worshipped.


>>> I don't understand what the big fuss is if the lord of a good

> bhava

>>> in rasi is well positioned, is exalted of in MT or svakshetra

> with

>>> overall counts of sitting on the Lion's throne (simhasana) out

> of

>>> ten vargas, regardless if it is a natural malefic.


>>> Bala asura's body turned into seeds of gems because he offered

>>> penances for a hundred years - ( I am sure these are not human

>>> years) and all these seeds are taken over by the devas, yakshas

> (ie

>>> Kubera and his family), the siddhas also took seeds for their

>>> meditation, the gandharvas too (yes, even a musician can

> benefit);

>>> Ravana vied with the Sun and the Sun managed to take hold of the

>>> seed of the Ruby - which was my question. Bala asura's blood

>>> (denoted by Moon) is presided over by the Sun.


>>> Why Somanath Drekkana???? (I seriously thought this is reserved

> for

>>> looking at a lady's sexuality). Surely it must be the Somanath

>>> Navamsa???? You used " I thought " as past tense, or this is what

> you

>>> still think? I don't quite understand " Somanath Navamsa " ?

>>> A snap view of a lady's suffering can also be assessed between

> the

>>> lagna (rasi) and the trimsamsa lagna.


>>> We did this mid year in Almora on health issues. Ojas controls

>>> one's longevity. My AK is Moon in the 4th in S.N. - I loathe

> salt

>>> and yet it is suppose to be good for replenishing my ojas. (So

> you

>>> guys finally managed to agree somehow that Moon is for salt some

>>> few months ago :)


>>> I have worn the Pearl - (its rubbed off its luster onto me ;-)).

> If

>>> the simplistic assessment is the 12th from AK, what's my Istha

>>> devata? Care to explain anyone? Despite this, Krsna's name is on

> my

>>> lips whenever, daily...It is said that when one offers devotion,

>>> worship, homa and give in alms the items pertaining to that

> planet

>>> (gross level), and the mind is rid of misshapen thoughts , the

>>> person naturally will be blessed with all because of the

> positive

>>> aura he/she emits - Padma P. I can not agree more.


>>> Someone asked about AK - I don't see why not. I have

> successfully

>>> prescribed an emerald for a person whom at the time rose to

> heights

>>> and made so much (multi million $) and his projects are now even

>>> bigger despite the global meltdown.


>>> Lovely... you are mentioning " AK, I don't see why not " together

>>> with " Recommended Emerald " . Well, this curious Bu AK would like

> to

>>> ask you " What was that big fuss about AK being a " NO, NO! " for

>>> choosing a Gemstone? Would you really warmly recommend AK Gem if

>>> position in chart is favorable? Why?


>>> BTW is Jade for Mercury? (I adore it… love it... )


>>> It is certain that you have had the punya from many past lives

> to

>>> be able to own these gemstones. Even just owning them - not

>>> adorning them. This brings to mind about the gemstone will do

>>> injustices if chosen wrongly as each of these gemstones

> especially

>>> the potency of the diamond - it has been said that even a speck

> of

>>> diamond has the guardianship, even the abode of a deity. What

> the

>>> Garuda P does not say is that each gem requires prana pratishta

>>> before adorning it or after owning it (since you've tried it out

>>> under your pillow) and you invite the deity a haven in that gem.

>>> Yes... first time when I have heard that simple entering in

> Jewelry

>>> store, buying a ring with Gemstone and placing it on finger

> is...

>>> not even 5% of a remedy, I was totally thrilled that there is

> more

>>> to it.


>>> Trying out a gem under your pillow


>>> It's pretty clear the description concerns the dark bluish grey

>>> star sapphire and not a clear faceted blue sapphire whose

> preferred

>>> colour is the cornflower/cobalt blue and one that has the

> intensity

>>> of Indra's thunderbolt. Talking about which, I wear the Blue

>>> Sapphire (badhakesh) and also own and have adorned the quadruple

>>> blue aquamarine. Flawless enough to house good energy ;-) Each

> of

>>> them gives me effects in their own right.


>>> Up there I asked you that " nor boy or a girl Q " :) It is a

> lovely

>>> color, true!


>>> If one has had to face the wrath of a deity due to past

> demerits,

>>> that person would be born blind, a pauper, childless etc. Agree?


>>> Well there are many forms of suffering due to past demerits. How

>>> about having it all... except peace of mind. You know, here they

>>> often say that terrible curse is not lacking with something your

>>> whole life. Worse is to have it and then lose it. Someone born

>>> blind... is not aware of what he/she is missing.


>>> [You have just reminded me to ask you one question I had on my

> mind

>>> for some time.


>>> [What is the difference between using Pancha, Sapta and

> Navagraha

>>> Ratna when choosing a Gemstone?]


>>> In the Puranas I have only come across the Nine which are used

> for

>>> the Siva-Shakti pujas and Ganesa pujas. The colours of the

>>> gemstones pertaining to the shaktis are dependent on their type

> of

>>> energy - blue for vashikaran etc. - (can't go further than

> this.)

>>> Okie... :)

>>> For the one with the 5 gems, Parasara Maharsi have also

> suggested

>>> this especially used for person born during Amavasya to pacify

>>> ancestors who may pass on their punya and not completely take

> the

>>> entire family to the streets, leaving them homeless and

> penniless.

>>> These 5 gems are to be used in conjunction with the 100 types of

>>> herbs (for the Sun's yagna and bath, the herbs are different).

>>> Jamadagni is the rishi over the 52 types of manis (herbs that

> are

>>> so portent, they are also classed as " gems/mani " ) - ref

> Atharvaveda.


>>> Sorry, haven't as yet come across the sapta. pint me in that

>>> direction and I shall try and dig it up for you.

>>> As a matter of fact, wow, I do have one reference there on my

>>> bookshelf. Wow, one and only :) :):) I read this in " Vedic

>>> Remedies " page 274. You know, this book is alpha and omega of

> what

>>> I have available as reference for Gemstones at the moment.

>>> Incidentally, the Skanda P has an account of offering a gold

>>> bracelet by throwing this into a lake. Heard of this before?

>>> Wherefrom dear Swee? Where from could I have... No. Sadly I did

> not.


>>> love,


>>> Swee



>>> On 10 Dec 2008, at 18:01, Maja Štrbac wrote:


>>>> Om Gurave Namah


>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaste


>>>> All what you have mentioned here, is there imperative to avoid

> it?

>>>> (What if malefic in 12th from Karakamsa is Ishta Devata?)


>>>> Warm Regards,

>>>> Maja Strbac


>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat

>>>> --- On Wed, 12/10/08, Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl> wrote:

>>>> Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl>

>>>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Choosing gemstone on divisonal

>>>> charts ?


>>>> Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 2:22 AM


>>>> om namo bhagavate narasimhaya

>>>> Dear Maja, Namaskar


>>>> What if its Lagnesh of D30, or 8L in D10, or malefic in 12H

> from

>>>> Navamsa Lagna or Karakaamsa, or Mangal aspecting or occupying

>>>> sixth/tenth in d7. There are many factors.


>>>> Regards,

>>>> Rafal Gendarz

>>>> ------------ --------- --------

>>>> http://rohinaa. com

>>>> rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com






>>>> Maja Štrbac pisze:


>>>>> Om Gurave Namah


>>>>> Dear Zoran, Namaste


>>>>> (Again... what would I do without you guys? :)


>>>>> This is just guessing, so please correct me if I am wrong.


>>>>> When choosing Gemstones most important starting (and final)

> point

>>>>> is Rasi chart. We can not satisfy all divisional charts with

> one

>>>>> Gemstone, correct? Somantha Drekana being important for Ratna

>>>>> makes sense, because Ratna is related to Chandra. As I know

> our

>>>>> attention when observing this divisional chart should be on

>>>>> Chandra and Sukra. Level of Ojas, which is very important for

>>>>> health, corresponds to Jala Tatva (Chandra and Sukra). I

>>>>> understand logic used here.


>>>>> If carefully chosen Gemstone which fits to both Rasi chart and

>>>>> Somanatha Drekana by some lucky coincidence fits to 5th bhava

> in

>>>>> D10, than it is just lucky coincidence not imperative. Am I

> wrong

>>>>> here?


>>>>> Warm Regards,

>>>>> Maja Strbac


>>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat



>>>>> --- On Tue, 12/9/08, ahimsavm <ahimsans (AT) nadlanu (DOT) com> wrote:

>>>>> ahimsavm <ahimsans (AT) nadlanu (DOT) com>

>>>>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Choosing gemstone on divisonal

>>>>> charts ?


>>>>> Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 5:08 PM


>>>>> Om Namah Shivaya,

>>>>> Dear Maja,

>>>>> Unfortunatelly, you are not correct. Gemstone of the favourable

>>>>> planet in 5th house in Dashamsa, or 5th lord in dashamsa,

> provided

>>>>> it is well placed and good for Rashi Chart, is the biggest

> blessing

>>>>> one can have to enhance wealth. To avoid further questioning of

> some

>>>>> list members where I got it from- From Sanjay teaching me

> dashamsa,

>>>>> each house,planets in each house, yogas, devatas, dig chakra in

> the

>>>>> minutest detail, many years back. I taught some of it on West

> Coast

>>>>> Conference in California, USA in 2005.

>>>>> Best wishes

>>>>> Zoran Radosavljevic

>>>>> www.siva-info. edu

>>>>> www.ahimsazr1. wordpress. com


>>>>>> Om Gurave Namah


>>>>>> Dear Chandan, Namaste


>>>>>> Last what I was reading about Gemstones was that we should use

>>>>> Rasi chart (D1) and Somanatha Drekana only when choosing it. I

> could

>>>>> be wrong, maybe one more divisional chart should be added to

> this

>>>>> list, but I am sure it is not D10.


>>>>>> Where is the end once when you start remedying each divisional

>>>>> chart? " Fix up " one and you can " damage " at least 5 other

>>>>> divisional charts. This is not a procedure for choosing

> Gemstones.


>>>>>> P.S. I am looking at your chart right now. You were thinking

> of

>>>>> Diamond… You know… that crowd in your 7th bhava, you need

>>>>> something to cancel its results somehow. I don't think that

>>>>> strengthening any of those Grahas is a smart move (unless...

> this is

>>>>> what you want from life). Can you guess why?


>>>>>> Regards,

>>>>>> Maja Strbac


>>>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat



>>>>>> --- On Mon, 12/8/08, Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix@ ..> wrote:


>>>>>> Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix@ ..>

>>>>>> [Om Krishna Guru] Choosing gemstone on divisonal

> charts ?


>>>>>> Monday, December 8, 2008, 1:25 AM








>>>>>> ||Aum namo bhagwate narasimhaya| |


>>>>>> dear all ,


>>>>>> what is to be done is a graha being a yogakarka in d-10 is a

>>>>> functional maleifc in rasi chart ? how is the gemstone to be

> worn

>>>>> then ?


>>>>>> pls advise ....


>>>>>> regards,

>>>>>> Chandan S Sabarwal.





>>>>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com

>>>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.16/1840 - Release

> Date:

>>>>> 2008-12-09 16:53











> ---


> ~ om tat sat ~

> Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

> Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

> (2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said

> that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.

> (3) Practice charity in thought and deed - do one free chart

> reading today

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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Chandan, Namaste


(Me jumping in again... :)


Point of this whole thread is that choice of a gemstone should start with Rasi chart, not with divisional chart. ;)


What is Sukra in your Rasi chart? Check lordships, placement and yogas for this Graha in Rasi chart. How does it seem? If you get to "Great!" answer (and this is not the answer you will get if you ask me) only then jump to D10 where it is favorable.


Why don't you write your birth data here on the list? Partial info about your chart can not be enough for making a choice which Gem you should wear.


P.S. So far the only Graha in your Rasi chart which I would advice you to strengthen it with Gem is Chandra. (Especially because Mangal placed in 9th bhava) I would love to check this choice with Gurus included in this thread if you decide to post your birth data.


Yet some divisional charts make this choice as less favorable.



Maja Strbac


Hari Om Tat Sat





--- On Fri, 12/12/08, Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix wrote:

Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix[Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ? Date: Friday, December 12, 2008, 2:34 AM




||aum namah shivaya||


dear visti,



so this means that i could possibly wear a gemstone which is yogakaraka for my d-10 and maraka for my Rasi chart , but merely by infusing it with the relevaent gayatri from the rig deva , coupled with the best muhurta , gives no physical side effects @ all ....


after infusing it with the relevant gayatri , would still the placement from AL be need to considered ? or , the gem stone just becomes completely harmless.... ?


humble regards,

chandan s sabarwal.

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Dear Maja and Swee


I am getting a little confused with things.. can you please clarify this.. if a planet is bad and malefic.. as remedy we should do the following


1) Do pujas for the deity of the planet, like Shani Narayan?


2) Do homas and offer the metal ruled by the planet in the fire? Like mars - red chandan?


3) Now what should be done with gem, wear it or donate it?


Thanks and appreciate your clarifications.






The upsurge (of consciousness) is Bhairava - Shiva Sutra--- On Fri, 12/12/08, Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro wrote:

Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastroRe: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ? Date: Friday, 12 December, 2008, 4:35 PM








Om Gurave Namah


Dear Chandan, Namaste


(Me jumping in again... :)


Point of this whole thread is that choice of a gemstone should start with Rasi chart, not with divisional chart. ;)


What is Sukra in your Rasi chart? Check lordships, placement and yogas for this Graha in Rasi chart. How does it seem? If you get to "Great!" answer (and this is not the answer you will get if you ask me) only then jump to D10 where it is favorable.


Why don't you write your birth data here on the list? Partial info about your chart can not be enough for making a choice which Gem you should wear.


P.S. So far the only Graha in your Rasi chart which I would advice you to strengthen it with Gem is Chandra. (Especially because Mangal placed in 9th bhava) I would love to check this choice with Gurus included in this thread if you decide to post your birth data.


Yet some divisional charts make this choice as less favorable.



Maja Strbac


Hari Om Tat Sat





--- On Fri, 12/12/08, Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT) com>[Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?Friday, December 12, 2008, 2:34 AM




||aum namah shivaya||


dear visti,



so this means that i could possibly wear a gemstone which is yogakaraka for my d-10 and maraka for my Rasi chart , but merely by infusing it with the relevaent gayatri from the rig deva , coupled with the best muhurta , gives no physical side effects @ all ....


after infusing it with the relevant gayatri , would still the placement from AL be need to considered ? or , the gem stone just becomes completely harmless.... ?


humble regards,

chandan s sabarwal.

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visti jipranamwhat is the meaning of jiva nayasa.--- On Thu, 11/12/08, Visti Larsen <visti wrote:Visti Larsen <vistiRe: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ? Date: Thursday, 11 December, 2008, 7:40 PM



हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£

Dear Chandan, Namaskar.

Actually performing Jeeva Nyasa to a gemstone makes it harmless. This

is recommended by Orissa Jyotishis.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

------------ --------- --------- --------- ----

www: http://srigaruda. com

@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com



chandan486 skrev:



||Aum namah shivaya||


Dear Rafal,



So , this means that imbibing a gem with gayatri from Rig Veda makes

it harmless ?? (physically atleast !)



chandan s sabarwal.



Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ ...>



> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

> Dear Maja, Namaskar


> 2.


> Somanatha drekkana is for ojas, health and sexuality, if youll


> gem of 2L you can destroy the marriage.


> First I see the favourable gems based on Rasi THEN I go to

divisions and

> if there are problems I leave the choice for the client and advise



> procedure of imbimbing the gem with gayatri from Rgveda.


> Regards,

> Rafal Gendarz

> ------------ --------- --------

> http://rohinaa. com

> rafal



> Maja S(trbac pisze:

> >

> > Om Gurave Namah

> >

> > Dear Rafal, Namaste

> >

> > OK... can you please finish that last sentence with:

> >

> > 1) ...as favorable choice of planets

> > 2) ...to avoid these planets

> >

> > Whichever one is correct (I suppose "2").

> >

> > If these bhavas are empty, then can we ignore Somanath


> >

> > Warm Regards,

> > Maja Strbac

> >

> > Hari Om Tat Sat

> >

> >

> > --- On *Wed, 12/10/08, Rafal Gendarz /<starsuponme@ ...>/*


> >

> > Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ ...>

> > Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on


> > charts ?

> >

> > Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 2:21 AM

> >

> > *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

> > Dear Maja , Namaskar

> >

> > I cant comment its wrong but its new to me. Usually we see


> > in 2,6,8.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Rafal Gendarz

> > ------------ --------- --------

> > http://rohinaa.


> > rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Maja S(trbac pisze:

> >> Om Gurave Namah

> >>

> >> Dear Rafal, Namaste

> >>

> >> My logic was that Graha corresponding to chosen Gemstone


> >> not be inimical towards LL in Somanath Drekana, and that


> >> should not be Graha lording 2nd bhava in Somanatha



> >> will survive if you say "your logic is bad" :) I give you



> >> light to use this phrase :) No hard feelings)

> >>

> >> Warm Regards,

> >> Maja Strbac

> >>

> >> Hari Om Tat Sat

> >>

> >>

> >> --- On *Wed, 12/10/08, Maja S(trbac /<majastrbacastro@

> >> >/* wrote:

> >>

> >> Maja S(trbac <majastrbacastro@ >

> >> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on

> >> divisonal charts ?

> >>

> >> Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 1:00 AM

> >>

> >> Om Gurave Namah

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Dear Rafal, Namaste

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> (What would I do without you guys?)

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> You are right. I just checked again email sent by Branka

> >> Larsen (on Serbian list, no point in giving you a link I

> >> suppose :) where she was mentioning Somanath Drekana and

> >> true, she never mentioned 2nd bhava when choosing a


> >> I think I only mixed up few points I have learned about


> >> divisional chart separately from Gemstones... this is

> >> funny... until few minutes ago I could swear that I read


> >> in that email.

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Are you in a mood for a few replies?

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Warm Regards,

> >>

> >> Maja Strbac

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Hari Om Tat Sat

> >>

> >> --- On *Tue, 12/9/08, Rafal Gendarz /<starsuponme@


> >> wrote:

> >>

> >> Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl>

> >> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone


> >> divisonal charts ?

> >>

> >> Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 11:46 AM

> >>

> >> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

> >> Dear Maja, Namaskar

> >>

> >> I was taught about bhavas in Somanath drekkana not

to see

> >> sambandha of 2L - where does it come from please?

> >>

> >>

> >> Regards,

> >> Rafal Gendarz

> >> ------------ --------- --------

> >> http://rohinaa.


> >> rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com

> >>

> >>

> >> Maja S(trbac pisze:

> >>> Om Gurave Namah

> >>>

> >>> Dear Chandan, Namaste

> >>>

> >>> As long as Graha corresponding to chosen Gemstone

is not

> >>> inimical towards Somanath Drekana Lagna lord, it is

> >>> quite OK. That was for divisional charts. (BTW be

> >>> careful and avoid lord of 2nd bhava in this


> >>> chart)

> >>>

> >>> Yes, Arudhas... that is Rasi chart also, where we


> >>> all Dosas usually ;)

> >>>

> >>> So, you want to wear Gemstone for AK under curse

> >>> involved in Pravraja Yoga in 7th bhava. That is


> >>> Until August next year? OK... (Oh... and it is in


> >>> from AL )

> >>>

> >>> Man, but why are you choosing remedies for your own


> >>>

> >>> Regards,

> >>> Maja Strbac

> >>>

> >>> Hari Om Tat Sat

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> --- On *Tue, 12/9/08, Chandan Ssabarwal

> >>> /<wavelogix@ gmail. com>/* wrote:

> >>>

> >>> Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT) com>

> >>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing

gemstone on

> >>> divisonal charts ?

> >>>

> >>> Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 2:16 AM

> >>>

> >>> ||Aum namo bhagwate narasimhaya| |

> >>>

> >>> hey maja ,

> >>>

> >>> I was just trying to learn new ways , and


> >>> see if @ all gemstones are possible even when


> >>> and d-10 lagna's are inmical to each other !

> >>>

> >>> hwoever , i realized last night the IMPORTANCE


> >>> using gemstones from Arudha Lagna , as it is


> >>> manifests !

> >>>

> >>> i still remember , about you recommendation to

> >>> remove the yellow sapphire im wearing , and yes


> >>> will .. but i forgot to tell you , right now


> >>> Rahu AD , so maybe just until then :)

> >>>

> >>> also i have realized . gemstones are nt

everything ...

> >>>

> >>> mantras done with discipline and dedication are


> >>> very superior !

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> humble regards,

> >>> chandan s sabarwal.

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ----

------------ --------

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com

> >>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.15/1839 -

Release 2008-12-09 09:59

> >>>

> >>>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> >>

> >>

> >>

> >> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com

> >> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.16/1840 -


2008-12-09 16:53

> >>

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -


> >

> >

> >

> > Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com

> > Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.16/1840 - Release


2008-12-09 16:53

> >

> >







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om namo bhagavate narasimhaya

Dear Swee , Namaskar


Normally we associate Rahu with Badhaka concept, can you clarify?




Rafal Gendarz









Swee Chan pisze:


Jaya Jagannatha

Dear Chandan,


You have not quite understood the power of gemstones.

Let's put it this way: Mantras, homa, charity etc all go hand in hand - especially if you are delegating planetary energy of the plenary portions of the devarishis (YES, they all had to become Kalenemi's children, some plenary portions took birth as Hiranyaksha and Prahlad etc.,), herbal baths are also included with the kavaca of the deity. For example, if you are doing this to quell Sun's malfeasance, it is best to elect a day which is normally the first Sunday from Sun's entry into a sign and continue with the puja, bath etc., for seven consecutive Sundays. Since I have always followed the path that it is puja, yagna, anusthan, chairty first and not offer the prayer and hope that this has sufficiently quelled the deity's wrath towards you and then you proceed to wear the gemstone that has his guardianship.

It took Shukra another lifetime to be given the Sanjivani mantra by Lord Shiva after Shukra installed the Ruby linga. It was while Shukra was extolling Him, that Lord Shiva recalled the Ruby installation and awarded Shukra with the mantra.

See, everything goes hand in hand. Choice is from Rasi in strength and the rest follow out of the 10 charts under assessment.



On 12 Dec 2008, at 12:42, chandan486 wrote:



||aum namah shivaya||

dear swee,


things starting to make more sense now ! i swear im not going to go

by those silly lagna lord , 5th lord , 9th lord rules from now on !

the mantras have soo much power ! why not simply choose a gemstones

thats most essential , for the most essential varga or rasi , simply

infuse the right mantra and let the gemstone do its work !!

humble regaards and thanks to everyone for all their time and

patience ,

chandan s sabarwal.

, Swee Chan <swee wrote:



Jaya Jagannatha

Dear Maja,


For a Mars that will cause malfeasance, then offer red sandalwood

into the fire (homa), bathe with pieces of red sandalwood (can be

purchased from the Gov't house close to Connaught Place, New Delhi)

Else you can offer oblations, mantras and present this with






etc pertaining to the planet.

If Mars is your ascendant lord and it is well placed, is the






has good vaiseshikamsa, the Red Coral, the size of a gunga berry,






in colour can bring so much wealth. The seed of this must have






taken by the yaksas :))

Badhakesh works like Saturn. If Saturn is your badhakesh - Taurus






Aries lagna and the planet is well placed, in strength, happy at






places in the vargas, why not? But the criterion is more like if

Saturn is placed in the 2nd from UL and not that Saturn is the


A beautiful flawless Sapphire keeps Yama at bay, as BS is said to

have formed from Bala asura's eyes (Sun + Moon), also said to be






possession by Lord Jagannath whose BS is so mesmerising that one






ever sees it, will forever keep Yama at bay. This reminds me of






Paramahasa Yogananda's story....



On 11 Dec 2008, at 18:26, Maja Štrbac wrote:



Om Gurave Namah

Dear Swee, Namaste

(I am terrible... you of all people here... I skipped to write








this one:


I could spend a whole week asking questions inspired by your








These comments and questions came out after reading your email

twice (there is more where it came from):

Big fuss about natural malefics? I don't know... It is not scary








all to wear a Red Coral for Mangal, as I had the chance to read

advices here. But there is another dilemma. Blue Sapphire is for

Sani? Well... it is kind of "nor boy or a girl" as I was reading

here on the list for months back.

Then one list member included with (can't remember his name, I








hope he will be able to forgive me if he is reading this): "I am

happily wearing Blue Sapphire, and Sani is badhakesh in my








This advice was given by Sanjay Rath"

I was like... "WHAT???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (not because of








that it is badhakesh).Then he added "I am also happily married"

Then I was speechless... (******MUTE******)

That is the only big fuss I would raise over this natural








Any comment?

(This is not working like this. I will write rest there bellow








adding some pink font to your email.)

Thank you so much for including with your sweets, treats and









Warm Regards,

Maja Strbac

Hari Om Tat Sat

--- On Wed, 12/10/08, Swee Chan <swee wrote:

Swee Chan <swee

Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Choosing gemstone on divisonal




charts ?





Cc: sohamsa , "" <SJC-




Africa >




Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 10:43 AM

Jaya Jagannatha

Dear Maja,


What if malefic in 12th from Karakamsa is Ishta Devata?

Does it matter? A gemstone like the shaligramas i.e., ammolite,

garnet, or agatised gems or that of petrified wood in the Garuda

Stambha at Jagannatha Puri are all duly worshipped.

I don't understand what the big fuss is if the lord of a good








in rasi is well positioned, is exalted of in MT or svakshetra








overall counts of sitting on the Lion's throne (simhasana) out








ten vargas, regardless if it is a natural malefic.

Bala asura's body turned into seeds of gems because he offered

penances for a hundred years - ( I am sure these are not human

years) and all these seeds are taken over by the devas, yakshas








Kubera and his family), the siddhas also took seeds for their

meditation, the gandharvas too (yes, even a musician can








Ravana vied with the Sun and the Sun managed to take hold of the

seed of the Ruby - which was my question. Bala asura's blood

(denoted by Moon) is presided over by the Sun.

Why Somanath Drekkana???? (I seriously thought this is reserved








looking at a lady's sexuality). Surely it must be the Somanath

Navamsa???? You used "I thought" as past tense, or this is what








still think? I don't quite understand "Somanath Navamsa"?

A snap view of a lady's suffering can also be assessed between








lagna (rasi) and the trimsamsa lagna.

We did this mid year in Almora on health issues. Ojas controls

one's longevity. My AK is Moon in the 4th in S.N. - I loathe








and yet it is suppose to be good for replenishing my ojas. (So








guys finally managed to agree somehow that Moon is for salt some

few months ago :)

I have worn the Pearl - (its rubbed off its luster onto me ;-)).








the simplistic assessment is the 12th from AK, what's my Istha

devata? Care to explain anyone? Despite this, Krsna's name is on








lips whenever, daily...It is said that when one offers devotion,

worship, homa and give in alms the items pertaining to that








(gross level), and the mind is rid of misshapen thoughts , the

person naturally will be blessed with all because of the








aura he/she emits - Padma P. I can not agree more.

Someone asked about AK - I don't see why not. I have








prescribed an emerald for a person whom at the time rose to








and made so much (multi million $) and his projects are now even

bigger despite the global meltdown.

Lovely... you are mentioning "AK, I don't see why not" together

with "Recommended Emerald". Well, this curious Bu AK would like








ask you "What was that big fuss about AK being a "NO, NO!" for

choosing a Gemstone? Would you really warmly recommend AK Gem if

position in chart is favorable? Why?

BTW is Jade for Mercury? (I adore it… love it... )

It is certain that you have had the punya from many past lives








be able to own these gemstones. Even just owning them - not

adorning them. This brings to mind about the gemstone will do

injustices if chosen wrongly as each of these gemstones








the potency of the diamond - it has been said that even a speck








diamond has the guardianship, even the abode of a deity. What








Garuda P does not say is that each gem requires prana pratishta

before adorning it or after owning it (since you've tried it out

under your pillow) and you invite the deity a haven in that gem.

Yes... first time when I have heard that simple entering in








store, buying a ring with Gemstone and placing it on finger








not even 5% of a remedy, I was totally thrilled that there is








to it.

Trying out a gem under your pillow

It's pretty clear the description concerns the dark bluish grey

star sapphire and not a clear faceted blue sapphire whose








colour is the cornflower/cobalt blue and one that has the








of Indra's thunderbolt. Talking about which, I wear the Blue

Sapphire (badhakesh) and also own and have adorned the quadruple

blue aquamarine. Flawless enough to house good energy ;-) Each








them gives me effects in their own right.

Up there I asked you that "nor boy or a girl Q" :) It is a








color, true!

If one has had to face the wrath of a deity due to past








that person would be born blind, a pauper, childless etc. Agree?

Well there are many forms of suffering due to past demerits. How

about having it all... except peace of mind. You know, here they

often say that terrible curse is not lacking with something your

whole life. Worse is to have it and then lose it. Someone born

blind... is not aware of what he/she is missing.

[You have just reminded me to ask you one question I had on my








for some time.

[What is the difference between using Pancha, Sapta and








Ratna when choosing a Gemstone?]

In the Puranas I have only come across the Nine which are used








the Siva-Shakti pujas and Ganesa pujas. The colours of the

gemstones pertaining to the shaktis are dependent on their type








energy - blue for vashikaran etc. - (can't go further than








Okie... :)

For the one with the 5 gems, Parasara Maharsi have also








this especially used for person born during Amavasya to pacify

ancestors who may pass on their punya and not completely take








entire family to the streets, leaving them homeless and








These 5 gems are to be used in conjunction with the 100 types of

herbs (for the Sun's yagna and bath, the herbs are different).

Jamadagni is the rishi over the 52 types of manis (herbs that








so portent, they are also classed as "gems/mani") - ref








Sorry, haven't as yet come across the sapta. pint me in that

direction and I shall try and dig it up for you.

As a matter of fact, wow, I do have one reference there on my

bookshelf. Wow, one and only :) :):) I read this in "Vedic

Remedies" page 274. You know, this book is alpha and omega of








I have available as reference for Gemstones at the moment.

Incidentally, the Skanda P has an account of offering a gold

bracelet by throwing this into a lake. Heard of this before?

Wherefrom dear Swee? Where from could I have... No. Sadly I did










On 10 Dec 2008, at 18:01, Maja Štrbac wrote:



Om Gurave Namah

Dear Rafal, Namaste

All what you have mentioned here, is there imperative to avoid










(What if malefic in 12th from Karakamsa is Ishta Devata?)

Warm Regards,

Maja Strbac

Hari Om Tat Sat

--- On Wed, 12/10/08, Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl> wrote:

Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl>

Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Choosing gemstone on divisonal

charts ?


Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 2:22 AM

om namo bhagavate narasimhaya

Dear Maja, Namaskar

What if its Lagnesh of D30, or 8L in D10, or malefic in 12H










Navamsa Lagna or Karakaamsa, or Mangal aspecting or occupying

sixth/tenth in d7. There are many factors.


Rafal Gendarz

------------ --------- --------

http://rohinaa. com

rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com

Maja Štrbac pisze:



Om Gurave Namah

Dear Zoran, Namaste

(Again... what would I do without you guys? :)

This is just guessing, so please correct me if I am wrong.

When choosing Gemstones most important starting (and final)












is Rasi chart. We can not satisfy all divisional charts with












Gemstone, correct? Somantha Drekana being important for Ratna

makes sense, because Ratna is related to Chandra. As I know












attention when observing this divisional chart should be on

Chandra and Sukra. Level of Ojas, which is very important for

health, corresponds to Jala Tatva (Chandra and Sukra). I

understand logic used here.

If carefully chosen Gemstone which fits to both Rasi chart and

Somanatha Drekana by some lucky coincidence fits to 5th bhava












D10, than it is just lucky coincidence not imperative. Am I













Warm Regards,

Maja Strbac

Hari Om Tat Sat

--- On Tue, 12/9/08, ahimsavm <ahimsans (AT) nadlanu (DOT) com> wrote:

ahimsavm <ahimsans (AT) nadlanu (DOT) com>

Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Choosing gemstone on divisonal

charts ?


Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 5:08 PM

Om Namah Shivaya,

Dear Maja,

Unfortunatelly, you are not correct. Gemstone of the favourable

planet in 5th house in Dashamsa, or 5th lord in dashamsa,












it is well placed and good for Rashi Chart, is the biggest












one can have to enhance wealth. To avoid further questioning of












list members where I got it from- From Sanjay teaching me












each house,planets in each house, yogas, devatas, dig chakra in












minutest detail, many years back. I taught some of it on West












Conference in California, USA in 2005.

Best wishes

Zoran Radosavljevic

www.siva-info. edu

www.ahimsazr1. wordpress. com



Om Gurave Namah

Dear Chandan, Namaste

Last what I was reading about Gemstones was that we should use



Rasi chart (D1) and Somanatha Drekana only when choosing it. I












be wrong, maybe one more divisional chart should be added to












list, but I am sure it is not D10.



Where is the end once when you start remedying each divisional



chart? "Fix up" one and you can "damage" at least 5 other

divisional charts. This is not a procedure for choosing













P.S. I am looking at your chart right now. You were thinking













Diamond… You know… that crowd in your 7th bhava, you need

something to cancel its results somehow. I don't think that

strengthening any of those Grahas is a smart move (unless...






this is






what you want from life). Can you guess why?




Maja Strbac

Hari Om Tat Sat

--- On Mon, 12/8/08, Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix@ ..> wrote:

Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix@ ..>

[Om Krishna Guru] Choosing gemstone on divisonal







charts ?








Monday, December 8, 2008, 1:25 AM

||Aum namo bhagwate narasimhaya| |

dear all ,

what is to be done is a graha being a yogakarka in d-10 is a



functional maleifc in rasi chart ? how is the gemstone to be












then ?



pls advise ....


Chandan S Sabarwal.





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2008-12-09 16:53










~ om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.

(3) Practice charity in thought and deed - do one free chart reading today

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||aum namah shivaya||


dear maja,



agreed , wearing pearl for strenghtening the moon in my chart , seems

unfavourable according to some charts !


but i seem to disagree that Pearl is the only gem that i can wear !

Ruby is an excellent choice ,both by Lagna Lordship and AL placement.


Also , considering the placement of Jupiter from AL , Yellow

Sapphrire may seem a no no !!! how ever it is a MUST To break the

placement of Ketu in 9H and Rahu permanent influcence on 9H . so i

wear a yellow sapphire with the jeeva nyasa , and it has sincerely

opened up my bhagya !


Red coral i will not wear (i hate tamasic energy !!).


humble regards,

Chandan S Sabarwal


PS - birth details for those curious !

place - calcutta , west bengal , india

time - 17:44:39 sec

date - 1 nov 1982


, Maja Å trbac

<majastrbacastro wrote:


> Om Gurave Namah


> Dear Chandan, Namaste


> (Me jumping in again... :)


> Point of this whole thread is that choice of a gemstone should

start with Rasi chart, not with divisional chart. ;)


> What is Sukra in your Rasi chart? Check lordships, placement and

yogas for this Graha in Rasi chart. How does it seem? If you get

to " Great! " answer (and this is not the answer you will get if you

ask me) only then jump to D10 where it is favorable.


> Why don't you write your birth data here on the list? Partial info

about your chart can not be enough for making a choice which Gem you

should wear.


> P.S. So far the only Graha in your Rasi chart which I would advice

you to strengthen it with Gem is Chandra. (Especially because Mangal

placed in 9th bhava) I would love to check this choice with Gurus

included in this thread if you decide to post your birth data.


> Yet some divisional charts make this choice as less favorable.


> Regards,

> Maja Strbac


> Hari Om Tat Sat







> --- On Fri, 12/12/08, Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix wrote:


> Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix

> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal

charts ?


> Friday, December 12, 2008, 2:34 AM


||aum namah shivaya||


> dear visti,

> namaste.


> so this means that i could possibly wear a gemstone which is

yogakaraka for my d-10 and maraka for my Rasi chart , but merely by

infusing it with the relevaent gayatri from the rig deva , coupled

with the best muhurta , gives no physical side effects @ all ....


> after infusing it with the relevant gayatri , would still the

placement from AL be need to considered ? or , the gem stone just

becomes completely harmless.... ?


> humble regards,

> chandan s sabarwal.


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||aum namah shivaya||


dear rajarshi,



If a malefic planet in your rasi chakra (even functional malefics) ,

causes affliction to key benefic planets and somehow weakens key

yogas , the BEST remedy is to

recite the gayatri from the Rig Veda for the specific graha.

These Gayatri's are the most powerful and the most safe !!!


also , if you really want very quick results , i would suggest

chanting them in the Bramha Muhutra (4:00 - 6:00 AM).


forget everything else!


humble regards,

chandan s sabarwal.


, rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14



> Dear Maja and Swee


> I am getting a little confused with things.. can you please clarify

this.. if a planet is bad and malefic.. as remedy we should do the



> 1) Do pujas for the deity of the planet, like Shani Narayan?


> 2) Do homas and offer the metal ruled by the planet in the fire?

Like mars - red chandan?


> 3) Now what should be done with gem, wear it or donate it?


> Thanks and appreciate your clarifications.


> -Regards

>  Rajarshi





> The upsurge (of consciousness) is Bhairava - Shiva Sutra


> --- On Fri, 12/12/08, Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro wrote:


> Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro

> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal

charts ?


> Friday, 12 December, 2008, 4:35 PM






Om Gurave Namah


> Dear Chandan, Namaste


> (Me jumping in again... :)


> Point of this whole thread is that choice of a gemstone should

start with Rasi chart, not with divisional chart. ;)


> What is Sukra in your Rasi chart? Check lordships, placement and

yogas for this Graha in Rasi chart. How does it seem? If you get

to " Great! " answer (and this is not the answer you will get if you

ask me) only then jump to D10 where it is favorable.


> Why don't you write your birth data here on the list? Partial info

about your chart can not be enough for making a choice which Gem you

should wear.


> P.S. So far the only Graha in your Rasi chart which I would advice

you to strengthen it with Gem is Chandra. (Especially because Mangal

placed in 9th bhava) I would love to check this choice with Gurus

included in this thread if you decide to post your birth data.


> Yet some divisional charts make this choice as less favorable.


> Regards,

> Maja Strbac


> Hari Om Tat Sat







> --- On Fri, 12/12/08, Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT) com>



> Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT) com>

> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal

charts ?


> Friday, December 12, 2008, 2:34 AM






> ||aum namah shivaya||


> dear visti,

> namaste.


> so this means that i could possibly wear a gemstone which is

yogakaraka for my d-10 and maraka for my Rasi chart , but merely by

infusing it with the relevaent gayatri from the rig deva , coupled

with the best muhurta , gives no physical side effects @ all ....


> after infusing it with the relevant gayatri , would still the

placement from AL be need to considered ? or , the gem stone just

becomes completely harmless.... ?


> humble regards,

> chandan s sabarwal.










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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Chandan, Namaste


Check the node axis in your chart. Which graha is outside of that axis? Do you know what benefit you can get from this graha?


If Rahu was in 9th Bhava instead of Mangal I would understand choice of Yellow Sapphire.


I still say “I would avoid grahas involved in Pravraja in your chart".


Warm Regards,

Maja Strbac


Hari Om Tat Sat

--- On Fri, 12/12/08, chandan486 <wavelogix wrote:

chandan486 <wavelogix[Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ? Date: Friday, December 12, 2008, 11:10 PM



||aum namah shivaya||dear maja,namaste...agreed , wearing pearl for strenghtening the moon in my chart , seems unfavourable according to some charts !but i seem to disagree that Pearl is the only gem that i can wear !Ruby is an excellent choice ,both by Lagna Lordship and AL placement.Also , considering the placement of Jupiter from AL , Yellow Sapphrire may seem a no no !!! how ever it is a MUST To break the placement of Ketu in 9H and Rahu permanent influcence on 9H . so i wear a yellow sapphire with the jeeva nyasa , and it has sincerely opened up my bhagya !Red coral i will not wear (i hate tamasic energy !!).humble regards,Chandan S SabarwalPS - birth details for those curious !place - calcutta , west bengal , indiatime - 17:44:39 secdate - 1 nov 1982, Maja Štrbac <majastrbacastro@ ...> wrote:>> Om Gurave Namah>  > Dear Chandan, Namaste>  > (Me jumping in again... :)>  > Point of this whole thread is that choice of a gemstone should start with Rasi chart, not with divisional chart. ;)>  > What is Sukra in your Rasi chart? Check lordships, placement and yogas for this Graha in Rasi chart. How does it seem? If you get to "Great!" answer (and this is not the answer you will get if you ask me) only then jump to D10 where it is favorable.>  > Why don't you write your birth data here on the list? Partial info about your chart can not be enough for making a choice which Gem you should wear.>  > P.S. So far the only Graha in your Rasi chart which I would advice you to

strengthen it with Gem is Chandra. (Especially because Mangal placed in 9th bhava) I would love to check this choice with Gurus included in this thread if you decide to post your birth data.> Â > Yet some divisional charts make this choice as less favorable.> Â > Regards,> Maja Strbac> Â > Hari Om Tat Sat> > Â > Â > Â > > > --- On Fri, 12/12/08, Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix@. ..> wrote:> > Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix@. ..>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?> > Friday, December 12, 2008, 2:34 AM> > > > > > > > ||aum namah shivaya||>

 > dear visti,> namaste.>  > so this means that i could possibly wear a gemstone which is yogakaraka for my d-10 and maraka for my Rasi chart , but merely by infusing it with the relevaent gayatri from the rig deva , coupled with the best muhurta , gives no physical side effects @ all ....>  > after infusing it with the relevant gayatri , would still the placement from AL be need to considered ? or , the gem stone just becomes completely harmless.... ?>  > humble regards,> chandan s sabarwal.>

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Om Gurave Namah

Dear Chandan, Namaste


Oh, I would wear Red Coral. At least for some period of my life. These are my birth data, so check it out why :)


DOB: 05th of December 1982

TOB: 01:15 AM

POB: 17 E 48; 43 N 20

Time zone 01 hour East of GMT


Even though it lords my 8th and 3rd bhava.


Though I think that there is a substitute for Red Coral which we advice to girls. I am sure I was reading something like this in one of Visti's articles (which is not about gemstones, but there is one female chart example and this advice was mentioned). Red Coral or substitute, whichever, I would wear Gemstone for Mangal. I don’t think I would get tamastic effects of Mangal since it is very well placed in my chart. I would get only the best out of it.


I don't think that Gemstone can bring you tamastic effects the way you imagine it, since it is purest crystal structure possible. The only problem is if Graha is badly placed in chart.


But for your chart... Mangal is a "No No". Can you guess why?


Warm Regards,

Maja Strbac


Hari Om Tat Sat


--- On Fri, 12/12/08, chandan486 <wavelogix wrote:

chandan486 <wavelogix[Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ? Date: Friday, December 12, 2008, 11:10 PM



||aum namah shivaya||dear maja,namaste...agreed , wearing pearl for strenghtening the moon in my chart , seems unfavourable according to some charts !but i seem to disagree that Pearl is the only gem that i can wear !Ruby is an excellent choice ,both by Lagna Lordship and AL placement.Also , considering the placement of Jupiter from AL , Yellow Sapphrire may seem a no no !!! how ever it is a MUST To break the placement of Ketu in 9H and Rahu permanent influcence on 9H . so i wear a yellow sapphire with the jeeva nyasa , and it has sincerely opened up my bhagya !Red coral i will not wear (i hate tamasic energy !!).humble regards,Chandan S SabarwalPS - birth details for those curious !place - calcutta , west bengal , indiatime - 17:44:39 secdate - 1 nov 1982, Maja Štrbac <majastrbacastro@ ...> wrote:>> Om Gurave Namah>  > Dear Chandan, Namaste>  > (Me jumping in again... :)>  > Point of this whole thread is that choice of a gemstone should start with Rasi chart, not with divisional chart. ;)>  > What is Sukra in your Rasi chart? Check lordships, placement and yogas for this Graha in Rasi chart. How does it seem? If you get to "Great!" answer (and this is not the answer you will get if you ask me) only then jump to D10 where it is favorable.>  > Why don't you write your birth data here on the list? Partial info about your chart can not be enough for making a choice which Gem you should wear.>  > P.S. So far the only Graha in your Rasi chart which I would advice you to

strengthen it with Gem is Chandra. (Especially because Mangal placed in 9th bhava) I would love to check this choice with Gurus included in this thread if you decide to post your birth data.> Â > Yet some divisional charts make this choice as less favorable.> Â > Regards,> Maja Strbac> Â > Hari Om Tat Sat> > Â > Â > Â > > > --- On Fri, 12/12/08, Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix@. ..> wrote:> > Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix@. ..>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?> > Friday, December 12, 2008, 2:34 AM> > > > > > > > ||aum namah shivaya||>

 > dear visti,> namaste.>  > so this means that i could possibly wear a gemstone which is yogakaraka for my d-10 and maraka for my Rasi chart , but merely by infusing it with the relevaent gayatri from the rig deva , coupled with the best muhurta , gives no physical side effects @ all ....>  > after infusing it with the relevant gayatri , would still the placement from AL be need to considered ? or , the gem stone just becomes completely harmless.... ?>  > humble regards,> chandan s sabarwal.>

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namskar visti ji Where we can find the procedure of jeeva naysa for gem stone..which book or any guidance you can provide in this regard..??regard--- On Thu, 11/12/08, Visti Larsen <visti wrote:Visti Larsen <vistiRe: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ? Date: Thursday, 11 December, 2008, 7:32 PM



हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£

Dear Swee, Namaskar.

Is the gemstone donation advised when it is associated with the 12th

house/upapada or in other scenarios?

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

------------ --------- --------- --------- ----

www: http://srigaruda. com

@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com



Swee Chan skrev:



Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Chandan,



May I? The gayatri suggested by Parasara and in Padma P is to

acknowledge the supreme energy that is causing the malfeasance. It

does not say that by offering the gayatri, it nullifies the

malfeasance of the planet in order that you can wear the gemstone.

In times of strife caused by that planet, the Padma P suggests you

donate that gemstone including other items besides Anusthan and homa

which are all inclusive of quelling the planet's negativity towards

the person.


Crystal clear ;-))?






On 11 Dec 2008, at 10:43, chandan486 wrote:


> ||Aum namah shivaya||


> Dear Rafal,

> Namaste.


> So , this means that imbibing a gem with gayatri from Rig Veda


> it harmless ?? (physically atleast !)


> regards,

> chandan s sabarwal.


> ,

Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ ...>

> wrote:


>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

>> Dear Maja, Namaskar


>> 2.


>> Somanatha drekkana is for ojas, health and sexuality, if youll

> perscribe

>> gem of 2L you can destroy the marriage.


>> First I see the favourable gems based on Rasi THEN I go to

> divisions and

>> if there are problems I leave the choice for the client and


> the

>> procedure of imbimbing the gem with gayatri from Rgveda.


>> Regards,

>> Rafal Gendarz

>> ------------ --------- --------

>> http://rohinaa. com

>> rafal



>> Maja S(trbac pisze:


>>> Om Gurave Namah


>>> Dear Rafal, Namaste


>>> OK... can you please finish that last sentence with:


>>> 1) ...as favorable choice of planets

>>> 2) ...to avoid these planets


>>> Whichever one is correct (I suppose "2").


>>> If these bhavas are empty, then can we ignore Somanath



>>> Warm Regards,

>>> Maja Strbac


>>> Hari Om Tat Sat



>>> --- On *Wed, 12/10/08, Rafal Gendarz /<starsuponme@ ...>/*



>>> Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ ...>

>>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on

> divisonal

>>> charts ?


>>> Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 2:21 AM


>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

>>> Dear Maja , Namaskar


>>> I cant comment its wrong but its new to me. Usually we see

> planets

>>> in 2,6,8.


>>> Regards,

>>> Rafal Gendarz

>>> ------------ --------- --------

>>> http://rohinaa.


>>> rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com






>>> Maja S(trbac pisze:

>>>> Om Gurave Namah


>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaste


>>>> My logic was that Graha corresponding to chosen


> should

>>>> not be inimical towards LL in Somanath Drekana, and

that it

>>>> should not be Graha lording 2nd bhava in Somanatha


> (I

>>>> will survive if you say "your logic is bad" :) I give

you a

> green

>>>> light to use this phrase :) No hard feelings)


>>>> Warm Regards,

>>>> Maja Strbac


>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat



>>>> --- On *Wed, 12/10/08, Maja S(trbac


>>>> >/* wrote:


>>>> Maja S(trbac <majastrbacastro@ >

>>>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on

>>>> divisonal charts ?


>>>> Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 1:00 AM


>>>> Om Gurave Namah




>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaste




>>>> (What would I do without you guys?)




>>>> You are right. I just checked again email sent by


>>>> Larsen (on Serbian list, no point in giving you a link


>>>> suppose :) where she was mentioning Somanath Drekana


>>>> true, she never mentioned 2nd bhava when choosing a

> Gemstone.

>>>> I think I only mixed up few points I have learned about

> this

>>>> divisional chart separately from Gemstones... this is

>>>> funny... until few minutes ago I could swear that I


> it

>>>> in that email.




>>>> Are you in a mood for a few replies?




>>>> Warm Regards,


>>>> Maja Strbac




>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat


>>>> --- On *Tue, 12/9/08, Rafal Gendarz /<starsuponme@

> wp.pl>/*

>>>> wrote:


>>>> Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl>

>>>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone

> on

>>>> divisonal charts ?


>>>> Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 11:46 AM


>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

>>>> Dear Maja, Namaskar


>>>> I was taught about bhavas in Somanath drekkana not

> to see

>>>> sambandha of 2L - where does it come from please?



>>>> Regards,

>>>> Rafal Gendarz

>>>> ------------ --------- --------

>>>> http://rohinaa.


>>>> rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com



>>>> Maja S(trbac pisze:

>>>>> Om Gurave Namah


>>>>> Dear Chandan, Namaste


>>>>> As long as Graha corresponding to chosen Gemstone

> is not

>>>>> inimical towards Somanath Drekana Lagna lord, it is

>>>>> quite OK. That was for divisional charts. (BTW be

>>>>> careful and avoid lord of 2nd bhava in this

> divisional

>>>>> chart)


>>>>> Yes, Arudhas... that is Rasi chart also, where we

> check

>>>>> all Dosas usually ;)


>>>>> So, you want to wear Gemstone for AK under curse

>>>>> involved in Pravraja Yoga in 7th bhava. That is

> brave...

>>>>> Until August next year? OK... (Oh... and it is in


>>>>> from AL )


>>>>> Man, but why are you choosing remedies for your own

> chart?


>>>>> Regards,

>>>>> Maja Strbac


>>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat









>>>>> --- On *Tue, 12/9/08, Chandan Ssabarwal

>>>>> /<wavelogix@ gmail. com>/* wrote:


>>>>> Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT)


>>>>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing

> gemstone on

>>>>> divisonal charts ?


>>>>> Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 2:16 AM


>>>>> ||Aum namo bhagwate narasimhaya| |


>>>>> hey maja ,


>>>>> I was just trying to learn new ways , and

> possibly

>>>>> see if @ all gemstones are possible even when

> rasi

>>>>> and d-10 lagna's are inmical to each other !


>>>>> hwoever , i realized last night the IMPORTANCE

> of

>>>>> using gemstones from Arudha Lagna , as it is

> what

>>>>> manifests !


>>>>> i still remember , about you recommendation to

>>>>> remove the yellow sapphire im wearing , and yes

> i

>>>>> will .. but i forgot to tell you , right now

> running

>>>>> Rahu AD , so maybe just until then :)


>>>>> also i have realized . gemstones are nt

> everything ...


>>>>> mantras done with discipline and dedication are

> also

>>>>> very superior !



>>>>> humble regards,

>>>>> chandan s sabarwal.



>>>>> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ----

> ------------ --------




>>>>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com

>>>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.15/1839 -

> Release 2008-12-09 09:59






>>>> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> -----------




>>>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com

>>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.16/1840 -


> 2008-12-09 16:53






>>> ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

> ------




>>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com

>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.16/1840 - Release


> 2008-12-09 16:53







> ------------ --------- --------- ------


> ~ om tat sat ~

> Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

> Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

> (2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said

> that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.

> (3) Practice charity in thought and deed - do one free chart

> reading today

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Jaya JagannathaDear Rajarshi,NamasteIf a planet regardless if it is natural benefic or not, if it is going to give negative effects according to the conditions mentioned:1. Follow the suggested vedic mantras as in BPHS (Padma also suggests the same mantras). You asked about Sani - sannodevi... from RV2. Do homa of that planet and offer iron into the fire. (according to Yajnavalkya in GP)3. Bathe with the same to include herbs pertaining to the planet (ask your pujari)4. Donate the gem + other items.WHEN to wear it when Saturn is a "functional" benefic in your chart:1. Assess from rasi and the other nine = total 10 divisionals2. If well placed; a natural malefic if placed in trines = well placed and gets vaiseshikamsa and is a yogada = bountyIf when during Saturn's in your chart e.g., when it traverses on your ascendant, 8th or 10th house, propitiate regardless if he has provided for you in the recent past. Just remember Saturn's strength is in the last 3rd portion, so if it is traversing in negative places including the 12th house (soon for Kanya lagna), the time to pay attention is when it is crossing over from Simha to Kanya.love,SweeOn 12 Dec 2008, at 15:39, rajarshi nandy wrote:Dear Maja and Swee I am getting a little confused with things.. can you please clarify this.. if a planet is bad and malefic.. as remedy we should do the following 1) Do pujas for the deity of the planet, like Shani Narayan? 2) Do homas and offer the metal ruled by the planet in the fire? Like mars - red chandan? 3) Now what should be done with gem, wear it or donate it? Thanks and appreciate your clarifications. -Regards Rajarshi The upsurge (of consciousness) is Bhairava - Shiva Sutra--- On Fri, 12/12/08, Maja Štrbac <majastrbacastro wrote:Maja Štrbac <majastrbacastroRe: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ? Date: Friday, 12 December, 2008, 4:35 PMOm Gurave Namah Dear Chandan, Namaste (Me jumping in again... :) Point of this whole thread is that choice of a gemstone should start with Rasi chart, not with divisional chart. ;) What is Sukra in your Rasi chart? Check lordships, placement and yogas for this Graha in Rasi chart. How does it seem? If you get to "Great!" answer (and this is not the answer you will get if you ask me) only then jump to D10 where it is favorable. Why don't you write your birth data here on the list? Partial info about your chart can not be enough for making a choice which Gem you should wear. P.S. So far the only Graha in your Rasi chart which I would advice you to strengthen it with Gem is Chandra. (Especially because Mangal placed in 9th bhava) I would love to check this choice with Gurus included in this thread if you decide to post your birth data. Yet some divisional charts make this choice as less favorable. Regards,Maja Strbac Hari Om Tat Sat   --- On Fri, 12/12/08, Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote:Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT) com>[Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?Friday, December 12, 2008, 2:34 AM||aum namah shivaya|| dear visti,namaste. so this means that i could possibly wear a gemstone which is yogakaraka for my d-10 and maraka for my Rasi chart , but merely by infusing it with the relevaent gayatri from the rig deva , coupled with the best muhurta , gives no physical side effects @ all .... after infusing it with the relevant gayatri , would still the placement from AL be need to considered ? or , the gem stone just becomes completely harmless.... ? humble regards,chandan s sabarwal.Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Invite them now. 

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Jaya JagannathaDear Rafal,Namaste Rahu being Simhika's son is not as tangible a planet as Saturn who is Sun's son. Saturn caused more pain to his father. Since Rahu work much like Saturn, following in someone's footsteps is really the footsteps of that person is it?Who is "we?".love,SweeOn 12 Dec 2008, at 18:42, Rafal Gendarz wrote: om namo bhagavate narasimhaya Dear  Swee , Namaskar Normally we associate Rahu with Badhaka concept, can you clarify? Regards, Rafal Gendarz ----------------------------- http://rohinaa.com rafal Swee Chan pisze: Jaya Jagannatha

Dear Chandan,


You have not quite understood the power of gemstones.

Let's put it this way: Mantras, homa, charity etc all go hand in hand - especially if you are delegating planetary energy of the plenary portions of the devarishis (YES, they all had to become Kalenemi's children, some plenary portions took birth as Hiranyaksha and Prahlad etc.,), herbal baths are also included with the kavaca of the deity. For example, if you are doing this to quell Sun's malfeasance, it is best to elect a day which is normally the first Sunday from Sun's entry into a sign and continue with the puja, bath etc., for seven consecutive Sundays. Since I have always followed the path that it is puja, yagna, anusthan, chairty first and not offer the prayer and hope that this has sufficiently quelled the deity's wrath towards you and then you proceed to wear the gemstone that has his guardianship.

It took Shukra another lifetime to be given the Sanjivani mantra by Lord Shiva after Shukra installed the Ruby linga. It was while Shukra was extolling Him, that Lord Shiva recalled the Ruby installation and awarded Shukra with the mantra.

See, everything goes hand in hand. Choice is from Rasi in strength and the rest follow out of the 10 charts under assessment.



On 12 Dec 2008, at 12:42, chandan486 wrote:

||aum namah shivaya||

dear swee,


things starting to make more sense now ! i swear im not going to go

by those silly lagna lord , 5th lord , 9th lord rules from now on !

the mantras have soo much power ! why not simply choose a gemstones

thats most essential , for the most essential varga or rasi , simply

infuse the right mantra and let the gemstone do its work !!

humble regaards and thanks to everyone for all their time and

patience ,

chandan s sabarwal.

, Swee Chan <swee wrote:

Jaya Jagannatha

Dear Maja,


For a Mars that will cause malfeasance, then offer red sandalwood

into the fire (homa), bathe with pieces of red sandalwood (can be

purchased from the Gov't house close to Connaught Place, New Delhi)

Else you can offer oblations, mantras and present this with


etc pertaining to the planet.

If Mars is your ascendant lord and it is well placed, is the


has good vaiseshikamsa, the Red Coral, the size of a gunga berry,


in colour can bring so much wealth. The seed of this must have


taken by the yaksas :))

Badhakesh works like Saturn. If Saturn is your badhakesh - Taurus


Aries lagna and the planet is well placed, in strength, happy at


places in the vargas, why not? But the criterion is more like if

Saturn is placed in the 2nd from UL and not that Saturn is the


A beautiful flawless Sapphire keeps Yama at bay, as BS is said to

have formed from Bala asura's eyes (Sun + Moon), also said to be


possession by Lord Jagannath whose BS is so mesmerising that one


ever sees it, will forever keep Yama at bay. This reminds me of


Paramahasa Yogananda's story....



On 11 Dec 2008, at 18:26, Maja Štrbac wrote:

Om Gurave Namah

Dear Swee, Namaste

(I am terrible... you of all people here... I skipped to write


this one:


I could spend a whole week asking questions inspired by your


These comments and questions came out after reading your email

twice (there is more where it came from):

Big fuss about natural malefics? I don't know... It is not scary


all to wear a Red Coral for Mangal, as I had the chance to read

advices here. But there is another dilemma. Blue Sapphire is for

Sani? Well... it is kind of "nor boy or a girl" as I was reading

here on the list for months back.

Then one list member included with (can't remember his name, I


hope he will be able to forgive me if he is reading this): "I am

happily wearing Blue Sapphire, and Sani is badhakesh in my


This advice was given by Sanjay Rath"

I was like... "WHAT???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (not because of


that it is badhakesh).Then he added "I am also happily married"

Then I was speechless... (******MUTE******)

That is the only big fuss I would raise over this natural


Any comment?

(This is not working like this. I will write rest there bellow


adding some pink font to your email.)

Thank you so much for including with your sweets, treats and



Warm Regards,

Maja Strbac

Hari Om Tat Sat

--- On Wed, 12/10/08, Swee Chan <swee wrote:

Swee Chan <swee

Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Choosing gemstone on divisonal

charts ?

Cc: sohamsa , "" <SJC-

Africa >

Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 10:43 AM

Jaya Jagannatha

Dear Maja,


What if malefic in 12th from Karakamsa is Ishta Devata?

Does it matter? A gemstone like the shaligramas i.e., ammolite,

garnet, or agatised gems or that of petrified wood in the Garuda

Stambha at Jagannatha Puri are all duly worshipped.

I don't understand what the big fuss is if the lord of a good


in rasi is well positioned, is exalted of in MT or svakshetra


overall counts of sitting on the Lion's throne (simhasana) out


ten vargas, regardless if it is a natural malefic.

Bala asura's body turned into seeds of gems because he offered

penances for a hundred years - ( I am sure these are not human

years) and all these seeds are taken over by the devas, yakshas


Kubera and his family), the siddhas also took seeds for their

meditation, the gandharvas too (yes, even a musician can


Ravana vied with the Sun and the Sun managed to take hold of the

seed of the Ruby - which was my question. Bala asura's blood

(denoted by Moon) is presided over by the Sun.

Why Somanath Drekkana???? (I seriously thought this is reserved


looking at a lady's sexuality). Surely it must be the Somanath

Navamsa???? You used "I thought" as past tense, or this is what


still think? I don't quite understand "Somanath Navamsa"?

A snap view of a lady's suffering can also be assessed between


lagna (rasi) and the trimsamsa lagna.

We did this mid year in Almora on health issues. Ojas controls

one's longevity. My AK is Moon in the 4th in S.N. - I loathe


and yet it is suppose to be good for replenishing my ojas. (So


guys finally managed to agree somehow that Moon is for salt some

few months ago :)

I have worn the Pearl - (its rubbed off its luster onto me ;-)).


the simplistic assessment is the 12th from AK, what's my Istha

devata? Care to explain anyone? Despite this, Krsna's name is on


lips whenever, daily...It is said that when one offers devotion,

worship, homa and give in alms the items pertaining to that


(gross level), and the mind is rid of misshapen thoughts , the

person naturally will be blessed with all because of the


aura he/she emits - Padma P. I can not agree more.

Someone asked about AK - I don't see why not. I have


prescribed an emerald for a person whom at the time rose to


and made so much (multi million $) and his projects are now even

bigger despite the global meltdown.

Lovely... you are mentioning "AK, I don't see why not" together

with "Recommended Emerald". Well, this curious Bu AK would like


ask you "What was that big fuss about AK being a "NO, NO!" for

choosing a Gemstone? Would you really warmly recommend AK Gem if

position in chart is favorable? Why?

BTW is Jade for Mercury? (I adore it… love it... )

It is certain that you have had the punya from many past lives


be able to own these gemstones. Even just owning them - not

adorning them. This brings to mind about the gemstone will do

injustices if chosen wrongly as each of these gemstones


the potency of the diamond - it has been said that even a speck


diamond has the guardianship, even the abode of a deity. What


Garuda P does not say is that each gem requires prana pratishta

before adorning it or after owning it (since you've tried it out

under your pillow) and you invite the deity a haven in that gem.

Yes... first time when I have heard that simple entering in


store, buying a ring with Gemstone and placing it on finger


not even 5% of a remedy, I was totally thrilled that there is


to it.

Trying out a gem under your pillow

It's pretty clear the description concerns the dark bluish grey

star sapphire and not a clear faceted blue sapphire whose


colour is the cornflower/cobalt blue and one that has the


of Indra's thunderbolt. Talking about which, I wear the Blue

Sapphire (badhakesh) and also own and have adorned the quadruple

blue aquamarine. Flawless enough to house good energy ;-) Each


them gives me effects in their own right.

Up there I asked you that "nor boy or a girl Q" :) It is a


color, true!

If one has had to face the wrath of a deity due to past


that person would be born blind, a pauper, childless etc. Agree?

Well there are many forms of suffering due to past demerits. How

about having it all... except peace of mind. You know, here they

often say that terrible curse is not lacking with something your

whole life. Worse is to have it and then lose it. Someone born

blind... is not aware of what he/she is missing.

[You have just reminded me to ask you one question I had on my


for some time.

[What is the difference between using Pancha, Sapta and


Ratna when choosing a Gemstone?]

In the Puranas I have only come across the Nine which are used


the Siva-Shakti pujas and Ganesa pujas. The colours of the

gemstones pertaining to the shaktis are dependent on their type


energy - blue for vashikaran etc. - (can't go further than


Okie... :)

For the one with the 5 gems, Parasara Maharsi have also


this especially used for person born during Amavasya to pacify

ancestors who may pass on their punya and not completely take


entire family to the streets, leaving them homeless and


These 5 gems are to be used in conjunction with the 100 types of

herbs (for the Sun's yagna and bath, the herbs are different).

Jamadagni is the rishi over the 52 types of manis (herbs that


so portent, they are also classed as "gems/mani") - ref


Sorry, haven't as yet come across the sapta. pint me in that

direction and I shall try and dig it up for you.

As a matter of fact, wow, I do have one reference there on my

bookshelf. Wow, one and only :) :):) I read this in "Vedic

Remedies" page 274. You know, this book is alpha and omega of


I have available as reference for Gemstones at the moment.

Incidentally, the Skanda P has an account of offering a gold

bracelet by throwing this into a lake. Heard of this before?

Wherefrom dear Swee? Where from could I have... No. Sadly I did




On 10 Dec 2008, at 18:01, Maja Štrbac wrote:

Om Gurave Namah

Dear Rafal, Namaste

All what you have mentioned here, is there imperative to avoid


(What if malefic in 12th from Karakamsa is Ishta Devata?)

Warm Regards,

Maja Strbac

Hari Om Tat Sat

--- On Wed, 12/10/08, Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl> wrote:

Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl>

Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Choosing gemstone on divisonal

charts ?


Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 2:22 AM

om namo bhagavate narasimhaya

Dear Maja, Namaskar

What if its Lagnesh of D30, or 8L in D10, or malefic in 12H


Navamsa Lagna or Karakaamsa, or Mangal aspecting or occupying

sixth/tenth in d7. There are many factors.


Rafal Gendarz

------------ --------- --------

http://rohinaa. com

rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com

Maja Štrbac pisze:

Om Gurave Namah

Dear Zoran, Namaste

(Again... what would I do without you guys? :)

This is just guessing, so please correct me if I am wrong.

When choosing Gemstones most important starting (and final)


is Rasi chart. We can not satisfy all divisional charts with


Gemstone, correct? Somantha Drekana being important for Ratna

makes sense, because Ratna is related to Chandra. As I know


attention when observing this divisional chart should be on

Chandra and Sukra. Level of Ojas, which is very important for

health, corresponds to Jala Tatva (Chandra and Sukra). I

understand logic used here.

If carefully chosen Gemstone which fits to both Rasi chart and

Somanatha Drekana by some lucky coincidence fits to 5th bhava


D10, than it is just lucky coincidence not imperative. Am I



Warm Regards,

Maja Strbac

Hari Om Tat Sat

--- On Tue, 12/9/08, ahimsavm <ahimsans (AT) nadlanu (DOT) com> wrote:

ahimsavm <ahimsans (AT) nadlanu (DOT) com>

Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Choosing gemstone on divisonal

charts ?


Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 5:08 PM

Om Namah Shivaya,

Dear Maja,

Unfortunatelly, you are not correct. Gemstone of the favourable

planet in 5th house in Dashamsa, or 5th lord in dashamsa,


it is well placed and good for Rashi Chart, is the biggest


one can have to enhance wealth. To avoid further questioning of


list members where I got it from- From Sanjay teaching me


each house,planets in each house, yogas, devatas, dig chakra in


minutest detail, many years back. I taught some of it on West


Conference in California, USA in 2005.

Best wishes

Zoran Radosavljevic

www.siva-info. edu

www.ahimsazr1. wordpress. com

Om Gurave Namah

Dear Chandan, Namaste

Last what I was reading about Gemstones was that we should use

Rasi chart (D1) and Somanatha Drekana only when choosing it. I


be wrong, maybe one more divisional chart should be added to


list, but I am sure it is not D10.

Where is the end once when you start remedying each divisional

chart? "Fix up" one and you can "damage" at least 5 other

divisional charts. This is not a procedure for choosing


P.S. I am looking at your chart right now. You were thinking


Diamond… You know… that crowd in your 7th bhava, you need

something to cancel its results somehow. I don't think that

strengthening any of those Grahas is a smart move (unless...

this is

what you want from life). Can you guess why?


Maja Strbac

Hari Om Tat Sat

--- On Mon, 12/8/08, Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix@ ..> wrote:

Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix@ ..>

[Om Krishna Guru] Choosing gemstone on divisonal

charts ?

Monday, December 8, 2008, 1:25 AM

||Aum namo bhagwate narasimhaya| |

dear all ,

what is to be done is a graha being a yogakarka in d-10 is a

functional maleifc in rasi chart ? how is the gemstone to be


then ?

pls advise ....


Chandan S Sabarwal.

Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com

Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.16/1840 - Release


2008-12-09 16:53


~ om tat sat ~

Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

(2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.

(3) Practice charity in thought and deed - do one free chart reading today

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हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£

Dear Swee, Namaskar.

Thanks for the references to Garuda Purana, I was looking through it

recently reg. the same.

My point reg. Upapada was not with reference to marriage instead I was

referring to the A12's function as Vyayapada, i.e. that which causes

loss, and therefore we fast (giving) to overcome the Rina/debts that we

have to the world. Based on this Guruji has written in COVA that

fasting or giving up the indications of the graha lording or placed in

the twelfth house is advised to overcome these debts.


Contrary to this, if a graha is associated with Lagna then the native

is not advised to give up or fast on such a day as the person is giving

away the kavacha of their body. Similarly donating gemstones of the

Lagna was strictly advised against by Guruji as this amounts to the

same, i.e. giving up the Lagna's Kavacha.


Again, to prove that its not all cases where an afflicted graha should

be donated in the form of a gemstone, PV Narasimha Rao (ex-president)

has Mars joined Sun and aspected by Rahu in his chart, which amounts to

a curse of brother from past life (despite the worst curse being that

of an uncle indicated by Mercury). Yet, in his case he was not advised

against the wearing of a Coral but was encouraged to do so. That advise

is indeed in line with Gurujis teachings as per the Atri Classes on the


I hope this clarifies my query and thoughts reg. the same.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen


www: http://srigaruda.com

@: visti



Swee Chan skrev:



Jaya Jagannatha



Dear Visti,




On Gems:



UL - Venus + Jupiter are the karakas. The GP seems to

concentrate more on the misery of women who wear a diamond. It does

seem that for UL problems, the various coloured diamonds that pertain

to the tutelary deities can be donated. As rare as eternal marriages

come - like Visnu-Laksmi, Siva-Parvati, Raama-Sita, there are many

vratas for both sexes. Aditi offered her penances and made herself so

pure that her request for Visnu to take birth through her womb was

granted. (He took birth as Vamana).

The other hint that is vital for me is that the bone shards

(from bala asura) that fell off the vajra became hexagonal gems - there

are many varieties -in this category. But the main thing is that the

six main portions of his body fell into various mountains (denotes the

various supporting bones in our body), and the body part that fell on

the diamond mines are mainly trigonal (some especially, blue sapphires)

have the same trigonal crystallisation.



On Metals:

It is especially good to note that those who are stricken with

any of the planets at birth or transits, should wear (on their bodies)

the metals that pertain to them. The person should also bath and throw

in the fire, the pieces of the metals/sandalwood representative of the

planet that causes the malignant effect.

The guardianship of the deity including their subordinates

(interesting to note for Ketu, the mantra falls under Indra/Brhaspati

(same plenary portions)

Though mantras for some of the planets have a variation from

those as suggested for the gems. - Ref GP



Gems are placed in the water pot. We did this for a certain puja

(over here) and the pujari took off with the 5 gems, ruby, sapphire,

yellow sapphire, diamond and orange garnet - well and good as that is

the intention :))







p/s back on Sunday





On 11 Dec 2008, at 16:02, Visti Larsen wrote:



राम कृषà¥à¤£

Dear Swee, Namaskar.

Is the gemstone donation advised when it is associated with the 12th

house/upapada or in other scenarios?

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen


www: http://srigaruda.com

@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com 


Swee Chan skrev:



Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Chandan,



May I? The gayatri suggested by Parasara and in Padma P is to 

acknowledge the supreme energy that is causing the malfeasance. It 

does not say that by offering the gayatri, it nullifies the 

malfeasance of the planet in order that you can wear the gemstone.

In times of strife caused by that planet, the Padma P suggests you 

donate that gemstone including other items besides Anusthan and homa 

which are all inclusive of quelling the planet's negativity towards 

the person.


Crystal clear ;-))?






On 11 Dec 2008, at 10:43, chandan486 wrote:


> ||Aum namah shivaya||


> Dear Rafal,

> Namaste.


> So , this means that imbibing a gem with gayatri from Rig Veda


> it harmless ?? (physically atleast !)


> regards,

> chandan s sabarwal.


> --- In  ,

Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme

> wrote:


>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

>> Dear Maja, Namaskar


>> 2.


>> Somanatha drekkana is for ojas, health and sexuality, if youll

> perscribe

>> gem of 2L you can destroy the marriage.


>> First I see the favourable gems based on Rasi THEN I go to

> divisions and

>> if there are problems I leave the choice for the client and


> the

>> procedure of imbimbing the gem with gayatri from Rgveda.


>> Regards,

>> Rafal Gendarz

>> -----------------------------

>> http://rohinaa.com

>> rafal



>> Maja S(trbac pisze:


>>> Om Gurave Namah


>>> Dear Rafal, Namaste


>>> OK... can you please finish that last sentence with:


>>> 1) ...as favorable choice of planets

>>> 2) ...to avoid these planets


>>> Whichever one is correct (I suppose "2").


>>> If these bhavas are empty, then can we ignore Somanath



>>> Warm Regards,

>>> Maja Strbac


>>> Hari Om Tat Sat



>>> --- On *Wed, 12/10/08, Rafal Gendarz /<starsuponme/*



>>> Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme

>>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on

> divisonal

>>> charts ?

>>> To: 

>>> Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 2:21 AM


>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

>>> Dear Maja , Namaskar


>>> I cant comment its wrong but its new to me. Usually we see

> planets

>>> in 2,6,8.


>>> Regards,

>>> Rafal Gendarz

>>> ------------ --------- --------

>>> http://rohinaa. com

>>> rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com






>>> Maja S(trbac pisze:

>>>> Om Gurave Namah


>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaste


>>>> My logic was that Graha corresponding to chosen


> should

>>>> not be inimical towards LL in Somanath Drekana, and

that it

>>>> should not be Graha lording 2nd bhava in Somanatha


> (I

>>>> will survive if you say "your logic is bad" :) I give

you a

> green

>>>> light to use this phrase :) No hard feelings)


>>>> Warm Regards,

>>>> Maja Strbac


>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat



>>>> --- On *Wed, 12/10/08, Maja S(trbac


>>>> >/* wrote:


>>>> Maja S(trbac <majastrbacastro@ >

>>>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on

>>>> divisonal charts ?


>>>> Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 1:00 AM


>>>> Om Gurave Namah




>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaste




>>>> (What would I do without you guys?)




>>>> You are right. I just checked again email sent by


>>>> Larsen (on Serbian list, no point in giving you a link


>>>> suppose :) where she was mentioning Somanath Drekana


>>>> true, she never mentioned 2nd bhava when choosing a

> Gemstone.

>>>> I think I only mixed up few points I have learned about

> this

>>>> divisional chart separately from Gemstones... this is

>>>> funny... until few minutes ago I could swear that I


> it

>>>> in that email.




>>>> Are you in a mood for a few replies?




>>>> Warm Regards,


>>>> Maja Strbac




>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat


>>>> --- On *Tue, 12/9/08, Rafal Gendarz /<starsuponme@

> wp.pl>/*

>>>> wrote:


>>>> Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl>

>>>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone

> on

>>>> divisonal charts ?


>>>> Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 11:46 AM


>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

>>>> Dear Maja, Namaskar


>>>> I was taught about bhavas in Somanath drekkana not

> to see

>>>> sambandha of 2L - where does it come from please?



>>>> Regards,

>>>> Rafal Gendarz

>>>> ------------ --------- --------

>>>> http://rohinaa. com

>>>> rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com



>>>> Maja S(trbac pisze:

>>>>> Om Gurave Namah


>>>>> Dear Chandan, Namaste


>>>>> As long as Graha corresponding to chosen Gemstone

> is not

>>>>> inimical towards Somanath Drekana Lagna lord, it is

>>>>> quite OK. That was for divisional charts. (BTW be

>>>>> careful and avoid lord of 2nd bhava in this

> divisional

>>>>> chart)


>>>>> Yes, Arudhas... that is Rasi chart also, where we

> check

>>>>> all Dosas usually ;)


>>>>> So, you want to wear Gemstone for AK under curse

>>>>> involved in Pravraja Yoga in 7th bhava. That is

> brave...

>>>>> Until August next year? OK... (Oh... and it is in


>>>>> from AL )


>>>>> Man, but why are you choosing remedies for your own

> chart?


>>>>> Regards,

>>>>> Maja Strbac


>>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat









>>>>> --- On *Tue, 12/9/08, Chandan Ssabarwal

>>>>> /<wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT) com>/* wrote:


>>>>> Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT)


>>>>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing

> gemstone on

>>>>> divisonal charts ?


>>>>> Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 2:16 AM


>>>>> ||Aum namo bhagwate narasimhaya| |


>>>>> hey maja ,


>>>>> I was just trying to learn new ways , and

> possibly

>>>>> see if @ all gemstones are possible even when

> rasi

>>>>> and d-10 lagna's are inmical to each other !


>>>>> hwoever , i realized last night the IMPORTANCE

> of

>>>>> using gemstones from Arudha Lagna , as it is

> what

>>>>> manifests !


>>>>> i still remember , about you recommendation to

>>>>> remove the yellow sapphire im wearing , and yes

> i

>>>>> will .. but i forgot to tell you , right now

> running

>>>>> Rahu AD , so maybe just until then :)


>>>>> also i have realized . gemstones are nt

> everything ...


>>>>> mantras done with discipline and dedication are

> also

>>>>> very superior !



>>>>> humble regards,

>>>>> chandan s sabarwal.



>>>>> -------------------

> --------------------




>>>>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com

>>>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.15/1839 -

> Release 2008-12-09 09:59






>>>> -------------------------

> -----------




>>>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com

>>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.16/1840 -


> 2008-12-09 16:53






>>> -------------------------

> ------




>>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com

>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.16/1840 - Release


> 2008-12-09 16:53







> ---


> ~ om tat sat ~

> Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

> Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'

> (2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said 

> that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.

> (3) Practice charity in thought and deed - do one free chart 

> reading today

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