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Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?

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Jaya JagannathaDear Visti,NamasteRef to Garuda Purana - you'll get the gayatri for the planets in padma - different from the vedic ones suggested also in Padma + BPHS and the usual ones suggested. Herbs included in the yajna and subsequent sprinkle on the head (after normal bath @ 4:30/brahma muhurta), you can get from Guruji, I'm sure.A12/UL versus a planet in the 12th house 1. UL is lord of 12th - suggest fasting2. a Planet in 12th - suggest donation but this I reckon is one rina besides the planets that lord the other du-sthana, the 6th - your own body cleansing (indriyas) and 8th - family's debts. Since the 12th indicates an institution, I would certainly not equate this as our debt with the rest of the world. On your next point, you are not clear about what you would like to express. Which graha if associated with lagna? According to my Guru, the Sudarsana Kavaca covers all 360 degrees of the zodiac and basically lends its protective shield to the blessed wearer, so why do we associate a kavaca with only the lagna?If one has had the blessings of wearing a kavaca, it is because they have had that kavaca in a previous life - ref. Mahabharata (story of Sudarshan, striped of title and wealth and the subsequent marriage to the princess; Krishna was born with a kavaca, the others recollect the kavaca they were given from a previous life).Talking about which, on the Chapters in BPHS regarding malefics in 12th, it would make better sense if one was to read it in conjunction with two other puranani (puranas) that states the living conditions of the dead - elevated or the types of hell. This requires another chart, another chapter.[Contrary to this, if a graha is associated with Lagna then the native is not advised to give up or fast on such a day as the person is giving away the kavacha of their body.]I have the 12th lord sitting on my ascendant. You cannot give me this broad statement, since I have offered ekadashi fasts for over close to 30 years and there are tithis that fall on a Tuesday and all, I mean all spiritualists say that they see a lion (you know why).This PVR Narasimha chart gives me a headache and confirmed in BBC news clippings about his wanton ways and imprisonment - no complete success and laughing all the way to the Big House/Big Seat. It's in the  BBC archives. What you don't tell me is WHEN he wore that tantric infused "gem" :|love,SweeOn 14 Dec 2008, at 21:39, Visti Larsen wrote:हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£Dear Swee, Namaskar.Thanks for the references to Garuda Purana, I was looking through it recently reg. the same.My point reg. Upapada was not with reference to marriage instead I was referring to the A12's function as Vyayapada, i.e. that which causes loss, and therefore we fast (giving) to overcome the Rina/debts that we have to the world. Based on this Guruji has written in COVA that fasting or giving up the indications of the graha lording or placed in the twelfth house is advised to overcome these debts.Contrary to this, if a graha is associated with Lagna then the native is not advised to give up or fast on such a day as the person is giving away the kavacha of their body. Similarly donating gemstones of the Lagna was strictly advised against by Guruji as this amounts to the same, i.e. giving up the Lagna's Kavacha.Again, to prove that its not all cases where an afflicted graha should be donated in the form of a gemstone, PV Narasimha Rao (ex-president) has Mars joined Sun and aspected by Rahu in his chart, which amounts to a curse of brother from past life (despite the worst curse being that of an uncle indicated by Mercury). Yet, in his case he was not advised against the wearing of a Coral but was encouraged to do so. That advise is indeed in line with Gurujis teachings as per the Atri Classes on the same.I hope this clarifies my query and thoughts reg. the same.Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen----------www: http://srigaruda.com@: visti Swee Chan skrev:Jaya JagannathaDear Visti,NamasteOn Gems:UL - Venus + Jupiter are the karakas. The GP seems to concentrate more on the misery of women who wear a diamond. It does seem that for UL problems, the various coloured diamonds that pertain to the tutelary deities can be donated. As rare as eternal marriages come - like Visnu-Laksmi, Siva-Parvati, Raama-Sita, there are many vratas for both sexes. Aditi offered her penances and made herself so pure that her request for Visnu to take birth through her womb was granted. (He took birth as Vamana).The other hint that is vital for me is that the bone shards (from bala asura) that fell off the vajra became hexagonal gems - there are many varieties -in this category. But the main thing is that the six main portions of his body fell into various mountains (denotes the various supporting bones in our body), and the body part that fell on the diamond mines are mainly trigonal (some especially, blue sapphires) have the same trigonal crystallisation.On Metals:It is especially good to note that those who are stricken with any of the planets at birth or transits, should wear (on their bodies) the metals that pertain to them. The person should also bath and throw in the fire, the pieces of the metals/sandalwood representative of the planet that causes the malignant effect.The guardianship of the deity including their subordinates (interesting to note for Ketu, the mantra falls under Indra/Brhaspati (same plenary portions)Though mantras for some of the planets have a variation from those as suggested for the gems. - Ref GPGems are placed in the water pot. We did this for a certain puja (over here) and the pujari took off with the 5 gems, ruby, sapphire, yellow sapphire, diamond and orange garnet - well and good as that is the intention :))love,Sweep/s back on SundayOn 11 Dec 2008, at 16:02, Visti Larsen wrote:हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£Dear Swee, Namaskar.Is the gemstone donation advised when it is associated with the 12th house/upapada or in other scenarios?Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen----------www: http://srigaruda.com@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com Swee Chan skrev:Jaya JagannathaDear Chandan,NamasteMay I? The gayatri suggested by Parasara and in Padma P is to acknowledge the supreme energy that is causing the malfeasance. It does not say that by offering the gayatri, it nullifies the malfeasance of the planet in order that you can wear the gemstone.In times of strife caused by that planet, the Padma P suggests you donate that gemstone including other items besides Anusthan and homa which are all inclusive of quelling the planet's negativity towards the person.Crystal clear ;-))?love,SweeOn 11 Dec 2008, at 10:43, chandan486 wrote:> ||Aum namah shivaya||>> Dear Rafal,> Namaste.>> So , this means that imbibing a gem with gayatri from Rig Veda makes> it harmless ?? (physically atleast !)>> regards,> chandan s sabarwal.>> --- In  , Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme> wrote:>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>> Dear Maja, Namaskar>>>> 2.>>>> Somanatha drekkana is for ojas, health and sexuality, if youll> perscribe>> gem of 2L you can destroy the marriage.>>>> First I see the favourable gems based on Rasi THEN I go to> divisions and>> if there are problems I leave the choice for the client and advise> the>> procedure of imbimbing the gem with gayatri from Rgveda.>>>> Regards,>> Rafal Gendarz>> ----------------------------->> http://rohinaa.com>> rafal>>>>> Maja S(trbac pisze:>>>>>> Om Gurave Namah>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaste>>>>>> OK... can you please finish that last sentence with:>>>>>> 1) ...as favorable choice of planets>>> 2) ...to avoid these planets>>>>>> Whichever one is correct (I suppose "2").>>>>>> If these bhavas are empty, then can we ignore Somanath Drekana?>>>>>> Warm Regards,>>> Maja Strbac>>>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat>>>>>>>>> --- On *Wed, 12/10/08, Rafal Gendarz /<starsuponme/* wrote:>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme>>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on> divisonal>>> charts ?>>> To:  >>> Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 2:21 AM>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>> Dear Maja , Namaskar>>>>>> I cant comment its wrong but its new to me. Usually we see> planets>>> in 2,6,8.>>>>>> Regards,>>> Rafal Gendarz>>> ------------ --------- -------->>> http://rohinaa. com>>> rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maja S(trbac pisze:>>>> Om Gurave Namah>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaste>>>>>>>> My logic was that Graha corresponding to chosen Gemstone> should>>>> not be inimical towards LL in Somanath Drekana, and that it>>>> should not be Graha lording 2nd bhava in Somanatha Drekana.> (I>>>> will survive if you say "your logic is bad" :) I give you a> green>>>> light to use this phrase :) No hard feelings)>>>>>>>> Warm Regards,>>>> Maja Strbac>>>>>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat>>>>>>>>>>>> --- On *Wed, 12/10/08, Maja S(trbac /<majastrbacastro@>>>> >/* wrote:>>>>>>>> Maja S(trbac <majastrbacastro@ >>>>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on>>>> divisonal charts ?>>>> >>>> Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 1:00 AM>>>>>>>> Om Gurave Namah>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaste>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (What would I do without you guys?)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You are right. I just checked again email sent by Branka>>>> Larsen (on Serbian list, no point in giving you a link I>>>> suppose :) where she was mentioning Somanath Drekana and>>>> true, she never mentioned 2nd bhava when choosing a> Gemstone.>>>> I think I only mixed up few points I have learned about> this>>>> divisional chart separately from Gemstones... this is>>>> funny... until few minutes ago I could swear that I read> it>>>> in that email.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you in a mood for a few replies?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Warm Regards,>>>>>>>> Maja Strbac>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat>>>>>>>> --- On *Tue, 12/9/08, Rafal Gendarz /<starsuponme@> wp.pl>/*>>>> wrote:>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme@ wp.pl>>>>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone> on>>>> divisonal charts ?>>>> >>>> Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 11:46 AM>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>> Dear Maja, Namaskar>>>>>>>> I was taught about bhavas in Somanath drekkana not> to see>>>> sambandha of 2L - where does it come from please?>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>> ------------ --------- -------->>>> http://rohinaa. com>>>> rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com>>>>>>>>>>>> Maja S(trbac pisze:>>>>> Om Gurave Namah>>>>>>>>>> Dear Chandan, Namaste>>>>>>>>>> As long as Graha corresponding to chosen Gemstone> is not>>>>> inimical towards Somanath Drekana Lagna lord, it is>>>>> quite OK. That was for divisional charts. (BTW be>>>>> careful and avoid lord of 2nd bhava in this> divisional>>>>> chart)>>>>>>>>>> Yes, Arudhas... that is Rasi chart also, where we> check>>>>> all Dosas usually ;)>>>>>>>>>> So, you want to wear Gemstone for AK under curse>>>>> involved in Pravraja Yoga in 7th bhava. That is> brave...>>>>> Until August next year? OK... (Oh... and it is in> MKS>>>>> from AL )>>>>>>>>>> Man, but why are you choosing remedies for your own> chart?>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>> Maja Strbac>>>>>>>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- On *Tue, 12/9/08, Chandan Ssabarwal>>>>> /<wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT) com>/* wrote:>>>>>>>>>> Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT) com>>>>>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing> gemstone on>>>>> divisonal charts ?>>>>> >>>>> Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 2:16 AM>>>>>>>>>> ||Aum namo bhagwate narasimhaya| |>>>>>>>>>> hey maja ,>>>>>>>>>> I was just trying to learn new ways , and> possibly>>>>> see if @ all gemstones are possible even when> rasi>>>>> and d-10 lagna's are inmical to each other !>>>>>>>>>> hwoever , i realized last night the IMPORTANCE> of>>>>> using gemstones from Arudha Lagna , as it is> what>>>>> manifests !>>>>>>>>>> i still remember , about you recommendation to>>>>> remove the yellow sapphire im wearing , and yes> i>>>>> will .. but i forgot to tell you , right now> running>>>>> Rahu AD , so maybe just until then :)>>>>>>>>>> also i have realized . gemstones are nt> everything ...>>>>>>>>>> mantras done with discipline and dedication are> also>>>>> very superior !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> humble regards,>>>>> chandan s sabarwal.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------> -------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com>>>>>'>http://www.avg. com>>>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.15/1839 -> Release 2008-12-09 09:59>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------> ----------->>>>>>>>>>>> >>>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg. com>>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.16/1840 - Release> 2008-12-09 16:53>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------> ------>>>>>>>>> >>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.16/1840 - Release Date:> 2008-12-09 16:53>>>>>>>>>>>> --->> ~ om tat sat ~> Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.> Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'> (2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said > that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.> (3) Practice charity in thought and deed - do one free chart > reading today

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Dear Swee


Thanks a lot for that explanation. Really appreciate it.





The upsurge (of consciousness) is Bhairava - Shiva Sutra--- On Sun, 14/12/08, Swee Chan <swee wrote:

Swee Chan <sweeRe: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ? Date: Sunday, 14 December, 2008, 8:14 PM



Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Rajarshi,



If a planet regardless if it is natural benefic or not, if it is going to give negative effects according to the conditions mentioned:


1. Follow the suggested vedic mantras as in BPHS (Padma also suggests the same mantras). You asked about Sani - sannodevi... from RV

2. Do homa of that planet and offer iron into the fire. (according to Yajnavalkya in GP)

3. Bathe with the same to include herbs pertaining to the planet (ask your pujari)

4. Donate the gem + other items.


WHEN to wear it when Saturn is a "functional" benefic in your chart:

1. Assess from rasi and the other nine = total 10 divisionals

2. If well placed; a natural malefic if placed in trines = well placed and gets vaiseshikamsa and is a yogada = bounty


If when during Saturn's in your chart e.g., when it traverses on your ascendant, 8th or 10th house, propitiate regardless if he has provided for you in the recent past. Just remember Saturn's strength is in the last 3rd portion, so if it is traversing in negative places including the 12th house (soon for Kanya lagna), the time to pay attention is when it is crossing over from Simha to Kanya.









On 12 Dec 2008, at 15:39, rajarshi nandy wrote:






Dear Maja and Swee


I am getting a little confused with things.. can you please clarify this.. if a planet is bad and malefic.. as remedy we should do the following


1) Do pujas for the deity of the planet, like Shani Narayan?


2) Do homas and offer the metal ruled by the planet in the fire? Like mars - red chandan?


3) Now what should be done with gem, wear it or donate it?


Thanks and appreciate your clarifications.






The upsurge (of consciousness) is Bhairava - Shiva Sutra--- On Fri, 12/12/08, Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ > wrote:

Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ >Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?Friday, 12 December, 2008, 4:35 PM








Om Gurave Namah


Dear Chandan, Namaste


(Me jumping in again... :)


Point of this whole thread is that choice of a gemstone should start with Rasi chart, not with divisional chart. ;)


What is Sukra in your Rasi chart? Check lordships, placement and yogas for this Graha in Rasi chart. How does it seem? If you get to "Great!" answer (and this is not the answer you will get if you ask me) only then jump to D10 where it is favorable.


Why don't you write your birth data here on the list? Partial info about your chart can not be enough for making a choice which Gem you should wear.


P.S. So far the only Graha in your Rasi chart which I would advice you to strengthen it with Gem is Chandra. (Especially because Mangal placed in 9th bhava) I would love to check this choice with Gurus included in this thread if you decide to post your birth data.


Yet some divisional charts make this choice as less favorable.



Maja Strbac


Hari Om Tat Sat





--- On Fri, 12/12/08, Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Chandan Ssabarwal <wavelogix (AT) gmail (DOT) com>[Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?Friday, December 12, 2008, 2:34 AM




||aum namah shivaya||


dear visti,



so this means that i could possibly wear a gemstone which is yogakaraka for my d-10 and maraka for my Rasi chart , but merely by infusing it with the relevaent gayatri from the rig deva , coupled with the best muhurta , gives no physical side effects @ all ....


after infusing it with the relevant gayatri , would still the placement from AL be need to considered ? or , the gem stone just becomes completely harmless.... ?


humble regards,

chandan s sabarwal.


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||aum namah shivaya||


dear swee and visti,

namaste !


swee - you are right abt PV Narasimha going to jail and also being held up in litigation (6th house effects) , that eventually came came upon unto him , after some of his own party members and associates (mercury), accused him of bribery and even showed the briefcase , in which he was actually deliveered INR 10 million .


Visti - when you mentioned , that a red coral is being advised to worn simply based upon the conj of Mars and Mercury in 10th House , merc being lagnesha , i cannt somehow comprehend the basic theory behind this ... and i still remember reading somehwere on your website where you mentioned , only complete parivartana is actual exhange of houses and not simply conj....


conj simply gives results of each others in Dasas's ... but actual potency and maleficience / benificience is based upon Rasi / Dasamasa !


how could some one possibly advise a gemstone just based upon rasi and not even consider damasa , especially when career is concerend ? moreover , that Simhasana Yoga in Lagna in Narasimha's case , somehow makes me believe , it should have been the Emerald that he should have worn and not the red coral ...


also , mercury forms a Nipuna Yoga with the Sun , so once again emerald.

i had always wanted to pick up this thing with out , glad swee bought it up !!


humbly yours,

chandan s sabarwal.

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हरे राम कृष्ण

Dear Chandan and Swee, Namaskar.

PV Narasimha Rao did see the legal issues and jail time, but through

his third and eighth lord Maha Dasa of Mars he was untouched. It was

not until Rahu Mahadasa that he saw problems, hence pointing out

clearly that the wearing of the Coral during Mars mahadasa was perfect

advise... Afterall he became Prime Minister after wearing it! How many

can astrologers can boast of a client attaining that once following a

remedial measure?

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen


www: http://srigaruda.com

@: visti



Chandan Ssabarwal skrev:



||aum namah shivaya||


dear swee and visti,

namaste !


swee - you are right abt PV Narasimha going to jail and also

being held up in litigation (6th house effects) , that eventually came

came upon unto him , after some of his own party members and associates

(mercury), accused him of bribery and even showed the briefcase , in

which he was actually deliveered INR 10 million .


Visti - when you mentioned , that a red coral is being advised

to worn simply based upon the conj of Mars and Mercury in 10th House ,

merc being lagnesha , i cannt somehow comprehend the basic theory

behind this ... and i still remember reading somehwere on your website

where you mentioned , only complete parivartana is actual exhange of

houses and not simply conj....


conj simply gives results of each others in Dasas's ... but

actual potency and maleficience / benificience is based upon Rasi /

Dasamasa !


how could some one possibly advise a gemstone just based upon

rasi and not even consider damasa , especially when career is concerend

? moreover , that Simhasana Yoga in Lagna in Narasimha's case , somehow

makes me believe , it should have been the Emerald that he should have

worn and not the red coral ...


also , mercury forms a Nipuna Yoga with the Sun , so once again


i had always wanted to pick up this thing with out , glad swee

bought it up !!


humbly yours,

chandan s sabarwal.

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||aum namah shivaya||


dear visti,



Well , the point that he landed into troubles with the advent of Rahu

Dasa , makes more sense now , but still you havent answered .. is

mere conj enough to wear each other's gemstones ? or is it real

parivartana that fulfils the condition for gemtsone exchange !!


however , first we need to really understand , that conjunction

actually makes planets behave like each other completely ? or only do

they give each others effects in the dasha ?


and if conj makes planets behave like each other ? then what does

parivartana do ? does it also do the same ? if not the same , then

whats different abt a parivartana then a conj ?



humble regards,

Chandan S sabarwal.


, Visti Larsen <visti wrote:


> ??? ??? ?????

> Dear Chandan and Swee, Namaskar.

> PV Narasimha Rao did see the legal issues and jail time, but

through his

> third and eighth lord Maha Dasa of Mars he was untouched. It was


> until Rahu Mahadasa that he saw problems, hence pointing out


> that the wearing of the Coral during Mars mahadasa was perfect


> Afterall he became Prime Minister after wearing it! How many can

> astrologers can boast of a client attaining that once following a

> remedial measure?

> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

> ----------

> www: http://srigaruda.com

> @: visti


> Chandan Ssabarwal skrev:

> > ||aum namah shivaya||

> >

> > dear swee and visti,

> > namaste !

> >

> > swee - you are right abt PV Narasimha going to jail and also


> > held up in litigation (6th house effects) , that eventually came


> > upon unto him , after some of his own party members and


> > (mercury), accused him of bribery and even showed the briefcase ,


> > which he was actually deliveered INR 10 million .

> >

> > Visti - when you mentioned , that a red coral is being advised to


> > simply based upon the conj of Mars and Mercury in 10th House ,


> > being lagnesha , i cannt somehow comprehend the basic theory


> > this ... and i still remember reading somehwere on your website


> > you mentioned , only complete parivartana is actual exhange of


> > and not simply conj....

> >

> > conj simply gives results of each others in Dasas's ... but


> > potency and maleficience / benificience is based upon Rasi /

Dasamasa !

> >

> > how could some one possibly advise a gemstone just based upon

rasi and

> > not even consider damasa , especially when career is concerend ?

> > moreover , that Simhasana Yoga in Lagna in Narasimha's case ,


> > makes me believe , it should have been the Emerald that he should


> > worn and not the red coral ...

> >

> > also , mercury forms a Nipuna Yoga with the Sun , so once again


> > i had always wanted to pick up this thing with out , glad swee


> > it up !!

> >

> > humbly yours,

> > chandan s sabarwal.

> >


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Dear Guruji,How we can be sure that what He has attained was due to Coral? He still has few rajayogas..3L in Tenth is kind of duryoga and as was said we cant talk about exchanging results due to yuti not parivartana. Mars Mahadasa could be fine due to exchanging results but for gems only parivartana was advised. Mangal in Gemini is quite weak (similar to Cancer) and in 7H from AL should block His rise - again rajabhanga. So maybe He could attain more by not wearing it?RegardsRafal Gendarz

Elementy potencjalnie niebezpieczne zosta³y zablokowane.



हरे राम कृष्ण

Dear Chandan and Swee, Namaskar.

PV Narasimha Rao did see the legal issues and jail time, but through

his third and eighth lord Maha Dasa of Mars he was untouched. It was

not until Rahu Mahadasa that he saw problems, hence pointing out

clearly that the wearing of the Coral during Mars mahadasa was perfect

advise... Afterall he became Prime Minister after wearing it! How many

can astrologers can boast of a client attaining that once following a

remedial measure?

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen


www: http://srigaruda.com

@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com



Chandan Ssabarwal skrev:



||aum namah shivaya||


dear swee and visti,

namaste !


swee - you are right abt PV Narasimha going to jail and also

being held up in litigation (6th house effects) , that eventually came

came upon unto him , after some of his own party members and associates

(mercury), accused him of bribery and even showed the briefcase , in

which he was actually deliveered INR 10 million .


Visti - when you mentioned , that a red coral is being advised

to worn simply based upon the conj of Mars and Mercury in 10th House ,

merc being lagnesha , i cannt somehow comprehend the basic theory

behind this ... and i still remember reading somehwere on your website

where you mentioned , only complete parivartana is actual exhange of

houses and not simply conj....


conj simply gives results of each others in Dasas's ... but

actual potency and maleficience / benificience is based upon Rasi /

Dasamasa !


how could some one possibly advise a gemstone just based upon

rasi and not even consider damasa , especially when career is concerend

? moreover , that Simhasana Yoga in Lagna in Narasimha's case , somehow

makes me believe , it should have been the Emerald that he should have

worn and not the red coral ...


also , mercury forms a Nipuna Yoga with the Sun , so once again


i had always wanted to pick up this thing with out , glad swee

bought it up !!


humbly yours,

chandan s sabarwal.





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हरे राम कृष्ण

Dear Rafal, Namaskar.

He had to wear the coral to strengthen his Bhadra Mahapurusha Yoga. Had

he not then his time as Prime Minister during Mars Mahadasa would

itself be in jeopardy, and he would have difficulty in lasting the


Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen


www: http://srigaruda.com

@: visti



Rafal G skrev:



Dear Guruji,


How we can be sure that what He has attained was due to Coral? He still

has few rajayogas..3L in Tenth is kind of duryoga and as was said we

cant talk about exchanging results due to yuti not parivartana. Mars

Mahadasa could be fine due to exchanging results but for gems only

parivartana was advised. Mangal in Gemini is quite weak (similar to

Cancer) and in 7H from AL should block His rise - again rajabhanga. So

maybe He could attain more by not wearing it?



Rafal Gendarz





Elementy potencjalnie niebezpieczne zosta³y zablokowane.



राम कृष्ण

Dear Chandan and Swee, Namaskar.

PV Narasimha Rao did see the legal issues and jail time, but through

his third and eighth lord Maha Dasa of Mars he was untouched. It was

not until Rahu Mahadasa that he saw problems, hence pointing out

clearly that the wearing of the Coral during Mars mahadasa was perfect

advise... Afterall he became Prime Minister after wearing it! How many

can astrologers can boast of a client attaining that once following a

remedial measure?

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen


www: http://srigaruda.com

@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com



Chandan Ssabarwal skrev:




||aum namah shivaya||


dear swee and visti,

namaste !


swee - you are right abt PV Narasimha going to jail and also

being held up in litigation (6th house effects) , that eventually came

came upon unto him , after some of his own party members and associates

(mercury), accused him of bribery and even showed the briefcase , in

which he was actually deliveered INR 10 million .


Visti - when you mentioned , that a red coral is being


to worn simply based upon the conj of Mars and Mercury in 10th  House ,

merc being lagnesha , i cannt somehow comprehend the basic theory

behind this ... and i still remember reading somehwere on your website

where you mentioned , only complete parivartana is actual exhange of

houses and not simply conj....


conj simply gives results of each others in Dasas's ... but

actual potency and maleficience / benificience is based upon Rasi /

Dasamasa !


how could some one possibly advise a gemstone just based


rasi and not even consider damasa , especially when career is concerend

? moreover , that Simhasana Yoga in Lagna in Narasimha's case , somehow

makes me believe , it should have been the Emerald that he should have

worn and not the red coral ...


also , mercury forms a Nipuna Yoga with the Sun , so once



i had always wanted to pick up this thing with out , glad


bought it up !!


humbly yours,

chandan s sabarwal.












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om namo bhagavate narasimhaya

Dear Guruji, Namaskar


How enemy graha can strengthed the planet? Why Mangal dasa should give

bad? Mangal should give normally effect of Simhaansa-Budha so excellent



Still I dont get why we advise the gem of duryoga-graha?



Rafal Gendarz


Consultations and Pages:








Visti Larsen pisze:



हरे राम कृष्ण

Dear Rafal, Namaskar.

He had to wear the coral to strengthen his Bhadra Mahapurusha Yoga. Had

he not then his time as Prime Minister during Mars Mahadasa would

itself be in jeopardy, and he would have difficulty in lasting the


Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen


www: http://srigaruda.com

@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com



Rafal G skrev:




Dear Guruji,


How we can be sure that what He has attained was due to Coral? He still

has few rajayogas..3L in Tenth is kind of duryoga and as was said we

cant talk about exchanging results due to yuti not parivartana. Mars

Mahadasa could be fine due to exchanging results but for gems only

parivartana was advised. Mangal in Gemini is quite weak (similar to

Cancer) and in 7H from AL should block His rise - again rajabhanga. So

maybe He could attain more by not wearing it?



Rafal Gendarz





Elementy potencjalnie niebezpieczne zostały zablokowane.



राम कृष्ण

Dear Chandan and Swee, Namaskar.

PV Narasimha Rao did see the legal issues and jail time, but through

his third and eighth lord Maha Dasa of Mars he was untouched. It was

not until Rahu Mahadasa that he saw problems, hence pointing out

clearly that the wearing of the Coral during Mars mahadasa was perfect

advise... Afterall he became Prime Minister after wearing it! How many

can astrologers can boast of a client attaining that once following a

remedial measure?

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen


www: http://srigaruda.com

@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com



Chandan Ssabarwal skrev:



||aum namah shivaya||


dear swee and visti,

namaste !


swee - you are right abt PV Narasimha going to jail and


being held up in litigation (6th house effects) , that eventually came

came upon unto him , after some of his own party members and associates

(mercury), accused him of bribery and even showed the briefcase , in

which he was actually deliveered INR 10 million .


Visti - when you mentioned , that a red coral is being


to worn simply based upon the conj of Mars and Mercury in 10th House ,

merc being lagnesha , i cannt somehow comprehend the basic theory

behind this ... and i still remember reading somehwere on your website

where you mentioned , only complete parivartana is actual exhange of

houses and not simply conj....


conj simply gives results of each others in Dasas's ...


actual potency and maleficience / benificience is based upon Rasi /

Dasamasa !


how could some one possibly advise a gemstone just based


rasi and not even consider damasa , especially when career is concerend

? moreover , that Simhasana Yoga in Lagna in Narasimha's case , somehow

makes me believe , it should have been the Emerald that he should have

worn and not the red coral ...


also , mercury forms a Nipuna Yoga with the Sun , so once



i had always wanted to pick up this thing with out , glad


bought it up !!


humbly yours,

chandan s sabarwal.












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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Visti and Rafal, Namaste


I am really trying to follow, but... So at the end, this Budh and Mangal, do they give effects of one another due to Yuti or not?


Or there is a catch with Varachakra, Kalachakra or Digchakra waiting behind the corner?

Warm Regards,

Maja Strbac


Hari Om Tat Sat--- On Tue, 12/16/08, Rafal Gendarz <starsuponme wrote:

Rafal Gendarz <starsuponmeRe: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ? Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 5:21 AM



om namo bhagavate narasimhayaDear Guruji, NamaskarHow enemy graha can strengthed the planet? Why Mangal dasa should give bad? Mangal should give normally effect of Simhaansa-Budha so excellent dasa. Still I dont get why we advise the gem of duryoga-graha?Regards,Rafal Gendarz ------------ --------- --------Consultations and Pages:http://rohinaa. com rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) comVisti Larsen pisze:


हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£Dear Rafal, Namaskar.He had to wear the coral to strengthen his Bhadra Mahapurusha Yoga. Had he not then his time as Prime Minister during Mars Mahadasa would itself be in jeopardy, and he would have difficulty in lasting the tenure.Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen------------ --------- --------- --------- ----www: http://srigaruda. com@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com Rafal G skrev:



Dear Guruji,How we can be sure that what He has attained was due to Coral? He still has few rajayogas..3L in Tenth is kind of duryoga and as was said we cant talk about exchanging results due to yuti not parivartana. Mars Mahadasa could be fine due to exchanging results but for gems only parivartana was advised. Mangal in Gemini is quite weak (similar to Cancer) and in 7H from AL should block His rise - again rajabhanga. So maybe He could attain more by not wearing it?RegardsRafal Gendarz

Elementy potencjalnie niebezpieczne zostały zablokowane.


हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£Dear Chandan and Swee, Namaskar.PV Narasimha Rao did see the legal issues and jail time, but through his third and eighth lord Maha Dasa of Mars he was untouched. It was not until Rahu Mahadasa that he saw problems, hence pointing out clearly that the wearing of the Coral during Mars mahadasa was perfect advise... Afterall he became Prime Minister after wearing it! How many can astrologers can boast of a client attaining that once following a remedial measure?Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen------------ --------- --------- --------- ----www: http://srigaruda. com@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com Chandan Ssabarwal skrev:



||aum namah shivaya||


dear swee and visti,

namaste !


swee - you are right abt PV Narasimha going to jail and also being held up in litigation (6th house effects) , that eventually came came upon unto him , after some of his own party members and associates (mercury), accused him of bribery and even showed the briefcase , in which he was actually deliveered INR 10 million .


Visti - when you mentioned , that a red coral is being advised to worn simply based upon the conj of Mars and Mercury in 10th House , merc being lagnesha , i cannt somehow comprehend the basic theory behind this ... and i still remember reading somehwere on your website where you mentioned , only complete parivartana is actual exhange of houses and not simply conj....


conj simply gives results of each others in Dasas's ... but actual potency and maleficience / benificience is based upon Rasi / Dasamasa !


how could some one possibly advise a gemstone just based upon rasi and not even consider damasa , especially when career is concerend ? moreover , that Simhasana Yoga in Lagna in Narasimha's case , somehow makes me believe , it should have been the Emerald that he should have worn and not the red coral ...


also , mercury forms a Nipuna Yoga with the Sun , so once again emerald.

i had always wanted to pick up this thing with out , glad swee bought it up !!


humbly yours,

chandan s sabarwal.

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- ----Podziel się opłatkiem na Święta Bożego Narodzenia http://klik. wp.pl/?adr= http://podzielsi eoplatkiem. pl & sid=582


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हरे राम कृष्ण

Dear Rafal, Namaskar.

Just as Dasas exchange effects of conjoined Grahas so do gemstones.

Does that clarify?

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen


www: http://srigaruda.com

@: visti



Rafal Gendarz skrev:



om namo bhagavate


Dear Guruji, Namaskar


How enemy graha can strengthed the planet? Why Mangal dasa should give

bad? Mangal should give normally effect of Simhaansa-Budha so excellent



Still I dont get why we advise the gem of duryoga-graha?



Rafal Gendarz


Consultations and Pages:



rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com





Visti Larsen pisze:




हरे राम कृष्ण

Dear Rafal, Namaskar.

He had to wear the coral to strengthen his Bhadra Mahapurusha Yoga. Had

he not then his time as Prime Minister during Mars Mahadasa would

itself be in jeopardy, and he would have difficulty in lasting the


Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen


www: http://srigaruda.com

@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com



Rafal G skrev:



Dear Guruji,


How we can be sure that what He has attained was due to Coral? He still

has few rajayogas..3L in Tenth is kind of duryoga and as was said we

cant talk about exchanging results due to yuti not parivartana. Mars

Mahadasa could be fine due to exchanging results but for gems only

parivartana was advised. Mangal in Gemini is quite weak (similar to

Cancer) and in 7H from AL should block His rise - again rajabhanga. So

maybe He could attain more by not wearing it?



Rafal Gendarz





Elementy potencjalnie niebezpieczne zostały zablokowane.



राम कृष्ण

Dear Chandan and Swee, Namaskar.

PV Narasimha Rao did see the legal issues and jail time, but through

his third and eighth lord Maha Dasa of Mars he was untouched. It was

not until Rahu Mahadasa that he saw problems, hence pointing out

clearly that the wearing of the Coral during Mars mahadasa was perfect

advise... Afterall he became Prime Minister after wearing it! How many

can astrologers can boast of a client attaining that once following a

remedial measure?

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen


www: http://srigaruda.com

@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com



Chandan Ssabarwal skrev:



||aum namah shivaya||


dear swee and visti,

namaste !


swee - you are right abt PV Narasimha going to jail and


being held up in litigation (6th house effects) , that eventually came

came upon unto him , after some of his own party members and associates

(mercury), accused him of bribery and even showed the briefcase , in

which he was actually deliveered INR 10 million .


Visti - when you mentioned , that a red coral is being


to worn simply based upon the conj of Mars and Mercury in 10th House ,

merc being lagnesha , i cannt somehow comprehend the basic theory

behind this ... and i still remember reading somehwere on your website

where you mentioned , only complete parivartana is actual exhange of

houses and not simply conj....


conj simply gives results of each others in Dasas's ...


actual potency and maleficience / benificience is based upon Rasi /

Dasamasa !


how could some one possibly advise a gemstone just based


rasi and not even consider damasa , especially when career is concerend

? moreover , that Simhasana Yoga in Lagna in Narasimha's case , somehow

makes me believe , it should have been the Emerald that he should have

worn and not the red coral ...


also , mercury forms a Nipuna Yoga with the Sun , so




i had always wanted to pick up this thing with out ,



bought it up !!


humbly yours,

chandan s sabarwal.












Podziel się opłatkiem na Święta Bożego Narodzenia

http://klik.wp.pl/?adr=http://podzielsieoplatkiem.pl & sid=582







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हरे राम कृष्ण

Dear Chandan, Namaskar.

Excuse me for not answering in full in my last mail, I realise no one

learns if

no one shares, so here is what I have learned and have to share.

I have gathered the following rules reg. gemstones with time (this will

be republished on my website for reference):


The prescription of metals or gemstones belongs to the concept of

Tantra, i.e.

Tanu+Trayi meaning to protect the body. This is best to advise when a


may be making a wrong decision and you want them to stick to the right


Just as one can advise gemstones to protect the body, there are

gemstones which

can remove the protection of the body, hence one should advise these


Sanskrit word for gemstone is ratna but does not literally mean

gemstone, but can also refer to treasure, jewel, precious stone, and is


from the word rā meaning a gift, goods, wealth or riches. (Monier-Williams)

The word ratna specifically refers to nine

types of

treasure or jewels namely mukta (pearl), vajra (diamond), padmarāga

(ruby), pushparāga (topaz), indranīla (clear/stainless sapphire),


(emerald), vaidūrya (cats eye), vidruma (coral) and gomeda (hessonite).


the same reason the word ratna also means nine in vedic

numerology. Pushparāga

has been translated as Topaz by most, however the Garuda Purana (Suta, 2007, p. 174)

does state that different colours of the pushparāga can be

regarded as

equal to the indranīla (sapphire) or padmarāga (ruby).


among the indranīla (Sapphire) we must infer that certain

shades (i.e. yellow)

can be regarded as giving the effects of pushparāga (topaz).


whilst all sapphires fall in the same group of indranīla the

colour of

them being different also differentiates the effects of wearing them


Details should be learned from the Garuda Purana in this regard.

The Deva are supposed to reside in the particle of

a ratna

which is clear, bright, without cracks or lines in it and has no

unusual shades

in it. Hence, the wearing of a ratna is for the sake of keeping a Deva

next to

you and protecting you.


Ratna comes under the various metals known as

Dhatu. Moon,

Mars, Saturn and Rāhu signify the Dhatu and among them Moon rules over


whilst Mars rules over the earth, Saturn over the raw minerals such as

oil and

irons whilst Rāhu rules over the rare metals such as Gold and platinum.


Moon is Ratna kāraka and divisional charts as Somanatha Drekkana and


Navamsha are the most important to judge the effect of gemstones. As

specifically the Drekkana refers to ones karma and this is signified by


hands, the Somanatha drekkana is apt to judge the effects of gemstones.

Specifically this divisional chart shows ones ojas and how one uses it.


ojas can grant fame, and hence this divisional chart can be used to see


popularity as well as sexuality where ones ojas is used.

The Moon signifying all gemstones is also known as


i.e .the self in the form of guna or attributes. Hence to

understand the

effects of a gemstone vis-a-vis other gemstones we use the gunachakra.

This is

also used for other purposes and is an integral part of Vedic

numerology. This

will be explained further below.

Which finger to wear the gemstone on can be

understood from

Vedic Remedies in Astrology, by Sanjay Rath. The four fingers represent


artha, dharma and kāma respectively for the index, middle, ring and


fingers. No gem is advised on the index finger as it risks blocking

moksha and

increasing ahamkara. The following table has been culled out of the

same work.

Table 2:

Finger and Ratna (Rath)
















Ring (3rd

from index)








Ring or Little

finger (3rd or 4th from index)








Middle or ring

finger (2nd or 3rd from index)








Middle or little

fingers (2nd or 4th from index)






Topaz/Yellow Sapphire



Ring (3rd

from index)








Ring (3rd

from index)





Blue Sapphire



Middle or little

finger (2nd or 4th from index)








Middle or little

finger (2nd or 4th from index)





Cats eye



Middle or ring

finger (2nd or 3rd from index)





Garuda Purana states that gemstones can do great

good for

the human race and they have natural (Naisargika) characteristics which


benefit everyone. Example: a lady wishing to be a mother would benefit


from wearing a pushparāga (topaz) or pokhraj (yellow sapphire).

Similarly a

person having cancer should wear a diamond and recite mrtyunjaya

mantra. These

natural indications of gemstones can be applied to all the gemstones

and the

effects are given in Garuda Purana.

Table 3:

Ratna and Graha (Dikshita, 1992, p. 1.55)


































































Yellow Topaz






















Blue Sapphire






















Cats eye





Tradition is everything when it comes to applying

any advice

and hereunder is some of the advice that I have gathered from my


Ratna should be advised based on the first, fifth

and ninth

house lords in the Rashi (D1) chart. These are the best gemstones and


support the native in their purpose of life. The first lord protects

the head

and intelligence, the fifth protects the hands and torso, whilst the


protects the legs, and hence the native will always select the best

path in

life if the gemstone of the ninth lord is worn. Thus the ninth lord is

the most

auspicious gemstone. This can also be used to advise the best gemstone


disease in particular parts of the body.

Malefics placed in the ninth house cause

misfortune, and in

such cases reversal gems are advised.






Graha in 9th



Gemstone advised








Ruby (pink ruby

for ladies)








Yellow Sapphire

or Yellow Topaz








Gold ring














Gemstones of the

sixth, eighth or twelfth house lords are inauspicious and cause strife,


and loss respectively and should not be worn.

To both the above there are exceptions which occur


account of Yoga.



Yoga and Sambandha (reference: Atri Classes)

The graha give their effects by affecting the four

ayana or

goals of the person’s life namely dharma, artha, kāma and moksha

symbolised by

the first, second, third or fourth pada of a nakshatra, or fiery,

earthy, airy

and watery signs respectively. When a graha is in parivartana yoga with

another, then the other graha will affect all four ayana of the former


Therefore, if the ninth lord is in parivartana with the sixth lord the


of the sixth lord should be advised.

Similarly when a graha is yuti another graha it

takes on

three of the four ayanas of the other graha. Which three ayana depends

on i) the

particular grahas Navamsha sign ii) the two signs adjacent that


sign. Example: If Sun is joined Venus then Sun will give the effects of


In such a case should Sun be placed in the Navamsha of Capricorn then

it would

give the effects of Venus’ Artha-ayana due to being in an earthy

Navamsha, and

further as the Navamsha before is that of a fiery sign and that after

being an

airy sign, the Sun would give the effects of Venus’ dharma-ayana

(fiery) and kāma-ayana

(airy) as well, but not the moksha-ayana (watery).

If three or more graha join then the interchange

of effects

will be decided based on the natural benefic/malefic indications of the


viz. if Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury join then the highest malefic and


benefic will interchange results, thus causing Saturn and Jupiter to


results whilst Mercury will give not give the results of anyone.


apply this to conjunction of more grahas.

The two remaining Sambandha, viz. Samdristi and


dristi are not taken into account for this purpose as they only affect

two or one

ayana among the full four ayana of a graha, yet are still applied when




Table 4:






















































































In some cases the gemstones of the sixth, eighth

or twelfth

lords needs to be given to as those graha are causing excessive

problems to the

native. This occurs when another graha is causing an eclipse on that

graha and

thus denying it of its positive effects. I.e. Sri Kashinatha Rath was


to have given the advice of wearing Ruby to a Pisces Lagna, as Sun was

in the

sixth and Rähu was placed in the tenth. In that specific scenario the


was suffering on account of repeated legal battles. The reason being on


of Rähu. This is further explained as: when a graha occupies the


bhavas (10th, 1st or 5th in that

order) that

graha causes an eclipse on the third graha in the order of the

Varachakra. Viz.

in the order of weekdays the third graha from Rähu is the Sun, hence

when Rähu is

in the tenth house the native will have problems on account of the


placement and lordship of the Sun in their life. Similarly if among the

Simhasana Bhava only Mars is placed in the fifth house then the

placement and

lordship of Jupiter will be hampered.

The Varachakra has many uses in matters of

Jyotish, and this

is the logic behind many principles in the Brighu Sutras.






Table 1:








































































































Gunachakra is applied somewhat differently than

the Varachakra.

If a Graha is inauspicious then we can choose to lock or unlock its


using the fourth or seventh graha in the gunachakra respectively.

Example: cancer

and tumours are caused by a malignant growth of cancer-cells in the

body and is

signified by an afflicted Jupiter. In the Gunachakra the fourth graha


Jupiter is Venus who can block the spread of cancer. Thus to remedy

such a

disease wearing diamond is advised along with Mrtyunjaya mantra.

Similarly Mars

can cause nervous system issues such as Parkinsons and the likes, and

to block

this issue a gemstone of Jupiter is advised along with the Mrtyunjaya


Should a graha already be blocking the native in

one aspect

of life, then the unlocker (7th graha) is required. I.e. if


Taurus lagna the lord Venus is placed in Libra, the native will be

bothered by

constant disease on account of wrong application of intelligence.

Therefore the

intellect can be deemed as locked and wearing a Yellow Topaz/Sapphire


advised. Similarly if Moon is very badly placed and has no nīcha bhanga

then a

Blue Sapphire is advised as Saturn is the seventh graha from the Moon

in weekday

order and can unlock these negatives.

There are undoubtedly more applications of the Gunachakra in this

regard, reg. gemstones, yet until I have been presented with them, this

is what I have to share.






Somanatha Drekkana

Having ascertained the gemstone as per the Rashi

chart it is

worthwhile to check the Somanātha Drekkana. Herein graha lording the


house is a māraka to the ojas in the body and will curtail health and


This gemstone is therefore not advised, and neither is the lord of the


as this is the sixth lord from the seventh house causing celibacy to


partner. Similarly the sixth and eighth lords affect the partner in a


fashion and those gemstones should preferably also be avoided. Advising


third lord’s gem can increase the person’s libido significantly and


this gemstone should be done thoughtfully. The gem of the lagna lord is

the best

and ensures good health and fame. Apply this advice intelligently.



Hope this helps to share insight.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen


www: http://srigaruda.com

@: visti



chandan486 skrev:



||aum namah shivaya||


dear visti,



Well , the point that he landed into troubles with the advent of Rahu

Dasa , makes more sense now , but still you havent answered .. is

mere conj enough to wear each other's gemstones ? or is it real

parivartana that fulfils the condition for gemtsone exchange !!


however , first we need to really understand , that conjunction

actually makes planets behave like each other completely ? or only do

they give each others effects in the dasha ?


and if conj makes planets behave like each other ? then what does

parivartana do ? does it also do the same ? if not the same , then

whats different abt a parivartana then a conj ?


humble regards,

Chandan S sabarwal.



Visti Larsen <visti wrote:


> ??? ??? ?????

> Dear Chandan and Swee, Namaskar.

> PV Narasimha Rao did see the legal issues and jail time, but

through his

> third and eighth lord Maha Dasa of Mars he was untouched. It was


> until Rahu Mahadasa that he saw problems, hence pointing out


> that the wearing of the Coral during Mars mahadasa was perfect


> Afterall he became Prime Minister after wearing it! How many can

> astrologers can boast of a client attaining that once following a

> remedial measure?

> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

> ----------

> www: http://srigaruda.com

> @: visti


> Chandan Ssabarwal skrev:

> > ||aum namah shivaya||

> >

> > dear swee and visti,

> > namaste !

> >

> > swee - you are right abt PV Narasimha going to jail and also


> > held up in litigation (6th house effects) , that eventually



> > upon unto him , after some of his own party members and


> > (mercury), accused him of bribery and even showed the

briefcase ,


> > which he was actually deliveered INR 10 million .

> >

> > Visti - when you mentioned , that a red coral is being

advised to


> > simply based upon the conj of Mars and Mercury in 10th House



> > being lagnesha , i cannt somehow comprehend the basic theory


> > this ... and i still remember reading somehwere on your



> > you mentioned , only complete parivartana is actual exhange



> > and not simply conj....

> >

> > conj simply gives results of each others in Dasas's ... but


> > potency and maleficience / benificience is based upon Rasi /

Dasamasa !

> >

> > how could some one possibly advise a gemstone just based upon


rasi and

> > not even consider damasa , especially when career is

concerend ?

> > moreover , that Simhasana Yoga in Lagna in Narasimha's case ,



> > makes me believe , it should have been the Emerald that he



> > worn and not the red coral ...

> >

> > also , mercury forms a Nipuna Yoga with the Sun , so once



> > i had always wanted to pick up this thing with out , glad



> > it up !!

> >

> > humbly yours,

> > chandan s sabarwal.

> >


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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Visti Ji, Namaste




As far as I am concerned, your email bellow is a "Marry Christmas and a Happy New Year in advance".


Thank you so much for shearing it with us!


Warm Regards,

Maja Strbac


Hari Om Tat Sat

--- On Tue, 12/16/08, Visti Larsen <visti wrote:

Visti Larsen <vistiRe: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ? Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 7:09 AM




हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£Dear Chandan, Namaskar.Excuse me for not answering in full in my last mail, I realise no one learns if no one shares, so here is what I have learned and have to share.I have gathered the following rules reg. gemstones with time (this will be republished on my website for reference):The prescription of metals or gemstones belongs to the concept of Tantra, i.e. Tanu+Trayi meaning to protect the body. This is best to advise when a person may be making a wrong decision and you want them to stick to the right one. Just as one can advise gemstones to protect the body, there are gemstones which can remove the protection of the body, hence one should advise these wisely.Sanskrit word for gemstone is ratna but does not literally mean gemstone, but can also refer to treasure, jewel, precious stone, and is derived from the word rÄ meaning a gift, goods,

wealth or riches. (Monier-Williams)

The word ratna specifically refers to nine types of treasure or jewels namely mukta (pearl), vajra (diamond), padmarÄga (ruby), pushparÄga (topaz), indranÄ«la (clear/stainless sapphire), marakata (emerald), vaidÅ«rya (cats eye), vidruma (coral) and gomeda (hessonite). For the same reason the word ratna also means nine in vedic numerology. PushparÄga has been translated as Topaz by most, however the Garuda Purana (Suta, 2007, p. 174) does state that different colours of the pushparÄga can be regarded as equal to the indranÄ«la (sapphire) or padmarÄga (ruby). Therefore, among the indranÄ«la (Sapphire) we must infer that certain shades (i.e. yellow) can be regarded as giving the effects of pushparÄga (topaz). Hence, whilst all sapphires fall in the same group of indranÄ«la the colour of them being different also differentiates the

effects of wearing them greatly. Details should be learned from the Garuda Purana in this regard.

The Deva are supposed to reside in the particle of a ratna which is clear, bright, without cracks or lines in it and has no unusual shades in it. Hence, the wearing of a ratna is for the sake of keeping a Deva next to you and protecting you.


Ratna comes under the various metals known as Dhatu. Moon, Mars, Saturn and RÄhu signify the Dhatu and among them Moon rules over Ratna, whilst Mars rules over the earth, Saturn over the raw minerals such as oil and irons whilst RÄhu rules over the rare metals such as Gold and platinum. Hence, Moon is Ratna kÄraka and divisional charts as Somanatha Drekkana and Somanatha Navamsha are the most important to judge the effect of gemstones. As specifically the Drekkana refers to ones karma and this is signified by ones hands, the Somanatha drekkana is apt to judge the effects of gemstones. Specifically this divisional chart shows ones ojas and how one uses it. Strong ojas can grant fame, and hence this divisional chart can be used to see ones popularity as well as sexuality where ones ojas is used.

The Moon signifying all gemstones is also known as gunatmaka, i.e .the self in the form of guna or attributes. Hence to understand the effects of a gemstone vis-a-vis other gemstones we use the gunachakra. This is also used for other purposes and is an integral part of Vedic numerology. This will be explained further below.

Which finger to wear the gemstone on can be understood from Vedic Remedies in Astrology, by Sanjay Rath. The four fingers represent moksha, artha, dharma and kÄma respectively for the index, middle, ring and little fingers. No gem is advised on the index finger as it risks blocking moksha and increasing ahamkara. The following table has been culled out of the same work.

Table 2: Finger and Ratna (Rath)












Ring (3rd from index)





Ring or Little finger (3rd or 4th from index)





Middle or ring finger (2nd or 3rd from index)





Middle or little fingers (2nd or 4th from index)



Yellow Topaz/Yellow Sapphire


Ring (3rd from index)





Ring (3rd from index)



Blue Sapphire


Middle or little finger (2nd or 4th from index)





Middle or little finger (2nd or 4th from index)



Cats eye


Middle or ring finger (2nd or 3rd from index)

Garuda Purana states that gemstones can do great good for the human race and they have natural (Naisargika) characteristics which will benefit everyone. Example: a lady wishing to be a mother would benefit greatly from wearing a pushparÄga (topaz) or pokhraj (yellow sapphire). Similarly a person having cancer should wear a diamond and recite mrtyunjaya mantra. These natural indications of gemstones can be applied to all the gemstones and the effects are given in Garuda Purana.

Table 3: Ratna and Graha (Dikshita, 1992, p. 1.55)












































Yellow Topaz














Blue Sapphire














Cats eye

Tradition is everything when it comes to applying any advice and hereunder is some of the advice that I have gathered from my teacher.

Ratna should be advised based on the first, fifth and ninth house lords in the Rashi (D1) chart. These are the best gemstones and will support the native in their purpose of life. The first lord protects the head and intelligence, the fifth protects the hands and torso, whilst the ninth protects the legs, and hence the native will always select the best path in life if the gemstone of the ninth lord is worn. Thus the ninth lord is the most auspicious gemstone. This can also be used to advise the best gemstone for disease in particular parts of the body.

Malefics placed in the ninth house cause misfortune, and in such cases reversal gems are advised.






Graha in 9th


Gemstone advised





Ruby (pink ruby for ladies)





Yellow Sapphire or Yellow Topaz





Gold ring






Gemstones of the sixth, eighth or twelfth house lords are inauspicious and cause strife, disease and loss respectively and should not be worn.

To both the above there are exceptions which occur on account of Yoga.

Yoga and Sambandha (reference: Atri Classes)

The graha give their effects by affecting the four ayana or goals of the person’s life namely dharma, artha, kÄma and moksha symbolised by the first, second, third or fourth pada of a nakshatra, or fiery, earthy, airy and watery signs respectively. When a graha is in parivartana yoga with another, then the other graha will affect all four ayana of the former graha. Therefore, if the ninth lord is in parivartana with the sixth lord the gemstone of the sixth lord should be advised.

Similarly when a graha is yuti another graha it takes on three of the four ayanas of the other graha. Which three ayana depends on i) the particular grahas Navamsha sign ii) the two signs adjacent that particular sign. Example: If Sun is joined Venus then Sun will give the effects of Venus. In such a case should Sun be placed in the Navamsha of Capricorn then it would give the effects of Venus’ Artha-ayana due to being in an earthy Navamsha, and further as the Navamsha before is that of a fiery sign and that after being an airy sign, the Sun would give the effects of Venus’ dharma-ayana (fiery) and kÄma-ayana (airy) as well, but not the moksha-ayana (watery).

If three or more graha join then the interchange of effects will be decided based on the natural benefic/malefic indications of the graha, viz. if Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury join then the highest malefic and highest benefic will interchange results, thus causing Saturn and Jupiter to interchange results whilst Mercury will give not give the results of anyone. Similarly apply this to conjunction of more grahas. The two remaining Sambandha, viz. Samdristi and Parivartana dristi are not taken into account for this purpose as they only affect two or one ayana among the full four ayana of a graha, yet are still applied when timing events.


Table 4: Varachakra





















































In some cases the gemstones of the sixth, eighth or twelfth lords needs to be given to as those graha are causing excessive problems to the native. This occurs when another graha is causing an eclipse on that graha and thus denying it of its positive effects. I.e. Sri Kashinatha Rath was recalled to have given the advice of wearing Ruby to a Pisces Lagna, as Sun was in the sixth and Rähu was placed in the tenth. In that specific scenario the native was suffering on account of repeated legal battles. The reason being on account of Rähu. This is further explained as: when a graha occupies the Simhasana bhavas (10th, 1st or 5th in that order) that graha causes an eclipse on the third graha in the order of the Varachakra. Viz. in the order of weekdays the third graha from Rähu is the Sun, hence when Rähu is in the tenth house the native will have problems on account of the house placement and lordship

of the Sun in their life. Similarly if among the Simhasana Bhava only Mars is placed in the fifth house then the placement and lordship of Jupiter will be hampered.

The Varachakra has many uses in matters of Jyotish, and this is the logic behind many principles in the Brighu Sutras.




Table 1: Gunachakra

































































Gunachakra is applied somewhat differently than the Varachakra. If a Graha is inauspicious then we can choose to lock or unlock its indications using the fourth or seventh graha in the gunachakra respectively. Example: cancer and tumours are caused by a malignant growth of cancer-cells in the body and is signified by an afflicted Jupiter. In the Gunachakra the fourth graha from Jupiter is Venus who can block the spread of cancer. Thus to remedy such a disease wearing diamond is advised along with Mrtyunjaya mantra. Similarly Mars can cause nervous system issues such as Parkinsons and the likes, and to block this issue a gemstone of Jupiter is advised along with the Mrtyunjaya bijas.

Should a graha already be blocking the native in one aspect of life, then the unlocker (7th graha) is required. I.e. if for Taurus lagna the lord Venus is placed in Libra, the native will be bothered by constant disease on account of wrong application of intelligence. Therefore the intellect can be deemed as locked and wearing a Yellow Topaz/Sapphire is advised. Similarly if Moon is very badly placed and has no nīcha bhanga then a Blue Sapphire is advised as Saturn is the seventh graha from the Moon in weekday order and can unlock these negatives.There are undoubtedly more applications of the Gunachakra in this regard, reg. gemstones, yet until I have been presented with them, this is what I have to share.



Somanatha Drekkana

Having ascertained the gemstone as per the Rashi chart it is worthwhile to check the SomanÄtha Drekkana. Herein graha lording the second house is a mÄraka to the ojas in the body and will curtail health and sexuality. This gemstone is therefore not advised, and neither is the lord of the twelfth as this is the sixth lord from the seventh house causing celibacy to the partner. Similarly the sixth and eighth lords affect the partner in a similar fashion and those gemstones should preferably also be avoided. Advising the third lord’s gem can increase the person’s libido significantly and advising this gemstone should be done thoughtfully. The gem of the lagna lord is the best and ensures good health and fame. Apply this advice intelligently.

Hope this helps to share insight.Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen------------ --------- --------- --------- ----www: http://srigaruda. com@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) comchandan486 skrev:


||aum namah shivaya||dear visti,namaste.Well , the point that he landed into troubles with the advent of Rahu Dasa , makes more sense now , but still you havent answered .. is mere conj enough to wear each other's gemstones ? or is it real parivartana that fulfils the condition for gemtsone exchange !!however , first we need to really understand , that conjunction actually makes planets behave like each other completely ? or only do they give each others effects in the dasha ?and if conj makes planets behave like each other ? then what does parivartana do ? does it also do the same ? if not the same , then whats different abt a parivartana then a conj ?humble regards,Chandan S sabarwal., Visti Larsen <visti wrote:>> ??? ??? ?????> Dear Chandan and Swee, Namaskar.> PV Narasimha Rao did see the legal issues and jail time, but through his > third and eighth lord Maha Dasa of Mars he was untouched. It was not > until Rahu Mahadasa that he saw problems, hence pointing out clearly > that the wearing of the Coral during Mars mahadasa was perfect advise... > Afterall he became Prime Minister after wearing it! How many can > astrologers can boast of a client attaining that once following a > remedial measure?> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen> ------------ --------- --------- --------- ----> www: http://srigaruda. com> @: visti > Chandan Ssabarwal skrev:> > ||aum namah shivaya||> >

> > dear swee and visti,> > namaste !> > > > swee - you are right abt PV Narasimha going to jail and also being > > held up in litigation (6th house effects) , that eventually came came > > upon unto him , after some of his own party members and associates > > (mercury), accused him of bribery and even showed the briefcase , in > > which he was actually deliveered INR 10 million .> > > > Visti - when you mentioned , that a red coral is being advised to worn > > simply based upon the conj of Mars and Mercury in 10th House , merc > > being lagnesha , i cannt somehow comprehend the basic theory behind > > this ... and i still remember reading somehwere on your website where > > you mentioned , only complete parivartana is actual exhange of houses > > and not simply

conj....> > > > conj simply gives results of each others in Dasas's ... but actual > > potency and maleficience / benificience is based upon Rasi / Dasamasa !> > > > how could some one possibly advise a gemstone just based upon rasi and > > not even consider damasa , especially when career is concerend ? > > moreover , that Simhasana Yoga in Lagna in Narasimha's case , somehow > > makes me believe , it should have been the Emerald that he should have > > worn and not the red coral ...> > > > also , mercury forms a Nipuna Yoga with the Sun , so once again emerald.> > i had always wanted to pick up this thing with out , glad swee bought > > it up !!> > > > humbly yours,> > chandan s sabarwal.>


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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Visti Ji, Namaste


I was wondering about this:


Malefics placed in the ninth house cause misfortune, and in such cases reversal gems are advised.

Can you please explain this "reversal"? Because I can catch up with Rahu/Guru and Sani/Surya pairs if we are using opposite directions for Grahas in Digchakra, but I can not fit remaining pair Chandra/Mangal in any way to this same logic.


What is the principle that we are using here in first place?


Warm Regards,

Maja Strbac


Hari Om Tat Sat



--- On Tue, 12/16/08, Visti Larsen <visti wrote:


Visti Larsen <vistiRe: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ? Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 7:09 AM




हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£Dear Chandan, Namaskar.Excuse me for not answering in full in my last mail, I realise no one learns if no one shares, so here is what I have learned and have to share.I have gathered the following rules reg. gemstones with time (this will be republished on my website for reference):The prescription of metals or gemstones belongs to the concept of Tantra, i.e. Tanu+Trayi meaning to protect the body. This is best to advise when a person may be making a wrong decision and you want them to stick to the right one. Just as one can advise gemstones to protect the body, there are gemstones which can remove the protection of the body, hence one should advise these wisely.Sanskrit word for gemstone is ratna but does not literally mean gemstone, but can also refer to treasure, jewel, precious stone, and is derived from the word rÄ meaning a gift, goods,

wealth or riches. (Monier-Williams)

The word ratna specifically refers to nine types of treasure or jewels namely mukta (pearl), vajra (diamond), padmarÄga (ruby), pushparÄga (topaz), indranÄ«la (clear/stainless sapphire), marakata (emerald), vaidÅ«rya (cats eye), vidruma (coral) and gomeda (hessonite). For the same reason the word ratna also means nine in vedic numerology. PushparÄga has been translated as Topaz by most, however the Garuda Purana (Suta, 2007, p. 174) does state that different colours of the pushparÄga can be regarded as equal to the indranÄ«la (sapphire) or padmarÄga (ruby). Therefore, among the indranÄ«la (Sapphire) we must infer that certain shades (i.e. yellow) can be regarded as giving the effects of pushparÄga (topaz). Hence, whilst all sapphires fall in the same group of indranÄ«la the colour of them being different also differentiates the

effects of wearing them greatly. Details should be learned from the Garuda Purana in this regard.

The Deva are supposed to reside in the particle of a ratna which is clear, bright, without cracks or lines in it and has no unusual shades in it. Hence, the wearing of a ratna is for the sake of keeping a Deva next to you and protecting you.


Ratna comes under the various metals known as Dhatu. Moon, Mars, Saturn and RÄhu signify the Dhatu and among them Moon rules over Ratna, whilst Mars rules over the earth, Saturn over the raw minerals such as oil and irons whilst RÄhu rules over the rare metals such as Gold and platinum. Hence, Moon is Ratna kÄraka and divisional charts as Somanatha Drekkana and Somanatha Navamsha are the most important to judge the effect of gemstones. As specifically the Drekkana refers to ones karma and this is signified by ones hands, the Somanatha drekkana is apt to judge the effects of gemstones. Specifically this divisional chart shows ones ojas and how one uses it. Strong ojas can grant fame, and hence this divisional chart can be used to see ones popularity as well as sexuality where ones ojas is used.

The Moon signifying all gemstones is also known as gunatmaka, i.e .the self in the form of guna or attributes. Hence to understand the effects of a gemstone vis-a-vis other gemstones we use the gunachakra. This is also used for other purposes and is an integral part of Vedic numerology. This will be explained further below.

Which finger to wear the gemstone on can be understood from Vedic Remedies in Astrology, by Sanjay Rath. The four fingers represent moksha, artha, dharma and kÄma respectively for the index, middle, ring and little fingers. No gem is advised on the index finger as it risks blocking moksha and increasing ahamkara. The following table has been culled out of the same work.

Table 2: Finger and Ratna (Rath)












Ring (3rd from index)





Ring or Little finger (3rd or 4th from index)





Middle or ring finger (2nd or 3rd from index)





Middle or little fingers (2nd or 4th from index)



Yellow Topaz/Yellow Sapphire


Ring (3rd from index)





Ring (3rd from index)



Blue Sapphire


Middle or little finger (2nd or 4th from index)





Middle or little finger (2nd or 4th from index)



Cats eye


Middle or ring finger (2nd or 3rd from index)

Garuda Purana states that gemstones can do great good for the human race and they have natural (Naisargika) characteristics which will benefit everyone. Example: a lady wishing to be a mother would benefit greatly from wearing a pushparÄga (topaz) or pokhraj (yellow sapphire). Similarly a person having cancer should wear a diamond and recite mrtyunjaya mantra. These natural indications of gemstones can be applied to all the gemstones and the effects are given in Garuda Purana.

Table 3: Ratna and Graha (Dikshita, 1992, p. 1.55)












































Yellow Topaz














Blue Sapphire














Cats eye

Tradition is everything when it comes to applying any advice and hereunder is some of the advice that I have gathered from my teacher.

Ratna should be advised based on the first, fifth and ninth house lords in the Rashi (D1) chart. These are the best gemstones and will support the native in their purpose of life. The first lord protects the head and intelligence, the fifth protects the hands and torso, whilst the ninth protects the legs, and hence the native will always select the best path in life if the gemstone of the ninth lord is worn. Thus the ninth lord is the most auspicious gemstone. This can also be used to advise the best gemstone for disease in particular parts of the body.

Malefics placed in the ninth house cause misfortune, and in such cases reversal gems are advised.






Graha in 9th


Gemstone advised





Ruby (pink ruby for ladies)





Yellow Sapphire or Yellow Topaz





Gold ring






Gemstones of the sixth, eighth or twelfth house lords are inauspicious and cause strife, disease and loss respectively and should not be worn.

To both the above there are exceptions which occur on account of Yoga.

Yoga and Sambandha (reference: Atri Classes)

The graha give their effects by affecting the four ayana or goals of the person’s life namely dharma, artha, kÄma and moksha symbolised by the first, second, third or fourth pada of a nakshatra, or fiery, earthy, airy and watery signs respectively. When a graha is in parivartana yoga with another, then the other graha will affect all four ayana of the former graha. Therefore, if the ninth lord is in parivartana with the sixth lord the gemstone of the sixth lord should be advised.

Similarly when a graha is yuti another graha it takes on three of the four ayanas of the other graha. Which three ayana depends on i) the particular grahas Navamsha sign ii) the two signs adjacent that particular sign. Example: If Sun is joined Venus then Sun will give the effects of Venus. In such a case should Sun be placed in the Navamsha of Capricorn then it would give the effects of Venus’ Artha-ayana due to being in an earthy Navamsha, and further as the Navamsha before is that of a fiery sign and that after being an airy sign, the Sun would give the effects of Venus’ dharma-ayana (fiery) and kÄma-ayana (airy) as well, but not the moksha-ayana (watery).

If three or more graha join then the interchange of effects will be decided based on the natural benefic/malefic indications of the graha, viz. if Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury join then the highest malefic and highest benefic will interchange results, thus causing Saturn and Jupiter to interchange results whilst Mercury will give not give the results of anyone. Similarly apply this to conjunction of more grahas. The two remaining Sambandha, viz. Samdristi and Parivartana dristi are not taken into account for this purpose as they only affect two or one ayana among the full four ayana of a graha, yet are still applied when timing events.


Table 4: Varachakra





















































In some cases the gemstones of the sixth, eighth or twelfth lords needs to be given to as those graha are causing excessive problems to the native. This occurs when another graha is causing an eclipse on that graha and thus denying it of its positive effects. I.e. Sri Kashinatha Rath was recalled to have given the advice of wearing Ruby to a Pisces Lagna, as Sun was in the sixth and Rähu was placed in the tenth. In that specific scenario the native was suffering on account of repeated legal battles. The reason being on account of Rähu. This is further explained as: when a graha occupies the Simhasana bhavas (10th, 1st or 5th in that order) that graha causes an eclipse on the third graha in the order of the Varachakra. Viz. in the order of weekdays the third graha from Rähu is the Sun, hence when Rähu is in the tenth house the native will have problems on account of the house placement and lordship

of the Sun in their life. Similarly if among the Simhasana Bhava only Mars is placed in the fifth house then the placement and lordship of Jupiter will be hampered.

The Varachakra has many uses in matters of Jyotish, and this is the logic behind many principles in the Brighu Sutras.




Table 1: Gunachakra

































































Gunachakra is applied somewhat differently than the Varachakra. If a Graha is inauspicious then we can choose to lock or unlock its indications using the fourth or seventh graha in the gunachakra respectively. Example: cancer and tumours are caused by a malignant growth of cancer-cells in the body and is signified by an afflicted Jupiter. In the Gunachakra the fourth graha from Jupiter is Venus who can block the spread of cancer. Thus to remedy such a disease wearing diamond is advised along with Mrtyunjaya mantra. Similarly Mars can cause nervous system issues such as Parkinsons and the likes, and to block this issue a gemstone of Jupiter is advised along with the Mrtyunjaya bijas.

Should a graha already be blocking the native in one aspect of life, then the unlocker (7th graha) is required. I.e. if for Taurus lagna the lord Venus is placed in Libra, the native will be bothered by constant disease on account of wrong application of intelligence. Therefore the intellect can be deemed as locked and wearing a Yellow Topaz/Sapphire is advised. Similarly if Moon is very badly placed and has no nīcha bhanga then a Blue Sapphire is advised as Saturn is the seventh graha from the Moon in weekday order and can unlock these negatives.There are undoubtedly more applications of the Gunachakra in this regard, reg. gemstones, yet until I have been presented with them, this is what I have to share.



Somanatha Drekkana

Having ascertained the gemstone as per the Rashi chart it is worthwhile to check the SomanÄtha Drekkana. Herein graha lording the second house is a mÄraka to the ojas in the body and will curtail health and sexuality. This gemstone is therefore not advised, and neither is the lord of the twelfth as this is the sixth lord from the seventh house causing celibacy to the partner. Similarly the sixth and eighth lords affect the partner in a similar fashion and those gemstones should preferably also be avoided. Advising the third lord’s gem can increase the person’s libido significantly and advising this gemstone should be done thoughtfully. The gem of the lagna lord is the best and ensures good health and fame. Apply this advice intelligently.

Hope this helps to share insight.Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen------------ --------- --------- --------- ----www: http://srigaruda. com@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) comchandan486 skrev:


||aum namah shivaya||dear visti,namaste.Well , the point that he landed into troubles with the advent of Rahu Dasa , makes more sense now , but still you havent answered .. is mere conj enough to wear each other's gemstones ? or is it real parivartana that fulfils the condition for gemtsone exchange !!however , first we need to really understand , that conjunction actually makes planets behave like each other completely ? or only do they give each others effects in the dasha ?and if conj makes planets behave like each other ? then what does parivartana do ? does it also do the same ? if not the same , then whats different abt a parivartana then a conj ?humble regards,Chandan S sabarwal., Visti Larsen <visti wrote:>> ??? ??? ?????> Dear Chandan and Swee, Namaskar.> PV Narasimha Rao did see the legal issues and jail time, but through his > third and eighth lord Maha Dasa of Mars he was untouched. It was not > until Rahu Mahadasa that he saw problems, hence pointing out clearly > that the wearing of the Coral during Mars mahadasa was perfect advise... > Afterall he became Prime Minister after wearing it! How many can > astrologers can boast of a client attaining that once following a > remedial measure?> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen> ------------ --------- --------- --------- ----> www: http://srigaruda. com> @: visti > Chandan Ssabarwal skrev:> > ||aum namah shivaya||> >

> > dear swee and visti,> > namaste !> > > > swee - you are right abt PV Narasimha going to jail and also being > > held up in litigation (6th house effects) , that eventually came came > > upon unto him , after some of his own party members and associates > > (mercury), accused him of bribery and even showed the briefcase , in > > which he was actually deliveered INR 10 million .> > > > Visti - when you mentioned , that a red coral is being advised to worn > > simply based upon the conj of Mars and Mercury in 10th House , merc > > being lagnesha , i cannt somehow comprehend the basic theory behind > > this ... and i still remember reading somehwere on your website where > > you mentioned , only complete parivartana is actual exhange of houses > > and not simply

conj....> > > > conj simply gives results of each others in Dasas's ... but actual > > potency and maleficience / benificience is based upon Rasi / Dasamasa !> > > > how could some one possibly advise a gemstone just based upon rasi and > > not even consider damasa , especially when career is concerend ? > > moreover , that Simhasana Yoga in Lagna in Narasimha's case , somehow > > makes me believe , it should have been the Emerald that he should have > > worn and not the red coral ...> > > > also , mercury forms a Nipuna Yoga with the Sun , so once again emerald.> > i had always wanted to pick up this thing with out , glad swee bought > > it up !!> > > > humbly yours,> > chandan s sabarwal.>


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हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£

Dear Maja, Namaskar.

Again Gunachakra. Sun, Moon and Jupiter are sattvic hence their

gemstones are used to establish sattva in the ninth house.






Sun (padmaraga)


Moon (mukta)


Jupiter (pushparaga)




Malefic in ninth->






Rahu (or Ketu)





The given table shows the link. With Ketu in ninth we can however

settle with wearing a Gold ring on the right hand ring finger. In all

cases the remedy graha is worn on the right hand ring finger.

Hope this clarifies.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen


www: http://srigaruda.com

@: visti



Maja Å trbac skrev:








Om Gurave Namah


Dear Visti Ji, Namaste


I was wondering about this:


Malefics placed in the ninth

house cause misfortune, and in such cases reversal gems are advised.


Can you

please explain this "reversal"? Because I can catch up with Rahu/Guru

and Sani/Surya pairs if we are using opposite directions for Grahas in

Digchakra, but I can not fit remaining pair Chandra/Mangal in any way

to this same logic.



What is the principle

that we are using here in first place?








Hari Om

Tat Sat




--- On Tue, 12/16/08, Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>






Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>

Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal

charts ?


Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 7:09 AM





हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£

Dear Chandan, Namaskar.

Excuse me for not answering in full in my last mail, I realise no one

learns if no one shares, so here is what I have learned and have to


I have gathered the following rules reg. gemstones with time (this will

be republished on my website for reference):


The prescription of metals or gemstones belongs to the concept of

Tantra, i.e. Tanu+Trayi meaning to protect the body. This is best to

advise when a person may be making a wrong decision and you want them

to stick to the right one. Just as one can advise gemstones to protect

the body, there are gemstones which can remove the protection of the

body, hence one should advise these wisely.

Sanskrit word for gemstone is ratna but does not literally mean

gemstone, but can also refer to treasure, jewel, precious stone, and is

derived from the word rÄ meaning a gift, goods, wealth or

riches. (Monier-Williams)


The word ratna specifically

refers to nine types of treasure or jewels namely mukta (pearl), vajra

(diamond), padmarÄga (ruby), pushparÄga (topaz), indranÄ«la

(clear/stainless sapphire), marakata (emerald), vaidūrya (cats eye),

vidruma (coral) and gomeda (hessonite). For the same reason the

word ratna also means nine in vedic numerology. PushparÄga has

been translated as Topaz by most, however the Garuda Purana (Suta,

2007, p. 174) does state that different colours of the pushparÄga

can be regarded as equal to the indranīla (sapphire) or

padmarÄga (ruby). Therefore, among the indranÄ«la

(Sapphire) we must infer that certain shades (i.e. yellow) can be

regarded as giving the effects of pushparÄga (topaz). Hence,

whilst all sapphires fall in the same group of indranīla the

colour of them being different also differentiates the effects of

wearing them greatly. Details should be learned from the Garuda Purana

in this regard.


The Deva are supposed to reside in the

particle of a ratna which is clear, bright, without cracks or lines in

it and has no unusual shades in it. Hence, the wearing of a ratna is

for the sake of keeping a Deva next to you and protecting you.



Ratna comes under the various metals

known as Dhatu. Moon, Mars, Saturn and RÄhu signify the Dhatu and among

them Moon rules over Ratna, whilst Mars rules over the earth, Saturn

over the raw minerals such as oil and irons whilst RÄhu rules over the

rare metals such as Gold and platinum. Hence, Moon is Ratna kÄraka and

divisional charts as Somanatha Drekkana and Somanatha Navamsha are the

most important to judge the effect of gemstones. As specifically the

Drekkana refers to ones karma and this is signified by ones hands, the

Somanatha drekkana is apt to judge the effects of gemstones.

Specifically this divisional chart shows ones ojas and how one uses it.

Strong ojas can grant fame, and hence this divisional chart can be used

to see ones popularity as well as sexuality where ones ojas is used.


The Moon signifying all gemstones is

also known as gunatmaka, i.e .the self in the form of guna

or attributes. Hence to understand the effects of a gemstone vis-a-vis

other gemstones we use the gunachakra. This is also used for other

purposes and is an integral part of Vedic numerology. This will be

explained further below.


Which finger to wear the gemstone on can

be understood from Vedic Remedies in Astrology, by Sanjay Rath. The

four fingers represent moksha, artha, dharma and kÄma respectively for

the index, middle, ring and little fingers. No gem is advised on the

index finger as it risks blocking moksha and increasing ahamkara. The

following table has been culled out of the same work.


Table 2: Finger and Ratna

















Ring (3rd from index)








Ring or Little finger (3rd

or 4th from index)








Middle or ring finger (2nd

or 3rd from index)








Middle or little fingers (2nd

or 4th from index)





Yellow Topaz/Yellow Sapphire



Ring (3rd from index)








Ring (3rd from index)





Blue Sapphire



Middle or little finger (2nd

or 4th from index)








Middle or little finger (2nd

or 4th from index)





Cats eye



Middle or ring finger (2nd

or 3rd from index)






Garuda Purana states that gemstones can

do great good for the human race and they have natural (Naisargika)

characteristics which will benefit everyone. Example: a lady wishing to

be a mother would benefit greatly from wearing a pushparÄga (topaz) or

pokhraj (yellow sapphire). Similarly a person having cancer should wear

a diamond and recite mrtyunjaya mantra. These natural indications of

gemstones can be applied to all the gemstones and the effects are given

in Garuda Purana.


Table 3: Ratna and Graha (Dikshita, 1992, p. 1.55)


































































Yellow Topaz






















Blue Sapphire






















Cats eye






Tradition is everything when it comes to

applying any advice and hereunder is some of the advice that I have

gathered from my teacher.


Ratna should be advised based on the

first, fifth and ninth house lords in the Rashi (D1) chart. These are

the best gemstones and will support the native in their purpose of

life. The first lord protects the head and intelligence, the fifth

protects the hands and torso, whilst the ninth protects the legs, and

hence the native will always select the best path in life if the

gemstone of the ninth lord is worn. Thus the ninth lord is the most

auspicious gemstone. This can also be used to advise the best gemstone

for disease in particular parts of the body.


Malefics placed in the ninth house cause

misfortune, and in such cases reversal gems are advised.







Graha in 9th



Gemstone advised








Ruby (pink ruby for ladies)








Yellow Sapphire or Yellow Topaz








Gold ring













 Gemstones of the sixth,

eighth or twelfth house lords are inauspicious and cause strife,

disease and loss respectively and should not be worn.


To both the above there are exceptions

which occur on account of Yoga.



Yoga and Sambandha (reference: Atri Classes)

The graha give their effects by

affecting the four ayana or goals of the person’s life namely dharma,

artha, kÄma and moksha symbolised by the first, second, third or fourth

pada of a nakshatra, or fiery, earthy, airy and watery signs

respectively. When a graha is in parivartana yoga with another, then

the other graha will affect all four ayana of the former graha.

Therefore, if the ninth lord is in parivartana with the sixth lord the

gemstone of the sixth lord should be advised.


Similarly when a graha is yuti another

graha it takes on three of the four ayanas of the other graha. Which

three ayana depends on i) the particular grahas Navamsha sign ii) the

two signs adjacent that particular sign. Example: If Sun is joined

Venus then Sun will give the effects of Venus. In such a case should

Sun be placed in the Navamsha of Capricorn then it would give the

effects of Venus’ Artha-ayana due to being in an earthy Navamsha, and

further as the Navamsha before is that of a fiery sign and that after

being an airy sign, the Sun would give the effects of Venus’

dharma-ayana (fiery) and kÄma-ayana (airy) as well, but not the

moksha-ayana (watery).


If three or more graha join then the

interchange of effects will be decided based on the natural

benefic/malefic indications of the graha, viz. if Jupiter, Saturn and

Mercury join then the highest malefic and highest benefic will

interchange results, thus causing Saturn and Jupiter to interchange

results whilst Mercury will give not give the results of anyone.

Similarly apply this to conjunction of more grahas.

The two remaining Sambandha, viz.

Samdristi and Parivartana dristi are not taken into account for this

purpose as they only affect two or one ayana among the full four ayana

of a graha, yet are still applied when timing events.



Table 4:























































































In some cases the gemstones of the

sixth, eighth or twelfth lords needs to be given to as those graha are

causing excessive problems to the native. This occurs when another

graha is causing an eclipse on that graha and thus denying it of its

positive effects. I.e. Sri Kashinatha Rath was recalled to have given

the advice of wearing Ruby to a Pisces Lagna, as Sun was in the sixth

and Rähu was placed in the tenth. In that specific scenario the native

was suffering on account of repeated legal battles. The reason being on

account of Rähu. This is further explained as: when a graha occupies

the Simhasana bhavas (10th, 1st or 5th

in that order) that graha causes an eclipse on the third graha in the

order of the Varachakra. Viz. in the order of weekdays the third graha

from Rähu is the Sun, hence when Rähu is in the tenth house the native

will have problems on account of the house placement and lordship of

the Sun in their life. Similarly if among the Simhasana Bhava only Mars

is placed in the fifth house then the placement and lordship of Jupiter

will be hampered.


The Varachakra has many uses in matters

of Jyotish, and this is the logic behind many principles in the Brighu








Table 1:









































































































Gunachakra is applied somewhat

differently than the Varachakra. If a Graha is inauspicious then we can

choose to lock or unlock its indications using the fourth or seventh

graha in the gunachakra respectively. Example: cancer and tumours are

caused by a malignant growth of cancer-cells in the body and is

signified by an afflicted Jupiter. In the Gunachakra the fourth graha

from Jupiter is Venus who can block the spread of cancer. Thus to

remedy such a disease wearing diamond is advised along with Mrtyunjaya

mantra. Similarly Mars can cause nervous system issues such as

Parkinsons and the likes, and to block this issue a gemstone of Jupiter

is advised along with the Mrtyunjaya bijas.


Should a graha already be blocking the

native in one aspect of life, then the unlocker (7th graha)

is required. I.e. if for Taurus lagna the lord Venus is placed in

Libra, the native will be bothered by constant disease on account of

wrong application of intelligence. Therefore the intellect can be

deemed as locked and wearing a Yellow Topaz/Sapphire is advised.

Similarly if Moon is very badly placed and has no nīcha bhanga then a

Blue Sapphire is advised as Saturn is the seventh graha from the Moon

in weekday order and can unlock these negatives.

There are undoubtedly more applications of the Gunachakra in this

regard, reg. gemstones, yet until I have been presented with them, this

is what I have to share.






Somanatha Drekkana

Having ascertained the gemstone as per

the Rashi chart it is worthwhile to check the SomanÄtha Drekkana.

Herein graha lording the second house is a mÄraka to the ojas in the

body and will curtail health and sexuality. This gemstone is therefore

not advised, and neither is the lord of the twelfth as this is the

sixth lord from the seventh house causing celibacy to the partner.

Similarly the sixth and eighth lords affect the partner in a similar

fashion and those gemstones should preferably also be avoided. Advising

the third lord’s gem can increase the person’s libido significantly and

advising this gemstone should be done thoughtfully. The gem of the

lagna lord is the best and ensures good health and fame. Apply this

advice intelligently.



Hope this helps to share insight.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

------------ --------- --------- --------- ----

www: http://srigaruda.


@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT)



chandan486 skrev:



||aum namah shivaya||


dear visti,



Well , the point that he landed into troubles with the advent of Rahu

Dasa , makes more sense now , but still you havent answered .. is

mere conj enough to wear each other's gemstones ? or is it real

parivartana that fulfils the condition for gemtsone exchange !!


however , first we need to really understand , that conjunction

actually makes planets behave like each other completely ? or only do

they give each others effects in the dasha ?


and if conj makes planets behave like each other ? then what does

parivartana do ? does it also do the same ? if not the same , then

whats different abt a parivartana then a conj ?


humble regards,

Chandan S sabarwal.


, Visti Larsen <visti



> ??? ??? ?????

> Dear Chandan and Swee, Namaskar.

> PV Narasimha Rao did see the legal issues and jail time, but

through his

> third and eighth lord Maha Dasa of Mars he was untouched. It was


> until Rahu Mahadasa that he saw problems, hence pointing out


> that the wearing of the Coral during Mars mahadasa was perfect


> Afterall he became Prime Minister after wearing it! How many can

> astrologers can boast of a client attaining that once following a

> remedial measure?

> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- ----

> www: http://srigaruda. com

> @: visti


> Chandan Ssabarwal skrev:

> > ||aum namah shivaya||

> >

> > dear swee and visti,

> > namaste !

> >

> > swee - you are right abt PV Narasimha going to jail and also


> > held up in litigation (6th house effects) , that eventually



> > upon unto him , after some of his own party members and


> > (mercury), accused him of bribery and even showed the

briefcase ,


> > which he was actually deliveered INR 10 million .

> >

> > Visti - when you mentioned , that a red coral is being

advised to


> > simply based upon the conj of Mars and Mercury in 10th House



> > being lagnesha , i cannt somehow comprehend the basic theory


> > this ... and i still remember reading somehwere on your



> > you mentioned , only complete parivartana is actual exhange



> > and not simply conj....

> >

> > conj simply gives results of each others in Dasas's ... but


> > potency and maleficience / benificience is based upon Rasi /

Dasamasa !

> >

> > how could some one possibly advise a gemstone just based upon


rasi and

> > not even consider damasa , especially when career is

concerend ?

> > moreover , that Simhasana Yoga in Lagna in Narasimha's case ,



> > makes me believe , it should have been the Emerald that he



> > worn and not the red coral ...

> >

> > also , mercury forms a Nipuna Yoga with the Sun , so once



> > i had always wanted to pick up this thing with out , glad



> > it up !!

> >

> > humbly yours,

> > chandan s sabarwal.

> >


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Dear Visti


Thank you for sharing that information. Really wonderful mail.


I was seeing a chart of a person who has been detected with liver cancer and doctors have given him six months time to live. In his chart jup is in exchance with venus. Should he wear a pokhraj instead of diamond?


If you could kindly take a look and advice it woiuld be great..


23rd march 1977

12:20 pm


mithun lagna, mesh rasi..





The upsurge (of consciousness) is Bhairava - Shiva Sutra--- On Tue, 16/12/08, Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro wrote:

Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastroRe: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ? Date: Tuesday, 16 December, 2008, 8:47 PM








Om Gurave Namah


Dear Visti Ji, Namaste




As far as I am concerned, your email bellow is a "Marry Christmas and a Happy New Year in advance".


Thank you so much for shearing it with us!


Warm Regards,

Maja Strbac


Hari Om Tat Sat

--- On Tue, 12/16/08, Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:

Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 7:09 AM




हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£Dear Chandan, Namaskar.Excuse me for not answering in full in my last mail, I realise no one learns if no one shares, so here is what I have learned and have to share.I have gathered the following rules reg. gemstones with time (this will be republished on my website for reference):The prescription of metals or gemstones belongs to the concept of Tantra, i.e. Tanu+Trayi meaning to protect the body. This is best to advise when a person may be making a wrong decision and you want them to stick to the right one. Just as one can advise gemstones to protect the body, there are gemstones which can remove the protection of the body, hence one should advise these wisely.Sanskrit word for gemstone is ratna but does not literally mean gemstone, but can also refer to treasure, jewel, precious stone, and is derived from the word rÄ meaning a gift, goods,

wealth or riches. (Monier-Williams)

The word ratna specifically refers to nine types of treasure or jewels namely mukta (pearl), vajra (diamond), padmarÄga (ruby), pushparÄga (topaz), indranÄ«la (clear/stainless sapphire), marakata (emerald), vaidÅ«rya (cats eye), vidruma (coral) and gomeda (hessonite). For the same reason the word ratna also means nine in vedic numerology. PushparÄga has been translated as Topaz by most, however the Garuda Purana (Suta, 2007, p. 174) does state that different colours of the pushparÄga can be regarded as equal to the indranÄ«la (sapphire) or padmarÄga (ruby). Therefore, among the indranÄ«la (Sapphire) we must infer that certain shades (i.e. yellow) can be regarded as giving the effects of pushparÄga (topaz). Hence, whilst all sapphires fall in the same group of indranÄ«la the colour of them being different also differentiates the

effects of wearing them greatly. Details should be learned from the Garuda Purana in this regard.

The Deva are supposed to reside in the particle of a ratna which is clear, bright, without cracks or lines in it and has no unusual shades in it. Hence, the wearing of a ratna is for the sake of keeping a Deva next to you and protecting you.


Ratna comes under the various metals known as Dhatu. Moon, Mars, Saturn and RÄhu signify the Dhatu and among them Moon rules over Ratna, whilst Mars rules over the earth, Saturn over the raw minerals such as oil and irons whilst RÄhu rules over the rare metals such as Gold and platinum. Hence, Moon is Ratna kÄraka and divisional charts as Somanatha Drekkana and Somanatha Navamsha are the most important to judge the effect of gemstones. As specifically the Drekkana refers to ones karma and this is signified by ones hands, the Somanatha drekkana is apt to judge the effects of gemstones. Specifically this divisional chart shows ones ojas and how one uses it. Strong ojas can grant fame, and hence this divisional chart can be used to see ones popularity as well as sexuality where ones ojas is used. The Moon signifying all gemstones is also known as gunatmaka, i.e .the self in the form of guna or attributes. Hence to understand the effects of a gemstone vis-a-vis other gemstones we use the gunachakra. This is also used for other purposes and is an integral part of Vedic numerology. This will be explained further below. Which finger to wear the gemstone on can be understood from Vedic Remedies in Astrology, by Sanjay Rath. The four fingers represent moksha, artha, dharma and kÄma respectively for the index, middle, ring and little fingers. No gem is advised on the index finger as it risks blocking moksha and increasing ahamkara. The following table has been culled out of the same work. Table 2: Finger and Ratna (Rath)











Ring (3rd from index)





Ring or Little finger (3rd or 4th from index)





Middle or ring finger (2nd or 3rd from index)





Middle or little fingers (2nd or 4th from index)



Yellow Topaz/Yellow Sapphire


Ring (3rd from index)





Ring (3rd from index)



Blue Sapphire


Middle or little finger (2nd or 4th from index)





Middle or little finger (2nd or 4th from index)



Cats eye


Middle or ring finger (2nd or 3rd from index)

Garuda Purana states that gemstones can do great good for the human race and they have natural (Naisargika) characteristics which will benefit everyone. Example: a lady wishing to be a mother would benefit greatly from wearing a pushparÄga (topaz) or pokhraj (yellow sapphire). Similarly a person having cancer should wear a diamond and recite mrtyunjaya mantra. These natural indications of gemstones can be applied to all the gemstones and the effects are given in Garuda Purana. Table 3: Ratna and Graha (Dikshita, 1992, p. 1.55)











































Yellow Topaz














Blue Sapphire














Cats eye

Tradition is everything when it comes to applying any advice and hereunder is some of the advice that I have gathered from my teacher. Ratna should be advised based on the first, fifth and ninth house lords in the Rashi (D1) chart. These are the best gemstones and will support the native in their purpose of life. The first lord protects the head and intelligence, the fifth protects the hands and torso, whilst the ninth protects the legs, and hence the native will always select the best path in life if the gemstone of the ninth lord is worn. Thus the ninth lord is the most auspicious gemstone. This can also be used to advise the best gemstone for disease in particular parts of the body. Malefics placed in the ninth house cause misfortune, and in such cases reversal gems are advised.





Graha in 9th



Gemstone advised





Ruby (pink ruby for ladies)





Yellow Sapphire or Yellow Topaz





Gold ring






Gemstones of the sixth, eighth or twelfth house lords are inauspicious and cause strife, disease and loss respectively and should not be worn. To both the above there are exceptions which occur on account of Yoga.

Yoga and Sambandha (reference: Atri Classes)

The graha give their effects by affecting the four ayana or goals of the person’s life namely dharma, artha, kÄma and moksha symbolised by the first, second, third or fourth pada of a nakshatra, or fiery, earthy, airy and watery signs respectively. When a graha is in parivartana yoga with another, then the other graha will affect all four ayana of the former graha. Therefore, if the ninth lord is in parivartana with the sixth lord the gemstone of the sixth lord should be advised. Similarly when a graha is yuti another graha it takes on three of the four ayanas of the other graha. Which three ayana depends on i) the particular grahas Navamsha sign ii) the two signs adjacent that particular sign. Example: If Sun is joined Venus then Sun will give the effects of Venus. In such a case should Sun be placed in the Navamsha of Capricorn then it would give the effects of Venus’ Artha-ayana due to being in an earthy Navamsha, and further as the Navamsha before is that of a fiery sign and that after being an airy sign, the Sun would give the effects of Venus’ dharma-ayana (fiery) and kÄma-ayana (airy) as well, but not the moksha-ayana (watery). If three or more graha join then the interchange of effects will be decided based on the natural benefic/malefic indications of the graha, viz. if Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury join then the highest malefic and highest benefic will interchange results, thus causing Saturn and Jupiter to interchange results whilst Mercury will give not give the results of anyone. Similarly apply this to conjunction of more grahas. The two remaining Sambandha, viz. Samdristi and Parivartana dristi are not taken into account for this purpose as they only affect two or one ayana among the full four ayana of a graha, yet are still applied when timing events. VÄrachakra

Table 4: Varachakra




















































In some cases the gemstones of the sixth, eighth or twelfth lords needs to be given to as those graha are causing excessive problems to the native. This occurs when another graha is causing an eclipse on that graha and thus denying it of its positive effects. I.e. Sri Kashinatha Rath was recalled to have given the advice of wearing Ruby to a Pisces Lagna, as Sun was in the sixth and Rähu was placed in the tenth. In that specific scenario the native was suffering on account of repeated legal battles. The reason being on account of Rähu. This is further explained as: when a graha occupies the Simhasana bhavas (10th, 1st or 5th in that order) that graha causes an eclipse on the third graha in the order of the Varachakra. Viz. in the order of weekdays the third graha from Rähu is the Sun, hence when Rähu is in the tenth house the native will have problems on account of the house placement and lordship

of the Sun in their life. Similarly if among the Simhasana Bhava only Mars is placed in the fifth house then the placement and lordship of Jupiter will be hampered. The Varachakra has many uses in matters of Jyotish, and this is the logic behind many principles in the Brighu Sutras.



Table 1: Gunachakra
































































Gunachakra is applied somewhat differently than the Varachakra. If a Graha is inauspicious then we can choose to lock or unlock its indications using the fourth or seventh graha in the gunachakra respectively. Example: cancer and tumours are caused by a malignant growth of cancer-cells in the body and is signified by an afflicted Jupiter. In the Gunachakra the fourth graha from Jupiter is Venus who can block the spread of cancer. Thus to remedy such a disease wearing diamond is advised along with Mrtyunjaya mantra. Similarly Mars can cause nervous system issues such as Parkinsons and the likes, and to block this issue a gemstone of Jupiter is advised along with the Mrtyunjaya bijas. Should a graha already be blocking the native in one aspect of life, then the unlocker (7th graha) is required. I.e. if for Taurus lagna the lord Venus is placed in Libra, the native will be bothered by constant disease on account of wrong application of intelligence. Therefore the intellect can be deemed as locked and wearing a Yellow Topaz/Sapphire is advised. Similarly if Moon is very badly placed and has no nīcha bhanga then a Blue Sapphire is advised as Saturn is the seventh graha from the Moon in weekday order and can unlock these negatives.There are undoubtedly more applications of the Gunachakra in this regard, reg. gemstones, yet until I have been presented with them, this is what I have to share.



Somanatha Drekkana

Having ascertained the gemstone as per the Rashi chart it is worthwhile to check the SomanÄtha Drekkana. Herein graha lording the second house is a mÄraka to the ojas in the body and will curtail health and sexuality. This gemstone is therefore not advised, and neither is the lord of the twelfth as this is the sixth lord from the seventh house causing celibacy to the partner. Similarly the sixth and eighth lords affect the partner in a similar fashion and those gemstones should preferably also be avoided. Advising the third lord’s gem can increase the person’s libido significantly and advising this gemstone should be done thoughtfully. The gem of the lagna lord is the best and ensures good health and fame. Apply this advice intelligently.

Hope this helps to share insight.Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen------------ --------- --------- --------- ----www: http://srigaruda. com@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) comchandan486 skrev:


||aum namah shivaya||dear visti,namaste.Well , the point that he landed into troubles with the advent of Rahu Dasa , makes more sense now , but still you havent answered .. is mere conj enough to wear each other's gemstones ? or is it real parivartana that fulfils the condition for gemtsone exchange !!however , first we need to really understand , that conjunction actually makes planets behave like each other completely ? or only do they give each others effects in the dasha ?and if conj makes planets behave like each other ? then what does parivartana do ? does it also do the same ? if not the same , then whats different abt a parivartana then a conj ?humble regards,Chandan S sabarwal., Visti Larsen <visti wrote:>> ??? ??? ?????> Dear Chandan and Swee, Namaskar.> PV Narasimha Rao did see the legal issues and jail time, but through his > third and eighth lord Maha Dasa of Mars he was untouched. It was not > until Rahu Mahadasa that he saw problems, hence pointing out clearly > that the wearing of the Coral during Mars mahadasa was perfect advise... > Afterall he became Prime Minister after wearing it! How many can > astrologers can boast of a client attaining that once following a > remedial measure?> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen> ------------ --------- --------- --------- ----> www: http://srigaruda. com> @: visti > Chandan Ssabarwal skrev:> > ||aum namah shivaya||> >

> > dear swee and visti,> > namaste !> > > > swee - you are right abt PV Narasimha going to jail and also being > > held up in litigation (6th house effects) , that eventually came came > > upon unto him , after some of his own party members and associates > > (mercury), accused him of bribery and even showed the briefcase , in > > which he was actually deliveered INR 10 million .> > > > Visti - when you mentioned , that a red coral is being advised to worn > > simply based upon the conj of Mars and Mercury in 10th House , merc > > being lagnesha , i cannt somehow comprehend the basic theory behind > > this ... and i still remember reading somehwere on your website where > > you mentioned , only complete parivartana is actual exhange of houses > > and not simply

conj....> > > > conj simply gives results of each others in Dasas's ... but actual > > potency and maleficience / benificience is based upon Rasi / Dasamasa !> > > > how could some one possibly advise a gemstone just based upon rasi and > > not even consider damasa , especially when career is concerend ? > > moreover , that Simhasana Yoga in Lagna in Narasimha's case , somehow > > makes me believe , it should have been the Emerald that he should have > > worn and not the red coral ...> > > > also , mercury forms a Nipuna Yoga with the Sun , so once again emerald.> > i had always wanted to pick up this thing with out , glad swee bought > > it up !!> > > > humbly yours,> > chandan s sabarwal.> >>




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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Visti Ji, Namaste


Thank you very much for clarifying this.



Maja Strbac




--- On Tue, 12/16/08, Visti Larsen <visti wrote:

Visti Larsen <vistiRe: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ? Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 10:44 AM



हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£Dear Maja, Namaskar.Again Gunachakra. Sun, Moon and Jupiter are sattvic hence their gemstones are used to establish sattva in the ninth house.





Sun (padmaraga)

Moon (mukta)

Jupiter (pushparaga)


Malefic in ninth->



Rahu (or Ketu)The given table shows the link. With Ketu in ninth we can however settle with wearing a Gold ring on the right hand ring finger. In all cases the remedy graha is worn on the right hand ring finger.Hope this clarifies.Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen------------ --------- --------- --------- ----www: http://srigaruda. com@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com Maja Å trbac skrev:







Om Gurave Namah


Dear Visti Ji, Namaste


I was wondering about this:


Malefics placed in the ninth house cause misfortune, and in such cases reversal gems are advised.

Can you please explain this "reversal"? Because I can catch up with Rahu/Guru and Sani/Surya pairs if we are using opposite directions for Grahas in Digchakra, but I can not fit remaining pair Chandra/Mangal in any way to this same logic.


What is the principle that we are using here in first place?


Warm Regards,

Maja Strbac


Hari Om Tat Sat



--- On Tue, 12/16/08, Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:


Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 7:09 AM




हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£Dear Chandan, Namaskar.Excuse me for not answering in full in my last mail, I realise no one learns if no one shares, so here is what I have learned and have to share.I have gathered the following rules reg. gemstones with time (this will be republished on my website for reference):The prescription of metals or gemstones belongs to the concept of Tantra, i.e. Tanu+Trayi meaning to protect the body. This is best to advise when a person may be making a wrong decision and you want them to stick to the right one. Just as one can advise gemstones to protect the body, there are gemstones which can remove the protection of the body, hence one should advise these wisely.Sanskrit word for gemstone is ratna but does not literally mean gemstone, but can also refer to treasure, jewel, precious stone, and is derived from the word rÄ meaning a gift, goods,

wealth or riches. (Monier-Williams)

The word ratna specifically refers to nine types of treasure or jewels namely mukta (pearl), vajra (diamond), padmarÄga (ruby), pushparÄga (topaz), indranÄ«la (clear/stainless sapphire), marakata (emerald), vaidÅ«rya (cats eye), vidruma (coral) and gomeda (hessonite). For the same reason the word ratna also means nine in vedic numerology. PushparÄga has been translated as Topaz by most, however the Garuda Purana (Suta, 2007, p. 174) does state that different colours of the pushparÄga can be regarded as equal to the indranÄ«la (sapphire) or padmarÄga (ruby). Therefore, among the indranÄ«la (Sapphire) we must infer that certain shades (i.e. yellow) can be regarded as giving the effects of pushparÄga (topaz). Hence, whilst all sapphires fall in the same group of indranÄ«la the colour of them being different also differentiates the

effects of wearing them greatly. Details should be learned from the Garuda Purana in this regard.

The Deva are supposed to reside in the particle of a ratna which is clear, bright, without cracks or lines in it and has no unusual shades in it. Hence, the wearing of a ratna is for the sake of keeping a Deva next to you and protecting you.


Ratna comes under the various metals known as Dhatu. Moon, Mars, Saturn and RÄhu signify the Dhatu and among them Moon rules over Ratna, whilst Mars rules over the earth, Saturn over the raw minerals such as oil and irons whilst RÄhu rules over the rare metals such as Gold and platinum. Hence, Moon is Ratna kÄraka and divisional charts as Somanatha Drekkana and Somanatha Navamsha are the most important to judge the effect of gemstones. As specifically the Drekkana refers to ones karma and this is signified by ones hands, the Somanatha drekkana is apt to judge the effects of gemstones. Specifically this divisional chart shows ones ojas and how one uses it. Strong ojas can grant fame, and hence this divisional chart can be used to see ones popularity as well as sexuality where ones ojas is used.

The Moon signifying all gemstones is also known as gunatmaka, i.e .the self in the form of guna or attributes. Hence to understand the effects of a gemstone vis-a-vis other gemstones we use the gunachakra. This is also used for other purposes and is an integral part of Vedic numerology. This will be explained further below. Which finger to wear the gemstone on can be understood from Vedic Remedies in Astrology, by Sanjay Rath. The four fingers represent moksha, artha, dharma and kÄma respectively for the index, middle, ring and little fingers. No gem is advised on the index finger as it risks blocking moksha and increasing ahamkara. The following table has been culled out of the same work. Table 2: Finger and Ratna (Rath)











Ring (3rd from index)





Ring or Little finger (3rd or 4th from index)





Middle or ring finger (2nd or 3rd from index)





Middle or little fingers (2nd or 4th from index)



Yellow Topaz/Yellow Sapphire


Ring (3rd from index)





Ring (3rd from index)



Blue Sapphire


Middle or little finger (2nd or 4th from index)





Middle or little finger (2nd or 4th from index)



Cats eye


Middle or ring finger (2nd or 3rd from index)

Garuda Purana states that gemstones can do great good for the human race and they have natural (Naisargika) characteristics which will benefit everyone. Example: a lady wishing to be a mother would benefit greatly from wearing a pushparÄga (topaz) or pokhraj (yellow sapphire). Similarly a person having cancer should wear a diamond and recite mrtyunjaya mantra. These natural indications of gemstones can be applied to all the gemstones and the effects are given in Garuda Purana. Table 3: Ratna and Graha (Dikshita, 1992, p. 1.55)











































Yellow Topaz














Blue Sapphire














Cats eye

Tradition is everything when it comes to applying any advice and hereunder is some of the advice that I have gathered from my teacher. Ratna should be advised based on the first, fifth and ninth house lords in the Rashi (D1) chart. These are the best gemstones and will support the native in their purpose of life. The first lord protects the head and intelligence, the fifth protects the hands and torso, whilst the ninth protects the legs, and hence the native will always select the best path in life if the gemstone of the ninth lord is worn. Thus the ninth lord is the most auspicious gemstone. This can also be used to advise the best gemstone for disease in particular parts of the body. Malefics placed in the ninth house cause misfortune, and in such cases reversal gems are advised.





Graha in 9th


Gemstone advised





Ruby (pink ruby for ladies)





Yellow Sapphire or Yellow Topaz





Gold ring






Gemstones of the sixth, eighth or twelfth house lords are inauspicious and cause strife, disease and loss respectively and should not be worn. To both the above there are exceptions which occur on account of Yoga.

Yoga and Sambandha (reference: Atri Classes)

The graha give their effects by affecting the four ayana or goals of the person’s life namely dharma, artha, kÄma and moksha symbolised by the first, second, third or fourth pada of a nakshatra, or fiery, earthy, airy and watery signs respectively. When a graha is in parivartana yoga with another, then the other graha will affect all four ayana of the former graha. Therefore, if the ninth lord is in parivartana with the sixth lord the gemstone of the sixth lord should be advised. Similarly when a graha is yuti another graha it takes on three of the four ayanas of the other graha. Which three ayana depends on i) the particular grahas Navamsha sign ii) the two signs adjacent that particular sign. Example: If Sun is joined Venus then Sun will give the effects of Venus. In such a case should Sun be placed in the Navamsha of Capricorn then it would give the effects of Venus’ Artha-ayana due to being in an earthy Navamsha, and further as the Navamsha before is that of a fiery sign and that after being an airy sign, the Sun would give the effects of Venus’ dharma-ayana (fiery) and kÄma-ayana (airy) as well, but not the moksha-ayana (watery). If three or more graha join then the interchange of effects will be decided based on the natural benefic/malefic indications of the graha, viz. if Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury join then the highest malefic and highest benefic will interchange results, thus causing Saturn and Jupiter to interchange results whilst Mercury will give not give the results of anyone. Similarly apply this to conjunction of more grahas. The two remaining Sambandha, viz. Samdristi and Parivartana dristi are not taken into account for this purpose as they only affect two or one ayana among the full four ayana of a graha, yet are still applied when timing events. VÄrachakra

Table 4: Varachakra




















































In some cases the gemstones of the sixth, eighth or twelfth lords needs to be given to as those graha are causing excessive problems to the native. This occurs when another graha is causing an eclipse on that graha and thus denying it of its positive effects. I.e. Sri Kashinatha Rath was recalled to have given the advice of wearing Ruby to a Pisces Lagna, as Sun was in the sixth and Rähu was placed in the tenth. In that specific scenario the native was suffering on account of repeated legal battles. The reason being on account of Rähu. This is further explained as: when a graha occupies the Simhasana bhavas (10th, 1st or 5th in that order) that graha causes an eclipse on the third graha in the order of the Varachakra. Viz. in the order of weekdays the third graha from Rähu is the Sun, hence when Rähu is in the tenth house the native will have problems on account of the house placement and lordship

of the Sun in their life. Similarly if among the Simhasana Bhava only Mars is placed in the fifth house then the placement and lordship of Jupiter will be hampered. The Varachakra has many uses in matters of Jyotish, and this is the logic behind many principles in the Brighu Sutras.



Table 1: Gunachakra
































































Gunachakra is applied somewhat differently than the Varachakra. If a Graha is inauspicious then we can choose to lock or unlock its indications using the fourth or seventh graha in the gunachakra respectively. Example: cancer and tumours are caused by a malignant growth of cancer-cells in the body and is signified by an afflicted Jupiter. In the Gunachakra the fourth graha from Jupiter is Venus who can block the spread of cancer. Thus to remedy such a disease wearing diamond is advised along with Mrtyunjaya mantra. Similarly Mars can cause nervous system issues such as Parkinsons and the likes, and to block this issue a gemstone of Jupiter is advised along with the Mrtyunjaya bijas. Should a graha already be blocking the native in one aspect of life, then the unlocker (7th graha) is required. I.e. if for Taurus lagna the lord Venus is placed in Libra, the native will be bothered by constant disease on account of wrong application of intelligence. Therefore the intellect can be deemed as locked and wearing a Yellow Topaz/Sapphire is advised. Similarly if Moon is very badly placed and has no nīcha bhanga then a Blue Sapphire is advised as Saturn is the seventh graha from the Moon in weekday order and can unlock these negatives.There are undoubtedly more applications of the Gunachakra in this regard, reg. gemstones, yet until I have been presented with them, this is what I have to share.



Somanatha Drekkana

Having ascertained the gemstone as per the Rashi chart it is worthwhile to check the SomanÄtha Drekkana. Herein graha lording the second house is a mÄraka to the ojas in the body and will curtail health and sexuality. This gemstone is therefore not advised, and neither is the lord of the twelfth as this is the sixth lord from the seventh house causing celibacy to the partner. Similarly the sixth and eighth lords affect the partner in a similar fashion and those gemstones should preferably also be avoided. Advising the third lord’s gem can increase the person’s libido significantly and advising this gemstone should be done thoughtfully. The gem of the lagna lord is the best and ensures good health and fame. Apply this advice intelligently.

Hope this helps to share insight.Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen------------ --------- --------- --------- ----www: http://srigaruda. com@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) comchandan486 skrev:


||aum namah shivaya||dear visti,namaste.Well , the point that he landed into troubles with the advent of Rahu Dasa , makes more sense now , but still you havent answered .. is mere conj enough to wear each other's gemstones ? or is it real parivartana that fulfils the condition for gemtsone exchange !!however , first we need to really understand , that conjunction actually makes planets behave like each other completely ? or only do they give each others effects in the dasha ?and if conj makes planets behave like each other ? then what does parivartana do ? does it also do the same ? if not the same , then whats different abt a parivartana then a conj ?humble regards,Chandan S sabarwal., Visti Larsen <visti wrote:>> ??? ??? ?????> Dear Chandan and Swee, Namaskar.> PV Narasimha Rao did see the legal issues and jail time, but through his > third and eighth lord Maha Dasa of Mars he was untouched. It was not > until Rahu Mahadasa that he saw problems, hence pointing out clearly > that the wearing of the Coral during Mars mahadasa was perfect advise... > Afterall he became Prime Minister after wearing it! How many can > astrologers can boast of a client attaining that once following a > remedial measure?> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen> ------------ --------- --------- --------- ----> www: http://srigaruda. com> @: visti > Chandan Ssabarwal skrev:> > ||aum namah shivaya||> >

> > dear swee and visti,> > namaste !> > > > swee - you are right abt PV Narasimha going to jail and also being > > held up in litigation (6th house effects) , that eventually came came > > upon unto him , after some of his own party members and associates > > (mercury), accused him of bribery and even showed the briefcase , in > > which he was actually deliveered INR 10 million .> > > > Visti - when you mentioned , that a red coral is being advised to worn > > simply based upon the conj of Mars and Mercury in 10th House , merc > > being lagnesha , i cannt somehow comprehend the basic theory behind > > this ... and i still remember reading somehwere on your website where > > you mentioned , only complete parivartana is actual exhange of houses > > and not simply

conj....> > > > conj simply gives results of each others in Dasas's ... but actual > > potency and maleficience / benificience is based upon Rasi / Dasamasa !> > > > how could some one possibly advise a gemstone just based upon rasi and > > not even consider damasa , especially when career is concerend ? > > moreover , that Simhasana Yoga in Lagna in Narasimha's case , somehow > > makes me believe , it should have been the Emerald that he should have > > worn and not the red coral ...> > > > also , mercury forms a Nipuna Yoga with the Sun , so once again emerald.> > i had always wanted to pick up this thing with out , glad swee bought > > it up !!> > > > humbly yours,> > chandan s sabarwal.>


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हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£

Dear Rajarshi, Namaskar.

The final effect is the same, as had the parivartana done otherwise

then he would not have cancer.

Yet, i don't believe the Cancer was solely caused by Jupiter in this

case as we see Rahu involved in a curse of mother from past life and

involving the sixth lord (roga) Ketu.

Still the advise is the same.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen


www: http://srigaruda.com

@: visti



rajarshi nandy skrev:








Dear Visti


Thank you for sharing that information. Really wonderful



I was seeing a chart of a person who has been detected

with liver cancer and doctors have given him six months time to live.

In his chart jup is in exchance with venus. Should he wear a pokhraj

instead of diamond?


If you could kindly take a look and advice it woiuld be



23rd march 1977

12:20 pm


mithun lagna, mesh rasi..








upsurge (of consciousness) is Bhairava - Shiva Sutra




--- On Tue, 16/12/08, Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro >



Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro >

Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal

charts ?


Tuesday, 16 December, 2008, 8:47 PM









Om Gurave Namah



Visti Ji, Namaste





far as I am concerned, your email bellow is a "Marry Christmas and a

Happy New Year in advance".



you so much for shearing it with us!








Om Tat Sat



--- On Tue, 12/16/08, Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>



Visti Larsen

<visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>

Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal

charts ?


Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 7:09 AM





हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£

Dear Chandan, Namaskar.

Excuse me for not answering in full in my last mail, I realise no one

learns if no one shares, so here is what I have learned and have to


I have gathered the following rules reg. gemstones with time (this will

be republished on my website for reference):


The prescription of metals or gemstones belongs to the concept of

Tantra, i.e. Tanu+Trayi meaning to protect the body. This is best to

advise when a person may be making a wrong decision and you want them

to stick to the right one. Just as one can advise gemstones to protect

the body, there are gemstones which can remove the protection of the

body, hence one should advise these wisely.

Sanskrit word for gemstone is ratna but does not literally mean

gemstone, but can also refer to treasure, jewel, precious stone, and is

derived from the word rÄ meaning a gift, goods, wealth or

riches. (Monier-Williams)



The word ratna

specifically refers to nine types of treasure or jewels namely mukta

(pearl), vajra (diamond), padmarÄga (ruby), pushparÄga

(topaz), indranīla (clear/stainless sapphire), marakata (emerald),

vaidūrya (cats eye), vidruma (coral) and gomeda (hessonite). For

the same reason the word ratna also means nine in vedic

numerology. PushparÄga has been translated as Topaz by most, however

the Garuda Purana (Suta, 2007, p. 174) does

state that different colours of the pushparÄga can be regarded

as equal to the indranÄ«la (sapphire) or padmarÄga (ruby).

Therefore, among the indranīla (Sapphire) we must infer that

certain shades (i.e. yellow) can be regarded as giving the effects of pushparÄga

(topaz). Hence, whilst all sapphires fall in the

same group of indranīla the colour of them being different also

differentiates the effects of wearing them greatly. Details should be

learned from the Garuda Purana in this regard.



The Deva are supposed to reside in

the particle of a ratna which is clear, bright, without cracks or lines

in it and has no unusual shades in it. Hence, the wearing of a ratna is

for the sake of keeping a Deva next to you and protecting you.



Ratna comes under the various

metals known as Dhatu. Moon, Mars, Saturn and RÄhu signify the Dhatu

and among them Moon rules over Ratna, whilst Mars rules over the earth,

Saturn over the raw minerals such as oil and irons whilst RÄhu rules

over the rare metals such as Gold and platinum. Hence, Moon is Ratna

kÄraka and divisional charts as Somanatha Drekkana and Somanatha

Navamsha are the most important to judge the effect of gemstones. As

specifically the Drekkana refers to ones karma and this is signified by

ones hands, the Somanatha drekkana is apt to judge the effects of

gemstones. Specifically this divisional chart shows ones ojas and how

one uses it. Strong ojas can grant fame, and hence this divisional

chart can be used to see ones popularity as well as sexuality where

ones ojas is used.

The Moon signifying all gemstones

is also known as gunatmaka, i.e .the self in the form of guna

or attributes. Hence to understand the effects of a gemstone vis-a-vis

other gemstones we use the gunachakra. This is also used for other

purposes and is an integral part of Vedic numerology. This will be

explained further below.

Which finger to wear the gemstone

on can be understood from Vedic Remedies in Astrology, by Sanjay Rath.

The four fingers represent moksha, artha, dharma and kÄma respectively

for the index, middle, ring and little fingers. No gem is advised on

the index finger as it risks blocking moksha and increasing ahamkara.

The following table has been culled out of the same work.

Table 2: Finger and

Ratna (Rath)
















Ring (3rd from









Ring or Little finger (3rd

or 4th from index)








Middle or ring finger (2nd

or 3rd from index)








Middle or little fingers (2nd

or 4th from index)





Yellow Topaz/Yellow Sapphire



Ring (3rd from









Ring (3rd from






Blue Sapphire



Middle or little finger (2nd

or 4th from index)








Middle or little finger (2nd

or 4th from index)





Cats eye



Middle or ring finger (2nd

or 3rd from index)






Garuda Purana states that

gemstones can do great good for the human race and they have natural

(Naisargika) characteristics which will benefit everyone. Example: a

lady wishing to be a mother would benefit greatly from wearing a

pushparÄga (topaz) or pokhraj (yellow sapphire). Similarly a person

having cancer should wear a diamond and recite mrtyunjaya mantra. These

natural indications of gemstones can be applied to all the gemstones

and the effects are given in Garuda Purana.

Table 3: Ratna and

Graha (Dikshita, 1992, p. 1.55)


































































Yellow Topaz






















Blue Sapphire






















Cats eye






Tradition is everything when it

comes to applying any advice and hereunder is some of the advice that I

have gathered from my teacher.

Ratna should be advised based on

the first, fifth and ninth house lords in the Rashi (D1) chart. These

are the best gemstones and will support the native in their purpose of

life. The first lord protects the head and intelligence, the fifth

protects the hands and torso, whilst the ninth protects the legs, and

hence the native will always select the best path in life if the

gemstone of the ninth lord is worn. Thus the ninth lord is the most

auspicious gemstone. This can also be used to advise the best gemstone

for disease in particular parts of the body.

Malefics placed in the ninth house

cause misfortune, and in such cases reversal gems are advised.






Graha in 9th




Gemstone advised








Ruby (pink ruby for ladies)








Yellow Sapphire or Yellow









Gold ring













 Gemstones of the

sixth, eighth or twelfth house lords are inauspicious and cause strife,

disease and loss respectively and should not be worn.

To both the above there are

exceptions which occur on account of Yoga.



Yoga and Sambandha (reference: Atri Classes)

The graha give their effects by

affecting the four ayana or goals of the person’s life namely dharma,

artha, kÄma and moksha symbolised by the first, second, third or fourth

pada of a nakshatra, or fiery, earthy, airy and watery signs

respectively. When a graha is in parivartana yoga with another, then

the other graha will affect all four ayana of the former graha.

Therefore, if the ninth lord is in parivartana with the sixth lord the

gemstone of the sixth lord should be advised.

Similarly when a graha is yuti

another graha it takes on three of the four ayanas of the other graha.

Which three ayana depends on i) the particular grahas Navamsha sign ii)

the two signs adjacent that particular sign. Example: If Sun is joined

Venus then Sun will give the effects of Venus. In such a case should

Sun be placed in the Navamsha of Capricorn then it would give the

effects of Venus’ Artha-ayana due to being in an earthy Navamsha, and

further as the Navamsha before is that of a fiery sign and that after

being an airy sign, the Sun would give the effects of Venus’

dharma-ayana (fiery) and kÄma-ayana (airy) as well, but not the

moksha-ayana (watery).

If three or more graha join then

the interchange of effects will be decided based on the natural

benefic/malefic indications of the graha, viz. if Jupiter, Saturn and

Mercury join then the highest malefic and highest benefic will

interchange results, thus causing Saturn and Jupiter to interchange

results whilst Mercury will give not give the results of anyone.

Similarly apply this to conjunction of more grahas.

The two remaining Sambandha, viz.

Samdristi and Parivartana dristi are not taken into account for this

purpose as they only affect two or one ayana among the full four ayana

of a graha, yet are still applied when timing events.


Table 4: Varachakra






















































































In some cases the gemstones of the

sixth, eighth or twelfth lords needs to be given to as those graha are

causing excessive problems to the native. This occurs when another

graha is causing an eclipse on that graha and thus denying it of its

positive effects. I.e. Sri Kashinatha Rath was recalled to have given

the advice of wearing Ruby to a Pisces Lagna, as Sun was in the sixth

and Rähu was placed in the tenth. In that specific scenario the native

was suffering on account of repeated legal battles. The reason being on

account of Rähu. This is further explained as: when a graha occupies

the Simhasana bhavas (10th, 1st or 5th

in that order) that graha causes an eclipse on the third graha in the

order of the Varachakra. Viz. in the order of weekdays the third graha

from Rähu is the Sun, hence when Rähu is in the tenth house the native

will have problems on account of the house placement and lordship of

the Sun in their life. Similarly if among the Simhasana Bhava only Mars

is placed in the fifth house then the placement and lordship of Jupiter

will be hampered.

The Varachakra has many uses in

matters of Jyotish, and this is the logic behind many principles in the

Brighu Sutras.






Table 1: Gunachakra








































































































Gunachakra is applied somewhat

differently than the Varachakra. If a Graha is inauspicious then we can

choose to lock or unlock its indications using the fourth or seventh

graha in the gunachakra respectively. Example: cancer and tumours are

caused by a malignant growth of cancer-cells in the body and is

signified by an afflicted Jupiter. In the Gunachakra the fourth graha

from Jupiter is Venus who can block the spread of cancer. Thus to

remedy such a disease wearing diamond is advised along with Mrtyunjaya

mantra. Similarly Mars can cause nervous system issues such as

Parkinsons and the likes, and to block this issue a gemstone of Jupiter

is advised along with the Mrtyunjaya bijas.

Should a graha already be blocking

the native in one aspect of life, then the unlocker (7th

graha) is required. I.e. if for Taurus lagna the lord Venus is placed

in Libra, the native will be bothered by constant disease on account of

wrong application of intelligence. Therefore the intellect can be

deemed as locked and wearing a Yellow Topaz/Sapphire is advised.

Similarly if Moon is very badly placed and has no nīcha bhanga then a

Blue Sapphire is advised as Saturn is the seventh graha from the Moon

in weekday order and can unlock these negatives.

There are undoubtedly more applications of the Gunachakra in this

regard, reg. gemstones, yet until I have been presented with them, this

is what I have to share.






Somanatha Drekkana

Having ascertained the gemstone as

per the Rashi chart it is worthwhile to check the SomanÄtha Drekkana.

Herein graha lording the second house is a mÄraka to the ojas in the

body and will curtail health and sexuality. This gemstone is therefore

not advised, and neither is the lord of the twelfth as this is the

sixth lord from the seventh house causing celibacy to the partner.

Similarly the sixth and eighth lords affect the partner in a similar

fashion and those gemstones should preferably also be avoided. Advising

the third lord’s gem can increase the person’s libido significantly and

advising this gemstone should be done thoughtfully. The gem of the

lagna lord is the best and ensures good health and fame. Apply this

advice intelligently.



Hope this helps to share insight.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

------------ --------- --------- --------- ----

www: http://srigaruda.


@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT)



chandan486 skrev:



||aum namah shivaya||


dear visti,



Well , the point that he landed into troubles with the advent of Rahu

Dasa , makes more sense now , but still you havent answered .. is

mere conj enough to wear each other's gemstones ? or is it real

parivartana that fulfils the condition for gemtsone exchange !!


however , first we need to really understand , that conjunction

actually makes planets behave like each other completely ? or only do

they give each others effects in the dasha ?


and if conj makes planets behave like each other ? then what does

parivartana do ? does it also do the same ? if not the same , then

whats different abt a parivartana then a conj ?


humble regards,

Chandan S sabarwal.


, Visti Larsen <visti



> ??? ??? ?????

> Dear Chandan and Swee, Namaskar.

> PV Narasimha Rao did see the legal issues and jail time, but

through his

> third and eighth lord Maha Dasa of Mars he was untouched. It was


> until Rahu Mahadasa that he saw problems, hence pointing out


> that the wearing of the Coral during Mars mahadasa was perfect


> Afterall he became Prime Minister after wearing it! How many can

> astrologers can boast of a client attaining that once following a

> remedial measure?

> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- ----

> www: http://srigaruda. com

> @: visti


> Chandan Ssabarwal skrev:

> > ||aum namah shivaya||

> >

> > dear swee and visti,

> > namaste !

> >

> > swee - you are right abt PV Narasimha going to jail and also


> > held up in litigation (6th house effects) , that eventually



> > upon unto him , after some of his own party members and


> > (mercury), accused him of bribery and even showed the

briefcase ,


> > which he was actually deliveered INR 10 million .

> >

> > Visti - when you mentioned , that a red coral is being

advised to


> > simply based upon the conj of Mars and Mercury in 10th House



> > being lagnesha , i cannt somehow comprehend the basic theory


> > this ... and i still remember reading somehwere on your



> > you mentioned , only complete parivartana is actual exhange



> > and not simply conj....

> >

> > conj simply gives results of each others in Dasas's ... but


> > potency and maleficience / benificience is based upon Rasi /

Dasamasa !

> >

> > how could some one possibly advise a gemstone just based upon


rasi and

> > not even consider damasa , especially when career is

concerend ?

> > moreover , that Simhasana Yoga in Lagna in Narasimha's case ,



> > makes me believe , it should have been the Emerald that he



> > worn and not the red coral ...

> >

> > also , mercury forms a Nipuna Yoga with the Sun , so once



> > i had always wanted to pick up this thing with out , glad



> > it up !!

> >

> > humbly yours,

> > chandan s sabarwal.

> >














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om namo bhagavate narasimhaya

Dear Guruji , Namaskar




Lets say Meena Lagna Shani yuti Mangal - I should perscribe Neelam to

give effect of bhagyesh Mangal?



Rafal Gendarz


Consultations and Pages:






Visti Larsen pisze:



हरे राम कृष्ण

Dear Rajarshi, Namaskar.

The final effect is the same, as had the parivartana done otherwise

then he would not have cancer.

Yet, i don't believe the Cancer was solely caused by Jupiter in this

case as we see Rahu involved in a curse of mother from past life and

involving the sixth lord (roga) Ketu.

Still the advise is the same.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen


www: http://srigaruda.com

@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com



rajarshi nandy skrev:









Dear Visti


Thank you for sharing that information. Really wonderful



I was seeing a chart of a person who has been detected

with liver cancer and doctors have given him six months time to live.

In his chart jup is in exchance with venus. Should he wear a pokhraj

instead of diamond?


If you could kindly take a look and advice it woiuld be



23rd march 1977

12:20 pm


mithun lagna, mesh rasi..








upsurge (of consciousness) is Bhairava - Shiva Sutra




--- On Tue, 16/12/08, Maja Štrbac <majastrbacastro >



Maja Štrbac <majastrbacastro >

Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal

charts ?


Tuesday, 16 December, 2008, 8:47 PM









Om Gurave Namah



Visti Ji, Namaste





far as I am concerned, your email bellow is a "Marry Christmas and a

Happy New Year in advance".



you so much for shearing it with us!








Om Tat Sat



--- On Tue, 12/16/08, Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT)




Visti Larsen

<visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT)


Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal

charts ?


Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 7:09 AM





हरे राम कृष्ण

Dear Chandan, Namaskar.

Excuse me for not answering in full in my last mail, I realise no one

learns if no one shares, so here is what I have learned and have to


I have gathered the following rules reg. gemstones with time (this will

be republished on my website for reference):


The prescription of metals or gemstones belongs to the concept of

Tantra, i.e. Tanu+Trayi meaning to protect the body. This is best to

advise when a person may be making a wrong decision and you want them

to stick to the right one. Just as one can advise gemstones to protect

the body, there are gemstones which can remove the protection of the

body, hence one should advise these wisely.

Sanskrit word for gemstone is ratna but does not literally mean

gemstone, but can also refer to treasure, jewel, precious stone, and is

derived from the word rā meaning a gift, goods, wealth or

riches. (Monier-Williams)



The word ratna

specifically refers to nine types of treasure or jewels namely mukta

(pearl), vajra (diamond), padmarāga (ruby), pushparāga

(topaz), indranīla (clear/stainless sapphire), marakata (emerald),

vaidūrya (cats eye), vidruma (coral) and gomeda (hessonite). For

the same reason the word ratna also means nine in vedic

numerology. Pushparāga has been translated as Topaz by most, however

the Garuda Purana (Suta, 2007, p. 174) does

state that different colours of the pushparāga can be regarded

as equal to the indranīla (sapphire) or padmarāga (ruby).

Therefore, among the indranīla (Sapphire) we must infer that

certain shades (i.e. yellow) can be regarded as giving the effects of pushparāga

(topaz). Hence, whilst all sapphires fall in


same group of indranīla the colour of them being different also

differentiates the effects of wearing them greatly. Details should be

learned from the Garuda Purana in this regard.



The Deva are supposed to reside


the particle of a ratna which is clear, bright, without cracks or lines

in it and has no unusual shades in it. Hence, the wearing of a ratna is

for the sake of keeping a Deva next to you and protecting you.


Ratna comes under the various

metals known as Dhatu. Moon, Mars, Saturn and Rāhu signify the Dhatu

and among them Moon rules over Ratna, whilst Mars rules over the earth,

Saturn over the raw minerals such as oil and irons whilst Rāhu rules

over the rare metals such as Gold and platinum. Hence, Moon is Ratna

kāraka and divisional charts as Somanatha Drekkana and Somanatha

Navamsha are the most important to judge the effect of gemstones. As

specifically the Drekkana refers to ones karma and this is signified by

ones hands, the Somanatha drekkana is apt to judge the effects of

gemstones. Specifically this divisional chart shows ones ojas and how

one uses it. Strong ojas can grant fame, and hence this divisional

chart can be used to see ones popularity as well as sexuality where

ones ojas is used.

The Moon signifying all


is also known as gunatmaka, i.e .the self in the form of guna

or attributes. Hence to understand the effects of a gemstone vis-a-vis

other gemstones we use the gunachakra. This is also used for other

purposes and is an integral part of Vedic numerology. This will be

explained further below.

Which finger to wear the


on can be understood from Vedic Remedies in Astrology, by Sanjay Rath.

The four fingers represent moksha, artha, dharma and kāma respectively

for the index, middle, ring and little fingers. No gem is advised on

the index finger as it risks blocking moksha and increasing ahamkara.

The following table has been culled out of the same work.

Table 2: Finger


Ratna (Rath)
















Ring (3rd from









Ring or Little finger (3rd

or 4th from index)








Middle or ring finger (2nd

or 3rd from index)








Middle or little fingers (2nd

or 4th from index)





Yellow Topaz/Yellow




Ring (3rd from









Ring (3rd from






Blue Sapphire



Middle or little finger (2nd

or 4th from index)








Middle or little finger (2nd

or 4th from index)





Cats eye



Middle or ring finger (2nd

or 3rd from index)






Garuda Purana states that

gemstones can do great good for the human race and they have natural

(Naisargika) characteristics which will benefit everyone. Example: a

lady wishing to be a mother would benefit greatly from wearing a

pushparāga (topaz) or pokhraj (yellow sapphire). Similarly a person

having cancer should wear a diamond and recite mrtyunjaya mantra. These

natural indications of gemstones can be applied to all the gemstones

and the effects are given in Garuda Purana.

Table 3: Ratna


Graha (Dikshita, 1992, p. 1.55)


































































Yellow Topaz






















Blue Sapphire






















Cats eye






Tradition is everything when it

comes to applying any advice and hereunder is some of the advice that I

have gathered from my teacher.

Ratna should be advised based on

the first, fifth and ninth house lords in the Rashi (D1) chart. These

are the best gemstones and will support the native in their purpose of

life. The first lord protects the head and intelligence, the fifth

protects the hands and torso, whilst the ninth protects the legs, and

hence the native will always select the best path in life if the

gemstone of the ninth lord is worn. Thus the ninth lord is the most

auspicious gemstone. This can also be used to advise the best gemstone

for disease in particular parts of the body.

Malefics placed in the ninth


cause misfortune, and in such cases reversal gems are advised.






Graha in 9th



Gemstone advised








Ruby (pink ruby for ladies)








Yellow Sapphire or Yellow









Gold ring













Gemstones of the

sixth, eighth or twelfth house lords are inauspicious and cause strife,

disease and loss respectively and should not be worn.

To both the above there are

exceptions which occur on account of Yoga.



Yoga and Sambandha (reference: Atri Classes)

The graha give their effects by

affecting the four ayana or goals of the person’s life namely dharma,

artha, kāma and moksha symbolised by the first, second, third or fourth

pada of a nakshatra, or fiery, earthy, airy and watery signs

respectively. When a graha is in parivartana yoga with another, then

the other graha will affect all four ayana of the former graha.

Therefore, if the ninth lord is in parivartana with the sixth lord the

gemstone of the sixth lord should be advised.

Similarly when a graha is yuti

another graha it takes on three of the four ayanas of the other graha.

Which three ayana depends on i) the particular grahas Navamsha sign ii)

the two signs adjacent that particular sign. Example: If Sun is joined

Venus then Sun will give the effects of Venus. In such a case should

Sun be placed in the Navamsha of Capricorn then it would give the

effects of Venus’ Artha-ayana due to being in an earthy Navamsha, and

further as the Navamsha before is that of a fiery sign and that after

being an airy sign, the Sun would give the effects of Venus’

dharma-ayana (fiery) and kāma-ayana (airy) as well, but not the

moksha-ayana (watery).

If three or more graha join then

the interchange of effects will be decided based on the natural

benefic/malefic indications of the graha, viz. if Jupiter, Saturn and

Mercury join then the highest malefic and highest benefic will

interchange results, thus causing Saturn and Jupiter to interchange

results whilst Mercury will give not give the results of anyone.

Similarly apply this to conjunction of more grahas.

The two remaining Sambandha,


Samdristi and Parivartana dristi are not taken into account for this

purpose as they only affect two or one ayana among the full four ayana

of a graha, yet are still applied when timing events.


Table 4: Varachakra






















































































In some cases the gemstones of


sixth, eighth or twelfth lords needs to be given to as those graha are

causing excessive problems to the native. This occurs when another

graha is causing an eclipse on that graha and thus denying it of its

positive effects. I.e. Sri Kashinatha Rath was recalled to have given

the advice of wearing Ruby to a Pisces Lagna, as Sun was in the sixth

and Rähu was placed in the tenth. In that specific scenario the native

was suffering on account of repeated legal battles. The reason being on

account of Rähu. This is further explained as: when a graha occupies

the Simhasana bhavas (10th, 1st or 5th

in that order) that graha causes an eclipse on the third graha in the

order of the Varachakra. Viz. in the order of weekdays the third graha

from Rähu is the Sun, hence when Rähu is in the tenth house the native

will have problems on account of the house placement and lordship of

the Sun in their life. Similarly if among the Simhasana Bhava only Mars

is placed in the fifth house then the placement and lordship of Jupiter

will be hampered.

The Varachakra has many uses in

matters of Jyotish, and this is the logic behind many principles in the

Brighu Sutras.






Table 1: Gunachakra








































































































Gunachakra is applied somewhat

differently than the Varachakra. If a Graha is inauspicious then we can

choose to lock or unlock its indications using the fourth or seventh

graha in the gunachakra respectively. Example: cancer and tumours are

caused by a malignant growth of cancer-cells in the body and is

signified by an afflicted Jupiter. In the Gunachakra the fourth graha

from Jupiter is Venus who can block the spread of cancer. Thus to

remedy such a disease wearing diamond is advised along with Mrtyunjaya

mantra. Similarly Mars can cause nervous system issues such as

Parkinsons and the likes, and to block this issue a gemstone of Jupiter

is advised along with the Mrtyunjaya bijas.

Should a graha already be


the native in one aspect of life, then the unlocker (7th

graha) is required. I.e. if for Taurus lagna the lord Venus is placed

in Libra, the native will be bothered by constant disease on account of

wrong application of intelligence. Therefore the intellect can be

deemed as locked and wearing a Yellow Topaz/Sapphire is advised.

Similarly if Moon is very badly placed and has no nīcha bhanga then a

Blue Sapphire is advised as Saturn is the seventh graha from the Moon

in weekday order and can unlock these negatives.

There are undoubtedly more applications of the Gunachakra in this

regard, reg. gemstones, yet until I have been presented with them, this

is what I have to share.






Somanatha Drekkana

Having ascertained the gemstone


per the Rashi chart it is worthwhile to check the Somanātha Drekkana.

Herein graha lording the second house is a māraka to the ojas in the

body and will curtail health and sexuality. This gemstone is therefore

not advised, and neither is the lord of the twelfth as this is the

sixth lord from the seventh house causing celibacy to the partner.

Similarly the sixth and eighth lords affect the partner in a similar

fashion and those gemstones should preferably also be avoided. Advising

the third lord’s gem can increase the person’s libido significantly and

advising this gemstone should be done thoughtfully. The gem of the

lagna lord is the best and ensures good health and fame. Apply this

advice intelligently.



Hope this helps to share insight.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

------------ --------- --------- --------- ----

www: http://srigaruda.


@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT)



chandan486 skrev:



||aum namah shivaya||


dear visti,



Well , the point that he landed into troubles with the advent of Rahu

Dasa , makes more sense now , but still you havent answered .. is

mere conj enough to wear each other's gemstones ? or is it real

parivartana that fulfils the condition for gemtsone exchange !!


however , first we need to really understand , that conjunction

actually makes planets behave like each other completely ? or only do

they give each others effects in the dasha ?


and if conj makes planets behave like each other ? then what does

parivartana do ? does it also do the same ? if not the same , then

whats different abt a parivartana then a conj ?


humble regards,

Chandan S sabarwal.


, Visti Larsen <visti



> ??? ??? ?????

> Dear Chandan and Swee, Namaskar.

> PV Narasimha Rao did see the legal issues and jail time, but

through his

> third and eighth lord Maha Dasa of Mars he was untouched. It was


> until Rahu Mahadasa that he saw problems, hence pointing out


> that the wearing of the Coral during Mars mahadasa was perfect


> Afterall he became Prime Minister after wearing it! How many can

> astrologers can boast of a client attaining that once following a

> remedial measure?

> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- ----

> www: http://srigaruda.


> @: visti


> Chandan Ssabarwal skrev:

> > ||aum namah shivaya||

> >

> > dear swee and visti,

> > namaste !

> >

> > swee - you are right abt PV Narasimha going to jail and also


> > held up in litigation (6th house effects) , that eventually



> > upon unto him , after some of his own party members and


> > (mercury), accused him of bribery and even showed the

briefcase ,


> > which he was actually deliveered INR 10 million .

> >

> > Visti - when you mentioned , that a red coral is being

advised to


> > simply based upon the conj of Mars and Mercury in 10th House



> > being lagnesha , i cannt somehow comprehend the basic theory


> > this ... and i still remember reading somehwere on your



> > you mentioned , only complete parivartana is actual exhange



> > and not simply conj....

> >

> > conj simply gives results of each others in Dasas's ... but


> > potency and maleficience / benificience is based upon Rasi /

Dasamasa !

> >

> > how could some one possibly advise a gemstone just based upon


rasi and

> > not even consider damasa , especially when career is

concerend ?

> > moreover , that Simhasana Yoga in Lagna in Narasimha's case ,



> > makes me believe , it should have been the Emerald that he



> > worn and not the red coral ...

> >

> > also , mercury forms a Nipuna Yoga with the Sun , so once



> > i had always wanted to pick up this thing with out , glad



> > it up !!

> >

> > humbly yours,

> > chandan s sabarwal.

> >














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Dear Visti


Thank you for the reply. Actually my confusion was that when two planets go into parivartan do they exchange ONLY they functional and positional characteristic in a chart or also their natrual characteristic. Like sun ruling father and moon ruling mother etc..


I have adviced the person to keep chanting mahamrityunjaya mantra, if that helps him..





The upsurge (of consciousness) is Bhairava - Shiva Sutra--- On Wed, 17/12/08, Visti Larsen <visti wrote:

Visti Larsen <vistiRe: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ? Date: Wednesday, 17 December, 2008, 1:40 AM



हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£Dear Rajarshi, Namaskar.The final effect is the same, as had the parivartana done otherwise then he would not have cancer.Yet, i don't believe the Cancer was solely caused by Jupiter in this case as we see Rahu involved in a curse of mother from past life and involving the sixth lord (roga) Ketu.Still the advise is the same.Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen------------ --------- --------- --------- ----www: http://srigaruda. com@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com rajarshi nandy skrev:







Dear Visti


Thank you for sharing that information. Really wonderful mail.


I was seeing a chart of a person who has been detected with liver cancer and doctors have given him six months time to live. In his chart jup is in exchance with venus. Should he wear a pokhraj instead of diamond?


If you could kindly take a look and advice it woiuld be great..


23rd march 1977

12:20 pm


mithun lagna, mesh rasi..





The upsurge (of consciousness) is Bhairava - Shiva Sutra--- On Tue, 16/12/08, Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ > wrote:

Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro@ >Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?Tuesday, 16 December, 2008, 8:47 PM








Om Gurave Namah


Dear Visti Ji, Namaste




As far as I am concerned, your email bellow is a "Marry Christmas and a Happy New Year in advance".


Thank you so much for shearing it with us!


Warm Regards,

Maja Strbac


Hari Om Tat Sat

--- On Tue, 12/16/08, Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:

Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 7:09 AM




हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£Dear Chandan, Namaskar.Excuse me for not answering in full in my last mail, I realise no one learns if no one shares, so here is what I have learned and have to share.I have gathered the following rules reg. gemstones with time (this will be republished on my website for reference):The prescription of metals or gemstones belongs to the concept of Tantra, i.e. Tanu+Trayi meaning to protect the body. This is best to advise when a person may be making a wrong decision and you want them to stick to the right one. Just as one can advise gemstones to protect the body, there are gemstones which can remove the protection of the body, hence one should advise these wisely.Sanskrit word for gemstone is ratna but does not literally mean gemstone, but can also refer to treasure, jewel, precious stone, and is derived from the word rÄ meaning a gift, goods,

wealth or riches. (Monier-Williams)

The word ratna specifically refers to nine types of treasure or jewels namely mukta (pearl), vajra (diamond), padmarÄga (ruby), pushparÄga (topaz), indranÄ«la (clear/stainless sapphire), marakata (emerald), vaidÅ«rya (cats eye), vidruma (coral) and gomeda (hessonite). For the same reason the word ratna also means nine in vedic numerology. PushparÄga has been translated as Topaz by most, however the Garuda Purana (Suta, 2007, p. 174) does state that different colours of the pushparÄga can be regarded as equal to the indranÄ«la (sapphire) or padmarÄga (ruby). Therefore, among the indranÄ«la (Sapphire) we must infer that certain shades (i.e. yellow) can be regarded as giving the effects of pushparÄga (topaz). Hence, whilst all sapphires fall in the same group of indranÄ«la the colour of them being different also differentiates the

effects of wearing them greatly. Details should be learned from the Garuda Purana in this regard.

The Deva are supposed to reside in the particle of a ratna which is clear, bright, without cracks or lines in it and has no unusual shades in it. Hence, the wearing of a ratna is for the sake of keeping a Deva next to you and protecting you.


Ratna comes under the various metals known as Dhatu. Moon, Mars, Saturn and RÄhu signify the Dhatu and among them Moon rules over Ratna, whilst Mars rules over the earth, Saturn over the raw minerals such as oil and irons whilst RÄhu rules over the rare metals such as Gold and platinum. Hence, Moon is Ratna kÄraka and divisional charts as Somanatha Drekkana and Somanatha Navamsha are the most important to judge the effect of gemstones. As specifically the Drekkana refers to ones karma and this is signified by ones hands, the Somanatha drekkana is apt to judge the effects of gemstones. Specifically this divisional chart shows ones ojas and how one uses it. Strong ojas can grant fame, and hence this divisional chart can be used to see ones popularity as well as sexuality where ones ojas is used.

The Moon signifying all gemstones is also known as gunatmaka, i.e .the self in the form of guna or attributes. Hence to understand the effects of a gemstone vis-a-vis other gemstones we use the gunachakra. This is also used for other purposes and is an integral part of Vedic numerology. This will be explained further below.

Which finger to wear the gemstone on can be understood from Vedic Remedies in Astrology, by Sanjay Rath. The four fingers represent moksha, artha, dharma and kÄma respectively for the index, middle, ring and little fingers. No gem is advised on the index finger as it risks blocking moksha and increasing ahamkara. The following table has been culled out of the same work.

Table 2: Finger and Ratna (Rath)











Ring (3rd from index)





Ring or Little finger (3rd or 4th from index)





Middle or ring finger (2nd or 3rd from index)





Middle or little fingers (2nd or 4th from index)



Yellow Topaz/Yellow Sapphire


Ring (3rd from index)





Ring (3rd from index)



Blue Sapphire


Middle or little finger (2nd or 4th from index)





Middle or little finger (2nd or 4th from index)



Cats eye


Middle or ring finger (2nd or 3rd from index)

Garuda Purana states that gemstones can do great good for the human race and they have natural (Naisargika) characteristics which will benefit everyone. Example: a lady wishing to be a mother would benefit greatly from wearing a pushparÄga (topaz) or pokhraj (yellow sapphire). Similarly a person having cancer should wear a diamond and recite mrtyunjaya mantra. These natural indications of gemstones can be applied to all the gemstones and the effects are given in Garuda Purana. Table 3: Ratna and Graha (Dikshita, 1992, p. 1.55)











































Yellow Topaz














Blue Sapphire














Cats eye

Tradition is everything when it comes to applying any advice and hereunder is some of the advice that I have gathered from my teacher. Ratna should be advised based on the first, fifth and ninth house lords in the Rashi (D1) chart. These are the best gemstones and will support the native in their purpose of life. The first lord protects the head and intelligence, the fifth protects the hands and torso, whilst the ninth protects the legs, and hence the native will always select the best path in life if the gemstone of the ninth lord is worn. Thus the ninth lord is the most auspicious gemstone. This can also be used to advise the best gemstone for disease in particular parts of the body. Malefics placed in the ninth house cause misfortune, and in such cases reversal gems are advised.





Graha in 9th


Gemstone advised





Ruby (pink ruby for ladies)





Yellow Sapphire or Yellow Topaz





Gold ring






Gemstones of the sixth, eighth or twelfth house lords are inauspicious and cause strife, disease and loss respectively and should not be worn. To both the above there are exceptions which occur on account of Yoga.

Yoga and Sambandha (reference: Atri Classes)

The graha give their effects by affecting the four ayana or goals of the person’s life namely dharma, artha, kÄma and moksha symbolised by the first, second, third or fourth pada of a nakshatra, or fiery, earthy, airy and watery signs respectively. When a graha is in parivartana yoga with another, then the other graha will affect all four ayana of the former graha. Therefore, if the ninth lord is in parivartana with the sixth lord the gemstone of the sixth lord should be advised. Similarly when a graha is yuti another graha it takes on three of the four ayanas of the other graha. Which three ayana depends on i) the particular grahas Navamsha sign ii) the two signs adjacent that particular sign. Example: If Sun is joined Venus then Sun will give the effects of Venus. In such a case should Sun be placed in the Navamsha of Capricorn then it would give the effects of Venus’ Artha-ayana due to being in an earthy Navamsha, and further as the Navamsha before is that of a fiery sign and that after being an airy sign, the Sun would give the effects of Venus’ dharma-ayana (fiery) and kÄma-ayana (airy) as well, but not the moksha-ayana (watery). If three or more graha join then the interchange of effects will be decided based on the natural benefic/malefic indications of the graha, viz. if Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury join then the highest malefic and highest benefic will interchange results, thus causing Saturn and Jupiter to interchange results whilst Mercury will give not give the results of anyone. Similarly apply this to conjunction of more grahas. The two remaining Sambandha, viz. Samdristi and Parivartana dristi are not taken into account for this purpose as they only affect two or one ayana among the full four ayana of a graha, yet are still applied when timing events. VÄrachakra

Table 4: Varachakra




















































In some cases the gemstones of the sixth, eighth or twelfth lords needs to be given to as those graha are causing excessive problems to the native. This occurs when another graha is causing an eclipse on that graha and thus denying it of its positive effects. I.e. Sri Kashinatha Rath was recalled to have given the advice of wearing Ruby to a Pisces Lagna, as Sun was in the sixth and Rähu was placed in the tenth. In that specific scenario the native was suffering on account of repeated legal battles. The reason being on account of Rähu. This is further explained as: when a graha occupies the Simhasana bhavas (10th, 1st or 5th in that order) that graha causes an eclipse on the third graha in the order of the Varachakra. Viz. in the order of weekdays the third graha from Rähu is the Sun, hence when Rähu is in the tenth house the native will have problems on account of the house placement and lordship

of the Sun in their life. Similarly if among the Simhasana Bhava only Mars is placed in the fifth house then the placement and lordship of Jupiter will be hampered. The Varachakra has many uses in matters of Jyotish, and this is the logic behind many principles in the Brighu Sutras.



Table 1: Gunachakra
































































Gunachakra is applied somewhat differently than the Varachakra. If a Graha is inauspicious then we can choose to lock or unlock its indications using the fourth or seventh graha in the gunachakra respectively. Example: cancer and tumours are caused by a malignant growth of cancer-cells in the body and is signified by an afflicted Jupiter. In the Gunachakra the fourth graha from Jupiter is Venus who can block the spread of cancer. Thus to remedy such a disease wearing diamond is advised along with Mrtyunjaya mantra. Similarly Mars can cause nervous system issues such as Parkinsons and the likes, and to block this issue a gemstone of Jupiter is advised along with the Mrtyunjaya bijas. Should a graha already be blocking the native in one aspect of life, then the unlocker (7th graha) is required. I.e. if for Taurus lagna the lord Venus is placed in Libra, the native will be bothered by constant disease on account of wrong application of intelligence. Therefore the intellect can be deemed as locked and wearing a Yellow Topaz/Sapphire is advised. Similarly if Moon is very badly placed and has no nīcha bhanga then a Blue Sapphire is advised as Saturn is the seventh graha from the Moon in weekday order and can unlock these negatives.There are undoubtedly more applications of the Gunachakra in this regard, reg. gemstones, yet until I have been presented with them, this is what I have to share.



Somanatha Drekkana

Having ascertained the gemstone as per the Rashi chart it is worthwhile to check the SomanÄtha Drekkana. Herein graha lording the second house is a mÄraka to the ojas in the body and will curtail health and sexuality. This gemstone is therefore not advised, and neither is the lord of the twelfth as this is the sixth lord from the seventh house causing celibacy to the partner. Similarly the sixth and eighth lords affect the partner in a similar fashion and those gemstones should preferably also be avoided. Advising the third lord’s gem can increase the person’s libido significantly and advising this gemstone should be done thoughtfully. The gem of the lagna lord is the best and ensures good health and fame. Apply this advice intelligently.

Hope this helps to share insight.Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen------------ --------- --------- --------- ----www: http://srigaruda. com@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) comchandan486 skrev:


||aum namah shivaya||dear visti,namaste.Well , the point that he landed into troubles with the advent of Rahu Dasa , makes more sense now , but still you havent answered .. is mere conj enough to wear each other's gemstones ? or is it real parivartana that fulfils the condition for gemtsone exchange !!however , first we need to really understand , that conjunction actually makes planets behave like each other completely ? or only do they give each others effects in the dasha ?and if conj makes planets behave like each other ? then what does parivartana do ? does it also do the same ? if not the same , then whats different abt a parivartana then a conj ?humble regards,Chandan S sabarwal., Visti Larsen <visti wrote:>> ??? ??? ?????> Dear Chandan and Swee, Namaskar.> PV Narasimha Rao did see the legal issues and jail time, but through his > third and eighth lord Maha Dasa of Mars he was untouched. It was not > until Rahu Mahadasa that he saw problems, hence pointing out clearly > that the wearing of the Coral during Mars mahadasa was perfect advise... > Afterall he became Prime Minister after wearing it! How many can > astrologers can boast of a client attaining that once following a > remedial measure?> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen> ------------ --------- --------- --------- ----> www: http://srigaruda. com> @: visti > Chandan Ssabarwal skrev:> > ||aum namah shivaya||> >

> > dear swee and visti,> > namaste !> > > > swee - you are right abt PV Narasimha going to jail and also being > > held up in litigation (6th house effects) , that eventually came came > > upon unto him , after some of his own party members and associates > > (mercury), accused him of bribery and even showed the briefcase , in > > which he was actually deliveered INR 10 million .> > > > Visti - when you mentioned , that a red coral is being advised to worn > > simply based upon the conj of Mars and Mercury in 10th House , merc > > being lagnesha , i cannt somehow comprehend the basic theory behind > > this ... and i still remember reading somehwere on your website where > > you mentioned , only complete parivartana is actual exhange of houses > > and not simply

conj....> > > > conj simply gives results of each others in Dasas's ... but actual > > potency and maleficience / benificience is based upon Rasi / Dasamasa !> > > > how could some one possibly advise a gemstone just based upon rasi and > > not even consider damasa , especially when career is concerend ? > > moreover , that Simhasana Yoga in Lagna in Narasimha's case , somehow > > makes me believe , it should have been the Emerald that he should have > > worn and not the red coral ...> > > > also , mercury forms a Nipuna Yoga with the Sun , so once again emerald.> > i had always wanted to pick up this thing with out , glad swee bought > > it up !!> > > > humbly yours,> > chandan s sabarwal.>



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||Om namah Shivayah||


Pranam Vistiji


Fantsatic rocking email!!!


I could not understand some parts.


If Sun is joined Venus then Sun will give the effects of Venus. In such a case should Sun be placed in the Navamsha of Capricorn then it would give the effects of Venus’ Artha-ayana due to being in an earthy Navamsha, and further as the Navamsha before is that of a fiery sign and that after being an airy sign, the Sun would give the effects of Venus’ dharma-ayana (fiery) and kÄma-ayana (airy) as well, but not the moksha-ayana (watery).



How do we apply this in reading? I mean after fidning which of the 3 ayanas are being exchanged how to understand which is the exact effect of the graha in the persons life. For example say for vrischik lagna person jupter and rahu in 10th house, So jup gives effects of rahu and say jup is in mithun navamsa. So jup gives effect of kama (mithun), artha (vrishab) and moksha (cancer) ayans of rahu. What does it mean in reality in application..

Also as per the vara chakra principles, any planet in 10,1 or 5th house will eclipse the effects of grahas in 3rd from it in varachakra. Does this work all throughout a persons life from birth, OR only during the dasa of the planet in the simhamsa house?

As was given in the example for vara chakra, if sun was in 7th house and rahu in 10th and native was facing probelms in business/married life, would he still be advised to wear ruby? I mean in the particular example sun was in his own house so maleficience was less..


-Best Wishes





--- On Tue, 16/12/08, Visti Larsen <visti wrote:

Visti Larsen <vistiRe: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ? Date: Tuesday, 16 December, 2008, 3:09 PM




हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£Dear Chandan, Namaskar.Excuse me for not answering in full in my last mail, I realise no one learns if no one shares, so here is what I have learned and have to share.I have gathered the following rules reg. gemstones with time (this will be republished on my website for reference):The prescription of metals or gemstones belongs to the concept of Tantra, i.e. Tanu+Trayi meaning to protect the body. This is best to advise when a person may be making a wrong decision and you want them to stick to the right one. Just as one can advise gemstones to protect the body, there are gemstones which can remove the protection of the body, hence one should advise these wisely.Sanskrit word for gemstone is ratna but does not literally mean gemstone, but can also refer to treasure, jewel, precious stone, and is derived from the word rÄ meaning a gift, goods,

wealth or riches. (Monier-Williams)

The word ratna specifically refers to nine types of treasure or jewels namely mukta (pearl), vajra (diamond), padmarÄga (ruby), pushparÄga (topaz), indranÄ«la (clear/stainless sapphire), marakata (emerald), vaidÅ«rya (cats eye), vidruma (coral) and gomeda (hessonite). For the same reason the word ratna also means nine in vedic numerology. PushparÄga has been translated as Topaz by most, however the Garuda Purana (Suta, 2007, p. 174) does state that different colours of the pushparÄga can be regarded as equal to the indranÄ«la (sapphire) or padmarÄga (ruby). Therefore, among the indranÄ«la (Sapphire) we must infer that certain shades (i.e. yellow) can be regarded as giving the effects of pushparÄga (topaz). Hence, whilst all sapphires fall in the same group of indranÄ«la the colour of them being different also differentiates the

effects of wearing them greatly. Details should be learned from the Garuda Purana in this regard.

The Deva are supposed to reside in the particle of a ratna which is clear, bright, without cracks or lines in it and has no unusual shades in it. Hence, the wearing of a ratna is for the sake of keeping a Deva next to you and protecting you.


Ratna comes under the various metals known as Dhatu. Moon, Mars, Saturn and RÄhu signify the Dhatu and among them Moon rules over Ratna, whilst Mars rules over the earth, Saturn over the raw minerals such as oil and irons whilst RÄhu rules over the rare metals such as Gold and platinum. Hence, Moon is Ratna kÄraka and divisional charts as Somanatha Drekkana and Somanatha Navamsha are the most important to judge the effect of gemstones. As specifically the Drekkana refers to ones karma and this is signified by ones hands, the Somanatha drekkana is apt to judge the effects of gemstones. Specifically this divisional chart shows ones ojas and how one uses it. Strong ojas can grant fame, and hence this divisional chart can be used to see ones popularity as well as sexuality where ones ojas is used.

The Moon signifying all gemstones is also known as gunatmaka, i.e .the self in the form of guna or attributes. Hence to understand the effects of a gemstone vis-a-vis other gemstones we use the gunachakra. This is also used for other purposes and is an integral part of Vedic numerology. This will be explained further below.

Which finger to wear the gemstone on can be understood from Vedic Remedies in Astrology, by Sanjay Rath. The four fingers represent moksha, artha, dharma and kÄma respectively for the index, middle, ring and little fingers. No gem is advised on the index finger as it risks blocking moksha and increasing ahamkara. The following table has been culled out of the same work.

Table 2: Finger and Ratna (Rath)












Ring (3rd from index)





Ring or Little finger (3rd or 4th from index)





Middle or ring finger (2nd or 3rd from index)





Middle or little fingers (2nd or 4th from index)



Yellow Topaz/Yellow Sapphire


Ring (3rd from index)





Ring (3rd from index)



Blue Sapphire


Middle or little finger (2nd or 4th from index)





Middle or little finger (2nd or 4th from index)



Cats eye


Middle or ring finger (2nd or 3rd from index)

Garuda Purana states that gemstones can do great good for the human race and they have natural (Naisargika) characteristics which will benefit everyone. Example: a lady wishing to be a mother would benefit greatly from wearing a pushparÄga (topaz) or pokhraj (yellow sapphire). Similarly a person having cancer should wear a diamond and recite mrtyunjaya mantra. These natural indications of gemstones can be applied to all the gemstones and the effects are given in Garuda Purana.

Table 3: Ratna and Graha (Dikshita, 1992, p. 1.55)












































Yellow Topaz














Blue Sapphire














Cats eye

Tradition is everything when it comes to applying any advice and hereunder is some of the advice that I have gathered from my teacher.

Ratna should be advised based on the first, fifth and ninth house lords in the Rashi (D1) chart. These are the best gemstones and will support the native in their purpose of life. The first lord protects the head and intelligence, the fifth protects the hands and torso, whilst the ninth protects the legs, and hence the native will always select the best path in life if the gemstone of the ninth lord is worn. Thus the ninth lord is the most auspicious gemstone. This can also be used to advise the best gemstone for disease in particular parts of the body.

Malefics placed in the ninth house cause misfortune, and in such cases reversal gems are advised.






Graha in 9th


Gemstone advised





Ruby (pink ruby for ladies)





Yellow Sapphire or Yellow Topaz





Gold ring






Gemstones of the sixth, eighth or twelfth house lords are inauspicious and cause strife, disease and loss respectively and should not be worn.

To both the above there are exceptions which occur on account of Yoga.

Yoga and Sambandha (reference: Atri Classes)

The graha give their effects by affecting the four ayana or goals of the person’s life namely dharma, artha, kÄma and moksha symbolised by the first, second, third or fourth pada of a nakshatra, or fiery, earthy, airy and watery signs respectively. When a graha is in parivartana yoga with another, then the other graha will affect all four ayana of the former graha. Therefore, if the ninth lord is in parivartana with the sixth lord the gemstone of the sixth lord should be advised.

Similarly when a graha is yuti another graha it takes on three of the four ayanas of the other graha. Which three ayana depends on i) the particular grahas Navamsha sign ii) the two signs adjacent that particular sign. Example: If Sun is joined Venus then Sun will give the effects of Venus. In such a case should Sun be placed in the Navamsha of Capricorn then it would give the effects of Venus’ Artha-ayana due to being in an earthy Navamsha, and further as the Navamsha before is that of a fiery sign and that after being an airy sign, the Sun would give the effects of Venus’ dharma-ayana (fiery) and kÄma-ayana (airy) as well, but not the moksha-ayana (watery).

If three or more graha join then the interchange of effects will be decided based on the natural benefic/malefic indications of the graha, viz. if Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury join then the highest malefic and highest benefic will interchange results, thus causing Saturn and Jupiter to interchange results whilst Mercury will give not give the results of anyone. Similarly apply this to conjunction of more grahas. The two remaining Sambandha, viz. Samdristi and Parivartana dristi are not taken into account for this purpose as they only affect two or one ayana among the full four ayana of a graha, yet are still applied when timing events.


Table 4: Varachakra





















































In some cases the gemstones of the sixth, eighth or twelfth lords needs to be given to as those graha are causing excessive problems to the native. This occurs when another graha is causing an eclipse on that graha and thus denying it of its positive effects. I.e. Sri Kashinatha Rath was recalled to have given the advice of wearing Ruby to a Pisces Lagna, as Sun was in the sixth and Rähu was placed in the tenth. In that specific scenario the native was suffering on account of repeated legal battles. The reason being on account of Rähu. This is further explained as: when a graha occupies the Simhasana bhavas (10th, 1st or 5th in that order) that graha causes an eclipse on the third graha in the order of the Varachakra. Viz. in the order of weekdays the third graha from Rähu is the Sun, hence when Rähu is in the tenth house the native will have problems on account of the house placement and lordship

of the Sun in their life. Similarly if among the Simhasana Bhava only Mars is placed in the fifth house then the placement and lordship of Jupiter will be hampered.

The Varachakra has many uses in matters of Jyotish, and this is the logic behind many principles in the Brighu Sutras.




Table 1: Gunachakra

































































Gunachakra is applied somewhat differently than the Varachakra. If a Graha is inauspicious then we can choose to lock or unlock its indications using the fourth or seventh graha in the gunachakra respectively. Example: cancer and tumours are caused by a malignant growth of cancer-cells in the body and is signified by an afflicted Jupiter. In the Gunachakra the fourth graha from Jupiter is Venus who can block the spread of cancer. Thus to remedy such a disease wearing diamond is advised along with Mrtyunjaya mantra. Similarly Mars can cause nervous system issues such as Parkinsons and the likes, and to block this issue a gemstone of Jupiter is advised along with the Mrtyunjaya bijas.

Should a graha already be blocking the native in one aspect of life, then the unlocker (7th graha) is required. I.e. if for Taurus lagna the lord Venus is placed in Libra, the native will be bothered by constant disease on account of wrong application of intelligence. Therefore the intellect can be deemed as locked and wearing a Yellow Topaz/Sapphire is advised. Similarly if Moon is very badly placed and has no nīcha bhanga then a Blue Sapphire is advised as Saturn is the seventh graha from the Moon in weekday order and can unlock these negatives.There are undoubtedly more applications of the Gunachakra in this regard, reg. gemstones, yet until I have been presented with them, this is what I have to share.



Somanatha Drekkana

Having ascertained the gemstone as per the Rashi chart it is worthwhile to check the SomanÄtha Drekkana. Herein graha lording the second house is a mÄraka to the ojas in the body and will curtail health and sexuality. This gemstone is therefore not advised, and neither is the lord of the twelfth as this is the sixth lord from the seventh house causing celibacy to the partner. Similarly the sixth and eighth lords affect the partner in a similar fashion and those gemstones should preferably also be avoided. Advising the third lord’s gem can increase the person’s libido significantly and advising this gemstone should be done thoughtfully. The gem of the lagna lord is the best and ensures good health and fame. Apply this advice intelligently.

Hope this helps to share insight.Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen------------ --------- --------- --------- ----www: http://srigaruda. com@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) comchandan486 skrev:


||aum namah shivaya||dear visti,namaste.Well , the point that he landed into troubles with the advent of Rahu Dasa , makes more sense now , but still you havent answered .. is mere conj enough to wear each other's gemstones ? or is it real parivartana that fulfils the condition for gemtsone exchange !!however , first we need to really understand , that conjunction actually makes planets behave like each other completely ? or only do they give each others effects in the dasha ?and if conj makes planets behave like each other ? then what does parivartana do ? does it also do the same ? if not the same , then whats different abt a parivartana then a conj ?humble regards,Chandan S sabarwal., Visti Larsen <visti wrote:>> ??? ??? ?????> Dear Chandan and Swee, Namaskar.> PV Narasimha Rao did see the legal issues and jail time, but through his > third and eighth lord Maha Dasa of Mars he was untouched. It was not > until Rahu Mahadasa that he saw problems, hence pointing out clearly > that the wearing of the Coral during Mars mahadasa was perfect advise... > Afterall he became Prime Minister after wearing it! How many can > astrologers can boast of a client attaining that once following a > remedial measure?> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen> ------------ --------- --------- --------- ----> www: http://srigaruda. com> @: visti > Chandan Ssabarwal skrev:> > ||aum namah shivaya||> >

> > dear swee and visti,> > namaste !> > > > swee - you are right abt PV Narasimha going to jail and also being > > held up in litigation (6th house effects) , that eventually came came > > upon unto him , after some of his own party members and associates > > (mercury), accused him of bribery and even showed the briefcase , in > > which he was actually deliveered INR 10 million .> > > > Visti - when you mentioned , that a red coral is being advised to worn > > simply based upon the conj of Mars and Mercury in 10th House , merc > > being lagnesha , i cannt somehow comprehend the basic theory behind > > this ... and i still remember reading somehwere on your website where > > you mentioned , only complete parivartana is actual exhange of houses > > and not simply

conj....> > > > conj simply gives results of each others in Dasas's ... but actual > > potency and maleficience / benificience is based upon Rasi / Dasamasa !> > > > how could some one possibly advise a gemstone just based upon rasi and > > not even consider damasa , especially when career is concerend ? > > moreover , that Simhasana Yoga in Lagna in Narasimha's case , somehow > > makes me believe , it should have been the Emerald that he should have > > worn and not the red coral ...> > > > also , mercury forms a Nipuna Yoga with the Sun , so once again emerald.> > i had always wanted to pick up this thing with out , glad swee bought > > it up !!> > > > humbly yours,> > chandan s sabarwal.>


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||aum namah shivaya||


dear visti ,

namaste ...




First of all , thanks a lot for sharing all the invalueable info. but

after reading this , a simple question again pops up!!


1.If a person has mesha lagna and rahu is placed in 9th house ,

normally a Yellow sapphire would be advised , as you mentioned in the

article ..


but what if jupiter is conj sat ? then also would a yellow sapphire

be advised ? or based on conj , a blue sapphire would now be choice ?

and no unlock rahu in 9th house , a different gemstone based on

varachakra would be used ?


pls help clear thus understanding ,


humble regards,

chandan s sabarwal.

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Jai maaRespected Visti jipranamGuru ji in your writup you said if the parivartana between 6th & 9th lord happens then the gem of 6th lord will be helpful. in my chart i have 2 parivartana, 1. lagnesh Bu with 11th lord Ma (also 6th lord)2. 9th lord Sa with 2nd Lord Ch.this means if i want to improve my health, then i have to wear Moonga & for luck i have to wear Moti.my dob is 23 apr 1976, 09:35 am Ludhiana (Punjab) india.thanks--- On Wed, 17/12/08, Visti Larsen <visti wrote:Visti Larsen <vistiRe: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?To:

Date: Wednesday, 17 December, 2008, 12:14 AM



हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£

Dear Maja, Namaskar.

Again Gunachakra. Sun, Moon and Jupiter are sattvic hence their

gemstones are used to establish sattva in the ninth house.






Sun (padmaraga)


Moon (mukta)


Jupiter (pushparaga)




Malefic in ninth->






Rahu (or Ketu)





The given table shows the link. With Ketu in ninth we can however

settle with wearing a Gold ring on the right hand ring finger. In all

cases the remedy graha is worn on the right hand ring finger.

Hope this clarifies.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

------------ --------- --------- --------- ----

www: http://srigaruda. com

@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com



Maja Å trbac skrev:








Om Gurave Namah


Dear Visti Ji, Namaste


I was wondering about this:


Malefics placed in the ninth

house cause misfortune, and in such cases reversal gems are advised.


Can you

please explain this "reversal"? Because I can catch up with Rahu/Guru

and Sani/Surya pairs if we are using opposite directions for Grahas in

Digchakra, but I can not fit remaining pair Chandra/Mangal in any way

to this same logic.



What is the principle

that we are using here in first place?



Regards, Maja

Strbac Hari Om

Tat Sat



--- On Tue, 12/16/08, Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>






Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>

Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal

charts ?


Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 7:09 AM





हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£

Dear Chandan, Namaskar.

Excuse me for not answering in full in my last mail, I realise no one

learns if no one shares, so here is what I have learned and have to


I have gathered the following rules reg. gemstones with time (this will

be republished on my website for reference):


The prescription of metals or gemstones belongs to the concept of

Tantra, i.e. Tanu+Trayi meaning to protect the body. This is best to

advise when a person may be making a wrong decision and you want them

to stick to the right one. Just as one can advise gemstones to protect

the body, there are gemstones which can remove the protection of the

body, hence one should advise these wisely.

Sanskrit word for gemstone is ratna but does not literally mean

gemstone, but can also refer to treasure, jewel, precious stone, and is

derived from the word rÄ meaning a gift, goods, wealth or

riches. (Monier-Williams)


The word ratna specifically

refers to nine types of treasure or jewels namely mukta (pearl), vajra

(diamond), padmarÄga (ruby), pushparÄga (topaz), indranÄ«la

(clear/stainless sapphire), marakata (emerald), vaidūrya (cats eye),

vidruma (coral) and gomeda (hessonite). For the same reason the

word ratna also means nine in vedic numerology. PushparÄga has

been translated as Topaz by most, however the Garuda Purana (Suta,

2007, p. 174) does state that different colours of the pushparÄga

can be regarded as equal to the indranīla (sapphire) or

padmarÄga (ruby). Therefore, among the indranÄ«la

(Sapphire) we must infer that certain shades (i.e. yellow) can be

regarded as giving the effects of pushparÄga (topaz). Hence,

whilst all sapphires fall in the same group of indranīla the

colour of them being different also differentiates the effects of

wearing them greatly. Details should be learned from the Garuda Purana

in this regard.


The Deva are supposed to reside in the

particle of a ratna which is clear, bright, without cracks or lines in

it and has no unusual shades in it. Hence, the wearing of a ratna is

for the sake of keeping a Deva next to you and protecting you.



Ratna comes under the various metals

known as Dhatu. Moon, Mars, Saturn and RÄhu signify the Dhatu and among

them Moon rules over Ratna, whilst Mars rules over the earth, Saturn

over the raw minerals such as oil and irons whilst RÄhu rules over the

rare metals such as Gold and platinum. Hence, Moon is Ratna kÄraka and

divisional charts as Somanatha Drekkana and Somanatha Navamsha are the

most important to judge the effect of gemstones. As specifically the

Drekkana refers to ones karma and this is signified by ones hands, the

Somanatha drekkana is apt to judge the effects of gemstones.

Specifically this divisional chart shows ones ojas and how one uses it.

Strong ojas can grant fame, and hence this divisional chart can be used

to see ones popularity as well as sexuality where ones ojas is used.


The Moon signifying all gemstones is

also known as gunatmaka, i.e .the self in the form of guna

or attributes. Hence to understand the effects of a gemstone vis-a-vis

other gemstones we use the gunachakra. This is also used for other

purposes and is an integral part of Vedic numerology. This will be

explained further below.


Which finger to wear the gemstone on can

be understood from Vedic Remedies in Astrology, by Sanjay Rath. The

four fingers represent moksha, artha, dharma and kÄma respectively for

the index, middle, ring and little fingers. No gem is advised on the

index finger as it risks blocking moksha and increasing ahamkara. The

following table has been culled out of the same work.


Table 2: Finger and Ratna

















Ring (3rd from index)








Ring or Little finger (3rd

or 4th from index)








Middle or ring finger (2nd

or 3rd from index)








Middle or little fingers (2nd

or 4th from index)





Yellow Topaz/Yellow Sapphire



Ring (3rd from index)








Ring (3rd from index)





Blue Sapphire



Middle or little finger (2nd

or 4th from index)








Middle or little finger (2nd

or 4th from index)





Cats eye



Middle or ring finger (2nd

or 3rd from index)






Garuda Purana states that gemstones can

do great good for the human race and they have natural (Naisargika)

characteristics which will benefit everyone. Example: a lady wishing to

be a mother would benefit greatly from wearing a pushparÄga (topaz) or

pokhraj (yellow sapphire). Similarly a person having cancer should wear

a diamond and recite mrtyunjaya mantra. These natural indications of

gemstones can be applied to all the gemstones and the effects are given

in Garuda Purana.


Table 3: Ratna and Graha (Dikshita, 1992, p. 1.55)


































































Yellow Topaz






















Blue Sapphire






















Cats eye






Tradition is everything when it comes to

applying any advice and hereunder is some of the advice that I have

gathered from my teacher.


Ratna should be advised based on the

first, fifth and ninth house lords in the Rashi (D1) chart. These are

the best gemstones and will support the native in their purpose of

life. The first lord protects the head and intelligence, the fifth

protects the hands and torso, whilst the ninth protects the legs, and

hence the native will always select the best path in life if the

gemstone of the ninth lord is worn. Thus the ninth lord is the most

auspicious gemstone. This can also be used to advise the best gemstone

for disease in particular parts of the body.


Malefics placed in the ninth house cause

misfortune, and in such cases reversal gems are advised.







Graha in 9th



Gemstone advised








Ruby (pink ruby for ladies)








Yellow Sapphire or Yellow Topaz








Gold ring













Gemstones of the sixth,

eighth or twelfth house lords are inauspicious and cause strife,

disease and loss respectively and should not be worn.


To both the above there are exceptions

which occur on account of Yoga.



Yoga and Sambandha (reference: Atri Classes)

The graha give their effects by

affecting the four ayana or goals of the person’s life namely dharma,

artha, kÄma and moksha symbolised by the first, second, third or fourth

pada of a nakshatra, or fiery, earthy, airy and watery signs

respectively. When a graha is in parivartana yoga with another, then

the other graha will affect all four ayana of the former graha.

Therefore, if the ninth lord is in parivartana with the sixth lord the

gemstone of the sixth lord should be advised.


Similarly when a graha is yuti another

graha it takes on three of the four ayanas of the other graha. Which

three ayana depends on i) the particular grahas Navamsha sign ii) the

two signs adjacent that particular sign. Example: If Sun is joined

Venus then Sun will give the effects of Venus. In such a case should

Sun be placed in the Navamsha of Capricorn then it would give the

effects of Venus’ Artha-ayana due to being in an earthy Navamsha, and

further as the Navamsha before is that of a fiery sign and that after

being an airy sign, the Sun would give the effects of Venus’

dharma-ayana (fiery) and kÄma-ayana (airy) as well, but not the

moksha-ayana (watery).


If three or more graha join then the

interchange of effects will be decided based on the natural

benefic/malefic indications of the graha, viz. if Jupiter, Saturn and

Mercury join then the highest malefic and highest benefic will

interchange results, thus causing Saturn and Jupiter to interchange

results whilst Mercury will give not give the results of anyone.

Similarly apply this to conjunction of more grahas.

The two remaining Sambandha, viz.

Samdristi and Parivartana dristi are not taken into account for this

purpose as they only affect two or one ayana among the full four ayana

of a graha, yet are still applied when timing events.



Table 4:























































































In some cases the gemstones of the

sixth, eighth or twelfth lords needs to be given to as those graha are

causing excessive problems to the native. This occurs when another

graha is causing an eclipse on that graha and thus denying it of its

positive effects. I.e. Sri Kashinatha Rath was recalled to have given

the advice of wearing Ruby to a Pisces Lagna, as Sun was in the sixth

and Rähu was placed in the tenth. In that specific scenario the native

was suffering on account of repeated legal battles. The reason being on

account of Rähu. This is further explained as: when a graha occupies

the Simhasana bhavas (10th, 1st or 5th

in that order) that graha causes an eclipse on the third graha in the

order of the Varachakra. Viz. in the order of weekdays the third graha

from Rähu is the Sun, hence when Rähu is in the tenth house the native

will have problems on account of the house placement and lordship of

the Sun in their life. Similarly if among the Simhasana Bhava only Mars

is placed in the fifth house then the placement and lordship of Jupiter

will be hampered.


The Varachakra has many uses in matters

of Jyotish, and this is the logic behind many principles in the Brighu








Table 1:









































































































Gunachakra is applied somewhat

differently than the Varachakra. If a Graha is inauspicious then we can

choose to lock or unlock its indications using the fourth or seventh

graha in the gunachakra respectively. Example: cancer and tumours are

caused by a malignant growth of cancer-cells in the body and is

signified by an afflicted Jupiter. In the Gunachakra the fourth graha

from Jupiter is Venus who can block the spread of cancer. Thus to

remedy such a disease wearing diamond is advised along with Mrtyunjaya

mantra. Similarly Mars can cause nervous system issues such as

Parkinsons and the likes, and to block this issue a gemstone of Jupiter

is advised along with the Mrtyunjaya bijas.


Should a graha already be blocking the

native in one aspect of life, then the unlocker (7th graha)

is required. I.e. if for Taurus lagna the lord Venus is placed in

Libra, the native will be bothered by constant disease on account of

wrong application of intelligence. Therefore the intellect can be

deemed as locked and wearing a Yellow Topaz/Sapphire is advised.

Similarly if Moon is very badly placed and has no nīcha bhanga then a

Blue Sapphire is advised as Saturn is the seventh graha from the Moon

in weekday order and can unlock these negatives.

There are undoubtedly more applications of the Gunachakra in this

regard, reg. gemstones, yet until I have been presented with them, this

is what I have to share.






Somanatha Drekkana

Having ascertained the gemstone as per

the Rashi chart it is worthwhile to check the SomanÄtha Drekkana.

Herein graha lording the second house is a mÄraka to the ojas in the

body and will curtail health and sexuality. This gemstone is therefore

not advised, and neither is the lord of the twelfth as this is the

sixth lord from the seventh house causing celibacy to the partner.

Similarly the sixth and eighth lords affect the partner in a similar

fashion and those gemstones should preferably also be avoided. Advising

the third lord’s gem can increase the person’s libido significantly and

advising this gemstone should be done thoughtfully. The gem of the

lagna lord is the best and ensures good health and fame. Apply this

advice intelligently.



Hope this helps to share insight.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

------------ --------- --------- --------- ----

www: http://srigaruda.


@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT)



chandan486 skrev:



||aum namah shivaya||


dear visti,



Well , the point that he landed into troubles with the advent of Rahu

Dasa , makes more sense now , but still you havent answered .. is

mere conj enough to wear each other's gemstones ? or is it real

parivartana that fulfils the condition for gemtsone exchange !!


however , first we need to really understand , that conjunction

actually makes planets behave like each other completely ? or only do

they give each others effects in the dasha ?


and if conj makes planets behave like each other ? then what does

parivartana do ? does it also do the same ? if not the same , then

whats different abt a parivartana then a conj ?


humble regards,

Chandan S sabarwal.


, Visti Larsen <visti



> ??? ??? ?????

> Dear Chandan and Swee, Namaskar.

> PV Narasimha Rao did see the legal issues and jail time, but

through his

> third and eighth lord Maha Dasa of Mars he was untouched. It was


> until Rahu Mahadasa that he saw problems, hence pointing out


> that the wearing of the Coral during Mars mahadasa was perfect


> Afterall he became Prime Minister after wearing it! How many can

> astrologers can boast of a client attaining that once following a

> remedial measure?

> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- ----

> www: http://srigaruda. com

> @: visti


> Chandan Ssabarwal skrev:

> > ||aum namah shivaya||

> >

> > dear swee and visti,

> > namaste !

> >

> > swee - you are right abt PV Narasimha going to jail and also


> > held up in litigation (6th house effects) , that eventually



> > upon unto him , after some of his own party members and


> > (mercury), accused him of bribery and even showed the

briefcase ,


> > which he was actually deliveered INR 10 million .

> >

> > Visti - when you mentioned , that a red coral is being

advised to


> > simply based upon the conj of Mars and Mercury in 10th House



> > being lagnesha , i cannt somehow comprehend the basic theory


> > this ... and i still remember reading somehwere on your



> > you mentioned , only complete parivartana is actual exhange



> > and not simply conj....

> >

> > conj simply gives results of each others in Dasas's ... but


> > potency and maleficience / benificience is based upon Rasi /

Dasamasa !

> >

> > how could some one possibly advise a gemstone just based upon


rasi and

> > not even consider damasa , especially when career is

concerend ?

> > moreover , that Simhasana Yoga in Lagna in Narasimha's case ,



> > makes me believe , it should have been the Emerald that he



> > worn and not the red coral ...

> >

> > also , mercury forms a Nipuna Yoga with the Sun , so once



> > i had always wanted to pick up this thing with out , glad



> > it up !!

> >

> > humbly yours,

> > chandan s sabarwal.

> >

















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Dear Visti,


Namaskar. A fantastic mail. For the first time I am learning about Gunachakra.


If I remember correctly, in of your mails I read that performing Jivanyasa on a gem stone - it's bad side effect can be removed. Can you throw more light on this?







On Behalf Of Visti LarsenTuesday, December 16, 2008 8:40 PM Subject: Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?



हरे राम कृष्णDear Chandan, Namaskar.Excuse me for not answering in full in my last mail, I realise no one learns if no one shares, so here is what I have learned and have to share.I have gathered the following rules reg. gemstones with time (this will be republished on my website for reference):


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||aum namah shivaya||


dear visti,



after all the articles you mentioned about gemstones , would it also be

required to finally check the graha's placement from AL ? consdiering

the graha meets all the other requirements ?


Or if all the other requirements are met , placement from AL can be

ignored ?


humble regards,

chandan s sabarwal.

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हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£

Dear Manoj, Namaskar.

Your assesment is correct.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen


www: http://srigaruda.com

@: visti



manoj sharma skrev:







Jai maa


Respected Visti ji




Guru ji in your writup you said if the parivartana between 6th &

9th lord happens then the gem of 6th lord will be helpful. in my chart

i have 2 parivartana,

1. lagnesh Bu with 11th lord Ma (also 6th lord)

2. 9th lord Sa with 2nd Lord Ch.


this means if i want to improve my health, then i have to wear Moonga

& for luck i have to wear Moti.


my dob is 23 apr 1976,    09:35 am Ludhiana (Punjab) india.




--- On Wed, 17/12/08, Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>



Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>

Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal

charts ?


Wednesday, 17 December, 2008, 12:14 AM




हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£

Dear Maja, Namaskar.

Again Gunachakra. Sun, Moon and Jupiter are sattvic hence their

gemstones are used to establish sattva in the ninth house.






Sun (padmaraga)


Moon (mukta)


Jupiter (pushparaga)




Malefic in ninth->






Rahu (or Ketu)





The given table shows the link. With Ketu in ninth we can however

settle with wearing a Gold ring on the right hand ring finger. In all

cases the remedy graha is worn on the right hand ring finger.

Hope this clarifies.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

------------ --------- --------- --------- ----

www: http://srigaruda. com

@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com



Maja Å trbac skrev:









Om Gurave Namah


Dear Visti Ji, Namaste


I was wondering about this:


Malefics placed in

the ninth

house cause misfortune, and in such cases reversal gems are advised.


Can you

please explain this "reversal"? Because I can catch up with Rahu/Guru

and Sani/Surya pairs if we are using opposite directions for Grahas in

Digchakra, but I can not fit remaining pair Chandra/Mangal in any way

to this same logic.



What is the principle

that we are using here in first place?








Hari Om

Tat Sat




--- On Tue, 12/16/08, Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>






Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>

Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal

charts ?


Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 7:09 AM





हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£

Dear Chandan, Namaskar.

Excuse me for not answering in full in my last mail, I realise no one

learns if no one shares, so here is what I have learned and have to


I have gathered the following rules reg. gemstones with time (this will

be republished on my website for reference):


The prescription of metals or gemstones belongs to the concept of

Tantra, i.e. Tanu+Trayi meaning to protect the body. This is best to

advise when a person may be making a wrong decision and you want them

to stick to the right one. Just as one can advise gemstones to protect

the body, there are gemstones which can remove the protection of the

body, hence one should advise these wisely.

Sanskrit word for gemstone is ratna but does not literally mean

gemstone, but can also refer to treasure, jewel, precious stone, and is

derived from the word rÄ meaning a gift, goods, wealth or

riches. (Monier-Williams)


The word ratna


refers to nine types of treasure or jewels namely mukta (pearl), vajra

(diamond), padmarÄga (ruby), pushparÄga (topaz), indranÄ«la

(clear/stainless sapphire), marakata (emerald), vaidūrya (cats eye),

vidruma (coral) and gomeda (hessonite). For the same reason the

word ratna also means nine in vedic numerology. PushparÄga has

been translated as Topaz by most, however the Garuda Purana (Suta,

2007, p. 174) does state that different colours of the pushparÄga

can be regarded as equal to the indranīla

(sapphire) or padmarÄga (ruby). Therefore, among the indranÄ«la

(Sapphire) we must infer that certain shades (i.e. yellow) can be

regarded as giving the effects of pushparÄga (topaz). Hence,

whilst all sapphires fall in the same group of indranīla the

colour of them being different also differentiates the effects of

wearing them greatly. Details should be learned from the Garuda Purana

in this regard.


The Deva are supposed to

reside in the

particle of a ratna which is clear, bright, without cracks or lines in

it and has no unusual shades in it. Hence, the wearing of a ratna is

for the sake of keeping a Deva next to you and protecting you.



Ratna comes under the various


known as Dhatu. Moon, Mars, Saturn and RÄhu signify the Dhatu and among

them Moon rules over Ratna, whilst Mars rules over the earth, Saturn

over the raw minerals such as oil and irons whilst RÄhu rules over the

rare metals such as Gold and platinum. Hence, Moon is Ratna kÄraka and

divisional charts as Somanatha Drekkana and Somanatha Navamsha are the

most important to judge the effect of gemstones. As specifically the

Drekkana refers to ones karma and this is signified by ones hands, the

Somanatha drekkana is apt to judge the effects of gemstones.

Specifically this divisional chart shows ones ojas and how one uses it.

Strong ojas can grant fame, and hence this divisional chart can be used

to see ones popularity as well as sexuality where ones ojas is used.

The Moon signifying all

gemstones is

also known as gunatmaka, i.e .the self in the form of guna

or attributes. Hence to understand the effects of a gemstone vis-a-vis

other gemstones we use the gunachakra. This is also used for other

purposes and is an integral part of Vedic numerology. This will be

explained further below.

Which finger to wear the

gemstone on can

be understood from Vedic Remedies in Astrology, by Sanjay Rath. The

four fingers represent moksha, artha, dharma and kÄma respectively for

the index, middle, ring and little fingers. No gem is advised on the

index finger as it risks blocking moksha and increasing ahamkara. The

following table has been culled out of the same work.

Table 2: Finger

and Ratna (Rath)
















Ring (3rd

from index)








Ring or Little finger (3rd

or 4th from index)








Middle or ring finger (2nd

or 3rd from index)








Middle or little fingers


or 4th from index)





Yellow Topaz/Yellow




Ring (3rd

from index)








Ring (3rd

from index)





Blue Sapphire



Middle or little finger


or 4th from index)








Middle or little finger


or 4th from index)





Cats eye



Middle or ring finger (2nd

or 3rd from index)






Garuda Purana states that

gemstones can

do great good for the human race and they have natural (Naisargika)

characteristics which will benefit everyone. Example: a lady wishing to

be a mother would benefit greatly from wearing a pushparÄga (topaz) or

pokhraj (yellow sapphire). Similarly a person having cancer should wear

a diamond and recite mrtyunjaya mantra. These natural indications of

gemstones can be applied to all the gemstones and the effects are given

in Garuda Purana.

Table 3: Ratna

and Graha (Dikshita, 1992, p. 1.55)


































































Yellow Topaz






















Blue Sapphire






















Cats eye






Tradition is everything when

it comes to

applying any advice and hereunder is some of the advice that I have

gathered from my teacher.

Ratna should be advised based

on the

first, fifth and ninth house lords in the Rashi (D1) chart. These are

the best gemstones and will support the native in their purpose of

life. The first lord protects the head and intelligence, the fifth

protects the hands and torso, whilst the ninth protects the legs, and

hence the native will always select the best path in life if the

gemstone of the ninth lord is worn. Thus the ninth lord is the most

auspicious gemstone. This can also be used to advise the best gemstone

for disease in particular parts of the body.

Malefics placed in the ninth

house cause

misfortune, and in such cases reversal gems are advised.






Graha in 9th



Gemstone advised








Ruby (pink ruby for









Yellow Sapphire or

Yellow Topaz








Gold ring













 Gemstones of the


eighth or twelfth house lords are inauspicious and cause strife,

disease and loss respectively and should not be worn.

To both the above there are


which occur on account of Yoga.



Yoga and Sambandha (reference: Atri Classes)

The graha give their effects


affecting the four ayana or goals of the person’s life namely dharma,

artha, kÄma and moksha symbolised by the first, second, third or fourth

pada of a nakshatra, or fiery, earthy, airy and watery signs

respectively. When a graha is in parivartana yoga with another, then

the other graha will affect all four ayana of the former graha.

Therefore, if the ninth lord is in parivartana with the sixth lord the

gemstone of the sixth lord should be advised.

Similarly when a graha is yuti


graha it takes on three of the four ayanas of the other graha. Which

three ayana depends on i) the particular grahas Navamsha sign ii) the

two signs adjacent that particular sign. Example: If Sun is joined

Venus then Sun will give the effects of Venus. In such a case should

Sun be placed in the Navamsha of Capricorn then it would give the

effects of Venus’ Artha-ayana due to being in an earthy Navamsha, and

further as the Navamsha before is that of a fiery sign and that after

being an airy sign, the Sun would give the effects of Venus’

dharma-ayana (fiery) and kÄma-ayana (airy) as well, but not the

moksha-ayana (watery).

If three or more graha join

then the

interchange of effects will be decided based on the natural

benefic/malefic indications of the graha, viz. if Jupiter, Saturn and

Mercury join then the highest malefic and highest benefic will

interchange results, thus causing Saturn and Jupiter to interchange

results whilst Mercury will give not give the results of anyone.

Similarly apply this to conjunction of more grahas.

The two remaining Sambandha,


Samdristi and Parivartana dristi are not taken into account for this

purpose as they only affect two or one ayana among the full four ayana

of a graha, yet are still applied when timing events.


Table 4:























































































In some cases the gemstones of


sixth, eighth or twelfth lords needs to be given to as those graha are

causing excessive problems to the native. This occurs when another

graha is causing an eclipse on that graha and thus denying it of its

positive effects. I.e. Sri Kashinatha Rath was recalled to have given

the advice of wearing Ruby to a Pisces Lagna, as Sun was in the sixth

and Rähu was placed in the tenth. In that specific scenario the native

was suffering on account of repeated legal battles. The reason being on

account of Rähu. This is further explained as: when a graha occupies

the Simhasana bhavas (10th, 1st or 5th

in that order) that graha causes an eclipse on the third graha in the

order of the Varachakra. Viz. in the order of weekdays the third graha

from Rähu is the Sun, hence when Rähu is in the tenth house the native

will have problems on account of the house placement and lordship of

the Sun in their life. Similarly if among the Simhasana Bhava only Mars

is placed in the fifth house then the placement and lordship of Jupiter

will be hampered.

The Varachakra has many uses

in matters

of Jyotish, and this is the logic behind many principles in the Brighu







Table 1:









































































































Gunachakra is applied somewhat

differently than the Varachakra. If a Graha is inauspicious then we can

choose to lock or unlock its indications using the fourth or seventh

graha in the gunachakra respectively. Example: cancer and tumours are

caused by a malignant growth of cancer-cells in the body and is

signified by an afflicted Jupiter. In the Gunachakra the fourth graha

from Jupiter is Venus who can block the spread of cancer. Thus to

remedy such a disease wearing diamond is advised along with Mrtyunjaya

mantra. Similarly Mars can cause nervous system issues such as

Parkinsons and the likes, and to block this issue a gemstone of Jupiter

is advised along with the Mrtyunjaya bijas.

Should a graha already be

blocking the

native in one aspect of life, then the unlocker (7th graha)

is required. I.e. if for Taurus lagna the lord Venus is placed in

Libra, the native will be bothered by constant disease on account of

wrong application of intelligence. Therefore the intellect can be

deemed as locked and wearing a Yellow Topaz/Sapphire is advised.

Similarly if Moon is very badly placed and has no nīcha bhanga then a

Blue Sapphire is advised as Saturn is the seventh graha from the Moon

in weekday order and can unlock these negatives.

There are undoubtedly more applications of the Gunachakra in this

regard, reg. gemstones, yet until I have been presented with them, this

is what I have to share.






Somanatha Drekkana

Having ascertained the

gemstone as per

the Rashi chart it is worthwhile to check the SomanÄtha Drekkana.

Herein graha lording the second house is a mÄraka to the ojas in the

body and will curtail health and sexuality. This gemstone is therefore

not advised, and neither is the lord of the twelfth as this is the

sixth lord from the seventh house causing celibacy to the partner.

Similarly the sixth and eighth lords affect the partner in a similar

fashion and those gemstones should preferably also be avoided. Advising

the third lord’s gem can increase the person’s libido significantly and

advising this gemstone should be done thoughtfully. The gem of the

lagna lord is the best and ensures good health and fame. Apply this

advice intelligently.



Hope this helps to share


Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

------------ --------- --------- --------- ----

www: http://srigaruda.


@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT)



chandan486 skrev:



||aum namah shivaya||


dear visti,



Well , the point that he landed into troubles with the advent of Rahu

Dasa , makes more sense now , but still you havent answered .. is

mere conj enough to wear each other's gemstones ? or is it real

parivartana that fulfils the condition for gemtsone exchange !!


however , first we need to really understand , that conjunction

actually makes planets behave like each other completely ? or only do

they give each others effects in the dasha ?


and if conj makes planets behave like each other ? then what does

parivartana do ? does it also do the same ? if not the same , then

whats different abt a parivartana then a conj ?


humble regards,

Chandan S sabarwal.



. com, Visti Larsen <visti



> ??? ??? ?????

> Dear Chandan and Swee, Namaskar.

> PV Narasimha Rao did see the legal issues and jail time, but

through his

> third and eighth lord Maha Dasa of Mars he was untouched. It was


> until Rahu Mahadasa that he saw problems, hence pointing out


> that the wearing of the Coral during Mars mahadasa was perfect


> Afterall he became Prime Minister after wearing it! How many can

> astrologers can boast of a client attaining that once following a

> remedial measure?

> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

> ------------ --------- --------- --------- ----

> www: http://srigaruda. com

> @: visti


> Chandan Ssabarwal skrev:

> > ||aum namah shivaya||

> >

> > dear swee and visti,

> > namaste !

> >

> > swee - you are right abt PV Narasimha going to jail and also


> > held up in litigation (6th house effects) , that eventually



> > upon unto him , after some of his own party members and


> > (mercury), accused him of bribery and even showed the

briefcase ,


> > which he was actually deliveered INR 10 million .

> >

> > Visti - when you mentioned , that a red coral is being

advised to


> > simply based upon the conj of Mars and Mercury in 10th House



> > being lagnesha , i cannt somehow comprehend the basic theory


> > this ... and i still remember reading somehwere on your



> > you mentioned , only complete parivartana is actual exhange



> > and not simply conj....

> >

> > conj simply gives results of each others in Dasas's ... but


> > potency and maleficience / benificience is based upon Rasi /

Dasamasa !

> >

> > how could some one possibly advise a gemstone just based upon


rasi and

> > not even consider damasa , especially when career is

concerend ?

> > moreover , that Simhasana Yoga in Lagna in Narasimha's case ,



> > makes me believe , it should have been the Emerald that he



> > worn and not the red coral ...

> >

> > also , mercury forms a Nipuna Yoga with the Sun , so once



> > i had always wanted to pick up this thing with out , glad



> > it up !!

> >

> > humbly yours,

> > chandan s sabarwal.

> >


























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