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Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?

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Om Namah Shivaya,

Dear Swee,

I was not refering to structure qualities of gems, but of their

relationship with Grahas. Sanjayji clearly stated and is recorded on

the lectures (you can check it), that the gem will amplify the

infleunce of a planet for whatever it signifies in the chart, not

make it favourable.

So, I do follow this and had never faced any problems with it in my


Best wishes


Zoran Radosavljevic




, " jk.dasgupta " <jk.dasgupta



> Dear Swee,


> How to understand if the gem will amplify or absorb. Can you throw


> light on this?


> Jk






> Behalf Of Swee Chan

> Saturday, January 03, 2009 2:32 PM


> Cc: ; sohamsa

> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on

divisonal charts ?



> Jaya Jagannatha


> Dear Zoran and JK,

> Namaste


> > The point about gemstone is that it AMPLIFIES and does not

> > make the planet favourable.


> Not ALL gemstone amplify. The amplification is dependent on the

> matrix of the crystallisation itself and the minerals in them.


> either amplify, absorb or direct their energies depending on the

> matrices etc.


> love,


> Swee


> On 2 Jan 2009, at 16:54, ahimsavm wrote:


> > Om Namah Shivaya,

> > Dear Jk,

> > Thanks. You are right about VRY article. But from the other

> > teachings of Sanjayji and practical experience, as I told you,

I do

> > not usually take the 3rd lord in VRY.Regarding the horoscope


> > stated, just ignore the two first conditions of Rashi chart I


> > for stree jatak and focus on UL and curse of Sk in badhak.

> > Atmakaraka should always be CLEARED from Papas not

strengthened. If

> > Ak is neecha in Navamsa and Vimsamsa,a person would be humble


> > he/she has done a lot of sins in the past, and the soul wants


> > redeem. The point about gemstone is that it AMPLIFIES and does


> > make the planet favourable. It makes it strong. Last year in


> > course, Sanjaji CLEARY stated that gemstone does not make


> > favourable but amplifies what it signifies in the chart. So

for Ak

> > we usually use Jyotirling Mantras to make it favourable, or


> > Devata mantra to help Atma find the path. As is the case, I


> > not advise Emerald in this case.

> > Best wishes

> > Zoran Radosavljevic

> > www.siva-edu.info

> > www.ahimsazr1.wordpress.com

> >>

> >> Dear Zoki,

> >>

> >> Happy new year. We are fine here. Hope you all are fine. And


> > too remember

> >> those nostalzic days during Mumbai conference. I hope such


> > again and

> >> again in near future.

> >>

> >> You are right but, in the SJC lesson #5 for VRY - Sanjayji


> > clearly

> >> declares 3rd house also as a dusthana.

> >>

> >> The person whose data I posted is a male. Unfortunately, in


> > cases of

> >> myself and this person - the said planet lording 2 dusthanas


> > AK also. If

> >> it can be considered a VRY in kendra, it has to show the


> > in AK dasa

> >> only. So my logic is that, though AK dasa is known to cause

> > sufferings - in

> >> such cases the AK cannot be taken as the sole cause of


> >>

> >> My doubt is, if the AK is to be strenghtened in such cases -


> > was done in

> >> case of PM PVR or to be left as it is?

> >>

> >> Regards,

> >>

> >> Jk

> >>

> >>

> >>

> >>

> > On

> >> Behalf Of ahimsavm

> >> Friday, January 02, 2009 9:32 AM

> >>

> >> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal

> > charts ?

> >>

> >>

> >> om Namah Shivaya,

> >> Dear Jk,

> >> I hope that you and your wife and family are fine. I still

> > remember

> >> our meetings and nice time together in Mumbai.

> >> Sanjayji has reffered even in the Crux that 3rd house is


> >> but " mild " dustana if it can be called that way. It creates

> >> struggles, troubles in mind and bad thoughts. However, from


> >> point of upachaya, 3rd house can make you work till perfection

> > and

> >> help you create SHUKARMA, or very good karma, so in that

sense I

> > do

> >> not take it seriously as dustana. There are a few rules about


> >> 1,If 3rd lord is friendly to the Lagnesha then it acts as

> > upachaya

> >> more

> >> 2. If there is Shoubhagya Yoga in 3rd house (benefic planets

> > there)a

> >> person is fortunate

> >> 3. We must always make a first step towards controlling the

> > negative

> >> things in the 3rd house (a concept of Krama), where for


> >> Cancer Lagna has to learn how to control a need for

> > perfectionalism

> >> of Kanya in 3rd, and Budha 3rd lord which gives lustfullness


> >> irresponsibility, as well as speech and communication.

> >> For the purpose of Veepreta Yoga, I always take Yoga (yuti) of

> >> dustana lords in kendra/kona with the transfer to lagnesha or

> >> Atmakaraka in 2nd type of Veepreta. What you stated about the

> > chart

> >> is the typical effect of Budha Atmakaraka dasha. It is

further in

> >> dhanu navamsa, so there has been a horrible impact on her


> > and

> >> marriage. There are visible combinations for widowhood, yet


> >> chart would then probably require Navamsa correction. From the

> >> rashi, here are a few:

> >> 1. If the 9th lord is infleunced by 8th lord in Shri Jataka, a

> > women

> >> will becoma a widow.We can see that neech Rahu aspects 9th


> > as

> >> 8th lord and Upapada Lord. Even shani other 8th lord has rashi

> >> dristi on 9th lord.

> >> 2. If chandra is in 9th from Arudha or placed in Arudha of the

> > 9th

> >> house a women will pray to Sri Krisna for longevity of


> > That

> >> implies that a husband may die early if other indications


> >> 3. Lord of the 2nd from Upapada is debiliated in Rashi and in

> >> Vyayamsa.

> >> Hope this helps

> >> Best wishes

> >> Zoran Radosavljevic

> >> www.siva-edu.info

> >> www.ahimsazr1.wordpress.com

> >>

> >> , budhhiyogo@ wrote:

> >>>

> >>> Dear shri Dasgupta,

> >>> Page 62(7.4) item (5) & (6) of Vedic Astrolgy; an

> >> integrated approach by PVR Narasimha Rao cassifies H


> > as

> >> Upachayas and H 6,8,12 as " Dusthanas " . You are considering H3


> >> Upachaya as Dusthana. Is it backed by parampara. Thanks.

> >>> Rajendra Asthana

> >>> Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> " jk.dasgupta " <jk.dasgupta@>

> >>>

> >>> Thu, 1 Jan 2009 15:53:04

> >>>

> >>> RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on

> > divisonal

> >> charts ?

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> Dear Asthana,

> >>>

> >>> Capri lagna, Jup is lord of 12th & 3rd. Cancer lagna, Mer is

> > lord

> >> of 12th &

> >>> 3rd.. like that

> >>>

> >>> Regards

> >>>

> >>> Jk

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >> On

> >>> Behalf Of budhhiyogo@

> >>> Thursday, January 01, 2009 1:29 PM

> >>>

> >>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on

> >> divisonal charts ?

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> Shri dasgupta,

> >>> Please think over it. No single planet can be lord of two

> >> dusthanas at

> >>> same point of time. Would you kindly point out any example in

> > view.

> >>> Regards,

> >>> Rajendra Asthana

> >>>

> >>> Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> -------------------------

> >> ---------

> >>> --

> >>> " jk.dasgupta "

> >>> Thu, 1 Jan 2009 13:21:38 +0530

> >>>

> >>> RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on

> >> divisonal charts ?

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> As fas as my understanding goes, same palnet being lord of 2

> >> dusthanas

> >>> also constitue VRY.

> >>>

> >>> take my own case.

> >>>

> >>> 15.09.1947

> >>> 15:57 pm

> >>> Calcutta

> >>>

> >>> 12L & 3L Jup is in 10H. Jup is not strong but the VRY worked


> >> some

> >>> extent and Jup being my AK, I also suffered to some extent.


> > Jup-

> >> Ven Dasa

> >>> (Jup in Ven house) my diect boss had to resign due to


> >> within

> >>> company. After that I was targetted as his person and I also

> > had

> >> to resign

> >>> by 1992 end in Jup-Ven-Rahu. My boss fell, but I did not get

> > any

> >> benefit as

> >>> Jup is not strong and also may be by the VRY AK it self is

> > getting

> >>> destroyed. So I also had to resign & started my business.


> >> then I am

> >>> still struggling :-). Definitely what happened, was not very

> > good

> >> for me.

> >>>

> >>> That is why I am skeptic in case of this person. Some

> > astrologer

> >> has asked

> >>> him to wear an Emerald. But I asked him not to wear it. But


> >> there any way

> >>> to transfer the VRY benefit to the person? His Mer MD is on

> > till

> >> July'2009.

> >>> May be, nothing can be done after that.

> >>>

> >>> Regards,

> >>>

> >>> Jk

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >> On

> >>> Behalf Of Anurag Sharma

> >>> Thursday, January 01, 2009 12:55 AM

> >>>

> >>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal

> >> charts ?

> >>>

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> |Om Shreem Vishnave Namah|

> >>>

> >>> Dear JK Ji,

> >>>

> >>> As I had stated in the initial email, this is one's own chart

> >> (my chart)

> >>> given below. I agree, the Vimshottari Dasha of either of the

> > two

> >> Dusthana

> >>> Lords can precipitate the VRY. However, some indications have

> > come

> >> with the

> >>> maturity age of Shani, of course only relatively, but

> > importantly

> >> in context

> >>> of the fact that ALL Moola Dashas since birth except a very

> > tiny

> >> window of

> >>> couple of years involved the Shrapa. Moola Dashas have been

> >> calculated from

> >>> all three of Lagna, Surya and Chandra as reference.

> >>>

> >>> Is there VRY in the chart you have posted? Is the lordship of

> >> two

> >>> Dusthanas sufficient to constitute Yoga? In my view, there is

> > no

> >> question

> >>> that the Moon is to be strengthened. It is Lagnesh in the 9th

> >> House from the

> >>> AL and aspects the 11th from the AL with Rashi Drishti. The

> > Jatak

> >> ought to

> >>> be advised to remedy the curse of Moon (rather than that of

> > Venus,

> >>> primarily) in view of Sanjay Ji's latest teaching that the


> >> afflicted

> >>> Graha constitutes the main curse. He has now opined (to


> > I

> >> think) that

> >>> the Brahman Shrapa in Sri Rama's chart is not primary but

> > Kalatra

> >> Shrapa.

> >>>

> >>> Somanath Jyotirlinga and after that a pearl could be a fair

> >> way to

> >>> proceed.

> >>>

> >>> Regards,

> >>>

> >>> Anurag Sharma

> >>>

> >>> http://www.planetarytransformation.blogspot.com

> >>>

> >>>

> >>> , " jk.dasgupta "

> >> <jk.dasgupta@>

> >>> wrote:

> >>>>

> >>>> Dear Anurag,

> >>>>

> >>>> In this chart, Langa lord and AK Sun is conjoined the VRY.


> >>> definitely the

> >>>> power is being transfered to the native. His Moon dasa has

> >> aleardy

> >>> passed,

> >>>> but Sat dasa is going to start in sept, 2013. In my view,

> >> his VRY

> >>> should get

> >>>> activated then. Moon is already exaulted and very strong and

> >> Sat is

> >>> also in

> >>>> friend's house.

> >>>>

> >>>> I did post another chart few days back.

> >>>>

> >>>> DOB-17.05.1973

> >>>> TOB-11:30 AM

> >>>> Place-Mumbai (India)

> >>>>

> >>>> No body has commented on this chart. Cancer Asc. 12L & 3L

> >> Mer in

> >>> Aries. Mer

> >>>> is AK also. Though Mer has rashi dristi on lagna lord Moon,

> >> but Mer

> >>> being

> >>>> AK, will not the native be destroyed himself by the VRY? His

> >> Mer dasa

> >>> is on

> >>>> and he is already in a bit trouble and confused due to death

> >> of his

> >>> business

> >>>> partner in an accident, and thinking of closing the

> >> business. What is

> >>> the

> >>>> advice here? Should his Mer be strenghtened or the debilated

> >> Moon be

> >>>> strenghtened or it should left as it is, because

> >> strenghtening Mer

> >>> will

> >>>> further worsen the situation.

> >>>>

> >>>> Regards

> >>>>

> >>>> Jk

> >>>>

> >>>>

> >>>>

> >>>>

> >>> On

> >>>> Behalf Of Anurag Sharma

> >>>> Tuesday, December 30, 2008 8:34 PM

> >>>>

> >>>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on

> >> divisonal charts ?

> >>>>

> >>>>

> >>>>

> >>>> |Om Shreem Vishnave Namah|

> >>>>

> >>>> Dear Visti & Rafal,

> >>>>

> >>>> Namaskar.

> >>>>

> >>>> This VRY in Kendra is an interesting Yoga and occurs in

> >> one's chart in

> >>> the

> >>>> 10th House. (11th June, 1972; 10:17:56 AM; Cuttack, Orissa,

> >> India). It

> >>>> causes the downfall of an ally, perhaps a seeming ally with

> >>> improvements in

> >>>> one's own situation. Here neither Shani nor Chandra have

> >> Digbal but

> >>> the

> >>>> Lagnesh and AK Surya does. Of course the VRY is also Shani-

> >> Chandra

> >>> Yoga in

> >>>> 10th House.

> >>>>

> >>>> After the end of the string of Moola Dashas (Lagna, Sun,


> >>>> computation), involved in the Curse, life began to change in

> >> accord

> >>> with

> >>>> the Yoga (VRY and Shani-Chandra).

> >>>>

> >>>> Here there is no need for Ratna as Surya is not impacted by

> >> the Yuti.

> >>>>

> >>>> Regards,

> >>>>

> >>>> Anurag Sharma

> >>>>

> >>>> http://www.planetarytransformation.blogspot.com

> >>>>

> >>>>

> >>>> , Visti Larsen visti@

> >> wrote:

> >>>>>

> >>>>> ??? ??? ?????

> >>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.

> >>>>> In case of a VRY in a Dusthana its enemies destroying each

> >> other.

> >>> This

> >>>>> is good whether or not you are picking up the pieces after

> >> them.

> >>>>> But, in Kendra when a VRY occurs then a title or position

> >> is vacant

> >>> in

> >>>>> your own support group and therefore the Lana is important

> >> in such a

> >>>> case.

> >>>>> Theres a difference between Raja Yoga and Raja Sambandha

> >> yoga. In

> >>> the

> >>>>> former you are the leader and in the latter you associate

> >> with the

> >>>>> leader or work for the leader. Some people will consider

> >> both as

> >>> being

> >>>>> quite good, but Raja Sambandha yoga does not guarantee

> >> leadership in

> >>>> itself.

> >>>>>

> >>>>> Having said that you must now appreciate why the VRY in a

> >> Kendra

> >>> must be

> >>>>> strong, and not weak like the VRY in a Dusthana. The

> >> reason being

> >>> that

> >>>>> if the dusthana lords are not strong in Kendra then they

> >> will cause

> >>>>> rajbhanga yoga, as you have also written in your article.

> >>>>>

> >>>>> Thus, if they are weak in Kendra then the person them self

> >> will also

> >>>>> fall especially if the Lagna is associated, as in that

> >> case you are

> >>> also

> >>>>> the target of the event which causes the fall, i.e. PV

> >> Narasimha was

> >>> the

> >>>>> main target of many accusations of corruption and the

> >> likes.

> >>>>>

> >>>>> Therefore, strengthening one of the Dusthana lords would

> >> save his

> >>>>> Lagnesh from falling as then the VRY would be strong in

> >> Kendra!

> >>>>>

> >>>>> Is there anything in the last three paragraphs of what I

> >> have

> >>> written

> >>>>> that doesn't make sense?

> >>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

> >>>>> ----------

> >>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com

> >>>>> @: visti@

> >>>>>

> >>>>> Rafal G skrev:

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>> Dear Guruji,

> >>>>>> Yes, but that should also be in the cases of other yogas

> >> where the

> >>>>>> title/responsibility is also given like 2L in 10H? Or

> >> you mean its

> >>> for

> >>>>>> all yogas ? Why this is not important for dusthana type

> >> of VRY?

> >>> There

> >>>>>> is also 'title' to get from the struggle.

> >>>>>> Regards

> >>>>>> Rafal Gendarz

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>> Elementy potencjalnie niebezpieczne zosta³y zablokowane.

> >>>>>> ??? ??? ?????

> >>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.

> >>>>>> I think I'm mixing some Danish words into my vocabulary.

> >>>>>> The English mantel is a fire place, so just forget that

> >> word.

> >>>>>> I mean to say that the actual title or responsibility is

> >> given to

> >>>>>> the person only through the Lagna/Lagnesha and Argala is

> >> not

> >>>>>> enough. Similarly Lagna (or Lagnesha) is important for

> >> the Yogadas

> >>>>>> to happens, i.e. when GL and HL associate with a graha,

> >> and argala

> >>>>>> is not enough in such cases.

> >>>>>> Does that make sense to you?

> >>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

> >>>>>> ----------

> >>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com

> >>>>>> @: visti@

> >>>>>>

> >>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:

> >>>>>>> Dear Guruji,

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> My dictionary didnt found this word Mantel.

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> Regards

> >>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>

> >>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:

> >>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????

> >>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.

> >>>>>>>> Your application of Argala is right, but when there is

> >> VRY in

> >>>>>>>> Kendra to Lagna then the friend has fallen and the

> >> MANTEL has to

> >>>>>>>> be given away to someone else.

> >>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>> If we rely solely on Argala then the VRY will be

> >> experienced and

> >>>>>>>> the native will also have fame in the situation but

> >> the MANTEL

> >>>>>>>> will not be given to the native. I.e. instead of being

> >> Prime

> >>>>>>>> Minister he could be the husband of the Prime Minister

> >> or the

> >>>>>>>> secretary of the Prime Minister.

> >>>>>>>> Thats why in case of VRY in Kendra the Lagna must be

> >> associated.

> >>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>> Satisfied with this explanation? If so I can go on to

> >> the next

> >>>>>>>> explanation.

> >>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

> >>>>>>>> ----------

> >>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com

> >>>>>>>> @: visti@

> >>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:

> >>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

> >>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji, Namaskar

> >>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>> Regarding the enjoyment of yoga it should have argala

> >> on AL,L

> >>>>>>>>> (Lagnesh),AK - so seems same for all yogas.

> >>>>>>>>> Why VRY should have special case here?

> >>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>> Regards,

> >>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz

> >>>>>>>>> -----------------------------

> >>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:

> >>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com

> >>>>>>>>> rafal@

> >>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:

> >>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????

> >>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.

> >>>>>>>>>> Regarding the Somanath Drekkana please check your

> >> personal

> >>> email.

> >>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>> Right now I'm explaining a case of Yuti for

> >> gemstones, so lets

> >>>>>>>>>> get over this hurdle first.

> >>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>> Firstly, do you understand that when VRY occurs in a

> >> Kendra

> >>>>>>>>>> then it has to be associated with Lagna/Lagnesha for

> >> the

> >>>>>>>>>> native to enjoy it?

> >>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

> >>>>>>>>>> ----------

> >>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com

> >>>>>>>>>> @: visti@

> >>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:

> >>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

> >>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji, Namaskar

> >>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>> VRY shows that from bad event native is raising.

> >> This bad

> >>>>>>>>>>> event is related to friends in Kendra as it shows

> >> our

> >>>>>>>>>>> support. One enemy is hitting the other enemy

> >> therefore

> >>>>>>>>>>> native rises,

> >>>>>>>>>>> its similar to dusthana lord being weak in Navamsa.

> >> Now if

> >>>>>>>>>>> Lagnesh and 6L (for example Scorpio) is weak in

> >> Navamsa then

> >>>>>>>>>>> its good for sixth lord but bad for Lagnesh. Based

> >> on that I

> >>> cant

> >>>>>>>>>>> understand why you said its only Lagnesh karakatwa

> >> gets

> >>>>>>>>>>> hit..not the lordship - native. Regarding

> >> debilitated planet

> >>>>>>>>>>> - it would not be good idea to strengthed it if its

> >> dusthana

> >>>>>>>>>>> lord as then the

> >>>>>>>>>>> Lagnesh is associated with strong enemy. Even if

> >> the yuti

> >>>>>>>>>>> avastha hits the Lagnesh we should do it in the way

> >> that it

> >>>>>>>>>>> helps the Lagnesh, here strenghting Coral could be

> >> good for

> >>>>>>>>>>> destroying 12L,

> >>>>>>>>>>> but I dont see any reason why the Lagnesh is spared

> >> from

> >>>>>>>>>>> destruction. I can only depend on your teachings

> >> regarding 2H

> >>>>>>>>>>> in D3..you said its also related to health issues.

> >>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>> When we use yuti and when parivartana for the gems?

> >>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>> Regards,

> >>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz

> >>>>>>>>>>> -----------------------------

> >>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:

> >>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com

> >>>>>>>>>>> rafal@

> >>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:

> >>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????

> >>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.

> >>>>>>>>>>>> Answers to each of your points.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>> a. Get Lesson 5 from Varahamihira. If you don't

> >> have access

> >>>>>>>>>>>> then talk to Sarajit.

> >>>>>>>>>>>> Your logic is fine for VRY in a DUSTHANA... not so

> >> for

> >>>>>>>>>>>> Kendra as in Kendra the VRY has to transfer its

> >> energy to

> >>>>>>>>>>>> the Lagna somehow otherwise the native will not

> >> enjoy the

> >>>>>>>>>>>> Rajayoga. Therefore how can we say that VRY in a

> >> Kendra

> >>>>>>>>>>>> associated with the Lagna will destroy the Lagna

> >> if it MUST

> >>>>>>>>>>>> be associated with Lagna to give the Rajayoga to

> >> begin with?

> >>>>>>>>>>>> Right the logic is flawed and thats because the

> >> natural

> >>>>>>>>>>>> significance of the Lagnesh will instead be hit,

> >> i.e. in

> >>>>>>>>>>>> case of Mercury a friend or colleague will fall.

> >>>>>>>>>>>> Does my earlier mail make more sense now? Compare

> >> this to

> >>>>>>>>>>>> the article you wrote on Rajbhanga Yoga.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>> b. Thats right. Arudha shows ones fame just for

> >> this life

> >>>>>>>>>>>> and that fame dies with ones body, or the objects

> >> one

> >>>>>>>>>>>> creates i.e. like Van Gogh being known for his art

> >> but not

> >>>>>>>>>>>> really the rest of his life.

> >>>>>>>>>>>> The Lagna gives LASTING fame even beyond death for

> >> ones

> >>>>>>>>>>>> actions so therefore both Lagna and Arudha Lagna

> >> do give

> >>>>>>>>>>>> fame and the strong Moon in Kendra to either is

> >> supposed to

> >>>>>>>>>>>> grant fame in some way. The extent of this fame is

> >> a

> >>>>>>>>>>>> separate issue.

> >>>>>>>>>>>> Therefore again for a Vishnu Avatara a basic

> >> requirement is

> >>>>>>>>>>>> that the Moon is on the Lagna (in same Tara- refer

> >> Brhat

> >>>>>>>>>>>> Nakshatra).

> >>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>> c. 'Afflict' is not the right word for second

> >> house in S3. I

> >>>>>>>>>>>> know I have written about the second house in

> >> Somanath

> >>>>>>>>>>>> Drekkana and shown its usage with charts of the

> >>>>>>>>>>>> Shankaracharyas of Kamakoti Math as well as

> >> others. Possibly

> >>>>>>>>>>>> was it in my book or somewhere else? Do find it as

> >> that

> >>>>>>>>>>>> would clarify in more detail what the second house

> >> does.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>> d. See a. Point is that if he didn't strengthen

> >> Mars then

> >>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury would fall as a result of Mars not being

> >> exalted or

> >>>>>>>>>>>> in any high dignity, i.e. there would be Rajbhanga

> >> yoga if

> >>>>>>>>>>>> he didn't strengthen Mars, and this would be felt

> >> in his

> >>>>>>>>>>>> Lagnesh. In essence its like Lagnesh being joined a

> >>>>>>>>>>>> debilitated planet so we strengthen the weak

> >> planet to make

> >>>>>>>>>>>> Lagnesh happy. This is not the same as being in

> >> planetary

> >>>>>>>>>>>> war or the likes.

> >>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

> >>>>>>>>>>>> ----------

> >>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com

> >>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@

> >>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji, Namaskar

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> a. VRA destroys the planets its yuti..Venus for

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> inlaws..Guru for own family [cova]. Based on that

> >> Lagnesh

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> is afflicted and its sustanence should be rescued

> >> by

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> emerald not by strenghting

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> the enmity graha..as it will hit the Budha-

> >> Lagnesh-Native.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> its ok for rajayoga but native is also destroyed

> >> here.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Instead if there is Rajayoga we can help through

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> strenghting the dispositor - here it would help

> >> native and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> bring the rajayoga. Or strenghting otherwise

> >> rajayoga and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> help the Budha for being spoilt by the naisargika

> >> and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> temporal malefic for Budha and for Kanya.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> b. I thought Arudha shows for what native is

> >> wellknown.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Jananivasa case...Lagnesh with Rahu/Sun/Mars..he

> >> is known

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> by art and Shukra is in AL

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> c. Ojas is related to health not only sexuality.

> >> So giving

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> the gem of 2H in D3 afflicts the ojas..final

> >> substance

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> coming out from Dhatus placed in heart and being

> >> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> essence of life per C.Samhita.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> d. Once you give the arguments about yuti and

> >> then about

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> strenghting Mangal..I am confused.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> My logic says it was very bad choice..where I

> >> went wrong

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> with the logic.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> -----------------------------

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal and Chandan, Namaskar.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 points need to be raised.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> I) I haven't changed my statement reg. the yuti-

> >> exchange.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> II) What you will be known for is seen from your

> >> lagna or

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> its lord. So in the case of PV Narasimha Rao the

> >> Lagna

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord is Mercury in Bhadra Mahapurusha Yoga in

> >> Gemini

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> (trade and contracts) and he will be known for

> >> some very

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> daring reforms in the business and finance

> >> sector. You

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> cannot be known for your achievements if the

> >> Lagnesh is

> >>> weak.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Further, for a Vipareet Raja Yoga in Kendra to

> >> Lagna to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> work the Grahas involved must be strong and

> >> associated

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the Lagnesh.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Combine these factors and see in his case that

> >> the VRY is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> indeed joined the Lagnesh, but since the grahas

> >> (Mars and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun) are not particularly strong in Gemini then

> >> once the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vipareet Raja Yoga works then his Lagnesh ALSO

> >> will be

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> pulled down and suffer. I.e. both he and Rajiv

> >> Gandhi

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> would suffer.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hence, had he not strengthen Mars by wearing

> >> that Coral

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> his Lagnesh Mercury would have suffered very

> >> badly as Mars

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> needed to be made strong to make him survive the

> >> VRY.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Therefore he was also during his tenure going

> >> through a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> lot of tribulations and people didn't think he

> >> would last

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> his tenure as Prime Minister.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> So the Coral actually saved him during his

> >> tenure. The

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jyotisha who advised him this gemstone was

> >> brilliant

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> indeed. In fact if I'm not wrong he continued

> >> the legacy

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> of Rajiv Gandhi regarding the financial reforms,

> >> hence his

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> perseverance in politics ended up in favour of

> >> his

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> predecessor. In fact had he not continued then

> >> who knows

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> what would have happened to all that implemented

> >> by Rajiv.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hope this clarifies once again.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> chandan486 skrev:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ||aum namah shivaya||

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Visti,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Namaste.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Should we really advise gems of grahas causing

> >> VRY ? As

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> far as im

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aware of , gems of grahas causing VRY should

> >> never be

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised , as

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VRY itself indicates fall / loss of somebody

> >> else for the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> native to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gain..

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So wearing the gemstone of a graha causing VRY

> >> is akin to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> killing somebody for your own good ! How

> >> Rajasic and non-

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sattwic is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that!! ? We can get what we want in this life

> >> through all

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gems , but we are definately asnwerable for our

> >> karma in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the next

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> life !

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So i dont think wearing a gemstone of a graha

> >> causing VRY

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is a good

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> idea since youre indirectly strengthening the

> >> damage

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> caused to some

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> body else !! How sane is it ? and as

> >> jyotisa's , its our

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibility to show people the right sattwic

> >> way !!

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am really clear about this ! Maybe PV

> >> Narasimha rao

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> became PM ,but

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if that coral caused somebody to die , so that

> >> his VRY

> >>> could

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> flourish , how sane and dharmic is that ? cmon !

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Instead of fixing flaws flaws in his chart ,

> >> somebody

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> made his

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> negative yogas all the more stronger , not

> >> fair !!

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> humble regards,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chandan s sabarwal.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <%40>, Rafal

> >> Gendarz

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> starsuponme@

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji, Namaskar

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok, so Coral is strenghting vipareet rajayoga

> >> but gives

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arudha and Bhadra (naisargika and tatkalika

> >> enemy), so

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there is no

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti-exchange?

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If there is yuti-exchange when/where we

> >> should apply it

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and where

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only parivartana as that is not clear?

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -----------------------------

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com <http://rohinaa.com>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am citing Guruji on all these matters

> >> based on Atri

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> classes and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> previous lessons. For those who have access

> >> to the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Varahamihira

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> list

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there is a lesson called Vipareet Raja Yoga

> >> which is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lesson 5,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this example is also cited yet from a

> >> different

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> perspective.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Apply the Somanath Drekkana rules wisely.

> >> At the age

> >>> when

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Narasimha

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was taking his seat as PM he cannot be said

> >> to be

> >>> very

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sexually

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> active, hence of what concern is the second

> >> house in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> S3? Hence I

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the end of my write up that these

> >> principles for

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the S3 need

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intelligently applied.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding Vipareet Raja Yoga, when Dusthana

> >> lords

> >>> join

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kendra

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they need to be strong, and a vital problem

> >> in the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chart was that

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is combust by the Sun in this chart within

> >> one

> >>> degree.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hence

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> another

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reason that he was advised the Coral to

> >> strengthen

> >>> Mars.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, when a Graha is causing durbhagya

> >> (malefic

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aspecting/joining

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ninth house), duryoga or lord of the sixth

> >> house do

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not wear its

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone by any chance.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Instead when its causing Rajayoga it can be

> >> worn.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com

> >> <http://srigaruda.com>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji , Namaskar

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. For VRA in Kendra planets must be

> >> strong. Gemini

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rasi is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> similar

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to Cancer Rasi for Mangal avastha.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. If 8L is weak then enemy is weak and it

> >> gives

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rajayoga,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> strenghting the Lagnesh should be the case

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as Sanjayji did in VRA example (see my

> >> previous

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case), not the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8L -

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enemy. You can say that there

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are exchanging the power due to yuti but

> >> its not the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case with

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gems

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as Sanjayji example is indicating.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. To strenghted the native in battle gems

> >> of Lagna

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that is the rule of Sanjayji based

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on Saravali or Phaldeepika. No yuti rule

> >> for gems

> >>> per

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> teachings.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4. If planet is afflicted or weak then the

> >> gem

> >>> should

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make it

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stronger - its good yoga. Lagnesh in Tenth,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so we should not strength the affliction

> >> but the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> native! No yuti

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rule

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for gems per your teachings.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars is in 2H in D3 and in 1/7 axis from

> >> AL!

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -----------------------------

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com <http://rohinaa.com>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In the chart of Narasimha a Vipareet

> >> Rajayoga is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> occuring in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tenth house but is conjoined the lagna

> >> lord showing

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that when

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rajayoga happens he also may fall.

> >> Therefore his

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bhadra yoga

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> becomes

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> useless and risks jailtime by

> >> strengthening it as

> >>> it is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conjoined

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> two malefics by lordships and natural

> >> significance.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So to strengthen his Bhadra Yoga and

> >> lessen the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> malificence of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VRY he was advised a Red Coral as Mercury

> >> and Mars

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are the most

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> benefic and most malefic grahas

> >> respectively and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will exchange

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> results.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why not emerald? Because of Mercury's

> >> severe

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> affliction and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> curse

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which would end up giving the results of

> >> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vipareet yoga on

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> himself. And it almost did as a bunch of

> >> lawsuits

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> were launched

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on him.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So finally its because they do exchange

> >> results,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> point is that

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exchange of results would not be good if

> >> in a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> malefic house.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I.e.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> imagine VRY in the eighth house. Here the

> >> principle

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is that the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lordships of the most benefic grahas will

> >> sufer, so

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if Mercury,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and Sun were in the eighth house in this

> >> chart he

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> personally

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suffer a lot by wearing a Coral.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So finally the house placement must also

> >> be good.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Specifically

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and tenth will also benefit longevity.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Notably when VRY occurs in a Kendra house

> >> a friend

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> falls.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagnesh

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there threatens ones own fall also (hence

> >> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> remedy). And so

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> happened in a bomb blast (Mars+Sun+Rahu)

> >> through

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which his

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> colleague

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rajiv Gandhi could not continue anymore in

> >>> politics,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and they

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> looked to Narasimha as a leader.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It happened after his retirement because

> >> of Mars

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (also Varesha)

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the tenth.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------

> >> -

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com

> >> <http://srigaruda.com>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji, Namaskar

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why in Lagna/Tenth it would be good? Its

> >> still

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dusthana lord

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kendra - kind of duryoga per Phaldeepika.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can I finally get the answer why Coral

> >> is good for

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Narasimha

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rao?

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As the more mails the things are more

> >> complicated.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -----------------------------

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com <http://rohinaa.com>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now your getting it. See that its not

> >> always good

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to give the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conjoined gemstone as it can bring

> >> problems, and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we cannot do

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blindly.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also in the example you cited of Moon

> >> and Sun

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> joined for

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pisces

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagna, there is a similar dilemma as

> >> the Sun in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> such a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> combination

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can increase enmity and such sixth

> >> house problems

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> depending

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placement. Therefore in the example you

> >> gave if

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the two were

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> joined in the sixth, eighth or twelfth

> >> house then

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wearing a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ruby

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is a big NONO. Especially if the person

> >> is born

> >>> on

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a Monday

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sunday it would horrible for the health.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Instead if joined in the Lagna or tenth

> >> house it

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would prove

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> excellent and also increase longevity.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If the two are in planetary war then

> >> there is no

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doubt, i.e.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cause the war to be lost by a graha

> >> lording a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trikona by

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wearing

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the other grahas gemstone.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So your right. Yuti is not the rule -

> >> by itself

> >>> as

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if such a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> combination is badly placed it would be

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> devastating to wear

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> such a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------

> >> ---

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com

> >> <http://srigaruda.com>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rajarishi , Namaskar

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Page 345/346 VRA. To ensure winning

> >> the battle

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sanjyaji

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> perscribes gem signified by Lagnesh.

> >> Here Shukra

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagnadhipati is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conjoined Budha, but still

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the choice is on Diamond, not Emerald

> >> (Budha is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6L). Based

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that we see that yuti is not the rule,

> >> therefore

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we cant say

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coral was good for Narasimha Rao

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as it gives results of Bhadra yoga as

> >> it is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> opposite to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> previous

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> teachings and examples.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -----------------------------

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com <http://rohinaa.com>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rajarshi nandy pisze:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have been trying to follow this

> >> excahnge of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mails and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> getting

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a little confused. You said:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> //

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /So far I have seen Sanjayji never

> >> recommend

> >>> gem

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> based on

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when it comes to trikona lords/

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you mean when there is ANY yuti

> >> between

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trikona lord and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other lord OR only trikona and

> >> dusthana lord?

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Regards

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rajarshi

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /*

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *The upsurge (of consciousness) is

> >> Bhairava -

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shiva Sutra*

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> */

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- On *Thu, 18/12/08, Rafal Gendarz

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /starsuponme@/*

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz starsuponme@

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re:

> >> Choosing

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone on

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> divisonal charts ?

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <%40>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thursday, 18 December, 2008,

> >> 6:25 PM

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Chandan, Namaskar

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So far I have seen Sanjayji never

> >> recommend gem

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> based on

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti when it comes to trikona lords.

> >> Its also

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hard to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seen

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if person is spiritual or not, after

> >> all dharma

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is not only connected to spirituality

> >> but also

> >>> to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> marriage,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> progeny, social values etc - big

> >> parts of life

> >>> for

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> materialists.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When we see examples in Nakshatra

> >> book then we

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> know how

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> much

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attention Sanjayji places towards so

> >> called

> >>>> temporal

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> malefics - here Mangal is definitely

> >> temporal

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> malefic

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and it will give problems to Bhadra

> >> and tenth

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bhava. If

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use only parivartana for gems then

> >> based solely

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on this

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> principle advising Coral is quite

> >> unfortunate

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> decision.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arudha will jump to tenth and Mangal

> >> will hit

> >>> it

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as its

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dominated by Budha and Mangal is

> >> enemy in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> naisargika and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tatkalika sambandha here. So its

> >> badly placed

> >>> by

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lordship,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sambandha

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and placement from AL. So Coral is

> >> worst.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> More to this Mangal is 8L in D2 (Kn)

> >> giving

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> poverty and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sits

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in 2H in D3 (Sn).

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What special rule I have omitted

> >> which conquers

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bad

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which Mangal gives here?

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OR

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we accept yuti principle again..and

> >> then Ruby

> >>> for

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun+Moon

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for Meena Lagna..but as I never said

> >> Sanjayji

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> did it.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- --------

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa. com

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chandan486 pisze:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ||aum namah shivaya||

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal , Zoran and Visti,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Namaste.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have been reading the constant

> >> discussions

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> between

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and you

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> two and glad that rafal did post PV

> >> Narasimha

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rao's

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> details.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Based on the artcile Visti wrote

> >> yesterday and

> >>> my

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> personal

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chart

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> analysis of PV Narasimha Rao , im

> >> going to

> >>> explain

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what i

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seem to be

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> correct about the advise for a Red

> >> Coral.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.as Visti mentioned , Yuti

> >> exchanges 3/4

> >>> ayanas ,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can be seen

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from Navamsa to determine which 3 of

> >> 4 have

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exchanged.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now in this particular case , as

> >> Mangal and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Merc. have

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conjoined ,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mangal occupies an airy namavsa , so

> >> based on

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the ones

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adjacent to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it , those ayanas will get exchanged.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This gives us 3 ayanas viz.

> >> Capricorn - Artha

> >>> ,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Aquarius -

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kama and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pisces - Moksha.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similarly for Merc. it occupies

> >> Gemini , so

> >>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ones

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adjacent to it

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> get exhanged , viz Tauras - Artha ,

> >> Gemini -

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kaama and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cancer -

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moksha ..

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The only Pada / ayana that does not

> >> get

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exchanged due

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dharma and since we are prescribing

> >> gemstone

> >>> for a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> political leader

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and not a spiritualist , we can

> >> safely ingore

> >>> this

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ayana .

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So , safely a Red Coral can and

> >> should be

> >>> advised.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moreover , in the Rasi chart , Mars

> >> has Dig

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bala which

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zoran already

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mentioned and it also has 7th house

> >> argala on

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GL , with

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nothing to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> obstruct.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also in Dasamsa, Mangal again has

> >> Sukhagrala

> >>> on

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GL,which

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anyways is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more powerful than the

> >> virodhargals , so

> >>> mangal

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> argala

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prevails.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Also , maybe we missed to

> >> notice , lagnesha

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Merc is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Varki ..

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Recommending a gemstone for a Vakri

> >> planet is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> good

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> idea , as it

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only increases the power of

> >> retrogression ,

> >>> hence

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> coral is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> choice ,both by Rasi and Dasamsa.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think i made a pretty neat

> >> assemement.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Comments Please !!

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> humble regards,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chandan S Sabarwal.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <%

> >> 40>, Rafal

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gendarz

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <starsuponme@ ...>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Zoranji , Namaskar

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please dont make me a fool. When I

> >> have

> >>> asked

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> why

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coral

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> answer was:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just as Dasas exchange effects of

> >> conjoined

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Grahas

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so do

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Does

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that clarify?

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>> ------------ --------- --------- --------- ----

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now you are stating again that it

> >> is only

> >>> for

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> June 28, 1921

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Time: 12:49:00

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Time Zone: 5:16:36 (East of GMT)

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Place: 79 E 09' 00 " , 18 N 26' 00 "

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In that chart I dont see any

> >> parivartana and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mangal

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> third and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eight

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord, so the question is the same :

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a) either you say its yuti and

> >> then for

> >>> Meena

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagna

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and Surya

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we perscribe Ruby

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> b) its only for parivartana and

> >> then why

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coral for

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Narasimha Rao?

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If there is no answer to this

> >> simple

> >>> question

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> admit it

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> please dont make me a fool that I

> >> am

> >>> repeating

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> myself.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- --------

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa. com

> >> <http://rohinaa.com/

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- --------

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa. com

> >> <http://rohinaa.com/

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ahimsavm pisze:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Om Namah Shivaya,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What Visti and myself are saying

> >> is the

> >>> same.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti has

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> very

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> precisely explained, that with

> >> yuti Three

> >>> pada

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects are

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reversed,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so one pada or leg is remained

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uninfluenced. So,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if we

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> subsitute

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gem with planet conjoined, you

> >> are not

> >>> fully

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reversing

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> signification, since one pada of

> >> dharma

> >>>> remains

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uninfluenced. So,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana is stronger than

> >> yuti, for

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ekapada.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Only in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Full

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reversal (Parivartana) , I have

> >> seen

> >>> Sanjayji

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recommending the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of a stone. A person was Makara

> >> Lagna with

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shani

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in 5th

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shukra in 2nd house, so there was

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shani

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and Shukra.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Since Shukra was badly hit in

> >> the second

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sanjayji

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recommended

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Neelam for Shani to give the

> >> effects of

> >>> Shukra

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specifically. This

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> further very wise choice since

> >> Shani rules

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lagna

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as well.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best wishes

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zoran Radosavljevic

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.siva-edu. info

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.ahimsazr1. wordpress. com

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @

> >> . com

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <%

> >> 40>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <srijagannat h%

> >> 40. com>,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gendarz

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <starsuponme@ >

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji, Zoranji, Namaskar

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The whole disussion is about

> >> if we use

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the other

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gem

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> based on

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivarta. First it was

> >> parivartana then

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you say

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also for

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti, now

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zoran says its for parivartana

> >> only

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> again. If

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ninth

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord is with

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shani

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its durbhagya but in the

> >> period of 9L as

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti graha

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shani

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work, based on that using

> >> Neelam will

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> strenghten

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti graha

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9L so getting out of durbhagya.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How Pearl can be good for

> >> Mangal if its

> >>> lord

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> neecha

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sign ? How

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> perscribe 6L gem?

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zoran said: " However, this

> >> substitution

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of gems

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be done

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ONLY

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PARIVARTANA. "

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How then Coral could be good

> >> for

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Narasimha Rao?

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or I have missed something?

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- --------

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa. com

> >> <http://rohinaa.com/

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa. com

> >> <http://rohinaa.com/

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How can you give Nilam if

> >> Shani is

> >>> yuti

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ninth

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord?

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That would

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> durbhagya wouldn't it? Thats

> >> one of

> >>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> main

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> points

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that Zoki

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rising here.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- ------

> >> ---

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------- ----

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda. com

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/ <http://srigaruda.com/>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com

> >> <http://srigaruda.com/

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ahimsavm skrev:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Om Namah Shivaya,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What Visti has written about

> >>> Sambhanda is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> correct.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> substitution of gems can be

> >> done ONLY

> >>> in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PARIVARTANA. If you

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> let us say Mangal and Shani

> >> yuti for

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Meena, I

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would never

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prescribe

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Neelam or Blue Sapphire

> >> unless Moon

> >>> is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placed

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8th house.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case I would prefer Light

> >> Blue

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sapphire for

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> health.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The better way out is to

> >> take Ruby

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because it

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would block the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shani

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and improve Mangal.

> >> However, in such

> >>> a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Surja

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should be

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> good

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realtionship with Lagnesha

> >> Guru.

> >>> Another

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> possibility is MOti

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Pearl), which according to

> >> Veepreta

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is very

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> good

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for Mangal

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also Good for Shani.

> >> Otherwise you

> >>> may

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> risk

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rise of bad

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> luck.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Actually, it will depend on

> >> Shani

> >>> Mangal

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placement

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chart.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best wishes

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zoran Radosavljevic

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.siva-edu. info

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.ahimsazr1. wordpress.

> >> com

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @

> >> . com

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <%

> >> 40>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <srijagannat h%

> >> 40. com>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <srijagannat h%

> >> 40.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> com>,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gendarz

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <starsuponme@ >

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate

> >> narasimhaya*

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji , Namaskar

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lets say Meena Lagna

> >> Shani yuti

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mangal - I

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should perscribe

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Neelam

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give effect of bhagyesh

> >> Mangal?

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- ---

> >> -----

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa. com

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/ <http://rohinaa.com/>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa. com

> >> <http://rohinaa.com/

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa. com

> >> <http://rohinaa.com/

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa. com

> >> <http://rohinaa.com/

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rajarshi, Namaskar.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The final effect is the

> >> same, as

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> had the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana done

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> otherwise

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then he would not have

> >> cancer.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yet, i don't believe

> >> the Cancer

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was solely

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> caused by

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case as we see Rahu

> >> involved in a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> curse of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mother from

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> past

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> life

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> involving the sixth

> >> lord (roga)

> >>> Ketu.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Still the advise is the

> >> same.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti

> >> Larsen

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- -

> >> --------

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.

> >> com

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/

> >>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/

> >>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/ <http://srigaruda.com/>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com

> >> <http://srigaruda.com/

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rajarshi nandy skrev:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Visti

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for sharing

> >> that

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> information.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Really wonderful

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mail.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I was seeing a chart

> >> of a person

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> who has

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> been

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> detected

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> liver

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cancer and doctors

> >> have given

> >>> him

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> six

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> months

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> live.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> his

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chart jup is in

> >> exchance with

> >>> venus.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Should

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> he wear a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pokhraj

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instead

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of diamond?

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you could kindly

> >> take a look

> >>> and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advice it

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> woiuld be

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> great..

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 23rd march 1977

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:20 pm

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> calcutta

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mithun lagna, mesh

> >> rasi..

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Regards

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rajarshi

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /*

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *The upsurge (of

> >> consciousness)

> >>> is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bhairava -

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shiva

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sutra*

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> */

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- On *Tue, 16/12/08,

> >> Maja S

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (trbac /<majastrbacastro@ >/*

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maja S(trbac

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <majastrbacastro@ >

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Re: [Om

> >> Krishna Guru]

> >>> Re:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Choosing

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone on

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> divisonal

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> charts ?

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @

> >> .

> >>> com

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <%

> >> 40>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <srijagannat h%

> >> 40. com>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <srijagannat h%

> >> 40.

> >>> com>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tuesday, 16

> >> December,

> >>> 2008,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8:47 PM

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Om Gurave Namah

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Visti Ji, Namaste

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WOW!

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As far as I am

> >> concerned, your

> >>> email

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bellow

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is a " Marry

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christmas

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and a Happy New Year in

> >>> advance " .

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you so much for

> >> shearing

> >>> it

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> us!

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Warm Regards,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maja Strbac

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- On *Tue, 12/16/08,

> >> Visti

> >>> Larsen

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT)

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> com>/* wrote:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Re: [Om

> >> Krishna Guru]

> >>> Re:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Choosing

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone on

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> divisonal charts ?

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @

> >> .

> >>> com

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tuesday,

> >> December 16,

> >>> 2008,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7:09 AM

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Chandan, Namaskar.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Excuse me for not

> >> answering in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> full in my

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> last mail, I

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realise no one learns

> >> if no one

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shares,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> here is what

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have learned and have

> >> to share.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have gathered the

> >> following

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rules reg.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones with

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (this will be

> >> republished on my

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> website

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reference):

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The prescription of

> >> metals or

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> belongs to the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> concept of Tantra, i.e.

> >>> Tanu+Trayi

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> meaning to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protect

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> body. This is best to

> >> advise

> >>> when a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> person may be

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> making a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrong decision and you

> >> want them

> >>> to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stick to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the right

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just as one can advise

> >> gemstones

> >>> to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protect

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the body,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are gemstones which

> >> can remove

> >>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protection

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> body,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hence one should

> >> advise these

> >>>> wisely.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sanskrit word for

> >> gemstone is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> r/atna/ but

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> does not

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> literally

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mean gemstone, but can

> >> also

> >>> refer to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> treasure, jewel,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> precious stone, and is

> >> derived

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> word

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /ra-/

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> meaning a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gift, goods, wealth or

> >> riches.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Monier-

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Williams)

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The word /ratna/

> >> specifically

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> refers to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nine

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> types of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> treasure or jewels

> >> namely mukta

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (pearl),

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vajra

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (diamond),

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /padmara-ga/ (ruby),

> >>> /pushpara-ga

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (topaz),

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indrani-la

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (clear/stainless

> >> sapphire),

> >>> marakata

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (emerald), vaidu-

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rya

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (cats eye), vidruma

> >> (coral) and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gomeda

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (hessonite). /

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same reason the

> >> word /ratna/

> >>> also

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> means

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nine

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in vedic

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> numerology. Pushpara-

> >> ga has been

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> translated

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as Topaz by

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> most,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> however the Garuda

> >> Purana (Suta,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2007, p.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 174) does

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> state

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that different colours

> >> of the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /pushpara-

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ga

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /can be

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regarded

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as equal to

> >> the /indrani-la

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (sapphire) /or

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /padmara-ga

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (ruby)/. Therefore,

> >> among the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /indrani-la

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Sapphire) /we must

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> infer that certain

> >> shades (i.e.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yellow)

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be regarded

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giving the effects of

> >>> /pushpara-ga /

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (topaz).

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hence,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whilst

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all sapphires fall in

> >> the same

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> group of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /indrani-la/ the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> colour of them being

> >> different

> >>> also

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> differentiates the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects of wearing

> >> them greatly.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Details

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should be

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> learned

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from the Garuda Purana

> >> in this

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regard.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Deva are supposed

> >> to reside

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> particle of a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ratna

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is clear, bright,

> >> without cracks

> >>> or

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lines in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it and has

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unusual shades in it.

> >> Hence, the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wearing

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ratna is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sake of keeping a Deva

> >> next to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protecting you.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ratnaka-raka

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ratna comes under the

> >> various

> >>> metals

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> known as

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dhatu.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn and Ra-hu

> >> signify the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dhatu and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> among

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them Moon

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rules over

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ratna, whilst Mars

> >> rules over

> >>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> earth,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn over the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> raw

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> minerals such as oil

> >> and irons

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whilst Ra-

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hu

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rules over

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rare

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> metals such as Gold and

> >>> platinum.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hence,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is Ratna

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ka-

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> raka

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and divisional charts

> >> as

> >>> Somanatha

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drekkana and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Somanatha

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Navamsha are the most

> >> important

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to judge

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effect of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As specifically the

> >> Drekkana

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> refers to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ones

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> karma and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> signified by ones

> >> hands, the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Somanatha

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drekkana is apt

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> judge

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the effects of

> >> gemstones.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Specifically

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> divisional

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chart

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shows ones ojas and

> >> how one uses

> >>> it.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Strong

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ojas can

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> grant

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fame,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and hence this

> >> divisional chart

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can be

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to see ones

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> popularity as well as

> >> sexuality

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ones

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ojas is used.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Moon signifying all

> >>> gemstones is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also known

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as /gunatmaka/,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i.e .the self in the

> >> form of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /guna/ or

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attributes.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hence to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> understand the effects

> >> of a

> >>> gemstone

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vis-a-vis other

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones we

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use the gunachakra.

> >> This is also

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used for

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other purposes

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an integral part of

> >> Vedic

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> numerology.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will be

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> explained

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> further below.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which finger to wear

> >> the

> >>> gemstone

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on can

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> understood

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vedic

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Remedies in Astrology,

> >> by Sanjay

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rath.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> four fingers

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> represent

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> moksha, artha, dharma

> >> and ka-ma

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> respectively

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> middle, ring and

> >> little fingers.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No gem

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised on

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> finger as it risks

> >> blocking

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> moksha and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> increasing

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ahamkara.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> following table has

> >> been culled

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same work.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Table 2: Finger and

> >> Ratna (Rath)

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ratna

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Finger

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ruby

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ring (3^rd from index)

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pearl

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ring or Little finger

> >> (3^rd or

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4^th from

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index)

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coral

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Middle or ring finger

> >> (2^nd or

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3^rd from

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index)

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Emerald

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Middle or little

> >> fingers (2^nd

> >>> or

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4^th

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index)

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yellow Topaz/Yellow

> >> Sapphire

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ring (3^rd from index)

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Diamond

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ring (3^rd from index)

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blue Sapphire

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Middle or little

> >> finger (2^nd or

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4^th

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from index)

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hessonite

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Middle or little

> >> finger (2^nd or

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4^th

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from index)

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cats eye

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Middle or ring finger

> >> (2^nd or

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3^rd from

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index)

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Garuda Purana states

> >> that

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones can

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> great good

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> human race and they

> >> have natural

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Naisargika)

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> characteristics

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which will benefit

> >> everyone.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Example: a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lady

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wishing to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mother would benefit

> >> greatly

> >>> from

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wearing a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pushpara-ga

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (topaz)

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or pokhraj (yellow

> >> sapphire).

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similarly a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> person having

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cancer

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should wear a diamond

> >> and recite

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mrtyunjaya

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mantra.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> natural

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indications of

> >> gemstones can be

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> applied

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the effects are given

> >> in Garuda

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Purana.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Table 3: Ratna and

> >> Graha

> >>> (Dikshita,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1992, p.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.55)

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Graha

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ratna

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Translation

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Padmara-ga

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ruby

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mukta

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pearl

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vidruma

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coral

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Marakata

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Emerald

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pushpara-ga

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yellow Topaz

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Venus

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vajra

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Diamond

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Indrani-la

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blue Sapphire

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rahu

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gomeda

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hessonite

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ketu

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vaidu-rya

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cats eye

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tradition is

> >> everything when it

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comes to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> applying any

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advice and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hereunder is some of

> >> the advice

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that I

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gathered

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> teacher.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ratna should be

> >> advised based on

> >>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fifth and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ninth

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lords in the Rashi

> >> (D1) chart.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These are

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will support the

> >> native in their

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> purpose

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> life. The

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protects the head and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intelligence, the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fifth

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protects

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hands

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and torso, whilst the

> >> ninth

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protects the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legs, and hence

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> native will always

> >> select the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best path

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> life if the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the ninth lord is

> >> worn. Thus

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the ninth

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord is the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> most

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> auspicious gemstone.

> >> This can

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also be

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advise the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone for disease in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> particular parts

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the body.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Malefics placed in the

> >> ninth

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house cause

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> misfortune,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> such

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cases reversal gems

> >> are advised.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Graha in 9^th

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gemstone advised

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ruby (pink ruby for

> >> ladies)

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rähu

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yellow Sapphire or

> >> Yellow Topaz

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ketu

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gold ring

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pearl

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gemstones of the

> >> sixth, eighth

> >>> or

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> twelfth

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house lords

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inauspicious and cause

> >> strife,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disease

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and loss

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> respectively and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should not be worn.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To both the above

> >> there are

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exceptions

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> occur on

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> account of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yoga.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yoga and Sambandha

> >> (reference:

> >>> Atri

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Classes)

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The graha give their

> >> effects by

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> affecting the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> four

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ayana or

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> goals

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the person's life

> >> namely

> >>> dharma,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> artha,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ka-ma and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> moksha

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> symbolised by the

> >> first, second,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> third or

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fourth pada

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nakshatra, or fiery,

> >> earthy,

> >>> airy

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> watery

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> signs

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> respectively.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When a graha is in

> >> parivartana

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yoga with

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> another, then

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha will affect all

> >> four ayana

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> former graha.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Therefore,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if the ninth lord is in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana with

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sixth lord

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone of the sixth

> >> lord

> >>> should be

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similarly when a graha

> >> is yuti

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> another

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it takes on

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> three of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the four ayanas of the

> >> other

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha. Which

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> three ayana

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> depends on

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i) the particular

> >> grahas

> >>> Navamsha

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sign

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ii)

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the two signs

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adjacent

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that particular sign.

> >> Example:

> >>> If

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> joined Venus

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will give the effects

> >> of Venus.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In such a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case should

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placed in the Navamsha

> >> of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Capricorn then

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would give

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects of Venus'

> >> Artha-ayana

> >>> due to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> being in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an earthy

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Navamsha,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and further as the

> >> Navamsha

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> before is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a fiery

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sign

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that after being an

> >> airy sign,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Sun

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Venus' dharma-ayana

> >> (fiery) and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ka-ma-

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ayana

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (airy) as

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> well,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not the moksha-ayana

> >> (watery).

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If three or more graha

> >> join then

> >>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interchange of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be decided based on

> >> the natural

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> benefic/malefic

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indications

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the graha, viz. if

> >> Jupiter,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury join then

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> highest malefic and

> >> highest

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> benefic will

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interchange

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> results,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thus causing Saturn

> >> and Jupiter

> >>> to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interchange results

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whilst

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury will give not

> >> give the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> results of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anyone.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similarly

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> apply

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this to conjunction of

> >> more

> >>> grahas.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The two remaining

> >> Sambandha,

> >>> viz.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Samdristi and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Parivartana

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dristi are not taken

> >> into

> >>> account

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> purpose as

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> affect two or one

> >> ayana among

> >>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> full

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> four

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ayana of a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha, yet

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are still applied when

> >> timing

> >>>> events.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Va-rachakra

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Table 4: Varachakra

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Graha

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Venus

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rähu

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ketu

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In some cases the

> >> gemstones of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the sixth,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eighth or

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> twelfth

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lords

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> needs to be given to

> >> as those

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha are

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> causing

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> excessive

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problems to the

> >> native. This

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> occurs when

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> another graha

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> causing

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an eclipse on that

> >> graha and

> >>> thus

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> denying it

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of its

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> positive

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects. I.e. Sri

> >> Kashinatha

> >>> Rath

> >>>> was

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recalled to have

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> given the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advice of wearing Ruby

> >> to a

> >>> Pisces

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagna, as

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun was in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sixth

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and Rähu was placed in

> >> the

> >>> tenth.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In that

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specific

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scenario

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> native was suffering

> >> on account

> >>> of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> repeated

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legal

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> battles.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reason being on

> >> account of Rähu.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> further

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> explained

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when a graha occupies

> >> the

> >>> Simhasana

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bhavas

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (10^th ,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1^st or

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5^th

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in that order) that

> >> graha causes

> >>> an

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eclipse

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the third

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the order of the

> >> Varachakra.

> >>> Viz.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> order of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> weekdays

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> third graha from Rähu

> >> is the

> >>> Sun,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hence

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rähu is in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tenth

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house the native will

> >> have

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problems on

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> account of the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placement and lordship

> >> of the

> >>> Sun in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their life.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similarly

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> among the Simhasana

> >> Bhava only

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placed

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fifth

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then the placement and

> >> lordship

> >>> of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will be

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hampered.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Varachakra has

> >> many uses in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> matters

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jyotish, and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the logic behind many

> >> principles

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brighu Sutras.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunachakra

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Table 1: Gunachakra

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Graha

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Guna

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Satva

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rähu

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rajas

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Venus

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ketu

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tamas

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunachakra is applied

> >> somewhat

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> differently

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Varachakra.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If a Graha is

> >> inauspicious then

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we can

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> choose

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to lock or

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unlock

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its indications using

> >> the fourth

> >>> or

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seventh

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha in the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gunachakra

> >> respectively.

> >>> Example:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cancer

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tumours are

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> caused

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by a malignant growth

> >> of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cancer-cells in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> body and is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> signified by an

> >> afflicted

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter. In the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunachakra the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fourth

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha from Jupiter is

> >> Venus who

> >>> can

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> block the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> spread of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cancer.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thus to remedy such a

> >> disease

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wearing

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> diamond

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is advised

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> along

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with Mrtyunjaya mantra.

> >>> Similarly

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cause nervous

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> system

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issues such as

> >> Parkinsons and

> >>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> likes,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to block

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issue

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a gemstone of Jupiter

> >> is advised

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> along

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mrtyunjaya

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bijas.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Should a graha already

> >> be

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blocking the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> native

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in one

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aspect

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> life, then the

> >> unlocker (7^th

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha) is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> required. I.e.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Taurus lagna the lord

> >> Venus is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placed in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Libra, the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> native

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be bothered by

> >> constant disease

> >>> on

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> account of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrong

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> application

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of intelligence.

> >> Therefore the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intellect

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be deemed

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> locked

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and wearing a Yellow

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Topaz/Sapphire is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similarly

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if Moon

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is very badly placed

> >> and has no

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ni-cha

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bhanga

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blue

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sapphire is advised as

> >> Saturn is

> >>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seventh

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha from

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in weekday order and

> >> can unlock

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> negatives.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are undoubtedly

> >> more

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> applications

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunachakra

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in this

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regard, reg.

> >> gemstones, yet

> >>> until

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> been

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> presented

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them, this is what I

> >> have to

> >>> share.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Somanatha Drekkana

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Having ascertained the

> >> gemstone

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as per

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rashi chart

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> worthwhile to check the

> >>> Somana-tha

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drekkana.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Herein

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lording

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the second house is a

> >> ma-raka to

> >>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ojas in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the body

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> curtail health and

> >> sexuality.

> >>> This

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is therefore

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised, and neither

> >> is the lord

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> twelfth as this

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sixth lord from the

> >> seventh

> >>> house

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> causing

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> celibacy to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> partner. Similarly the

> >> sixth and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eighth

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lords

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> affect the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> partner

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in a similar fashion

> >> and those

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> preferably

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be avoided. Advising

> >> the third

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord's

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gem can

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> increase

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> person's libido

> >> significantly

> >>> and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advising

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this gemstone

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be done thoughtfully.

> >> The gem of

> >>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lagna

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord is the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ensures good health

> >> and fame.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Apply this

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advice

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intelligently.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hope this helps to

> >> share

> >>> insight.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti

> >> Larsen

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ ---------

> >> ---------

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - ----

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda./ <http://srigaruda./>> com

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chandan486 skrev:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ||aum namah shivaya||

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dear visti,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> namaste.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well , the point that

> >> he landed

> >>>> into

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> troubles with the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advent of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rahu

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dasa , makes more

> >> sense now ,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but still

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> havent

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> answered .. is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mere conj enough to

> >> wear each

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other's

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones ? or

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is it

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> real

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana that

> >> fulfils the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> condition

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemtsone

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exchange !!

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> however , first we

> >> need to

> >>> really

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> understand

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> , that

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conjunction

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> actually makes

> >> planets behave

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like each

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> completely ?

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only do

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they give each others

> >> effects

> >>> in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dasha ?

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and if conj makes

> >> planets

> >>> behave

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> each

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other ? then

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what does

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana do ? does

> >> it also

> >>> do

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same ?

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if not the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same , then

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whats different abt a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana then

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a conj ?

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> humble regards,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chandan S sabarwal.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> . com

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <srijagannat

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> h%40.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> com>,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <visti@> wrote:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Chandan and

> >> Swee,

> >>> Namaskar.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PV Narasimha Rao

> >> did see the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legal

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issues

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and jail

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> through his

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> third and eighth

> >> lord Maha

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dasa of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars he was

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> untouched. It was

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> until Rahu Mahadasa

> >> that he

> >>> saw

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problems,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hence

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pointing

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clearly

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that the wearing of

> >> the Coral

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> during

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mahadasa

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> perfect

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advise...

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Afterall he became

> >> Prime

> >>> Minister

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> after

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wearing it!

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> many can

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> astrologers can

> >> boast of a

> >>> client

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attaining that once

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> following a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> remedial measure?

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely,

> >> Visti Larsen

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ -------

> >> --

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------- -----

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www:

> >> http://srigaruda.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda./

> >> <http://srigaruda./>> com

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com/

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/

> >>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com/

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/ <http://srigaruda.com/>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com/

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/ <http://srigaruda.com/>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com/

> >> <http://srigaruda.com/

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chandan Ssabarwal

> >> skrev:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ||aum namah

> >> shivaya||

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dear swee and

> >> visti,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> namaste !

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> swee - you are

> >> right abt PV

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Narasimha

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> going to jail

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and also

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> being

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> held up in

> >> litigation (6th

> >>>> house

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects) , that

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eventually

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> came

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> came

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> upon unto him ,

> >> after some

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of his

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> own

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> party members

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> associates

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (mercury),

> >> accused him of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bribery

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> even showed

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> briefcase ,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which he was

> >> actually

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> deliveered

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INR 10

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> million .

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti - when you

> >> mentioned

> >>> ,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> red

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> coral is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> being

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised to

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> worn

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> simply based upon

> >> the conj

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of Mars

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10th

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> House ,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> merc

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> being lagnesha ,

> >> i cannt

> >>>> somehow

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comprehend the

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> basic

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> theory

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> behind

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this ... and i

> >> still

> >>> remember

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reading

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> somehwere on

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your website

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you mentioned ,

> >> only

> >>> complete

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana is actual

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exhange of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> houses

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and not simply

> >> conj....

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conj simply gives

> >> results

> >>> of

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> each

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> others in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dasas's ... but

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> actual

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> potency and

> >> maleficience /

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> benificience

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is based

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> upon

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rasi /

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dasamasa !

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> how could some

> >> one possibly

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advise a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone just

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> based upon

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rasi and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not even consider

> >> damasa ,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> especially

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when career

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> concerend ?

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> moreover , that

> >> Simhasana

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yoga in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagna in

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Narasimha's

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case ,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> somehow

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> makes me

> >> believe , it

> >>> should

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> been

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Emerald

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that he

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> worn and not the

> >> red coral

> >>> ...

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also , mercury

> >> forms a

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nipuna Yoga

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Sun ,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> once again

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> emerald.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i had always

> >> wanted to pick

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> up this

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thing with

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out ,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> glad swee

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bought

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it up !!

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> humbly yours,

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chandan s

> >> sabarwal.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ ---------

> >> ---------

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------- --------

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Add more friends to

> >> your

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> messenger and

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enjoy!

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Invite

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> now.

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd. /

> >> tagline_messenge

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> r_6/*http:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> //messenger. .c

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>

> >>

> >


> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>

> >>>

> >>

> >


> >>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd. /

> >> tagline_messenge

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> r_6/*http:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> //messenger. .c

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>

> >>

> >


> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>

> >>>

> >>

> >


> >>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd. /

> >> tagline_messenge

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> r_6/*http:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> //messenger. .c

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>

> >>

> >


> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>

> >>>

> >>

> >


> >>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd. /

> >> tagline_messenge

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> r_6/*http:

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> //messenger. .c

> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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> >>

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> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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> >


> >>>>

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> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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> >>>>>> Sprawd¼ sam, kliknij:

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> >>> <http://klik.wp.pl/?

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> >>

> >

> >

> >

> > ---

> >

> > ~ om tat sat ~

> > Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.

> > Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama


> > (2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who


> > that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for


> > (3) Practice charity in thought and deed - do one free chart

> > reading today

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Ok, but I always advice not to use gems with needle like or cloudy formations inside.




On Behalf Of Swee ChanTuesday, January 20, 2009 2:38 PM Cc: Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?



Jaya Jagannatha

Dear JK,



If I had your CAD software and could "draw" up the crystallography on gemstones, I would be able to present this in an article ;-)) The energy is modified by its crystallisation and the variation of "silk" or "veil" and not so much based on "needles" of foreign matter mixed with the minerals of the crystals. The ones with "cotton wool" effects naturally gives stomach upsets and is good only for a brief spell if nature's call is not at least twice a day. The ones that amplify are those of the sphatik family because of the nature of the termination (of the crystal).


Hope this brief makes sense.








On 20 Jan 2009, at 08:38, jk.dasgupta wrote:


Dear Swee,


How to understand if the gem will amplify or absorb. Can you throw more light on this?






On Behalf Of Swee ChanSaturday, January 03, 2009 2:32 PM Cc: ; sohamsa Subject: Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?


Jaya JagannathaDear Zoran and JK,Namaste> The point about gemstone is that it AMPLIFIES and does not> make the planet favourable.Not ALL gemstone amplify. The amplification is dependent on the matrix of the crystallisation itself and the minerals in them. They either amplify, absorb or direct their energies depending on the matrices etc.love,SweeOn 2 Jan 2009, at 16:54, ahimsavm wrote:> Om Namah Shivaya,> Dear Jk,> Thanks. You are right about VRY article. But from the other> teachings of Sanjayji and practical experience, as I told you, I do> not usually take the 3rd lord in VRY.Regarding the horoscope you> stated, just ignore the two first conditions of Rashi chart I gave> for stree jatak and focus on UL and curse of Sk in badhak.> Atmakaraka should always be CLEARED from Papas not strengthened. If> Ak is neecha in Navamsa and Vimsamsa,a person would be humble since> he/she has done a lot of sins in the past, and the soul wants to> redeem. The point about gemstone is that it AMPLIFIES and does not> make the planet favourable. It makes it strong. Last year in Jaimini> course, Sanjaji CLEARY stated that gemstone does not make planet> favourable but amplifies what it signifies in the chart. So for Ak> we usually use Jyotirling Mantras to make it favourable, or Ista> Devata mantra to help Atma find the path. As is the case, I would> not advise Emerald in this case.> Best wishes> Zoran Radosavljevic> www.siva-edu.info> www.ahimsazr1.wordpress.com>>>> Dear Zoki,>>>> Happy new year. We are fine here. Hope you all are fine. And we> too remember>> those nostalzic days during Mumbai conference. I hope such time> again and>> again in near future.>>>> You are right but, in the SJC lesson #5 for VRY - Sanjayji very> clearly>> declares 3rd house also as a dusthana.>>>> The person whose data I posted is a male. Unfortunately, in both> cases of>> myself and this person - the said planet lording 2 dusthanas are> AK also. If>> it can be considered a VRY in kendra, it has to show the results> in AK dasa>> only. So my logic is that, though AK dasa is known to cause> sufferings - in>> such cases the AK cannot be taken as the sole cause of suffering.>>>> My doubt is, if the AK is to be strenghtened in such cases - as> was done in>> case of PM PVR or to be left as it is?>>>> Regards,>>>> Jk>>>>>> >> > On>> Behalf Of ahimsavm>> Friday, January 02, 2009 9:32 AM>> >> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal> charts ?>>>>>> om Namah Shivaya,>> Dear Jk,>> I hope that you and your wife and family are fine. I still> remember>> our meetings and nice time together in Mumbai.>> Sanjayji has reffered even in the Crux that 3rd house is dustana,>> but "mild" dustana if it can be called that way. It creates>> struggles, troubles in mind and bad thoughts. However, from the>> point of upachaya, 3rd house can make you work till perfection> and>> help you create SHUKARMA, or very good karma, so in that sense I> do>> not take it seriously as dustana. There are a few rules about it:>> 1,If 3rd lord is friendly to the Lagnesha then it acts as> upachaya>> more>> 2. If there is Shoubhagya Yoga in 3rd house (benefic planets> there)a>> person is fortunate>> 3. We must always make a first step towards controlling the> negative>> things in the 3rd house (a concept of Krama), where for example,>> Cancer Lagna has to learn how to control a need for> perfectionalism>> of Kanya in 3rd, and Budha 3rd lord which gives lustfullness and>> irresponsibility, as well as speech and communication.>> For the purpose of Veepreta Yoga, I always take Yoga (yuti) of>> dustana lords in kendra/kona with the transfer to lagnesha or>> Atmakaraka in 2nd type of Veepreta. What you stated about the> chart>> is the typical effect of Budha Atmakaraka dasha. It is further in>> dhanu navamsa, so there has been a horrible impact on her dharma> and>> marriage. There are visible combinations for widowhood, yet the>> chart would then probably require Navamsa correction. From the>> rashi, here are a few:>> 1. If the 9th lord is infleunced by 8th lord in Shri Jataka, a> women>> will becoma a widow.We can see that neech Rahu aspects 9th lord> as>> 8th lord and Upapada Lord. Even shani other 8th lord has rashi>> dristi on 9th lord.>> 2. If chandra is in 9th from Arudha or placed in Arudha of the> 9th>> house a women will pray to Sri Krisna for longevity of husband.> That>> implies that a husband may die early if other indications agree.>> 3. Lord of the 2nd from Upapada is debiliated in Rashi and in>> Vyayamsa.>> Hope this helps>> Best wishes>> Zoran Radosavljevic>> www.siva-edu.info>> www.ahimsazr1.wordpress.com>>>> , budhhiyogo@ wrote:>>>>>> Dear shri Dasgupta,>>> Page 62(7.4) item (5) & (6) of Vedic Astrolgy; an>> integrated approach by PVR Narasimha Rao cassifies H 3,6,10,,11> as>> Upachayas and H 6,8,12 as "Dusthanas". You are considering H3 an>> Upachaya as Dusthana. Is it backed by parampara. Thanks.>>> Rajendra Asthana>>> Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel>>>>>> >>> "jk.dasgupta" <jk.dasgupta@>>>>>>> Thu, 1 Jan 2009 15:53:04>>> >>> RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on> divisonal>> charts ?>>>>>>>>> Dear Asthana,>>>>>> Capri lagna, Jup is lord of 12th & 3rd. Cancer lagna, Mer is> lord>> of 12th & >>> 3rd.. like that>>>>>> Regards>>>>>> Jk>>>>>> >>> >> On>>> Behalf Of budhhiyogo@>>> Thursday, January 01, 2009 1:29 PM>>> >>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on>> divisonal charts ?>>>>>>>>> Shri dasgupta,>>> Please think over it. No single planet can be lord of two>> dusthanas at>>> same point of time. Would you kindly point out any example in> view.>>> Regards,>>> Rajendra Asthana>>>>>> Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------->> --------->>> -->>> "jk.dasgupta">>> Thu, 1 Jan 2009 13:21:38 +0530>>> >>> RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on>> divisonal charts ?>>>>>>>>>>>> As fas as my understanding goes, same palnet being lord of 2>> dusthanas>>> also constitue VRY.>>>>>> take my own case.>>>>>> 15.09.1947>>> 15:57 pm>>> Calcutta>>>>>> 12L & 3L Jup is in 10H. Jup is not strong but the VRY worked to>> some>>> extent and Jup being my AK, I also suffered to some extent. In> Jup->> Ven Dasa>>> (Jup in Ven house) my diect boss had to resign due to politics>> within>>> company. After that I was targetted as his person and I also> had>> to resign>>> by 1992 end in Jup-Ven-Rahu. My boss fell, but I did not get> any>> benefit as>>> Jup is not strong and also may be by the VRY AK it self is> getting>>> destroyed. So I also had to resign & started my business. Since>> then I am>>> still struggling :-). Definitely what happened, was not very> good>> for me.>>>>>> That is why I am skeptic in case of this person. Some> astrologer>> has asked>>> him to wear an Emerald. But I asked him not to wear it. But is>> there any way>>> to transfer the VRY benefit to the person? His Mer MD is on> till>> July'2009.>>> May be, nothing can be done after that.>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>> Jk>>>>>>>>> >>> >> On>>> Behalf Of Anurag Sharma>>> Thursday, January 01, 2009 12:55 AM>>> >>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal>> charts ?>>>>>>>>>>>> |Om Shreem Vishnave Namah|>>>>>> Dear JK Ji,>>>>>> As I had stated in the initial email, this is one's own chart>> (my chart)>>> given below. I agree, the Vimshottari Dasha of either of the> two>> Dusthana>>> Lords can precipitate the VRY. However, some indications have> come>> with the>>> maturity age of Shani, of course only relatively, but> importantly>> in context>>> of the fact that ALL Moola Dashas since birth except a very> tiny>> window of>>> couple of years involved the Shrapa. Moola Dashas have been>> calculated from>>> all three of Lagna, Surya and Chandra as reference.>>>>>> Is there VRY in the chart you have posted? Is the lordship of>> two>>> Dusthanas sufficient to constitute Yoga? In my view, there is> no>> question>>> that the Moon is to be strengthened. It is Lagnesh in the 9th>> House from the>>> AL and aspects the 11th from the AL with Rashi Drishti. The> Jatak>> ought to>>> be advised to remedy the curse of Moon (rather than that of> Venus,>>> primarily) in view of Sanjay Ji's latest teaching that the most>> afflicted>>> Graha constitutes the main curse. He has now opined (to Rafal,> I>> think) that>>> the Brahman Shrapa in Sri Rama's chart is not primary but> Kalatra>> Shrapa.>>>>>> Somanath Jyotirlinga and after that a pearl could be a fair>> way to>>> proceed.>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>> Anurag Sharma>>>>>> http://www.planetarytransformation.blogspot.com>>>>>>>>> , "jk.dasgupta">> <jk.dasgupta@>>>> wrote:>>>>>>>> Dear Anurag,>>>>>>>> In this chart, Langa lord and AK Sun is conjoined the VRY. So>>> definitely the>>>> power is being transfered to the native. His Moon dasa has>> aleardy>>> passed,>>>> but Sat dasa is going to start in sept, 2013. In my view,>> his VRY>>> should get>>>> activated then. Moon is already exaulted and very strong and>> Sat is>>> also in>>>> friend's house.>>>>>>>> I did post another chart few days back.>>>>>>>> DOB-17.05.1973>>>> TOB-11:30 AM>>>> Place-Mumbai (India)>>>>>>>> No body has commented on this chart. Cancer Asc. 12L & 3L>> Mer in>>> Aries. Mer>>>> is AK also. Though Mer has rashi dristi on lagna lord Moon,>> but Mer>>> being>>>> AK, will not the native be destroyed himself by the VRY? His>> Mer dasa>>> is on>>>> and he is already in a bit trouble and confused due to death>> of his>>> business>>>> partner in an accident, and thinking of closing the>> business. What is>>> the>>>> advice here? Should his Mer be strenghtened or the debilated>> Moon be>>>> strenghtened or it should left as it is, because>> strenghtening Mer>>> will>>>> further worsen the situation.>>>>>>>> Regards>>>>>>>> Jk>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>> >>> On>>>> Behalf Of Anurag Sharma>>>> Tuesday, December 30, 2008 8:34 PM>>>> >>>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on>> divisonal charts ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |Om Shreem Vishnave Namah|>>>>>>>> Dear Visti & Rafal,>>>>>>>> Namaskar.>>>>>>>> This VRY in Kendra is an interesting Yoga and occurs in>> one's chart in>>> the>>>> 10th House. (11th June, 1972; 10:17:56 AM; Cuttack, Orissa,>> India). It>>>> causes the downfall of an ally, perhaps a seeming ally with>>> improvements in>>>> one's own situation. Here neither Shani nor Chandra have>> Digbal but>>> the>>>> Lagnesh and AK Surya does. Of course the VRY is also Shani->> Chandra>>> Yoga in>>>> 10th House.>>>>>>>> After the end of the string of Moola Dashas (Lagna, Sun, Moon>>>> computation), involved in the Curse, life began to change in>> accord>>> with>>>> the Yoga (VRY and Shani-Chandra).>>>>>>>> Here there is no need for Ratna as Surya is not impacted by>> the Yuti.>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>> Anurag Sharma>>>>>>>> http://www.planetarytransformation.blogspot.com>>>>>>>>>>>> , Visti Larsen visti@>> wrote:>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>> In case of a VRY in a Dusthana its enemies destroying each>> other.>>> This>>>>> is good whether or not you are picking up the pieces after>> them.>>>>> But, in Kendra when a VRY occurs then a title or position>> is vacant>>> in>>>>> your own support group and therefore the Lana is important>> in such a>>>> case.>>>>> Theres a difference between Raja Yoga and Raja Sambandha>> yoga. In>>> the>>>>> former you are the leader and in the latter you associate>> with the>>>>> leader or work for the leader. Some people will consider>> both as>>> being>>>>> quite good, but Raja Sambandha yoga does not guarantee>> leadership in>>>> itself.>>>>>>>>>> Having said that you must now appreciate why the VRY in a>> Kendra>>> must be>>>>> strong, and not weak like the VRY in a Dusthana. The>> reason being>>> that>>>>> if the dusthana lords are not strong in Kendra then they>> will cause>>>>> rajbhanga yoga, as you have also written in your article.>>>>>>>>>> Thus, if they are weak in Kendra then the person them self>> will also>>>>> fall especially if the Lagna is associated, as in that>> case you are>>> also>>>>> the target of the event which causes the fall, i.e. PV>> Narasimha was>>> the>>>>> main target of many accusations of corruption and the>> likes.>>>>>>>>>> Therefore, strengthening one of the Dusthana lords would>> save his>>>>> Lagnesh from falling as then the VRY would be strong in>> Kendra!>>>>>>>>>> Is there anything in the last three paragraphs of what I>> have>>> written>>>>> that doesn't make sense?>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>> ---------->>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>> Rafal G skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji,>>>>>> Yes, but that should also be in the cases of other yogas>> where the>>>>>> title/responsibility is also given like 2L in 10H? Or>> you mean its>>> for>>>>>> all yogas ? Why this is not important for dusthana type>> of VRY?>>> There>>>>>> is also 'title' to get from the struggle.>>>>>> Regards>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Elementy potencjalnie niebezpieczne zosta³y zablokowane.>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>> I think I'm mixing some Danish words into my vocabulary.>>>>>> The English mantel is a fire place, so just forget that>> word.>>>>>> I mean to say that the actual title or responsibility is>> given to>>>>>> the person only through the Lagna/Lagnesha and Argala is>> not>>>>>> enough. Similarly Lagna (or Lagnesha) is important for>> the Yogadas>>>>>> to happens, i.e. when GL and HL associate with a graha,>> and argala>>>>>> is not enough in such cases.>>>>>> Does that make sense to you?>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>> ---------->>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:>>>>>>> Dear Guruji,>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My dictionary didnt found this word Mantel.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>>>> Your application of Argala is right, but when there is>> VRY in>>>>>>>> Kendra to Lagna then the friend has fallen and the>> MANTEL has to>>>>>>>> be given away to someone else.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If we rely solely on Argala then the VRY will be>> experienced and>>>>>>>> the native will also have fame in the situation but>> the MANTEL>>>>>>>> will not be given to the native. I.e. instead of being>> Prime>>>>>>>> Minister he could be the husband of the Prime Minister>> or the>>>>>>>> secretary of the Prime Minister.>>>>>>>> Thats why in case of VRY in Kendra the Lagna must be>> associated.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Satisfied with this explanation? If so I can go on to>> the next>>>>>>>> explanation.>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>> ---------->>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji, Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding the enjoyment of yoga it should have argala>> on AL,L>>>>>>>>> (Lagnesh),AK - so seems same for all yogas.>>>>>>>>> Why VRY should have special case here?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------->>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>> Regarding the Somanath Drekkana please check your>> personal>>> email.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Right now I'm explaining a case of Yuti for>> gemstones, so lets>>>>>>>>>> get over this hurdle first.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Firstly, do you understand that when VRY occurs in a>> Kendra>>>>>>>>>> then it has to be associated with Lagna/Lagnesha for>> the>>>>>>>>>> native to enjoy it?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>> ---------->>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji, Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VRY shows that from bad event native is raising.>> This bad>>>>>>>>>>> event is related to friends in Kendra as it shows>> our>>>>>>>>>>> support. One enemy is hitting the other enemy>> therefore>>>>>>>>>>> native rises,>>>>>>>>>>> its similar to dusthana lord being weak in Navamsa.>> Now if>>>>>>>>>>> Lagnesh and 6L (for example Scorpio) is weak in>> Navamsa then>>>>>>>>>>> its good for sixth lord but bad for Lagnesh. Based>> on that I>>> cant>>>>>>>>>>> understand why you said its only Lagnesh karakatwa>> gets>>>>>>>>>>> hit..not the lordship - native. Regarding>> debilitated planet>>>>>>>>>>> - it would not be good idea to strengthed it if its>> dusthana>>>>>>>>>>> lord as then the>>>>>>>>>>> Lagnesh is associated with strong enemy. Even if>> the yuti>>>>>>>>>>> avastha hits the Lagnesh we should do it in the way>> that it>>>>>>>>>>> helps the Lagnesh, here strenghting Coral could be>> good for>>>>>>>>>>> destroying 12L,>>>>>>>>>>> but I dont see any reason why the Lagnesh is spared>> from>>>>>>>>>>> destruction. I can only depend on your teachings>> regarding 2H>>>>>>>>>>> in D3..you said its also related to health issues.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When we use yuti and when parivartana for the gems?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------->>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>> Answers to each of your points.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a. Get Lesson 5 from Varahamihira. If you don't>> have access>>>>>>>>>>>> then talk to Sarajit.>>>>>>>>>>>> Your logic is fine for VRY in a DUSTHANA... not so>> for>>>>>>>>>>>> Kendra as in Kendra the VRY has to transfer its>> energy to>>>>>>>>>>>> the Lagna somehow otherwise the native will not>> enjoy the>>>>>>>>>>>> Rajayoga. Therefore how can we say that VRY in a>> Kendra>>>>>>>>>>>> associated with the Lagna will destroy the Lagna>> if it MUST>>>>>>>>>>>> be associated with Lagna to give the Rajayoga to>> begin with?>>>>>>>>>>>> Right the logic is flawed and thats because the>> natural>>>>>>>>>>>> significance of the Lagnesh will instead be hit,>> i.e. in>>>>>>>>>>>> case of Mercury a friend or colleague will fall.>>>>>>>>>>>> Does my earlier mail make more sense now? Compare>> this to>>>>>>>>>>>> the article you wrote on Rajbhanga Yoga.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> b. Thats right. Arudha shows ones fame just for>> this life>>>>>>>>>>>> and that fame dies with ones body, or the objects>> one>>>>>>>>>>>> creates i.e. like Van Gogh being known for his art>> but not>>>>>>>>>>>> really the rest of his life.>>>>>>>>>>>> The Lagna gives LASTING fame even beyond death for>> ones>>>>>>>>>>>> actions so therefore both Lagna and Arudha Lagna>> do give>>>>>>>>>>>> fame and the strong Moon in Kendra to either is>> supposed to>>>>>>>>>>>> grant fame in some way. The extent of this fame is>> a>>>>>>>>>>>> separate issue.>>>>>>>>>>>> Therefore again for a Vishnu Avatara a basic>> requirement is>>>>>>>>>>>> that the Moon is on the Lagna (in same Tara- refer>> Brhat>>>>>>>>>>>> Nakshatra).>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c. 'Afflict' is not the right word for second>> house in S3. I>>>>>>>>>>>> know I have written about the second house in>> Somanath>>>>>>>>>>>> Drekkana and shown its usage with charts of the>>>>>>>>>>>> Shankaracharyas of Kamakoti Math as well as>> others. Possibly>>>>>>>>>>>> was it in my book or somewhere else? Do find it as>> that>>>>>>>>>>>> would clarify in more detail what the second house>> does.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> d. See a. Point is that if he didn't strengthen>> Mars then>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury would fall as a result of Mars not being>> exalted or>>>>>>>>>>>> in any high dignity, i.e. there would be Rajbhanga>> yoga if>>>>>>>>>>>> he didn't strengthen Mars, and this would be felt>> in his>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagnesh. In essence its like Lagnesh being joined a>>>>>>>>>>>> debilitated planet so we strengthen the weak>> planet to make>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagnesh happy. This is not the same as being in>> planetary>>>>>>>>>>>> war or the likes.>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------->>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji, Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a. VRA destroys the planets its yuti..Venus for>>>>>>>>>>>>> inlaws..Guru for own family [cova]. Based on that>> Lagnesh>>>>>>>>>>>>> is afflicted and its sustanence should be rescued>> by>>>>>>>>>>>>> emerald not by strenghting>>>>>>>>>>>>> the enmity graha..as it will hit the Budha->> Lagnesh-Native.>>>>>>>>>>>>> its ok for rajayoga but native is also destroyed>> here.>>>>>>>>>>>>> Instead if there is Rajayoga we can help through>>>>>>>>>>>>> strenghting the dispositor - here it would help>> native and>>>>>>>>>>>>> bring the rajayoga. Or strenghting otherwise>> rajayoga and>>>>>>>>>>>>> help the Budha for being spoilt by the naisargika>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>> temporal malefic for Budha and for Kanya.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> b. I thought Arudha shows for what native is>> wellknown.>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jananivasa case...Lagnesh with Rahu/Sun/Mars..he>> is known>>>>>>>>>>>>> by art and Shukra is in AL>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c. Ojas is related to health not only sexuality.>> So giving>>>>>>>>>>>>> the gem of 2H in D3 afflicts the ojas..final>> substance>>>>>>>>>>>>> coming out from Dhatus placed in heart and being>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>> essence of life per C.Samhita.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> d. Once you give the arguments about yuti and>> then about>>>>>>>>>>>>> strenghting Mangal..I am confused.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My logic says it was very bad choice..where I>> went wrong>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the logic.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal and Chandan, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 points need to be raised.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I) I haven't changed my statement reg. the yuti->> exchange.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> II) What you will be known for is seen from your>> lagna or>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its lord. So in the case of PV Narasimha Rao the>> Lagna>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord is Mercury in Bhadra Mahapurusha Yoga in>> Gemini>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (trade and contracts) and he will be known for>> some very>>>>>>>>>>>>>> daring reforms in the business and finance>> sector. You>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cannot be known for your achievements if the>> Lagnesh is>>> weak.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Further, for a Vipareet Raja Yoga in Kendra to>> Lagna to>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work the Grahas involved must be strong and>> associated>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the Lagnesh.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Combine these factors and see in his case that>> the VRY is>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indeed joined the Lagnesh, but since the grahas>> (Mars and>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun) are not particularly strong in Gemini then>> once the>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vipareet Raja Yoga works then his Lagnesh ALSO>> will be>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pulled down and suffer. I.e. both he and Rajiv>> Gandhi>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would suffer.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hence, had he not strengthen Mars by wearing>> that Coral>>>>>>>>>>>>>> his Lagnesh Mercury would have suffered very>> badly as Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>> needed to be made strong to make him survive the>> VRY.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Therefore he was also during his tenure going>> through a>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lot of tribulations and people didn't think he>> would last>>>>>>>>>>>>>> his tenure as Prime Minister.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So the Coral actually saved him during his>> tenure. The>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jyotisha who advised him this gemstone was>> brilliant>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indeed. In fact if I'm not wrong he continued>> the legacy>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of Rajiv Gandhi regarding the financial reforms,>> hence his>>>>>>>>>>>>>> perseverance in politics ended up in favour of>> his>>>>>>>>>>>>>> predecessor. In fact had he not continued then>> who knows>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what would have happened to all that implemented>> by Rajiv.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hope this clarifies once again.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------->>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chandan486 skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ||aum namah shivaya||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Visti,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Namaste.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Should we really advise gems of grahas causing>> VRY ? As>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> far as im>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aware of , gems of grahas causing VRY should>> never be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised , as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VRY itself indicates fall / loss of somebody>> else for the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> native to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gain..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So wearing the gemstone of a graha causing VRY>> is akin to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> killing somebody for your own good ! How>> Rajasic and non->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sattwic is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that!! ? We can get what we want in this life>> through all>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gems , but we are definately asnwerable for our>> karma in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the next>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> life !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So i dont think wearing a gemstone of a graha>> causing VRY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is a good>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> idea since youre indirectly strengthening the>> damage>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> caused to some>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> body else !! How sane is it ? and as>> jyotisa's , its our>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibility to show people the right sattwic>> way !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am really clear about this ! Maybe PV>> Narasimha rao>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> became PM ,but>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if that coral caused somebody to die , so that>> his VRY>>> could>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> flourish , how sane and dharmic is that ? cmon !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Instead of fixing flaws flaws in his chart ,>> somebody>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> made his>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> negative yogas all the more stronger , not>> fair !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> humble regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chandan s sabarwal.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <%40>, Rafal>> Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> starsuponme@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji, Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok, so Coral is strenghting vipareet rajayoga>> but gives>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arudha and Bhadra (naisargika and tatkalika>> enemy), so>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there is no>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti-exchange?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If there is yuti-exchange when/where we>> should apply it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and where>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only parivartana as that is not clear?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com <http://rohinaa.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am citing Guruji on all these matters>> based on Atri>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> classes and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> previous lessons. For those who have access>> to the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Varahamihira>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> list>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there is a lesson called Vipareet Raja Yoga>> which is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lesson 5,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this example is also cited yet from a>> different>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> perspective.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Apply the Somanath Drekkana rules wisely.>> At the age>>> when>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Narasimha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was taking his seat as PM he cannot be said>> to be>>> very>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sexually>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> active, hence of what concern is the second>> house in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> S3? Hence I>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the end of my write up that these>> principles for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the S3 need>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intelligently applied.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding Vipareet Raja Yoga, when Dusthana>> lords>>> join>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kendra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they need to be strong, and a vital problem>> in the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chart was that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is combust by the Sun in this chart within>> one>>> degree.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hence>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> another>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reason that he was advised the Coral to>> strengthen>>> Mars.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, when a Graha is causing durbhagya>> (malefic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aspecting/joining>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ninth house), duryoga or lord of the sixth>> house do>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not wear its>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone by any chance.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Instead when its causing Rajayoga it can be>> worn.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>> <http://srigaruda.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji , Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. For VRA in Kendra planets must be>> strong. Gemini>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rasi is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> similar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to Cancer Rasi for Mangal avastha.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. If 8L is weak then enemy is weak and it>> gives>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rajayoga,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> strenghting the Lagnesh should be the case>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as Sanjayji did in VRA example (see my>> previous>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case), not the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8L ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enemy. You can say that there>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are exchanging the power due to yuti but>> its not the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gems>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as Sanjayji example is indicating.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. To strenghted the native in battle gems>> of Lagna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that is the rule of Sanjayji based>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on Saravali or Phaldeepika. No yuti rule>> for gems>>> per>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> teachings.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4. If planet is afflicted or weak then the>> gem>>> should>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stronger - its good yoga. Lagnesh in Tenth,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so we should not strength the affliction>> but the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> native! No yuti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rule>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for gems per your teachings.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars is in 2H in D3 and in 1/7 axis from>> AL!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com <http://rohinaa.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In the chart of Narasimha a Vipareet>> Rajayoga is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> occuring in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tenth house but is conjoined the lagna>> lord showing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that when>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rajayoga happens he also may fall.>> Therefore his>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bhadra yoga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> becomes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> useless and risks jailtime by>> strengthening it as>>> it is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conjoined>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> two malefics by lordships and natural>> significance.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So to strengthen his Bhadra Yoga and>> lessen the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> malificence of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VRY he was advised a Red Coral as Mercury>> and Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are the most>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> benefic and most malefic grahas>> respectively and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will exchange>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> results.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why not emerald? Because of Mercury's>> severe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> affliction and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> curse>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which would end up giving the results of>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vipareet yoga on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> himself. And it almost did as a bunch of>> lawsuits>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> were launched>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on him.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So finally its because they do exchange>> results,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> point is that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exchange of results would not be good if>> in a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> malefic house.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I.e.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> imagine VRY in the eighth house. Here the>> principle>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is that the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lordships of the most benefic grahas will>> sufer, so>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if Mercury,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and Sun were in the eighth house in this>> chart he>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> personally>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suffer a lot by wearing a Coral.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So finally the house placement must also>> be good.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Specifically>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and tenth will also benefit longevity.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Notably when VRY occurs in a Kendra house>> a friend>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> falls.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagnesh>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there threatens ones own fall also (hence>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> remedy). And so>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> happened in a bomb blast (Mars+Sun+Rahu)>> through>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which his>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> colleague>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rajiv Gandhi could not continue anymore in>>> politics,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and they>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> looked to Narasimha as a leader.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It happened after his retirement because>> of Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (also Varesha)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the tenth.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------->> ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>> <http://srigaruda.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji, Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why in Lagna/Tenth it would be good? Its>> still>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dusthana lord>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kendra - kind of duryoga per Phaldeepika.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can I finally get the answer why Coral>> is good for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Narasimha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rao?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As the more mails the things are more>> complicated.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com <http://rohinaa.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now your getting it. See that its not>> always good>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to give the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conjoined gemstone as it can bring>> problems, and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we cannot do>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blindly.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also in the example you cited of Moon>> and Sun>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> joined for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pisces>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagna, there is a similar dilemma as>> the Sun in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> such a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> combination>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can increase enmity and such sixth>> house problems>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> depending>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placement. Therefore in the example you>> gave if>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the two were>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> joined in the sixth, eighth or twelfth>> house then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wearing a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ruby>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is a big NONO. Especially if the person>> is born>>> on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a Monday>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sunday it would horrible for the health.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Instead if joined in the Lagna or tenth>> house it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would prove>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> excellent and also increase longevity.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If the two are in planetary war then>> there is no>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doubt, i.e.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cause the war to be lost by a graha>> lording a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trikona by>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wearing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the other grahas gemstone.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So your right. Yuti is not the rule ->> by itself>>> as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if such a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> combination is badly placed it would be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> devastating to wear>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> such a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------->> --->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>> <http://srigaruda.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rajarishi , Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Page 345/346 VRA. To ensure winning>> the battle>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sanjyaji>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> perscribes gem signified by Lagnesh.>> Here Shukra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagnadhipati is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conjoined Budha, but still>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the choice is on Diamond, not Emerald>> (Budha is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6L). Based>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that we see that yuti is not the rule,>> therefore>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we cant say>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coral was good for Narasimha Rao>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as it gives results of Bhadra yoga as>> it is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> opposite to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> previous>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> teachings and examples.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com <http://rohinaa.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rajarshi nandy pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have been trying to follow this>> excahnge of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mails and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> getting>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a little confused. You said:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /So far I have seen Sanjayji never>> recommend>>> gem>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> based on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when it comes to trikona lords/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you mean when there is ANY yuti>> between>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trikona lord and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other lord OR only trikona and>> dusthana lord?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Regards>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rajarshi>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *The upsurge (of consciousness) is>> Bhairava ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shiva Sutra*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> */>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- On *Thu, 18/12/08, Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /starsuponme@/*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz starsuponme@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re:>> Choosing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> divisonal charts ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <%40>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thursday, 18 December, 2008,>> 6:25 PM>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Chandan, Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So far I have seen Sanjayji never>> recommend gem>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> based on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti when it comes to trikona lords.>> Its also>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hard to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if person is spiritual or not, after>> all dharma>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is not only connected to spirituality>> but also>>> to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> marriage,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> progeny, social values etc - big>> parts of life>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> materialists.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When we see examples in Nakshatra>> book then we>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> know how>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> much>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attention Sanjayji places towards so>> called>>>> temporal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> malefics - here Mangal is definitely>> temporal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> malefic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and it will give problems to Bhadra>> and tenth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bhava. If>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use only parivartana for gems then>> based solely>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> principle advising Coral is quite>> unfortunate>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> decision.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arudha will jump to tenth and Mangal>> will hit>>> it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as its>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dominated by Budha and Mangal is>> enemy in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> naisargika and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tatkalika sambandha here. So its>> badly placed>>> by>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lordship,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sambandha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and placement from AL. So Coral is>> worst.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> More to this Mangal is 8L in D2 (Kn)>> giving>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> poverty and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sits>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in 2H in D3 (Sn).>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What special rule I have omitted>> which conquers>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bad>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which Mangal gives here?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OR>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we accept yuti principle again..and>> then Ruby>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun+Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for Meena Lagna..but as I never said>> Sanjayji>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> did it.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- -------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa. com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chandan486 pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ||aum namah shivaya||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal , Zoran and Visti,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Namaste.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have been reading the constant>> discussions>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> between>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and you>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> two and glad that rafal did post PV>> Narasimha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rao's>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> details.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Based on the artcile Visti wrote>> yesterday and>>> my>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> personal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chart>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> analysis of PV Narasimha Rao , im>> going to>>> explain>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what i>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seem to be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> correct about the advise for a Red>> Coral.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.as Visti mentioned , Yuti>> exchanges 3/4>>> ayanas ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can be seen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from Navamsa to determine which 3 of>> 4 have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exchanged.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now in this particular case , as>> Mangal and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Merc. have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conjoined ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mangal occupies an airy namavsa , so>> based on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the ones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adjacent to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it , those ayanas will get exchanged.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This gives us 3 ayanas viz.>> Capricorn - Artha>>> ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Aquarius ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kama and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pisces - Moksha.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similarly for Merc. it occupies>> Gemini , so>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adjacent to it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> get exhanged , viz Tauras - Artha ,>> Gemini ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kaama and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cancer ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moksha ..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The only Pada / ayana that does not>> get>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exchanged due>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dharma and since we are prescribing>> gemstone>>> for a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> political leader>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and not a spiritualist , we can>> safely ingore>>> this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ayana .>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So , safely a Red Coral can and>> should be>>> advised.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moreover , in the Rasi chart , Mars>> has Dig>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bala which>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zoran already>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mentioned and it also has 7th house>> argala on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GL , with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nothing to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> obstruct.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also in Dasamsa, Mangal again has>> Sukhagrala>>> on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GL,which>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anyways is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more powerful than the>> virodhargals , so>>> mangal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> argala>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prevails.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Also , maybe we missed to>> notice , lagnesha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Merc is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Varki ..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Recommending a gemstone for a Vakri>> planet is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> good>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> idea , as it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only increases the power of>> retrogression ,>>> hence>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> coral is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> choice ,both by Rasi and Dasamsa.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think i made a pretty neat>> assemement.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Comments Please !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> humble regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chandan S Sabarwal.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <%>> 40>, Rafal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <starsuponme@ ...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Zoranji , Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please dont make me a fool. When I>> have>>> asked>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> why>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coral>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> answer was:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just as Dasas exchange effects of>> conjoined>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Grahas>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so do>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Does>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that clarify?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- --------- --------- ---->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now you are stating again that it>> is only>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> June 28, 1921>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Time: 12:49:00>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Time Zone: 5:16:36 (East of GMT)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Place: 79 E 09' 00", 18 N 26' 00">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In that chart I dont see any>> parivartana and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mangal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> third and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eight>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord, so the question is the same :>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a) either you say its yuti and>> then for>>> Meena>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and Surya>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we perscribe Ruby>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> b) its only for parivartana and>> then why>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coral for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Narasimha Rao?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If there is no answer to this>> simple>>> question>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> admit it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> please dont make me a fool that I>> am>>> repeating>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> myself.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- -------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa. com>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- -------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa. com>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ahimsavm pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Om Namah Shivaya,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What Visti and myself are saying>> is the>>> same.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti has>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> very>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> precisely explained, that with>> yuti Three>>> pada>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects are>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reversed,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so one pada or leg is remained>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uninfluenced. So,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if we>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> subsitute>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gem with planet conjoined, you>> are not>>> fully>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reversing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> signification, since one pada of>> dharma>>>> remains>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uninfluenced. So,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana is stronger than>> yuti, for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ekapada.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Only in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Full>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reversal (Parivartana) , I have>> seen>>> Sanjayji>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recommending the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of a stone. A person was Makara>> Lagna with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shani>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in 5th>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shukra in 2nd house, so there was>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shani>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and Shukra.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Since Shukra was badly hit in>> the second>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sanjayji>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recommended>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Neelam for Shani to give the>> effects of>>> Shukra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specifically. This>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> further very wise choice since>> Shani rules>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lagna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as well.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best wishes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zoran Radosavljevic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.siva-edu. info>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.ahimsazr1. wordpress. com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @>> . com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <%>> 40>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <srijagannat h%>> 40. com>,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <starsuponme@ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji, Zoranji, Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The whole disussion is about>> if we use>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the other>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gem>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> based on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivarta. First it was>> parivartana then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you say>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti, now>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zoran says its for parivartana>> only>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> again. If>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ninth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord is with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shani>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its durbhagya but in the>> period of 9L as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti graha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shani>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work, based on that using>> Neelam will>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> strenghten>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti graha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9L so getting out of durbhagya.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How Pearl can be good for>> Mangal if its>>> lord>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> neecha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sign ? How>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> perscribe 6L gem?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zoran said: " However, this>> substitution>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of gems>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be done>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ONLY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PARIVARTANA. ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How then Coral could be good>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Narasimha Rao?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or I have missed something?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- -------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa. com>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa. com>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How can you give Nilam if>> Shani is>>> yuti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ninth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That would>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> durbhagya wouldn't it? Thats>> one of>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> main>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> points>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that Zoki>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rising here.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- ------>> --->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------- ---->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda. com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/ <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ahimsavm skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Om Namah Shivaya,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What Visti has written about>>> Sambhanda is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> correct.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> substitution of gems can be>> done ONLY>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PARIVARTANA. If you>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> let us say Mangal and Shani>> yuti for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Meena, I>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would never>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prescribe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Neelam or Blue Sapphire>> unless Moon>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placed>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8th house.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case I would prefer Light>> Blue>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sapphire for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> health.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The better way out is to>> take Ruby>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would block the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shani>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and improve Mangal.>> However, in such>>> a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Surja>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> good>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realtionship with Lagnesha>> Guru.>>> Another>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> possibility is MOti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Pearl), which according to>> Veepreta>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is very>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> good>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for Mangal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also Good for Shani.>> Otherwise you>>> may>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> risk>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rise of bad>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> luck.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Actually, it will depend on>> Shani>>> Mangal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placement>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chart.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best wishes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zoran Radosavljevic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.siva-edu. info>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.ahimsazr1. wordpress.>> com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @>> . com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <%>> 40>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <srijagannat h%>> 40. com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <srijagannat h%>> 40.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> com>,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <starsuponme@ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate>> narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji , Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lets say Meena Lagna>> Shani yuti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mangal - I>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should perscribe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Neelam>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give effect of bhagyesh>> Mangal?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- --->> ----->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa. com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/ <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa. com>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa. com>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa. com>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rajarshi, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The final effect is the>> same, as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> had the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana done>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> otherwise>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then he would not have>> cancer.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yet, i don't believe>> the Cancer>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was solely>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> caused by>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case as we see Rahu>> involved in a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> curse of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mother from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> past>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> life>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> involving the sixth>> lord (roga)>>> Ketu.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Still the advise is the>> same.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti>> Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- ->> -------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.>> com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/ <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rajarshi nandy skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Visti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for sharing>> that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> information.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Really wonderful>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mail.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I was seeing a chart>> of a person>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> who has>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> been>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> detected>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> liver>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cancer and doctors>> have given>>> him>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> six>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> months>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> live.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> his>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chart jup is in>> exchance with>>> venus.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Should>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> he wear a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pokhraj>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instead>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of diamond?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you could kindly>> take a look>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advice it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> woiuld be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> great..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 23rd march 1977>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:20 pm>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> calcutta>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mithun lagna, mesh>> rasi..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Regards>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rajarshi>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *The upsurge (of>> consciousness)>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bhairava ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shiva>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sutra*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> */>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- On *Tue, 16/12/08,>> Maja S>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (trbac /<majastrbacastro@ >/*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maja S(trbac>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <majastrbacastro@ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Re: [Om>> Krishna Guru]>>> Re:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Choosing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> divisonal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> charts ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @>> .>>> com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <%>> 40>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <srijagannat h%>> 40. com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <srijagannat h%>> 40.>>> com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tuesday, 16>> December,>>> 2008,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8:47 PM>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Om Gurave Namah>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Visti Ji, Namaste>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WOW!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As far as I am>> concerned, your>>> email>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bellow>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is a "Marry>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christmas>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and a Happy New Year in>>> advance".>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you so much for>> shearing>>> it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> us!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Warm Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maja Strbac>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- On *Tue, 12/16/08,>> Visti>>> Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> com>/* wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Re: [Om>> Krishna Guru]>>> Re:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Choosing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> divisonal charts ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @>> .>>> com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tuesday,>> December 16,>>> 2008,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7:09 AM>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Chandan, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Excuse me for not>> answering in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> full in my>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> last mail, I>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realise no one learns>> if no one>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shares,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> here is what>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have learned and have>> to share.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have gathered the>> following>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rules reg.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (this will be>> republished on my>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> website>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reference):>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The prescription of>> metals or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> belongs to the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> concept of Tantra, i.e.>>> Tanu+Trayi>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> meaning to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protect>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> body. This is best to>> advise>>> when a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> person may be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> making a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrong decision and you>> want them>>> to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stick to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the right>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just as one can advise>> gemstones>>> to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protect>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the body,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are gemstones which>> can remove>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protection>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> body,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hence one should>> advise these>>>> wisely.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sanskrit word for>> gemstone is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> r/atna/ but>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> does not>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> literally>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mean gemstone, but can>> also>>> refer to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> treasure, jewel,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> precious stone, and is>> derived>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> word>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /ra-/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> meaning a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gift, goods, wealth or>> riches.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Monier->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Williams)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The word /ratna/>> specifically>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> refers to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nine>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> types of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> treasure or jewels>> namely mukta>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (pearl),>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vajra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (diamond),>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /padmara-ga/ (ruby),>>> /pushpara-ga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (topaz),>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indrani-la>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (clear/stainless>> sapphire),>>> marakata>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (emerald), vaidu->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rya>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (cats eye), vidruma>> (coral) and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gomeda>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (hessonite). />>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same reason the>> word /ratna/>>> also>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> means>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nine>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in vedic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> numerology. Pushpara->> ga has been>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> translated>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as Topaz by>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> most,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> however the Garuda>> Purana (Suta,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2007, p.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 174) does>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> state>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that different colours>> of the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /pushpara->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /can be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regarded>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as equal to>> the /indrani-la>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (sapphire) /or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /padmara-ga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (ruby)/. Therefore,>> among the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /indrani-la>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Sapphire) /we must>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> infer that certain>> shades (i.e.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yellow)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be regarded>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giving the effects of>>> /pushpara-ga />>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (topaz).>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hence,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whilst>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all sapphires fall in>> the same>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> group of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /indrani-la/ the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> colour of them being>> different>>> also>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> differentiates the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects of wearing>> them greatly.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Details>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> learned>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from the Garuda Purana>> in this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regard.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Deva are supposed>> to reside>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> particle of a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ratna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is clear, bright,>> without cracks>>> or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lines in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it and has>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unusual shades in it.>> Hence, the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wearing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ratna is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sake of keeping a Deva>> next to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protecting you.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ratnaka-raka>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ratna comes under the>> various>>> metals>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> known as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dhatu.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn and Ra-hu>> signify the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dhatu and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> among>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rules over>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ratna, whilst Mars>> rules over>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> earth,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn over the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> raw>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> minerals such as oil>> and irons>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whilst Ra->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rules over>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rare>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> metals such as Gold and>>> platinum.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hence,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is Ratna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ka->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> raka>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and divisional charts>> as>>> Somanatha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drekkana and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Somanatha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Navamsha are the most>> important>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to judge>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effect of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As specifically the>> Drekkana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> refers to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> karma and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> signified by ones>> hands, the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Somanatha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drekkana is apt>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> judge>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the effects of>> gemstones.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Specifically>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> divisional>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chart>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shows ones ojas and>> how one uses>>> it.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Strong>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ojas can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> grant>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fame,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and hence this>> divisional chart>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to see ones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> popularity as well as>> sexuality>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ojas is used.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Moon signifying all>>> gemstones is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also known>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as /gunatmaka/,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i.e .the self in the>> form of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /guna/ or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attributes.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hence to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> understand the effects>> of a>>> gemstone>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vis-a-vis other>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones we>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use the gunachakra.>> This is also>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other purposes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an integral part of>> Vedic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> numerology.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> explained>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> further below.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which finger to wear>> the>>> gemstone>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> understood>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vedic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Remedies in Astrology,>> by Sanjay>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rath.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> four fingers>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> represent>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> moksha, artha, dharma>> and ka-ma>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> respectively>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> middle, ring and>> little fingers.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No gem>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> finger as it risks>> blocking>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> moksha and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> increasing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ahamkara.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> following table has>> been culled>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same work.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Table 2: Finger and>> Ratna (Rath)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ratna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Finger>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ruby>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ring (3^rd from index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pearl>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ring or Little finger>> (3^rd or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4^th from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coral>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Middle or ring finger>> (2^nd or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3^rd from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Emerald>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Middle or little>> fingers (2^nd>>> or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4^th>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yellow Topaz/Yellow>> Sapphire>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ring (3^rd from index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Diamond>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ring (3^rd from index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blue Sapphire>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Middle or little>> finger (2^nd or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4^th>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hessonite>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Middle or little>> finger (2^nd or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4^th>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cats eye>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Middle or ring finger>> (2^nd or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3^rd from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Garuda Purana states>> that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> great good>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> human race and they>> have natural>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Naisargika)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> characteristics>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which will benefit>> everyone.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Example: a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lady>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wishing to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mother would benefit>> greatly>>> from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wearing a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pushpara-ga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (topaz)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or pokhraj (yellow>> sapphire).>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similarly a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> person having>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cancer>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should wear a diamond>> and recite>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mrtyunjaya>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mantra.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> natural>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indications of>> gemstones can be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> applied>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the effects are given>> in Garuda>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Purana.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Table 3: Ratna and>> Graha>>> (Dikshita,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1992, p.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.55)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Graha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ratna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Translation>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Padmara-ga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ruby>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mukta>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pearl>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vidruma>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coral>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Marakata>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Emerald>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pushpara-ga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yellow Topaz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Venus>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vajra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Diamond>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Indrani-la>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blue Sapphire>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rahu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gomeda>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hessonite>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ketu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vaidu-rya>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cats eye>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tradition is>> everything when it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comes to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> applying any>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advice and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hereunder is some of>> the advice>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that I>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gathered>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> teacher.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ratna should be>> advised based on>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fifth and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ninth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lords in the Rashi>> (D1) chart.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These are>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will support the>> native in their>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> purpose>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> life. The>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protects the head and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intelligence, the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fifth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protects>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hands>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and torso, whilst the>> ninth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protects the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legs, and hence>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> native will always>> select the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best path>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> life if the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the ninth lord is>> worn. Thus>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the ninth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord is the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> most>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> auspicious gemstone.>> This can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advise the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone for disease in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> particular parts>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the body.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Malefics placed in the>> ninth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house cause>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> misfortune,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> such>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cases reversal gems>> are advised.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Graha in 9^th>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gemstone advised>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ruby (pink ruby for>> ladies)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rähu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yellow Sapphire or>> Yellow Topaz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ketu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gold ring>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pearl>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gemstones of the>> sixth, eighth>>> or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> twelfth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house lords>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inauspicious and cause>> strife,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disease>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and loss>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> respectively and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should not be worn.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To both the above>> there are>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exceptions>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> occur on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> account of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yoga.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yoga and Sambandha>> (reference:>>> Atri>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Classes)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The graha give their>> effects by>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> affecting the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> four>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ayana or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> goals>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the person's life>> namely>>> dharma,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> artha,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ka-ma and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> moksha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> symbolised by the>> first, second,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> third or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fourth pada>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nakshatra, or fiery,>> earthy,>>> airy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> watery>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> signs>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> respectively.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When a graha is in>> parivartana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yoga with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> another, then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha will affect all>> four ayana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> former graha.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Therefore,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if the ninth lord is in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sixth lord>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone of the sixth>> lord>>> should be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similarly when a graha>> is yuti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> another>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it takes on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> three of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the four ayanas of the>> other>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha. Which>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> three ayana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> depends on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i) the particular>> grahas>>> Navamsha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sign>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ii)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the two signs>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adjacent>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that particular sign.>> Example:>>> If>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> joined Venus>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will give the effects>> of Venus.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In such a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case should>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placed in the Navamsha>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Capricorn then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would give>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects of Venus'>> Artha-ayana>>> due to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> being in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an earthy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Navamsha,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and further as the>> Navamsha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> before is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a fiery>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sign>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that after being an>> airy sign,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Sun>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Venus' dharma-ayana>> (fiery) and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ka-ma->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ayana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (airy) as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> well,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not the moksha-ayana>> (watery).>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If three or more graha>> join then>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interchange of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be decided based on>> the natural>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> benefic/malefic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indications>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the graha, viz. if>> Jupiter,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury join then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> highest malefic and>> highest>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> benefic will>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interchange>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> results,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thus causing Saturn>> and Jupiter>>> to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interchange results>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whilst>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury will give not>> give the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> results of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anyone.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similarly>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> apply>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this to conjunction of>> more>>> grahas.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The two remaining>> Sambandha,>>> viz.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Samdristi and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Parivartana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dristi are not taken>> into>>> account>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> purpose as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> affect two or one>> ayana among>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> full>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> four>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ayana of a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha, yet>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are still applied when>> timing>>>> events.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Va-rachakra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Table 4: Varachakra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Graha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Venus>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rähu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ketu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In some cases the>> gemstones of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the sixth,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eighth or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> twelfth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lords>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> needs to be given to>> as those>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha are>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> causing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> excessive>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problems to the>> native. This>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> occurs when>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> another graha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> causing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an eclipse on that>> graha and>>> thus>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> denying it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of its>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> positive>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects. I.e. Sri>> Kashinatha>>> Rath>>>> was>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recalled to have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> given the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advice of wearing Ruby>> to a>>> Pisces>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagna, as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun was in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sixth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and Rähu was placed in>> the>>> tenth.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specific>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scenario>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> native was suffering>> on account>>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> repeated>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> battles.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reason being on>> account of Rähu.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> further>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> explained>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when a graha occupies>> the>>> Simhasana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bhavas>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (10^th ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1^st or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5^th>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in that order) that>> graha causes>>> an>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eclipse>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the third>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the order of the>> Varachakra.>>> Viz.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> order of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> weekdays>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> third graha from Rähu>> is the>>> Sun,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hence>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rähu is in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tenth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house the native will>> have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problems on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> account of the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placement and lordship>> of the>>> Sun in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their life.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similarly>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> among the Simhasana>> Bhava only>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placed>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fifth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then the placement and>> lordship>>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hampered.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Varachakra has>> many uses in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> matters>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jyotish, and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the logic behind many>> principles>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brighu Sutras.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunachakra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Table 1: Gunachakra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Graha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Guna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Satva>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rähu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rajas>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Venus>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ketu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tamas>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunachakra is applied>> somewhat>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> differently>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Varachakra.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If a Graha is>> inauspicious then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> choose>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to lock or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unlock>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its indications using>> the fourth>>> or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seventh>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha in the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gunachakra>> respectively.>>> Example:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cancer>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tumours are>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> caused>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by a malignant growth>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cancer-cells in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> body and is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> signified by an>> afflicted>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter. In the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunachakra the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fourth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha from Jupiter is>> Venus who>>> can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> block the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> spread of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cancer.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thus to remedy such a>> disease>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wearing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> diamond>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is advised>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> along>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with Mrtyunjaya mantra.>>> Similarly>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cause nervous>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> system>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issues such as>> Parkinsons and>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> likes,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to block>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issue>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a gemstone of Jupiter>> is advised>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> along>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mrtyunjaya>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bijas.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Should a graha already>> be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blocking the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> native>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in one>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aspect>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> life, then the>> unlocker (7^th>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha) is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> required. I.e.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Taurus lagna the lord>> Venus is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placed in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Libra, the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> native>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be bothered by>> constant disease>>> on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> account of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrong>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> application>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of intelligence.>> Therefore the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intellect>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be deemed>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> locked>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and wearing a Yellow>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Topaz/Sapphire is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similarly>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is very badly placed>> and has no>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ni-cha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bhanga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blue>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sapphire is advised as>> Saturn is>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seventh>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in weekday order and>> can unlock>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> negatives.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are undoubtedly>> more>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> applications>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunachakra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regard, reg.>> gemstones, yet>>> until>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> been>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> presented>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them, this is what I>> have to>>> share.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Somanatha Drekkana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Having ascertained the>> gemstone>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as per>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rashi chart>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> worthwhile to check the>>> Somana-tha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drekkana.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Herein>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lording>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the second house is a>> ma-raka to>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ojas in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the body>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> curtail health and>> sexuality.>>> This>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is therefore>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised, and neither>> is the lord>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> twelfth as this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sixth lord from the>> seventh>>> house>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> causing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> celibacy to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> partner. Similarly the>> sixth and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eighth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lords>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> affect the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> partner>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in a similar fashion>> and those>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> preferably>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be avoided. Advising>> the third>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord's>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gem can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> increase>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> person's libido>> significantly>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advising>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this gemstone>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be done thoughtfully.>> The gem of>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lagna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord is the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ensures good health>> and fame.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Apply this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advice>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intelligently.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hope this helps to>> share>>> insight.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti>> Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------->> --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - ---->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda./ <http://srigaruda./>> com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chandan486 skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ||aum namah shivaya||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dear visti,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> namaste.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well , the point that>> he landed>>>> into>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> troubles with the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advent of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rahu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dasa , makes more>> sense now ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but still>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> havent>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> answered .. is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mere conj enough to>> wear each>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other's>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones ? or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> real>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana that>> fulfils the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> condition>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemtsone>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exchange !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> however , first we>> need to>>> really>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> understand>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> , that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conjunction>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> actually makes>> planets behave>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like each>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> completely ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only do>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they give each others>> effects>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dasha ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and if conj makes>> planets>>> behave>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> each>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other ? then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what does>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana do ? does>> it also>>> do>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if not the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same , then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whats different abt a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a conj ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> humble regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chandan S sabarwal.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> . com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <srijagannat>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> h%40.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> com>,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <visti@> wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Chandan and>> Swee,>>> Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PV Narasimha Rao>> did see the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issues>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and jail>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> through his>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> third and eighth>> lord Maha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dasa of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars he was>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> untouched. It was>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> until Rahu Mahadasa>> that he>>> saw>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problems,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hence>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pointing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clearly>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that the wearing of>> the Coral>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> during>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mahadasa>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> perfect>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advise...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Afterall he became>> Prime>>> Minister>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> after>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wearing it!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> many can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> astrologers can>> boast of a>>> client>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attaining that once>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> following a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> remedial measure?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely,>> Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ ------->> -->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------- ----->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www:>> http://srigaruda.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda./>> <http://srigaruda./>> com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/ <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/ <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com/>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chandan Ssabarwal>> skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ||aum namah>> shivaya||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dear swee and>> visti,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> namaste !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> swee - you are>> right abt PV>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Narasimha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> going to jail>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and also>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> being>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> held up in>> litigation (6th>>>> house>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects) , that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eventually>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> came>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> came>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> upon unto him ,>> after some>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of his>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> own>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> party members>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> associates>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (mercury),>> accused him of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bribery>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> even showed>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> briefcase ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which he was>> actually>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> deliveered>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INR 10>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> million .>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti - when you>> mentioned>>> ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> red>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> coral is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> being>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> worn>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> simply based upon>> the conj>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10th>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> House ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> merc>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> being lagnesha ,>> i cannt>>>> somehow>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comprehend the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> basic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> theory>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> behind>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this ... and i>> still>>> remember>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reading>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> somehwere on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your website>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you mentioned ,>> only>>> complete>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana is actual>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exhange of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> houses>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and not simply>> conj....>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conj simply gives>> results>>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> each>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> others in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dasas's ... but>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> actual>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> potency and>> maleficience />>>>>>>>>>>>>>> benificience>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is based>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> upon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rasi />>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dasamasa !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> how could some>> one possibly>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advise a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone just>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> based upon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rasi and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not even consider>> damasa ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> especially>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when career>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> concerend ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> moreover , that>> Simhasana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yoga in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagna in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Narasimha's>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> somehow>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> makes me>> believe , it>>> should>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> been>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Emerald>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that he>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> worn and not the>> red coral>>> ...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also , mercury>> forms a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nipuna Yoga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Sun ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> once again>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> emerald.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i had always>> wanted to pick>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> up this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thing with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> glad swee>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bought>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it up !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> humbly yours,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chandan s>> sabarwal.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------->> --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 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sid=590>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --->> ~ om tat sat ~> Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.> Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'> (2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said > that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.> (3) Practice charity in thought and deed - do one free chart > reading today

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Jaya JagannathaDear JK,NamasteNo, not at all especially when Vaidurya (star sapphires) is being described. There are many maharatna and uparatnas that have the asteria effect. What is being described in Garuda Purana (a whole chapter) is actually Sapphires with the star effects. The article is now out in the January issue of JD. Agni Purana advices that one wears it round the neck. The Visnu Dhamorttara states that the host rocks where emerald is extracted from, destroys all calamities of the King. Interestingly enough, Emeralds were never found in India until the 1800's and it was found out later, that it was Tourmaline. This gemstone is the one of its kind since it is piezoelectric - place iron filings on a piece of paper, rub the gemstone on the c axis in the green coloured ones and on the a axis on the pink and other colours. The black coloured ones were originally used in a smelting plant while the Scotsman used this recently in a power plant. The internal changes (when rubbed) is a storehouse of heat. You can literally feel your hand burn especially when placed under the Sun. Because of this, we tend to use black tourmaline for arthritic patients with great results. The schorl used has to have a perfect termination or else, we cannot get the expected results. Red Tourmaline has been used for healing victims of rape (conflict of tattva between rasi and trimsamsa, so taught in Hyderabad).Both Garuda and Visnu Dhamottara also detail the description of the preferred trigonal crystal like some Sapphires (spindle shaped bipyramids) are those that project their "lustre" that spreads towards the Sun. It is therefore, not difficult to deduce that the "columnar" hexagonal shapes absorb (negativity). Can't get a better protection or blessing that this, can we?love,SweeOn 21 Jan 2009, at 08:12, jk.dasgupta wrote: Ok, but I always advice not to use gems with needle like or cloudy formations inside.   Jk On Behalf Of Swee ChanTuesday, January 20, 2009 2:38 PM Cc: Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ? Jaya Jagannatha Dear JK, Namaste If I had your CAD software and could "draw" up the crystallography on gemstones, I would be able to present this in an article ;-)) The energy is modified by its crystallisation and the variation of "silk" or "veil" and not so much based on "needles" of foreign matter mixed with the minerals of the crystals. The ones with "cotton wool" effects naturally gives stomach upsets and is good only for a brief spell if nature's call is not at least twice a day. The ones that amplify are those of the sphatik family because of the nature of the termination (of the crystal). Hope this brief makes sense. love, Swee On 20 Jan 2009, at 08:38, jk.dasgupta wrote: Dear Swee,   How to understand if the gem will amplify or absorb. Can you throw more light on this?   Jk     On Behalf Of Swee ChanSaturday, January 03, 2009 2:32 PM Cc: ; sohamsa Subject: Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ? Jaya JagannathaDear Zoran and JK,Namaste> The point about gemstone is that it AMPLIFIES and does not> make the planet favourable.Not ALL gemstone amplify. The amplification is dependent on the matrix of the crystallisation itself and the minerals in them. They either amplify, absorb or direct their energies depending on the matrices etc.love,SweeOn 2 Jan 2009, at 16:54, ahimsavm wrote:> Om Namah Shivaya,> Dear Jk,> Thanks. You are right about VRY article. But from the other> teachings of Sanjayji and practical experience, as I told you, I do> not usually take the 3rd lord in VRY.Regarding the horoscope you> stated, just ignore the two first conditions of Rashi chart I gave> for stree jatak and focus on UL and curse of Sk in badhak.> Atmakaraka should always be CLEARED from Papas not strengthened. If> Ak is neecha in Navamsa and Vimsamsa,a person would be humble since> he/she has done a lot of sins in the past, and the soul wants to> redeem. The point about gemstone is that it AMPLIFIES and does not> make the planet favourable. It makes it strong. Last year in Jaimini> course, Sanjaji CLEARY stated that gemstone does not make planet> favourable but amplifies what it signifies in the chart. So for Ak> we usually use Jyotirling Mantras to make it favourable, or Ista> Devata mantra to help Atma find the path. As is the case, I would> not advise Emerald in this case.> Best wishes> Zoran Radosavljevic> www.siva-edu.info> www.ahimsazr1.wordpress.com>>>> Dear Zoki,>>>> Happy new year. We are fine here. Hope you all are fine. And we> too remember>> those nostalzic days during Mumbai conference. I hope such time> again and>> again in near future.>>>> You are right but, in the SJC lesson #5 for VRY - Sanjayji very> clearly>> declares 3rd house also as a dusthana.>>>> The person whose data I posted is a male. Unfortunately, in both> cases of>> myself and this person - the said planet lording 2 dusthanas are> AK also. If>> it can be considered a VRY in kendra, it has to show the results> in AK dasa>> only. So my logic is that, though AK dasa is known to cause> sufferings - in>> such cases the AK cannot be taken as the sole cause of suffering.>>>> My doubt is, if the AK is to be strenghtened in such cases - as> was done in>> case of PM PVR or to be left as it is?>>>> Regards,>>>> Jk>>>>>> >> > On>> Behalf Of ahimsavm>> Friday, January 02, 2009 9:32 AM>> >> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal> charts ?>>>>>> om Namah Shivaya,>> Dear Jk,>> I hope that you and your wife and family are fine. I still> remember>> our meetings and nice time together in Mumbai.>> Sanjayji has reffered even in the Crux that 3rd house is dustana,>> but "mild" dustana if it can be called that way. It creates>> struggles, troubles in mind and bad thoughts. However, from the>> point of upachaya, 3rd house can make you work till perfection> and>> help you create SHUKARMA, or very good karma, so in that sense I> do>> not take it seriously as dustana. There are a few rules about it:>> 1,If 3rd lord is friendly to the Lagnesha then it acts as> upachaya>> more>> 2. If there is Shoubhagya Yoga in 3rd house (benefic planets> there)a>> person is fortunate>> 3. We must always make a first step towards controlling the> negative>> things in the 3rd house (a concept of Krama), where for example,>> Cancer Lagna has to learn how to control a need for> perfectionalism>> of Kanya in 3rd, and Budha 3rd lord which gives lustfullness and>> irresponsibility, as well as speech and communication.>> For the purpose of Veepreta Yoga, I always take Yoga (yuti) of>> dustana lords in kendra/kona with the transfer to lagnesha or>> Atmakaraka in 2nd type of Veepreta. What you stated about the> chart>> is the typical effect of Budha Atmakaraka dasha. It is further in>> dhanu navamsa, so there has been a horrible impact on her dharma> and>> marriage. There are visible combinations for widowhood, yet the>> chart would then probably require Navamsa correction. From the>> rashi, here are a few:>> 1. If the 9th lord is infleunced by 8th lord in Shri Jataka, a> women>> will becoma a widow.We can see that neech Rahu aspects 9th lord> as>> 8th lord and Upapada Lord. Even shani other 8th lord has rashi>> dristi on 9th lord.>> 2. If chandra is in 9th from Arudha or placed in Arudha of the> 9th>> house a women will pray to Sri Krisna for longevity of husband.> That>> implies that a husband may die early if other indications agree.>> 3. Lord of the 2nd from Upapada is debiliated in Rashi and in>> Vyayamsa.>> Hope this helps>> Best wishes>> Zoran Radosavljevic>> www.siva-edu.info>> www.ahimsazr1.wordpress.com>>>> , budhhiyogo@ wrote:>>>>>> Dear shri Dasgupta,>>> Page 62(7.4) item (5) & (6) of Vedic Astrolgy; an>> integrated approach by PVR Narasimha Rao cassifies H 3,6,10,,11> as>> Upachayas and H 6,8,12 as "Dusthanas". You are considering H3 an>> Upachaya as Dusthana. Is it backed by parampara. Thanks.>>> Rajendra Asthana>>> Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel>>>>>> >>> "jk.dasgupta" <jk.dasgupta@>>>>>>> Thu, 1 Jan 2009 15:53:04>>> >>> RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on> divisonal>> charts ?>>>>>>>>> Dear Asthana,>>>>>> Capri lagna, Jup is lord of 12th & 3rd. Cancer lagna, Mer is> lord>> of 12th & >>> 3rd.. like that>>>>>> Regards>>>>>> Jk>>>>>> >>> >> On>>> Behalf Of budhhiyogo@>>> Thursday, January 01, 2009 1:29 PM>>> >>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on>> divisonal charts ?>>>>>>>>> Shri dasgupta,>>> Please think over it. No single planet can be lord of two>> dusthanas at>>> same point of time. Would you kindly point out any example in> view.>>> Regards,>>> Rajendra Asthana>>>>>> Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------->> --------->>> -->>> "jk.dasgupta">>> Thu, 1 Jan 2009 13:21:38 +0530>>> >>> RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on>> divisonal charts ?>>>>>>>>>>>> As fas as my understanding goes, same palnet being lord of 2>> dusthanas>>> also constitue VRY.>>>>>> take my own case.>>>>>> 15.09.1947>>> 15:57 pm>>> Calcutta>>>>>> 12L & 3L Jup is in 10H. Jup is not strong but the VRY worked to>> some>>> extent and Jup being my AK, I also suffered to some extent. In> Jup->> Ven Dasa>>> (Jup in Ven house) my diect boss had to resign due to politics>> within>>> company. After that I was targetted as his person and I also> had>> to resign>>> by 1992 end in Jup-Ven-Rahu. My boss fell, but I did not get> any>> benefit as>>> Jup is not strong and also may be by the VRY AK it self is> getting>>> destroyed. So I also had to resign & started my business. Since>> then I am>>> still struggling :-). Definitely what happened, was not very> good>> for me.>>>>>> That is why I am skeptic in case of this person. Some> astrologer>> has asked>>> him to wear an Emerald. But I asked him not to wear it. But is>> there any way>>> to transfer the VRY benefit to the person? His Mer MD is on> till>> July'2009.>>> May be, nothing can be done after that.>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>> Jk>>>>>>>>> >>> >> On>>> Behalf Of Anurag Sharma>>> Thursday, January 01, 2009 12:55 AM>>> >>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal>> charts ?>>>>>>>>>>>> |Om Shreem Vishnave Namah|>>>>>> Dear JK Ji,>>>>>> As I had stated in the initial email, this is one's own chart>> (my chart)>>> given below. I agree, the Vimshottari Dasha of either of the> two>> Dusthana>>> Lords can precipitate the VRY. However, some indications have> come>> with the>>> maturity age of Shani, of course only relatively, but> importantly>> in context>>> of the fact that ALL Moola Dashas since birth except a very> tiny>> window of>>> couple of years involved the Shrapa. Moola Dashas have been>> calculated from>>> all three of Lagna, Surya and Chandra as reference.>>>>>> Is there VRY in the chart you have posted? Is the lordship of>> two>>> Dusthanas sufficient to constitute Yoga? In my view, there is> no>> question>>> that the Moon is to be strengthened. It is Lagnesh in the 9th>> House from the>>> AL and aspects the 11th from the AL with Rashi Drishti. The> Jatak>> ought to>>> be advised to remedy the curse of Moon (rather than that of> Venus,>>> primarily) in view of Sanjay Ji's latest teaching that the most>> afflicted>>> Graha constitutes the main curse. He has now opined (to Rafal,> I>> think) that>>> the Brahman Shrapa in Sri Rama's chart is not primary but> Kalatra>> Shrapa.>>>>>> Somanath Jyotirlinga and after that a pearl could be a fair>> way to>>> proceed.>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>> Anurag Sharma>>>>>> http://www.planetarytransformation.blogspot.com>>>>>>>>> , "jk.dasgupta">> <jk.dasgupta@>>>> wrote:>>>>>>>> Dear Anurag,>>>>>>>> In this chart, Langa lord and AK Sun is conjoined the VRY. So>>> definitely the>>>> power is being transfered to the native. His Moon dasa has>> aleardy>>> passed,>>>> but Sat dasa is going to start in sept, 2013. In my view,>> his VRY>>> should get>>>> activated then. Moon is already exaulted and very strong and>> Sat is>>> also in>>>> friend's house.>>>>>>>> I did post another chart few days back.>>>>>>>> DOB-17.05.1973>>>> TOB-11:30 AM>>>> Place-Mumbai (India)>>>>>>>> No body has commented on this chart. Cancer Asc. 12L & 3L>> Mer in>>> Aries. Mer>>>> is AK also. Though Mer has rashi dristi on lagna lord Moon,>> but Mer>>> being>>>> AK, will not the native be destroyed himself by the VRY? His>> Mer dasa>>> is on>>>> and he is already in a bit trouble and confused due to death>> of his>>> business>>>> partner in an accident, and thinking of closing the>> business. What is>>> the>>>> advice here? Should his Mer be strenghtened or the debilated>> Moon be>>>> strenghtened or it should left as it is, because>> strenghtening Mer>>> will>>>> further worsen the situation.>>>>>>>> Regards>>>>>>>> Jk>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>> >>> On>>>> Behalf Of Anurag Sharma>>>> Tuesday, December 30, 2008 8:34 PM>>>> >>>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on>> divisonal charts ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |Om Shreem Vishnave Namah|>>>>>>>> Dear Visti & Rafal,>>>>>>>> Namaskar.>>>>>>>> This VRY in Kendra is an interesting Yoga and occurs in>> one's chart in>>> the>>>> 10th House. (11th June, 1972; 10:17:56 AM; Cuttack, Orissa,>> India). It>>>> causes the downfall of an ally, perhaps a seeming ally with>>> improvements in>>>> one's own situation. Here neither Shani nor Chandra have>> Digbal but>>> the>>>> Lagnesh and AK Surya does. Of course the VRY is also Shani->> Chandra>>> Yoga in>>>> 10th House.>>>>>>>> After the end of the string of Moola Dashas (Lagna, Sun, Moon>>>> computation), involved in the Curse, life began to change in>> accord>>> with>>>> the Yoga (VRY and Shani-Chandra).>>>>>>>> Here there is no need for Ratna as Surya is not impacted by>> the Yuti.>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>> Anurag Sharma>>>>>>>> http://www.planetarytransformation.blogspot.com>>>>>>>>>>>> , Visti Larsen visti@>> wrote:>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>> In case of a VRY in a Dusthana its enemies destroying each>> other.>>> This>>>>> is good whether or not you are picking up the pieces after>> them.>>>>> But, in Kendra when a VRY occurs then a title or position>> is vacant>>> in>>>>> your own support group and therefore the Lana is important>> in such a>>>> case.>>>>> Theres a difference between Raja Yoga and Raja Sambandha>> yoga. In>>> the>>>>> former you are the leader and in the latter you associate>> with the>>>>> leader or work for the leader. Some people will consider>> both as>>> being>>>>> quite good, but Raja Sambandha yoga does not guarantee>> leadership in>>>> itself.>>>>>>>>>> Having said that you must now appreciate why the VRY in a>> Kendra>>> must be>>>>> strong, and not weak like the VRY in a Dusthana. The>> reason being>>> that>>>>> if the dusthana lords are not strong in Kendra then they>> will cause>>>>> rajbhanga yoga, as you have also written in your article.>>>>>>>>>> Thus, if they are weak in Kendra then the person them self>> will also>>>>> fall especially if the Lagna is associated, as in that>> case you are>>> also>>>>> the target of the event which causes the fall, i.e. PV>> Narasimha was>>> the>>>>> main target of many accusations of corruption and the>> likes.>>>>>>>>>> Therefore, strengthening one of the Dusthana lords would>> save his>>>>> Lagnesh from falling as then the VRY would be strong in>> Kendra!>>>>>>>>>> Is there anything in the last three paragraphs of what I>> have>>> written>>>>> that doesn't make sense?>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>> ---------->>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>> Rafal G skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji,>>>>>> Yes, but that should also be in the cases of other yogas>> where the>>>>>> title/responsibility is also given like 2L in 10H? Or>> you mean its>>> for>>>>>> all yogas ? Why this is not important for dusthana type>> of VRY?>>> There>>>>>> is also 'title' to get from the struggle.>>>>>> Regards>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Elementy potencjalnie niebezpieczne zosta³y zablokowane.>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>> I think I'm mixing some Danish words into my vocabulary.>>>>>> The English mantel is a fire place, so just forget that>> word.>>>>>> I mean to say that the actual title or responsibility is>> given to>>>>>> the person only through the Lagna/Lagnesha and Argala is>> not>>>>>> enough. Similarly Lagna (or Lagnesha) is important for>> the Yogadas>>>>>> to happens, i.e. when GL and HL associate with a graha,>> and argala>>>>>> is not enough in such cases.>>>>>> Does that make sense to you?>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>> ---------->>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:>>>>>>> Dear Guruji,>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My dictionary didnt found this word Mantel.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>>>> Your application of Argala is right, but when there is>> VRY in>>>>>>>> Kendra to Lagna then the friend has fallen and the>> MANTEL has to>>>>>>>> be given away to someone else.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If we rely solely on Argala then the VRY will be>> experienced and>>>>>>>> the native will also have fame in the situation but>> the MANTEL>>>>>>>> will not be given to the native. I.e. instead of being>> Prime>>>>>>>> Minister he could be the husband of the Prime Minister>> or the>>>>>>>> secretary of the Prime Minister.>>>>>>>> Thats why in case of VRY in Kendra the Lagna must be>> associated.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Satisfied with this explanation? If so I can go on to>> the next>>>>>>>> explanation.>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>> ---------->>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji, Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding the enjoyment of yoga it should have argala>> on AL,L>>>>>>>>> (Lagnesh),AK - so seems same for all yogas.>>>>>>>>> Why VRY should have special case here?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------->>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>> Regarding the Somanath Drekkana please check your>> personal>>> email.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Right now I'm explaining a case of Yuti for>> gemstones, so lets>>>>>>>>>> get over this hurdle first.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Firstly, do you understand that when VRY occurs in a>> Kendra>>>>>>>>>> then it has to be associated with Lagna/Lagnesha for>> the>>>>>>>>>> native to enjoy it?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>> ---------->>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji, Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VRY shows that from bad event native is raising.>> This bad>>>>>>>>>>> event is related to friends in Kendra as it shows>> our>>>>>>>>>>> support. One enemy is hitting the other enemy>> therefore>>>>>>>>>>> native rises,>>>>>>>>>>> its similar to dusthana lord being weak in Navamsa.>> Now if>>>>>>>>>>> Lagnesh and 6L (for example Scorpio) is weak in>> Navamsa then>>>>>>>>>>> its good for sixth lord but bad for Lagnesh. Based>> on that I>>> cant>>>>>>>>>>> understand why you said its only Lagnesh karakatwa>> gets>>>>>>>>>>> hit..not the lordship - native. Regarding>> debilitated planet>>>>>>>>>>> - it would not be good idea to strengthed it if its>> dusthana>>>>>>>>>>> lord as then the>>>>>>>>>>> Lagnesh is associated with strong enemy. Even if>> the yuti>>>>>>>>>>> avastha hits the Lagnesh we should do it in the way>> that it>>>>>>>>>>> helps the Lagnesh, here strenghting Coral could be>> good for>>>>>>>>>>> destroying 12L,>>>>>>>>>>> but I dont see any reason why the Lagnesh is spared>> from>>>>>>>>>>> destruction. I can only depend on your teachings>> regarding 2H>>>>>>>>>>> in D3..you said its also related to health issues.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When we use yuti and when parivartana for the gems?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------->>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>> Answers to each of your points.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a. Get Lesson 5 from Varahamihira. If you don't>> have access>>>>>>>>>>>> then talk to Sarajit.>>>>>>>>>>>> Your logic is fine for VRY in a DUSTHANA... not so>> for>>>>>>>>>>>> Kendra as in Kendra the VRY has to transfer its>> energy to>>>>>>>>>>>> the Lagna somehow otherwise the native will not>> enjoy the>>>>>>>>>>>> Rajayoga. Therefore how can we say that VRY in a>> Kendra>>>>>>>>>>>> associated with the Lagna will destroy the Lagna>> if it MUST>>>>>>>>>>>> be associated with Lagna to give the Rajayoga to>> begin with?>>>>>>>>>>>> Right the logic is flawed and thats because the>> natural>>>>>>>>>>>> significance of the Lagnesh will instead be hit,>> i.e. in>>>>>>>>>>>> case of Mercury a friend or colleague will fall.>>>>>>>>>>>> Does my earlier mail make more sense now? Compare>> this to>>>>>>>>>>>> the article you wrote on Rajbhanga Yoga.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> b. Thats right. Arudha shows ones fame just for>> this life>>>>>>>>>>>> and that fame dies with ones body, or the objects>> one>>>>>>>>>>>> creates i.e. like Van Gogh being known for his art>> but not>>>>>>>>>>>> really the rest of his life.>>>>>>>>>>>> The Lagna gives LASTING fame even beyond death for>> ones>>>>>>>>>>>> actions so therefore both Lagna and Arudha Lagna>> do give>>>>>>>>>>>> fame and the strong Moon in Kendra to either is>> supposed to>>>>>>>>>>>> grant fame in some way. The extent of this fame is>> a>>>>>>>>>>>> separate issue.>>>>>>>>>>>> Therefore again for a Vishnu Avatara a basic>> requirement is>>>>>>>>>>>> that the Moon is on the Lagna (in same Tara- refer>> Brhat>>>>>>>>>>>> Nakshatra).>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c. 'Afflict' is not the right word for second>> house in S3. I>>>>>>>>>>>> know I have written about the second house in>> Somanath>>>>>>>>>>>> Drekkana and shown its usage with charts of the>>>>>>>>>>>> Shankaracharyas of Kamakoti Math as well as>> others. Possibly>>>>>>>>>>>> was it in my book or somewhere else? Do find it as>> that>>>>>>>>>>>> would clarify in more detail what the second house>> does.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> d. See a. Point is that if he didn't strengthen>> Mars then>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury would fall as a result of Mars not being>> exalted or>>>>>>>>>>>> in any high dignity, i.e. there would be Rajbhanga>> yoga if>>>>>>>>>>>> he didn't strengthen Mars, and this would be felt>> in his>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagnesh. In essence its like Lagnesh being joined a>>>>>>>>>>>> debilitated planet so we strengthen the weak>> planet to make>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagnesh happy. This is not the same as being in>> planetary>>>>>>>>>>>> war or the likes.>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------->>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji, Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a. VRA destroys the planets its yuti..Venus for>>>>>>>>>>>>> inlaws..Guru for own family [cova]. Based on that>> Lagnesh>>>>>>>>>>>>> is afflicted and its sustanence should be rescued>> by>>>>>>>>>>>>> emerald not by strenghting>>>>>>>>>>>>> the enmity graha..as it will hit the Budha->> Lagnesh-Native.>>>>>>>>>>>>> its ok for rajayoga but native is also destroyed>> here.>>>>>>>>>>>>> Instead if there is Rajayoga we can help through>>>>>>>>>>>>> strenghting the dispositor - here it would help>> native and>>>>>>>>>>>>> bring the rajayoga. Or strenghting otherwise>> rajayoga and>>>>>>>>>>>>> help the Budha for being spoilt by the naisargika>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>> temporal malefic for Budha and for Kanya.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> b. I thought Arudha shows for what native is>> wellknown.>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jananivasa case...Lagnesh with Rahu/Sun/Mars..he>> is known>>>>>>>>>>>>> by art and Shukra is in AL>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c. Ojas is related to health not only sexuality.>> So giving>>>>>>>>>>>>> the gem of 2H in D3 afflicts the ojas..final>> substance>>>>>>>>>>>>> coming out from Dhatus placed in heart and being>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>> essence of life per C.Samhita.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> d. Once you give the arguments about yuti and>> then about>>>>>>>>>>>>> strenghting Mangal..I am confused.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My logic says it was very bad choice..where I>> went wrong>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the logic.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal and Chandan, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 points need to be raised.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I) I haven't changed my statement reg. the yuti->> exchange.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> II) What you will be known for is seen from your>> lagna or>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its lord. So in the case of PV Narasimha Rao the>> Lagna>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord is Mercury in Bhadra Mahapurusha Yoga in>> Gemini>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (trade and contracts) and he will be known for>> some very>>>>>>>>>>>>>> daring reforms in the business and finance>> sector. You>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cannot be known for your achievements if the>> Lagnesh is>>> weak.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Further, for a Vipareet Raja Yoga in Kendra to>> Lagna to>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work the Grahas involved must be strong and>> associated>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the Lagnesh.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Combine these factors and see in his case that>> the VRY is>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indeed joined the Lagnesh, but since the grahas>> (Mars and>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun) are not particularly strong in Gemini then>> once the>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vipareet Raja Yoga works then his Lagnesh ALSO>> will be>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pulled down and suffer. I.e. both he and Rajiv>> Gandhi>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would suffer.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hence, had he not strengthen Mars by wearing>> that Coral>>>>>>>>>>>>>> his Lagnesh Mercury would have suffered very>> badly as Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>> needed to be made strong to make him survive the>> VRY.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Therefore he was also during his tenure going>> through a>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lot of tribulations and people didn't think he>> would last>>>>>>>>>>>>>> his tenure as Prime Minister.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So the Coral actually saved him during his>> tenure. The>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jyotisha who advised him this gemstone was>> brilliant>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indeed. In fact if I'm not wrong he continued>> the legacy>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of Rajiv Gandhi regarding the financial reforms,>> hence his>>>>>>>>>>>>>> perseverance in politics ended up in favour of>> his>>>>>>>>>>>>>> predecessor. In fact had he not continued then>> who knows>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what would have happened to all that implemented>> by Rajiv.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hope this clarifies once again.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------->>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chandan486 skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ||aum namah shivaya||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Visti,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Namaste.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Should we really advise gems of grahas causing>> VRY ? As>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> far as im>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aware of , gems of grahas causing VRY should>> never be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised , as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VRY itself indicates fall / loss of somebody>> else for the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> native to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gain..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So wearing the gemstone of a graha causing VRY>> is akin to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> killing somebody for your own good ! How>> Rajasic and non->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sattwic is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that!! ? We can get what we want in this life>> through all>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gems , but we are definately asnwerable for our>> karma in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the next>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> life !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So i dont think wearing a gemstone of a graha>> causing VRY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is a good>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> idea since youre indirectly strengthening the>> damage>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> caused to some>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> body else !! How sane is it ? and as>> jyotisa's , its our>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibility to show people the right sattwic>> way !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am really clear about this ! Maybe PV>> Narasimha rao>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> became PM ,but>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if that coral caused somebody to die , so that>> his VRY>>> could>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> flourish , how sane and dharmic is that ? cmon !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Instead of fixing flaws flaws in his chart ,>> somebody>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> made his>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> negative yogas all the more stronger , not>> fair !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> humble regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chandan s sabarwal.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <%40>, Rafal>> Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> starsuponme@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji, Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok, so Coral is strenghting vipareet rajayoga>> but gives>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arudha and Bhadra (naisargika and tatkalika>> enemy), so>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there is no>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti-exchange?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If there is yuti-exchange when/where we>> should apply it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and where>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only parivartana as that is not clear?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com <http://rohinaa.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am citing Guruji on all these matters>> based on Atri>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> classes and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> previous lessons. For those who have access>> to the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Varahamihira>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> list>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there is a lesson called Vipareet Raja Yoga>> which is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lesson 5,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this example is also cited yet from a>> different>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> perspective.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Apply the Somanath Drekkana rules wisely.>> At the age>>> when>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Narasimha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was taking his seat as PM he cannot be said>> to be>>> very>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sexually>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> active, hence of what concern is the second>> house in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> S3? Hence I>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the end of my write up that these>> principles for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the S3 need>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intelligently applied.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding Vipareet Raja Yoga, when Dusthana>> lords>>> join>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kendra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they need to be strong, and a vital problem>> in the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chart was that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is combust by the Sun in this chart within>> one>>> degree.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hence>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> another>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reason that he was advised the Coral to>> strengthen>>> Mars.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, when a Graha is causing durbhagya>> (malefic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aspecting/joining>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ninth house), duryoga or lord of the sixth>> house do>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not wear its>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone by any chance.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Instead when its causing Rajayoga it can be>> worn.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>> <http://srigaruda.com>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji , Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. For VRA in Kendra planets must be>> strong. Gemini>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rasi is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> similar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to Cancer Rasi for Mangal avastha.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. If 8L is weak then enemy is weak and it>> gives>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rajayoga,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> strenghting the Lagnesh should be the case>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as Sanjayji did in VRA example (see my>> previous>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case), not the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8L ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enemy. You can say that there>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are exchanging the power due to yuti but>> its not the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gems>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as Sanjayji example is indicating.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. To strenghted the native in battle gems>> of Lagna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that is the rule of Sanjayji based>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on Saravali or Phaldeepika. No yuti rule>> for gems>>> per>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> teachings.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4. If planet is afflicted or weak then the>> gem>>> should>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stronger - its good yoga. Lagnesh in Tenth,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so we should not strength the affliction>> but the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> native! No yuti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rule>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for gems per your teachings.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars is in 2H in D3 and in 1/7 axis from>> AL!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com <http://rohinaa.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In the chart of Narasimha a Vipareet>> Rajayoga is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> occuring in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tenth house but is conjoined the lagna>> lord showing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that when>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rajayoga happens he also may fall.>> Therefore his>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bhadra yoga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> becomes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> useless and risks jailtime by>> strengthening it as>>> it is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conjoined>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> two malefics by lordships and natural>> significance.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So to strengthen his Bhadra Yoga and>> lessen the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> malificence of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VRY he was advised a Red Coral as Mercury>> and Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are the most>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> benefic and most malefic grahas>> respectively and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will exchange>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> results.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why not emerald? Because of Mercury's>> severe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> affliction and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> curse>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which would end up giving the results of>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vipareet yoga on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> himself. And it almost did as a bunch of>> lawsuits>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> were launched>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on him.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So finally its because they do exchange>> results,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> point is that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exchange of results would not be good if>> in a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> malefic house.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I.e.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> imagine VRY in the eighth house. Here the>> principle>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is that the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lordships of the most benefic grahas will>> sufer, so>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if Mercury,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and Sun were in the eighth house in this>> chart he>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> personally>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suffer a lot by wearing a Coral.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So finally the house placement must also>> be good.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Specifically>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and tenth will also benefit longevity.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Notably when VRY occurs in a Kendra house>> a friend>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> falls.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagnesh>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there threatens ones own fall also (hence>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> remedy). And so>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> happened in a bomb blast (Mars+Sun+Rahu)>> through>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which his>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> colleague>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rajiv Gandhi could not continue anymore in>>> politics,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and they>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> looked to Narasimha as a leader.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It happened after his retirement because>> of Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (also Varesha)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the tenth.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------->> ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>> <http://srigaruda.com>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji, Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why in Lagna/Tenth it would be good? Its>> still>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dusthana lord>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kendra - kind of duryoga per Phaldeepika.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can I finally get the answer why Coral>> is good for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Narasimha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rao?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As the more mails the things are more>> complicated.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com <http://rohinaa.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now your getting it. See that its not>> always good>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to give the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conjoined gemstone as it can bring>> problems, and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we cannot do>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blindly.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also in the example you cited of Moon>> and Sun>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> joined for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pisces>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagna, there is a similar dilemma as>> the Sun in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> such a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> combination>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can increase enmity and such sixth>> house problems>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> depending>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placement. Therefore in the example you>> gave if>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the two were>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> joined in the sixth, eighth or twelfth>> house then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wearing a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ruby>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is a big NONO. Especially if the person>> is born>>> on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a Monday>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sunday it would horrible for the health.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Instead if joined in the Lagna or tenth>> house it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would prove>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> excellent and also increase longevity.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If the two are in planetary war then>> there is no>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doubt, i.e.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cause the war to be lost by a graha>> lording a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trikona by>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wearing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the other grahas gemstone.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So your right. Yuti is not the rule ->> by itself>>> as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if such a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> combination is badly placed it would be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> devastating to wear>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> such a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------->> --->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>> <http://srigaruda.com>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rajarishi , Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Page 345/346 VRA. To ensure winning>> the battle>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sanjyaji>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> perscribes gem signified by Lagnesh.>> Here Shukra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagnadhipati is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conjoined Budha, but still>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the choice is on Diamond, not Emerald>> (Budha is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6L). Based>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that we see that yuti is not the rule,>> therefore>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we cant say>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coral was good for Narasimha Rao>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as it gives results of Bhadra yoga as>> it is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> opposite to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> previous>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> teachings and examples.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com <http://rohinaa.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rajarshi nandy pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have been trying to follow this>> excahnge of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mails and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> getting>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a little confused. You said:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /So far I have seen Sanjayji never>> recommend>>> gem>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> based on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when it comes to trikona lords/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you mean when there is ANY yuti>> between>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trikona lord and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other lord OR only trikona and>> dusthana lord?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Regards>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rajarshi>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *The upsurge (of consciousness) is>> Bhairava ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shiva Sutra*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> */>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- On *Thu, 18/12/08, Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /starsuponme@/*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz starsuponme@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re:>> Choosing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> divisonal charts ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <%40>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thursday, 18 December, 2008,>> 6:25 PM>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Chandan, Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So far I have seen Sanjayji never>> recommend gem>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> based on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti when it comes to trikona lords.>> Its also>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hard to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if person is spiritual or not, after>> all dharma>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is not only connected to spirituality>> but also>>> to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> marriage,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> progeny, social values etc - big>> parts of life>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> materialists.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When we see examples in Nakshatra>> book then we>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> know how>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> much>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attention Sanjayji places towards so>> called>>>> temporal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> malefics - here Mangal is definitely>> temporal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> malefic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and it will give problems to Bhadra>> and tenth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bhava. If>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use only parivartana for gems then>> based solely>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> principle advising Coral is quite>> unfortunate>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> decision.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arudha will jump to tenth and Mangal>> will hit>>> it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as its>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dominated by Budha and Mangal is>> enemy in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> naisargika and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tatkalika sambandha here. So its>> badly placed>>> by>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lordship,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sambandha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and placement from AL. So Coral is>> worst.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> More to this Mangal is 8L in D2 (Kn)>> giving>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> poverty and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sits>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in 2H in D3 (Sn).>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What special rule I have omitted>> which conquers>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bad>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which Mangal gives here?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OR>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we accept yuti principle again..and>> then Ruby>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun+Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for Meena Lagna..but as I never said>> Sanjayji>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> did it.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- -------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa. com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chandan486 pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ||aum namah shivaya||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal , Zoran and Visti,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Namaste.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have been reading the constant>> discussions>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> between>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and you>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> two and glad that rafal did post PV>> Narasimha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rao's>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> details.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Based on the artcile Visti wrote>> yesterday and>>> my>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> personal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chart>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> analysis of PV Narasimha Rao , im>> going to>>> explain>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what i>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seem to be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> correct about the advise for a Red>> Coral.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.as Visti mentioned , Yuti>> exchanges 3/4>>> ayanas ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can be seen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from Navamsa to determine which 3 of>> 4 have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exchanged.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now in this particular case , as>> Mangal and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Merc. have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conjoined ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mangal occupies an airy namavsa , so>> based on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the ones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adjacent to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it , those ayanas will get exchanged.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This gives us 3 ayanas viz.>> Capricorn - Artha>>> ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Aquarius ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kama and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pisces - Moksha.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similarly for Merc. it occupies>> Gemini , so>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adjacent to it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> get exhanged , viz Tauras - Artha ,>> Gemini ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kaama and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cancer ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moksha ..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The only Pada / ayana that does not>> get>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exchanged due>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dharma and since we are prescribing>> gemstone>>> for a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> political leader>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and not a spiritualist , we can>> safely ingore>>> this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ayana .>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So , safely a Red Coral can and>> should be>>> advised.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moreover , in the Rasi chart , Mars>> has Dig>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bala which>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zoran already>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mentioned and it also has 7th house>> argala on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GL , with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nothing to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> obstruct.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also in Dasamsa, Mangal again has>> Sukhagrala>>> on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GL,which>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anyways is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more powerful than the>> virodhargals , so>>> mangal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> argala>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prevails.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Also , maybe we missed to>> notice , lagnesha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Merc is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Varki ..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Recommending a gemstone for a Vakri>> planet is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> good>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> idea , as it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only increases the power of>> retrogression ,>>> hence>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> coral is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> choice ,both by Rasi and Dasamsa.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think i made a pretty neat>> assemement.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Comments Please !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> humble regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chandan S Sabarwal.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <%>> 40>, Rafal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <starsuponme@ ...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Zoranji , Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please dont make me a fool. When I>> have>>> asked>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> why>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coral>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> answer was:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just as Dasas exchange effects of>> conjoined>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Grahas>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so do>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Does>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that clarify?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- --------- --------- ---->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now you are stating again that it>> is only>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> June 28, 1921>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Time: 12:49:00>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Time Zone: 5:16:36 (East of GMT)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Place: 79 E 09' 00", 18 N 26' 00">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In that chart I dont see any>> parivartana and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mangal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> third and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eight>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord, so the question is the same :>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a) either you say its yuti and>> then for>>> Meena>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and Surya>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we perscribe Ruby>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> b) its only for parivartana and>> then why>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coral for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Narasimha Rao?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If there is no answer to this>> simple>>> question>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> admit it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> please dont make me a fool that I>> am>>> repeating>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> myself.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- -------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa. com>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- -------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa. com>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ahimsavm pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Om Namah Shivaya,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What Visti and myself are saying>> is the>>> same.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti has>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> very>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> precisely explained, that with>> yuti Three>>> pada>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects are>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reversed,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so one pada or leg is remained>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uninfluenced. So,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if we>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> subsitute>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gem with planet conjoined, you>> are not>>> fully>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reversing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> signification, since one pada of>> dharma>>>> remains>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uninfluenced. So,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana is stronger than>> yuti, for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ekapada.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Only in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Full>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reversal (Parivartana) , I have>> seen>>> Sanjayji>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recommending the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of a stone. A person was Makara>> Lagna with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shani>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in 5th>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shukra in 2nd house, so there was>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shani>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and Shukra.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Since Shukra was badly hit in>> the second>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sanjayji>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recommended>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Neelam for Shani to give the>> effects of>>> Shukra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specifically. This>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> further very wise choice since>> Shani rules>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lagna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as well.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best wishes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zoran Radosavljevic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.siva-edu. info>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.ahimsazr1. wordpress. com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @>> . com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <%>> 40>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <srijagannat h%>> 40. com>,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <starsuponme@ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji, Zoranji, Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The whole disussion is about>> if we use>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the other>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gem>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> based on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivarta. First it was>> parivartana then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you say>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti, now>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zoran says its for parivartana>> only>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> again. If>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ninth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord is with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shani>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its durbhagya but in the>> period of 9L as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti graha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shani>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work, based on that using>> Neelam will>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> strenghten>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti graha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9L so getting out of durbhagya.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How Pearl can be good for>> Mangal if its>>> lord>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> neecha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sign ? How>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> perscribe 6L gem?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zoran said: " However, this>> substitution>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of gems>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be done>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ONLY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PARIVARTANA. ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How then Coral could be good>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Narasimha Rao?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or I have missed something?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- -------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa. com>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa. com>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How can you give Nilam if>> Shani is>>> yuti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ninth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That would>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> durbhagya wouldn't it? Thats>> one of>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> main>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> points>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that Zoki>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rising here.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- ------>> --->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------- ---->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda. com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/ <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ahimsavm skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Om Namah Shivaya,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What Visti has written about>>> Sambhanda is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> correct.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> substitution of gems can be>> done ONLY>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PARIVARTANA. If you>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> let us say Mangal and Shani>> yuti for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Meena, I>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would never>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prescribe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Neelam or Blue Sapphire>> unless Moon>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placed>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8th house.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case I would prefer Light>> Blue>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sapphire for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> health.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The better way out is to>> take Ruby>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would block the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shani>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and improve Mangal.>> However, in such>>> a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Surja>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> good>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realtionship with Lagnesha>> Guru.>>> Another>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> possibility is MOti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Pearl), which according to>> Veepreta>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is very>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> good>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for Mangal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also Good for Shani.>> Otherwise you>>> may>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> risk>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rise of bad>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> luck.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Actually, it will depend on>> Shani>>> Mangal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placement>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chart.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best wishes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zoran Radosavljevic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.siva-edu. info>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.ahimsazr1. wordpress.>> com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @>> . com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <%>> 40>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <srijagannat h%>> 40. com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <srijagannat h%>> 40.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> com>,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <starsuponme@ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate>> narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji , Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lets say Meena Lagna>> Shani yuti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mangal - I>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should perscribe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Neelam>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give effect of bhagyesh>> Mangal?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- --->> ----->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa. com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/ <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa. com>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa. com>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa. com>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rajarshi, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The final effect is the>> same, as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> had the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana done>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> otherwise>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then he would not have>> cancer.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yet, i don't believe>> the Cancer>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was solely>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> caused by>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case as we see Rahu>> involved in a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> curse of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mother from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> past>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> life>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> involving the sixth>> lord (roga)>>> Ketu.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Still the advise is the>> same.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti>> Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- ->> -------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.>> com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/ <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rajarshi nandy skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Visti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for sharing>> that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> information.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Really wonderful>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mail.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I was seeing a chart>> of a person>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> who has>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> been>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> detected>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> liver>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cancer and doctors>> have given>>> him>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> six>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> months>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> live.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> his>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chart jup is in>> exchance with>>> venus.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Should>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> he wear a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pokhraj>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instead>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of diamond?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you could kindly>> take a look>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advice it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> woiuld be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> great..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 23rd march 1977>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:20 pm>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> calcutta>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mithun lagna, mesh>> rasi..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Regards>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rajarshi>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *The upsurge (of>> consciousness)>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bhairava ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shiva>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sutra*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> */>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- On *Tue, 16/12/08,>> Maja S>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (trbac /<majastrbacastro@ >/*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maja S(trbac>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <majastrbacastro@ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Re: [Om>> Krishna Guru]>>> Re:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Choosing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> divisonal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> charts ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @>> .>>> com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <%>> 40>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <srijagannat h%>> 40. com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <srijagannat h%>> 40.>>> com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tuesday, 16>> December,>>> 2008,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8:47 PM>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Om Gurave Namah>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Visti Ji, Namaste>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WOW!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As far as I am>> concerned, your>>> email>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bellow>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is a "Marry>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christmas>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and a Happy New Year in>>> advance".>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you so much for>> shearing>>> it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> us!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Warm Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maja Strbac>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- On *Tue, 12/16/08,>> Visti>>> Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> com>/* wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Re: [Om>> Krishna Guru]>>> Re:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Choosing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> divisonal charts ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @>> .>>> com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tuesday,>> December 16,>>> 2008,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7:09 AM>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Chandan, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Excuse me for not>> answering in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> full in my>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> last mail, I>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realise no one learns>> if no one>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shares,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> here is what>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have learned and have>> to share.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have gathered the>> following>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rules reg.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (this will be>> republished on my>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> website>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reference):>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The prescription of>> metals or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> belongs to the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> concept of Tantra, i.e.>>> Tanu+Trayi>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> meaning to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protect>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> body. This is best to>> advise>>> when a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> person may be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> making a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrong decision and you>> want them>>> to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stick to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the right>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just as one can advise>> gemstones>>> to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protect>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the body,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are gemstones which>> can remove>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protection>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> body,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hence one should>> advise these>>>> wisely.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sanskrit word for>> gemstone is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> r/atna/ but>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> does not>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> literally>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mean gemstone, but can>> also>>> refer to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> treasure, jewel,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> precious stone, and is>> derived>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> word>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /ra-/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> meaning a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gift, goods, wealth or>> riches.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Monier->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Williams)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The word /ratna/>> specifically>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> refers to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nine>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> types of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> treasure or jewels>> namely mukta>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (pearl),>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vajra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (diamond),>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /padmara-ga/ (ruby),>>> /pushpara-ga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (topaz),>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indrani-la>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (clear/stainless>> sapphire),>>> marakata>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (emerald), vaidu->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rya>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (cats eye), vidruma>> (coral) and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gomeda>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (hessonite). />>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same reason the>> word /ratna/>>> also>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> means>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nine>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in vedic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> numerology. Pushpara->> ga has been>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> translated>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as Topaz by>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> most,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> however the Garuda>> Purana (Suta,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2007, p.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 174) does>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> state>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that different colours>> of the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /pushpara->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /can be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regarded>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as equal to>> the /indrani-la>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (sapphire) /or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /padmara-ga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (ruby)/. Therefore,>> among the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /indrani-la>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Sapphire) /we must>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> infer that certain>> shades (i.e.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yellow)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be regarded>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giving the effects of>>> /pushpara-ga />>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (topaz).>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hence,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whilst>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all sapphires fall in>> the same>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> group of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /indrani-la/ the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> colour of them being>> different>>> also>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> differentiates the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects of wearing>> them greatly.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Details>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> learned>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from the Garuda Purana>> in this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regard.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Deva are supposed>> to reside>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> particle of a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ratna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is clear, bright,>> without cracks>>> or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lines in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it and has>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unusual shades in it.>> Hence, the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wearing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ratna is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sake of keeping a Deva>> next to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protecting you.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ratnaka-raka>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ratna comes under the>> various>>> metals>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> known as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dhatu.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn and Ra-hu>> signify the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dhatu and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> among>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rules over>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ratna, whilst Mars>> rules over>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> earth,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn over the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> raw>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> minerals such as oil>> and irons>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whilst Ra->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rules over>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rare>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> metals such as Gold and>>> platinum.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hence,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is Ratna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ka->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> raka>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and divisional charts>> as>>> Somanatha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drekkana and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Somanatha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Navamsha are the most>> important>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to judge>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effect of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As specifically the>> Drekkana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> refers to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> karma and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> signified by ones>> hands, the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Somanatha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drekkana is apt>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> judge>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the effects of>> gemstones.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Specifically>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> divisional>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chart>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shows ones ojas and>> how one uses>>> it.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Strong>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ojas can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> grant>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fame,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and hence this>> divisional chart>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to see ones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> popularity as well as>> sexuality>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ojas is used.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Moon signifying all>>> gemstones is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also known>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as /gunatmaka/,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i.e .the self in the>> form of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /guna/ or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attributes.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hence to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> understand the effects>> of a>>> gemstone>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vis-a-vis other>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones we>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use the gunachakra.>> This is also>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other purposes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an integral part of>> Vedic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> numerology.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> explained>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> further below.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which finger to wear>> the>>> gemstone>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> understood>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vedic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Remedies in Astrology,>> by Sanjay>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rath.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> four fingers>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> represent>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> moksha, artha, dharma>> and ka-ma>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> respectively>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> middle, ring and>> little fingers.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No gem>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> finger as it risks>> blocking>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> moksha and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> increasing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ahamkara.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> following table has>> been culled>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same work.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Table 2: Finger and>> Ratna (Rath)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ratna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Finger>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ruby>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ring (3^rd from index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pearl>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ring or Little finger>> (3^rd or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4^th from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coral>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Middle or ring finger>> (2^nd or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3^rd from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Emerald>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Middle or little>> fingers (2^nd>>> or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4^th>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yellow Topaz/Yellow>> Sapphire>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ring (3^rd from index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Diamond>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ring (3^rd from index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blue Sapphire>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Middle or little>> finger (2^nd or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4^th>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hessonite>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Middle or little>> finger (2^nd or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4^th>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cats eye>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Middle or ring finger>> (2^nd or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3^rd from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Garuda Purana states>> that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> great good>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> human race and they>> have natural>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Naisargika)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> characteristics>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which will benefit>> everyone.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Example: a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lady>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wishing to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mother would benefit>> greatly>>> from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wearing a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pushpara-ga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (topaz)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or pokhraj (yellow>> sapphire).>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similarly a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> person having>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cancer>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should wear a diamond>> and recite>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mrtyunjaya>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mantra.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> natural>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indications of>> gemstones can be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> applied>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the effects are given>> in Garuda>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Purana.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Table 3: Ratna and>> Graha>>> (Dikshita,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1992, p.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.55)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Graha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ratna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Translation>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Padmara-ga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ruby>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mukta>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pearl>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vidruma>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coral>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Marakata>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Emerald>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pushpara-ga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yellow Topaz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Venus>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vajra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Diamond>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Indrani-la>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blue Sapphire>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rahu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gomeda>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hessonite>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ketu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vaidu-rya>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cats eye>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tradition is>> everything when it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comes to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> applying any>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advice and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hereunder is some of>> the advice>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that I>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gathered>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> teacher.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ratna should be>> advised based on>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fifth and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ninth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lords in the Rashi>> (D1) chart.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These are>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will support the>> native in their>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> purpose>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> life. The>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protects the head and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intelligence, the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fifth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protects>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hands>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and torso, whilst the>> ninth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protects the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legs, and hence>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> native will always>> select the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best path>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> life if the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the ninth lord is>> worn. Thus>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the ninth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord is the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> most>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> auspicious gemstone.>> This can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advise the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone for disease in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> particular parts>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the body.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Malefics placed in the>> ninth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house cause>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> misfortune,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> such>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cases reversal gems>> are advised.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Graha in 9^th>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gemstone advised>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ruby (pink ruby for>> ladies)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rähu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yellow Sapphire or>> Yellow Topaz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ketu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gold ring>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pearl>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gemstones of the>> sixth, eighth>>> or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> twelfth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house lords>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inauspicious and cause>> strife,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disease>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and loss>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> respectively and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should not be worn.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To both the above>> there are>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exceptions>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> occur on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> account of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yoga.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yoga and Sambandha>> (reference:>>> Atri>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Classes)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The graha give their>> effects by>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> affecting the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> four>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ayana or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> goals>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the person's life>> namely>>> dharma,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> artha,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ka-ma and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> moksha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> symbolised by the>> first, second,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> third or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fourth pada>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nakshatra, or fiery,>> earthy,>>> airy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> watery>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> signs>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> respectively.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When a graha is in>> parivartana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yoga with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> another, then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha will affect all>> four ayana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> former graha.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Therefore,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if the ninth lord is in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sixth lord>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone of the sixth>> lord>>> should be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similarly when a graha>> is yuti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> another>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it takes on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> three of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the four ayanas of the>> other>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha. Which>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> three ayana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> depends on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i) the particular>> grahas>>> Navamsha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sign>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ii)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the two signs>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adjacent>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that particular sign.>> Example:>>> If>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> joined Venus>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will give the effects>> of Venus.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In such a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case should>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placed in the Navamsha>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Capricorn then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would give>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects of Venus'>> Artha-ayana>>> due to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> being in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an earthy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Navamsha,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and further as the>> Navamsha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> before is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a fiery>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sign>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that after being an>> airy sign,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Sun>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Venus' dharma-ayana>> (fiery) and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ka-ma->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ayana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (airy) as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> well,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not the moksha-ayana>> (watery).>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If three or more graha>> join then>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interchange of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be decided based on>> the natural>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> benefic/malefic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indications>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the graha, viz. if>> Jupiter,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury join then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> highest malefic and>> highest>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> benefic will>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interchange>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> results,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thus causing Saturn>> and Jupiter>>> to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interchange results>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whilst>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury will give not>> give the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> results of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anyone.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similarly>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> apply>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this to conjunction of>> more>>> grahas.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The two remaining>> Sambandha,>>> viz.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Samdristi and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Parivartana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dristi are not taken>> into>>> account>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> purpose as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> affect two or one>> ayana among>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> full>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> four>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ayana of a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha, yet>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are still applied when>> timing>>>> events.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Va-rachakra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Table 4: Varachakra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Graha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 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be given to>> as those>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha are>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> causing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> excessive>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problems to the>> native. This>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> occurs when>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> another graha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> causing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an eclipse on that>> graha and>>> thus>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> denying it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of its>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> positive>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects. I.e. Sri>> Kashinatha>>> Rath>>>> was>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recalled to have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> given the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advice of wearing Ruby>> to a>>> Pisces>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagna, as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun was in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sixth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and Rähu was placed in>> the>>> tenth.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specific>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scenario>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> native was suffering>> on account>>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> repeated>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> battles.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reason being on>> account of Rähu.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> further>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> explained>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when a graha occupies>> the>>> Simhasana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bhavas>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (10^th ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1^st or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5^th>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in that order) that>> graha causes>>> an>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eclipse>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the third>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the order of the>> Varachakra.>>> Viz.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> order of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> weekdays>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> third graha from Rähu>> is the>>> Sun,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hence>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rähu is in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tenth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house the native will>> have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problems on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> account of the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placement and lordship>> of the>>> Sun in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their life.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similarly>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> among the Simhasana>> Bhava only>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placed>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fifth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then the placement and>> lordship>>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hampered.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Varachakra has>> many uses in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> matters>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jyotish, and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the logic behind many>> principles>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brighu Sutras.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunachakra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Table 1: Gunachakra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Graha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Guna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Satva>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rähu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rajas>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Venus>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ketu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tamas>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunachakra is applied>> somewhat>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> differently>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Varachakra.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If a Graha is>> inauspicious then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> choose>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to lock or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unlock>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its indications using>> the fourth>>> or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seventh>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha in the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gunachakra>> respectively.>>> Example:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cancer>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tumours are>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> caused>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by a malignant growth>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cancer-cells in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> body and is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> signified by an>> afflicted>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter. In the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunachakra the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fourth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha from Jupiter is>> Venus who>>> can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> block the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> spread of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cancer.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thus to remedy such a>> disease>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wearing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> diamond>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is advised>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> along>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with Mrtyunjaya mantra.>>> Similarly>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cause nervous>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> system>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issues such as>> Parkinsons and>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> likes,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to block>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issue>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a gemstone of Jupiter>> is advised>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> along>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mrtyunjaya>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bijas.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Should a graha already>> be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blocking the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> native>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in one>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aspect>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> life, then the>> unlocker (7^th>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha) is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> required. I.e.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Taurus lagna the lord>> Venus is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placed in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Libra, the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> native>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be bothered by>> constant disease>>> on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> account of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrong>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> application>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of intelligence.>> Therefore the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intellect>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be deemed>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> locked>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and wearing a Yellow>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Topaz/Sapphire is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similarly>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is very badly placed>> and has no>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ni-cha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bhanga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blue>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sapphire is advised as>> Saturn is>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seventh>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in weekday order and>> can unlock>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> negatives.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are undoubtedly>> more>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> applications>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunachakra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regard, reg.>> gemstones, yet>>> until>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> been>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> presented>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them, this is what I>> have to>>> share.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Somanatha Drekkana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Having ascertained the>> gemstone>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as per>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rashi chart>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> worthwhile to check the>>> Somana-tha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drekkana.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Herein>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lording>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the second house is a>> ma-raka to>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ojas in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the body>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> curtail health and>> sexuality.>>> This>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is therefore>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised, and neither>> is the lord>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> twelfth as this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sixth lord from the>> seventh>>> house>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> causing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> celibacy to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> partner. Similarly the>> sixth and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eighth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lords>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> affect the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> partner>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in a similar fashion>> and those>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> preferably>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be avoided. Advising>> the third>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord's>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gem can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> increase>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> person's libido>> significantly>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advising>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this gemstone>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be done thoughtfully.>> The gem of>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lagna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord is the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ensures good health>> and fame.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Apply this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advice>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intelligently.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hope this helps to>> share>>> insight.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti>> Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------->> --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - ---->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda./ <http://srigaruda./>> com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chandan486 skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ||aum namah shivaya||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dear visti,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> namaste.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well , the point that>> he landed>>>> into>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> troubles with the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advent of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rahu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dasa , makes more>> sense now ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but still>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> havent>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> answered .. is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mere conj enough to>> wear each>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other's>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones ? or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> real>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana that>> fulfils the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> condition>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemtsone>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exchange !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> however , first we>> need to>>> really>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> understand>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> , that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conjunction>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> actually makes>> planets behave>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like each>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> completely ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only do>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they give each others>> effects>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dasha ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and if conj makes>> planets>>> behave>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> each>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other ? then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what does>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana do ? does>> it also>>> do>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if not the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same , then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whats different abt a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a conj ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> humble regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chandan S sabarwal.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> . com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <srijagannat>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> h%40.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> com>,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <visti@> wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Chandan and>> Swee,>>> Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PV Narasimha Rao>> did see the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issues>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and jail>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> through his>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> third and eighth>> lord Maha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dasa of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars he was>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> untouched. It was>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> until Rahu Mahadasa>> that he>>> saw>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problems,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hence>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pointing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clearly>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that the wearing of>> the Coral>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> during>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mahadasa>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> perfect>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advise...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Afterall he became>> Prime>>> Minister>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> after>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wearing it!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> many can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> astrologers can>> boast of a>>> client>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attaining that once>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> following a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> remedial measure?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely,>> Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ ------->> -->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------- ----->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www:>> http://srigaruda.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda./>> <http://srigaruda./>> com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/ <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/ <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com/>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chandan Ssabarwal>> skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ||aum namah>> shivaya||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dear swee and>> visti,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> namaste !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> swee - you are>> right abt PV>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Narasimha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> going to jail>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and also>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> being>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> held up in>> litigation (6th>>>> house>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects) , that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eventually>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> came>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> came>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> upon unto him ,>> after some>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of his>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> own>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> party members>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> associates>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (mercury),>> accused him of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bribery>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> even showed>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> briefcase ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which he was>> actually>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> deliveered>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INR 10>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> million .>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti - when you>> mentioned>>> ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> red>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> coral is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> being>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> worn>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> simply based upon>> the conj>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10th>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> House ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> merc>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> being lagnesha ,>> i cannt>>>> somehow>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comprehend the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> basic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> theory>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> behind>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this ... and i>> still>>> remember>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reading>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> somehwere on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your website>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you mentioned ,>> only>>> complete>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana is actual>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exhange of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> houses>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and not simply>> conj....>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conj simply gives>> results>>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> each>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> others in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dasas's ... but>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> actual>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> potency and>> maleficience />>>>>>>>>>>>>>> benificience>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is based>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> upon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rasi />>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dasamasa !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> how could some>> one possibly>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advise a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone just>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> based upon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rasi and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not even consider>> damasa ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> especially>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when career>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> concerend ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> moreover , that>> Simhasana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yoga in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagna in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Narasimha's>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> somehow>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> makes me>> believe , it>>> should>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> been>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Emerald>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that he>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> worn and not the>> red coral>>> ...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also , mercury>> forms a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nipuna Yoga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Sun ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> once again>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> emerald.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i had always>> wanted to pick>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> up this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thing with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> glad swee>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bought>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it up !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> humbly yours,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chandan s>> sabarwal.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------->> --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------- -------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Add more friends to>> your>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> messenger and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enjoy!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Invite>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> now.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd. />> tagline_messenge>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> r_6/*http:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> //messenger. .c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd./tagline_messenger_6/*http://messenger..c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd./tagline_messenger_6/*http://messenger..c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd. />> tagline_messenge>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> r_6/*http:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> //messenger. .c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd./tagline_messenger_6/*http://messenger..c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd./tagline_messenger_6/*http://messenger..c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd. />> tagline_messenge>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> r_6/*http:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> //messenger. .c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd./tagline_messenger_6/*http://messenger..c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd./tagline_messenger_6/*http://messenger..c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd. />> tagline_messenge>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> r_6/*http:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> //messenger. .c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd./tagline_messenger_6/*http://messenger..c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd./tagline_messenger_6/*http://messenger..c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> om/invite/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- ->> -------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------- --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No virus 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maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.> Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'> (2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said > that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.> (3) Practice charity in thought and deed - do one free chart > reading today

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Dear Swee,


What is your personal openion on wearing gemstone on right hand vs left hand? Wearing a gemstone on left hand, what is the effect? Is the planet effects are deintensified?







On Behalf Of Swee ChanWednesday, January 21, 2009 4:32 PM Cc: Sohamsa ; Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?


Jaya Jagannatha


Dear JK,



No, not at all especially when Vaidurya (star sapphires) is being described. There are many maharatna and uparatnas that have the asteria effect. What is being described in Garuda Purana (a whole chapter) is actually Sapphires with the star effects. The article is now out in the January issue of JD.


Agni Purana advices that one wears it round the neck. The Visnu Dhamorttara states that the host rocks where emerald is extracted from, destroys all calamities of the King. Interestingly enough, Emeralds were never found in India until the 1800's and it was found out later, that it was Tourmaline. This gemstone is the one of its kind since it is piezoelectric - place iron filings on a piece of paper, rub the gemstone on the c axis in the green coloured ones and on the a axis on the pink and other colours. The black coloured ones were originally used in a smelting plant while the Scotsman used this recently in a power plant. The internal changes (when rubbed) is a storehouse of heat. You can literally feel your hand burn especially when placed under the Sun. Because of this, we tend to use black tourmaline for arthritic patients with great results. The schorl used has to have a perfect termination or else, we cannot get the expected results. Red Tourmaline has been used for healing victims of rape (conflict of tattva between rasi and trimsamsa, so taught in Hyderabad).

Both Garuda and Visnu Dhamottara also detail the description of the preferred trigonal crystal like some Sapphires (spindle shaped bipyramids) are those that project their "lustre" that spreads towards the Sun. It is therefore, not difficult to deduce that the "columnar" hexagonal shapes absorb (negativity). Can't get a better protection or blessing that this, can we?









On 21 Jan 2009, at 08:12, jk.dasgupta wrote:


Ok, but I always advice not to use gems with needle like or cloudy formations inside.




On Behalf Of Swee ChanTuesday, January 20, 2009 2:38 PM Cc: Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?



Jaya Jagannatha

Dear JK,



If I had your CAD software and could "draw" up the crystallography on gemstones, I would be able to present this in an article ;-)) The energy is modified by its crystallisation and the variation of "silk" or "veil" and not so much based on "needles" of foreign matter mixed with the minerals of the crystals. The ones with "cotton wool" effects naturally gives stomach upsets and is good only for a brief spell if nature's call is not at least twice a day. The ones that amplify are those of the sphatik family because of the nature of the termination (of the crystal).


Hope this brief makes sense.








On 20 Jan 2009, at 08:38, jk.dasgupta wrote:


Dear Swee,


How to understand if the gem will amplify or absorb. Can you throw more light on this?






On Behalf Of Swee ChanSaturday, January 03, 2009 2:32 PM Cc: ; sohamsa Subject: Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal charts ?


Jaya JagannathaDear Zoran and JK,Namaste> The point about gemstone is that it AMPLIFIES and does not> make the planet favourable.Not ALL gemstone amplify. The amplification is dependent on the matrix of the crystallisation itself and the minerals in them. They either amplify, absorb or direct their energies depending on the matrices etc.love,SweeOn 2 Jan 2009, at 16:54, ahimsavm wrote:> Om Namah Shivaya,> Dear Jk,> Thanks. You are right about VRY article. But from the other> teachings of Sanjayji and practical experience, as I told you, I do> not usually take the 3rd lord in VRY.Regarding the horoscope you> stated, just ignore the two first conditions of Rashi chart I gave> for stree jatak and focus on UL and curse of Sk in badhak.> Atmakaraka should always be CLEARED from Papas not strengthened. If> Ak is neecha in Navamsa and Vimsamsa,a person would be humble since> he/she has done a lot of sins in the past, and the soul wants to> redeem. The point about gemstone is that it AMPLIFIES and does not> make the planet favourable. It makes it strong. Last year in Jaimini> course, Sanjaji CLEARY stated that gemstone does not make planet> favourable but amplifies what it signifies in the chart. So for Ak> we usually use Jyotirling Mantras to make it favourable, or Ista> Devata mantra to help Atma find the path. As is the case, I would> not advise Emerald in this case.> Best wishes> Zoran Radosavljevic> www.siva-edu.info> www.ahimsazr1.wordpress.com>>>> Dear Zoki,>>>> Happy new year. We are fine here. Hope you all are fine. And we> too remember>> those nostalzic days during Mumbai conference. I hope such time> again and>> again in near future.>>>> You are right but, in the SJC lesson #5 for VRY - Sanjayji very> clearly>> declares 3rd house also as a dusthana.>>>> The person whose data I posted is a male. Unfortunately, in both> cases of>> myself and this person - the said planet lording 2 dusthanas are> AK also. If>> it can be considered a VRY in kendra, it has to show the results> in AK dasa>> only. So my logic is that, though AK dasa is known to cause> sufferings - in>> such cases the AK cannot be taken as the sole cause of suffering.>>>> My doubt is, if the AK is to be strenghtened in such cases - as> was done in>> case of PM PVR or to be left as it is?>>>> Regards,>>>> Jk>>>>>> >> > On>> Behalf Of ahimsavm>> Friday, January 02, 2009 9:32 AM>> >> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal> charts ?>>>>>> om Namah Shivaya,>> Dear Jk,>> I hope that you and your wife and family are fine. I still> remember>> our meetings and nice time together in Mumbai.>> Sanjayji has reffered even in the Crux that 3rd house is dustana,>> but "mild" dustana if it can be called that way. It creates>> struggles, troubles in mind and bad thoughts. However, from the>> point of upachaya, 3rd house can make you work till perfection> and>> help you create SHUKARMA, or very good karma, so in that sense I> do>> not take it seriously as dustana. There are a few rules about it:>> 1,If 3rd lord is friendly to the Lagnesha then it acts as> upachaya>> more>> 2. If there is Shoubhagya Yoga in 3rd house (benefic planets> there)a>> person is fortunate>> 3. We must always make a first step towards controlling the> negative>> things in the 3rd house (a concept of Krama), where for example,>> Cancer Lagna has to learn how to control a need for> perfectionalism>> of Kanya in 3rd, and Budha 3rd lord which gives lustfullness and>> irresponsibility, as well as speech and communication.>> For the purpose of Veepreta Yoga, I always take Yoga (yuti) of>> dustana lords in kendra/kona with the transfer to lagnesha or>> Atmakaraka in 2nd type of Veepreta. What you stated about the> chart>> is the typical effect of Budha Atmakaraka dasha. It is further in>> dhanu navamsa, so there has been a horrible impact on her dharma> and>> marriage. There are visible combinations for widowhood, yet the>> chart would then probably require Navamsa correction. From the>> rashi, here are a few:>> 1. If the 9th lord is infleunced by 8th lord in Shri Jataka, a> women>> will becoma a widow.We can see that neech Rahu aspects 9th lord> as>> 8th lord and Upapada Lord. Even shani other 8th lord has rashi>> dristi on 9th lord.>> 2. If chandra is in 9th from Arudha or placed in Arudha of the> 9th>> house a women will pray to Sri Krisna for longevity of husband.> That>> implies that a husband may die early if other indications agree.>> 3. Lord of the 2nd from Upapada is debiliated in Rashi and in>> Vyayamsa.>> Hope this helps>> Best wishes>> Zoran Radosavljevic>> www.siva-edu.info>> www.ahimsazr1.wordpress.com>>>> , budhhiyogo@ wrote:>>>>>> Dear shri Dasgupta,>>> Page 62(7.4) item (5) & (6) of Vedic Astrolgy; an>> integrated approach by PVR Narasimha Rao cassifies H 3,6,10,,11> as>> Upachayas and H 6,8,12 as "Dusthanas". You are considering H3 an>> Upachaya as Dusthana. Is it backed by parampara. Thanks.>>> Rajendra Asthana>>> Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel>>>>>> >>> "jk.dasgupta" <jk.dasgupta@>>>>>>> Thu, 1 Jan 2009 15:53:04>>> >>> RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on> divisonal>> charts ?>>>>>>>>> Dear Asthana,>>>>>> Capri lagna, Jup is lord of 12th & 3rd. Cancer lagna, Mer is> lord>> of 12th & >>> 3rd.. like that>>>>>> Regards>>>>>> Jk>>>>>> >>> >> On>>> Behalf Of budhhiyogo@>>> Thursday, January 01, 2009 1:29 PM>>> >>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on>> divisonal charts ?>>>>>>>>> Shri dasgupta,>>> Please think over it. No single planet can be lord of two>> dusthanas at>>> same point of time. Would you kindly point out any example in> view.>>> Regards,>>> Rajendra Asthana>>>>>> Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------->> --------->>> -->>> "jk.dasgupta">>> Thu, 1 Jan 2009 13:21:38 +0530>>> >>> RE: [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on>> divisonal charts ?>>>>>>>>>>>> As fas as my understanding goes, same palnet being lord of 2>> dusthanas>>> also constitue VRY.>>>>>> take my own case.>>>>>> 15.09.1947>>> 15:57 pm>>> Calcutta>>>>>> 12L & 3L Jup is in 10H. Jup is not strong but the VRY worked to>> some>>> extent and Jup being my AK, I also suffered to some extent. In> Jup->> Ven Dasa>>> (Jup in Ven house) my diect boss had to resign due to politics>> within>>> company. After that I was targetted as his person and I also> had>> to resign>>> by 1992 end in Jup-Ven-Rahu. My boss fell, but I did not get> any>> benefit as>>> Jup is not strong and also may be by the VRY AK it self is> getting>>> destroyed. So I also had to resign & started my business. Since>> then I am>>> still struggling :-). Definitely what happened, was not very> good>> for me.>>>>>> That is why I am skeptic in case of this person. Some> astrologer>> has asked>>> him to wear an Emerald. But I asked him not to wear it. But is>> there any way>>> to transfer the VRY benefit to the person? His Mer MD is on> till>> July'2009.>>> May be, nothing can be done after that.>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>> Jk>>>>>>>>> >>> >> On>>> Behalf Of Anurag Sharma>>> Thursday, January 01, 2009 12:55 AM>>> >>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on divisonal>> charts ?>>>>>>>>>>>> |Om Shreem Vishnave Namah|>>>>>> Dear JK Ji,>>>>>> As I had stated in the initial email, this is one's own chart>> (my chart)>>> given below. I agree, the Vimshottari Dasha of either of the> two>> Dusthana>>> Lords can precipitate the VRY. However, some indications have> come>> with the>>> maturity age of Shani, of course only relatively, but> importantly>> in context>>> of the fact that ALL Moola Dashas since birth except a very> tiny>> window of>>> couple of years involved the Shrapa. Moola Dashas have been>> calculated from>>> all three of Lagna, Surya and Chandra as reference.>>>>>> Is there VRY in the chart you have posted? Is the lordship of>> two>>> Dusthanas sufficient to constitute Yoga? In my view, there is> no>> question>>> that the Moon is to be strengthened. It is Lagnesh in the 9th>> House from the>>> AL and aspects the 11th from the AL with Rashi Drishti. The> Jatak>> ought to>>> be advised to remedy the curse of Moon (rather than that of> Venus,>>> primarily) in view of Sanjay Ji's latest teaching that the most>> afflicted>>> Graha constitutes the main curse. He has now opined (to Rafal,> I>> think) that>>> the Brahman Shrapa in Sri Rama's chart is not primary but> Kalatra>> Shrapa.>>>>>> Somanath Jyotirlinga and after that a pearl could be a fair>> way to>>> proceed.>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>> Anurag Sharma>>>>>> http://www.planetarytransformation.blogspot.com>>>>>>>>> , "jk.dasgupta">> <jk.dasgupta@>>>> wrote:>>>>>>>> Dear Anurag,>>>>>>>> In this chart, Langa lord and AK Sun is conjoined the VRY. So>>> definitely the>>>> power is being transfered to the native. His Moon dasa has>> aleardy>>> passed,>>>> but Sat dasa is going to start in sept, 2013. In my view,>> his VRY>>> should get>>>> activated then. Moon is already exaulted and very strong and>> Sat is>>> also in>>>> friend's house.>>>>>>>> I did post another chart few days back.>>>>>>>> DOB-17.05.1973>>>> TOB-11:30 AM>>>> Place-Mumbai (India)>>>>>>>> No body has commented on this chart. Cancer Asc. 12L & 3L>> Mer in>>> Aries. Mer>>>> is AK also. Though Mer has rashi dristi on lagna lord Moon,>> but Mer>>> being>>>> AK, will not the native be destroyed himself by the VRY? His>> Mer dasa>>> is on>>>> and he is already in a bit trouble and confused due to death>> of his>>> business>>>> partner in an accident, and thinking of closing the>> business. What is>>> the>>>> advice here? Should his Mer be strenghtened or the debilated>> Moon be>>>> strenghtened or it should left as it is, because>> strenghtening Mer>>> will>>>> further worsen the situation.>>>>>>>> Regards>>>>>>>> Jk>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>> >>> On>>>> Behalf Of Anurag Sharma>>>> Tuesday, December 30, 2008 8:34 PM>>>> >>>> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Choosing gemstone on>> divisonal charts ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |Om Shreem Vishnave Namah|>>>>>>>> Dear Visti & Rafal,>>>>>>>> Namaskar.>>>>>>>> This VRY in Kendra is an interesting Yoga and occurs in>> one's chart in>>> the>>>> 10th House. (11th June, 1972; 10:17:56 AM; Cuttack, Orissa,>> India). It>>>> causes the downfall of an ally, perhaps a seeming ally with>>> improvements in>>>> one's own situation. Here neither Shani nor Chandra have>> Digbal but>>> the>>>> Lagnesh and AK Surya does. Of course the VRY is also Shani->> Chandra>>> Yoga in>>>> 10th House.>>>>>>>> After the end of the string of Moola Dashas (Lagna, Sun, Moon>>>> computation), involved in the Curse, life began to change in>> accord>>> with>>>> the Yoga (VRY and Shani-Chandra).>>>>>>>> Here there is no need for Ratna as Surya is not impacted by>> the Yuti.>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>> Anurag Sharma>>>>>>>> http://www.planetarytransformation.blogspot.com>>>>>>>>>>>> , Visti Larsen visti@>> wrote:>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>> In case of a VRY in a Dusthana its enemies destroying each>> other.>>> This>>>>> is good whether or not you are picking up the pieces after>> them.>>>>> But, in Kendra when a VRY occurs then a title or position>> is vacant>>> in>>>>> your own support group and therefore the Lana is important>> in such a>>>> case.>>>>> Theres a difference between Raja Yoga and Raja Sambandha>> yoga. In>>> the>>>>> former you are the leader and in the latter you associate>> with the>>>>> leader or work for the leader. Some people will consider>> both as>>> being>>>>> quite good, but Raja Sambandha yoga does not guarantee>> leadership in>>>> itself.>>>>>>>>>> Having said that you must now appreciate why the VRY in a>> Kendra>>> must be>>>>> strong, and not weak like the VRY in a Dusthana. The>> reason being>>> that>>>>> if the dusthana lords are not strong in Kendra then they>> will cause>>>>> rajbhanga yoga, as you have also written in your article.>>>>>>>>>> Thus, if they are weak in Kendra then the person them self>> will also>>>>> fall especially if the Lagna is associated, as in that>> case you are>>> also>>>>> the target of the event which causes the fall, i.e. PV>> Narasimha was>>> the>>>>> main target of many accusations of corruption and the>> likes.>>>>>>>>>> Therefore, strengthening one of the Dusthana lords would>> save his>>>>> Lagnesh from falling as then the VRY would be strong in>> Kendra!>>>>>>>>>> Is there anything in the last three paragraphs of what I>> have>>> written>>>>> that doesn't make sense?>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>> ---------->>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>> Rafal G skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji,>>>>>> Yes, but that should also be in the cases of other yogas>> where the>>>>>> title/responsibility is also given like 2L in 10H? Or>> you mean its>>> for>>>>>> all yogas ? Why this is not important for dusthana type>> of VRY?>>> There>>>>>> is also 'title' to get from the struggle.>>>>>> Regards>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Elementy potencjalnie niebezpieczne zosta³y zablokowane.>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>> I think I'm mixing some Danish words into my vocabulary.>>>>>> The English mantel is a fire place, so just forget that>> word.>>>>>> I mean to say that the actual title or responsibility is>> given to>>>>>> the person only through the Lagna/Lagnesha and Argala is>> not>>>>>> enough. Similarly Lagna (or Lagnesha) is important for>> the Yogadas>>>>>> to happens, i.e. when GL and HL associate with a graha,>> and argala>>>>>> is not enough in such cases.>>>>>> Does that make sense to you?>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>> ---------->>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:>>>>>>> Dear Guruji,>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My dictionary didnt found this word Mantel.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>>>> Your application of Argala is right, but when there is>> VRY in>>>>>>>> Kendra to Lagna then the friend has fallen and the>> MANTEL has to>>>>>>>> be given away to someone else.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If we rely solely on Argala then the VRY will be>> experienced and>>>>>>>> the native will also have fame in the situation but>> the MANTEL>>>>>>>> will not be given to the native. I.e. instead of being>> Prime>>>>>>>> Minister he could be the husband of the Prime Minister>> or the>>>>>>>> secretary of the Prime Minister.>>>>>>>> Thats why in case of VRY in Kendra the Lagna must be>> associated.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Satisfied with this explanation? If so I can go on to>> the next>>>>>>>> explanation.>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>> ---------->>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji, Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding the enjoyment of yoga it should have argala>> on AL,L>>>>>>>>> (Lagnesh),AK - so seems same for all yogas.>>>>>>>>> Why VRY should have special case here?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------->>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>> Regarding the Somanath Drekkana please check your>> personal>>> email.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Right now I'm explaining a case of Yuti for>> gemstones, so lets>>>>>>>>>> get over this hurdle first.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Firstly, do you understand that when VRY occurs in a>> Kendra>>>>>>>>>> then it has to be associated with Lagna/Lagnesha for>> the>>>>>>>>>> native to enjoy it?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>> ---------->>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji, Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VRY shows that from bad event native is raising.>> This bad>>>>>>>>>>> event is related to friends in Kendra as it shows>> our>>>>>>>>>>> support. One enemy is hitting the other enemy>> therefore>>>>>>>>>>> native rises,>>>>>>>>>>> its similar to dusthana lord being weak in Navamsa.>> Now if>>>>>>>>>>> Lagnesh and 6L (for example Scorpio) is weak in>> Navamsa then>>>>>>>>>>> its good for sixth lord but bad for Lagnesh. Based>> on that I>>> cant>>>>>>>>>>> understand why you said its only Lagnesh karakatwa>> gets>>>>>>>>>>> hit..not the lordship - native. Regarding>> debilitated planet>>>>>>>>>>> - it would not be good idea to strengthed it if its>> dusthana>>>>>>>>>>> lord as then the>>>>>>>>>>> Lagnesh is associated with strong enemy. Even if>> the yuti>>>>>>>>>>> avastha hits the Lagnesh we should do it in the way>> that it>>>>>>>>>>> helps the Lagnesh, here strenghting Coral could be>> good for>>>>>>>>>>> destroying 12L,>>>>>>>>>>> but I dont see any reason why the Lagnesh is spared>> from>>>>>>>>>>> destruction. I can only depend on your teachings>> regarding 2H>>>>>>>>>>> in D3..you said its also related to health issues.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When we use yuti and when parivartana for the gems?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------->>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>> Answers to each of your points.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a. Get Lesson 5 from Varahamihira. If you don't>> have access>>>>>>>>>>>> then talk to Sarajit.>>>>>>>>>>>> Your logic is fine for VRY in a DUSTHANA... not so>> for>>>>>>>>>>>> Kendra as in Kendra the VRY has to transfer its>> energy to>>>>>>>>>>>> the Lagna somehow otherwise the native will not>> enjoy the>>>>>>>>>>>> Rajayoga. Therefore how can we say that VRY in a>> Kendra>>>>>>>>>>>> associated with the Lagna will destroy the Lagna>> if it MUST>>>>>>>>>>>> be associated with Lagna to give the Rajayoga to>> begin with?>>>>>>>>>>>> Right the logic is flawed and thats because the>> natural>>>>>>>>>>>> significance of the Lagnesh will instead be hit,>> i.e. in>>>>>>>>>>>> case of Mercury a friend or colleague will fall.>>>>>>>>>>>> Does my earlier mail make more sense now? Compare>> this to>>>>>>>>>>>> the article you wrote on Rajbhanga Yoga.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> b. Thats right. Arudha shows ones fame just for>> this life>>>>>>>>>>>> and that fame dies with ones body, or the objects>> one>>>>>>>>>>>> creates i.e. like Van Gogh being known for his art>> but not>>>>>>>>>>>> really the rest of his life.>>>>>>>>>>>> The Lagna gives LASTING fame even beyond death for>> ones>>>>>>>>>>>> actions so therefore both Lagna and Arudha Lagna>> do give>>>>>>>>>>>> fame and the strong Moon in Kendra to either is>> supposed to>>>>>>>>>>>> grant fame in some way. The extent of this fame is>> a>>>>>>>>>>>> separate issue.>>>>>>>>>>>> Therefore again for a Vishnu Avatara a basic>> requirement is>>>>>>>>>>>> that the Moon is on the Lagna (in same Tara- refer>> Brhat>>>>>>>>>>>> Nakshatra).>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c. 'Afflict' is not the right word for second>> house in S3. I>>>>>>>>>>>> know I have written about the second house in>> Somanath>>>>>>>>>>>> Drekkana and shown its usage with charts of the>>>>>>>>>>>> Shankaracharyas of Kamakoti Math as well as>> others. Possibly>>>>>>>>>>>> was it in my book or somewhere else? Do find it as>> that>>>>>>>>>>>> would clarify in more detail what the second house>> does.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> d. See a. Point is that if he didn't strengthen>> Mars then>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury would fall as a result of Mars not being>> exalted or>>>>>>>>>>>> in any high dignity, i.e. there would be Rajbhanga>> yoga if>>>>>>>>>>>> he didn't strengthen Mars, and this would be felt>> in his>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagnesh. In essence its like Lagnesh being joined a>>>>>>>>>>>> debilitated planet so we strengthen the weak>> planet to make>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagnesh happy. This is not the same as being in>> planetary>>>>>>>>>>>> war or the likes.>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------->>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji, Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a. VRA destroys the planets its yuti..Venus for>>>>>>>>>>>>> inlaws..Guru for own family [cova]. Based on that>> Lagnesh>>>>>>>>>>>>> is afflicted and its sustanence should be rescued>> by>>>>>>>>>>>>> emerald not by strenghting>>>>>>>>>>>>> the enmity graha..as it will hit the Budha->> Lagnesh-Native.>>>>>>>>>>>>> its ok for rajayoga but native is also destroyed>> here.>>>>>>>>>>>>> Instead if there is Rajayoga we can help through>>>>>>>>>>>>> strenghting the dispositor - here it would help>> native and>>>>>>>>>>>>> bring the rajayoga. Or strenghting otherwise>> rajayoga and>>>>>>>>>>>>> help the Budha for being spoilt by the naisargika>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>> temporal malefic for Budha and for Kanya.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> b. I thought Arudha shows for what native is>> wellknown.>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jananivasa case...Lagnesh with Rahu/Sun/Mars..he>> is known>>>>>>>>>>>>> by art and Shukra is in AL>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c. Ojas is related to health not only sexuality.>> So giving>>>>>>>>>>>>> the gem of 2H in D3 afflicts the ojas..final>> substance>>>>>>>>>>>>> coming out from Dhatus placed in heart and being>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>> essence of life per C.Samhita.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> d. Once you give the arguments about yuti and>> then about>>>>>>>>>>>>> strenghting Mangal..I am confused.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> My logic says it was very bad choice..where I>> went wrong>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the logic.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal and Chandan, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 points need to be raised.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I) I haven't changed my statement reg. the yuti->> exchange.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> II) What you will be known for is seen from your>> lagna or>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its lord. So in the case of PV Narasimha Rao the>> Lagna>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord is Mercury in Bhadra Mahapurusha Yoga in>> Gemini>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (trade and contracts) and he will be known for>> some very>>>>>>>>>>>>>> daring reforms in the business and finance>> sector. You>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cannot be known for your achievements if the>> Lagnesh is>>> weak.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Further, for a Vipareet Raja Yoga in Kendra to>> Lagna to>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work the Grahas involved must be strong and>> associated>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the Lagnesh.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Combine these factors and see in his case that>> the VRY is>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indeed joined the Lagnesh, but since the grahas>> (Mars and>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun) are not particularly strong in Gemini then>> once the>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vipareet Raja Yoga works then his Lagnesh ALSO>> will be>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pulled down and suffer. I.e. both he and Rajiv>> Gandhi>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would suffer.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hence, had he not strengthen Mars by wearing>> that Coral>>>>>>>>>>>>>> his Lagnesh Mercury would have suffered very>> badly as Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>> needed to be made strong to make him survive the>> VRY.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Therefore he was also during his tenure going>> through a>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lot of tribulations and people didn't think he>> would last>>>>>>>>>>>>>> his tenure as Prime Minister.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So the Coral actually saved him during his>> tenure. The>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jyotisha who advised him this gemstone was>> brilliant>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indeed. In fact if I'm not wrong he continued>> the legacy>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of Rajiv Gandhi regarding the financial reforms,>> hence his>>>>>>>>>>>>>> perseverance in politics ended up in favour of>> his>>>>>>>>>>>>>> predecessor. In fact had he not continued then>> who knows>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what would have happened to all that implemented>> by Rajiv.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hope this clarifies once again.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------->>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chandan486 skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ||aum namah shivaya||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Visti,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Namaste.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Should we really advise gems of grahas causing>> VRY ? As>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> far as im>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aware of , gems of grahas causing VRY should>> never be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised , as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VRY itself indicates fall / loss of somebody>> else for the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> native to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gain..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So wearing the gemstone of a graha causing VRY>> is akin to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> killing somebody for your own good ! How>> Rajasic and non->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sattwic is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that!! ? We can get what we want in this life>> through all>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gems , but we are definately asnwerable for our>> karma in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the next>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> life !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So i dont think wearing a gemstone of a graha>> causing VRY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is a good>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> idea since youre indirectly strengthening the>> damage>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> caused to some>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> body else !! How sane is it ? and as>> jyotisa's , its our>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> responsibility to show people the right sattwic>> way !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am really clear about this ! Maybe PV>> Narasimha rao>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> became PM ,but>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if that coral caused somebody to die , so that>> his VRY>>> could>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> flourish , how sane and dharmic is that ? cmon !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Instead of fixing flaws flaws in his chart ,>> somebody>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> made his>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> negative yogas all the more stronger , not>> fair !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> humble regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chandan s sabarwal.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <%40>, Rafal>> Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> starsuponme@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji, Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok, so Coral is strenghting vipareet rajayoga>> but gives>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arudha and Bhadra (naisargika and tatkalika>> enemy), so>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there is no>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti-exchange?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If there is yuti-exchange when/where we>> should apply it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and where>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only parivartana as that is not clear?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com <http://rohinaa.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am citing Guruji on all these matters>> based on Atri>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> classes and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> previous lessons. For those who have access>> to the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Varahamihira>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> list>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there is a lesson called Vipareet Raja Yoga>> which is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lesson 5,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this example is also cited yet from a>> different>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> perspective.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Apply the Somanath Drekkana rules wisely.>> At the age>>> when>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Narasimha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was taking his seat as PM he cannot be said>> to be>>> very>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sexually>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> active, hence of what concern is the second>> house in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> S3? Hence I>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the end of my write up that these>> principles for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the S3 need>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intelligently applied.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding Vipareet Raja Yoga, when Dusthana>> lords>>> join>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kendra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they need to be strong, and a vital problem>> in the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chart was that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is combust by the Sun in this chart within>> one>>> degree.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hence>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> another>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reason that he was advised the Coral to>> strengthen>>> Mars.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now, when a Graha is causing durbhagya>> (malefic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aspecting/joining>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ninth house), duryoga or lord of the sixth>> house do>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not wear its>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone by any chance.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Instead when its causing Rajayoga it can be>> worn.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>> <http://srigaruda.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji , Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. For VRA in Kendra planets must be>> strong. Gemini>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rasi is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> similar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to Cancer Rasi for Mangal avastha.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. If 8L is weak then enemy is weak and it>> gives>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rajayoga,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> strenghting the Lagnesh should be the case>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as Sanjayji did in VRA example (see my>> previous>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case), not the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8L ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enemy. You can say that there>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are exchanging the power due to yuti but>> its not the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gems>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as Sanjayji example is indicating.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. To strenghted the native in battle gems>> of Lagna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that is the rule of Sanjayji based>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on Saravali or Phaldeepika. No yuti rule>> for gems>>> per>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> teachings.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4. If planet is afflicted or weak then the>> gem>>> should>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stronger - its good yoga. Lagnesh in Tenth,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so we should not strength the affliction>> but the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> native! No yuti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rule>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for gems per your teachings.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars is in 2H in D3 and in 1/7 axis from>> AL!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com <http://rohinaa.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In the chart of Narasimha a Vipareet>> Rajayoga is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> occuring in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tenth house but is conjoined the lagna>> lord showing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that when>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rajayoga happens he also may fall.>> Therefore his>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bhadra yoga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> becomes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> useless and risks jailtime by>> strengthening it as>>> it is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conjoined>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> two malefics by lordships and natural>> significance.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So to strengthen his Bhadra Yoga and>> lessen the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> malificence of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> VRY he was advised a Red Coral as Mercury>> and Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are the most>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> benefic and most malefic grahas>> respectively and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will exchange>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> results.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why not emerald? Because of Mercury's>> severe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> affliction and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> curse>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which would end up giving the results of>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vipareet yoga on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> himself. And it almost did as a bunch of>> lawsuits>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> were launched>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on him.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So finally its because they do exchange>> results,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> point is that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exchange of results would not be good if>> in a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> malefic house.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I.e.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> imagine VRY in the eighth house. Here the>> principle>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is that the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lordships of the most benefic grahas will>> sufer, so>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if Mercury,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and Sun were in the eighth house in this>> chart he>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> personally>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suffer a lot by wearing a Coral.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So finally the house placement must also>> be good.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Specifically>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and tenth will also benefit longevity.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Notably when VRY occurs in a Kendra house>> a friend>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> falls.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagnesh>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there threatens ones own fall also (hence>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> remedy). And so>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> happened in a bomb blast (Mars+Sun+Rahu)>> through>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which his>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> colleague>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rajiv Gandhi could not continue anymore in>>> politics,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and they>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> looked to Narasimha as a leader.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It happened after his retirement because>> of Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (also Varesha)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the tenth.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------->> ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>> <http://srigaruda.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji, Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why in Lagna/Tenth it would be good? Its>> still>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dusthana lord>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kendra - kind of duryoga per Phaldeepika.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can I finally get the answer why Coral>> is good for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Narasimha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rao?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As the more mails the things are more>> complicated.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com <http://rohinaa.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now your getting it. See that its not>> always good>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to give the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conjoined gemstone as it can bring>> problems, and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we cannot do>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blindly.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also in the example you cited of Moon>> and Sun>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> joined for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pisces>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagna, there is a similar dilemma as>> the Sun in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> such a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> combination>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can increase enmity and such sixth>> house problems>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> depending>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placement. Therefore in the example you>> gave if>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the two were>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> joined in the sixth, eighth or twelfth>> house then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wearing a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ruby>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is a big NONO. Especially if the person>> is born>>> on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a Monday>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sunday it would horrible for the health.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Instead if joined in the Lagna or tenth>> house it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would prove>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> excellent and also increase longevity.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If the two are in planetary war then>> there is no>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doubt, i.e.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cause the war to be lost by a graha>> lording a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trikona by>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wearing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the other grahas gemstone.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So your right. Yuti is not the rule ->> by itself>>> as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if such a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> combination is badly placed it would be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> devastating to wear>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> such a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------->> --->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.com>> <http://srigaruda.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rajarishi , Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Page 345/346 VRA. To ensure winning>> the battle>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sanjyaji>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> perscribes gem signified by Lagnesh.>> Here Shukra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagnadhipati is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conjoined Budha, but still>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the choice is on Diamond, not Emerald>> (Budha is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6L). Based>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that we see that yuti is not the rule,>> therefore>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we cant say>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coral was good for Narasimha Rao>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as it gives results of Bhadra yoga as>> it is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> opposite to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> previous>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> teachings and examples.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa.com <http://rohinaa.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rajarshi nandy pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have been trying to follow this>> excahnge of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mails and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> getting>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a little confused. You said:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /So far I have seen Sanjayji never>> recommend>>> gem>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> based on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when it comes to trikona lords/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you mean when there is ANY yuti>> between>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trikona lord and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other lord OR only trikona and>> dusthana lord?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Regards>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rajarshi>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *The upsurge (of consciousness) is>> Bhairava ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shiva Sutra*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> */>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- On *Thu, 18/12/08, Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /starsuponme@/*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz starsuponme@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re:>> Choosing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> divisonal charts ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <%40>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thursday, 18 December, 2008,>> 6:25 PM>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Chandan, Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So far I have seen Sanjayji never>> recommend gem>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> based on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti when it comes to trikona lords.>> Its also>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hard to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if person is spiritual or not, after>> all dharma>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is not only connected to spirituality>> but also>>> to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> marriage,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> progeny, social values etc - big>> parts of life>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> materialists.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When we see examples in Nakshatra>> book then we>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> know how>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> much>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attention Sanjayji places towards so>> called>>>> temporal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> malefics - here Mangal is definitely>> temporal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> malefic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and it will give problems to Bhadra>> and tenth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bhava. If>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use only parivartana for gems then>> based solely>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> principle advising Coral is quite>> unfortunate>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> decision.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arudha will jump to tenth and Mangal>> will hit>>> it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as its>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dominated by Budha and Mangal is>> enemy in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> naisargika and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tatkalika sambandha here. So its>> badly placed>>> by>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lordship,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sambandha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and placement from AL. So Coral is>> worst.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> More to this Mangal is 8L in D2 (Kn)>> giving>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> poverty and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sits>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in 2H in D3 (Sn).>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What special rule I have omitted>> which conquers>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bad>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which Mangal gives here?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OR>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we accept yuti principle again..and>> then Ruby>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun+Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for Meena Lagna..but as I never said>> Sanjayji>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> did it.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- -------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa. com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chandan486 pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ||aum namah shivaya||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal , Zoran and Visti,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Namaste.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have been reading the constant>> discussions>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> between>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and you>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> two and glad that rafal did post PV>> Narasimha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rao's>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> details.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Based on the artcile Visti wrote>> yesterday and>>> my>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> personal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chart>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> analysis of PV Narasimha Rao , im>> going to>>> explain>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what i>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seem to be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> correct about the advise for a Red>> Coral.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.as Visti mentioned , Yuti>> exchanges 3/4>>> ayanas ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can be seen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from Navamsa to determine which 3 of>> 4 have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exchanged.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now in this particular case , as>> Mangal and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Merc. have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conjoined ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mangal occupies an airy namavsa , so>> based on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the ones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adjacent to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it , those ayanas will get exchanged.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This gives us 3 ayanas viz.>> Capricorn - Artha>>> ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Aquarius ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kama and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pisces - Moksha.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similarly for Merc. it occupies>> Gemini , so>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adjacent to it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> get exhanged , viz Tauras - Artha ,>> Gemini ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kaama and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cancer ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moksha ..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The only Pada / ayana that does not>> get>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exchanged due>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dharma and since we are prescribing>> gemstone>>> for a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> political leader>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and not a spiritualist , we can>> safely ingore>>> this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ayana .>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So , safely a Red Coral can and>> should be>>> advised.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moreover , in the Rasi chart , Mars>> has Dig>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bala which>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zoran already>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mentioned and it also has 7th house>> argala on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GL , with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nothing to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> obstruct.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also in Dasamsa, Mangal again has>> Sukhagrala>>> on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GL,which>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anyways is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more powerful than the>> virodhargals , so>>> mangal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> argala>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prevails.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Also , maybe we missed to>> notice , lagnesha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Merc is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Varki ..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Recommending a gemstone for a Vakri>> planet is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> good>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> idea , as it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only increases the power of>> retrogression ,>>> hence>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> coral is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> choice ,both by Rasi and Dasamsa.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think i made a pretty neat>> assemement.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Comments Please !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> humble regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chandan S Sabarwal.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <%>> 40>, Rafal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <starsuponme@ ...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Zoranji , Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please dont make me a fool. When I>> have>>> asked>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> why>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coral>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> answer was:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just as Dasas exchange effects of>> conjoined>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Grahas>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so do>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Does>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that clarify?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- --------- --------- ---->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now you are stating again that it>> is only>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> June 28, 1921>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Time: 12:49:00>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Time Zone: 5:16:36 (East of GMT)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Place: 79 E 09' 00", 18 N 26' 00">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In that chart I dont see any>> parivartana and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mangal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> third and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eight>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord, so the question is the same :>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a) either you say its yuti and>> then for>>> Meena>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and Surya>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we perscribe Ruby>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> b) its only for parivartana and>> then why>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coral for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Narasimha Rao?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If there is no answer to this>> simple>>> question>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> admit it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> please dont make me a fool that I>> am>>> repeating>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> myself.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- -------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa. com>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- -------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa. com>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ahimsavm pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Om Namah Shivaya,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What Visti and myself are saying>> is the>>> same.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti has>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> very>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> precisely explained, that with>> yuti Three>>> pada>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects are>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reversed,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so one pada or leg is remained>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uninfluenced. So,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if we>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> subsitute>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gem with planet conjoined, you>> are not>>> fully>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reversing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> signification, since one pada of>> dharma>>>> remains>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> uninfluenced. So,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana is stronger than>> yuti, for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ekapada.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Only in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Full>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reversal (Parivartana) , I have>> seen>>> Sanjayji>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recommending the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> change>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of a stone. A person was Makara>> Lagna with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shani>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in 5th>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shukra in 2nd house, so there was>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shani>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and Shukra.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Since Shukra was badly hit in>> the second>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sanjayji>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recommended>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Neelam for Shani to give the>> effects of>>> Shukra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specifically. This>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> further very wise choice since>> Shani rules>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lagna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as well.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best wishes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zoran Radosavljevic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.siva-edu. info>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.ahimsazr1. wordpress. com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @>> . com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <%>> 40>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <srijagannat h%>> 40. com>,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <starsuponme@ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji, Zoranji, Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The whole disussion is about>> if we use>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the other>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gem>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> based on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivarta. First it was>> parivartana then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you say>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti, now>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zoran says its for parivartana>> only>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> again. If>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ninth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord is with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shani>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its durbhagya but in the>> period of 9L as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti graha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shani>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work, based on that using>> Neelam will>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> strenghten>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yuti graha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9L so getting out of durbhagya.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How Pearl can be good for>> Mangal if its>>> lord>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> neecha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sign ? How>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> perscribe 6L gem?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zoran said: " However, this>> substitution>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of gems>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be done>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ONLY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PARIVARTANA. ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How then Coral could be good>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Narasimha Rao?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Or I have missed something?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- -------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa. com>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa. com>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How can you give Nilam if>> Shani is>>> yuti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ninth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That would>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> durbhagya wouldn't it? Thats>> one of>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> main>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> points>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that Zoki>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rising here.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- ------>> --->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------- ---->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda. com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/ <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ahimsavm skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Om Namah Shivaya,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rafal,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What Visti has written about>>> Sambhanda is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> correct.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> substitution of gems can be>> done ONLY>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PARIVARTANA. If you>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> let us say Mangal and Shani>> yuti for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Meena, I>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would never>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> prescribe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Neelam or Blue Sapphire>> unless Moon>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placed>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8th house.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case I would prefer Light>> Blue>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sapphire for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> health.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The better way out is to>> take Ruby>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would block the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shani>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and improve Mangal.>> However, in such>>> a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Surja>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> good>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realtionship with Lagnesha>> Guru.>>> Another>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> possibility is MOti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Pearl), which according to>> Veepreta>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is very>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> good>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for Mangal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also Good for Shani.>> Otherwise you>>> may>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> risk>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rise of bad>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> luck.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Actually, it will depend on>> Shani>>> Mangal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placement>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chart.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best wishes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zoran Radosavljevic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.siva-edu. info>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www.ahimsazr1. wordpress.>> com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @>> . com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <%>> 40>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <srijagannat h%>> 40. com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <srijagannat h%>> 40.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> com>,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <starsuponme@ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *om namo bhagavate>> narasimhaya*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Guruji , Namaskar>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lets say Meena Lagna>> Shani yuti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mangal - I>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should perscribe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Neelam>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give effect of bhagyesh>> Mangal?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rafal Gendarz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- --->> ----->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Consultations and Pages:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://rohinaa. com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/ <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa. com>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa. com>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa. com>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rohinaa.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rafal@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen pisze:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Rajarshi, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The final effect is the>> same, as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> had the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana done>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> otherwise>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then he would not have>> cancer.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yet, i don't believe>> the Cancer>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was solely>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> caused by>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case as we see Rahu>> involved in a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> curse of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mother from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> past>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> life>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> involving the sixth>> lord (roga)>>> Ketu.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Still the advise is the>> same.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti>> Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- ->> -------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.>> com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/ <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rajarshi nandy skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Visti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for sharing>> that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> information.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Really wonderful>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mail.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I was seeing a chart>> of a person>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> who has>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> been>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> detected>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> liver>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cancer and doctors>> have given>>> him>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> six>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> months>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> live.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> his>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chart jup is in>> exchance with>>> venus.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Should>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> he wear a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pokhraj>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instead>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of diamond?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you could kindly>> take a look>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advice it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> woiuld be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> great..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 23rd march 1977>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 12:20 pm>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> calcutta>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mithun lagna, mesh>> rasi..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -Regards>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rajarshi>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *The upsurge (of>> consciousness)>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bhairava ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shiva>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sutra*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> */>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- On *Tue, 16/12/08,>> Maja S>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (trbac /<majastrbacastro@ >/*>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maja S(trbac>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <majastrbacastro@ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Re: [Om>> Krishna Guru]>>> Re:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Choosing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> divisonal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> charts ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @>> .>>> com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <%>> 40>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <srijagannat h%>> 40. com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <srijagannat h%>> 40.>>> com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tuesday, 16>> December,>>> 2008,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8:47 PM>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Om Gurave Namah>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Visti Ji, Namaste>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WOW!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As far as I am>> concerned, your>>> email>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bellow>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is a "Marry>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christmas>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and a Happy New Year in>>> advance".>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you so much for>> shearing>>> it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> us!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Warm Regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Maja Strbac>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hari Om Tat Sat>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --- On *Tue, 12/16/08,>> Visti>>> Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> com>/* wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Re: [Om>> Krishna Guru]>>> Re:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Choosing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> divisonal charts ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @>> .>>> com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tuesday,>> December 16,>>> 2008,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7:09 AM>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Chandan, Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Excuse me for not>> answering in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> full in my>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> last mail, I>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realise no one learns>> if no one>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shares,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> here is what>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have learned and have>> to share.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have gathered the>> following>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rules reg.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (this will be>> republished on my>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> website>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reference):>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The prescription of>> metals or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> belongs to the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> concept of Tantra, i.e.>>> Tanu+Trayi>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> meaning to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protect>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> body. This is best to>> advise>>> when a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> person may be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> making a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrong decision and you>> want them>>> to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stick to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the right>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just as one can advise>> gemstones>>> to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protect>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the body,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are gemstones which>> can remove>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protection>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> body,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hence one should>> advise these>>>> wisely.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sanskrit word for>> gemstone is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> r/atna/ but>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> does not>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> literally>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mean gemstone, but can>> also>>> refer to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> treasure, jewel,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> precious stone, and is>> derived>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> word>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /ra-/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> meaning a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gift, goods, wealth or>> riches.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Monier->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Williams)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The word /ratna/>> specifically>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> refers to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nine>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> types of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> treasure or jewels>> namely mukta>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (pearl),>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vajra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (diamond),>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /padmara-ga/ (ruby),>>> /pushpara-ga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (topaz),>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indrani-la>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (clear/stainless>> sapphire),>>> marakata>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (emerald), vaidu->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rya>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (cats eye), vidruma>> (coral) and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gomeda>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (hessonite). />>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same reason the>> word /ratna/>>> also>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> means>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nine>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in vedic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> numerology. Pushpara->> ga has been>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> translated>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as Topaz by>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> most,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> however the Garuda>> Purana (Suta,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2007, p.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 174) does>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> state>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that different colours>> of the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /pushpara->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /can be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regarded>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as equal to>> the /indrani-la>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (sapphire) /or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /padmara-ga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (ruby)/. Therefore,>> among the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /indrani-la>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Sapphire) /we must>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> infer that certain>> shades (i.e.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yellow)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be regarded>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> giving the effects of>>> /pushpara-ga />>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (topaz).>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hence,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whilst>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all sapphires fall in>> the same>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> group of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /indrani-la/ the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> colour of them being>> different>>> also>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> differentiates the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects of wearing>> them greatly.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Details>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> learned>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from the Garuda Purana>> in this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regard.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Deva are supposed>> to reside>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> particle of a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ratna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is clear, bright,>> without cracks>>> or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lines in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it and has>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> no>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unusual shades in it.>> Hence, the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wearing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ratna is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sake of keeping a Deva>> next to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protecting you.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ratnaka-raka>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ratna comes under the>> various>>> metals>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> known as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dhatu.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn and Ra-hu>> signify the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dhatu and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> among>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rules over>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ratna, whilst Mars>> rules over>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> earth,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn over the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> raw>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> minerals such as oil>> and irons>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whilst Ra->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rules over>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rare>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> metals such as Gold and>>> platinum.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hence,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is Ratna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ka->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> raka>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and divisional charts>> as>>> Somanatha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drekkana and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Somanatha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Navamsha are the most>> important>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to judge>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effect of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As specifically the>> Drekkana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> refers to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> karma and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> signified by ones>> hands, the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Somanatha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drekkana is apt>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> judge>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the effects of>> gemstones.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Specifically>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> divisional>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chart>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shows ones ojas and>> how one uses>>> it.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Strong>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ojas can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> grant>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fame,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and hence this>> divisional chart>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to see ones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> popularity as well as>> sexuality>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ojas is used.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Moon signifying all>>> gemstones is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also known>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as /gunatmaka/,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i.e .the self in the>> form of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /guna/ or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attributes.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hence to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> understand the effects>> of a>>> gemstone>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vis-a-vis other>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones we>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use the gunachakra.>> This is also>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other purposes>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an integral part of>> Vedic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> numerology.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> explained>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> further below.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which finger to wear>> the>>> gemstone>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> understood>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vedic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Remedies in Astrology,>> by Sanjay>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rath.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> four fingers>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> represent>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> moksha, artha, dharma>> and ka-ma>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> respectively>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> middle, ring and>> little fingers.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No gem>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> finger as it risks>> blocking>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> moksha and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> increasing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ahamkara.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> following table has>> been culled>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same work.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Table 2: Finger and>> Ratna (Rath)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ratna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Finger>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ruby>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ring (3^rd from index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pearl>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ring or Little finger>> (3^rd or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4^th from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coral>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Middle or ring finger>> (2^nd or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3^rd from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Emerald>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Middle or little>> fingers (2^nd>>> or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4^th>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yellow Topaz/Yellow>> Sapphire>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ring (3^rd from index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Diamond>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ring (3^rd from index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blue Sapphire>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Middle or little>> finger (2^nd or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4^th>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hessonite>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Middle or little>> finger (2^nd or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4^th>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cats eye>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Middle or ring finger>> (2^nd or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3^rd from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> index)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Garuda Purana states>> that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> great good>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> human race and they>> have natural>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Naisargika)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> characteristics>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which will benefit>> everyone.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Example: a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lady>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wishing to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mother would benefit>> greatly>>> from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wearing a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pushpara-ga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (topaz)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or pokhraj (yellow>> sapphire).>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similarly a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> person having>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cancer>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should wear a diamond>> and recite>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mrtyunjaya>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mantra.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> natural>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indications of>> gemstones can be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> applied>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the effects are given>> in Garuda>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Purana.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Table 3: Ratna and>> Graha>>> (Dikshita,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1992, p.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.55)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Graha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ratna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Translation>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Padmara-ga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ruby>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mukta>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pearl>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vidruma>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coral>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Marakata>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Emerald>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pushpara-ga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yellow Topaz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Venus>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vajra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Diamond>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Indrani-la>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blue Sapphire>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rahu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gomeda>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hessonite>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ketu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vaidu-rya>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cats eye>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tradition is>> everything when it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comes to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> applying any>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advice and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hereunder is some of>> the advice>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that I>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gathered>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> teacher.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ratna should be>> advised based on>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fifth and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ninth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lords in the Rashi>> (D1) chart.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> These are>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will support the>> native in their>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> purpose>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> life. The>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> first>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protects the head and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intelligence, the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fifth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protects>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hands>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and torso, whilst the>> ninth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> protects the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legs, and hence>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> native will always>> select the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best path>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> life if the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the ninth lord is>> worn. Thus>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the ninth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord is the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> most>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> auspicious gemstone.>> This can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advise the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone for disease in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> particular parts>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the body.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Malefics placed in the>> ninth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house cause>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> misfortune,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> such>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cases reversal gems>> are advised.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Graha in 9^th>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gemstone advised>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ruby (pink ruby for>> ladies)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rähu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yellow Sapphire or>> Yellow Topaz>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ketu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gold ring>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pearl>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gemstones of the>> sixth, eighth>>> or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> twelfth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house lords>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inauspicious and cause>> strife,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> disease>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and loss>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> respectively and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should not be worn.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To both the above>> there are>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exceptions>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> occur on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> account of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yoga.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yoga and Sambandha>> (reference:>>> Atri>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Classes)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The graha give their>> effects by>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> affecting the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> four>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ayana or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> goals>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the person's life>> namely>>> dharma,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> artha,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ka-ma and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> moksha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> symbolised by the>> first, second,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> third or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fourth pada>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nakshatra, or fiery,>> earthy,>>> airy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> watery>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> signs>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> respectively.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When a graha is in>> parivartana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> yoga with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> another, then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha will affect all>> four ayana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> former graha.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Therefore,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if the ninth lord is in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sixth lord>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone of the sixth>> lord>>> should be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similarly when a graha>> is yuti>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> another>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it takes on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> three of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the four ayanas of the>> other>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha. Which>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> three ayana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> depends on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i) the particular>> grahas>>> Navamsha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sign>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ii)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the two signs>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> adjacent>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that particular sign.>> Example:>>> If>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> joined Venus>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will give the effects>> of Venus.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In such a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case should>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placed in the Navamsha>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Capricorn then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would give>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects of Venus'>> Artha-ayana>>> due to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> being in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an earthy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Navamsha,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and further as the>> Navamsha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> before is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a fiery>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sign>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that after being an>> airy sign,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Sun>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Venus' dharma-ayana>> (fiery) and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ka-ma->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ayana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (airy) as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> well,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not the moksha-ayana>> (watery).>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If three or more graha>> join then>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interchange of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be decided based on>> the natural>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> benefic/malefic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> indications>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the graha, viz. if>> Jupiter,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury join then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> highest malefic and>> highest>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> benefic will>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interchange>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> results,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thus causing Saturn>> and Jupiter>>> to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interchange results>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whilst>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury will give not>> give the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> results of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> anyone.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similarly>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> apply>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this to conjunction of>> more>>> grahas.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The two remaining>> Sambandha,>>> viz.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Samdristi and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Parivartana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dristi are not taken>> into>>> account>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> purpose as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> affect two or one>> ayana among>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> full>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> four>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ayana of a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha, yet>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are still applied when>> timing>>>> events.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Va-rachakra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Table 4: Varachakra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Graha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Venus>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rähu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ketu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In some cases the>> gemstones of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the sixth,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eighth or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> twelfth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lords>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> needs to be given to>> as those>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha are>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> causing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> excessive>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problems to the>> native. This>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> occurs when>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> another graha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> causing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> an eclipse on that>> graha and>>> thus>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> denying it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of its>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> positive>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects. I.e. Sri>> Kashinatha>>> Rath>>>> was>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> recalled to have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> given the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advice of wearing Ruby>> to a>>> Pisces>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagna, as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sun was in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sixth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and Rähu was placed in>> the>>> tenth.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specific>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scenario>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> native was suffering>> on account>>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> repeated>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> battles.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reason being on>> account of Rähu.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> further>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> explained>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when a graha occupies>> the>>> Simhasana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bhavas>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (10^th ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1^st or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5^th>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in that order) that>> graha causes>>> an>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eclipse>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the third>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the order of the>> Varachakra.>>> Viz.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> order of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> weekdays>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> third graha from Rähu>> is the>>> Sun,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hence>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rähu is in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tenth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house the native will>> have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problems on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> account of the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placement and lordship>> of the>>> Sun in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> their life.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similarly>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> among the Simhasana>> Bhava only>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placed>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fifth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> house>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then the placement and>> lordship>>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hampered.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Varachakra has>> many uses in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> matters>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jyotish, and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the logic behind many>> principles>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Brighu Sutras.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunachakra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Table 1: Gunachakra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 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Jupiter>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rähu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rajas>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Venus>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ketu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Saturn>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tamas>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunachakra is applied>> somewhat>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> differently>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Varachakra.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If a Graha is>> inauspicious then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> choose>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to lock or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unlock>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its indications using>> the fourth>>> or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seventh>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha in the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gunachakra>> respectively.>>> Example:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cancer>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tumours are>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> caused>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> by a malignant growth>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cancer-cells in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> body and is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> signified by an>> afflicted>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jupiter. In the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunachakra the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fourth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha from Jupiter is>> Venus who>>> can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> block the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> spread of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cancer.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thus to remedy such a>> disease>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wearing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> diamond>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is advised>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> along>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with Mrtyunjaya mantra.>>> Similarly>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cause nervous>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> system>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issues such as>> Parkinsons and>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> likes,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to block>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issue>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a gemstone of Jupiter>> is advised>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> along>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mrtyunjaya>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bijas.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Should a graha already>> be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blocking the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> native>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in one>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aspect>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> life, then the>> unlocker (7^th>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha) is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> required. I.e.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Taurus lagna the lord>> Venus is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> placed in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Libra, the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> native>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be bothered by>> constant disease>>> on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> account of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrong>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> application>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of intelligence.>> Therefore the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intellect>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be deemed>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> locked>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and wearing a Yellow>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Topaz/Sapphire is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Similarly>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is very badly placed>> and has no>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ni-cha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bhanga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blue>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sapphire is advised as>> Saturn is>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seventh>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha from>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in weekday order and>> can unlock>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> negatives.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are undoubtedly>> more>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> applications>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gunachakra>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> regard, reg.>> gemstones, yet>>> until>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> been>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> presented>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them, this is what I>> have to>>> share.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Somanatha Drekkana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Having ascertained the>> gemstone>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as per>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rashi chart>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> worthwhile to check the>>> Somana-tha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drekkana.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Herein>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lording>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the second house is a>> ma-raka to>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ojas in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the body>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> curtail health and>> sexuality.>>> This>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is therefore>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised, and neither>> is the lord>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> twelfth as this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sixth lord from the>> seventh>>> house>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> causing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> celibacy to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> partner. Similarly the>> sixth and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eighth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lords>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> affect the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> partner>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in a similar fashion>> and those>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> preferably>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be avoided. Advising>> the third>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord's>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gem can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> increase>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> person's libido>> significantly>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advising>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this gemstone>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be done thoughtfully.>> The gem of>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lagna>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lord is the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> best>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ensures good health>> and fame.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Apply this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advice>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intelligently.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hope this helps to>> share>>> insight.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely, Visti>> Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------->> --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - ---->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www: http://srigaruda.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda./ <http://srigaruda./>> com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chandan486 skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ||aum namah shivaya||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dear visti,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> namaste.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well , the point that>> he landed>>>> into>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> troubles with the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advent of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rahu>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dasa , makes more>> sense now ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but still>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> havent>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> answered .. is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mere conj enough to>> wear each>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other's>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstones ? or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> real>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana that>> fulfils the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> condition>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemtsone>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exchange !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> however , first we>> need to>>> really>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> understand>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> , that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conjunction>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> actually makes>> planets behave>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like each>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> completely ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only do>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> they give each others>> effects>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dasha ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and if conj makes>> planets>>> behave>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> each>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> other ? then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what does>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana do ? does>> it also>>> do>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if not the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same , then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whats different abt a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana then>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a conj ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> humble regards,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chandan S sabarwal.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> . com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <srijagannat>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> h%40.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> com>,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <visti@> wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ??? ??? ?????>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Chandan and>> Swee,>>> Namaskar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PV Narasimha Rao>> did see the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issues>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and jail>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> through his>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> third and eighth>> lord Maha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dasa of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars he was>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> untouched. It was>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> until Rahu Mahadasa>> that he>>> saw>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problems,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hence>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pointing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clearly>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that the wearing of>> the Coral>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> during>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mahadasa>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> perfect>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advise...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Afterall he became>> Prime>>> Minister>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> after>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wearing it!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> many can>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> astrologers can>> boast of a>>> client>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attaining that once>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> following a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> remedial measure?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yours sincerely,>> Visti Larsen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ ------->> -->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------- ----->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> www:>> http://srigaruda.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda./>> <http://srigaruda./>> com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/ <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/ <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda. com/>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://srigaruda.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @: visti@>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chandan Ssabarwal>> skrev:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ||aum namah>> shivaya||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dear swee and>> visti,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> namaste !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> swee - you are>> right abt PV>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Narasimha>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> going to jail>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and also>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> being>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> held up in>> litigation (6th>>>> house>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> effects) , that>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> eventually>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> came>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> came>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> upon unto him ,>> after some>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of his>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> own>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> party members>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> associates>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (mercury),>> accused him of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bribery>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> even showed>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> briefcase ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which he was>> actually>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> deliveered>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> INR 10>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> million .>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Visti - when you>> mentioned>>> ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> red>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> coral is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> being>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advised to>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> worn>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> simply based upon>> the conj>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of Mars>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mercury in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10th>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> House ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> merc>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> being lagnesha ,>> i cannt>>>> somehow>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> comprehend the>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> basic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> theory>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> behind>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this ... and i>> still>>> remember>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reading>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> somehwere on>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your website>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you mentioned ,>> only>>> complete>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parivartana is actual>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exhange of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> houses>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and not simply>> conj....>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conj simply gives>> results>>> of>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> each>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> others in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dasas's ... but>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> actual>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> potency and>> maleficience />>>>>>>>>>>>>>> benificience>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is based>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> upon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rasi />>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dasamasa !>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> how could some>> one possibly>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advise a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gemstone just>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> based upon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rasi and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not even consider>> damasa ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> especially>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when career>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> concerend ?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> moreover , that>> Simhasana>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yoga in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lagna in>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Narasimha's>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> case ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> somehow>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> makes me>> believe , it>>> should>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> been>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Emerald>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that he>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> worn and not the>> red coral>>> ...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also , mercury>> forms a>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nipuna Yoga>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the Sun ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> once again>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> emerald.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i had always>> wanted to pick>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> up this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thing with>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out ,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> glad swee>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bought>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it up !!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> humbly yours,>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chandan s>> sabarwal.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------->> --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------- -------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Add more friends to>> your>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> messenger and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enjoy!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Invite>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> now.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd. />> tagline_messenge>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> r_6/*http:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> //messenger. .c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd./tagline_messenger_6/*http://messenger..c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd./tagline_messenger_6/*http://messenger..c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd. />> tagline_messenge>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> r_6/*http:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> //messenger. .c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd./tagline_messenger_6/*http://messenger..c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd./tagline_messenger_6/*http://messenger..c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd. />> tagline_messenge>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> r_6/*http:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> //messenger. .c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd./tagline_messenger_6/*http://messenger..c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd./tagline_messenger_6/*http://messenger..c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd. />> tagline_messenge>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> r_6/*http:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> //messenger. .c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd./tagline_messenger_6/*http://messenger..c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://in.rd./tagline_messenger_6/*http://messenger..c>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> om/invite/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- ->> -------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------- --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No virus found in this>> incoming>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Checked by AVG ->> http://www.avg.>>> com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.avg.com/>> <http://www.avg.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.avg. com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.avg.com/>> <http://www.avg.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.avg. com>> <http://www.avg.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.avg.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.avg. com>> <http://www.avg.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.avg.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus>>> Database:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 270.9.18/1851 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08:31>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ --------- --------->> --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------- ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No virus found in this incoming>> message.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.>> com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.avg.com/ <http://www.avg.com/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus>> Database:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 270.9.19/1853 ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Release Date:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2008-12-17 08:31>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------->> ------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 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by AVG - http://www.avg.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.avg.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database:>> 270.9.19/1856 ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Release>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2008-12-18 20:06>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com>>> <http://www.avg.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database:>> 270.9.19/1857 ->>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Release Date:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2008-12-19 10:09>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------> ---->> --------->>>> ------>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database:>> 270.9.19/1857 - Release>>>> 2008-12-19 10:09>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------> --->> --------->>>> ---->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com>>>>>>>>>>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.19/1859 ->> Release>>> Date:>>>> 2008-12-20 14:34>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------> ->> --------->>>> -->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com>>>>>>>>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.19/1859 ->> Release>>> Date:>>>> 2008-12-20 14:34>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------------->> --------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com>>>>>>>> Version: 8.0.176 / Virus Database: 270.9.19/1859 ->> Release Date:>>>> 2008-12-20 14:34>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------------->>>>>> Sk±d pochodzi Twoje nazwisko?>>>>>> Sprawd¼ sam, kliknij:>>>>>>>>> http://klik.wp.pl/?>> adr=http://corto.www.wp.pl/as/bliscy.html & sid=590>>>>>>>>> <http://klik.wp.pl/?>> adr=http://corto.www.wp.pl/as/bliscy.html & sid=590>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --->> ~ om tat sat ~> Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the Achyuta Ashram.> Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra 'Hare Rama Krishna'> (2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the Great who said > that the human stomach should not become a graveyard for animals.> (3) Practice charity in thought and deed - do one free chart > reading today

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  • 2 years later...

Dear Guruji

Sadar Charan sparsh


Guruji i ahev read your articles and they are always pathbreaking and enlightening.

Guruji i am placing my Kundali here for your perusal ,i am having difficulty on my job front and some one advised me to wear neelam...heera ..and emerald..i ahve been wearing pukhraj from alst 8 years as well..please advsie Sir what shud I do..

i ahev read on Lal kitab taht i shud not start construction of my house before 48years,.,but My mum passed away in 2003 and she had wished me to build a house ,,which i started construction 5 years ago..but till now just managed to install the roof,,not yet completed,,please advise what i ahev to do sir..

awaiting your advsie and adesh

Ravindra Mishra


Lal Kitab Chart

Person Details

Sex Male

Date of birth 10 : 12 : 1966

Time of Birth 12 : 15 : 4

Day of birth Saturday

Ishtkaal 013-05-59

Place of Birth Mumbai Ghatkopar

Country India

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