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varnada lagna question

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Dear guru jis,




I am going through some documentation about Varnada Lagna in Visti ji's book and he mentioned that Varnada Lagna and the lord can give information abt someone's career and place of birth. My DOB details are given below


Date : 13 Dec 1978

Time : 10:12:10

Place: Chennai, India


My VL is Sg occupied by Ma and Ju is in watery sign Cancer. Non of these provided indication about my sudra background as I am born and brought up in slums. Am I missing something here? Closest I can connect is Rahu's 5th aspect from Le on Sg.


Can someone please explain this?




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Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Nagarjuna,

Just a few thoughts, im sure others have different aspects to say.

Somewhere in JS it describes types of houses ruled by planets/


There are many ways to see something in a chart. Or , an aspect of life can be viewed from many angles.

Just because someone is born in an impoverished place(or caste or whatever) doesn't mean they will always be that way.

Clues in your chart, would be to look at Lagna, LL. Lagna is Capricorn.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn who is in the 8th house. That right there tells us many things.

LL in the 8th can be like swimming upstream in life. It makes life difficult or full of struggles. Saturn is conjoined Rahu... also not so good.

Lagna has papakartari yoga, with ketu in 2nd and mars in 12th, also showing austerities, or harshness in ones physical environment.Or adversity , physically. Malefics on either side can give a bandana yoga.

People can be kept in the bondage of poverty,jails,circumstance, or many things.

Ketu is in your 2nd house and aspected by Saturn and Rahu,

2nd lord of wealth and sustenance is in the 8th house...

2nd house is early family environment, Moon also represents youth.Your 4th house has A6.

Your arudha of 4th house A4 is in the 8th house with Saturn and Rahu.

4th from Moon is Saturn and Rahu.So these many things can indicate.


Moon is almost full and exalted.(shows potential)


There are also redeeming features. You have something very nice.

Sun is AK. Sun is with the Isthadevata ex.Venus in navamsa,

IN D-20 Venus as FIFTH lord is exalted in the 10th from the Sun AK .

So hope you are devoted to some form of Lakshmi, Radha, Devi etc.

Your Moon is exalted, your Venus is in own house, and exalted in Navamsa.

Saturn is exalted in navamsa.Jupiter is retro and exalted, so you have to struggle extra hard to get Jupiter benefit.

Luck and fortune is also seen from 9th house and 9th lord.


VL is in the 12thouse. 12th house is loss from self, what is given up.

Mars is a malefic, it is forcibly taken away or has to be forcefully acquired.(also see Ketu in the 3rd from VL.

Another thing to note is that in your AL there is SL and HL in the 3rd house the a5 and a7 is there so somehow you make a some name,fortune, and money for yourself through 3rd house things.Notice that Jupiter is both AL and VL lord. He is supporting the AL , but not the VL.

Just curious if you are married and how your wife played a part in your life(fortune).

Best wishes




--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Cherukuri, Nagajurna <nc161d wrote:

Cherukuri, Nagajurna <nc161d[Om Krishna Guru] varnada lagna question Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 10:04 PM




Dear guru jis,




I am going through some documentation about Varnada Lagna in Visti ji's book and he mentioned that Varnada Lagna and the lord can give information abt someone's career and place of birth. My DOB details are given below


Date : 13 Dec 1978

Time : 10:12:10

Place: Chennai, India


My VL is Sg occupied by Ma and Ju is in watery sign Cancer. Non of these provided indication about my sudra background as I am born and brought up in slums. Am I missing something here? Closest I can connect is Rahu's 5th aspect from Le on Sg.


Can someone please explain this?




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Hare Rama krishna,


The career of this jathaka will have something to do with finance/stocks/ involving some gambaling.

Pl let me know if this is true.

Thanks, Rema--- On Thu, 2/12/09, Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikary wrote:

Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikaryRe: [Om Krishna Guru] varnada lagna question Date: Thursday, February 12, 2009, 11:47 PM








Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Nagarjuna,

Just a few thoughts, im sure others have different aspects to say.

Somewhere in JS it describes types of houses ruled by planets/


There are many ways to see something in a chart. Or , an aspect of life can be viewed from many angles.

Just because someone is born in an impoverished place(or caste or whatever) doesn't mean they will always be that way.

Clues in your chart, would be to look at Lagna, LL. Lagna is Capricorn..

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn who is in the 8th house. That right there tells us many things.

LL in the 8th can be like swimming upstream in life. It makes life difficult or full of struggles. Saturn is conjoined Rahu... also not so good.

Lagna has papakartari yoga, with ketu in 2nd and mars in 12th, also showing austerities, or harshness in ones physical environment. Or adversity , physically. Malefics on either side can give a bandana yoga.

People can be kept in the bondage of poverty,jails, circumstance, or many things.

Ketu is in your 2nd house and aspected by Saturn and Rahu,

2nd lord of wealth and sustenance is in the 8th house...

2nd house is early family environment, Moon also represents youth.Your 4th house has A6.

Your arudha of 4th house A4 is in the 8th house with Saturn and Rahu.

4th from Moon is Saturn and Rahu.So these many things can indicate.


Moon is almost full and exalted.(shows potential)


There are also redeeming features. You have something very nice.

Sun is AK. Sun is with the Isthadevata ex.Venus in navamsa,

IN D-20 Venus as FIFTH lord is exalted in the 10th from the Sun AK .

So hope you are devoted to some form of Lakshmi, Radha, Devi etc.

Your Moon is exalted, your Venus is in own house, and exalted in Navamsa.

Saturn is exalted in navamsa.Jupiter is retro and exalted, so you have to struggle extra hard to get Jupiter benefit.

Luck and fortune is also seen from 9th house and 9th lord.


VL is in the 12thouse. 12th house is loss from self, what is given up.

Mars is a malefic, it is forcibly taken away or has to be forcefully acquired.(also see Ketu in the 3rd from VL.

Another thing to note is that in your AL there is SL and HL in the 3rd house the a5 and a7 is there so somehow you make a some name,fortune, and money for yourself through 3rd house things.Notice that Jupiter is both AL and VL lord. He is supporting the AL , but not the VL.

Just curious if you are married and how your wife played a part in your life(fortune) .

Best wishes




--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Cherukuri, Nagajurna <nc161d wrote:

Cherukuri, Nagajurna <nc161d[Om Krishna Guru] varnada lagna questionWednesday, February 11, 2009, 10:04 PM




Dear guru jis,




I am going through some documentation about Varnada Lagna in Visti ji's book and he mentioned that Varnada Lagna and the lord can give information abt someone's career and place of birth. My DOB details are given below


Date : 13 Dec 1978

Time : 10:12:10

Place: Chennai, India


My VL is Sg occupied by Ma and Ju is in watery sign Cancer. Non of these provided indication about my sudra background as I am born and brought up in slums. Am I missing something here? Closest I can connect is Rahu's 5th aspect from Le on Sg.


Can someone please explain this?




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Dear Lakshmi Kary,


How are you doing? Thank you very much for your time. I wonder how I missed this email all this while. My comments are given below for your analysis.


~nagarjunaAT & T




On Behalf Of Lakshmi KaryThursday, February 12, 2009 10:47 PM Subject: Re: [Om Krishna Guru] varnada lagna question








Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Nagarjuna,

Just a few thoughts, im sure others have different aspects to say.

Somewhere in JS it describes types of houses ruled by planets/


There are many ways to see something in a chart. Or , an aspect of life can be viewed from many angles.

Just because someone is born in an impoverished place(or caste or whatever) doesn't mean they will always be that way.

--> Yes. I understand.

Clues in your chart, would be to look at Lagna, LL. Lagna is Capricorn.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn who is in the 8th house. That right there tells us many things.

LL in the 8th can be like swimming upstream in life. It makes life difficult or full of struggles. Saturn is conjoined Rahu... also not so good. \

--> Right. I struggled to reach my present status. But, the struggles that I have gone through, are nothing compared with other stories I have heard.

Lagna has papakartari yoga, with ketu in 2nd and mars in 12th, also showing austerities, or harshness in ones physical environment.Or adversity , physically. Malefics on either side can give a bandana yoga.

People can be kept in the bondage of poverty,jails,circumstance, or many things.

--> Except for my childhood and for few years during my teenage, I have never fell ill. I have always been healthy. Even a simple cold touches me twice an year when climate changes. I remember getting fever once two years at an average.

--> I am aware of bandana yoga. I dont want to go to jail at least. So, I follow all the govt. mentioned rules to best of my knowledge. Even while parking a car also, I make sure that I park it within the parking lines specified. Only rule that I break is to drive slightly above speed limit to go with traffic flow. I think, it is ok.

Ketu is in your 2nd house and aspected by Saturn and Rahu,

2nd lord of wealth and sustenance is in the 8th house...

2nd house is early family environment,

-->you meant to say sustenance and early family environment are a problem for me? If so, yes. I always run short of resources even though I earn good salary now. My childhood was spent in poverty and troubles.

Moon also represents youth.Your 4th house has A6.

Your arudha of 4th house A4 is in the 8th house with Saturn and Rahu.

4th from Moon is Saturn and Rahu.So these many things can indicate.

-->I am not able to understand this point.

Moon is almost full and exalted.(shows potential)

--> potential regarding?

There are also redeeming features. You have something very nice.

Sun is AK. Sun is with the Isthadevata ex.Venus in navamsa,

IN D-20 Venus as FIFTH lord is exalted in the 10th from the Sun AK .

So hope you are devoted to some form of Lakshmi, Radha, Devi etc.

--> I am not sure about this. I came to know about adwaita during my college days and started praying Lord Shiva due this concept. I never tried meditation though.

Your Moon is exalted, your Venus is in own house, and exalted in Navamsa.

Saturn is exalted in navamsa.Jupiter is retro and exalted, so you have to struggle extra hard to get Jupiter benefit.

--> that is true. Whenever I put in that extra effort, I get to see the results fully.

Luck and fortune is also seen from 9th house and 9th lord.


VL is in the 12thouse. 12th house is loss from self, what is given up.

Mars is a malefic, it is forcibly taken away or has to be forcefully acquired.(also see Ketu in the 3rd from VL.

--> I could not understand this point.

Another thing to note is that in your AL there is SL and HL in the 3rd house the a5 and a7 is there so somehow you make a some name,fortune, and money for yourself through 3rd house things.

--> you mean enterprise? I am currently working in IT as a contractor. I do have an enterprising mind. But, I feel that I lack resources (both ideas and to money) to start something of my own.

Notice that Jupiter is both AL and VL lord. He is supporting the AL , but not the VL.

Just curious if you are married and how your wife played a part in your life(fortune).

--> I got married in may 2008. I got lucky with my wife in the sense she is very understanding and caring. But, there was no dowry or such things in our marriage. And it has been just 9 months, so I have not noticed anything else significant so far.

Best wishes




--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Cherukuri, Nagajurna <nc161d wrote:

Cherukuri, Nagajurna <nc161d[Om Krishna Guru] varnada lagna question Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 10:04 PM




Dear guru jis,




I am going through some documentation about Varnada Lagna in Visti ji's book and he mentioned that Varnada Lagna and the lord can give information abt someone's career and place of birth. My DOB details are given below


Date : 13 Dec 1978

Time : 10:12:10

Place: Chennai, India


My VL is Sg occupied by Ma and Ju is in watery sign Cancer. Non of these provided indication about my sudra background as I am born and brought up in slums. Am I missing something here? Closest I can connect is Rahu's 5th aspect from Le on Sg.


Can someone please explain this?




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Dear Rema,




I am working as an IT professional. I have never been good with money and never involved myself in stocks. But, I started to take interest in learning about stock market though.


Yes, I do take risks.


Can you please explain the rational behind your analysis?






On Behalf Of Rema MenonFriday, February 13, 2009 8:20 AM Subject: Re: [Om Krishna Guru] varnada lagna question








Hare Rama krishna,


The career of this jathaka will have something to do with finance/stocks/ involving some gambaling.

Pl let me know if this is true.

Thanks, Rema--- On Thu, 2/12/09, Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikary > wrote:

Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikary >Re: [Om Krishna Guru] varnada lagna question Date: Thursday, February 12, 2009, 11:47 PM








Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Nagarjuna,

Just a few thoughts, im sure others have different aspects to say.

Somewhere in JS it describes types of houses ruled by planets/


There are many ways to see something in a chart. Or , an aspect of life can be viewed from many angles.

Just because someone is born in an impoverished place(or caste or whatever) doesn't mean they will always be that way.

Clues in your chart, would be to look at Lagna, LL. Lagna is Capricorn..

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn who is in the 8th house. That right there tells us many things.

LL in the 8th can be like swimming upstream in life. It makes life difficult or full of struggles. Saturn is conjoined Rahu... also not so good.

Lagna has papakartari yoga, with ketu in 2nd and mars in 12th, also showing austerities, or harshness in ones physical environment. Or adversity , physically. Malefics on either side can give a bandana yoga.

People can be kept in the bondage of poverty,jails, circumstance, or many things.

Ketu is in your 2nd house and aspected by Saturn and Rahu,

2nd lord of wealth and sustenance is in the 8th house...

2nd house is early family environment, Moon also represents youth.Your 4th house has A6.

Your arudha of 4th house A4 is in the 8th house with Saturn and Rahu.

4th from Moon is Saturn and Rahu.So these many things can indicate.


Moon is almost full and exalted.(shows potential)


There are also redeeming features. You have something very nice.

Sun is AK. Sun is with the Isthadevata ex.Venus in navamsa,

IN D-20 Venus as FIFTH lord is exalted in the 10th from the Sun AK .

So hope you are devoted to some form of Lakshmi, Radha, Devi etc.

Your Moon is exalted, your Venus is in own house, and exalted in Navamsa.

Saturn is exalted in navamsa.Jupiter is retro and exalted, so you have to struggle extra hard to get Jupiter benefit.

Luck and fortune is also seen from 9th house and 9th lord.


VL is in the 12thouse. 12th house is loss from self, what is given up.

Mars is a malefic, it is forcibly taken away or has to be forcefully acquired.(also see Ketu in the 3rd from VL.

Another thing to note is that in your AL there is SL and HL in the 3rd house the a5 and a7 is there so somehow you make a some name,fortune, and money for yourself through 3rd house things.Notice that Jupiter is both AL and VL lord. He is supporting the AL , but not the VL.

Just curious if you are married and how your wife played a part in your life(fortune) .

Best wishes




--- On Wed, 2/11/09, Cherukuri, Nagajurna <nc161d wrote:

Cherukuri, Nagajurna <nc161d[Om Krishna Guru] varnada lagna questionWednesday, February 11, 2009, 10:04 PM




Dear guru jis,




I am going through some documentation about Varnada Lagna in Visti ji's book and he mentioned that Varnada Lagna and the lord can give information abt someone's career and place of birth. My DOB details are given below


Date : 13 Dec 1978

Time : 10:12:10

Place: Chennai, India


My VL is Sg occupied by Ma and Ju is in watery sign Cancer. Non of these provided indication about my sudra background as I am born and brought up in slums. Am I missing something here? Closest I can connect is Rahu's 5th aspect from Le on Sg.


Can someone please explain this?




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