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vimshottari dasa

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Dear Ramani

He is just above average. Thats all. His sucess rate is around 60%, which is considered as best astrologer.

Dhanabalan--- On Mon, 12/31/01, Ramani <kadavasalramani wrote:

Ramani <kadavasalramaniRe: Re: Vimshottari dasa Date: Monday, December 31, 2001, 10:02 PM




Dear Mr.Dhanabalan,


You have not given your opinion about Sri Mangaleeswaran of Chitod's accuracy of prediction of past, present and furture, as stated by your friend. You have said that his is vedic prediction. Are you satisfied with his ability in prediction. Interested persons may contact him based on your experience.


Astrologically yours,





Dhanabalan R

@gro ups.com

Sunday, October 26, 2008 1:33 PM

Re: Re: Vimshottari dasa








Dear Mohankumar

I was told by one of our member that the astrologer Mr.Magaleeswaran is giving correct prediction. On 18-10-2008, I met Mr.Magaleeswaran at Chitod (10 km from Erode, Tamilnadu). I was allowed to watch his prediction for about 5 persons. He is giving prediction through the traditional method. He is considering astama sani, sati sani, Rahu/Ketu in 7 & 8th place, etc. He is following sign based house system. He has about 35 years of experience in astrology. On 19-10-2008, he was conducting monthly astrologers meeting. I was invited for that meeting and I attended the meeting. So I could not attend your lecture.


There are some other explanations given for the years in vimsothari dasa by the traditional astrologers in the monthly meeting in Tiruchengode and Pallipalayam. But all explanations are their assumptions and need not be true. Mr.KSK also attempted to get justification but he could not get it.


Dhanabalan--- On Sat, 10/25/08, Mohan Kumar Ragunathan <kpmk_astrology@ > wrote:

Mohan Kumar Ragunathan <kpmk_astrology@ >Re: Re: Vimshottari dasa@gro ups.comSaturday, October 25, 2008, 3:59 PM




Dear Dhanabalan Sir,There you are, my friend. I was wondering what happened to you.Of course, I do get some results, and that is why I am an astrologer doing my part to my clients.The subject matter in this topic was about why and how planets were assigned particular time periods in the Vimshottari Dasa system.I just mentioned that Dr.KAR was able to get some idea on it, while we can find nobody else who can reason it out.By the way, how do you find my MK rule of BTVR? Any comments on it? Be frank to tell me whatever you feel. You missed my Seminar lecture last week, in which I gave some explanation on it.

With thanks and warm regards,MK (Mohan Kumar.R.)Scientific Astrologer & Spoken English TutorAdvanced Stellar Astrology Research Academy (KP based)219/84, Moongapadi St.,Gugai, SALEM - 636 006Cell: 99443-07025




Dhanabalan R <r.dhanabalan@ >@gro ups.comSaturday, October 25, 2008 1:45:33 PMRe: Re: Vimshottari dasa







Dear Mohankumar

Whatever may be the theory or method, we are interested only in the result. Applying the KPMK rule or Dr.Kar's theory, can you pin point the time of marriage for a native.


You assured earlier that you will analyse the charts for the timing of marriage which I have posted earlier.


Dhanabalan --- On Sat, 10/25/08, Mohan Kumar Ragunathan <kpmk_astrology@ > wrote:

Mohan Kumar Ragunathan <kpmk_astrology@ >Re: Re: Vimshottari dasa@gro ups.comSaturday, October 25, 2008, 6:02 AM




Of course again, it is only about the particular issue of subject matter, namely "Vimshottari Dasa", the said person is referred to. He does have many other subject matters to his credit, not to mention them.

With thanks and warm regards,MK (Mohan Kumar.R.)Scientific Astrologer & Spoken English TutorAdvanced Stellar Astrology Research Academy (KP based)219/84, Moongapadi St.,Gugai, SALEM - 636 006Cell: 99443-07025




tw853 <tw853 (AT) (DOT) . com>@gro ups.comSaturday, October 25, 2008 6:32:36 AM Re: Vimshottari dasa


Discussion is supposed to be on the issue not on the person.@gro ups.com, Mohan Kumar Ragunathan<kpmk_astrology@ ...> wrote:>> Dear Friends, > Of course, it is only "Dr.Kar's Dream Theory" and none other's. > It is not an absolute necessity for anyone to appreciate or applaudthe great researcher's own ideas, that too, not when he is no more.> Nobody existing on this planet knows about Parashara's originalityand individuality in this regard. > But it is a fact that we know about, at least, one person on this earth> who existed in the recent past who could think about it and give anidea.> > With thanks and warm regards,> > MK (Mohan Kumar.R.)> Scientific

Astrologer & Spoken English Tutor> Advanced Stellar Astrology Research Academy (KP based)> 219/84, Moongapadi St.,Gugai, SALEM - 636 006> Cell: 99443-07025> > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1@. ..>> @gro ups.com> Cc: Kanak Bosmia <loger@ ...>; Mr.A.R.Raichur <raichurar@. ..>> Friday, October 24, 2008 7:58:25 PM> Re: Re: Vimshottari dasa> > > Dear Tin Win,> Contrary to your "research paper",which, in myopinion is not properly directed towards the effects of Mars Dosha,butonly towards the "existence" or otherwise of "Mars Dosha"... Evileffects of Mars

Dosha DO EXIST/OCCUR ... even as per K.P.Principles,as elaborated in ASTROSECRETS & K.P., by the late eminentastrologer and Guruji's Student, as well as Guruji himself originally,Mars Dosha as per K.P., exists only when :> Mars is in Sun's Star or own star,and occupying the housesI,II,IV,VII, VIII & XII..> Mr.Subhash Ektare is very right,indeed, in myhumble opinion...> What is desireable is a comprehensive study ofthe occurence and effects of Mars Dosha,if any manifested in thecases taken for analysis...> I urge you and Mr.Bosmia to carry out such astudy...> With best wishes,> L.Y.Rao.> > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> tw853 <tw853 >> @gro ups.com> Friday, 24 October, 2008 6:04:09 PM>

Re: Vimshottari dasa> > > > Dear Friends,> > 1. It's Dr. Kar's dream theory in his last article in "KP & Astrology > Year Book 2004" pp 63-70 before he passed away.> > 2. With due respect to Dr. Kar, my personal view is that this theory > does not seem like Maharshi Parashara's style of thinking as he > explained Vimshotarri Dasa in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra. > > 3. The Vimshotarri Dasa system does not seem to be directly derived > from any celestial cycle or event. In spite of a variety of ingenious > explanations, no one knows why each dasha was allocated in specific > number of years , nor even why the planets were arranged in their > specific order. These rules have been accepted after verifying them > through experience.> > Regards,> > tw> > --- In

@gro ups.com, Mohan Kumar Ragunathan > <kpmk_astrology@ ...> wrote:> >> > Dear Sir,> > Being his last student by correspondence coaching, Dr.Pt.KAR Ji has > told me about this theory of his, which he called "My Dream > Theory"and had worked on it for nearly two years.> > You can find it in "KP & Astrology Year Book 2004".> > I can send you a xerox copy of it by post, if i can have your > address.> > You may send it to my mail box, if you don't mind it.> > > > With thanks and warm regards,> > > > MK (Mohan Kumar.R.)> > Scientific Astrologer & Spoken English Tutor> > Advanced Stellar Astrology Research Academy (KP based)> > 219/84, Moongapadi St.,Gugai, SALEM - 636 006> > Cell: 99443-07025> > > > > > > > ----- Original

Message ----> > Pankaj Lakhlani <p_lakhlani2003@ ...>> > @gro ups.com> > Thursday, October 23, 2008 10:17:31 PM> > Re: Vimshottari dasa> > > > > > Sir;> > Please be kind and send a copy of the artical directly. When > received through the group, the attachment was not sent along with.> > > > Thanking you in anticipation;> > > > Yours faithfully;> > P Lakhlani> > > > Yogesh Rao Lajmi <lyrastro1 (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:> > Dear Gopalakrishnan,> > The late Mr. K.R.Kar, a very > eminent researcher and proloific writer on K.P., has explained the > rationale of the Vimshottari Dasa...also I have not found the > rationale for the Vimshottari Dasa in

any of the Text Books of > Traditional Astrology...> > I am sending you his entire article > which appeared in an Annual of the Magazine, K.P. & Astrology...> > I hope that you will try to digest > the substance of the article...> > In my humble opinion,the article is > simple and well-written and therefore,I do not expect you to ask me > any further queries on this subject...> > With the very best wishes,> > L.Y.Rao.> > > > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > Gopalakrishnan Subra Iyer <subragops3>> > @gro ups.com> > Wednesday, 22 October, 2008 10:19:47 AM> > Vimshottari dasa> > > > > > Dear Learned members of this group,> > > > I have a very

basic question regarding the Vimshottari Dasa. What > is the rationale for giving 6 years to Sun, 10 years to moon, 7 years > to Mars etc...? I'm sure there must be a valid reason for this type > of allotment of different time frame to the nine planets.> > > > Please enlighten me with your thoughts.> > > > Regards> > S.Gopalakrishnan > > > > ____________ _________ _________ __> > Did you know? You can CHAT without downloading messenger. Click > here> >> > > ____________ _________ _________ __> Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Invite them


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