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[SoHamsa] Question about Ve in 3rd from AL (Rafalji)

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Dear Maja, jai shree ram Krishna,my response is in orange.//In tesla chart venus is badly combust by sun. because of this venus karaktatawas are severely harmed. venus represents women, love in general. Really?DOB: 08th of January 1978TOB: 15:15 PMPOB: Split, Croatia; 16 E 27, 43 N 31Time zone 01h East of GMTThis is my brother's chart. Pay attention on Venus, please. He is married BTW.//Is parivertan between lagana and 7th isn't good enough reason for him getting married. Three benefices in 7th is not good enough. 7th from venus has Jupiter, is that is not a good enough reason.Haven't you taught to see these thing all well in a chart. His venus is combust. Is hard for him to fall in love and he will feel neglected in love. Though these result will not be intense because of many benefices are associating with it.As UL contains mars indicates his wife being aggressive. Also he will have some relationship problem with his father.Why tesla didn't have women in his life?Here are the reasons:1. 7th lord combust.2. venus combust.3. 6L joining 7L.4. UL in 12th.5. 7th from venus is in 12th.6. In navamsha venus moved in 8th accepted by 8th lord mars and is helmed between malefic.Is these reasons are enough?And yes "Really?", what do you mean by this? Exactly what are you trying to prove by using the word really?//as stated in wiki tesla was known for his abusive speeches regarding other scientists. Please copy paragraph containing this line from Wikipedia and paste it in your next email. I would love to read it in one piece. Especially this word "abusive".//Can't you simply open wiki and read it. and what is got to do with the discussion?anyways, here it is://Tesla was critical of Einstein's relativity work, calling it:Magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king ... its exponents are brilliant men but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists.//Is this not abusive? There are ways to be critical. Above one fall in worst category. If one is using such words for "theory of relativity", I can't imagine what words he would use to describe other theories.//in a 1937 interview, he stated:... man's new sense of pity began to interfere with the ruthless workings of nature. The only method compatible with our notions of civilization and the race is to prevent the breeding of the unfit by sterilization and the deliberate guidance of the mating instinct .... The trend of opinion among eugenists is that we must make marriage more difficult. Certainly no one who is not a desirable parent should be permitted to produce progeny. A century from now it will no more occur to a normal person to mate with a person eugenically unfit than to marry a habitual criminal.//A clear case of venus combust with malefic. In your brother chat, venus will not give extremely bad result, only because its is with benefices and accepted by benefices.But it's definitely very week being combust. Open Bphs, if you have any doubts regarding this.Parashara clearly said if futile to check the strength of planet in other vargas if it is combust, defeated in war, in bad avastha like sayan.// In rashi venus lords 2nd and 7th, both of them are destroyed because of venus being combust with sun. Can you list criteria you were using to determine combustion of Sukra? Define "destroyed", please.//Is venus not combust by your criteria?// However as sun is 5th lord, this union has created love and superb insight for electricity. Since when Surya has anything to do with electricity (or combust Sukra? Or 5th lord?)????????????? Reference for this statement, please!//Is it hard to understand?5th house is:House of creativity,House of intelligence, House of love,House of devotion,House of insights,House of blessing from previous life.When strong lord of this house joins another planet, it will definitely create love, affection, insight towards the karakatatvas of the planet it is joining.Do you think that I am incorrect? O then please correct me. Hope you come up with superior intelligence and enlighten me.//venus saturn yoga always shows that person will dedicated his life to a cause or purpose.Venus is love and Saturn is hard work. it means love for hard work.Ah, interesting logic.... Can you please apply it on following two charts and tell me what these natives are doing with their life:Native 1:DOB: 13th of November 1982TOB: 11 30 AMPOB: Belgrade, Serbia; 20 E 30, 44 N 50Time zone 01h East of GMTGender: maleNative 2:DOB: 27th of November 1960TOB: 14: 58 PMPOB: 21 E 06, 43 N 08, Time zone 01h East of GMTGender: maleDo you think that love for hard work is strong enough to overpower interest for women in case of these two natives?//Venus is love and Saturn is hard work. It means love for hard work. Is it incorrect? Then, I again request you to enlighten all of us regarding what exactly Saturn venus yoga means. Thanks in advance.To test whether i know something, you are coming up with Puzzles. I can also come up with some puzzles for you, to test your knowledge. Are you good in solving puzzles?Whoever, I did cast chart native 2 chart and find out that shastiamsha lagna should be Scorpio not Sagittarius.Why? Because vimshottari dash of strong planet must correlate to moola dasha of strong planet in shastiamsha.This rectification technique works beautifully and gives results with amazing accuracy. Hope some brainy people like to discuss potentials of this technique. For example Hitler Lagna vimshottari dasha of yogakaraka Saturn correlate to Jupiter moola dasha. Jupiter is exalted in shastiamsha.Anyways, native2 chart clearly shows extremely strong 4th house.Extremely auspicious childhood(62 to 66), sudasha of cancer where GL,HL,SL falls, its lord moon is virgottama in many vargas, exalted in d12 did show how auspicious his 4th house is.I think it will give very powerful mother, lot of wealth; superb education and native will be interested in religious learning(as 4L is 9th from itself).Now look at 9th lord Jupiter strength. It strong in many vargas. But Jupiter dasha will start in 2060.He must be at a very powerful position.Any yes, last but not the least:Saturn, venus yoga with Jupiter means person will dedicate his life to gain and spread true knowledge.9L joining 10L in 9th, person fame will spread beyond borders of his country.// ve sa ke shows a tapasavi or territories.ve sa ma shows a brutal criminal or a great soldier.ve sa me shows mathematician, logicians of great caliber.Really? In every chart? In any Bhava? //That's a very very naïve question. Naturally, one will experience good result of any yoga if planets involved are strong and well placed. That just show how experienced you really are.//Regarding raman maharashi,parivartan between 6th and 7th is the cause of him being away from women. This is the reason of his celibacy.DOB: 03rd of October 1979TOB: 19:02POB: Zagreb, Croatia; 15 E 58, 45 N 58Time zone 01h East of GMTGender: femaleFriend of mine. She is definitely not a celibate. So you see, this is not enough to make one a celibate.//Its parivartan and neeach bhang together, just not parivertan. Moreover,Mercury in 7th give multiple relationships. It is accepted by Saturn and mars(two malefic). I will not say anything more than that. It's clearly visible to experienced eyes. Hope you have some.Their are many thing one should see before coming to a conclusion. But parivartan shows strongest relationship between the planets. and is quite conclusive in most of the cases.// parivatran between 6th and 4th is the cause of him leaving all happiness for the pursuit of higher reasons. "Higher reasons" are related with 6th bhava? Since when? Reference for this statement, please!//parivatran between 6th and 4th is the cause of him leaving all happiness. That is what it means. For reasons there are other 7 planets waiting for you to look at them as well.these kind of yoga shows person leaving his home for conquest. like a king gone for war.// You see, parivartana applies only for bhavas occupied with grahas in exchange. In this chart that would be 6th and 7th bhava, meaning that there is very strong link between these bhavas, so Sani/Guru yoga (Brahma Yoga) will be related to 6th and 7th bhava. As far as other bhavas lorded by Guru and Sani, exchange is only on level of lordship and applied intelligence in context of Bhava signification.//That just show how experienced you really are. You even don't know rahu is colord of Aquarius.//Please note that Malefics are of Tamas Guna. (Are you familiar with Guna chakra?) How in the world could they ever increase Rajas? In 3rd, 6th and 11th where from, lagna, AL, Chandra, Navamsha lagna...???? //You are familiar with Guna charka. How very fortunate you are.According to you Malefic can't increase rajo guna. Are you sure?// I do believe and experienced in charts that venus in 3ld does make one lustful. But in the above chart as venus is at zero degrees it will give effect as being in 2nd and 3ld both houses. Allow me some assistance here: Graha can be either in 2nd or 3rd, NOT in 2nd and 3rd at the same time. Graha being in rashi/ bhava sandhi or Gandanta, that is a different story (and there is interpretation for results of such placement. Ever read BPHS?)//Forget about gandatha, everyone can read it in Bphs. Yes, rashi sandhi(is that what you call it.), tell me the related verses in Bphs.Are you talking about these verses:Ch 45 verse 4.Results. One fourth, half, full, negligible and nil are the grades of the results, due to a Grah in infant, youthful, adolescent, old and dead Avasthas. These verses didn't talk about rashi sandhi. Also same sage also said that moon is exalted in first 3 degrees in Taurus. So he definitely didn't mean what you have interpreted.However, if you ever read Bphs, then that's good. Come up with the necessary verses for rashi sandhi. Eagerly waiting for your response.//I also clarify that in my personal experience I have observed that chalit chart gives incorrect results.Your personal experience with Chalit Chakra? In previous email you did not even know how to use it...//Because of the virtues given to me by my parents and my cultural heritage, I was taught to be humble and polite. Which you interpret as my ignorance. May lord ram bless you?//I want to raise this to the knowledgeable people in SJC and like to know their views on this. (My warmest recommendation: why don't you start with BPHS, and see where it goes...)//As you ask:I have read:Bphs, saravali, bhatira jataka, horasara, Cova, some book of k.n rao, bhasin etc.Anyway, thanks for your warmest recommendation. I can feel the warmth.// Secondly, as far as what I understand benefices in 3, 6 from AL give an image of a person who don't like to fight and is calm.Malefic in same position give an image of a person who is always ready to fight and create nuisance.Please do tell me, how do you define "AL giving image"?//O that's means my above statements are incorrect. Be kind enough to correct me.// My only question is can't we have a saint who have an above mentioned bad image? Your questions:1. Even i should also ask what is a definition of saints.2. is one who do tapa to gain higher knowledge is a saint.3. or is one who do tapa for mokesha is a saint.4.or is the one who gives preachings to who one should follws once dharma is a saint.5. or is the one who preaches who one can get mokesha is a saint.My dear Arun, as far as 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 I do believe that you've chosen a very wrong thread to ask these questions (considering subject of this thread). Same goes for rest of your email bellow://If you can't answer these question then may I ask your gurujis to answer.Jai shree ram Krishna.Arun.

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Om Gurave NamahDear Arun, namasteComments bellow.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Tue, 2/2/10, aruninthecity <aruninthecity wrote:aruninthecity <aruninthecity[Om Krishna Guru] [soHamsa] Re: Question about Ve in 3rd from AL (Rafalji) Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010, 3:13 PM



Dear Maja, jai shree ram Krishna,my response is in orange.//In tesla chart venus is badly combust by sun. because of this venus karaktatawas are severely harmed. venus represents women, love in general. Really?DOB: 08th of January 1978TOB: 15:15 PMPOB: Split, Croatia; 16 E 27, 43 N 31Time zone 01h East of GMTThis is my brother's chart. Pay attention on Venus, please. He is married BTW.//Is parivertan between lagana and 7th isn't good enough reason for him getting married. Three benefices in 7th is not good enough. 7th from venus has Jupiter, is that is not a good enough reason.Haven't you taught to see these thing all well in a chart. Speaking of looking and seeing, which are basic conditions to read

correctly, my suggestion was to look at combust Sukra in his chart,

and seems like you failed to see that combustion occurs in 7th bhava...

Anyway, my point in giving you this example was not to examine his

chart and reasons why he married (which I am able to do on my own,

thank you) if they are not including explanation on combusted Sukra not

destroying "women and love" in this chart. I can even spell my point:

T-H-I-S* I-S*N-O-T*E-N-O-U-G-H*T-O*M-A-K-E*O-N-E*A*C-E-L-I-B-A-T-E!His venus is combust. Is hard for him to fall in love and he will feel neglected in love. Sorry, but this is not the case.Though these result will not be intense because of many benefices are associating with it. Benefics can not cancel combustion (Especially not Amavasya Chandra!). It is very specific dosa, it is not like dristi of malefics forming a curse (Saapa), for example, where drishti of benefic can be of help.As UL

contains mars indicates his wife being aggressive. No she is not. Also he will have some relationship problem with his father. This is correct.Why tesla didn't have women in his life?Here are the reasons:1. 7th lord combust.2. venus combust. 3. 6L joining 7L. Please look at female chart I gave you (3rd October 1979...) 6th and 7th lord in parivartana, combust Sukra 7th lord.4. UL in 12th. UL can not possibly fall in 12th house...5. 7th from venus is in 12th.

Meaning that he can meet his wife somewhere abroad :) I have one example, but every time I give you an example, you think I am puzzling you, testing you and expecting you say

something more about native in order to prove your knowledge. That is really not the case. Just illustrating your statements...6. In navamsha venus moved in 8th accepted by 8th lord mars and is helmed between malefic. You should really see Sukra in Swami Vivekananda's navamsha...Is these reasons are enough? Nope... You see, when I gave you birth details for Tesla's chart, I was really expecting you will ask questions to other learned members, since you showed some enthusiasm for the subject (I was sort of lazy those days). I was hoping I will not have to include further in this thread except for reading replies (if there is any decent reply worth reading). But you referred to me... So here we are

(by now I am

bored to death). Honestly, if I would ask a question why he decided to live in celibacy, you would be the last on the list of people who I would refer to. No offense, please, I am just picky when it comes to knowledge. My question would begin with broken pravraja yoga which includes relevant lordships for celibacy, placed in 7th from UL (badhak), well placed from Lagnesh and AK... in karma bhava from Ch also... But these are just initial thoughts on concept of my question.And yes "Really?", what do you mean by this? Exactly what are you trying to prove by using the word really? Asking a question... You do see a question mark added to "really"?//as stated in wiki tesla was known for his abusive speeches regarding

other scientists. Please copy paragraph containing this line from Wikipedia and paste it in your next email. I would love to read it in one piece. Especially this word "abusive".//Can't you simply open wiki and read it. I am familiar with every word written about Tesla on Wikipedia long before you and I started to exchange emails. and what is got to do with the discussion?anyways , here it is://Tesla was critical of Einstein's relativity work, calling it:Magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king ... its exponents are brilliant men but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists./ /Ah, good, there is no word "abusive" in this paragraph. Case closed.Is this not abusive? You are entitled to your opinion, of course. Opinion is something different than "as stated in Wikipedia" There are ways to be critical. Above one fall in worst category. If one is using such words for "theory of relativity", I can't imagine what words he would use to describe other theories. Please do have forgiveness in your heart for this old man, as he was reading Vedanta too much, which influenced his criteria for metaphysics and science. BTW nuclear bomb is fruit of relativity theory... Though poor Einstein won Nobel's prize for photoelectric effect. Can you believe this injustice? //in a 1937 interview, he stated:... man's new sense of pity began to interfere with the ruthless workings of nature. The only method compatible with our notions of civilization and the race is to prevent the breeding of the unfit by sterilization and the deliberate guidance of the mating instinct .... The trend of opinion among eugenists is that we must make marriage more difficult. Certainly no one who is not a desirable parent should be permitted to produce progeny. A century from now it will no more occur to a normal person to mate with a person eugenically unfit than to marry a habitual criminal.//This sounds creepy, honestly. A

clear case of venus combust with malefic. But there is a benefic Budh to pull it out of combustion, right? ;) In your brother chat, venus will not give extremely bad result, only because its is with benefices and accepted by benefices. "Accepted"? If we exclude Amavasya Chandra, this is leaving only Budh. Coincidentally, Budh is only benefic with Tesla's Sukra as well... But it's definitely very week being combust. Open Bphs, if you have any doubts regarding this.Parashara clearly said if futile to check the strength of planet in other vargas if it is combust, defeated in war, in bad avastha like sayan. What he clearly did not say anywhere is that other benefics joined with combust graha can improve situation. This has no logic. If Graha is near


graha, this means that it might be "burned" as well... As far as drishti, how helpful can it be? Benefic with desire (drishti) to pour some water? :)// In rashi venus lords 2nd and 7th, both of them are destroyed because of venus being combust with sun. Can you list criteria you were using to determine combustion of


Define "destroyed", please.//Is venus not combust by your criteria? There are various types of combustion... BTW you did not define "destroyed"...// However as sun is 5th lord, this union has created love and superb insight for electricity. Since when Surya has anything to do with electricity (or combust Sukra? Or 5th lord?)?????? ??????? Reference for this statement, please!//Is it hard to understand?5th house is:House of creativity,House of intelligence, House of love, *sort of, something more like bhakti, more resembles of your statement bellow:House of devotion,House of insights,I absolutely agree on everything you wrote above.House of blessing from previous life. Except for this. 5th Bhava is future. Sorry. BTW where is electricity? I did not ask you to list 5th bhava signification. I specifically asked you for reference on electricity related to 5th bhava. Are you sure you can read well? When strong lord Is Surya indeed strong in 3rd bhava? of this house joins another planet, it will definitely create love, affection, insight towards the karakatatvas of the planet it is joining. Even if "burning" them in combustion? I though you said they are destroyed... *plural, exactly, Sani is also combusted. **That is-if the only criteria you are using is "close to Sun"Do you think that I am incorrect? O then

please correct me. Hope you come up with superior intelligence and enlighten me. Please, spare me from your attempts of using sarcasm... I prefer quality.//venus saturn yoga always shows that person will dedicated his life to a cause or purpose.Venus is love and Saturn is hard work. it means love for hard work.Ah, interesting logic.... Can you please apply it on following two charts and tell me what these natives are doing with their life:Native 1:DOB: 13th of November 1982TOB: 11 30 AMPOB: Belgrade, Serbia; 20 E 30, 44 N 50Time zone 01h East of GMTGender: maleNative 2:DOB: 27th of November 1960TOB: 14: 58 PMPOB: 21 E 06, 43 N 08, Time zone 01h East of GMTGender: maleDo you think that love for hard work is strong enough to overpower interest for women in case of these two

natives?//Venus is love and Saturn is hard work. It means love for hard work. Is it incorrect? This is the poorest definition of this yoga I've ever read in my entire life (it is not incorrect). BTW if you are trying to apply it in Tesla's chart, didn't you say that "love" is destroyed as Sukra is combusted? How could he love anything in that case, including hard work? Anyway, Sukra is of Jala tatva (emotions), also related to Bhakti. If joined with Sani, it can result in coldness. These natives need time to open up in partnership. It is better if Sani and Sukra are both strong (own rashi, mooltrikona, exaltation...). If weak, they can bring sorrow in partnership. To native or partner, this depends on placement and lordship. Maturation of Sani (age of 36) can bring some relief. These natives tend to adopt traditional values (again, this depends on placement and lordship). Don't forget that weak Sani brings laziness, dullness, atheism (Guru is neecha in Makara) etc. etc. Being selfish is also result of this yoga. Of course, everything stated depends on complete chart.Then, I again request you to enlighten all of us regarding what exactly Saturn venus yoga means. Thanks in advance.To test whether i know something, you are coming up with Puzzles. My question was clear: "Do you think that love for hard work is strong enough to overpower interest for women in case of these two natives?" Nothing else. I did not ask you to guess their profession, eye color, confection size, etc etc

etc. I can

also come up with some puzzles for you, to test your knowledge. Are you good in solving puzzles? Hey, once I completed one of those with 2000 pieces. I am totally proud of my

self!Whoever, I did cast chart native 2 chart and find out that shastiamsha lagna should be Scorpio not Sagittarius.Why? Because vimshottari dash of strong planet must correlate to moola dasha of strong planet in shastiamsha.This rectification technique works beautifully and gives results with amazing accuracy. Hope some brainy people like to discuss potentials of this technique. One of those special treats from your great opus of "my ideas", I guess...For example Hitler Lagna vimshottari dasha of yogakaraka Saturn correlate to Jupiter moola dasha. Jupiter is exalted in shastiamsha.Anyways,

native2 chart clearly shows extremely strong 4th house. Extremely auspicious childhood(62 to 66), sudasha of cancer where GL,HL,SL falls, its lord moon is virgottama in many vargas, exalted in d12 did show how auspicious his 4th house is. I think it will give very powerful mother, lot of wealth; superb education He had difficulties in finishing high school, but he graduated eventually. There is curse of Guru in 9th bhava... also, D24 is absolutely terrible. and native will be interested in religious learning(as 4L is 9th from itself). Not really... read further.Now look at 9th lord Jupiter

strength. It strong in many vargas. But

Jupiter dasha will start in 2060. He will be deep under ground by then...He must be at a very powerful position. He is in financial problems for last 6 years. But before financial problems occurred, what happened-read further.Any yes, last but not the least:Saturn, venus yoga with Jupiter means person will dedicate his life to gain and spread true knowledge.9L joining 10L in 9th, person fame will spread beyond borders of his country.He "spread" smuggled oil, stolen cars and narcotics. His CV is full of criminal affairs. He was not in powerful position among "colleagues" if this answers some of your questions above. BTW check what you wrote bellow for Ve-Sa-Ma... Again, I did not ask you to write novel about his life, I just asked you to say if he is so much occupied with hard work, that it reduced his interest for women.Rare are those who can guess someone's entire life scenario only by analyzing chart. You and I don't belong to this category by any chance. Difference between you and me is that I am aware of it and saying it openly.// ve sa ke shows a tapasavi or territories.ve sa ma shows a brutal criminal or a great soldier.ve sa me shows

mathematician, logicians of great

caliber.Really? In every chart? In any Bhava? //That's a very very naïve question. Naturally, one will experience good result of any yoga if planets involved are strong and well placed. That just show how experienced you really are. :))))) Excuse me, I was not the one who tried to justify fact from someone's life with few yogas, without analyzing their position from Lg, LL, AL, Ch... Sorry for offending your self.//Regarding raman maharashi,parivartan between 6th and 7th is the cause of him being away from women. This is the reason of his celibacy.DOB: 03rd of October 1979TOB: 19:02POB: Zagreb, Croatia; 15 E 58, 45 N 58Time zone 01h East of GMTGender: femaleFriend of mine. She is definitely not a celibate. So you see, this is not enough to make one a celibate.//Its parivartan and neeach bhang together, just not parivertan. Moreover,Mercury in 7th give multiple relationships. It is accepted by Saturn and mars(two malefic). I will not say anything more than that. It's clearly visible to experienced eyes. Hope you have

some. I made some comments related to this chart few paragraphs above. Their are many thing one should see before coming to a conclusion. So, why are you focusing on only few of them? But parivartan shows strongest relationship between the planets. and is quite conclusive in most of the cases.// parivatran between 6th and 4th is the cause of him leaving all happiness for the pursuit of higher reasons. "Higher reasons" are related with 6th bhava? Since when? Reference for this statement, please!//parivatran between 6th and 4th is the cause of him leaving all happiness. Second time: there is no parivartana between 4th and 6th bhava. That is

what it means. For reasons there are other 7 planets waiting for you to look at them as well. When explaining effects of one yoga, one should not reach for other grahas not included in this yoga. Basics... these kind of yoga shows person leaving his home

for conquest. like a king gone for war. // You see, parivartana applies only for bhavas occupied with grahas in exchange. In this chart that would be 6th and 7th bhava, meaning that there is very strong link between these bhavas, so Sani/Guru yoga (Brahma Yoga) will be related

to 6th and 7th bhava. As far as other bhavas lorded by Guru and Sani, exchange is only on level of lordship and applied intelligence in context of Bhava signification. //That just show how experienced you really are. You even don't know rahu is colord of Aquarius. Sure that this is my first time to read about dual lordship for Kumbha. Thank you for opening my eyes! Bow to your lotus feet! Where would I be without you I wonder...//Please note that Malefics are of Tamas Guna. (Are you familiar with Guna chakra?) How in the world could they ever increase Rajas? In 3rd, 6th and 11th where from, lagna, AL, Chandra, Navamsha lagna...???? //You are familiar with Guna charka. How very fortunate you are. According to you Malefic can't increase rajo guna. Not acording to me, according to Guna chakra. Are you sure? 100% sure that Ketu will not increase rajas. Mangal and Sani also. As far as Rahu... well you said it can not destroy Satva, so I can not continue with explanation. However, here you skipped answering question on positions.// I do believe and experienced in charts that venus in 3ld does make one lustful. But in the above chart as venus is at zero degrees it will give effect as being in 2nd and 3ld both houses. Allow me some assistance here: Graha can be either in 2nd or 3rd, NOT

in 2nd and 3rd at the same time. Graha being in rashi/ bhava sandhi or Gandanta, that is a different story (and there is interpretation for results of such placement. Ever read BPHS?)//Forget about gandatha, everyone can read it in Bphs. Yes, rashi sandhi(is that what you call it. ), tell me the related verses in Bphs.Are you talking about these verses:Ch 45 verse 4.Results. One fourth, half, full, negligible and nil are the grades of the results, due to a Grah in infant, youthful, adolescent, old and dead Avasthas. These verses didn't talk about rashi sandhi. Also same sage also said that moon is exalted in first 3 degrees in Taurus. So he definitely didn't mean what you have interpreted. No. What I was aiming at was within

range of one pada (03deg. 20min) or one navamsha on each side of rashi junction. Between browsing through chaos of My Documents in my computer to find where I was reading about this and saying "Oops" for stating that it is included in BPHS somewhere along Gandanta, I rather choose to say "Oops". (You are free to label me as lazy and suffering dementia. Go on right ahead)At the time being, I have only this article to offer, but I repeat again, I am not sure if this is the only source I was using:http://sarbani.com/index.php?option=com_content & view=article & id=6:bhava-and-rashi-sandhis & catid=7:basics & Itemid=14However, if you ever read Bphs, then that's good. Come up with the necessary verses for rashi sandhi. Eagerly waiting for your response.//I also clarify that in my personal

experience I have observed that chalit chart gives incorrect results.Your personal experience with Chalit Chakra? In previous email you did not even know how to use it...//Because of the virtues given to me by my parents and my cultural heritage, I was taught to be humble and polite. Which you interpret as my ignorance. May lord ram bless you?//I want to raise this to the knowledgeable people in SJC and like to know their views on this. (My warmest recommendation: why don't you start with BPHS, and see where it goes...)//As you ask:I have read:Bphs, saravali, bhatira jataka, horasara, Cova, some book of k.n rao, bhasin etc. Good, good, keep up!Anyway, thanks for your warmest recommendation. I can feel the warmth.// Secondly, as far as what I understand benefices in 3, 6 from AL give an image

of a person who don't like to fight and is calm.Malefic in same position give an image of a person who

is always ready to fight and create nuisance.Please do tell me, how do you define "AL giving image"?//O that's means my above statements are incorrect. Be kind enough to correct me. No I will not correct you, as I don't have anything to correct. You did not write anything on how you define Al giving image. If you have written something, and if this definition would be correct, you would not have need to ask that question you've asked.// My only question is can't we have a saint who have an above mentioned bad image? Your questions:1. Even i should also ask what is a definition of saints.2. is one who do tapa to gain higher knowledge is a saint.3. or is one who do tapa for mokesha is a saint.4.or is the one who gives preachings to who one should follws once dharma is a saint.5. or is the one who

preaches who one can get mokesha is a saint.My dear Arun, as far as 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5Â I do believe that you've chosen a very wrong thread to ask these questions (considering subject of this thread). Same goes for rest of your email bellow://If you can't answer these question then may I ask your gurujis

to answer. Can I suggest you a thread for these questions? For example, this one, title sounds kind of nice:/message/32858Good luck in receiving replies from Gurus! Jai shree ram Krishna.Arun.

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Om Gurave NamahDear Arun, namasteI had to add one correction to my email bellow. It is written in this font color.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Thu, 2/4/10, Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastro wrote:Maja Å trbac <majastrbacastroRe: [Om Krishna Guru] [soHamsa] Re: Question about Ve in 3rd from AL (Rafalji) Date: Thursday, February 4, 2010, 4:23 PM



Om Gurave NamahDear Arun, namasteComments bellow.Warm regards,Maja Å trbac--- On Tue, 2/2/10, aruninthecity <aruninthecity@ .co. in> wrote:aruninthecity <aruninthecity@ .co. in>[Om Krishna Guru] [soHamsa] Re: Question about Ve in 3rd from AL (Rafalji)Tuesday, February 2, 2010, 3:13 PM



Dear Maja, jai shree ram Krishna,my response is in orange.//In tesla chart venus is badly combust by sun. because of this venus karaktatawas are severely harmed. venus represents women, love in general. Really?DOB: 08th of January 1978TOB: 15:15 PMPOB: Split, Croatia; 16 E 27, 43 N 31Time zone 01h East of GMTThis is my brother's chart. Pay attention on Venus, please. He is married BTW.//Is parivertan between lagana and 7th isn't good enough reason for him getting married. Three benefices in 7th is not good enough. 7th from venus has Jupiter, is that is not a good enough reason.Haven't you taught to see these thing all well in a chart. Speaking of looking and seeing, which are basic conditions to read

correctly, my suggestion was to look at combust Sukra in his chart,

and seems like you failed to see that combustion occurs in 7th bhava...

Anyway, my point in giving you this example was not to examine his

chart and reasons why he married (which I am able to do on my own,

thank you) if they are not including explanation on combusted Sukra not

destroying "women and love" in this chart. I can even spell my point:

T-H-I-S* I-S*N-O-T*E- N-O-U-G-H* T-O*M-A-K- E*O-N-E*A* C-E-L-I-B- A-T-E!His venus is combust. Is hard for him to fall in love and he will feel neglected in love. Sorry, but this is not the case.Though these result will not be intense because of many benefices are associating with it. Benefics can not cancel combustion (Especially not Amavasya Chandra!). It is very specific dosa, it is not like dristi of malefics forming a curse (Saapa), for example, where drishti of benefic can be of help.As UL

contains mars indicates his wife being aggressive. No she is not. Also he will have some relationship problem with his father. This is correct.Why tesla didn't have women in his life?Here are the reasons:1. 7th lord combust.2. venus combust. 3. 6L joining 7L. Please look at female chart I gave you (3rd October 1979...) 6th and 7th lord in parivartana, combust Sukra 7th lord.4. UL in 12th. UL can not possibly fall in 12th house...5. 7th from venus is in 12th.

Meaning that he can meet his wife somewhere abroad :) I have one example, but every time I give you an example, you think I am puzzling you, testing you and expecting you say

something more about native in order to prove your knowledge. That is really not the case. Just illustrating your statements.. .6. In navamsha venus moved in 8th accepted by 8th lord mars and is helmed between malefic. You should really see Sukra in Swami Vivekananda' s navamsha...Is these reasons are enough? Nope... You see, when I gave you birth details for Tesla's chart, I was really expecting you will ask questions to other learned members, since you showed some enthusiasm for the subject (I was sort of lazy those days). I was hoping I will not have to include further in this thread except for reading replies (if there is any decent reply worth reading). But you referred to me... So here we are

(by now I am

bored to death). Honestly, if I would ask a question why he decided to live in celibacy, you would be the last on the list of people who I would refer to. No offense, please, I am just picky when it comes to knowledge. My question would begin with broken pravraja yoga which includes relevant lordships for celibacy, placed in 7th from UL (badhak), well placed from Lagnesh and AK... in karma bhava from Ch also... But these are just initial thoughts on concept of my question.And yes "Really?", what do you mean by this? Exactly what are you trying to prove by using the word really? Asking a question... You do see a question mark added to "really"?//as stated in wiki tesla was known for his abusive speeches regarding

other scientists. Please copy paragraph containing this line from Wikipedia and paste it in your next email. I would love to read it in one piece. Especially this word "abusive".//Can't you simply open wiki and read it. I am familiar with every word written about Tesla on Wikipedia long before you and I started to exchange emails. and what is got to do with the discussion?anyways , here it is://Tesla was critical of Einstein's relativity work, calling it:Magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king ... its exponents are brilliant men but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists./ /Ah, good, there is no word "abusive" in this paragraph. Case closed.Is this not abusive? You are entitled to your opinion, of course. Opinion is something different than "as stated in Wikipedia" There are ways to be critical. Above one fall in worst category. If one is using such words for "theory of relativity", I can't imagine what words he would use to describe other theories. Please do have forgiveness in your heart for this old man, as he was reading Vedanta too much, which influenced his criteria for metaphysics and science. BTW nuclear bomb is fruit of relativity theory... Though poor Einstein won Nobel's prize for photoelectric effect. Can you believe this injustice? //in a 1937 interview, he stated:... man's new sense of pity began to interfere with the ruthless workings of nature. The only method compatible with our notions of civilization and the race is to prevent the breeding of the unfit by sterilization and the deliberate guidance of the mating instinct .... The trend of opinion among eugenists is that we must make marriage more difficult. Certainly no one who is not a desirable parent should be permitted to produce progeny. A century from now it will no more occur to a normal person to mate with a person eugenically unfit than to marry a habitual criminal.//This sounds creepy, honestly. A

clear case of venus combust with malefic. But there is a benefic Budh to pull it out of combustion, right? ;) In your brother chat, venus will not give extremely bad result, only because its is with benefices and accepted by benefices. "Accepted"? If we exclude Amavasya Chandra, this is leaving only Budh. Coincidentally, Budh is only benefic with Tesla's Sukra as well... But it's definitely very week being combust. Open Bphs, if you have any doubts regarding this.Parashara clearly said if futile to check the strength of planet in other vargas if it is combust, defeated in war, in bad avastha like sayan. What he clearly did not say anywhere is that other benefics joined with combust graha can improve situation. This has no logic. If Graha is near


graha, this means that it might be "burned" as well... As far as drishti, how helpful can it be? Benefic with desire (drishti) to pour some water? :)// In rashi venus lords 2nd and 7th, both of them are destroyed because of venus being combust with sun. Can you list criteria you were using to determine combustion of


Define "destroyed", please.//Is venus not combust by your criteria? There are various types of combustion.. . BTW you did not define "destroyed"...// However as sun is 5th lord, this union has created love and superb insight for electricity. Since when Surya has anything to do with electricity (or combust Sukra? Or 5th lord?)?????? ??????? Reference for this statement, please!//Is it hard to understand?5th house is:House of creativity,House of intelligence, House of love, *sort of, something more like bhakti, more resembles of your statement bellow:House of devotion,House of insights,I absolutely agree on everything you wrote above.House of blessing from previous life. Except for this. 5th Bhava is future. Sorry. BTW where is electricity? I did not ask you to list 5th bhava signification. I specifically asked you for reference on electricity related to 5th bhava. Are you sure you can read well? When strong lord Is Surya indeed strong in 3rd bhava? of this house joins another planet, it will definitely create love, affection, insight towards the karakatatvas of the planet it is joining. Even if "burning" them in combustion? I though you said they are destroyed... *plural, exactly, Sani is also combusted. **That is-if the only criteria you are using is "close to Sun"Do you think that I am incorrect? O then

please correct me. Hope you come up with superior intelligence and enlighten me. Please, spare me from your attempts of using sarcasm... I prefer quality.//venus saturn yoga always shows that person will dedicated his life to a cause or purpose.Venus is love and Saturn is hard work. it means love for hard work.Ah, interesting logic.... Can you please apply it on following two charts and tell me what these natives are doing with their life:Native 1:DOB: 13th of November 1982TOB: 11 30 AMPOB: Belgrade, Serbia; 20 E 30, 44 N 50Time zone 01h East of GMTGender: maleNative 2:DOB: 27th of November 1960TOB: 14: 58 PMPOB: 21 E 06, 43 N 08, Time zone 01h East of GMTGender: maleDo you think that love for hard work is strong enough to overpower interest for women in case of these two

natives?//Venus is love and Saturn is hard work. It means love for hard work. Is it incorrect? This is the poorest definition of this yoga I've ever read in my entire life (it is not incorrect). BTW if you are trying to apply it in Tesla's chart, didn't you say that "love" is destroyed as Sukra is combusted? How could he love anything in that case, including hard work? Anyway, Sukra is of Jala tatva (emotions), also related to Bhakti. If joined with Sani, it can result in coldness. These natives need time to open up in partnership. It is better if Sani and Sukra are both strong (own rashi, mooltrikona, exaltation.. .). If weak, they can bring sorrow in partnership. To native or partner, this depends on placement and lordship. Maturation of Sani (age of 36) can bring some relief. These natives tend to adopt traditional values (again, this depends on placement and lordship). Don't forget that weak Sani brings laziness, dullness, atheism (Guru is neecha in Makara) etc. etc. Being selfish is also result of this yoga. Of course, everything stated depends on complete chart.Then, I again request you to enlighten all of us regarding what exactly Saturn venus yoga means. Thanks in advance.To test whether i know something, you are coming up with Puzzles. My question was clear: "Do you think that love for hard work is strong enough to overpower interest for women in case of these two natives?" Nothing else. I did not ask you to guess their profession, eye color, confection size, etc etc

etc. I can

also come up with some puzzles for you, to test your knowledge. Are you good in solving puzzles? Hey, once I completed one of those with 2000 pieces. I am totally proud of my

self!Whoever, I did cast chart native 2 chart and find out that shastiamsha lagna should be Scorpio not Sagittarius.Why? Because vimshottari dash of strong planet must correlate to moola dasha of strong planet in shastiamsha.This rectification technique works beautifully and gives results with amazing accuracy. Hope some brainy people like to discuss potentials of this technique. One of those special treats from your great opus of "my ideas", I guess...For example Hitler Lagna vimshottari dasha of yogakaraka Saturn correlate to Jupiter moola dasha. Jupiter is exalted in shastiamsha.Anyways,

native2 chart clearly shows extremely strong 4th house. Extremely auspicious childhood(62 to 66), sudasha of cancer where GL,HL,SL falls, its lord moon is virgottama in many vargas, exalted in d12 did show how auspicious his 4th house is. I think it will give very powerful mother, lot of wealth; superb education He had difficulties in finishing high school, but he graduated eventually. There is curse of Guru in 9th bhava... also, D24 is absolutely terrible. and native will be interested in religious learning(as 4L is 9th from itself). Not really... read further.Now look at 9th lord Jupiter

strength. It strong in many vargas. But

Jupiter dasha will start in 2060. He will be deep under ground by then...He must be at a very powerful position. He is in financial problems for last 6 years. But before financial problems occurred, what happened-read further.Any yes, last but not the least:Saturn, venus yoga with Jupiter means person will dedicate his life to gain and spread true knowledge.9L joining 10L in 9th, person fame will spread beyond borders of his country.He "spread" smuggled oil, stolen cars and narcotics. His CV is full of criminal affairs. He was not in powerful position among "colleagues" if this answers some of your questions above. BTW check what you wrote bellow for Ve-Sa-Ma... Again, I did not ask you to write novel about his life, I just asked you to say if he is so much occupied with hard work, that it reduced his interest for women.Rare are those who can guess someone's entire life scenario only by analyzing chart. You and I don't belong to this category by any chance. Difference between you and me is that I am aware of it and saying it openly.// ve sa ke shows a tapasavi or territories.ve sa ma shows a brutal criminal or a great soldier.ve sa me shows

mathematician, logicians of great

caliber.Really? In every chart? In any Bhava? //That's a very very naïve question. Naturally, one will experience good result of any yoga if planets involved are strong and well placed. That just show how experienced you really are. :))))) Excuse me, I was not the one who tried to justify fact from someone's life with few yogas, without analyzing their position from Lg, LL, AL, Ch... Sorry for offending your self.//Regarding raman maharashi,parivartan between 6th and 7th is the cause of him being away from women. This is the reason of his celibacy.DOB: 03rd of October 1979TOB: 19:02POB: Zagreb, Croatia; 15 E 58, 45 N 58Time zone 01h East of GMTGender: femaleFriend of mine. She is definitely not a celibate. So you see, this is not enough to make one a celibate.//Its parivartan and neeach bhang together, just not parivertan. Moreover,Mercury in 7th give multiple relationships. It is accepted by Saturn and mars(two malefic). I will not say anything more than that. It's clearly visible to experienced eyes. Hope you have

some. I made some comments related to this chart few paragraphs above. Their are many thing one should see before coming to a conclusion. So, why are you focusing on only few of them? But parivartan shows strongest relationship between the planets. and is quite conclusive in most of the cases.// parivatran between 6th and 4th is the cause of him leaving all happiness for the pursuit of higher reasons. "Higher reasons" are related with 6th bhava? Since when? Reference for this statement, please!//And here we are:parivatran between 6th and 4th is the cause of him leaving all happiness. Second time: there is no parivartana between 4th and 6th bhava. This is my comment I would like to correct, but I will do it few more inches bellow. That is

what it means. For reasons there are other 7 planets waiting for you to look at them as well. When explaining effects of one yoga, one should not reach for other grahas not included in this yoga. Basics... these kind of yoga shows person leaving his home

for conquest. like a king gone for war. // You see, parivartana applies only for bhavas occupied with grahas in exchange. In this chart that would be 6th and 7th bhava, meaning that there is very strong link between these bhavas, so Sani/Guru yoga (Brahma Yoga) will be related

to 6th and 7th bhava. As far as other bhavas lorded by Guru and Sani, exchange is only on level of lordship and applied intelligence in context of Bhava signification. //That just show how experienced you really are. You even don't know rahu is colord of Aquarius. Sure that this is my first time to read about dual lordship for Kumbha. Thank you for opening my eyes! Bow to your lotus feet! Where would I be without you I wonder...First and second time I was saying that there is no parivartana between 4th and 6th bhava, Ramana

Maharishi's chart was not in front of me. I memorize charts easily, so I relied on this. When you said "parivartana between 4th and 6th", Sani/Guru and Kanya lagna flashed in my mind and I thought you were aiming on this. Coincidentally, these are also lords of 4th and 6th bhava, so I thought you were making mistake. Yesterday I read your email with this comment "you don't even know Rahu is colord of Aquarius". I was thinking "Yeah, whatever...", as I had no idea where this conclusion came from, and decided to leave it on "I actually have no idea what is dual lordship". Then maybe you would not use those words unless you had a reason, so I opened his chart. Yes, I've noticed Rahu's

placement.This is misunderstanding due to my mistake. My apologies for bothering you with this (these) parivartana(s).//Please note that Malefics are of Tamas Guna. (Are you familiar with Guna chakra?) How in the world could they ever increase Rajas? In 3rd, 6th and 11th where from, lagna, AL, Chandra, Navamsha lagna...???? //You are familiar with Guna charka. How very fortunate you are. According to you Malefic can't increase rajo guna. Not acording to me, according to Guna chakra. Are you sure? 100% sure that Ketu will

not increase rajas. Mangal and Sani also. As far as Rahu... well you said it can not destroy Satva, so I can not continue with explanation. However, here you skipped answering question on positions.// I do believe and experienced in charts that venus in 3ld does make one lustful. But in the above chart as venus is at zero degrees it will give effect as being in 2nd and 3ld both houses. Allow me some assistance here: Graha can be either in 2nd or 3rd, NOT

in 2nd and 3rd at the same time. Graha being in rashi/ bhava sandhi or Gandanta, that is a different story (and there is interpretation for results of such placement. Ever read BPHS?)//Forget about gandatha, everyone can read it in Bphs. Yes, rashi sandhi(is that what you call it. ), tell me the related verses in Bphs.Are you talking about these verses:Ch 45 verse 4.Results. One fourth, half, full, negligible and nil are the grades of the results, due to a Grah in infant, youthful, adolescent, old and dead Avasthas. These verses didn't talk about rashi sandhi. Also same sage also said that moon is exalted in first 3 degrees in Taurus. So he definitely didn't mean what you have interpreted. No. What I was aiming at was within

range of one pada (03deg. 20min) or one navamsha on each side of rashi junction. Between browsing through chaos of My Documents in my computer to find where I was reading about this and saying "Oops" for stating that it is included in BPHS somewhere along Gandanta, I rather choose to say "Oops". (You are free to label me as lazy and suffering dementia. Go on right ahead)At the time being, I have only this article to offer, but I repeat again, I am not sure if this is the only source I was using:http://sarbani.

com/index. php?option= com_content & view=article & id=6:bhava-and- rashi-sandhis & catid=7:basics & Itemid=14However, if you ever read Bphs, then that's good. Come up with the necessary verses for rashi sandhi. Eagerly waiting for your response.//I also clarify that in my personal

experience I have observed that chalit chart gives incorrect results.Your personal experience with Chalit Chakra? In previous email you did not even know how to use it...//Because of the virtues given to me by my parents and my cultural heritage, I was taught to be humble and polite. Which you interpret as my ignorance. May lord ram bless you?//I want to raise this to the knowledgeable people in SJC and like to know their views on this. (My warmest recommendation: why don't you start with BPHS, and see where it goes...)//As you ask:I have read:Bphs, saravali, bhatira jataka, horasara, Cova, some book of k.n rao, bhasin etc. Good, good, keep up!Anyway, thanks for your warmest recommendation. I can feel the warmth.// Secondly, as far as what I understand benefices in 3, 6 from AL give an image

of a person who don't like to fight and is calm.Malefic in same position give an image of a person who

is always ready to fight and create nuisance.Please do tell me, how do you define "AL giving image"?//O that's means my above statements are incorrect. Be kind enough to correct me. No I will not correct you, as I don't have anything to correct. You did not write anything on how you define Al giving image. If you have written something, and if this definition would be correct, you would not have need to ask that question you've asked.// My only question is can't we have a saint who have an above mentioned bad image? Your questions:1. Even i should also ask what is a definition of saints.2. is one who do tapa to gain higher knowledge is a saint.3. or is one who do tapa for mokesha is a saint.4.or is the one who gives preachings to who one should follws once dharma is a saint.5. or is the one who

preaches who one can get mokesha is a saint.My dear Arun, as far as 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5Â I do believe that you've chosen a very wrong thread to ask these questions (considering subject of this thread). Same goes for rest of your email bellow://If you can't answer these question then may I ask your gurujis

to answer. Can I suggest you a thread for these questions? For example, this one, title sounds kind of nice:http://groups. / group/srijaganna th/message/ 32858Good luck in receiving replies from Gurus! Jai shree ram Krishna.Arun.

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