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[Jagannath] Jagannatha Hora Lite: Free Vedic Astrology Software from SJVC

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Jaya Jaya Jagannatha

Namaste friends,

As some of you may know, "Sri Jagannath Vedic Centre" (SJVC) was founded

in New Delhi in 1998 by my guru Pandit Sanjay Rath to serve Vedic culture

and Vedic astrology.

SJVC is happy to announce "Jagannatha Hora Lite", a free Vedic astrology

software written by me for Windows 95/98/NT PCs. It is a simpler, slightly

slower and slightly less accurate version of yet-to-be-launched "Jagannatha

Hora" software. It is very small in size and fits in a floppy.

We hope that astrology students and researchers who cannot afford to

buy expensive software will put this "Lite" version to use.



(1) TWENTY divisional charts (16 charts + D-5, D-6, D-8 & D-11),

option for using either Cancer-Leo hora chart or parivritti dwaya (bicyclical)

hora chart of Vriddha Karikas (it is used for family affairs and health)

(2) The positions of nine planets, lagna, 3 special lagnas (ghati lagna,

hora lagna & bhava lagna) and 10 upagrahas/sub-planets (Dhuma, Vyatipata,

Parivesha, Indrachapa, Upaketu, Kaala, Mrityu, Artha Prahara, Yama Ghantaka

& Gulika) - all these in ALL the twenty divisional charts

(3) Arudha padas of all the houses in ALL the twenty divisional charts

(4) Vimsottari dasa upto pratyantardasas (antaras)

(5) Ashtottari dasa (Aardraadi) and Kalachakra dasa upto antardasas


(6) Tajaka varsha chakras (annual charts), sahams & pancha vargeeya


(7) Patyayini dasa & Mudda dasa with Tajaka annual charts

(8) Miscellaneous: Tajaka sahams in natal charts; chara karakas (8-planet

scheme); shadbalas, bhava balas & ishta-kashta phalas; lunar month,

lunar day (tithi) and sunrise time listing with charts (using the apparent

rise of upper limb as advised by Varahamihira); nakshatra balance and tithi

balance; support for Lahiri ayanamsa, Raman ayanamsa and a few others;

customizable nonlinear ayanamsa; customizable year days in dasas (360 or

365.2425 or anything else that user wants to try); convenient toolbar buttons;

customizable printing; south/north/east Indian chart formats; basic or

complete plain text export; direct email of plain text file attachment

(if you have MAPI configured); a useful brief note on divisional charts

& arudha padas



It is available at


The zip file is about 1.2 MB and it will take around 5 minutes to download

if you have a 33 kbps connection.

If it says "file not found", try later. -Geocities server seems

to have occasional problems these days. If the downloaded zip file cannot

be unzipped, try downloading again. It IS a valid zip file and any zip

program should be able to unzip it.


Try this software and please tell us what you think. Please pass the

word so that more people can benefit from this free software.

Happy holidays and happy new year to all of you!

In service of the seekers of Light,

May Jupiter's light shine on us,



My astrology homepage: http://www.geocities.com/~astrowhiz

SJVC homepage: http://members.xoom.com/hariomtatsat


Discussions: vedic astrology/fullinfo.html

Jyotish-news: jyotish-news/fullinfo.html

SJVC list: sjvc/fullinfo.html



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