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Thanks - Guna of Signs

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Namaste Gurudeva,


I am sorry for this belated reply, our mail server had some problem.


Your answer was a true enlightenment. Combining the Sun movement in a day-Tatwa-Trikona Guna-Ayana. Marvelous. This is where we need a Guru. It has more answers than my question and more food for thinking. Thanks so much.


Your sisya

Solai Kannan




Sanjay Rath [srath]Thursday, September 21, 2000 4:53 AMvarahamihira Subject: Re: [sri Guru] Guna of Signs

Jaya JagannathDear Solai,The trikona are mentioned for the Natural Zodiac and it is necessary tostudy MOTHER NATURE FIRST AS SHE IS THE REAL SHAKTI LEADING TO BHAAGAVAN.Now, Start with sunrise when the Sun is in the first house. Aries is thefirst house of nature and the dharma trikona would be the fire signs...andso on. Fire which is the physical representative of Agni Tatwa is theremover of all sins and evils just like the purity of dharma removing theweaknesses and sins of the past. Bhakta's like Prahalada and Srima Saradadevi (w/o Ramakrishna Paramhamsa) can sit inside a burning pyre and reciteOM NAMO BHAGAVATE VASUDEVAYA. Vasu refers to the light or the purest form ofagnitatwa. (The reference is to Jupiter the greatest and representative ofGod in Agni Rasi)Now, come to midday when the Sun is in the tenth house and the natural signis Capricorn. The focus is on work and Karma Yoga. The signs are earthy andmaterially focused forming the Artha Trikona. It is here that most men falland their Karma Yoga gets diverted to self gratification instead ofNishkaama karma (work without the desire for fruit). Jupiter is in debility.The great Bhakta's like Gajendra (King of the elephants) sing KLEEMHRISHIKESHAYA NAMAH and ensure that Bhagavan comes riding the Bird Garudaand removes them from sin that can cause such a terrible fall.At sunset, the Sun is in the seventh house and the 7th house of nature isLibra. This is the begining of desire that ultimately culminates in sex etc.The native, having finished working, dreams of meeting spouse etc andfulfills desires related to social and personal matters. The Airy signs canmake the mind travel to great depths and the imagination is vivid as thedesires will depend on what the mind has got wind of. Great Bhakta likeNarada Muni (who was touched by the arrow of Kama devata) will sing HAREKRISHNA and will save themselves from these tormenting desires.At midnight, all sleep and the trines to the bed is the 4th house calledJala trikona. The Sun is in the 4th house and the water element is verystrong. The penultimate sleep symbolises Moksha and Jupiter in these signsshows Bhagawan as sleeping on a bed or reclining on a couch. The Bhakta'slike Mahalakshmi and Shiva sing OM NAMO NARAYANAYA and attain Moksha.Ayana refers to the direction of ones life and we know that MORNING SHOWSTHE DAY. So, the prayer/pooja we do in the morning is vital to directing ourefforts and path of life. This is done with the Gayatri Mantra's.Maharishi's who aim for Moksha stand in a river with water in their hands,JALA tatwa predominates in the Brahma Muhurta as they recite the gayatri.Hold water in cupped hands and offer this to Bhagavan as you recite theGayatri mantra, then the Moksha ayana is obtained. If you hold a burninglamp as a sign of offering while reciting the Gayatri, then Dharma trikonare activated and the sins are washed away, ignorance goes and the light ofknowledge comes. Offering incense indicates the prithvi tatwa and the personbecomes a Karma Yogi while the offering of food fulfills all desires. Thosewho aim for perfection in all the four ayana will hold a lotus or otherflower as an offering and recite the Gayatri. In this manner the ayanashould be understood with reference to the Tatwa.With Best Wishes,Sanjay Rath-Solai Kannan <solaiVarahamihira (E-mail) <varahamihira >Wednesday, September 20, 2000 1:48 PM[sri Guru] Guna of Signs>> OHM SHRI RAGAVENDRAYA NAMAH> JAYA JAGANNATHA>> Namste Gurudeva,>> I can understand the following.>> Zodiacal Kendra - Chara rasi - Lorded by Brahma - Rajo Guna - Creation> Zodiacal Panapara - Sthira rasi - Lorded by Shiva - Tamasik Guna -> Destruction> Zodiacal Apoklima - Dwisbava rasi - Lorded by Vishnu - Satwik Guna -> Protection>> But I cannot understand the following and correlate.>> Dharma trikona - Ar. Le. Sg. - Agni tatwa> Artha trikona - Tr. Vi. Cp. - Prithwi tatwa> Kama trikona - Ge. Li. Aq. - Vayu tatwa> Moksh trikona - Cn. Sc. Pi. - Jala tatwa>> I cannot correlate, how Agni tatwa represents Dharma trikona> and other tatwa also.>> Can you please explain the correlation between the Tatwa and the Trikona?>> Thanks> Your sisya> Solai Kannan>> HARE RAMA KRISHNA HARE RAMA KRISHNA HARE RAMA KRISHNA HARE RAMA KRISHNA>>>> OM TAT SAT> Archive: varahamihira> Info: varahamihira/info.html>>>OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraInfo: varahamihira/info.html

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