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Deep exaltation of planets - Saturn

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Dear Lakshmi,


At exactly 20 degrees, Saturn will neither be in the fourth pada of Swati nor the first pada of Vishakha, with its navamsa similarly in gandanta between Revati and Aswini.


Stanza 13 of BVSR's BJ states, " Aries, Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer, Pisces and Libra are signs of exaltation for the Sun, etc., respectively. The 10th, 3rd, 28th, 15th, 5th, 27th and 20th degrees of the above signs are deep exaltations for the Sun, etc., respectively. The seventh from these are the signs and degrees of debilitations for those planets " .



Chapter 3, Sloka 49 of Santhanam's version of BPHS will have you excited: " For the seven Grahas, from Sûrya on, the exaltation Râúis are, respectively, Mesh, Vrishabh, Makar, Kanya, Kark, Meen and Tula. The deepest exaltation degrees are, respectively, 10, 3, 28, 15, 5, 27 and 20 in those Râúis. " Even here, a second reading would suggest that he's talking of the 10th, 3rd,... degrees, but if you demurred, I won't argue :o)



And ye reckon 4th house as north? I take 10th as north and 4th as south, because of Sun's brightness at noon when he's in the 10th.


Moreover, this thing of Sun entering dakshinayana when he enters Cancer won't be forever, because of the precession. 2000 years on, it might well be in Taurus (unsure of this). Any views on this?






On 7/16/05, lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote:

Om Gurave NamahDear Rama,I am more bewildered than mad, because I alwaysthought and understood that deep exaltation &

debilitation occurs at a particular point and not overa span, unlike the moola trikona. ofcourse, theripples of that deep exaltation might be felt over azone around the DEP! 19 degrees 59'59 " is not 20 degrees and neither is 20

degrees 00'01 " !I am sure that the Maharishis have avery valid reason for specifying the exact point. For example, sun at 10 degrees aries just enterscancer in the navamsa...which is the starting point of

dakshinaayana...the movement of Sun towards South,where he gets maximum digbala. This is just oneexplanation and I am sure that there are certainlymore and better ones!Regards,Lakshmi

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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Rama,


20 degrees Libra in JHora shows 0 degrees Aries in

navamsa, which is definitely the gandanta. But I feel

that there is purpose for specifying the deep

exaltation point of Saturn like this in rasi/nakshatra

sandhi. Perhaps you are right and I am wrong, but

let's wait for Gurudeva's words for clarification on



Vide BPHS, all water signs signify North and earth

signs signify south, fire signs east and airy signs

indicate west.


And Rama, let me understand simple astrology as it is

now and get out of the successive quandaries first,

then hopefully i can turn my hand to complicated

astronomy and speculate about what would happen after

2000 years. I am just not bright enough, yaar:--))






--- Ramapriya D <ayirpamar wrote:


> Dear Lakshmi,

> At exactly 20 degrees, Saturn will neither be in

> the fourth pada of Swati

> nor the first pada of Vishakha, with its navamsa

> similarly in gandanta

> between Revati and Aswini.

> Stanza 13 of BVSR's BJ states, " Aries, Taurus,

> Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer,

> Pisces and Libra are signs of exaltation for the

> Sun, etc., respectively.

> The 10th, 3rd, 28th, 15th, 5th, 27th and 20th

> degrees of the above signs are

> deep exaltations for the Sun, etc., respectively.

> The seventh from these are

> the signs and degrees of debilitations for those

> planets " .

> Chapter 3, Sloka 49 of Santhanam's version of BPHS

> will have you excited:

> " For the seven Grahas, from Sûrya on, the exaltation

> Râúis are,

> respectively, Mesh, Vrishabh, Makar, Kanya, Kark,

> Meen and Tula. The deepest

> exaltation degrees are, respectively, 10, 3, 28, 15,

> 5, 27 and 20 in those

> Râúis. " Even here, a second reading would suggest

> that he's talking of the

> 10th, 3rd,... degrees, but if you demurred, I won't

> argue :o)

> And ye reckon 4th house as north? I take 10th as

> north and 4th as south,

> because of Sun's brightness at noon when he's in the

> 10th.

> Moreover, this thing of Sun entering dakshinayana

> when he enters Cancer

> won't be forever, because of the precession. 2000

> years on, it might well be

> in Taurus (unsure of this). Any views on this?

> Respects,

> Rama

> ayirpamar


> On 7/16/05, lakshmi ramesh

> <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote:

> >

> > Om Gurave Namah

> >

> > Dear Rama,

> >

> > I am more bewildered than mad, because I always

> > thought and understood that deep exaltation &

> > debilitation occurs at a particular point and not

> over

> > a span, unlike the moola trikona. ofcourse, the

> > ripples of that deep exaltation might be felt over

> a

> > zone around the DEP!

> >

> > 19 degrees 59'59 " is not 20 degrees and neither is

> 20

> > degrees 00'01 " !I am sure that the Maharishis have

> a

> > very valid reason for specifying the exact point.

> >

> > For example, sun at 10 degrees aries just enters

> > cancer in the navamsa...which is the starting

> point of

> > dakshinaayana...the movement of Sun towards South,

> > where he gets maximum digbala. This is just one

> > explanation and I am sure that there are certainly

> > more and better ones!

> >

> > Regards,

> > Lakshmi

> >








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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Rama,


I hope you've got the significance of Saturn's deep

exaltation after reading Narasimha garu's post on

ayanamsa. Anyway, I got it!


My feeling is Saturn, representing karma, in deep

exaltation behaves akin to ketu and is likely to give

more spiritual benefits than material, while Saturn in

debilitation behaves more like Rahu and gives a lot of

material benefits. ofcourse, I do not have any

classical references or case studies to support my



My Satyanarayana vratam book gives the birth star of

Ketu as Revati and that of Rahu as Chitra. i think i

gave this information on Vedic-astrology list around a

year back.


In Sri Vidya, the nitya devata lording Shukla

pratipada is Chitra (chitra nakshatra)and I found that

Pournami gets mapped to ashwini nakshatra and since

the full moon represents Mother as a separate entity &

not as chit shakti of Shiva (amavasya), I guess

ashwini stands for their union and the begining of

creation. Ofcourse, there are still a lot of bugs in

this particular theory of mine, but i hope to get over

them with Her blessings.










--- lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote:



> Om Gurave Namah


> Dear Rama,


> 20 degrees Libra in JHora shows 0 degrees Aries in

> navamsa, which is definitely the gandanta. But I

> feel

> that there is purpose for specifying the deep

> exaltation point of Saturn like this in

> rasi/nakshatra

> sandhi. Perhaps you are right and I am wrong, but

> let's wait for Gurudeva's words for clarification on

> this.


> Vide BPHS, all water signs signify North and earth

> signs signify south, fire signs east and airy signs

> indicate west.


> And Rama, let me understand simple astrology as it

> is

> now and get out of the successive quandaries first,

> then hopefully i can turn my hand to complicated

> astronomy and speculate about what would happen

> after

> 2000 years. I am just not bright enough, yaar:--))


> Regards,

> Lakshmi



> --- Ramapriya D <ayirpamar wrote:


> > Dear Lakshmi,

> > At exactly 20 degrees, Saturn will neither be in

> > the fourth pada of Swati

> > nor the first pada of Vishakha, with its navamsa

> > similarly in gandanta

> > between Revati and Aswini.

> > Stanza 13 of BVSR's BJ states, " Aries, Taurus,

> > Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer,

> > Pisces and Libra are signs of exaltation for the

> > Sun, etc., respectively.

> > The 10th, 3rd, 28th, 15th, 5th, 27th and 20th

> > degrees of the above signs are

> > deep exaltations for the Sun, etc., respectively.

> > The seventh from these are

> > the signs and degrees of debilitations for those

> > planets " .

> > Chapter 3, Sloka 49 of Santhanam's version of


> > will have you excited:

> > " For the seven Grahas, from Sûrya on, the

> exaltation

> > Râúis are,

> > respectively, Mesh, Vrishabh, Makar, Kanya, Kark,

> > Meen and Tula. The deepest

> > exaltation degrees are, respectively, 10, 3, 28,

> 15,

> > 5, 27 and 20 in those

> > Râúis. " Even here, a second reading would suggest

> > that he's talking of the

> > 10th, 3rd,... degrees, but if you demurred, I

> won't

> > argue :o)

> > And ye reckon 4th house as north? I take 10th as

> > north and 4th as south,

> > because of Sun's brightness at noon when he's in

> the

> > 10th.

> > Moreover, this thing of Sun entering dakshinayana

> > when he enters Cancer

> > won't be forever, because of the precession. 2000

> > years on, it might well be

> > in Taurus (unsure of this). Any views on this?

> > Respects,

> > Rama

> > ayirpamar

> >

> > On 7/16/05, lakshmi ramesh

> > <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote:

> > >

> > > Om Gurave Namah

> > >

> > > Dear Rama,

> > >

> > > I am more bewildered than mad, because I always

> > > thought and understood that deep exaltation &

> > > debilitation occurs at a particular point and

> not

> > over

> > > a span, unlike the moola trikona. ofcourse, the

> > > ripples of that deep exaltation might be felt

> over

> > a

> > > zone around the DEP!

> > >

> > > 19 degrees 59'59 " is not 20 degrees and neither

> is

> > 20

> > > degrees 00'01 " !I am sure that the Maharishis

> have

> > a

> > > very valid reason for specifying the exact

> point.

> > >

> > > For example, sun at 10 degrees aries just enters

> > > cancer in the navamsa...which is the starting

> > point of

> > > dakshinaayana...the movement of Sun towards

> South,

> > > where he gets maximum digbala. This is just one

> > > explanation and I am sure that there are

> certainly

> > > more and better ones!

> > >

> > > Regards,

> > > Lakshmi

> > >

> >





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om paramagurave namah


Dear Srimati Lakshmi, namaste


A slightly different take on this question: mooladhara cakra (7th house) is prithvi tatva, why should not Mercury get exalted there? Whereas for sahasrara cakra (1st house), Sun is exalted in Aries....







Namaste Ramapriya,


> And are you aware of any classical reference that gives a particular point > in the sky that's regarded as the commencement of Aswini?


There is no real physical star at the beginning of Aswini.


Instead, with Lahiri/Chitrapaksha ayanamsa, we get Spica star in the middle of Chitra nakshatra (i.e. at 180 deg).


In recent years, Sri Chandra Hari did some good work and he placed Lambda Scorpionis star at the beginning of Moola nakshatra and came up with his own ayanamsa ( " Chandra Hari ayanamsa " ). His logic is based on some tantric tradition and he refers to Mooladhara chakra.



Mooladhara chakra is the basis of one's existence. More than Sahasrara chakra (1st house - head), it is the Mooladhara chakra (7th house) that needs to be fixed as the basis. I am inclined to agree with him on that. But I don't agree with identifying Moola nakshatra as the Mooladhara chakra.



Sahasrara chakra of Kalapurusha (natural zodiac) is at 0Ar0 (or closeby). Mooladhara chakra of the Kalapurusha is at 0Li0. The upper chakras are on one side and the lower chakras are on the other side.



Thus, fixing the zodiac based on the 180 degree point as the Calendar committee did is quite logical.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,








On 7/17/05, lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote:

Om Gurave NamahDear Rama,I hope you've got the significance of Saturn's deep

exaltation after reading Narasimha garu's post onayanamsa. Anyway, I got it! My feeling is Saturn, representing karma, in deepexaltation behaves akin to ketu and is likely to givemore spiritual benefits than material, while Saturn in

debilitation behaves more like Rahu and gives a lot ofmaterial benefits. ofcourse, I do not have anyclassical references or case studies to support myviews.My Satyanarayana vratam book gives the birth star of Ketu as Revati and that of Rahu as Chitra. i think igave this information on Vedic-astrology list around ayear back.In Sri Vidya, the nitya devata lording Shuklapratipada is Chitra (chitra nakshatra)and I found that

Pournami gets mapped to ashwini nakshatra and sincethe full moon represents Mother as a separate entity & not as chit shakti of Shiva (amavasya), I guessashwini stands for their union and the begining of

creation. Ofcourse, there are still a lot of bugs inthis particular theory of mine, but i hope to get overthem with Her blessings.Regards,Lakshmi

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Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Hari,


I was neither talking about Aries or Virgo, but about

subtle energies /impulses resident at 0 degrees Aries

and 0 degrees libra (nodes). They are like

sandhya...neither dark nor light but multi-coloured &

gray and are finely poised at a point where the

duration of night and day are equal. They are the

karmic balance influencing the coming births. They are

all about god giving us a fair chance and choice.


I think the true axis of Sun and moon is north-south

and that of nodes east-west...hence the rising &

setting of luminaries, which is akin to eclipse, in

the east-west axis.


I hope Rama is not fainting with shock at my

incredibly intrepid initial foray into astronomy :--))





P.S: Sorry, but I have not understood that bit about

Mercury being exalted in 7th house...isn't it 6th

house (or 8th house if you want to count in reverse

from Aries)








--- Jyotisa Shisya <achyutagaddi wrote:


> om paramagurave namah

> Dear Srimati Lakshmi, namaste

> A slightly different take on this question:

> mooladhara cakra (7th house) is

> prithvi tatva, why should not Mercury get exalted

> there? Whereas for

> sahasrara cakra (1st house), Sun is exalted in

> Aries....

> regards

> Hari

> Namaste Ramapriya,

> > And are you aware of any classical reference that

> gives a particular

> point

> > in the sky that's regarded as the commencement of

> Aswini?

> There is no real physical star at the beginning of

> Aswini.

> Instead, with Lahiri/Chitrapaksha ayanamsa, we get

> Spica star in the middle

> of Chitra nakshatra (i.e. at 180 deg).

> In recent years, Sri Chandra Hari did some good

> work and he placed Lambda

> Scorpionis star at the beginning of Moola nakshatra

> and came up with his own

> ayanamsa ( " Chandra Hari ayanamsa " ). His logic is

> based on some tantric

> tradition and he refers to Mooladhara chakra.

> Mooladhara chakra is the basis of one's existence.

> More than Sahasrara

> chakra (1st house - head), it is the Mooladhara

> chakra (7th house) that

> needs to be fixed as the basis. I am inclined to

> agree with him on that. But

> I don't agree with identifying Moola nakshatra as

> the Mooladhara chakra.

> Sahasrara chakra of Kalapurusha (natural zodiac) is

> at 0Ar0 (or closeby).

> Mooladhara chakra of the Kalapurusha is at 0Li0. The

> upper chakras are on

> one side and the lower chakras are on the other

> side.

> Thus, fixing the zodiac based on the 180 degree

> point as the Calendar

> committee did is quite logical.

> May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha



> On 7/17/05, lakshmi ramesh

> <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote:

> >

> > Om Gurave Namah

> >

> > Dear Rama,

> >

> > I hope you've got the significance of Saturn's

> deep

> > exaltation after reading Narasimha garu's post on

> > ayanamsa. Anyway, I got it!

> >

> > My feeling is Saturn, representing karma, in deep

> > exaltation behaves akin to ketu and is likely to

> give

> > more spiritual benefits than material, while

> Saturn in

> > debilitation behaves more like Rahu and gives a

> lot of

> > material benefits. ofcourse, I do not have any

> > classical references or case studies to support my

> > views.

> >

> > My Satyanarayana vratam book gives the birth star

> of

> > Ketu as Revati and that of Rahu as Chitra. i think

> i

> > gave this information on Vedic-astrology list

> around a

> > year back.

> >

> > In Sri Vidya, the nitya devata lording Shukla

> > pratipada is Chitra (chitra nakshatra)and I found

> that

> > Pournami gets mapped to ashwini nakshatra and

> since

> > the full moon represents Mother as a separate

> entity &

> > not as chit shakti of Shiva (amavasya), I guess

> > ashwini stands for their union and the begining of

> > creation. Ofcourse, there are still a lot of bugs

> in

> > this particular theory of mine, but i hope to get

> over

> > them with Her blessings.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Lakshmi

> >








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Dear Lakshmi,

On 7/19/05, lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh wrote:

I think the true axis of Sun and moon is north-south and that of nodes east-west...hence the rising & setting of luminaries, which is akin to eclipse, in

the east-west axis.


I didn't get you at all here. The rising and setting of the moon is because of its angle; you'd otherwise have eclipses each month.


And if the earth's north-south hadn't made a 23-degree angle, not only would you have no seasonal changes, you would have sun rising truly in the east at every point on earth. Right now, sun rises exactly in the east on just two days of the year - March 22nd and September 22nd, and that too only on the equator.



The axis of the nodes is regressing always; hence the 19.5-year lap of Rahu and Ketu across the zodiac, else they'd have been stagnant.


I hope Rama is not fainting with shock at my incredibly intrepid initial foray into astronomy :--))


I'm more likely to faint at the suggestion that I'm some astronomical reference point here :o)





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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Rama,


All I meant was that whether you call them rising,

setting, eclipses whatever...they are all basically

nothing more than shadow-play.







> I didn't get you at all here. The rising and

> setting of the moon is because

> of its angle; you'd otherwise have eclipses each

> month.

> And if the earth's north-south hadn't made a

> 23-degree angle, not only

> would you have no seasonal changes, you would have

> sun rising truly in the

> east at every point on earth. Right now, sun rises

> exactly in the east on

> just two days of the year - March 22nd and September

> 22nd, and that too only

> on the equator.

> The axis of the nodes is regressing always; hence

> the 19.5-year lap of Rahu

> and Ketu across the zodiac, else they'd have been

> stagnant.

> I hope Rama is not fainting with shock at my

> incredibly intrepid initial

> foray into astronomy :--))

> I'm more likely to faint at the suggestion that I'm

> some astronomical

> reference point here :o)

> Respects,

> Rama


> Regards,

> Lakshmi








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