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Marriage related prasna

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Dear Ramdas Rao ji ,


As usual I read your analysis carefully to learn something new.

This time I have something to say on A. your conclusions about Naag dosha. B. Calculation of Yamasukra.C gulika and mandi settings.

First thing first. Your analysis is suberb as usual .I first time saw someone using yama sukra in marriage prasna at least on web. Surprisingly analysis remains the same.


Long back I had some guidance on Naag dosa ,. Now I had not understood that how lagna lord conjunction with Rahu should denote Naag dosa. Lagnesh is exalted retrograde and in Grah yuddha with Rahu. Except Saturn is depositors of Both there is no connection with Sat to complete the curse. Retrogression of Lagnesh shows deep past desire but why this affliction should result in delay of marriage. Can you throw some more light on your conclusion.? I myself had Lagnesh Mars with exalted Rahu but I did not face marriage delay.I had connection of Saturn too to complete the curse .It did not make my life miserable. (Of course I have doubt about correctness of my Birth time because of War time.That is different matter.)

B. Calculation of Yama sukra .I understand Yama sukra rises at 22,18,14,10,6,2and 26 ghati respectively on sun day to Saturday if birth/ prasna time is in day.So at night time you did the prasna it must rise at 6,2,26 22,18,14,10 ghatis respectively.

The day you did prasna was Tuesday.DINMAAN was 12 H 31 M so Ratri maan was 11H 29 M therefore Yama sukra should rise at 28GH32PaX26/30 = 24Gh43Pa=9H53M12Se.of next English date .Time comes 19h50M SUNSET TIME Plus 9 H 53 M=29H43M =5H 43M. AM.

At this time at place of prasna Yama sukra comes AT 16Deg Leo 24.

Surprisingly analysis remains the same because now lord of tenth from Yama Sukra becomes Ven and this also is placed in III from Y.S. and in VI from Prasan/arudh lagna. Not only it is also aspected by Mandi ..

Not only this Y.S.+Lagna lord+Venus gives Virgo 3 deg 38 M again occupied by Ketu and again aspected byMandi so marrage life is indicated to be unhappy.

What I am seeking is How you calculates Yama sukra is it different then what I understood.I think you answer may be of help to some others also.

C: What Gulika setting you use?. I use gulika rising at beginning of Saturn part and Mandi in middle part of Saturn.YOU mentioned Yama Sukra is aspected by Rahu and Gulika is occupied in Kataka rasi which is yama sukra rasi., I did not get at it.I get Gulika at 26 AQ 58.Incidently the situation remains the same. In my calculation YS is in opposition again.

Please feel free to reply if you have time.My querry is not to find fault but to learn .

Hari OM Tatsat.


Thu, 15 Sep 2005 07:49:14 -0700 (PDT) Klaudia S <klaudia121212RE: Fwd: Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Food+Drinking Habits PART-1> Lagna lord Kuja (V) is with Rahu aspected> by Ketu indicating she suffers from Naaga Dosha ( Curse of Serpent ) from> previous life and Preta Shaapa ( Curse of diseased ) from her ancestors.So> she has to perform remedies for the above said Doshas to get married.Dear Ramdas Rao, Thank you very much for your answer. My friend is vaishnavi by faith and adore Sri Sri Radha-Krishna. What would you recomend as remedies to remove above mentioned Doshas? Thank you again for kind words and great help for Sundari. Regards, Klaudia Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao wrote:` ïI ra"veNÔ gué_yae nm> om çré räghavendra gurubhyo namaù ` nmae naray[ay,om namo näräyaëäya|Dear Klaudia,Thanks for your mail.Now you have asked a Prashna regarding the marriage of your friend.I have seen your mail yesterday but due to some reasons I could not write the analysis of your Prashna.Now before analysing the Prashna chart which I casted yesterday ,I will write about some Omens/ Shakunas which help in analysing the Vivaha/Marriage Prashna chart.1) When the Prashna chart was casted yesterday it was about 9:52 PM.I was in the internet from 4 PM analysing different charts and my wife reminded me that I was in the internet from about 6 Hrs.So I had to stop the internet and had food and went to sleep.This Omen indicates the marriage will be delayed.2) Today morning when I went to my job, for the 1st time I forgotten my gate pass and I have to get a temporary gate pass to enter the company premises.This indicates that there is difficulty in getting married and she may get a partner who may be with her for a short time.3) Another surprise for me is that when I entered my section, the higher officials told me that my section is changed and even though I don't like to go to that section,I had to go and work there.This is another Omen/Shakuna indicating the boy she may get is from another community which she don't like but has to be agreed.Now let me analyze the Prashna chart for marriage which I caste yesterday.It was 13/09/2005 at 21:52:26 Hrs. at Abu-Halifa with a Lat.of 29N7'56" and a long.of 48E07'34" and time zone is 3 Hrs.from GMT.As there was no number given by the querent,the Prashna Lagna becomes Arudha Lagna which is used in Prashna charts.Here Vrishabha/Taurus rises as Arudha Lagna.Lagna is Vargothama indicating the correctness of the query.Hora was that of Shani/Saturn who was in 3rd from Arudha Lagna indicating the query is related to a friend or close relatives.Yama Shukra,an important Yoga point used for marriage Prashna is in Karka/Cancer 16Deg.51'36".Chathra Rashi is Mesha/Aries.When Chathra Rashi is occupied by malefic and aspected by malefics indicate difficulties in the outcome of Prashna.Here Kuja is placed in Chatra Rashi aspected by Shani.Now when Vrishabha/Tula or Karka rises as Arudha Lagna aspected or tenanted by benefics,then marriage will happen.Here Guru aspects Vrishabha.But Guru is in Bala Avastha,so his aspect is not strong and as he gets aspect of Rahu,his auspiciousness is reduced.Chandra/ Moon is in 8th house indicating troubles in getting married.Yama Shukra is aspected by Rahu and Gulika is occupied in Kataka Rashi which is Yama Shukra Rashi,this indicates even if she gets married, the couple will not be happy at all.Also the 10th lord from Yama Shukra ie., Kuja/ Mars here is placed in 12th from Arudha Lagna indicating that the marriage will not take place at the fixed time.But anyhow the Arudha Lagna lord even though placed in 6th house, he is considered strong as it is his Moola Trikona sthana and the aspect of Kuja/ Mars on him will not harm Shukra to a greater extent.So finally after considering all these points, she will get married after performing remedial measures.If proper remedies are performed, then when Guru transits over Shukra and around the long.of Shukra,the marriage will be settled.Now to confirm this the natal chart has to be analysed.Now when we check her natal chart, Lagna rises in Vrischika with Chandra and Guru there aspected by malefic Shani.Lagna lord Kuja (V) is with Rahu aspected by Ketu indicating she suffers from Naaga Dosha ( Curse of Serpent ) from previous life and Preta Shaapa ( Curse of diseased ) from her ancestors.So she has to perform remedies for the above said Doshas to get married.Now let me come to Navamsha chart.Navamsha Lagna falls in Kumbha and in 7th we have Guru and Shukra.Out of these Guru is Dara Karaka and Chandra is Atma Karaka. So during the Dasa/Antara Dasa of AK and DK should bring marriage.Chandra Maha Dasa has started in 8/07/2004 ( Using 360 Savana days per year ) and Guru's Antara runs from 24/5/2007 to 15/9/2008.Guru will be transitting over these 2 planets between 28/10/2006 and 22/11/2007.So between 24/5/2007 and 22/11/2007, her marriage should finalise.I hope this helps your friend.With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,Ramadas Rao.klaudia121212 <klaudia121212 wrote:> Thanks for your mail.Now regarding my notes,most of the people come > with> charts asking for marriage.If anybody asks Prashna related to> marriage,then I can add such Prashna charts.Dear Ramdas Rao, Namaskar.I would like to ask you a prashna regarding marriage for my good friend Sundari(female). She can not get marry for a long time. Could you be so kind and tell when she may get married?Her data: 30. August 1971./ 14:19 / 15 E 30, 45 N 30, 1:00 East of GMTRegards, Klaudia



|| May all people be happy ||OM TAT SATR.C.Srivastava .swami_rcs91-562-2232323 mob 9412265323http://www.cosmograce.comhttp://www.cosmograce.blogspot.com


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Gajavakra Om


Dear Sri Srivastava, namaste







I myself had Lagnesh Mars with exalted Rahu but I did not face marriage delay.I had connection of Saturn too to complete the curse .It did not make my life miserable.

You make a good point. I have been pondering over this for quite sometime and if you observe that all people born in August/September 1971 have this conjunction of exalted Mars and Rahu. Besides me, I think Narayan Iyer and Sanjay Prabhakaran of SJC also have this similar conjunction and the case below plus another friend's chart also have this conjunction. If I am not mistaken, all the cases cited above are unmarried as of now. So surely there must be some influence of this combination in delaying / obstructing marriage but precisely what I am unable to make out.


In my case, I have Sc lagna with Ma/Ra in 3rd house of Capricorn. 7th house is Taurus for which the badhakasthana is Capricorn. Lagnesa & atmakaraka is conjunct 4th co-lord in badhakasthana to 7th house while the dispositor (ie., badhakesh) is in 7th house and retrograde. Saturn is the chara Matrukaraka. This is what I make out prima facie from the rasi chart. Navamsa throws up some more interesting observations but the question remains the same: what exactly is happening?





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hello hari

i saw ur email

i also born in sept 11 , 1971 and still unmarried and having mars and rahu in 3 with scorpio ascedent , i wish that you discuss this topic more



Jyotisa Shisya <achyutagaddi wrote:


Gajavakra Om


Dear Sri Srivastava, namaste







I myself had Lagnesh Mars with exalted Rahu but I did not face marriage delay.I had connection of Saturn too to complete the curse .It did not make my life miserable.

You make a good point. I have been pondering over this for quite sometime and if you observe that all people born in August/September 1971 have this conjunction of exalted Mars and Rahu. Besides me, I think Narayan Iyer and Sanjay Prabhakaran of SJC also have this similar conjunction and the case below plus another friend's chart also have this conjunction. If I am not mistaken, all the cases cited above are unmarried as of now. So surely there must be some influence of this combination in delaying / obstructing marriage but precisely what I am unable to make out.


In my case, I have Sc lagna with Ma/Ra in 3rd house of Capricorn. 7th house is Taurus for which the badhakasthana is Capricorn. Lagnesa & atmakaraka is conjunct 4th co-lord in badhakasthana to 7th house while the dispositor (ie., badhakesh) is in 7th house and retrograde. Saturn is the chara Matrukaraka. This is what I make out prima facie from the rasi chart. Navamsa throws up some more interesting observations but the question remains the same: what exactly is happening?




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Om Gajavakra Om


Salaam Riz,


Are Sun/Me/Ve all in Leo (Simha) in your chart? In that case, UL is in 8th from lagna. Please paste your rasi and navamsa in your reply so that we can take it from there.





On 9/17/05, rizwan khan <rizkhan_786 wrote:


hello hari

i saw ur email

i also born in sept 11 , 1971 and still unmarried and having mars and rahu in 3 with scorpio ascedent , i wish that you discuss this topic more




Jyotisa Shisya <achyutagaddi wrote:


Gajavakra Om


Dear Sri Srivastava, namaste







I myself had Lagnesh Mars with exalted Rahu but I did not face marriage delay.I had connection of Saturn too to complete the curse .It did not make my life miserable.

You make a good point. I have been pondering over this for quite sometime and if you observe that all people born in August/September 1971 have this conjunction of exalted Mars and Rahu. Besides me, I think Narayan Iyer and Sanjay Prabhakaran of SJC also have this similar conjunction and the case below plus another friend's chart also have this conjunction. If I am not mistaken, all the cases cited above are unmarried as of now. So surely there must be some influence of this combination in delaying / obstructing marriage but precisely what I am unable to make out.


In my case, I have Sc lagna with Ma/Ra in 3rd house of Capricorn. 7th house is Taurus for which the badhakasthana is Capricorn. Lagnesa & atmakaraka is conjunct 4th co-lord in badhakasthana to 7th house while the dispositor (ie., badhakesh) is in 7th house and retrograde. Saturn is the chara Matrukaraka. This is what I make out prima facie from the rasi chart. Navamsa throws up some more interesting observations but the question remains the same: what exactly is happening?




*tat savitur varenyam*


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  • 2 weeks later...

` ïI ra"veNÔ gué_yae nm>

om çré räghavendra gurubhyo namaù

` nmae naray[ay,

om namo näräyaëäya|

Dear Srivastav Ji,

Sorry for the delay in my reply to you.

Here are my answers to your queries :

1) Regarding Naaga Dosha,it is not only Lagna lord afflicted by Rahu but Guru with Rahu,Rahu in Karka Rashi in Ashlesha Nakshatra,Rahu in Punarvasu or Vishakha or Poorvabadhra Nakshatras can give Naaga Doshas.May be in your chart,Rahu may be in lesser longitude than Kuja who is in higher longitude.If Kuja is within Rahu's longitude, then we can term it as Naaga Dosha as we saw in this chart.I hope you may clarify with your chart.

2) As it was a Prashna,I normally use JH 7.03,but I calculated Gulika and Mandi manually and some mistakes but eventhen the analysis did not change at all as you wrote.Gulika is in Kumbha 27Deg.49' and Mandi is in Meena 13Deg.30'.

3) Yama Shukra calculation is the same as you mentioned and I dont know why I made mistakes in calculation and today I got it at Simha 6 Deg.32'.Thanks for correcting me.I do this calculation manually.

So Gulika was aspecting this Yama Shukra which is evil for happy married life and the couple will be quarrelling.Also the 10th lord from Yama Shukra which is Shukra is in 6th from Arudha Lagna,then marriage will not take place at the desired time.

I hope this clarifies your doubts.

With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,

Ramadas Rao."R.C.Srivastava" <swami_rcs wrote:







Dear Ramdas Rao ji ,


As usual I read your analysis carefully to learn something new.

This time I have something to say on A. your conclusions about Naag dosha. B. Calculation of Yamasukra.C gulika and mandi settings.

First thing first. Your analysis is suberb as usual .I first time saw someone using yama sukra in marriage prasna at least on web. Surprisingly analysis remains the same.


Long back I had some guidance on Naag dosa ,. Now I had not understood that how lagna lord conjunction with Rahu should denote Naag dosa. Lagnesh is exalted retrograde and in Grah yuddha with Rahu. Except Saturn is depositors of Both there is no connection with Sat to complete the curse. Retrogression of Lagnesh shows deep past desire but why this affliction should result in delay of marriage. Can you throw some more light on your conclusion.? I myself had Lagnesh Mars with exalted Rahu but I did not face marriage delay.I had connection of Saturn too to complete the curse .It did not make my life miserable. (Of course I have doubt about correctness of my Birth time because of War time.That is different matter.)

B. Calculation of Yama sukra .I understand Yama sukra rises at 22,18,14,10,6,2and 26 ghati respectively on sun day to Saturday if birth/ prasna time is in day.So at night time you did the prasna it must rise at 6,2,26 22,18,14,10 ghatis respectively.

The day you did prasna was Tuesday.DINMAAN was 12 H 31 M so Ratri maan was 11H 29 M therefore Yama sukra should rise at 28GH32PaX26/30 = 24Gh43Pa=9H53M12Se.of next English date .Time comes 19h50M SUNSET TIME Plus 9 H 53 M=29H43M =5H 43M. AM.

At this time at place of prasna Yama sukra comes AT 16Deg Leo 24.

Surprisingly analysis remains the same because now lord of tenth from Yama Sukra becomes Ven and this also is placed in III from Y.S. and in VI from Prasan/arudh lagna. Not only it is also aspected by Mandi ..

Not only this Y.S.+Lagna lord+Venus gives Virgo 3 deg 38 M again occupied by Ketu and again aspected byMandi so marrage life is indicated to be unhappy.

What I am seeking is How you calculates Yama sukra is it different then what I understood.I think you answer may be of help to some others also.

C: What Gulika setting you use?. I use gulika rising at beginning of Saturn part and Mandi in middle part of Saturn.YOU mentioned Yama Sukra is aspected by Rahu and Gulika is occupied in Kataka rasi which is yama sukra rasi., I did not get at it.I get Gulika at 26 AQ 58.Incidently the situation remains the same. In my calculation YS is in opposition again.

Please feel free to reply if you have time.My querry is not to find fault but to learn .

Hari OM Tatsat.


Thu, 15 Sep 2005 07:49:14 -0700 (PDT) Klaudia S <klaudia121212RE: Fwd: Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Food+Drinking Habits PART-1> Lagna lord Kuja (V) is with Rahu aspected> by Ketu indicating she suffers from Naaga Dosha ( Curse of Serpent ) from> previous life and Preta Shaapa ( Curse of diseased ) from her ancestors.So> she has to perform remedies for the above said Doshas to get married.Dear Ramdas Rao, Thank you very much for your answer. My friend is vaishnavi by faith and adore Sri Sri Radha-Krishna. What would you recomend as remedies to remove above mentioned Doshas? Thank you again for kind words and great help for Sundari. Regards, Klaudia Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao wrote:` ïI ra"veNÔ gué_yae

nm> om çré räghavendra gurubhyo namaù ` nmae naray[ay,om namo näräyaëäya|Dear Klaudia,Thanks for your mail.Now you have asked a Prashna regarding the marriage of your friend.I have seen your mail yesterday but due to some reasons I could not write the analysis of your Prashna.Now before analysing the Prashna chart which I casted yesterday ,I will write about some Omens/ Shakunas which help in analysing the Vivaha/Marriage Prashna chart.1) When the Prashna chart was casted yesterday it was about 9:52 PM.I was in the internet from 4 PM analysing different charts and my wife reminded me that I was in the internet from about 6 Hrs.So I had to stop the internet and had food and went to sleep.This Omen indicates the marriage will be delayed.2) Today morning when I

went to my job, for the 1st time I forgotten my gate pass and I have to get a temporary gate pass to enter the company premises.This indicates that there is difficulty in getting married and she may get a partner who may be with her for a short time.3) Another surprise for me is that when I entered my section, the higher officials told me that my section is changed and even though I don't like to go to that section,I had to go and work there.This is another Omen/Shakuna indicating the boy she may get is from another community which she don't like but has to be agreed.Now let me analyze the Prashna chart for marriage which I caste yesterday.It was 13/09/2005 at 21:52:26 Hrs. at Abu-Halifa with a Lat.of 29N7'56" and a long.of 48E07'34" and time zone is 3 Hrs.from GMT.As there was no number given by the querent,the Prashna Lagna becomes Arudha Lagna which is used in Prashna charts.Here Vrishabha/Taurus rises as Arudha Lagna.Lagna is

Vargothama indicating the correctness of the query.Hora was that of Shani/Saturn who was in 3rd from Arudha Lagna indicating the query is related to a friend or close relatives.Yama Shukra,an important Yoga point used for marriage Prashna is in Karka/Cancer 16Deg.51'36".Chathra Rashi is Mesha/Aries.When Chathra Rashi is occupied by malefic and aspected by malefics indicate difficulties in the outcome of Prashna.Here Kuja is placed in Chatra Rashi aspected by Shani.Now when Vrishabha/Tula or Karka rises as Arudha Lagna aspected or tenanted by benefics,then marriage will happen.Here Guru aspects Vrishabha.But Guru is in Bala Avastha,so his aspect is not strong and as he gets aspect of Rahu,his auspiciousness is reduced.Chandra/ Moon is in 8th house indicating troubles in getting married.Yama Shukra is aspected by Rahu and Gulika is occupied in Kataka Rashi which is Yama Shukra Rashi,this indicates even if she gets married, the couple will not be happy at all.Also the

10th lord from Yama Shukra ie., Kuja/ Mars here is placed in 12th from Arudha Lagna indicating that the marriage will not take place at the fixed time.But anyhow the Arudha Lagna lord even though placed in 6th house, he is considered strong as it is his Moola Trikona sthana and the aspect of Kuja/ Mars on him will not harm Shukra to a greater extent.So finally after considering all these points, she will get married after performing remedial measures.If proper remedies are performed, then when Guru transits over Shukra and around the long.of Shukra,the marriage will be settled.Now to confirm this the natal chart has to be analysed.Now when we check her natal chart, Lagna rises in Vrischika with Chandra and Guru there aspected by malefic Shani.Lagna lord Kuja (V) is with Rahu aspected by Ketu indicating she suffers from Naaga Dosha ( Curse of Serpent ) from previous life and Preta Shaapa ( Curse of diseased ) from her ancestors.So she has to perform remedies

for the above said Doshas to get married.Now let me come to Navamsha chart.Navamsha Lagna falls in Kumbha and in 7th we have Guru and Shukra.Out of these Guru is Dara Karaka and Chandra is Atma Karaka. So during the Dasa/Antara Dasa of AK and DK should bring marriage.Chandra Maha Dasa has started in 8/07/2004 ( Using 360 Savana days per year ) and Guru's Antara runs from 24/5/2007 to 15/9/2008.Guru will be transitting over these 2 planets between 28/10/2006 and 22/11/2007.So between 24/5/2007 and 22/11/2007, her marriage should finalise.I hope this helps your friend.With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana,Ramadas Rao.klaudia121212 <klaudia121212 wrote:> Thanks for your mail.Now regarding my notes,most of the people come > with> charts asking for marriage.If anybody asks Prashna related to> marriage,then I can add such Prashna charts.Dear Ramdas Rao, Namaskar.I

would like to ask you a prashna regarding marriage for my good friend Sundari(female). She can not get marry for a long time. Could you be so kind and tell when she may get married?Her data: 30. August 1971./ 14:19 / 15 E 30, 45 N 30, 1:00 East of GMTRegards, Klaudia



|| May all people be happy ||OM TAT SATR.C.Srivastava .swami_rcs91-562-2232323 mob 9412265323http://www.cosmograce.comhttp://www.cosmograce.blogspot.com


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