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special aspects

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om namo bhagavate venkatesaaya


Dear Gaurav, namaste


It is not an elementary question; I have spent days doodling this

question on paper in an attempt to figure out this special aspect



Have you wondered why an eagle is famed for its eyesight? Is it because

it flies so high in the sky that from its vantage position, it is able

to see a wider coverage of the land below and yet pick the movement of

a rabbit unerringly. In an analogous explanation, the outer planets

(ie., Mars, Jupiter & Saturn) have a higher altitude as seen

from Earth. Hence the special aspects to these planets as they are able

to 'see' a wider coverage of the zodiac.


But one can easily pick a hole in this theory (explained by Sanjay in

COVA; see this to understand why 3 & 10; 5 & 9, 4 & 8) when

one considers the following as per BPHS:


(1) All planets have a full strength dristi on the 7th house.

(2) Mars has a full strength dristi on the 4th and 8th houses; all other planets do so with a three-quarters strength.

(3) Jupiter has a full strength dristi on the 5th and 9th house; all other planets do so with a one-halfs strength

(4) Saturn has a full strength dristi on the 3rd and 10th house; all other planets do so with a one-quarters strength.


Of course, the less-than-full strength dristi are rarely used except by

Sanjay who considers *all* the possible aspects in his analysis. The

question is what is this strength? Is it the strength derived from the

position of the planet with respect to the sun?


best regards


On 6/17/05, yobrevol <yobrevol wrote:


|| Hare Rama Krishna ||Namaste Learned,


While this may be an elementary question, If I may, Why do mangal, guru, and sani have special aspects ? i.e., why only these three planets have special aspects and not others , and secondly why the 4th & 8th, the 5th & 9th trinal, the 3rd and 10th ?


Namaste,Gaurav Jain




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Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Gaurav and Hari


Great question. We have also forgotten to

include Rahu aspects in this discussion. Im sure the other Jyotish Gurus will

enlighten us.










On Behalf Of Jyotisa Shisya

Friday, June 17, 2005 7:29



Re: [Jaya Jagannatha]

special aspects



om namo bhagavate venkatesaaya


Dear Gaurav, namaste


It is not an elementary question; I have spent days doodling this question on

paper in an attempt to figure out this special aspect concept.


Have you wondered why an eagle is famed for its eyesight? Is it because it

flies so high in the sky that from its vantage position, it is able to see a

wider coverage of the land below and yet pick the movement of a rabbit

unerringly. In an analogous explanation, the outer planets (ie., Mars,

Jupiter & Saturn) have a higher altitude as seen from Earth. Hence the

special aspects to these planets as they are able to 'see' a wider coverage of

the zodiac.


But one can easily pick a hole in this theory (explained by Sanjay in COVA; see

this to understand why 3 & 10; 5 & 9, 4 & 8) when one considers the

following as per BPHS:


(1) All planets have a full strength dristi on the 7th house.

(2) Mars has a full strength dristi on the 4th and 8th houses; all other

planets do so with a three-quarters strength.

(3) Jupiter has a full strength dristi on the 5th and 9th house; all other

planets do so with a one-halfs strength

(4) Saturn has a full strength dristi on the 3rd and 10th house; all other

planets do so with a one-quarters strength.


Of course, the less-than-full strength dristi are rarely used except by Sanjay

who considers *all* the possible aspects in his analysis. The question is what

is this strength? Is it the strength derived from the position of the planet

with respect to the sun?


best regards



On 6/17/05, yobrevol <yobrevol wrote:


|| Hare Rama Krishna



Namaste Learned,






While this may be an elementary question,

If I may, Why do mangal, guru, and sani have special aspects ? i.e., why

only these three planets have special aspects and not others , and secondly why

the 4th & 8th, the 5th & 9th trinal, the 3rd and 10th ?









Gaurav Jain







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, Jyotisa Shisya

<achyutagaddi@g...> wrote:


> Of course, the less-than-full strength dristi are rarely used

except by Sanjay who considers *all* the possible aspects in his



Sorry to have to disappoint you, Sir, I've also been considering all

aspects of planets for about 3 years now; this isn't meant to be an

ego statement, but merely a fact. Ditto for the results of dasas

considering the net effect of permanent and temporary planetary

relationships; I've seen that most astrologers wholly ignore

temporary friendships.







PS: Can anyone hazard a guess on why, despite showing 20 messages in

the header section, the body of today's Daily Digest that I received

contained just 14 messages?

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|| Hare Rama Krishna ||Namaste Hari ji,

Thank you for your reply. Eagle vantage point can be considered. However, why does it have a sharp eyesight is the question? So then, if Jyotish was to factor Pluto in analysis, it will probably have full aspects of all the houses??


The "strength", as I understand, invariably has to be derived from the central point-Sun, and the diety representing planet will represent manifestation.


Perhaps, Deva Guru, is as called- Deva Guru, therefore it was given the "right" to aspect the trinal houses supporting expansion by giving results/fruits via lakshmi. And Sani, because of its nature was given the "right"to aspect the upachayas 3th and 10th. Upachayas and free will have inherent connection, since these are the houses where the native is free to work hard and improve, and who better to help the native work harder than aspecting sani. I am yet to figure out reasoning for mangal in a positive form since it would aspect 4th and 8th.


Interesting, all the three planets were given "rights" to aspect their own house, the natural 9th, natural 10th, and natural 8th....

Namaste,Gaurav Jain

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|| Hare Rama Krishna ||Namaste Bipin,


You are right. Rahu also has special aspects. However, can we apply the eagle vantage point logic to rahu? I think not...then how do we explain its aspects?


Namaste,Gaurav Jain

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om namo narayanaaya


Dear Gaurav,


From Sanjays notes:-


Graha drishti (planetary sight) is an expression of a desire whereas Rasi Drishti (Sign sight) is an expression of knowledge.



(1) All planets excepting Ketu the headless one, have sight.



(2) All planets aspect the seventh sign from where they are stationed with a full aspect.



The outer planets Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have special full aspects on

signs other than the seventh sign. So also, Rahu has special aspects.

Just like an eagle can see everything from a position above, so also

the outer planets are at a relative height above the earth (as reckoned

from the Sun) and hence acquire this ability of special aspect.




of the planets can aspect the 2nd or 12th house from their station,

except Rahu who can see the second house from its station (counted

zodiacally or 12th house counted in reverse. They are one and the



None of the planets can aspect the 6th & 11th houses, as these are places of Danda

(punishment) and Hara (removal from this planet)



Planets/ bodies cannot desire punishment and removal from this material

universe. The only one who creates this desire of removal from the

material world is Ketu and hence it is the Moksha Karaka (giver of





removing the 2nd & 12th, the 6th & 11th and 1st & 7th signs

which have already been explained above, the outer planets have special

aspects on the remaining signs (3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th & 10th)



(4) Mars aspects the Chaturasra (4th & 8th signs) with a full aspect while others do so with a three-quarter aspect.



(5) Jupiter and Rahu have a full aspect on the Prarabdha

/ Poorva Punya (good or evil done in the past birth as indicated by the 5th and 9th houses). While Jupiter indicates the Punya (net good deeds from past life), Rahu indicates the Paapa (net bad deeds from past life). All other planets aspect the 5th & 9th houses with a half-aspect.



(6) Saturn has a full aspect on the Upachaya

[2] (houses

of growth 3rd & 10th) and indicates the resources that would be

depleted in fulfilling personal desires or weaknesses (called Shadripu

[3]). All other planets aspect the 3rd & 10th houses with a quarter aspect.





Tanou Tana Danda Hara (Jaimini Sutra). Tanou is 6th house and Tanou-Tana is 6th from 6th house or 11th house.



Although there are four Upachaya houses 3rd, 6th, 10th & 11th, the 6th & 11th have been excluded as explained.



Shadripu: The six weaknesses or "M's" that are Mada (Alcohol),Mamsa (Flesh eating),




Hope this helps; one comment in purple below.


HariOn 6/19/05, yobrevol <yobrevol wrote:


|| Hare Rama Krishna ||Namaste Hari ji,

Thank you for your reply. Eagle vantage point can be considered. However, why does it have a sharp eyesight is the question? So then, if Jyotish was to factor Pluto in analysis, it will probably have full aspects of all the houses??

[Hari] Sharp eyesight is not

central to this discussion; what I wanted to illustrate was the vantage

point of view which you understood. The five tatvas are assigned to the

five planets from Mercury to Saturn and it is not necessary to bring in

the extrasaturnine planets. But I do understand your point of argument.

Take a look at the distances of the planets from the Sun and normalize

these with respect to the Earth-Sun distance (ie., Earth-Sun distance =

1 unit) and then note these values for the planets; any interesting

observation? I think that the book on cosmology by Richard Thompson may

also provide some additional material on this.


The " strength " , as I understand, invariably has to be derived from the central point-Sun, and the diety representing planet will represent manifestation.


Perhaps, Deva Guru, is as called- Deva Guru, therefore it was given the " right " to aspect the trinal houses supporting expansion by giving results/fruits via lakshmi. And Sani, because of its nature was given the " right " to aspect the upachayas 3th and 10th. Upachayas and free will have inherent connection, since these are the houses where the native is free to work hard and improve, and who better to help the native work harder than aspecting sani. I am yet to figure out reasoning for mangal in a positive form since it would aspect 4th and 8th.


Interesting, all the three planets were given " rights " to aspect their own house, the natural 9th, natural 10th, and natural 8th....

Namaste,Gaurav Jain




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