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Vimshottari dasa - 360 or 365 days?

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" Gopijana-vallabha-caranau sharanam

prapadye. "

" Namo

gopijana-vallabhabhyam "






Sri Srivastava,



i am not writing full sloka

from my notes.



are the slokas. Please counter check as these slokas are from the Naradiya

Purana itself and not from the Naradiya Samhita as indicated by you.









dvitIyapAde bR^ihadupAkhyAne



Chapter 56



pitryaM sauraM ca sAvanam|

cAndramArkShaM gurormAnamiti mAnAni vai navaH||56.109||


Meaning: Measurements

of time are Nine; Brahma, Deva, Manu, Pitrya, Saura, Saavana, Chaandra, ArkAha

and Guru.


eteShAM navamAnAnAM vyavahAro.atra pa~ncabhiH|

teShAM pR^ithakpR^ithakkAryaM vakShyate vyavahArataH||56.110||


Meaning: Out of these,

for practical purposes, reckon it only through Five.


grahANAM nikhilashcAro gR^ihyate saura mAnataH|

vR^iShTervidhAnaM strIgarbhaH sAvanenaiva gR^ihyate||56.111||


Meaning: Planetary

movements are reckoned through Saura – Solar Measure

Pregnancy and rainy

season, reckon them from Savana - Civil measure.


pravarShaNAM same garbhauM nAkShatreNa pragR^ihyate|

yAtrodvAhavratakShaure tithivarSheshanirNayaH||56.112||


Meaning: Use sidereal

measure for rains and pregnancy of clouds – nakshatra mana

For a pilgrimage,

fasting, upanayam, reckon from the Lords of Tithis –lunar day and


parvavAstUpavAsAdi kR^itsnaM cAndreNa gR^ihyate|

gR^ihyate gurumAnena prabhavAdyabdalakShaNam||56.113||


Meaning: the year,

eclipses, setting up home, religious fasts, use Chandra mana – Lunar

measure. The year, Prabhava etc., are reckoned from Guru mana -Jovian Year


tattanmAsairdvAdashabhistattadaShTau bhavettataH|

gurumadhyamacAreNaShaShTyabdAH prabhAvAdayaH||56.114||


Meaning: The Jovian

year is made up of 12 months by mean motion of Guru (Jupiter).

The rest are the names

of the Jovian years, making up to 60, kShaya being the last (sloka120). The

name given to year have effects according to their nomenclature.

Five years makes up a

yuga, 60/5 = 12 yugas in 1 Jovian cycle and each years has a lord; Nmaes of the

Lords of the 12 are stated in slokas 122 -123.5, beginning from Vishnu to Bhaga.

Sloka 123 states the

different years of the yuga beginning from Agni, ending with Ishvara.


prabhavo vibhavaH shuklaH pramodo.atha prajApatiH|

aNgirAH shrImukho bhAvo yuvA dhAtA tathaiva ca||56.115||


Ishvaro bahudhAnyashca pramAthI vikramo vR^iShaH|

citrabhAnuHsubhAnushca tAraNaH pArthivo.avyayaH||56.116||


sarvajitsarvadhArI ca virodhI vikR^itaH kharaH|

nandano vijayashcaiva jayo manmathadurmukhau||56.117||


hemalaMbo vilaMbashca vikArI shArvarI lavaH|

shubhakR^icchobhanaH krodhI vishvAvasuparAbhavau||56.118||


plavaNgaH kIlakaH saumyaH sAmAptashca virodhakR^it|

paribhAvI pramAdI ca Anando rAkShaso.analaH||56.119||


piNgalaH kAlayuktashca siddhArtho raudradurmatIH|

dundubhIrudhirodgarI raktAkShaH krodhanaH kShayaH||56.120||


nAmatulyaphalAH sarve vij~neyAH ShaShTivatsarAH|

yugaM syAtpa~ncabhirvarShairyugAnyevaM tu dvAdasha||56.121||


teShAmIshAH kramAjj~neyA viShNurdevapurohitaH|

purandaro lohita¶ca tvaShTAhirbudhnyasaMj~nakaH||56.122||


pitarashca tato vishve shashIndrAdgnayashino bhagaH|

tathA yugasya varShe shAstvagninenduvidhIshvarAH||56.123||






On Behalf Of Swami Daivyaga

Friday, March 10, 2006 3:43



Re: [Om Krishna Guru] Re:

Vimshottari dasa - 360 or 365 days?








Gurave Namah II

Hari om , Friends,



Please excuse me for my

entery in vexed question.



I seek permission to quote

only few sloka from scripture,that



may be of some help or

thought provoking.



To my faint memory it is

from Narad Sahmita.Please remember Narada was a Rishi.So if sloka is correctly

in scriputure found one can follow it.



" Grahaadan nikhilam

...........pratipadakam "



This simply translated

means To do calculations or observing rites use Saurman for year,Use Savanmaan

for determining conception and duration of pregnancy



To determine rains use

Nakashtraman,To obverseve Journey,marriage fast,vrita vastu festivals use Lunar

year.Samvatsar start be taken from Chaitra shukla and adopt jovian

year(Brahispatyara) Year based on movement of Nakshtra is called Nakshtra

maas.Savan maas is defined as thirty days recokening a day from sun rise to

next sunrise.Serially from sun sankranti and from Pratipada reckon chandra




Thus various length of

years are used for different purposes.Traditionally in north india in Rajasthan

Gujrat and UP i did found calculations of Vimshottari dasa invariably on basis

of sun degrees in a table called " Vimshottari dasachakra " .



They quoted only position

of SUN in Rasi degree minutes and seconds to indicate start of dasa and

bhukti along with samvatsar.While adding degrees minutes balance of ghati and

pals were corresondingly added.



Evidently it was 360

degrees=one year.



Hope my quote will apprise

to some extent the uses of Years in olden days.



Please ignore this post if

you consider it out of context.



(For lack of my precesion

in sanskart fonts i am not writing full sloka from my notes.Hoping an excuse.)







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Graham Fox








Friday, March 10,

2006 3:27 AM



[Om Krishna Guru]

Re: Vimshottari dasa - 360 or 365 days?





Dear tw853 and Visti,


since you ask, I suppose I would say that a " lunar nakshatra

year "

(I suppose that's what you mean, as other planets go through


as well) is either 12 sidereal lunar months (327.85 days)


13 sidereal lunar months (355.17 days). (327.85 is actually given


a dasa-year option in some Vedic astrology programs.) But the


between the position of the moon in a given nakshatra


the time of birth and the length of time-periods in an


life is a traditional and symbolic one (it does not


an astronomical basis: solar, lunar or other). So The " key "


to convert that nakshatra position into actual Gregorian (or


years should also be traditional and symbolic. It's


the same as the question of what " key " to use for primary


in traditional Western astrology: the traditional


key is analog to an " ideal " 360 day year for dasas (it


out as the MEAN value between 1 solar year and 12 lunar months


360 tithis). Naibod's " improved " key is like your 365.25 day


only tropical rather than sidereal (only about 20 minutes




tw853 (I wish I knew your name...): As you say about dasa


shares (6 for Sun, 10 for Moon, etc): " These shares hold


same proportion in all periods, Dasha,


Anthara, Sookshama and so on (B. SURYANARAIN RAO) " . Of


I absolutely agree, in terms of proportions it make no


at all what length of symbolic or astronomical year we


by definition a proportion is always proportional to the value


choose in the first place. The sums you give work out just fine,


year length we choose. It's just more complicated working


the proportions for the true solar year than for a 360-day one,


is why many 365-day astrologers (as you already pointed out)


remainders of years on a 360-day basis, to make things


and easier. Computers now make this unnecessary, of course,


this short-cut is used less and less.


best wishes




In ,

" Visti Larsen " <visti




||Hare Rama Krsna||


Dear Graham and Varuna, Namaskar


How will you define a Nakshatra year? Is it the time that the Sun




transit all the nakshatras? Or is it the time the Moon takes?


I was thinking about your 'idea' about the savana year, but i




any festival dates being based on this. Infact they are all based




and Maasa.


You may argue that the festival happens on the sunrise (dina) of



particular tithi, but this is not so for celebrations such as




other festivals which occur at night.


The point i was trying to make was; the Savana year is a linear



used to measure time, and thus the astronomical calculations need




converted to this, to be able to measure when an event will




won't understand event-times given in degrees, but they will



months and dates. So if your clients are using a savana calendar,



surely this will be helpful to them, but if they are using a



calendar, then the astronomical degrees need to be converted into




dates as accordingly. Still you are using the Sidereal-Solar year,




what Mantresvara in Phala Deepika is trying to convey.


As for the qoutes from Surya Siddhanta, again those spans were



into Savana days for useful reference. The length of a year as


in the


Satya Yuga cannot be used today, as the earth is said to be moving



and closer to the Sun, hence also the length of the year will be







Btw, i have not found any sloka in the Surya siddhanta giving the




the year in days. This is something one must find through


from the


calculations given. I was once told that the Surya siddhanta




into account this slow diminishing of the years, but for now i



spotted this.


I hope others will also benefit from this.


Best wishes,




Visti Larsen


For services and articles visit:


http://srigaruda.com or http://astrovisti.com










Behalf Of Graham Fox


09 March 2006 01:03




[Om Krishna Guru] Re: Vimshottari dasa - 360 or 365 days?




Dear Varun


Thank you for this information. As I think you've gathered, I




with you. I'm still experimenting as to whether I find dasha




by degree or by time the best way. You advocate by time.


360 savana year is in a sense an " ideal " year, not a practical




for farming or everyday things, but a year length which in very




ancient civilisations throughout the world has been used for


prophetic and astrological purposes (the oldest prophetic books in


the Hebrew Old Testament, the Maya priestly and astrological year


and " long count " , the ancient Greek chronocrators or time lords,


which is a system of of planetary periods deriving probably from


Indian, Sumerian or Egyptian roots. It's also used to calculate



bala strength as per Parasara. Most list members seem to feel it




not to be used for Hindu dasas. At present, I agree with you




with the majority. But let's all keep experimenting and keep open




Thanks to all for this lively discussion.







" varun_trvd " <varun_trvd@>






> Dear Graham ji,




> Vinshottari dasha is based on the Nakshatra. Therefore in




> astrology a year , for vinshottari dasha , is taken to be of




> days or what is known in classical astrology as Nakshtreey




> The starting dasha is of the planet who lords that birth




> It is worked out in terms of the elapsed { bhukta kaal }time




> the time still due { bhogya kaal }.




> Step one: find out the duration of the nakshatra at that




> place where the birth takes place. Normally the Panchangs give




> duration at the longitude of the place where the panchang is


> published from.




> Step two : Each nakshatra is not equal to 60 ghati , they vary




> 58 ghati to 62 ghati or in between. Therefore , the dasha has to




> worked out on the basis of the time elapsed and the time still




> for birth nakshatra. Suppose some one is born in Bharani


nakshatra ,


> the starting dasha will be that of Venus , so will be for those




> in Porva Phalguni and Poorva ashad. The duration of all these




> nakshatra may not be the same.




> Step three : Working out proportionally , the dasha still due {


> bhogya dasha kaal } is known and from there the rest is worked




> Deduct 5 days for each year counted. If the antar dasha is of




> within the venus maha dasha is for 3 years 4 months , deduct 17




> from the English dates to arrive at the exact duration.




> With naman to all gurujan,




> Varun Trivedi
















> ,

" Graham Fox " <fox.graham@>


> wrote:


> >


> > Dear " tw853 " and Visti


> > Thank you very much for all these references, which help us to


> make


> > up our minds in an informed way. Visti was right in saying






> > Indian calendars the savana year of 360 sunrise-to-sunrise






> > considered " civil " . I would not have used that term, as it




> > more ceremonial than practical and linked to everyday human


> > activities, but I recognise that Visti's use of terminology is




> > fact correct according to Indian usage.


> > Some people do indeed seem to confuse days with tithis. I do


not -


> > as I said, 360 is the mean value between a year of 360 solar


> degrees


> > (just over 365.25 days) and 360 lunar tithis (approx 354.37




> > I notice that you quote the Surya Siddhanta as giving






> > year of 365.15.31.30 days/ghatis/palas etc, but also mention




> > and Shashi basing their advocacy of the 360 day year on the




> This


> > is interesting, and needs investigating.


> > You also don't deal with the question of why there should be




> > year length for calculation of kaal bala (as per BPHS and




> > development therefrom) and another for dasa years.


> > But I accept that my current preference for 360-day " year "



> dasa


> > is very minority, and the discussion should doubtless stop



> > Thank you


> > Graham


> >


> > ,

" tw853 " <tw853@> wrote:


> > >


> > > Dear All,


> > >


> > > For your information my review in KP Group on March 15, 2005




> > > reposted below.


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > > 360 D/Y vs 365.25 D/Y DISCUSSION


> > >




> > >


> > > a/ the definition starts with the day. One sunrise to next



> > sunrise.-


> > > -


> > > - (RAICHUR, Msg #2978)


> > >


> > > b/ the interval of time between successessive occasion of




> > rise.--


> > > -


> > > (KSK, Reader I, p 97)


> > >


> > > c/ From a study of the Vedas and astronomical texts we



> that


> > the


> > > Sun is the basis for measuring time. That the year is based




> the


> > > seasons which is again based on the movement of the Sun. ---


> > (365.25


> > > D/Y advocate JYOTISH SASTRI, Astrlogical Magazine<AM>,






> > > November 2000)


> > >


> > >


> > > 2. NAMES OF A YEAR


> > >


> > > 2. (1) NAMES OF 360 D/Y


> > >


> > > a/ (i) SAVAN YEAR, (ii) CIVIL YEAR --- (RAICHUR, Msg



> > >


> > > b/ SAVANA MANAM --- (KSK, Reader I, p 97);


> > >


> > > c/ SAVANA YEAR ---(JYOTISH SASTRI, AM, Oct & Nov 2000)


> > >


> > > d/ neither a SOLAR nor a LUNAR nor a LUNI-SOLAR year---






> > > advocate N. SUNDARA RAJAN, AM, Jan 2004, quoting B. V.




> > Graha


> > > and Bhava Balas saying --- a year and month of 360 and 30



> > > respectively)


> > >


> > > 2. (2) NAMES OF 365 D/Y


> > >


> > > a/ (i) SOLAR YEAR, (ii) SOURAMAN--- (RAICHUR)


> > >


> > > b/ SOURA MANAM--- ( KSK, Reader I, p 97-98)


> > >




> > >




> > >


> > >


> > >


> > > 3. DEFINATION OF 360 & 365 D/Y


> > >


> > > 3. (1) DEFINATION OF 360 D/Y


> > >


> > > a/ 360 such days make up the " savan year " . This

is called




> > civil


> > > year.--- (RAICHUR)


> > >


> > > b/ 360 days in Soura Manam ---(KSK, Reader I, p 97)


> > >


> > > c/ to measure a year by 360 days--- (JYOTISH SASTRI);


> > >


> > > d/ 360 days (360 tithis or 12 lunar month)--- (N. SANDRA



> > >


> > > e/ The unspoken assumption is that a 360 day year is


> > somehow " Lunar "


> > > which is not 360 days long but rather 360 tithis (lunar




> long,


> > > which is about 354.36 solar days long.--- (JYOTISH SASTRI)


> > >


> > > e/ Other Quotations


> > >


> > > (i) In the Vedas and Puranas there is mention of a 360 day




> the


> > > following quotes speak of this:


> > > " The wheel (of time) having twelve spokes revolve round the



> > heavens,


> > > but it does not wear out. Oh Agni! 720 pairs of sons ride



> > > wheel. " Rg Veda Samhita 1.164.22 (BJS vol. 1, pp. 17-


18.) " Twelve


> > > spoke boards, one wheel, three navels. Who understands






> > > these are 360 Shankus (rods) put in like pegs which do not



> > > loosened. " Rg Veda Samhita 1.164.48 (BJS vol. 1, p.

18.) " A




> has


> > > 360 days, a year has 720 days and nights together. "



> > Brahmana


> > > 7.17 (BJS vol. 1, p. 20.)


> > > The 360 day year doesn't refer to the length of a solar year


> > (365.25


> > > days) or lunar year (360 tithis, about 354.36 solar days).




> year


> > > of 360 days is called a Savana year and used strictly for


> > sacrificial


> > > purposes particularly for the Soma-yajna as explained in the


> > > following quote from Dikshit's Bharatiya Jyotisha Sastra



> > >


> > > Source: Bharatiya Jyotish Sastra (BJS-History of Indian


> Astronomy)


> > > published by the Government of India ---(JYOTISH SASTRI's


> article)


> > >


> > > (ii) The problem arises because of not understanding the


> > intricacies


> > > of the luni-solar calendar and making the very serious






> > > equating tithi with day. A tithi is not equal to a solar






> > > varies in length from about 19 to 26 hours depending on the


> > velocity


> > > of the Moon. So taking this misconception a step further,




> > who


> > > were not steeped in Vedic calendric tradition began thinking




> > > since old text books and manuals used by traditional




> > talked


> > > of years with 12 months of 30 tithis and a year of 360




> this


> > > must be the same as years with 12 months of 30 days and 360



> > > years. This, then, is how we have become entangled in a



> > > controversy of whether the Mahadasa should be measured in






> > > years or 365 day years. This is like comparing apple with


> oranges,


> > > you cannot equate a tithi with a day. By doing so you get a


> > situation


> > > in which the two systems diverge with time. ---(JYOTISH




> > > article)


> > >


> > >


> > > 3. (2) DEFINATION OF 365 D/Y


> > >


> > > a/ The other is the Solar Year. " Souraman " . The months





> on


> > > Basis of the Sun's entry into each Rashi. Thus months are




> as


> > > MESHA, Vrishabha, etc. This year naturally has 365.2425





> > > (RAICHUR)


> > >


> > > b/ 365.25 days (interval of time taken by Sun to leave any



> > > position in the Zodiac and again reach the same position)---


> (KSK,


> > > Reader I, p 97);


> > >


> > > c/ to avoid complexity in calculation ---365 d/y not




> --


> > > 360 d/y accepted---if so particular- - 365 days not a year---



> have


> > to


> > > go for another 6h-9m-9.50 sec. ---( K.R. KAR, KP Anuual






> 69)


> > >


> > > c/ to measure a year by 325.2 days (A solar year is the






> > > time from one vernal equinox to the next.)--- Confusion




> > after


> > > the British introduced the Gregorian calendar into India,




> > Lunar


> > > tithis became mistakenly equated with Solar days and the




> year


> > > of 360 tithis became confused with a solar year of 360 days.


> > Inspite


> > > of this confusion pre-British classics in Vedic astrology






> > > Phala Dipika clearly state that the year for Mahadasa


> calculation


> > is


> > > 365 day year.---(JYOTISH SASTRI)


> > >


> > > d/ 365.25 days (the time taken by the Sun to complete one




> of


> > > the Zodiac) ---(N. SANDARA RAJAN)


> > >


> > > e/ 365.2425 days (KPASTRO 2.0 and JAGNANNATHA HORA



> > >


> > > f/ Other Quotations


> > >


> > > (i) Length of the year according to different Vedic




> > > texts (BJS vol. 2, p. 13)


> > >


> > > --------------------------- days------------ ghati---


> > > pala---- vipala- prativipala


> > > Vedanga Jyotisa------- 366


> > > Pitamaha Siddhanta--- 365----21------ 25


> > > Pulisa Siddhanta------ 365---- 15------ 30


> > > Surya Siddhanta------- 365---- 15------ 31------ 30


> > >


> > > Romaka Siddhanta---- 365---- 14----- 48


> > > 1st Arya Siddhanta--- 365---- 15------ 31------ 15


> > >


> > > Brahmagupta Siddhanta------- 365---- 15------ 30------


> > > 22------ 30


> > > 2nd Arya Siddhanta-- 365---- 15----- 31------ 17------


> > > 06


> > >


> > > [1 ghati = 24 minutes = 60 pala, 1 pala = 60 vipala, 1






> 60


> > > prativipala]


> > >


> > > Source: Bharatiya Jyotish Sastra (BJS-History of Indian


> Astronomy)


> > > published by the Government of India (In Jyotish Satri's




> > >


> > >




> > >


> > > a/ The Savan yaer as such is not in use in any part

of the


> world


> > > now. It is theGregorian Year of 365.2425 days that is




> > > used. The other is the PureLunar Year of about 340 days. The


> > > panchangs in India

correct this and bring itin line with the


> solar


> > > year, by adding one ADHIKA MASA every 3 years or so.The


> followers


> > of


> > > Islam, do not make any such adjustment. So their years




> > less


> > > than the Georgian, or Panchang Years.--- (RAICHUR)


> > >


> > > b/ If 360 D/y rather than 365 D/y is used for



> > > calculation, the gap between them would become more




> with


> > > dasa period---6.25 days (365.25-360) after 1 year, 31.5 days


> > (6.25x6)


> > > after 5 years,-----about 6 months after 35 years, a whole




> > after


> > > 70 years;--- (JYOTISH SASTRI)


> > >


> > > c/ Taking 365.25 D/Y to calculate 120 years of Vimshottari



> dasa,


> > the


> > > total number of years will increase by 630 days (6.5x120)---




> > > compared to the maximumlongevity of 43200 days (360x120)----


> because


> > > each solar year (365.25 D/Y) exceeds the Vimshottari 360 D/Y




> > 5.25


> > > days.--- (N. SANDARA RAJAN)


> > >


> > > c/ In AM, Oct 1973, Hira Gulrajani advocated 360 D/Y





> > > there would be cumulative difference by as much as one month




> > > every 6 years of age of the native between the indicated


> operative


> > > period under Vimsottari and that of what he terms as actual


> period.


> > > If we are to go with him in his line of thinking, it would




> out


> > > that a native may have to celebrate his 72 birthday even




> he


> > has


> > > yet to complete his 71st year under Vimsottari reckoning.----




> > (H.R.


> > > SHANKAR, AM, Jan 1974/ JYOTISH SASTRI' s article)


> > >


> > > e/ The vimshottari dasha cycle is of 120 years duration.



> terms


> > of


> > > solar years this would amount to 43830 days, whereas, using




> 360


> > > days years, this amounts to 43200 days, which is 1/3600th of


> 432000


> > > years, the total duration of kaliyuga, could be a



> > > perhaps! --- whether to take a year for vimshottari dasha


> > > determination as the solar 365 day one or the civil




> > 360


> > > day year. Adopting either creates an incremental discrepancy


> > between


> > > the dasha periods used by proponents of either, this can




> to


> > > more than six months by the time one is 40 years old----(360




> > > advocate ROHINI RAJAN)


> > >


> > > f/ The real issue being discussed till the cows come home




> > whether


> > > to take 365 D/Y (365.25x120=43830d for 120y) or 360 D/Y




> > > 43200d) because the difference is accelerating from 5.25 for




> to


> > > 63od for 120y. As per simple arthmetics, in 365.25 D/Y-




> > > calender, Sun Mahadasa is legged behind about 6x5.25= 31.5d;




> > > Mahadasa 10x5.25= 52.5d and so on.


> > >


> > > g/ Out of total 120 years shares are given 6y

to Sun, 10y


> Moon,


> > 7y


> > > Mars, 18y Rahu, 16y Jupiter, 19y Sturn, 17y Mercury, 7y Ketu




> > 20y


> > > to Venus. These shares hold the same propotion in all




> > Dasha,


> > > Bhukti, Anthara, Sookshama and so on (B. SURYANARAIN RAO),




> > > Bhukti= Dasha period (Bhukti /120); Anthara= D (B/120)


> > > (Anthara /120); Sukshama= D (B/120) (A/120) (Sukshama/120)





> so


> > > on, e.g.. Venus Dasa/ Saturn Bhukti= 20 (19/120)= 3.166667=






> > > 0.166667x12=3y:2m; Venus Dasa/ Satrun Bhukti/Jupiter






> > > (19/120)(16/120)= 0.422222y= 0.422222x12= 5m:0.066666x30d=




> > > Ven/Jup/Rahu/ Sat= 20(16/120)(18/120)(19/120)= 0.063333yx




> > 23d;


> > > Mer/Ven/Sat/Jup/Mer= 17(20/120)(19/120)(16/120)(17/120)=


> > > 0.0084737yx12x30= 3d or up to 6th level




> Rah=


> > > 0.0084737(18/120)x12x30= 11 hours and so on. This simple


> > rathematics


> > > will give the same durations of Bhukti, Anthara, Sukshama






> on


> > > in any dasa duration table, KSK Reader, KP Emphemeris, Lahiri


> > > Emphemeris, any astrology text book of J. N. Bhasin, James





> > Braha,


> > > David Frawley, Hart de Foue & Robert Svoboda, B.V.





> > India


> > > Astrological Services etc. If anything different from this




> > > calculations, there is an error for correction not for


> discussion.


> > In


> > > other words, all tables should be the same.


> > >


> > > h/ Using 12m-a-year and 30d-a-month is 360 D/Y is taken



> > > convenience and for calculation of sub sub (DBAS) periods as


> > mentined


> > > by KSK. This 360D/Y-based DBAS durations are used in





> 360


> > D/Y


> > > & 365 D/Y options and there are no different tables or




> > > like KP or non-KP because this is mathematics. That is why


> > > application of 360D/Y-based sub sub tables does not mean






> > 360


> > > D/Y as long as 356 D/Y is applied in Mahadasa calculation.









> > > BHUKTIES-- calculated by -- THE METHOD USED IS THE 1 YEAR



> > > MONTHS: 1 MONTH=30 DAYS--- (Msg 2970) is not a simluation of




> > D/Y


> > > option. It is a 365 D/Y option because 6y for Sun, 10y for



> Moon


> > are


> > > taken in full in 365.25-D/Y-based Gregorian calendar without


> > > shortening a 5.25-day-year difference.


> > >


> > >


> > > V-A-WHICH ONE, 360 OR 365 D/Y, TO APPLY ?


> > >


> > > a/ In one of the Granthas relied upon, it is advised to





> > > year only forududasa (vimsottari dasa). --- (RAICHUR)


> > >


> > > b/ Only Soura Manam of 365.25 days alone is to be adopted




> must


> > eb


> > > taken---for Udu dasa.----(KSK, Reader I, p 97)


> > >


> > > c/ In this system (Vimsottari dasa) only 30 days comprise a


> month


> > and


> > > a year of 365 days.---( BEPIN BEHARI)


> > >


> > > d/ Usha-Shashi in their " Hindu Astrological

Calculations "


> indicate


> > > that the astrological year that is to be used for year lord




> > dasha


> > > determinations is one that has 12 months of 30 days each, ---


> > quoting


> > > this as Surya Siddhanta's recommendation. (ROHINI RAJAN's


> article)


> > >


> > > e/ PERSONAL PREFERENCE - that is the bottom line - no






> > > numbers you use to cut the cards. My personal preference is




> use


> > > 365.25 days - no matter " who says what " , but this





> > based


> > > solely on my ability to successfully line up events and see


> things


> > in


> > > a chart more clearly (for myself personally) using 365.25




> > than


> > > 360 days. Is it right? Who knows and who cares - as long as




> > works


> > > for me. So my point is that the bottom line is that we ALL




> to


> > > use what WORKS for us as INDIVIDUAL astrologers, while


> > simultaneously


> > > respecting the personal preferences of others. (Msg #2081)


> > >


> > >





> > >


> > > a/ Some Vedic asrtologer's say they are getting





> > with


> > > Savan Year andan ayanams Laheri-53 minutes .--- (RAICHUR)


> > >


> > > b/ N. Sundara Rajan and Rohini Ranjan say so.


> > >


> > > c/ All his successful predictions have been given on the




> of


> > 365


> > > days only and Sadasiva Giri illustrates 360 d/y give s him




> > > results.--- (KN Rao: Timing Events Through Vimshottari




> > Preface


> > > to the Second Edition)


> > >


> > > d/ No statistical study or any other method has ever been




> > which


> > > could prove that the 360 d/y should be applied in Vimsottari


> > > Mahadasa. Ultimately it all boils down to the

" opinion " of a


> small


> > > group of astrologers that their method is better. All the




> > > Panditas that I studied with, in North, East and South India




> > used


> > > the regular solar year of 365 days, and so do the vast, over-


> > > whelming, majority of Vedic astrologers. ---(JYOTISH



> > >


> > >




> > >


> > > 1) The real issue is whether to take 360 days or 365 days in




> year


> > > with a difference of 5.25 per year to 630 day for the whole



> > > years.


> > >


> > > 2) 360 D/Y Vimsottari dasa results of Jagannantha Hora 7.02


> (Sanjay


> > > Rath's school), Jyotish Tools (V.K. Choudhry's SA school),



> KPAstro


> > > 2.0, Fortune Discoverer Ver.6.0, Goravani Jyotish, Parashara


> Light


> > > 6.1, Astroworks, Shri Jyothi Star and manual calculations




> been


> > > seen generally the same. (Msg # 2036, 2823, 2865, 2916,






> > 2953)


> > > Nothing is wrong with SWs as per their setting of " 360 days







> > > year " and " 360x120=43200 days " for the

whole 120 years dasa


> period


> > > as advocated by 360 D/Y advocates.


> > >


> > > 3) As per basic mathematics of 365.25-360= 5.25d difference




> > year,


> > > 360 D/Y Mahadasa durations are shortened by that rate of


> difference


> > > with compared to 365.25 D/Y option or in terms of 365.25-day-




> > > Gregorian calender. Also as per simple ratio rathemetics,




> > tables


> > > of dasa sub sub durations are the same, and there is no KP




> or


> > > non-KP table because it is mathematics.


> > >


> > > 4) Application of 360D/Y-based sub sub tables does not mean


> using a


> > > 360 D/Y calculation option as long as 356 D/Y is applied in


> > Mahadasa


> > > calculation.


> > >


> > > 5) Almost all East and West vedic astrologers K.S.




> and


> > > KP astrolgers , B.V. Raman, K.N. Rao, Bepin Behari, Sanjay




> V.


> > > K. Choudhry, J.N.

Basin, K.S. Charak,

Sumeet Chugh, Richard


> Houck,


> > > James T. Braha, David Frawley, Hart de Foue , Robert




> A.K.


> > > Kar, M.N. Kedar, Jagdish Maheshri, M.S. Mehta, C. S. Patel,


> P.V.R.


> > > Rayudu, Chakrapani Ullal and many others have used 365 D/Y


> > > Vimshottari dasa without giving attention to the aruments




> 365


> > D/Y


> > > advocates.


> > >


> > > 5) It will be very interesting to know the names of 360 D/Y


> > > astrologers (with their credit of articles and books) other




> > Hira


> > > Gulrajani, N. Sundara Rajan, Rohini Ranjan, Sadasiva Giri




> are


> > > found until now.


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >




> > >


> > > 1) G.S. Agarwal: Practical Vedic Astrology


> > > 2) All India

Astrological Services, " Know your Dasha "


> > > http://www.hinduastrology.org/learnastrology/dasha.asp


> > > 3) K.S. Charak: Yogas in Astrology; Subtlesties of Medical


> > Astrology,


> > > pp 54-56


> > > 4) Sumeet Chugh: Timing of Events, pp 56-64


> > > 5) Richard Houck: Astrology of Death, p 54


> > > 6) B. Bala: PROF. K. S. KRISHNAMURTI'S Advance Emphemeris


> > > for 1991 to 2000 (Table of Duration of Dasa, Bhukti and



> > > in Vimshottari Dasa, pp 19-23)


> > > 7) J. N. Bhasin: Art of Prediction, pp 222-226


> > > 8) Bepin Behari, The Timing of Events


> > > 9) James T. Braha: Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Western


> > > Astrologer, p 223


> > > 10) Sandy

Crowther, Msg #2081


> > > 11) David Frawley: Astrology of the Seers, p 175-176


> > > 12) Hart de Foue & Robert Svoboda: Light on Life, pp 323-325


> > > 13) A.K. Gour: The Celestial Delivery Boy, TRANSIT, pp 118-



> > > 14) K.R. Kar, " In Quest of Origin of Parasar,s Vimshottary




> > > Period " , KP Annual 2004


> > > 15) M.N. Kedar: Judgement of Bhavas & Timing of Events





> > Dasa


> > > and Transit, pp 97-98


> > > 16) K.S. Krishnamurti, KP Reader I


> > > 17) Jagdish Maheshri: It's All in Timing, pp 74-75


> > > 18) M. S. Mehta: Planets and Travel Abroad, pp 60-61


> > > 19) Chandulal S. Patel: Predicting Through Navamsa & Nadi


> > Astrology,


> > > pp 4-5


> > > 20) ANANT RAICHUR, Msg #2978


> > > 21) B.V. Raman: Hindu Predictive Astrology, p 55-56


> > > 22) Rohini Ranjan, " For Beginners in Jyotish-3 "


> > > http://www.boloji.com/astro/00308b.htm


> > > 23) N. Sundara Rajan, " Dasa-Bhukti Computation- 360 or 365


Days " ,


> > > Astrological Magazine, January 2004


> > > 24) b. Suryanarain Rao: Strijataka or Female Horoscopy,






> > 154


> > >




> > > 25) K.N. Rao: Timing Events Through Vimshottari Dasha


> > > 26) Jyotish Sastri, " How Long is a Year In Vimsottari


> Mahadasa? " ,


> > Oct


> > > & Nov 2000 Astrological Magazine


> > >


> >







> > > _


> > > year/how_long_year_1.htm


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > >


> > > ,

" Graham Fox "




> > > wrote:


> > > >


> > > > Dear Visti,


> > > > I do not know, either, of any other reference to dasa year


> > length


> > > in


> > > > the classics. But I'm surprised that you say the savana




> is


> > > > the " civil year " , reckoned by humans, and compare

it to




> > > > Gregaorian year. Humans have always, for practical


> agricultural


> > > etc


> > > > purposes, reckoned the year tropically, by the solstices,




> > > > 365.25, and the Gregorian year is a very close




> to


> > > > that, not to a 360 day year. Even supporters of the 365.25




> > das


> > > > year recognise that the savana year was in fact a




> > year,


> > > > used for religious purposes by priests in Vedic times (and




> > > other


> > > > ancient cultures, such as the Mayas).Savana in fact does




> > > > mean " civil " , but " based on consecutive

sunrises " ; " savana


> dina "


> > > is


> > > > an apparent solar day. So the question is really, is the




> > > unit


> > > > of time an apparent solar day or an apparent solar year?




> may


> > > > very well be right that 365.25 days should be used for




> But


> > > it


> > > > is strange, in that case,that shadbala should not also be


> > > calculated


> > > > based on 365.25 day year, and strange also that the only


> > reference


> > > > by Parasara to a year length for astrological calculations




> in


> > > the


> > > > section on shadbala - and it's 360, savana.


> > > > I respect your point of view and your experience, and I


> > appreciate


> > > > that the majority of Indian astrologers use a 365 day




> but


> > > some


> > > > experienced ones prefer 360, so I don't think it should be


> > > dismissed


> > > > too lightly.


> > > > Best wishes


> > > > Graham


> > > > ,

" Visti Larsen "




> > > > wrote:


> > > > >


> > > > > ||Hare Rama Krsna||


> > > > > Dear Graham, Namaskar


> > > > > 360-day year is called a Savana Year, and was used



> > similar


> > > to


> > > > the


> > > > > current gregorian calendar. It is the civil-year, or



> year


> > > > reconned by


> > > > > humans. The SOLAR year should be adjusted to the






> > use


> > > > for the


> > > > > particular place, and for that particular time period





> > the


> > > > > Savana-calendar, whilst we today are using the



> > > Calendar.


> > > > > Either way we cannot avoid the fact that there is talk





> > Solar


> > > > year here in


> > > > > use for timing... There is no ambiguity in this by


> > Mantresvara.


> > > I


> > > > have not


> > > > > seen any references coming from Jyotish classics for



> dasa


> > > > length other


> > > > > than this.


> > > > > Best wishes,


> > > > > ***


> > > > > Visti Larsen


> > > > > For services and articles visit:


> > > > > http://srigaruda.com

or http://astrovisti.com


> > > > > ***


> > > > >


> > > > >


> > > > >



> > > >



> > > > > Behalf Of Graham Fox


> > > > > 06 March 2006 18:17


> > > > >


> > > > > [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Vimshottari dasa - 360





> > > days?


> > > > >


> > > > > Dear Visti and Annick,


> > > > > Thank you for raising this point. I think Visti's


> > interpretation


> > > > of


> > > > > Mantreswara is probably correct (it corresponds to



> given


> > in


> > > > the


> > > > > lengthy document available on the web, " How long

is a




> in


> > > > > vimsottari mahadasa " by Shyamasundara, published

by the


> > > > > Bhaktidevanta

College). However, it is

interesting that




> > very


> > > > > same sloka from the Phaladipeeka has been cited in an


> article


> > in


> > > > the


> > > > > Astrological Magazine of January 2004,

" Dasa-Bhukti


> > computation -


> > >


> > > > > 360 or 365 days, " by Sundara Rajan (again

available on




> > web),


> > > > to


> > > > > support exactly the opposite view. Rajan gives the





> > > > > devanagari, and stresses that the expression you




> > > as " By


> > > > > subdividing the same, the days are also

calculated "




> in


> > > fact


> > > > > be translated " proportionately, work out number

of days




> > that


> > > > > year " . This he takes to mean " apply the year

of 360 days




> > > > > proportion to the year of 365.25 days. " The

remark by


> > > Mantreswara


> > > > > would thus be a reminder that dasa years (of 360 days)





> a


> > > > > proportional conversion to bring them into line with



> > > material


> > > > > solar year (at least in the present epoch, since some


> scholars


> > > > > maintain that at a time in the distant past, there





> > > actual


> > > > > fact 360 days in a year, which would help to explain





> > many


> > > > > ancient cultures kept this tradition of an

" ideal " 360-




> > year


> > > > > alive). Rajan goes on to explain: " Actually this





> > the


> > > > > vimsottari total by 630 days or roughly 2 years "



> > 120x360


> > > =


> > > > > 432000 days " one -tenth of the Kali-yuga duration



432000 "


> > > (not


> > > > > everyone would agree with Rajan about length in days





> > > yuga,


> > > > > but his figure does correspond to numerous



> > > > >


> > > > > Also, it should be noted that Parasara gives no




> of


> > > year


> > > > > length for dasa (perhaps he thought it was obvious).



> does,


> > on


> > > > the


> > > > > other hand, make it clear that for calculating





> > > > > shadbala, a year of 360 days and a month of 30 days




> be


> > > > used.


> > > > > Otherwise the calculation of the year and month lords


> > > > (abdadhipathi


> > > > > and masadhipathi) would be completely thrown out of




> Dr


> > > > Raman


> > > > > (who rather paradoxically used the 365 day year in his



> > practical


> > > > > calculations of dasa) makes this clear in his


" Graha


> and


> > > > Bhava


> > > > > Balas " , p.42 item 59: " The Year and Month:

The Hindus,




> > > > > astrological purposes, consider a year and a month of




> and


> > 30


> > > > > days repectively. They are neither solar, nor lunar,



> luni-


> > > > > solar " . (In fact, 360 is exactly the mean value

of the




> > > year


> > > > of


> > > > > 365.25 days and the lunar year of 360 tithis (12



> lunar


> > > > > months, just over 354 solar days). Raman demonstrates,



> > following


> > > > > Parasara, how the the year lord must be worked out by



> > > > calculation


> > > > > involving a division by 360 ( " the number of days

in a


year " )


> > of


> > > > the


> > > > > number of DAYS since creation (shrishtyadi ahargana),





> > the


> > > > > Surya Siddhanta.


> > > > >


> > > > > This subject has come up before on the Vedic Astrology



> forum,


> > > and


> > > > > I've noticed that there are the two different





> > > > backed


> > > > > up by quotations from the classics or by classical


> principles,


> > > but


> > > > > that in the end (not surprisingly), nobody changes his





> her


> > > > views


> > > > > or practice, and the discussion eventually subsides.



> it's


> > > > > interesting nevertheless, and helps each of us to make





> our


> > > > mind.


> > > > > The 360-day year seems to work better for me, and I'm




> > that


> > > > > (some) others, who " know more about it than

me " , agree,




> > find


> > > > it


> > > > > effective and historically justified. But I repeat, I




> > > > Visti's


> > > > > interpretation of Mantreswara is probably correct --



> > > > Mantreswara


> > > > > was perhaps not infallible. I would appreciate having




> view


> > > of


> > > > > other Sanskrit scholars on this sloka, and this



> > > > >


> > > > > Very best wishes


> > > > > Graham


> > > > >


> > > > >


> > > > > ,

" Visti Larsen "




> > > > > wrote:


> > > > > >


> > > > > > ||Hare Rama Krsna||


> > > > > >


> > > > > > Dear Annick, Namaskar


> > > > > >


> > > > > > We at SJC follow those who know better.


> > > > > >


> > > > > >


> > > > > >


> > > > > > Mantresvara in his Phala Deepika writes:


> > > > > >


> > > > > > " Chapter 19, sloka 4||


> > > > > >


> > > > > > ravisphuTaM tajjanane yadaasIt tathaa


> > > > vidhashcetprativarShamarkaH|


> > > > > >


> > > > > > aavR^ittayaH santi dashaabdakaanaaM


> bhaagakramattaddivasaaH


> > > > > prakalpyaaH|| "


> > > > > >


> > > > > >


> > > > > >


> > > > > > In english; Take the degree of the Sun and mark





> next


> > > > > arrives at the


> > > > > > same position. This is considered as one year|

This is


> also


> > > > > considered as


> > > > > > one year for the Udu dasa system. By subdividing





> > the


> > > > days


> > > > > are also


> > > > > > calculated||


> > > > > >


> > > > > >


> > > > > >


> > > > > > So to be more acurate, we use the exact solar






> > > find


> > > > > the year.


> > > > > >


> > > > > > Best wishes,


> > > > > >


> > > > > > ***


> > > > > >


> > > > > > Visti Larsen


> > > > > >


> > > > > > For services and articles visit:


> > > > > >


> > > > > > <http://srigaruda.com>

http://srigaruda.com or


> > > > > <http://astrovisti.com>


> > > > > > http://astrovisti.com


> > > > > >


> > > > > > ***


> > > > > >


> > > > > > _____


> > > > > >


> > > > > >



> > > > >



> > > > > > Behalf Of Annick Bidreman


> > > > > > 05 March 2006 13:25


> > > > > >


> > > > > > [Om Krishna Guru] Vimshottari dasa


> > > > > >


> > > > > >


> > > > > >


> > > > > >


> > > > > > Dear Visti,


> > > > > >


> > > > > >


> > > > > >


> > > > > > I know that in SJC, Vimshottari dasa 365 days is




> but


> > > I'd


> > > > be


> > > > > more than


> > > > > > happy to now exactly why, because some authors do





> > this


> > > > one


> > > > > in 360


> > > > > > days, arguing occult reasons, and so on.


> > > > > >


> > > > > >


> > > > > >


> > > > > > It'll be very simple a query for you, but I need



> > understand


> > > > > clearly this


> > > > > > question.


> > > > > >


> > > > > >


> > > > > >


> > > > > > Thanks in advance.


> > > > > >


> > > > > >


> > > > > >


> > > > > > Warm regards,


> > > > > >


> > > > > >


> > > > > >


> > > > > > Annick


> > > > > >


> > > > > >


> > > > > >


> > > > > > ~ om tat sat ~


> > > > > > Thank you for maintaining the decorum of the



> Ashram.


> > > > > > Reminders: (1) Recite the Shadakshari Mantra





> > > Krishna'


> > > > > > (2) Try to become Vegetarian - remember Akbar the





> who


> > > said


> > > > > that the


> > > > > > human stomach should not become a graveyard for



> > > > > > (3) Practise charity in thought and deed - do one



> chart


> > > > > reading today


> > > > > >


> > > > > >


> > > > > >


> > > > > >


> > > > > >

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Dear Friends, Savan year consists of 360 solar days and is called Atma of all calenders.This is not applicable for calculations of Dasa periods of any kind.Savan day commences from sun-rise to next sun-rise. Parasra used the word VARSA.This simply means that the year should be the period durig which Sun travels 360 degrees round the Earth.THIS CROSPOND TO solar sidereal year of 365.256363 days.This is to be used for dada calculations.Kindly also refer "Man Sagari" for further giadance. G.K.GOELRaghunatha RaoNemani <raon1008 wrote: Om Krishna GuruNamaste Swee Ji,I have been looking for some pointers / answer to this particular question too. Let me give you a link, where Narasimha Ji had asked a question about 4 years ago about this. Please look at the link and see

if you or other Gurus can answer to his question, as I do not see any answer to his question in the archives.vedic astrology/message/8282RegardsRaghunatha Raosohamsa , "Swee Chan" <swee wrote:> Namaste> i am not writing full sloka from my notes.> Below are the slokas. Please counter check as these slokas are from the Naradiya Purana itself and not from the Naradiya Samhita as indicated by > you.> Love, > > Swee

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Om Krishna Guru


Namaste Swee Ji,


I have been looking for some pointers / answer to this particular

question too. Let me give you a link, where Narasimha Ji had asked a

question about 4 years ago about this. Please look at the link and see

if you or other Gurus can answer to his question, as I do not see any

answer to his question in the archives.


vedic astrology/message/8282



Raghunatha Rao


sohamsa , " Swee Chan " <swee wrote:


> Namaste

> i am not writing full sloka from my notes.


> Below are the slokas. Please counter check as these slokas are from

the Naradiya Purana itself and not from the Naradiya Samhita as

indicated by > you.


> Love,


> Swee

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" Gopijana-vallabha-caranau sharanam prapadye. "

" Namo gopijana-vallabhabhyam "


Dear Raghunatha,



I am repeating the sloka below for your attention yet again.


grahANAM nikhilashcAro gR^ihyate saura mAnataH|

vR^iShTervidhAnaM strIgarbhaH sAvanenaiva gR^ihyate||56.111||


Meaning: Planetary movements are reckoned through Saura - Solar Measure.


In Narada Purana, Chapter 55 sloka 70 - There are 1,577,917,828 terrestrial

days in a maha yuga. The time from sunrise to sunrise is a terrestrial civil

day - bhumi-savana -vasara.


Sanjay ji has always recommended the 360 deg solar year. My timings are all

based on this setting.







sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of

Raghunatha RaoNemani

Tuesday, March 14, 2006 2:45 PM


Re: Vimshottari dasa - 360 or 365 days?


Om Krishna Guru


Namaste Swee Ji,


I have been looking for some pointers / answer to this particular

question too. Let me give you a link, where Narasimha Ji had asked a

question about 4 years ago about this. Please look at the link and see

if you or other Gurus can answer to his question, as I do not see any

answer to his question in the archives.


vedic astrology/message/8282



Raghunatha Rao


sohamsa , " Swee Chan " <swee wrote:


> Namaste

> i am not writing full sloka from my notes.


> Below are the slokas. Please counter check as these slokas are from

the Naradiya Purana itself and not from the Naradiya Samhita as

indicated by > you.


> Love,


> Swee








*tat savitur varenyam*


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You should use only 365 days and try to calculate the horoscopes with my ayanamsha you will find that when ever you have a change of dasha in your chart you will find a change in your life it is so accurate.


for further details visit http://www.occultwizard.com/download.htm


Best wishes


Tarun Chopra



On 3/14/06, Swee Chan <swee wrote:


" Gopijana-vallabha-caranau sharanam prapadye. " " Namo gopijana-vallabhabhyam " Dear Raghunatha,NamasteI am repeating the sloka below for your attention yet again.

grahANAM nikhilashcAro gR^ihyate saura mAnataH|vR^iShTervidhAnaM strIgarbhaH sAvanenaiva gR^ihyate||56.111||Meaning: Planetary movements are reckoned through Saura - Solar Measure.In Narada Purana, Chapter 55 sloka 70 - There are 1,577,917,828 terrestrial

days in a maha yuga. The time from sunrise to sunrise is a terrestrial civilday - bhumi-savana -vasara.Sanjay ji has always recommended the 360 deg solar year. My timings are allbased on this setting.

Love,Sweesohamsa [

sohamsa ] On Behalf OfRaghunatha RaoNemaniTuesday, March 14, 2006 2:45 PM

sohamsa Subject: Re: Vimshottari dasa - 360 or 365 days?Om Krishna GuruNamaste Swee Ji,I have been looking for some pointers / answer to this particular question too. Let me give you a link, where Narasimha Ji had asked a question about 4 years ago about this. Please look at the link and see if you or other Gurus can answer to his question, as I do not see any answer to his question in the archives.

vedic astrology/message/8282RegardsRaghunatha Rao

sohamsa , " Swee Chan " <swee wrote:> Namaste> i am not writing full sloka from my notes.> Below are the slokas. Please counter check as these slokas are from the Naradiya Purana itself and not from the Naradiya Samhita as indicated by > you.> Love, > > Swee*tat savitur varenyam*

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Om Krishna Guru


Namaste Swee Ji,


Thanks for the reply and that will surely help me. Please also tell

me, do you use " the 360 deg solar year " for both Nakshatra Dasa's and

Rasi Dasa's ? or do you use something different ?



Raghunatha Rao



, " Swee Chan " <swee wrote:



> " Gopijana-vallabha-caranau sharanam prapadye. "

> " Namo gopijana-vallabhabhyam "


> Dear Raghunatha,

> Namaste


> I am repeating the sloka below for your attention yet again.


> grahANAM nikhilashcAro gR^ihyate saura mAnataH|

> vR^iShTervidhAnaM strIgarbhaH sAvanenaiva gR^ihyate||56.111||


> Meaning: Planetary movements are reckoned through Saura - Solar



> In Narada Purana, Chapter 55 sloka 70 - There are 1,577,917,828


> days in a maha yuga. The time from sunrise to sunrise is a

terrestrial civil

> day - bhumi-savana -vasara.


> Sanjay ji has always recommended the 360 deg solar year. My timings

are all

> based on this setting.


> Love,

> Swee

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+ sri gurave namah +

Dear Tarun

What happens in a Leap year? Do you take 366 days or just 365?

With best wishes & warm regards,

Yours truly

Sanjay Rath


Webpages: http://srath.com http://.org http://sjcerc.com

Atri SJC: 15B Gangaram Hospital Road, New Delhi 110060, India

Phone: +91.11.25717162





Tarun Chopra [occultwizard.tarun] Tuesday, March 14, 2006 9:11 PMsohamsa Subject: Re: Re: Vimshottari dasa - 360 or 365 days?


You should use only 365 days and try to calculate the horoscopes with my ayanamsha you will find that when ever you have a change of dasha in your chart you will find a change in your life it is so accurate.


for further details visit http://www.occultwizard.com/download.htm


Best wishes


Tarun Chopra



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" Gopijana-vallabha-caranau sharanam prapadye. "

" Namo gopijana-vallabhabhyam "


Dear Raghunatha,



All planets are nakshatra based. What are you trying to calculate here?

Guess you are trying to merge the Solar days and the lunar days?

Do refer to Chapter 55 for the extra lunar days - into months versus solar

days and terrestrial days.








Behalf Of Raghunatha RaoNemani

Tuesday, March 14, 2006 8:54 PM


[Jaya Jagannatha] Re: Vimshottari dasa - 360 or 365 days?


Om Krishna Guru


Namaste Swee Ji,


Thanks for the reply and that will surely help me. Please also tell

me, do you use " the 360 deg solar year " for both Nakshatra Dasa's and

Rasi Dasa's ? or do you use something different ?



Raghunatha Rao



, " Swee Chan " <swee wrote:



> " Gopijana-vallabha-caranau sharanam prapadye. "

> " Namo gopijana-vallabhabhyam "


> Dear Raghunatha,

> Namaste


> I am repeating the sloka below for your attention yet again.


> grahANAM nikhilashcAro gR^ihyate saura mAnataH|

> vR^iShTervidhAnaM strIgarbhaH sAvanenaiva gR^ihyate||56.111||


> Meaning: Planetary movements are reckoned through Saura - Solar



> In Narada Purana, Chapter 55 sloka 70 - There are 1,577,917,828


> days in a maha yuga. The time from sunrise to sunrise is a

terrestrial civil

> day - bhumi-savana -vasara.


> Sanjay ji has always recommended the 360 deg solar year. My timings

are all

> based on this setting.


> Love,

> Swee










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Dear Sanjay

Since we use 365.25 in a year this .25 is automaticaly adujusted in a leap year with one day extra.




Tarun Chopra




On 3/15/06, Sanjay Rath <guruji wrote:






+ sri gurave namah +

Dear Tarun

What happens in a Leap year? Do you take 366 days or just 365?

With best wishes & warm regards,

Yours truly

Sanjay Rath


Webpages: http://srath.com




Atri SJC: 15B Gangaram Hospital Road, New Delhi 110060, India

Phone: +91.11.25717162





Tarun Chopra [occultwizard.tarun]

Tuesday, March 14, 2006 9:11 PMsohamsa Subject: Re: Re: Vimshottari dasa - 360 or 365 days?




You should use only 365 days and try to calculate the horoscopes with my ayanamsha you will find that when ever you have a change of dasha in your chart you will find a change in your life it is so accurate.


for further details visit http://www.occultwizard.com/download.htm


Best wishes


Tarun Chopra



*tat savitur varenyam*


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Om Krishna Guru


Namaste Swee Ji,


I am sorry, I did not made my question clear to you earlier.

Let me attempt again.


In the JHora software, we have a choice to make " Definition of Dasa

in " Option to set a particular dasa, or all Dasa's.


For example: Based on your suggestion: I could make the defintion of

year to " Solar Longitude Based Year (360 deg year) " to Vimsottari

Dasa (Nakshatra Dasa) and also other Rasi Dasa's like Narayana Dasa

which is a Rasi Dasa.


So my question is:-


1) Do you use the definition " Solar Longitude Based Year (360 deg

year) " option set, when you use Vimsottari Dasa ?


2) Do you use the definition " Solar Longitude Based Year (360 deg

year) " option set, when you use Narayana Dasa ?


Thanks for your reply in advance.



Raghunatha Rao



, " Swee Chan " <swee wrote:



> " Gopijana-vallabha-caranau sharanam prapadye. "

> " Namo gopijana-vallabhabhyam "


Dear Raghunatha,



All planets are nakshatra based. What are you trying to calculate


Guess you are trying to merge the Solar days and the lunar days?

Do refer to Chapter 55 for the extra lunar days - into months versus


days and terrestrial days.








Behalf Of Raghunatha RaoNemani

Tuesday, March 14, 2006 8:54 PM


[Jaya Jagannatha] Re: Vimshottari dasa - 360 or 365 days?


Om Krishna Guru


Namaste Swee Ji,


Thanks for the reply and that will surely help me. Please also tell

me, do you use " the 360 deg solar year " for both Nakshatra Dasa's and

Rasi Dasa's ? or do you use something different ?



Raghunatha Rao

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Dear Raghunatha,


That is in line with what Swee has given in the Naradiya Purana shloka,

that is calculation of year is to be done by considering Chandramasa.

That is what Bhishma is talking about and not about year to be taken

for predictions.


By the way, there is a slight mistake in the Naradeeya Purana shloka

"VriSTervidhaane" -prediction of rains, should be actually

"Vidhirvidhaane" -predictions, in case of Savana month. This is so as

the very next line tells that nakshatra mana is to be used to know

about the cloud formation and rains. There is no confusion and no

better authority than Narada, as Parashara himself talks about Narada

having revealed it to Shaunaka and other rishis and tells that the same

is being revealed by him.


I do not understand why there should be any confusion.



Raghunatha RaoNemani wrote:


Om Krishna Guru

Namaste Swee Ji,

I have been looking for some pointers / answer to this particular

question too. Let me give you a link, where Narasimha Ji had asked a

question about 4 years ago about this. Please look at the link and see

if you or other Gurus can answer to his question, as I do not see any

answer to his question in the archives.

vedic astrology/message/8282


Raghunatha Rao

sohamsa , "Swee Chan" <swee wrote:




i am not writing full sloka from my notes.






Below are the slokas. Please counter check as these slokas are from



the Naradiya Purana itself and not from the Naradiya Samhita as

indicated by > you.









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|| Hare Rama Krishna ||

Dear All,

Namaskar. While we are on this topic, it would be nice to learn what Prof. P. S. Sastri wrote on this topic in his Text Book of Scientific Hindu Astrology (Vol. 1). His argument in favor of using the solar year (365.25 days) and he has argued that 360 days is just used as a matter of convenience. Surya Siddhanta supports solar year. If we consider day to be sunrise to next sunrise then a year being made of days should also take solar motion into consideration. Just wanted to mention.

Best wishes,




sohamsa , "Raghunatha RaoNemani" <raon1008 wrote:>> Om Krishna Guru> > Namaste Swee Ji,> > I am sorry, I did not made my question clear to you earlier. > Let me attempt again.> > In the JHora software, we have a choice to make "Definition of Dasa > in" Option to set a particular dasa, or all Dasa's. > > For example: Based on your suggestion: I could make the defintion of > year to "Solar Longitude Based Year (360 deg year)" to Vimsottari > Dasa (Nakshatra Dasa) and also other Rasi Dasa's like Narayana Dasa > which is a Rasi Dasa.> > So my question is:-> > 1) Do you use the definition "Solar Longitude Based Year (360 deg > year)" option set, when you use Vimsottari Dasa ?> > 2) Do you use the definition "Solar Longitude Based Year (360 deg > year)" option set, when you use Narayana Dasa ?> > Thanks for your reply in advance.> > Regards> Raghunatha Rao> > > , "Swee Chan" swee@ wrote:> >> > > > "Gopijana-vallabha-caranau sharanam prapadye."> > "Namo gopijana-vallabhabhyam" > > > Dear Raghunatha,> Namaste> > All planets are nakshatra based. What are you trying to calculate > here?> Guess you are trying to merge the Solar days and the lunar days?> Do refer to Chapter 55 for the extra lunar days - into months versus > solar> days and terrestrial days.> > Love,> Swee> > > > > On> Behalf Of Raghunatha RaoNemani> Tuesday, March 14, 2006 8:54 PM> > [Jaya Jagannatha] Re: Vimshottari dasa - 360 or 365 days?> > Om Krishna Guru> > Namaste Swee Ji,> > Thanks for the reply and that will surely help me. Please also tell> me, do you use "the 360 deg solar year" for both Nakshatra Dasa's and> Rasi Dasa's ? or do you use something different ?> > Regards> Raghunatha Rao>

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" Gopijana-vallabha-caranau sharanam

prapadye. "

" Namo

gopijana-vallabhabhyam "










you for the corrections.








On Behalf

Of Chandrashekhar

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

10:13 PM


Re: [Jaya Jagannatha] [Om

Krishna Guru] Re: Vimshottari dasa - 360 or 365 days?



Dear Raghunatha,


That is in line with what Swee has given in the Naradiya Purana shloka, that is

calculation of year is to be done by considering Chandramasa. That is what

Bhishma is talking about and not about year to be taken for predictions.


By the way, there is a slight mistake in the Naradeeya Purana shloka

" VriSTervidhaane " -prediction of rains, should be actually

" Vidhirvidhaane " -predictions, in case of Savana month. This is so as

the very next line tells that nakshatra mana is to be used to know about the

cloud formation and rains. There is no confusion and no better authority than

Narada, as Parashara himself talks about Narada having revealed it to Shaunaka

and other rishis and tells that the same is being revealed by him.


I do not understand why there should be any confusion.



Raghunatha RaoNemani wrote:

Om Krishna Guru Namaste Swee Ji, I have been looking for some pointers / answer to this particularquestion too. Let me give you a link, where Narasimha Ji had asked aquestion about 4 years ago about this. Please look at the link and seeif you or other Gurus can answer to his question, as I do not see anyanswer to his question in the archives. vedic astrology/message/8282 RegardsRaghunatha Rao sohamsa , " Swee Chan " <swee wrote:

Namastei am not writing full sloka from my notes.

Below are the slokas. Please counter check as these slokas are from

the Naradiya Purana itself and not from the Naradiya Samhita asindicated by > you.

Love, Swee

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||Hare Rama Krsna||

Dear Raghunatha, Namaskar

I use Solar years for all, because only the dvadasa aditya are the real

givers of fruits in this world.

Best wishes,


Visti Larsen

For services and articles visit:

http://srigaruda.com or http://astrovisti.com




Behalf Of Raghunatha RaoNemani

19 March 2006 01:16


[Om Krishna Guru] Re: Vimshottari dasa - 360 or 365 days?


Om Krishna Guru


Namaste Visti Ji,


May I ask you, what year definition you use for

1) Nakshatra Dasa's such as Vimosottari etc.,

2) Rasi Dasa's such as Narayana Dasa ?.


Thanks for your reply in advance.



Raghunatha Rao


, " Visti Larsen " <visti wrote:


> ||Hare Rama Krsna||

> Dear Graham, Namaskar

> Surely you cannot make out whether its day or night using the

Lunar, Solar,

> Jovian or Sidereal calendar. This is when the Savana calendar is

used. BUT,

> the Savana calendar is used to figure out the particular day of an


> i.e. which days does Sankranti occur, or which days does a certain


> occur. The savana calendar has no other use.

> But then again i can only know what i have learnt. The parampara


> that the month begins with the entry of the Sun into that

particular sign,

> and the day on which it occurs is considered the lord of the month.

> Similarly the entry of Sun into aries marks the begining of the

year, and

> the day on which it occurs indicates the lord of the year.

> Best wishes,

> ***

> Visti Larsen

> For services and articles visit:

> http://srigaruda.com or http://astrovisti.com

> ***





> Behalf Of Graham Fox

> 18 March 2006 15:47


> [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Vimshottari dasa - 360 or

365 days?


> Dear Visti,

> Thank you for your clarification about this. I find your


> complicated, so I'll have to think about it carefully to try to get

> my head around it! I'm sure you're probabaly right, but at the

> moment I still can't see how we could get a coherent year and month-

> lord sequence using a true solar year counted from Creation. My

> edition of BPHS is indeed, as you say, not explicit, and I was

> relying on Raman's interpretation of it. As I understand it, you


> clearly saying that Raman is wrong to say (in " Graha and Bhava

> Balas " , p.42 item 59): " The Year and Month: The Hindus, for

> astrological purposes, consider a year and a month of 360 and 30

> days repectively. They are neither solar, nor lunar, nor luni-

> solar " . His interpretation of Parasara's way to calculate kaal-


> where the year and month lords must be worked out by a calculation

> involving a division of shrishtyadi ahargana (days since Creation)

> by 360 ( " the number of days in a year " , as he says) must also be

> wrong.

> So I have to decide whose analysis to follow on this question!

> Thank you very much for your kind attention and patience.

> Graham



> , " Visti Larsen " <visti@>

> wrote:

> >

> > ||Hare Rama Krsna||

> > Dear Graham, Namaskar

> > I've looked at the sloka about kala bala, and it seems you must

> have the

> > Sharma edition? The calculation that you mention is about

> calculating the

> > Varsha, Masa, Dina and Hora Bala, i.e. Year, Month, Day and Hour

> strength.

> > Here the point is to find the planet lording that particular


> month,

> > day, etc. and by virtue of its lordship it gains strength.

> >

> > How to do this is then referred to in Surya Siddhanta by Sharma,

> because

> > PARASARA DOESN'T SAY HOW. When referring to Surya Siddhanta i see

> that the

> > sloka qouted in BPHS by Sharma is very abridged. Infact the

> calculation

> > details finding the ammount of days passed since the creation.

> Here the

> > yugas are initially added, converted into months, added to the

> lunar/solar

> > months which are again converted into savana months and lastly

> into days and

> > thus also savana days (as savana days imply the visible day).

> > By performing such a conversion at the time of the suns entry


> Aries or

> > ones sunsign, one can find the planet lording the year and month

> > respectively, based on the weekday at that time. The planet

> lording the day

> > is the weekday of birth itself.

> > However, this doesn't mean that savana years were used to

> calculate the

> > yugas and all, but are again used in conversion to figure out the

> visible

> > day for sake of judging the weekday lords.

> > So the argument about kala bala cannot be accepted based on this.

> > Best wishes,

> > ***

> > Visti Larsen

> > For services and articles visit:

> > http://srigaruda.com or http://astrovisti.com

> > ***

> >

> >

> >

> On

> > Behalf Of Graham Fox

> > 17 March 2006 13:13

> >

> > [Om Krishna Guru] Re: Vimshottari dasa - 360


> 365 days?

> >

> > Dear Swee,

> > Thank you for this clarification, which gives weight to the

> argument

> > for using solar sidereal year in a number of cases: I notice that

> > number of days in Maha yuga as per Narada Purana works out at


> > close to 4,320,000 sidereal solar years, whereas the figure for

> > savana years is less coherent. And of course, planetary positions

> > must be calculated as per sidereal positions as in sidereal solar

> > year (I don't think anybody questions that). The sloka does not

> > specifically say that the year " shares " of vimsottari dasa are to

> be

> > calculated with solar sidereal year, but this does indeed seem a

> > likely implication of the meaning of these slokas.

> > There is just the problem that Parasara calculates kaal bala


> a

> > 360 day year, counted from Creation (not a solar year), so he


> > be working in some other system of yuga.

> >

> > Also, your slokas from the Purana indicate that:

> >

> > " grahANAM nikhilashcAro gR^ihyate saura mAnataH|

> > vR^iShTervidhAnaM strIgarbhaH sAvanenaiva gR^ihyate||56.111||

> >

> > Meaning: Planetary movements are reckoned through Saura - Solar

> > Measure

> > Pregnancy and rainy season, reckon them from Savana - Civil

> measure. "

> >

> > This seems strange. If people had tried to reckon rainy season

> using

> > the savana year, they would very quickly have got into


> > as after just 6 years their calculations would have been more


> > one month out of phase with the seasons (and they would thus be

> > expecting the rainy season at the wrong time).

> >

> > Thanks again for the information.

> > Graham

> >

> >

> > , " Swee Chan " <swee@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > " Gopijana-vallabha-caranau sharanam prapadye. "

> > > " Namo gopijana-vallabhabhyam "

> > >

> > > Dear Raghunatha,

> > > Namaste

> > >

> > > I am repeating the sloka below for your attention yet again.

> > >

> > > grahANAM nikhilashcAro gR^ihyate saura mAnataH|

> > > vR^iShTervidhAnaM strIgarbhaH sAvanenaiva gR^ihyate||56.111||

> > >

> > > Meaning: Planetary movements are reckoned through Saura -


> > Measure.

> > >

> > > In Narada Purana, Chapter 55 sloka 70 - There are 1,577,917,828

> > terrestrial

> > > days in a maha yuga. The time from sunrise to sunrise is a

> > terrestrial civil

> > > day - bhumi-savana -vasara.

> > >

> > > Sanjay ji has always recommended the 360 deg solar year. My

> > timings are all

> > > based on this setting.

> > >

> > > Love,

> > > Swee

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > sohamsa [sohamsa ]

> On

> > Behalf Of

> > > Raghunatha RaoNemani

> > > Tuesday, March 14, 2006 2:45 PM

> > > sohamsa

> > > Re: Vimshottari dasa - 360 or 365 days?

> > >

> > > Om Krishna Guru

> > >

> > > Namaste Swee Ji,

> > >

> > > I have been looking for some pointers / answer to this

> particular

> > > question too. Let me give you a link, where Narasimha Ji had

> asked

> > a

> > > question about 4 years ago about this. Please look at the link

> and

> > see

> > > if you or other Gurus can answer to his question, as I do not

> see

> > any

> > > answer to his question in the archives.

> > >

> > > vedic astrology/message/8282

> > >

> > > Regards

> > > Raghunatha Rao

> > >

> > > sohamsa , " Swee Chan " <swee@> wrote:

> > >

> > > > Namaste

> > > > i am not writing full sloka from my notes.

> > >

> > > > Below are the slokas. Please counter check as these slokas


> > from

> > > the Naradiya Purana itself and not from the Naradiya Samhita as

> > > indicated by > you.

> > >

> > > > Love,

> > > >

> > > > Swee

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > *tat savitur varenyam*

> > >

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