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The Arundhati Principle Part I

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klim krishnaya govindaya gopijana vallabha svaha.


Jaya Jagannatha


Dear List,


Based on Sanjay ji's postings on Muhurta, below are my ramblings on the

Arundhati Principle as it so happen that I was reading the Vayu Purana

last week and my ramblings are based on my understanding of the same.I do not

know if I am on the right track and perhaps hope to get a

feed-back from Sanjay ji.I guess this is one part of the very belated lesson

I've promised on

Creation for SJCERC.




The Arundhati Principle Part 1


The Origin of Creation


Lomaharsana said:

O Br & #257;hmaëas, the period of time calculated by me for the creation of

the universe should be known as One Day of the Supreme.-Vayu Pur & #257;ìa, Ch. 4


The subjects, the patriarchs, the rishis, kumaras, divine beings etc., the

intellect and the mind stay during the day of the Supreme. These are

dissolved at the end of the day. At the end of the night, there is

creation of the universe.

Jyotish meaning:

Sunrise to sunrise constitutes a day made up of 30 linear muhurtas. Ten

wives indicating the 10th house of kAma were presented by DakSa to Dharma

which is representative of the 9th house. (The second there from is the

10th, which is the house of sustenance.)Dharma’s 9th wife, sAdhya was fortunate

enough to bear twelve sons

indicating the twelve adityas who were partakers of shares in yajna. In

devatA lore, we know them to be greater than other devas as it was

reported that one of them called Jaya were created out of the mouth of

BrahmA and they are to be remembered as having mantras as their bodies.

This can also be taken to mean that it is necessary for one’s 9th house to

can be strengthened whereby the basis of life is based upon the dharmic

laws due to our karmic past. Promises of those can be seen in the Navamsa

bears the fruits of the yajnas performed whereas the 5th house has to be

strong in order that one may be compelled to chanting mantras. Each of

these Jayas representing each rasi beginning from Aries, are: Darça,

Paurëamm & #257;sa, Brhad, Rathantara, Citti, Vicitti, aakUti, KUti,

Vijn & #257;tr, Vij~nta, Manas and Yajna.As per their will, there were born as

jitas, Tuñitas, Satyas, Haris, etc

in each manvantara. Of these, Nara and N & #257;r & #257;yaëa were born in the

sv & #257;rociña manvantara and so were Indra and Satya who was Hari as one

of the twelve sadhyas.Of the twelve Tusitas, the twelfth tusita is known as

Manas – (Shiva Manas

puja can be beneficial and so can mantra eulogising Krishna - Moon)

Take the following birth data:


3rd April, 1955 @9:37hrs, Kuching, Sarawak Malaysia


Her Sun is 19 degree 19 mins in the constellation of Piscium, known as

Revati. It is also ruled by the last born son of Dharma, known as Yajna.


According to http://www.selfrealisation.net/Vedic Astrology/FramVAnks.htm

the Revati personality is described as below.

Sympathetic, sensationalism, intuitive, spiritual, soft-spoken, happy,

popular, independent, dutiful, orthodox, philantropic, leaves no room for

blame.The primordial sound of the first pada in Revati is “de” and is of sattva

guna. Pushan is the presiding deity.Its mantra is:

1. Om pushanatavatrate vyam rishyem kadachana stotarasta ehasmasi.

2. Om Pushane namah


The Sun has latta on P.Phalguni and aspects Hasta and Chitra. The latter

two nakshatras are good for delving into astrology, archeology, etc.Her punya

sahama is in Hasta which also ruled by the Sun. Placed in the

9th from her janma rasi, the AK Moon in Aslesha - Sun-Revati relationships

play the most vital aspects in her life.

Sanjay Rath’s Notes:

2. Muhurta for astrological purposes of defining the quality of time is

not exactly 48 minutes everyday and can vary based on sunrise, sunset and

local noon.

Born in the Citra month during Spring time, Dhaatr and Aryamaa devas

reside in the Sun and of the rishis, Puslastya and Pulaha, the prajapati.

Of the nagas, Vasuki and Sankirnaara, the gandharva Tumburu and Naarada.

The singing gandharvas, the Apsaras etc.The Sun blazes its brilliance in

accordance with its prowess, penance,

truthfulness, strengths and yogic powers of these deities. The rishis

eulogise the Sun with renowned mantras while the gandharvas and apsaras

perform with music and dance. The yaksas etc. collect hideous things.Her birth

took place during the day when Devas preside and the yaksas lose

their vilifying jaunts.Worshipping the Sun from the time of rising, the rishis

lead him to the

mountain until it sets.During Mesha and Tula Zodiacal transits of the Sun, the

days and nights

contain fifteen muhurtas, beginning with sunrise. Through the course of a

day, the Sun traverses over the seven continents and oceans by means of

his single wheeled chariot with the vedic metres assuming the form of

horses as can be realized in the gayatri mantras.When the Sun is in the first

pada of Krittika (Pleiades), the Moon is

known to be in the 4th pada of VishAkhA and from Sun’s traversal into the

third pada of Krittika, the Moon occupying the top of Krittika forms the

equinox, when days and nights are equal.Time calculation is impossible without

the Sun (Vayu Purana Part I

Ch.53.39) and without time, there is no sacred scriptures, no initiation

and no daily routine as he is the twelve-souled prAjapati who blazes the

three worlds including the mobile and the immobile beings.The seven among the

thousand rays of the Sun are the causes of the planets

(gayatri mantras).suShusma develops the declining Moon, exerting lateral power

and from above.

Harikesha ray is said to be the primordial cause of the stars, spreading

forward.The southern ray, vishvarkarman creates Budha and vishvashravas is the

source of shukra. The sampadvasu ray is the cause of Lohita – Mars, while

the sixth ray arvaavasu is the source of the origin of Brihaspati –

Jupiter and the seventh ray called svaraaT develops shanaishcara – Saturn.In

this manner (of the gayatri mantra), all planets, stars and nakshatras

flourish by the energy of the Sun.The Sun too, is a nakshatra because it falls

into their kSetras (spheres)

and by the means of its rays, he takes them up.The Sun is called Aditya (root

word – A-dA – takes away) because it takes

away darkness of the night from both celestial and terrestrial through its

great effulgence.

More later.




References: VRA – Sanjay Rath

Muhurta – Sanjay Rath

Vayu Purana

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