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Vastu Q - Plot Orientation

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Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee,

Hare Krishna


I have a few

questions regarding plots orientated 45 deg. Ideally, one would want to

orientate the house according to the primary Vastu directions, but

unfortunately ‘modern’ architects are so ill-informed.


Anyway, looking

at this property (pic attached)




The plot is almost

square, and on a slope with the mountain along the East side of the

property. The ground is relatively flat except for a slope from NE to

SW. The road is also running from NE to SW entrance of the house is from

NW. The house is very odd shaped and there is a pool in the South.


The Owner has

been traveling and is more away than living there – probably NW entrance

showing this. The owner would like to sell the house but is

struggling and has opted to keep the property but make some improvements

based on Vastu principles


My initial view

on this property is that he should sell the property because of the following



Plot is orientated at 45deg – this is not desirable


East is higher than West – property is sloped this way and

there is a Mountain in the East


Building is odd shaped


Pool in South – not the best place for water


Kitchen is in Brahmastan





superimposed the 9 squares on the property. Now looking at the house, the

NE is open or not existent depends on how one positions the grid. The out

building in the SE l-section is an entertainment area with guest

quarters. The Kitchen and dining room is in the Brahmastan. The

Bedrooms are in the SW – this is ok. The two lounge areas are in

the NW section – this also seems ok.


I have

suggested the following remedies

- Installing a

spot light in SW corner of property which should shine upwards – this

will rectify slope imbalance.

- Create a Rock

Garden in SW corner of property

- Keep the

curtains and blinds open in North – this is normally kept closed at all


- Install

mirror on NE wall of living Room to ‘open’ up this area

- Not sure what

remedy for pool in South

- Change the

Dining Room so as to keep the brahmastan open


Could you

please also give the technique how to approach house that are orientated

45deg. Do we use the Vastu grid like I did, or should one keep the grid

in the direction of the house, but of course with the directions changed



Please guide me

if im on the right track and offer some other practical solutions.


Love Bipin

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Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya


Dear Bipin,



Suggestions in books are based on the Primary directions, but you will note that there are 8 main directions and 4 others, making up the 12 directions for each sign of the zodiac. Depending on the lagna of the main breadwinner, the front door, from inside looking out is the main bearing one should take. Your diagram is not clear as to which direction the house is facing.

The actual aerial photo of the house is not as bad as in the diagram drawn up by you :-))


Mirror is representative of Metal element and the cure for the NE is water. Quick growing trees can be grown in the West and the South. The South section has to be higher than the house and the West has to be higher than the East. This can be resolved by filling in soil to the West area for now until the trees grow. The mountain in the East is not a problem if the property is walled up. Generally, the plot of the house has to be higher than the main road.

In the SW, make a rockery. This area has to be higher than the NE. I generally plant a tree around this area.

As soon as you’ve given the exact direction as to where the front door is pointing, we can begin on the cures for the house.

Would you like to give the lagna of the person and then tell me where the main door should be facing? Also, choose a good muhurta as to when work should begin. What about the drainage? Which direction is the water flowing?









On 10/5/06 1:40 AM, " Bipin Prag (Gmail) " <bipinprag wrote:







Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee,

Hare Krishna


I have a few questions regarding plots orientated 45 deg. Ideally, one would want to orientate the house according to the primary Vastu directions, but unfortunately ‘modern’ architects are so ill-informed.


Anyway, looking at this property (pic attached)




The plot is almost square, and on a slope with the mountain along the East side of the property. The ground is relatively flat except for a slope from NE to SW. The road is also running from NE to SW entrance of the house is from NW. The house is very odd shaped and there is a pool in the South.


The Owner has been traveling and is more away than living there – probably NW entrance showing this. The owner would like to sell the house but is struggling and has opted to keep the property but make some improvements based on Vastu principles


My initial view on this property is that he should sell the property because of the following reasons

- Plot is orientated at 45deg – this is not desirable

- East is higher than West – property is sloped this way and there is a Mountain in the East

- Building is odd shaped

- Pool in South – not the best place for water

- Kitchen is in Brahmastan



Ive superimposed the 9 squares on the property. Now looking at the house, the NE is open or not existent depends on how one positions the grid. The out building in the SE l-section is an entertainment area with guest quarters. The Kitchen and dining room is in the Brahmastan. The Bedrooms are in the SW – this is ok. The two lounge areas are in the NW section – this also seems ok.


I have suggested the following remedies

- Installing a spot light in SW corner of property which should shine upwards – this will rectify slope imbalance.

- Create a Rock Garden in SW corner of property

- Keep the curtains and blinds open in North – this is normally kept closed at all times

- Install mirror on NE wall of living Room to ‘open’ up this area

- Not sure what remedy for pool in South

- Change the Dining Room so as to keep the brahmastan open


Could you please also give the technique how to approach house that are orientated 45deg. Do we use the Vastu grid like I did, or should one keep the grid in the direction of the house, but of course with the directions changed accordingly


Please guide me if im on the right track and offer some other practical solutions.


Love Bipin


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Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


North is indicated on both diagrams.

The Main Entrance door is NW (looking out of front door) – see indication




The Lagna of the main bread winner is

Dhanus, therefore making North or East good for Dhanus Lagna (incidentally,

could you please refer me to source of various entrances for Lagnas – I cant

find it)


I agree that remedy for NE is water, I was referring

to the NE wall of living Room completely blocked – no windows, hence

placing mirror there – I guess picture of Water would then do the job.

Agree – West and South should be higher, but the slope is quite steep in

the West (photo is quite deceiving) and not sure how long trees in the West

would take to grow - Trees in South is a great possibility. The

Property is walled, but the shadow of the mountain is caste on the property in

the morning, hence my concern


The occupants are away and back at the

weekend – will enquire about drainage – ill remember to always

consider this.


The Owner of the property is more away from

home – could this be attributed to NW Entrance??








Suggestions in books are based on the

Primary directions, but you will note that there are 8 main directions and 4

others, making up the 12 directions for each sign of the zodiac. Depending on

the lagna of the main breadwinner, the front door, from inside looking out is

the main bearing one should take. Your diagram is not clear as to which

direction the house is facing.

The actual aerial photo of the house is not as bad as in the diagram drawn up

by you :-))


Mirror is representative of Metal element and the cure for the NE is water.

Quick growing trees can be grown in the West and the South. The South section

has to be higher than the house and the West has to be higher than the East.

This can be resolved by filling in soil to the West area for now until the

trees grow. The mountain in the East is not a problem if the property is walled

up. Generally, the plot of the house has to be higher than the main road.

In the SW, make a rockery. This area has to be higher than the NE. I generally

plant a tree around this area.

As soon as you’ve given the exact direction as to where the front door is

pointing, we can begin on the cures for the house.

Would you like to give the lagna of the person and then tell me where the main

door should be facing? Also, choose a good muhurta as to when work should

begin. What about the drainage? Which direction is the water flowing?







Bipin Prag (Gmail) [bipinprag]


05 October 2006 10:41 AM

' '

Vastu Q - Plot






Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee,

Hare Krishna


I have a few

questions regarding plots orientated 45 deg. Ideally, one would want to orientate

the house according to the primary Vastu directions, but unfortunately

‘modern’ architects are so ill-informed.


Anyway, looking

at this property (pic attached)




The plot is

almost square, and on a slope with the mountain along the East side of the

property. The ground is relatively flat except for a slope from NE to

SW. The road is also running from NE to SW entrance of the house is from

NW. The house is very odd shaped and there is a pool in the South.


The Owner has

been traveling and is more away than living there – probably NW entrance

showing this. The owner would like to sell the house but is

struggling and has opted to keep the property but make some improvements

based on Vastu principles


My initial view

on this property is that he should sell the property because of the following



Plot is orientated at 45deg – this is not desirable


East is higher than West – property is sloped this way and

there is a Mountain in the East


Building is odd shaped


Pool in South – not the best place for water


Kitchen is in Brahmastan





superimposed the 9 squares on the property. Now looking at the house, the

NE is open or not existent depends on how one positions the grid. The out

building in the SE l-section is an entertainment area with guest

quarters. The Kitchen and dining room is in the Brahmastan. The

Bedrooms are in the SW – this is ok. The two lounge areas are in

the NW section – this also seems ok.


I have

suggested the following remedies

- Installing a

spot light in SW corner of property which should shine upwards – this

will rectify slope imbalance.

- Create a Rock

Garden in SW corner of property

- Keep the

curtains and blinds open in North – this is normally kept closed at all


- Install

mirror on NE wall of living Room to ‘open’ up this area

- Not sure what

remedy for pool in South

- Change the

Dining Room so as to keep the brahmastan open


Could you

please also give the technique how to approach house that are orientated

45deg. Do we use the Vastu grid like I did, or should one keep the grid

in the direction of the house, but of course with the directions changed



Please guide me

if im on the right track and offer some other practical solutions.


Love Bipin

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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


If the breadwinner actually lives there, it is different to that of a second home. The cure for the East for now, is lighting. Normal lights and not fluorescent light. - Not a floor lamp. Small spotlights can be suspended over a false valance/ceiling panel. Weight out the costs of the two. If the cost of window is cheaper, then it is the better alternative.

A small bowl of water can be placed in the NE corner of the living room. Make sure that it is changed everyday in fact, at the local plant shop, you should be able to purchase a cheap bubble water bowl – it can be quite restful just watching the water “bubble” over the tube back into the bowl.

The very steep slope suggests more investment than its worth to build a wooden trellis with high gum poles – the South has to be built up higher than the house itself and some sort of netting suspended across to enable the Thumbergia spp. (common name – mile-o-minute) to almost immediately cover up the 2 areas until the trees grow.

Do you remember which planet rules the NW? Look up your notes you got from me the last time we met. Then look up where that planet is placed in his chart – you may also indicate the nakshatra.


The reference for the entrances is in your collection of the Garuda Purana. The Vishnu Dharmottara details the entire vastu puja – impressive!

(Summer’s here, though I heard it snowed in CT a few days ago...explains the funny weather we are getting over here, blowing from your end :-))!! That’s the aftermath of wars overflowing to your side of the world!)

Sunday is my charity Golf day and I think I am due to come over the following w/end. This time I’m making sure I arrive 2 days before, incase I have the same foggy mist yet again.






On 10/5/06 11:35 AM, " Bipin Prag (Gmail) " <bipinprag wrote:






Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


North is indicated on both diagrams. The Main Entrance door is NW (looking out of front door) – see indication



The Lagna of the main bread winner is Dhanus, therefore making North or East good for Dhanus Lagna (incidentally, could you please refer me to source of various entrances for Lagnas – I cant find it)


I agree that remedy for NE is water, I was referring to the NE wall of living Room completely blocked – no windows, hence placing mirror there – I guess picture of Water would then do the job. Agree – West and South should be higher, but the slope is quite steep in the West (photo is quite deceiving) and not sure how long trees in the West would take to grow - Trees in South is a great possibility. The Property is walled, but the shadow of the mountain is caste on the property in the morning, hence my concern


The occupants are away and back at the weekend – will enquire about drainage – ill remember to always consider this.


The Owner of the property is more away from home – could this be attributed to NW Entrance??








Suggestions in books are based on the Primary directions, but you will note that there are 8 main directions and 4 others, making up the 12 directions for each sign of the zodiac. Depending on the lagna of the main breadwinner, the front door, from inside looking out is the main bearing one should take. Your diagram is not clear as to which direction the house is facing.

The actual aerial photo of the house is not as bad as in the diagram drawn up by you :-))


Mirror is representative of Metal element and the cure for the NE is water. Quick growing trees can be grown in the West and the South. The South section has to be higher than the house and the West has to be higher than the East. This can be resolved by filling in soil to the West area for now until the trees grow. The mountain in the East is not a problem if the property is walled up. Generally, the plot of the house has to be higher than the main road.

In the SW, make a rockery. This area has to be higher than the NE. I generally plant a tree around this area.

As soon as you’ve given the exact direction as to where the front door is pointing, we can begin on the cures for the house.

Would you like to give the lagna of the person and then tell me where the main door should be facing? Also, choose a good muhurta as to when work should begin. What about the drainage? Which direction is the water flowing?







Bipin Prag (Gmail) [bipinprag]

05 October 2006 10:41 AM

' '

Vastu Q - Plot Orientation



Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee,

Hare Krishna


I have a few questions regarding plots orientated 45 deg. Ideally, one would want to orientate the house according to the primary Vastu directions, but unfortunately ‘modern’ architects are so ill-informed.


Anyway, looking at this property (pic attached)




The plot is almost square, and on a slope with the mountain along the East side of the property. The ground is relatively flat except for a slope from NE to SW. The r

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Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


Im glad you are visiting again - look forward to meeting you soon


I already relocated the water feature from other side of house to NE



NW is ruled by the Moon and native's Moon is placed in 11H in

Chitra. If Lagna is East, then the Moon in this case would be S of

SE (11h). Now looking at the property, the outbuilding is situated

there. So now how do we use where his Moon went and the Nakshatra.

How do we link the NW planet Ruler with the chart and interpret it.

This is fundamental in my understanding this, so please share the

method of interpretation. Im assuming this is not using SBC.


If its not too much trouble, could you please bring along The Vishnu

Dharmottara, id love to have a look at it - let me know where I can

order one.


Good Luck with your Golf Day, see you soon in Town






ps: please mail me privately if you need me to buy anything in

Cape Town for you - im assuming you will be in Malmesbury. Also,

let me know if you need any transport






, Swee Chan <sweechan wrote:


> Om Gurave Namah


> Dear Bipin,

> Hare Krishna


> If the breadwinner actually lives there, it is different to that

of a

> second home. The cure for the East for now, is lighting. Normal

lights and

> not fluorescent light. - Not a floor lamp. Small spotlights can be


> over a false valance/ceiling panel. Weight out the costs of the

two. If the

> cost of window is cheaper, then it is the better alternative.

> A small bowl of water can be placed in the NE corner of the living


> Make sure that it is changed everyday in fact, at the local plant

shop, you

> should be able to purchase a cheap bubble water bowl ­ it can be


> restful just watching the water ³bubble² over the tube back into

the bowl.

> The very steep slope suggests more investment than its worth to

build a

> wooden trellis with high gum poles ­ the South has to be built up


> than the house itself and some sort of netting suspended across to


> the Thumbergia spp. (common name ­ mile-o-minute) to almost


> cover up the 2 areas until the trees grow.

> Do you remember which planet rules the NW? Look up your notes you

got from

> me the last time we met. Then look up where that planet is placed

in his

> chart ­ you may also indicate the nakshatra.


> The reference for the entrances is in your collection of the

Garuda Purana.

> The Vishnu Dharmottara details the entire vastu puja ­ impressive!

> (Summer¹s here, though I heard it snowed in CT a few days

ago...explains the

> funny weather we are getting over here, blowing from your end :-

))!! That¹s

> the aftermath of wars overflowing to your side of the world!)

> Sunday is my charity Golf day and I think I am due to come over the

> following w/end. This time I¹m making sure I arrive 2 days before,

incase I

> have the same foggy mist yet again.


> Love,


> Swee


> On 10/5/06 11:35 AM, " Bipin Prag (Gmail) " <bipinprag wrote:


> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Jaya Jaganantha

> >

> > Dear Swee

> > Hare Krishna

> >

> > North is indicated on both diagrams. The Main Entrance door is

NW (looking out

> > of front door) ­ see indication

> >

> >

> > The Lagna of the main bread winner is Dhanus, therefore making

North or East

> > good for Dhanus Lagna (incidentally, could you please refer me

to source of

> > various entrances for Lagnas ­ I cant find it)

> >

> > I agree that remedy for NE is water, I was referring to the NE

wall of living

> > Room completely blocked ­ no windows, hence placing mirror there ­

I guess

> > picture of Water would then do the job. Agree ­ West and South

should be

> > higher, but the slope is quite steep in the West (photo is quite


> > and not sure how long trees in the West would take to grow -

Trees in South

> > is a great possibility. The Property is walled, but the shadow

of the

> > mountain is caste on the property in the morning, hence my


> >

> > The occupants are away and back at the weekend ­ will enquire

about drainage ­

> > ill remember to always consider this.

> >

> > The Owner of the property is more away from home ­ could this be

attributed to

> > NW Entrance??

> >

> > Love

> >

> > Bipin

> >

> >

> >

> > Suggestions in books are based on the Primary directions, but

you will note

> > that there are 8 main directions and 4 others, making up the 12

directions for

> > each sign of the zodiac. Depending on the lagna of the main

breadwinner, the

> > front door, from inside looking out is the main bearing one

should take. Your

> > diagram is not clear as to which direction the house is facing.

> > The actual aerial photo of the house is not as bad as in the

diagram drawn up

> > by you :-))

> >

> > Mirror is representative of Metal element and the cure for the

NE is water.

> > Quick growing trees can be grown in the West and the South. The

South section

> > has to be higher than the house and the West has to be higher

than the East.

> > This can be resolved by filling in soil to the West area for now

until the

> > trees grow. The mountain in the East is not a problem if the

property is

> > walled up. Generally, the plot of the house has to be higher

than the main

> > road.

> > In the SW, make a rockery. This area has to be higher than the

NE. I generally

> > plant a tree around this area.

> > As soon as you¹ve given the exact direction as to where the

front door is

> > pointing, we can begin on the cures for the house.

> > Would you like to give the lagna of the person and then tell me

where the main

> > door should be facing? Also, choose a good muhurta as to when

work should

> > begin. What about the drainage? Which direction is the water


> >

> >

> >

> > Bipin Prag (Gmail) [bipinprag]

> > 05 October 2006 10:41 AM

> > ' '

> > Vastu Q - Plot Orientation

> >

> >

> > Jaya Jaganantha

> >

> > Dear Swee,

> > Hare Krishna

> >

> > I have a few questions regarding plots orientated 45 deg.

Ideally, one would

> > want to orientate the house according to the primary Vastu

directions, but

> > unfortunately Œmodern¹ architects are so ill-informed.

> >

> > Anyway, looking at this property (pic attached)

> >

> >

> >

> > The plot is almost square, and on a slope with the mountain

along the East

> > side of the property. The ground is relatively flat except for

a slope from

> > NE to SW. The r


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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Bipin,

Hare Kirshna


In the South where the pool is, place a pool cover, ensuring that it overlaps the sides, so that no water is exposed.

The idea is to superimpose the 81 squares over the existing living area first. Utilising the sarvatobhadra cakra is a need to identify the placements of benefics and malefics in the chart. The bout the Moon – being on the right side flank of Kurma which presides over the signs from Leo to Scorpio. This is assessed when one has to make a decision as to which part of town one should live and excel from there. That is, if that is the planet we are looking from the view point of the person’s chart. Even the name of the town/suburb and the person’s 1st letter of his name all form a part of the equation. In jyotish, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are denoted by the Southerly direction. The question is, is Moon happy in that sign or is it in enmity? Do the rest as a simple exercise :-)


Have you found the page as yet from Garuda Purana?


The junctures of the primary directions, East-West; North-South are the intersecting points of His blood vessels.

The NW indicates the area of treasury. What we should not overlook, is that the Vastu Purusha moves in a clockwise manner every ritu, so the front door should be in the same direction where its head is placed for the elected time. The energies of the front door say from 28degrees – 2 degrees should be avoided. Say, the 13th Jan – 15th Jan during each sankranti should also be avoided or during the days when each ritu is about to change and so on.

The first letter of your question indicates the planet Sun – recognition is the area of concern. So let’s concentrate on this.







On 10/6/06 1:46 AM, " Bipin Prag " <bipinprag wrote:






Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


Im glad you are visiting again - look forward to meeting you soon


I already relocated the water feature from other side of house to NE



NW is ruled by the Moon and native's Moon is placed in 11H in

Chitra. If Lagna is East, then the Moon in this case would be S of

SE (11h). Now looking at the property, the outbuilding is situated

there. So now how do we use where his Moon went and the Nakshatra.

How do we link the NW planet Ruler with the chart and interpret it.

This is fundamental in my understanding this, so please share the

method of interpretation. Im assuming this is not using SBC.


If its not too much trouble, could you please bring along The Vishnu

Dharmottara, id love to have a look at it - let me know where I can

order one.


Good Luck with your Golf Day, see you soon in Town






ps: please mail me privately if you need me to buy anything in

Cape Town for you - im assuming you will be in Malmesbury. Also,

let me know if you need any transport


<%40> , Swee Chan <sweechan wrote:


> Om Gurave Namah


> Dear Bipin,

> Hare Krishna


> If the breadwinner actually lives there, it is different to that

of a

> second home. The cure for the East for now, is lighting. Normal

lights and

> not fluorescent light. - Not a floor lamp. Small spotlights can be


> over a false valance/ceiling panel. Weight out the costs of the

two. If the

> cost of window is cheaper, then it is the better alternative.

> A small bowl of water can be placed in the NE corner of the living


> Make sure that it is changed everyday in fact, at the local plant

shop, you

> should be able to purchase a cheap bubble water bowl – it can be


> restful just watching the water “bubble” over the tube back into

the bowl.

> The very steep slope suggests more investment than its worth to

build a

> wooden trellis with high gum poles – the South has to be built up


> than the house itself and some sort of netting suspended across to


> the Thumbergia spp. (common name – mile-o-minute) to almost


> cover up the 2 areas until the trees grow.

> Do you remember which planet rules the NW? Look up your notes you

got from

> me the last time we met. Then look up where that planet is placed

in his

> chart – you may also indicate the nakshatra.


> The reference for the entrances is in your collection of the

Garuda Purana.

> The Vishnu Dharmottara details the entire vastu puja – impressive!

> (Summer’s here, though I heard it snowed in CT a few days

ago...explains the

> funny weather we are getting over here, blowing from your end :-

))!! That’s

> the aftermath of wars overflowing to your side of the world!)

> Sunday is my charity Golf day and I think I am due to come over the

> following w/end. This time I’m making sure I arrive 2 days before,

incase I

> have the same foggy mist yet again.


> Love,


> Swee


> On 10/5/06 11:35 AM, " Bipin Prag (Gmail) " <bipinprag wrote:


> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Jaya Jaganantha

> >

> > Dear Swee

> > Hare Krishna

> >

> > North is indicated on both diagrams. The Main Entrance door is

NW (looking out

> > of front door) – see indication

> >

> >

> > The Lagna of the main bread winner is Dhanus, therefore making

North or East

> > good for Dhanus Lagna (incidentally, could you please refer me

to source of

> > various entrances for Lagnas – I cant find it)

> >

> > I agree that remedy for NE is water, I was referring to the NE

wall of living

> > Room completely blocked – no windows, hence placing mirror there –

I guess

> > picture of Water would then do the job. Agree – West and South

should be

> > higher, but the slope is quite steep in the West (photo is quite


> > and not sure how long trees in the West would take to grow -

Trees in South

> > is a great possibility. The Property is walled, but the shadow

of the

> > mountain is caste on the property in the morning, hence my


> >

> > The occupants are away and back at the weekend – will enquire

about drainage –

> > ill remember to always consider this.

> >

> > The Owner of the property is more away from home – could this be

attributed to

> > NW Entrance??

> >

> > Love

> >

> > Bipin

> >

> >

> >

> > Suggestions in books are based on the Primary directions, but

you will note

> > that there are 8 main directions and 4 others, making up the 12

directions for

> > each sign of the zodiac. Depending on the lagna of the main

breadwinner, the

> > front door, from inside looking out is the main bearing one

should take. Your

> > diagram is not clear as to which direction the house is facing.

> > The actual aerial photo of the house is not as bad as in the

diagram drawn up

> > by you :-))

> >

> > Mirror is representative of Metal element and the cure for the

NE is water.

> > Quick growing trees can be grown in the West and the South. The

South section

> > has to be higher than the house and the West has to be higher

than the East.

> > This can be resolved by filling in soil to the West area for now

until the

> > trees grow. The mountain in the East is not a problem if the

property is

> > walled up. Generally, the plot of the house has to be higher

than the main

> > road.

> > In the SW, make a rockery. This area has to be higher than the

NE. I generally

> > plant a tree around this area.

> > As soon as you’ve given the exact direction as to where the

front door is

> > pointing, we can begin on the cures for the house.

> > Would you like to give the lagna of the person and then tell me

where the main

> > door should be facing? Also, choose a good muhurta as to when

work should

> > begin. What about the drainage? Which direction is the water


> >

> >

> >

> > Bipin Prag (Gmail) [bipinprag]

> > 05 October 2006 10:41 AM

> > ' <%27%40> '

> > Vastu Q - Plot Orientation

> >

> >

> > Jaya Jaganantha

> >

> > Dear Swee,

> > Hare Krishna

> >

> > I have a few questions regarding plots orientated 45 deg.

Ideally, one would

> > want to orientate the house according to the primary Vastu

directions, but

> > unfortunately ‘modern’ architects are so ill-informed.

> >

> > Anyway, looking at this property (pic attached)

> >

> >

> >

> > The plot is almost square, and on a slope with the mountain

along the East

> > side of the property. The ground is relatively flat except for

a slope from

> > NE to SW. The r




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Dear Bipin,


I want to add a few points on my favorite topic, Vastu.



Plot is orientated at 45deg – this is not desirable

[My comments] Yes the strength of the property

automatically reduces by 50 percent if the orientation is not to the cardinal

directions. However, there are certain ways of rectifying this – one way

is to use certain prescribed yantras.


East is higher than West – property is sloped this way and there is a

Mountain in the East

[My comments] I would give weightage to North

East being higher than South West. In regard to the mountain, the vegetation

and water bodies if any need to be considered before we say it is bad or good. India has Himalayas

in the North East and father, Niranjan Babu Bangalore, recommends it for

certain aspects. Just because there is a mountain, we should not un-necessarily



Building is odd shaped

[My comments] Irregular buildings, if not built

according to modular extension is not recommended in Vastu



Pool in South – not the best place for water

[My comments] Look at the resident’s financial

status and trends… the above statement can be understood well…



Kitchen is in Brahmastan

[My comments] What about the cooking place

(stove) and the exhaust location?


The 9 squares grid also known as peetha mandala is to

identify the balances/imbalances of the bhootas. To understand and measure the energy

strength, we need to split the plot using different divisions based on manushyalaya

or devalaya.


- Installing a spot

light in SW corner of property which should shine upwards – this will

rectify slope imbalance.

[My comments] How will this rectify the slope

imbalance? I don’t see any relation with spot-light and flow of energies?

- Create a Rock Garden

in SW corner of property

[My comments] Good idea… Based on the

person’s janma rasi and Atma Karaka, it can be South of South West or

West of South West.

- Keep the curtains and

blinds open in North – this is normally kept closed at all times

[My comments] Movement of energy is always


- Install mirror on NE

wall of living Room to ‘open’ up this area

[My comments] Mirrors always have to be handled

with care. They can bring in unknown/unwanted troubles resulting in more grief

if the measurements and location of the mirror is not proper.

- Not sure what remedy

for pool in South

[My comments] Look at the position of Jupiter and

Mars in the persons horoscope. If they are favorable, the primary elements denoted

by them have to be activated. Else, other remedies have to be resorted to

- Change the Dining Room

so as to keep the brahmastan open

[My comments] Dining Room in Brahmasthana is Ok


Vastu Shastra is the only remedial science which takes care

of all imbalances – be it horoscopic or non-horscopic. You can refer to

Father’s HandBook on Vastu and Vastu – Relevance to modern times.

The above topics are discussed in detail there.


Om Tat Sat,


Raman Suprajarama




Raman Suprajarama [cru115]

Sunday, October 08, 2006 12:57 PM


Fwd: [Jaya Jagannatha] Vastu Q - Plot Orientation




" Bipin Prag (Gmail) " <bipinprag



" Bipin Prag \(Gmail\) " <bipinprag

Thu, 5 Oct 2006 10:40:58 +0200

[Jaya Jagannatha] Vastu Q - Plot Orientation




Jaya Jaganantha

Dear Swee,

Hare Krishna

I have a few questions regarding plots orientated 45

deg. Ideally, one would want to orientate the house according to the

primary Vastu directions, but unfortunately ‘modern’ architects are

so ill-informed.

Anyway, looking at this property (pic attached)


The plot is almost square, and on a slope with the mountain

along the East side of the property. The ground is relatively flat except

for a slope from NE to SW. The road is also running from NE to SW

entrance of the house is from NW. The house is very odd shaped and there

is a pool in the South.

The Owner has been traveling and is more away than living

there – probably NW entrance showing this. The owner would like to

sell the house but is struggling and has opted to keep the property but

make some improvements based on Vastu principles

My initial view on this property is that he should sell the

property because of the following reasons


Plot is orientated at 45deg – this is not desirable


East is higher than West – property is sloped this way and there is a

Mountain in the East


Building is odd shaped


Pool in South – not the best place for water


Kitchen is in Brahmastan


Ive superimposed the 9 squares on the property. Now

looking at the house, the NE is open or not existent depends on how one positions

the grid. The out building in the SE l-section is an entertainment area

with guest quarters. The Kitchen and dining room is in the

Brahmastan. The Bedrooms are in the SW – this is ok. The two

lounge areas are in the NW section – this also seems ok.

I have suggested the following remedies

- Installing a spot light in SW corner of property which

should shine upwards – this will rectify slope imbalance.

- Create a Rock Garden in SW corner of property

- Keep the curtains and blinds open in North – this

is normally kept closed at all times

- Install mirror on NE wall of living Room to

‘open’ up this area

- Not sure what remedy for pool in South

- Change the Dining Room so as to keep the brahmastan open

Could you please also give the technique how to approach

house that are orientated 45deg. Do we use the Vastu grid like I did, or

should one keep the grid in the direction of the house, but of course with the

directions changed accordingly

Please guide me if im on the right track and offer some

other practical solutions.

Love Bipin




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Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Raman



Its great to

hear from you again – im hoping that we can have more discussions on

Vastu here. I have recently taken a great liking to the subject.


Lets engage

further on this thread….. points marked with >>



of 45 deg plots or houses. Could you please expand on the types of the prescribed

Yantras, in what forms are they and how one uses them. I have read

about yantras made with conch shells with specific materials in them which are

placed opposite each other to ‘block’ off a problem area.


>> North East being higher than South

West – The position of the Himalayas in the

North is interesting and I have often wondered about this. Don’t you

think that this has contributed to India being plundered of its wealth

by so many invasions. Even today, India’s intellectual capital

is being exploited cheaply. Would you please give some more examples when

NE is to be preferred to SW ito of height


>> Pool

in the South – Agree – the native’s primary concern his financial



>> manushyalaya

or devalaya – im a beginner, so please refer me where I can learn more

information on this technique


>> Use of

Mirrors – most writers on the subject recommend the use of mirrors on the

North and East walls only. (ref. your dad’s book p103 – are there

certain exceptions to using mirrors in North and East) SWEE – if you

are reading this – u mentioned earlier that mirrors also invoke the metal

element. Having said this, it seems that the only obvious place to use

mirrors is in the SW for metals, but this is not desirable.


BTW, I did buy

all your Dad’s books when I was in India. Have worked through

them and picked up some great pointers. I have been searching for books

on Vastu remedies and haven’t found any – can you recommend

any. In fact you should ask your dad to make this his next book.


Thanks again for

your replies. Best Wishes








On Behalf Of Raman Suprajarama

08 October 2006 09:52 AM


Cc: bipinprag;

vedic astrology

RE: [Jaya Jagannatha]

Vastu Q - Plot Orientation







Dear Bipin,


I want to add a few points on my favorite topic, Vastu.



Plot is orientated at 45deg – this is not desirable

[My comments] Yes the strength of the property

automatically reduces by 50 percent if the orientation is not to the cardinal

directions. However, there are certain ways of rectifying this – one way

is to use certain prescribed yantras.


East is higher than West – property is sloped this way and there is a

Mountain in the East

[My comments] I would give weightage to North

East being higher than South West. In regard to the mountain, the vegetation

and water bodies if any need to be considered before we say it is bad or good. India has Himalayas

in the North East and father, Niranjan Babu Bangalore, recommends it for

certain aspects. Just because there is a mountain, we should not un-necessarily




Building is odd shaped

[My comments] Irregular buildings, if not built

according to modular extension is not recommended in Vastu



Pool in South – not the best place for water

[My comments] Look at the resident’s

financial status and trends… the above statement can be understood well…



Kitchen is in Brahmastan

[My comments] What about the cooking place

(stove) and the exhaust location?


The 9 squares grid also known as peetha mandala is to

identify the balances/imbalances of the bhootas. To understand and measure the

energy strength, we need to split the plot using different divisions based on

manushyalaya or devalaya.


- Installing a spot

light in SW corner of property which should shine upwards – this will

rectify slope imbalance.

[My comments] How will this rectify the slope

imbalance? I don’t see any relation with spot-light and flow of energies?

- Create a Rock Garden

in SW corner of property

[My comments] Good idea… Based on the

person’s janma rasi and Atma Karaka, it can be South of South West or

West of South West.

- Keep the curtains and

blinds open in North – this is normally kept closed at all times

[My comments] Movement of energy is always


- Install mirror on NE

wall of living Room to ‘open’ up this area

[My comments] Mirrors always have to be handled

with care. They can bring in unknown/unwanted troubles resulting in more grief

if the measurements and location of the mirror is not proper.

- Not sure what remedy

for pool in South

[My comments] Look at the position of Jupiter and

Mars in the persons horoscope. If they are favorable, the primary elements

denoted by them have to be activated. Else, other remedies have to be resorted


- Change the Dining Room

so as to keep the brahmastan open

[My comments] Dining Room in Brahmasthana is Ok


Vastu Shastra is the only remedial science which takes care

of all imbalances – be it horoscopic or non-horscopic. You can refer to

Father’s HandBook on Vastu and Vastu – Relevance to modern times.

The above topics are discussed in detail there.


Om Tat Sat,


Raman Suprajarama



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Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


Is this what you are referring to ….


??In jyotish, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are denoted by

the Southerly direction. The question is, is Moon happy in that sign or is it

in enmity? Do the rest as a simple exercise :-)


Ca, Sc & Pi are denoted by Northerly direction

Ar, Le and Sa are denoted by the Easterly direction

Ge, Li & Aq are denoted by Westerly
















On Behalf Of Swee Chan

06 October 2006 06:19 AM


Re: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE:

Vastu Q - Plot Orientation






Om Gurave



Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


If the breadwinner actually lives there, it is different to that of a

second home. The cure for the East for now, is lighting. Normal lights and not

fluorescent light. - Not a floor lamp. Small spotlights can be suspended over a

false valance/ceiling panel. Weight out the costs of the two. If the cost of

window is cheaper, then it is the better alternative.

A small bowl of water can be placed in the NE corner of the living room. Make

sure that it is changed everyday in fact, at the local plant shop, you should

be able to purchase a cheap bubble water bowl – it can be quite restful

just watching the water “bubble” over the tube back into the bowl.

The very steep slope suggests more investment than its worth to build a wooden

trellis with high gum poles – the South has to be built up higher than

the house itself and some sort of netting suspended across to enable the

Thumbergia spp. (common name – mile-o-minute) to almost immediately cover

up the 2 areas until the trees grow.

Do you remember which planet rules the NW? Look up your notes you got from me

the last time we met. Then look up where that planet is placed in his chart

– you may also indicate the nakshatra.


The reference for the entrances is in your collection of the Garuda Purana. The

Vishnu Dharmottara details the entire vastu puja – impressive!

(Summer’s here, though I heard it snowed in CT a few days ago...explains

the funny weather we are getting over here, blowing from your end :-))!!

That’s the aftermath of wars overflowing to your side of the world!)

Sunday is my charity Golf day and I think I am due to come over the following

w/end. This time I’m making sure I arrive 2 days before, incase I have

the same foggy mist yet again.






On 10/5/06 11:35 AM, " Bipin Prag (Gmail) " <bipinprag >







Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


North is indicated on both diagrams. The Main Entrance door is NW (looking out

of front door) – see indication



The Lagna of the main bread winner is Dhanus, therefore making North or East

good for Dhanus Lagna (incidentally, could you please refer me to source of

various entrances for Lagnas – I cant find it)


I agree that remedy for NE is water, I was referring to the NE wall of living

Room completely blocked – no windows, hence placing mirror there –

I guess picture of Water would then do the job. Agree – West and South

should be higher, but the slope is quite steep in the West (photo is quite

deceiving) and not sure how long trees in the West would take to grow -

Trees in South is a great possibility. The Property is walled, but

the shadow of the mountain is caste on the property in the morning, hence my



The occupants are away and back at the weekend – will enquire about

drainage – ill remember to always consider this.


The Owner of the property is more away from home – could this be

attributed to NW Entrance??








Suggestions in books are based on the Primary directions, but you will note

that there are 8 main directions and 4 others, making up the 12 directions for

each sign of the zodiac. Depending on the lagna of the main breadwinner, the

front door, from inside looking out is the main bearing one should take. Your

diagram is not clear as to which direction the house is facing.

The actual aerial photo of the house is not as bad as in the diagram drawn up

by you :-))


Mirror is representative of Metal element and the cure for the NE is water.

Quick growing trees can be grown in the West and the South. The South section

has to be higher than the house and the West has to be higher than the East.

This can be resolved by filling in soil to the West area for now until the

trees grow. The mountain in the East is not a problem if the property is walled

up. Generally, the plot of the house has to be higher than the main road.

In the SW, make a rockery. This area has to be higher than the NE. I generally

plant a tree around this area.

As soon as you’ve given the exact direction as to where the front door is

pointing, we can begin on the cures for the house.

Would you like to give the lagna of the person and then tell me where the main

door should be facing? Also, choose a good muhurta as to when work should

begin. What about the drainage? Which direction is the water flowing?




Bipin Prag (Gmail) [bipinprag ]

05 October 2006 10:41 AM

' '

Vastu Q - Plot




Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee,

Hare Krishna


I have a few questions regarding plots orientated 45 deg. Ideally, one

would want to orientate the house according to the primary Vastu directions,

but unfortunately ‘modern’ architects are so ill-informed.


Anyway, looking at this property (pic attached)




The plot is almost square, and on a slope with the mountain along the East side

of the property. The ground is relatively flat except for a slope from NE

to SW. The r



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Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


I extracted the

others based on you’re the example.


I searched the

GP, but didn’t find reference to signs attributed to respective

directions, except for two versus mentioning signs, but they were not

consistent. Please have a look at GP I.46.30-31 (p149)


If there is

another verse – pls let me know. I shall continue searching again










On Behalf Of Swee Chan

11 October 2006 03:55 AM


Re: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE:

Vastu Q - Plot Orientation






Om Gurave



Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


Did you refer to Garuda P.?









On 10/10/06 6:45 AM, " Bipin Prag (Gmail) " <bipinprag >







Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


Is this what you are referring to ….


??In jyotish, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are denoted by the Southerly

direction. The question is, is Moon happy in that sign or is it in enmity? Do

the rest as a simple exercise :-)


Ca, Sc & Pi are denoted by Northerly direction

Ar, Le and Sa are denoted by the Easterly direction

Ge, Li & Aq are denoted by Westerly

















On Behalf Of Swee Chan

06 October 2006 06:19 AM


Re: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE:

Vastu Q - Plot Orientation



Om Gurave



Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


If the breadwinner actually lives there, it is different to that of a

second home. The cure for the East for now, is lighting. Normal lights and not

fluorescent light. - Not a floor lamp. Small spotlights can be suspended over a

false valance/ceiling panel. Weight out the costs of the two. If the cost of

window is cheaper, then it is the better alternative.

A small bowl of water can be placed in the NE corner of the living room. Make

sure that it is changed everyday in fact, at the local plant shop, you should

be able to purchase a cheap bubble water bowl – it can be quite restful

just watching the water “bubble” over the tube back into the bowl.

The very steep slope suggests more investment than its worth to build a wooden

trellis with high gum poles – the South has to be built up higher than

the house itself and some sort of netting suspended across to enable the

Thumbergia spp. (common name – mile-o-minute) to almost immediately cover

up the 2 areas until the trees grow.

Do you remember which planet rules the NW? Look up your notes you got from me

the last time we met. Then look up where that planet is placed in his chart

– you may also indicate the nakshatra.


The reference for the entrances is in your collection of the Garuda Purana. The

Vishnu Dharmottara details the entire vastu puja – impressive!

(Summer’s here, though I heard it snowed in CT a few days ago...explains

the funny weather we are getting over here, blowing from your end :-))!!

That’s the aftermath of wars overflowing to your side of the world!)

Sunday is my charity Golf day and I think I am due to come over the following

w/end. This time I’m making sure I arrive 2 days before, incase I have

the same foggy mist yet again.






On 10/5/06 11:35 AM, " Bipin Prag (Gmail) " <bipinprag >








Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


North is indicated on both diagrams. The Main Entrance door is NW (looking out

of front door) – see indication



The Lagna of the main bread winner is Dhanus, therefore making North or East

good for Dhanus Lagna (incidentally, could you please refer me to source of

various entrances for Lagnas – I cant find it)


I agree that remedy for NE is water, I was referring to the NE wall of living

Room completely blocked – no windows, hence placing mirror there –

I guess picture of Water would then do the job. Agree – West and South

should be higher, but the slope is quite steep in the West (photo is quite

deceiving) and not sure how long trees in the West would take to grow -

Trees in South is a great possibility. The Property is walled, but

the shadow of the mountain is caste on the property in the morning, hence my



The occupants are away and back at the weekend – will enquire about

drainage – ill remember to always consider this.


The Owner of the property is more away from home – could this be

attributed to NW Entrance??








Suggestions in books are based on the Primary directions, but you will note

that there are 8 main directions and 4 others, making up the 12 directions for

each sign of the zodiac. Depending on the lagna of the main breadwinner, the

front door, from inside looking out is the main bearing one should take. Your

diagram is not clear as to which direction the house is facing.

The actual aerial photo of the house is not as bad as in the diagram drawn up

by you :-))


Mirror is representative of Metal element and the cure for the NE is water.

Quick growing trees can be grown in the West and the South. The South section

has to be higher than the house and the West has to be higher than the East.

This can be resolved by filling in soil to the West area for now until the trees

grow. The mountain in the East is not a problem if the property is walled up.

Generally, the plot of the house has to be higher than the main road.

In the SW, make a rockery. This area has to be higher than the NE. I generally

plant a tree around this area.

As soon as you’ve given the exact direction as to where the front door is

pointing, we can begin on the cures for the house.

Would you like to give the lagna of the person and then tell me where the main

door should be facing? Also, choose a good muhurta as to when work should

begin. What about the drainage? Which direction is the water flowing?





Bipin Prag

(Gmail) [bipinprag ]

<bipinprag %5d>


05 October 2006 10:41 AM

' '

Vastu Q - Plot




Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee,

Hare Krishna


I have a few questions regarding plots orientated 45 deg. Ideally, one

would want to orientate the house according to the primary Vastu directions,

but unfortunately ‘modern’ architects are so ill-informed.


Anyway, looking at this property (pic attached)




The plot is almost square, and on a slope with the mountain along the East side

of the property. The ground is relatively flat except for a slope from NE

to SW. The r







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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


Did you refer to Garuda P.?









On 10/10/06 6:45 AM, " Bipin Prag (Gmail) " <bipinprag wrote:






Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


Is this what you are referring to ….


??In jyotish, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are denoted by the Southerly direction. The question is, is Moon happy in that sign or is it in enmity? Do the rest as a simple exercise :-)


Ca, Sc & Pi are denoted by Northerly direction

Ar, Le and Sa are denoted by the Easterly direction

Ge, Li & Aq are denoted by Westerly direction
















On Behalf Of Swee Chan

06 October 2006 06:19 AM


Re: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Vastu Q - Plot Orientation



Om Gurave Namah


Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


If the breadwinner actually lives there, it is different to that of a second home. The cure for the East for now, is lighting. Normal lights and not fluorescent light. - Not a floor lamp. Small spotlights can be suspended over a false valance/ceiling panel. Weight out the costs of the two. If the cost of window is cheaper, then it is the better alternative.

A small bowl of water can be placed in the NE corner of the living room. Make sure that it is changed everyday in fact, at the local plant shop, you should be able to purchase a cheap bubble water bowl – it can be quite restful just watching the water “bubble” over the tube back into the bowl.

The very steep slope suggests more investment than its worth to build a wooden trellis with high gum poles – the South has to be built up higher than the house itself and some sort of netting suspended across to enable the Thumbergia spp. (common name – mile-o-minute) to almost immediately cover up the 2 areas until the trees grow.

Do you remember which planet rules the NW? Look up your notes you got from me the last time we met. Then look up where that planet is placed in his chart – you may also indicate the nakshatra.


The reference for the entrances is in your collection of the Garuda Purana. The Vishnu Dharmottara details the entire vastu puja – impressive!

(Summer’s here, though I heard it snowed in CT a few days ago...explains the funny weather we are getting over here, blowing from your end :-))!! That’s the aftermath of wars overflowing to your side of the world!)

Sunday is my charity Golf day and I think I am due to come over the following w/end. This time I’m making sure I arrive 2 days before, incase I have the same foggy mist yet again.






On 10/5/06 11:35 AM, " Bipin Prag (Gmail) " <bipinprag wrote:






Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


North is indicated on both diagrams. The Main Entrance door is NW (looking out of front door) – see indication



The Lagna of the main bread winner is Dhanus, therefore making North or East good for Dhanus Lagna (incidentally, could you please refer me to source of various entrances for Lagnas – I cant find it)


I agree that remedy for NE is water, I was referring to the NE wall of living Room completely blocked – no windows, hence placing mirror there – I guess picture of Water would then do the job. Agree – West and South should be higher, but the slope is quite steep in the West (photo is quite deceiving) and not sure how long trees in the West would take to grow - Trees in South is a great possibility. The Property is walled, but the shadow of the mountain is caste on the property in the morning, hence my concern


The occupants are away and back at the weekend – will enquire about drainage – ill remember to always consider this.


The Owner of the property is more away from home – could this be attributed to NW Entrance??








Suggestions in books are based on the Primary directions, but you will note that there are 8 main directions and 4 others, making up the 12 directions for each sign of the zodiac. Depending on the lagna of the main breadwinner, the front door, from inside looking out is the main bearing one should take. Your diagram is not clear as to which direction the house is facing.

The actual aerial photo of the house is not as bad as in the diagram drawn up by you :-))


Mirror is representative of Metal element and the cure for the NE is water. Quick growing trees can be grown in the West and the South. The South section has to be higher than the house and the West has to be higher than the East. This can be resolved by filling in soil to the West area for now until the trees grow. The mountain in the East is not a problem if the property is walled up. Generally, the plot of the house has to be higher than the main road.

In the SW, make a rockery. This area has to be higher than the NE. I generally plant a tree around this area.

As soon as you’ve given the exact direction as to where the front door is pointing, we can begin on the cures for the house.

Would you like to give the lagna of the person and then tell me where the main door should be facing? Also, choose a good muhurta as to when work should begin. What about the drainage? Which direction is the water flowing?






Bipin Prag (Gmail) [bipinprag] <bipinprag%5d>

05 October 2006 10:41 AM

' '

Vastu Q - Plot Orientation



Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee,

Hare Krishna


I have a few questions regarding plots orientated 45 deg. Ideally, one would want to orientate the house according to the primary Vastu directions, but unfortunately ‘modern’ architects are so ill-informed.


Anyway, looking at this property (pic attached)




The plot is almost square, and on a slope with the mountain along the East side of the property. The ground is relatively flat except for a slope from NE to SW. The r




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Om Gurave Namah



Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


If you have the sanskrit version – read verse 31 over and over again. The translation is not clear. But anyway, do go over the English version and contemplate on that. It is an interesting concept. As far as I know, Chandrashekharji has both versions. My sanskrit version if from Nag Publishers.






On 10/10/06 10:48 AM, " Bipin Prag (Gmail) " <bipinprag wrote:






Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


I extracted the others based on you’re the example.


I searched the GP, but didn’t find reference to signs attributed to respective directions, except for two versus mentioning signs, but they were not consistent. Please have a look at GP I.46.30-31 (p149)


If there is another verse – pls let me know. I shall continue searching again tonight.










On Behalf Of Swee Chan

11 October 2006 03:55 AM


Re: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Vastu Q - Plot Orientation



Om Gurave Namah


Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


Did you refer to Garuda P.?









On 10/10/06 6:45 AM, " Bipin Prag (Gmail) " <bipinprag wrote:






Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


Is this what you are referring to ….


??In jyotish, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are denoted by the Southerly direction. The question is, is Moon happy in that sign or is it in enmity? Do the rest as a simple exercise :-)


Ca, Sc & Pi are denoted by Northerly direction

Ar, Le and Sa are denoted by the Easterly direction

Ge, Li & Aq are denoted by Westerly direction













< %5d> On Behalf Of Swee Chan

06 October 2006 06:19 AM


Re: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Vastu Q - Plot Orientation



Om Gurave Namah


Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


If the breadwinner actually lives there, it is different to that of a second home. The cure for the East for now, is lighting. Normal lights and not fluorescent light. - Not a floor lamp. Small spotlights can be suspended over a false valance/ceiling panel. Weight out the costs of the two. If the cost of window is cheaper, then it is the better alternative.

A small bowl of water can be placed in the NE corner of the living room. Make sure that it is changed everyday in fact, at the local plant shop, you should be able to purchase a cheap bubble water bowl – it can be quite restful just watching the water “bubble” over the tube back into the bowl.

The very steep slope suggests more investment than its worth to build a wooden trellis with high gum poles – the South has to be built up higher than the house itself and some sort of netting suspended across to enable the Thumbergia spp. (common name – mile-o-minute) to almost immediately cover up the 2 areas until the trees grow.

Do you remember which planet rules the NW? Look up your notes you got from me the last time we met. Then look up where that planet is placed in his chart – you may also indicate the nakshatra.


The reference for the entrances is in your collection of the Garuda Purana. The Vishnu Dharmottara details the entire vastu puja – impressive!

(Summer’s here, though I heard it snowed in CT a few days ago...explains the funny weather we are getting over here, blowing from your end :-))!! That’s the aftermath of wars overflowing to your side of the world!)

Sunday is my charity Golf day and I think I am due to come over the following w/end. This time I’m making sure I arrive 2 days before, incase I have the same foggy mist yet again.






On 10/5/06 11:35 AM, " Bipin Prag (Gmail) " <bipinprag wrote:







Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


North is indicated on both diagrams. The Main Entrance door is NW (looking out of front door) – see indication



The Lagna of the main bread winner is Dhanus, therefore making North or East good for Dhanus Lagna (incidentally, could you please refer me to source of various entrances for Lagnas – I cant find it)


I agree that remedy for NE is water, I was referring to the NE wall of living Room completely blocked – no windows, hence placing mirror there – I guess picture of Water would then do the job. Agree – West and South should be higher, but the slope is quite steep in the West (photo is quite deceiving) and not sure how long trees in the West would take to grow - Trees in South is a great possibility. The Property is walled, but the shadow of the mountain is caste on the property in the morning, hence my concern


The occupants are away and back at the weekend – will enquire about drainage – ill remember to always consider this.


The Owner of the property is more away from home – could this be attributed to NW Entrance??








Suggestions in books are based on the Primary directions, but you will note that there are 8 main directions and 4 others, making up the 12 directions for each sign of the zodiac. Depending on the lagna of the main breadwinner, the front door, from inside looking out is the main bearing one should take. Your diagram is not clear as to which direction the house is facing.

The actual aerial photo of the house is not as bad as in the diagram drawn up by you :-))


Mirror is representative of Metal element and the cure for the NE is water. Quick growing trees can be grown in the West and the South. The South section has to be higher than the house and the West has to be higher than the East. This can be resolved by filling in soil to the West area for now until the trees grow. The mountain in the East is not a problem if the property is walled up. Generally, the plot of the house has to be higher than the main road.

In the SW, make a rockery. This area has to be higher than the NE. I generally plant a tree around this area.

As soon as you’ve given the exact direction as to where the front door is pointing, we can begin on the cures for the house.

Would you like to give the lagna of the person and then tell me where the main door should be facing? Also, choose a good muhurta as to when work should begin. What about the drainage? Which direction is the water flowing?






Bipin Prag (Gmail) [bipinprag] <bipinprag%5d> <bipinprag%5d>

05 October 2006 10:41 AM

' '

Vastu Q - Plot Orientation



Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee,

Hare Krishna


I have a few questions regarding plots orientated 45 deg. Ideally, one would want to orientate the house according to the primary Vastu directions, but unfortunately ‘modern’ architects are so ill-informed.


Anyway, looking at this property (pic attached)




The plot is almost square, and on a slope with the mountain along the East side of the property. The ground is relatively flat except for a slope from NE to SW. The r







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Share on other sites

Dear Swee,

You are right, I do have both the versions, thanks to you. Chapter 46

tells about the directions in which different deities are to be

worshiped when performing the Puja of Vaastu. But it does not indicate

where they should face. This implies that the deities face inwards

towards the vaastu Madhya. In the chapter of installation of Idols,

again elaborate rituals are given quite clearly but there is no mention

of the direction in which the deities would face. The only indication

is that the idol should be placed slightly off center and towards north

of such center. This does not necessarily mean that it must face North.

Lord Hanuman always faces South in the temples.





Swee Chan wrote:



Om Gurave Namah



Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


If you have the sanskrit version – read verse 31 over and over again.

The translation is not clear. But anyway, do go over the English

version and contemplate on that. It is an interesting concept. As far

as I know, Chandrashekharji has both versions. My sanskrit version if

from Nag Publishers.






On 10/10/06 10:48 AM, "Bipin Prag (Gmail)" <bipinprag >








Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


I extracted the others based on you’re the example.


I searched the GP, but didn’t find reference to signs attributed to

respective directions, except for two versus mentioning signs, but they

were not consistent. Please have a look at GP I.46.30-31 (p149)


If there is another verse – pls let me know. I shall continue

searching again tonight.










On Behalf Of Swee Chan

11 October 2006 03:55 AM


Re: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Vastu Q - Plot Orientation



Om Gurave Namah


Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


Did you refer to Garuda P.?









On 10/10/06 6:45 AM, "Bipin Prag (Gmail)" <bipinprag >








Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


Is this what you are referring to ….


??In jyotish, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are denoted by the Southerly

direction. The question is, is Moon happy in that sign or is it in

enmity? Do the rest as a simple exercise :-)


Ca, Sc & Pi are denoted by Northerly direction

Ar, Le and Sa are denoted by the Easterly direction

Ge, Li & Aq are denoted by Westerly direction












< %5d>

On Behalf Of Swee Chan

06 October 2006 06:19 AM


Re: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Vastu Q - Plot




Om Gurave Namah


Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


If the breadwinner actually lives there, it is different to that of a

second home. The cure for the East for now, is lighting. Normal lights

and not fluorescent light. - Not a floor lamp. Small spotlights can be

suspended over a false valance/ceiling panel. Weight out the costs of

the two. If the cost of window is cheaper, then it is the better


A small bowl of water can be placed in the NE corner of the living

room. Make sure that it is changed everyday in fact, at the local plant

shop, you should be able to purchase a cheap bubble water bowl – it can

be quite restful just watching the water “bubble” over the tube back

into the bowl.

The very steep slope suggests more investment than its worth to build a

wooden trellis with high gum poles – the South has to be built up

higher than the house itself and some sort of netting suspended across

to enable the Thumbergia spp. (common name – mile-o-minute) to almost

immediately cover up the 2 areas until the trees grow.

Do you remember which planet rules the NW? Look up your notes you got

from me the last time we met. Then look up where that planet is placed

in his chart – you may also indicate the nakshatra.


The reference for the entrances is in your collection of the Garuda

Purana. The Vishnu Dharmottara details the entire vastu puja –


(Summer’s here, though I heard it snowed in CT a few days

ago...explains the funny weather we are getting over here, blowing from

your end :-))!! That’s the aftermath of wars overflowing to your side

of the world!)

Sunday is my charity Golf day and I think I am due to come over the

following w/end. This time I’m making sure I arrive 2 days before,

incase I have the same foggy mist yet again.






On 10/5/06 11:35 AM, "Bipin Prag (Gmail)" <bipinprag >









Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


North is indicated on both diagrams. The Main Entrance door is NW

(looking out of front door) – see indication



The Lagna of the main bread winner is Dhanus, therefore making North or

East good for Dhanus Lagna (incidentally, could you please refer me to

source of various entrances for Lagnas – I cant find it)


I agree that remedy for NE is water, I was referring to the NE wall of

living Room completely blocked – no windows, hence placing mirror there

– I guess picture of Water would then do the job. Agree – West and

South should be higher, but the slope is quite steep in the West (photo

is quite deceiving) and not sure how long trees in the West would take

to grow - Trees in South is a great possibility. The Property is

walled, but the shadow of the mountain is caste on the property in the

morning, hence my concern


The occupants are away and back at the weekend – will enquire about

drainage – ill remember to always consider this.


The Owner of the property is more away from home – could this be

attributed to NW Entrance??








Suggestions in books are based on the Primary directions, but you will

note that there are 8 main directions and 4 others, making up the 12

directions for each sign of the zodiac. Depending on the lagna of the

main breadwinner, the front door, from inside looking out is the main

bearing one should take. Your diagram is not clear as to which

direction the house is facing.

The actual aerial photo of the house is not as bad as in the diagram

drawn up by you :-))


Mirror is representative of Metal element and the cure for the NE is

water. Quick growing trees can be grown in the West and the South. The

South section has to be higher than the house and the West has to be

higher than the East. This can be resolved by filling in soil to the

West area for now until the trees grow. The mountain in the East is not

a problem if the property is walled up. Generally, the plot of the

house has to be higher than the main road.

In the SW, make a rockery. This area has to be higher than the NE. I

generally plant a tree around this area.

As soon as you’ve given the exact direction as to where the front door

is pointing, we can begin on the cures for the house.

Would you like to give the lagna of the person and then tell me where

the main door should be facing? Also, choose a good muhurta as to when

work should begin. What about the drainage? Which direction is the

water flowing?





Bipin Prag

(Gmail) [bipinprag ]

<bipinprag %5d>

<bipinprag %5d>


05 October 2006 10:41 AM

' '

Vastu Q - Plot Orientation



Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee,

Hare Krishna


I have a few questions regarding plots orientated 45 deg. Ideally, one

would want to orientate the house according to the primary Vastu

directions, but unfortunately ‘modern’ architects are so ill-informed.


Anyway, looking at this property (pic attached)




The plot is almost square, and on a slope with the mountain along the

East side of the property. The ground is relatively flat except for a

slope from NE to SW. The r










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Share on other sites

Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Chandrashekharji,



Can re-translate sloka 30 and 31 in Ch 46? Thank you.





On Friday, October 13, 2006, at 08:35PM, Chandrashekhar

<sharma.chandrashekhar wrote:



><<Original Attached>>







Dear Swee,

You are right, I do have both the versions, thanks to you. Chapter 46

tells about the directions in which different deities are to be

worshiped when performing the Puja of Vaastu. But it does not indicate

where they should face. This implies that the deities face inwards

towards the vaastu Madhya. In the chapter of installation of Idols,

again elaborate rituals are given quite clearly but there is no mention

of the direction in which the deities would face. The only indication

is that the idol should be placed slightly off center and towards north

of such center. This does not necessarily mean that it must face North.

Lord Hanuman always faces South in the temples.





Swee Chan wrote:



Om Gurave Namah



Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


If you have the sanskrit version – read verse 31 over and over again.

The translation is not clear. But anyway, do go over the English

version and contemplate on that. It is an interesting concept. As far

as I know, Chandrashekharji has both versions. My sanskrit version if

from Nag Publishers.






On 10/10/06 10:48 AM, "Bipin Prag (Gmail)" <bipinprag >








Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


I extracted the others based on you’re the example.


I searched the GP, but didn’t find reference to signs attributed to

respective directions, except for two versus mentioning signs, but they

were not consistent. Please have a look at GP I.46.30-31 (p149)


If there is another verse – pls let me know. I shall continue

searching again tonight.










On Behalf Of Swee Chan

11 October 2006 03:55 AM


Re: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Vastu Q - Plot Orientation



Om Gurave Namah


Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


Did you refer to Garuda P.?









On 10/10/06 6:45 AM, "Bipin Prag (Gmail)" <bipinprag >








Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


Is this what you are referring to ….


??In jyotish, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are denoted by the Southerly

direction. The question is, is Moon happy in that sign or is it in

enmity? Do the rest as a simple exercise :-)


Ca, Sc & Pi are denoted by Northerly direction

Ar, Le and Sa are denoted by the Easterly direction

Ge, Li & Aq are denoted by Westerly direction












< %5d>

On Behalf Of Swee Chan

06 October 2006 06:19 AM


Re: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Vastu Q - Plot




Om Gurave Namah


Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


If the breadwinner actually lives there, it is different to that of a

second home. The cure for the East for now, is lighting. Normal lights

and not fluorescent light. - Not a floor lamp. Small spotlights can be

suspended over a false valance/ceiling panel. Weight out the costs of

the two. If the cost of window is cheaper, then it is the better


A small bowl of water can be placed in the NE corner of the living

room. Make sure that it is changed everyday in fact, at the local plant

shop, you should be able to purchase a cheap bubble water bowl – it can

be quite restful just watching the water “bubble” over the tube back

into the bowl.

The very steep slope suggests more investment than its worth to build a

wooden trellis with high gum poles – the South has to be built up

higher than the house itself and some sort of netting suspended across

to enable the Thumbergia spp. (common name – mile-o-minute) to almost

immediately cover up the 2 areas until the trees grow.

Do you remember which planet rules the NW? Look up your notes you got

from me the last time we met. Then look up where that planet is placed

in his chart – you may also indicate the nakshatra.


The reference for the entrances is in your collection of the Garuda

Purana. The Vishnu Dharmottara details the entire vastu puja –


(Summer’s here, though I heard it snowed in CT a few days

ago...explains the funny weather we are getting over here, blowing from

your end :-))!! That’s the aftermath of wars overflowing to your side

of the world!)

Sunday is my charity Golf day and I think I am due to come over the

following w/end. This time I’m making sure I arrive 2 days before,

incase I have the same foggy mist yet again.






On 10/5/06 11:35 AM, "Bipin Prag (Gmail)" <bipinprag >









Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


North is indicated on both diagrams. The Main Entrance door is NW

(looking out of front door) – see indication



The Lagna of the main bread winner is Dhanus, therefore making North or

East good for Dhanus Lagna (incidentally, could you please refer me to

source of various entrances for Lagnas – I cant find it)


I agree that remedy for NE is water, I was referring to the NE wall of

living Room completely blocked – no windows, hence placing mirror there

– I guess picture of Water would then do the job. Agree – West and

South should be higher, but the slope is quite steep in the West (photo

is quite deceiving) and not sure how long trees in the West would take

to grow - Trees in South is a great possibility. The Property is

walled, but the shadow of the mountain is caste on the property in the

morning, hence my concern


The occupants are away and back at the weekend – will enquire about

drainage – ill remember to always consider this.


The Owner of the property is more away from home – could this be

attributed to NW Entrance??








Suggestions in books are based on the Primary directions, but you will

note that there are 8 main directions and 4 others, making up the 12

directions for each sign of the zodiac. Depending on the lagna of the

main breadwinner, the front door, from inside looking out is the main

bearing one should take. Your diagram is not clear as to which

direction the house is facing.

The actual aerial photo of the house is not as bad as in the diagram

drawn up by you :-))


Mirror is representative of Metal element and the cure for the NE is

water. Quick growing trees can be grown in the West and the South. The

South section has to be higher than the house and the West has to be

higher than the East. This can be resolved by filling in soil to the

West area for now until the trees grow. The mountain in the East is not

a problem if the property is walled up. Generally, the plot of the

house has to be higher than the main road.

In the SW, make a rockery. This area has to be higher than the NE. I

generally plant a tree around this area.

As soon as you’ve given the exact direction as to where the front door

is pointing, we can begin on the cures for the house.

Would you like to give the lagna of the person and then tell me where

the main door should be facing? Also, choose a good muhurta as to when

work should begin. What about the drainage? Which direction is the

water flowing?





Bipin Prag

(Gmail) [bipinprag ]

<bipinprag %5d>

<bipinprag %5d>


05 October 2006 10:41 AM

' '

Vastu Q - Plot Orientation



Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee,

Hare Krishna


I have a few questions regarding plots orientated 45 deg. Ideally, one

would want to orientate the house according to the primary Vastu

directions, but unfortunately ‘modern’ architects are so ill-informed.


Anyway, looking at this property (pic attached)




The plot is almost square, and on a slope with the mountain along the

East side of the property. The ground is relatively flat except for a

slope from NE to SW. The r










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Share on other sites

Dear Swee,

The description of deities in certain directions begins quite early in

the chapter. They appear in shlokas from 2 to 12.

As to the shlokas 30 and 31 of the chapter 46, here it is.


30. He shall sleep on his left side. No hesitation in this matter. For

persons born in zodiacal signs of Simha (Leo), Kanya (Virgo) and Tula

(Libra) the main door is good if made in the north.


31. For the persons born in Vrishchika etc. the door is in the east,

south and west in that order ( three rasis for each direction). The

door shall have two units in length and one unit in width. There must

be at least eight doors in the house.


By the way, Mr. Joshi of Parimal sent me the contract which I returned

duly signed.





Swee Chan wrote:



Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Chandrashekharji,



Can re-translate sloka 30 and 31 in Ch 46? Thank you.





On Friday, October 13, 2006, at 08:35PM, Chandrashekhar <sharma.chandrashekhar >




><<Original Attached>>







Dear Swee,

You are right, I do have both the versions, thanks to you. Chapter 46

tells about the directions in which different deities are to be

worshiped when performing the Puja of Vaastu. But it does not indicate

where they should face. This implies that the deities face inwards

towards the vaastu Madhya. In the chapter of installation of Idols,

again elaborate rituals are given quite clearly but there is no mention

of the direction in which the deities would face. The only indication

is that the idol should be placed slightly off center and towards north

of such center. This does not necessarily mean that it must face North.

Lord Hanuman always faces South in the temples.





Swee Chan wrote:




Om Gurave Namah



Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


If you have the sanskrit version – read verse 31 over and over again.

The translation is not clear. But anyway, do go over the English

version and contemplate on that. It is an interesting concept. As far

as I know, Chandrashekharji has both versions. My sanskrit version if

from Nag Publishers.






On 10/10/06 10:48 AM, "Bipin Prag (Gmail)" <bipinprag >








Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


I extracted the others based on you’re the example.


I searched the GP, but didn’t find reference to signs attributed to

respective directions, except for two versus mentioning signs, but they

were not consistent. Please have a look at GP I.46.30-31 (p149)


If there is another verse – pls let me know. I shall continue

searching again tonight.









On Behalf Of Swee Chan

11 October 2006 03:55 AM


Re: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Vastu Q - Plot




Om Gurave



Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


Did you refer to Garuda P.?









On 10/10/06 6:45 AM, "Bipin Prag (Gmail)" <bipinprag >








Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


Is this what you are referring to ….


??In jyotish, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are denoted by the Southerly

direction. The question is, is Moon happy in that sign or is it in

enmity? Do the rest as a simple exercise :-)


Ca, Sc & Pi are denoted by Northerly direction

Ar, Le and Sa are denoted by the Easterly direction

Ge, Li & Aq are denoted by Westerly direction












< %5d>

On Behalf Of Swee Chan

06 October 2006 06:19 AM


Re: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Vastu Q - Plot




Om Gurave Namah


Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


If the breadwinner actually lives there, it is different to that of a

second home. The cure for the East for now, is lighting. Normal lights

and not fluorescent light. - Not a floor lamp. Small spotlights can be

suspended over a false valance/ceiling panel. Weight out the costs of

the two. If the cost of window is cheaper, then it is the better


A small bowl of water can be placed in the NE corner of the living

room. Make sure that it is changed everyday in fact, at the local plant

shop, you should be able to purchase a cheap bubble water bowl – it can

be quite restful just watching the water “bubble” over the tube back

into the bowl.

The very steep slope suggests more investment than its worth to build a

wooden trellis with high gum poles – the South has to be built up

higher than the house itself and some sort of netting suspended across

to enable the Thumbergia spp. (common name – mile-o-minute) to almost

immediately cover up the 2 areas until the trees grow.

Do you remember which planet rules the NW? Look up your notes you got

from me the last time we met. Then look up where that planet is placed

in his chart – you may also indicate the nakshatra.


The reference for the entrances is in your collection of the Garuda

Purana. The Vishnu Dharmottara details the entire vastu puja –


(Summer’s here, though I heard it snowed in CT a few days

ago...explains the funny weather we are getting over here, blowing from

your end :-))!! That’s the aftermath of wars overflowing to your side

of the world!)

Sunday is my charity Golf day and I think I am due to come over the

following w/end. This time I’m making sure I arrive 2 days before,

incase I have the same foggy mist yet again.






On 10/5/06 11:35 AM, "Bipin Prag (Gmail)" <bipinprag >









Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


North is indicated on both diagrams. The Main Entrance door is NW

(looking out of front door) – see indication



The Lagna of the main bread winner is Dhanus, therefore making North or

East good for Dhanus Lagna (incidentally, could you please refer me to

source of various entrances for Lagnas – I cant find it)


I agree that remedy for NE is water, I was referring to the NE wall of

living Room completely blocked – no windows, hence placing mirror there

– I guess picture of Water would then do the job. Agree – West and

South should be higher, but the slope is quite steep in the West (photo

is quite deceiving) and not sure how long trees in the West would take

to grow - Trees in South is a great possibility. The Property is

walled, but the shadow of the mountain is caste on the property in the

morning, hence my concern


The occupants are away and back at the weekend – will enquire about

drainage – ill remember to always consider this.


The Owner of the property is more away from home – could this be

attributed to NW Entrance??








Suggestions in books are based on the Primary directions, but you will

note that there are 8 main directions and 4 others, making up the 12

directions for each sign of the zodiac. Depending on the lagna of the

main breadwinner, the front door, from inside looking out is the main

bearing one should take. Your diagram is not clear as to which

direction the house is facing.

The actual aerial photo of the house is not as bad as in the diagram

drawn up by you :-))


Mirror is representative of Metal element and the cure for the NE is

water. Quick growing trees can be grown in the West and the South. The

South section has to be higher than the house and the West has to be

higher than the East. This can be resolved by filling in soil to the

West area for now until the trees grow. The mountain in the East is not

a problem if the property is walled up. Generally, the plot of the

house has to be higher than the main road.

In the SW, make a rockery. This area has to be higher than the NE. I

generally plant a tree around this area.

As soon as you’ve given the exact direction as to where the front door

is pointing, we can begin on the cures for the house.

Would you like to give the lagna of the person and then tell me where

the main door should be facing? Also, choose a good muhurta as to when

work should begin. What about the drainage? Which direction is the

water flowing?





Bipin Prag

(Gmail) [bipinprag ]

<bipinprag %5d>

<bipinprag %5d>


05 October 2006 10:41 AM

' '

Vastu Q - Plot Orientation



Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee,

Hare Krishna


I have a few questions regarding plots orientated 45 deg. Ideally, one

would want to orientate the house according to the primary Vastu

directions, but unfortunately ‘modern’ architects are so ill-informed.


Anyway, looking at this property (pic attached)




The plot is almost square, and on a slope with the mountain along the

East side of the property. The ground is relatively flat except for a

slope from NE to SW. The r










Link to comment
Share on other sites

Om Gurave Namah


Dear Chandrashekharji,



But these are verbatim from Banarsidass. Can you please quote from the sanskrit

version/Nag publishers. I am travelling, hence cannot do so.

Bipin has since been to see me and I have given him further hints, so it is now

clear in his mind how go about it.


Thank you.







On Tuesday, October 17, 2006, at 08:32PM, Chandrashekhar

<sharma.chandrashekhar wrote:



><<Original Attached>>







Dear Swee,

The description of deities in certain directions begins quite early in

the chapter. They appear in shlokas from 2 to 12.

As to the shlokas 30 and 31 of the chapter 46, here it is.


30. He shall sleep on his left side. No hesitation in this matter. For

persons born in zodiacal signs of Simha (Leo), Kanya (Virgo) and Tula

(Libra) the main door is good if made in the north.


31. For the persons born in Vrishchika etc. the door is in the east,

south and west in that order ( three rasis for each direction). The

door shall have two units in length and one unit in width. There must

be at least eight doors in the house.


By the way, Mr. Joshi of Parimal sent me the contract which I returned

duly signed.





Swee Chan wrote:



Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Chandrashekharji,



Can re-translate sloka 30 and 31 in Ch 46? Thank you.





On Friday, October 13, 2006, at 08:35PM, Chandrashekhar <sharma.chandrashekhar >




><<Original Attached>>







Dear Swee,

You are right, I do have both the versions, thanks to you. Chapter 46

tells about the directions in which different deities are to be

worshiped when performing the Puja of Vaastu. But it does not indicate

where they should face. This implies that the deities face inwards

towards the vaastu Madhya. In the chapter of installation of Idols,

again elaborate rituals are given quite clearly but there is no mention

of the direction in which the deities would face. The only indication

is that the idol should be placed slightly off center and towards north

of such center. This does not necessarily mean that it must face North.

Lord Hanuman always faces South in the temples.





Swee Chan wrote:




Om Gurave Namah



Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


If you have the sanskrit version – read verse 31 over and over again.

The translation is not clear. But anyway, do go over the English

version and contemplate on that. It is an interesting concept. As far

as I know, Chandrashekharji has both versions. My sanskrit version if

from Nag Publishers.






On 10/10/06 10:48 AM, "Bipin Prag (Gmail)" <bipinprag >








Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


I extracted the others based on you’re the example.


I searched the GP, but didn’t find reference to signs attributed to

respective directions, except for two versus mentioning signs, but they

were not consistent. Please have a look at GP I.46.30-31 (p149)


If there is another verse – pls let me know. I shall continue

searching again tonight.









On Behalf Of Swee Chan

11 October 2006 03:55 AM


Re: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Vastu Q - Plot




Om Gurave



Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


Did you refer to Garuda P.?









On 10/10/06 6:45 AM, "Bipin Prag (Gmail)" <bipinprag >








Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


Is this what you are referring to ….


??In jyotish, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are denoted by the Southerly

direction. The question is, is Moon happy in that sign or is it in

enmity? Do the rest as a simple exercise :-)


Ca, Sc & Pi are denoted by Northerly direction

Ar, Le and Sa are denoted by the Easterly direction

Ge, Li & Aq are denoted by Westerly direction












< %5d>

On Behalf Of Swee Chan

06 October 2006 06:19 AM


Re: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Vastu Q - Plot




Om Gurave Namah


Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


If the breadwinner actually lives there, it is different to that of a

second home. The cure for the East for now, is lighting. Normal lights

and not fluorescent light. - Not a floor lamp. Small spotlights can be

suspended over a false valance/ceiling panel. Weight out the costs of

the two. If the cost of window is cheaper, then it is the better


A small bowl of water can be placed in the NE corner of the living

room. Make sure that it is changed everyday in fact, at the local plant

shop, you should be able to purchase a cheap bubble water bowl – it can

be quite restful just watching the water “bubble” over the tube back

into the bowl.

The very steep slope suggests more investment than its worth to build a

wooden trellis with high gum poles – the South has to be built up

higher than the house itself and some sort of netting suspended across

to enable the Thumbergia spp. (common name – mile-o-minute) to almost

immediately cover up the 2 areas until the trees grow.

Do you remember which planet rules the NW? Look up your notes you got

from me the last time we met. Then look up where that planet is placed

in his chart – you may also indicate the nakshatra.


The reference for the entrances is in your collection of the Garuda

Purana. The Vishnu Dharmottara details the entire vastu puja –


(Summer’s here, though I heard it snowed in CT a few days

ago...explains the funny weather we are getting over here, blowing from

your end :-))!! That’s the aftermath of wars overflowing to your side

of the world!)

Sunday is my charity Golf day and I think I am due to come over the

following w/end. This time I’m making sure I arrive 2 days before,

incase I have the same foggy mist yet again.






On 10/5/06 11:35 AM, "Bipin Prag (Gmail)" <bipinprag >









Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


North is indicated on both diagrams. The Main Entrance door is NW

(looking out of front door) – see indication



The Lagna of the main bread winner is Dhanus, therefore making North or

East good for Dhanus Lagna (incidentally, could you please refer me to

source of various entrances for Lagnas – I cant find it)


I agree that remedy for NE is water, I was referring to the NE wall of

living Room completely blocked – no windows, hence placing mirror there

– I guess picture of Water would then do the job. Agree – West and

South should be higher, but the slope is quite steep in the West (photo

is quite deceiving) and not sure how long trees in the West would take

to grow - Trees in South is a great possibility. The Property is

walled, but the shadow of the mountain is caste on the property in the

morning, hence my concern


The occupants are away and back at the weekend – will enquire about

drainage – ill remember to always consider this.


The Owner of the property is more away from home – could this be

attributed to NW Entrance??








Suggestions in books are based on the Primary directions, but you will

note that there are 8 main directions and 4 others, making up the 12

directions for each sign of the zodiac. Depending on the lagna of the

main breadwinner, the front door, from inside looking out is the main

bearing one should take. Your diagram is not clear as to which

direction the house is facing.

The actual aerial photo of the house is not as bad as in the diagram

drawn up by you :-))


Mirror is representative of Metal element and the cure for the NE is

water. Quick growing trees can be grown in the West and the South. The

South section has to be higher than the house and the West has to be

higher than the East. This can be resolved by filling in soil to the

West area for now until the trees grow. The mountain in the East is not

a problem if the property is walled up. Generally, the plot of the

house has to be higher than the main road.

In the SW, make a rockery. This area has to be higher than the NE. I

generally plant a tree around this area.

As soon as you’ve given the exact direction as to where the front door

is pointing, we can begin on the cures for the house.

Would you like to give the lagna of the person and then tell me where

the main door should be facing? Also, choose a good muhurta as to when

work should begin. What about the drainage? Which direction is the

water flowing?





Bipin Prag

(Gmail) [bipinprag ]

<bipinprag %5d>

<bipinprag %5d>


05 October 2006 10:41 AM

' '

Vastu Q - Plot Orientation



Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee,

Hare Krishna


I have a few questions regarding plots orientated 45 deg. Ideally, one

would want to orientate the house according to the primary Vastu

directions, but unfortunately ‘modern’ architects are so ill-informed.


Anyway, looking at this property (pic attached)




The plot is almost square, and on a slope with the mountain along the

East side of the property. The ground is relatively flat except for a

slope from NE to SW. The r










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Share on other sites

Dear Swee,

There is not much difference. However for the record I am giving the

Sanskrit shlokas and rough translation. As usual the first line is in

Sanskrit 99 font followed by ULW Palladio fonts, alternately. The

translation is in Times new roman. First two shlokas are of two lines

each and the third one is of three lines.




g & h< k…yaRÚ p & óe manv> sda,

västukroòe gåhaà


påñöhe mänavaù sadä|



naÇ kayaR ivcar[a.46,28.


svapiti nätra

käryä vicäraëä||46|28||

No one shall

build house

behind the Vaastu. He shall sleep on the left side and one need


dispute this.


Öar< zuÏedwaeÄrm!,





v & iíkadaE SyaTpUvRdi][piímm!.46,29.




For those born

in Simha, Kanyaa and Tula the doors built

in north are pure (good). Similarly for those in rasis like Vrishchika

etc the

door should be in east, south and the west (respectively).


dI"aRÏRdivStar< Öara{yòaE Sm & tain c.46,30.



dväräëyañöau småtäni ca||46|30||


PlvnIcTv< speR[ sUÇÉajnm!,



sarpeëa sütrabhäjanam|



vIyR¹< di][e twa.46,31.


raudreëa véryaghnaà dakñiëe tathä||46|31||

The doors shall be in proportion of 1:2 width


length/height. Remember that there shall be 8 doors. If the bed is


towards south, death from Snake, lack of progeny and impotency may



It is obvious that the

reference is to doors of a house in a Vaastu and that the direction

that a door faces is dependent on the Lagna of the owner and there is

no general direction given as is the practice amongst modern Vaastu










Swee Chan wrote:



Om Gurave Namah


Dear Chandrashekharji,



But these are verbatim from Banarsidass. Can you please quote from the

sanskrit version/Nag publishers. I am travelling, hence cannot do so.

Bipin has since been to see me and I have given him further hints, so

it is now clear in his mind how go about it.


Thank you.






On Tuesday, October 17, 2006, at 08:32PM, Chandrashekhar <sharma.chandrashekhar >




><<Original Attached>>







Dear Swee,

The description of deities in certain directions begins quite early in

the chapter. They appear in shlokas from 2 to 12.

As to the shlokas 30 and 31 of the chapter 46, here it is.


30. He shall sleep on his left side. No hesitation in this matter. For

persons born in zodiacal signs of Simha (Leo), Kanya (Virgo) and Tula

(Libra) the main door is good if made in the north.


31. For the persons born in Vrishchika etc. the door is in the east,

south and west in that order ( three rasis for each direction). The

door shall have two units in length and one unit in width. There must

be at least eight doors in the house.


By the way, Mr. Joshi of Parimal sent me the contract which I returned

duly signed.





Swee Chan wrote:




Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Chandrashekharji,



Can re-translate sloka 30 and 31 in Ch 46? Thank you.





On Friday, October 13, 2006, at 08:35PM, Chandrashekhar <sharma.chandrashekhar >




><<Original Attached>>







Dear Swee,

You are right, I do have both the versions, thanks to you. Chapter 46

tells about the directions in which different deities are to be

worshiped when performing the Puja of Vaastu. But it does not indicate

where they should face. This implies that the deities face inwards

towards the vaastu Madhya. In the chapter of installation of Idols,

again elaborate rituals are given quite clearly but there is no mention

of the direction in which the deities would face. The only indication

is that the idol should be placed slightly off center and towards north

of such center. This does not necessarily mean that it must face North.

Lord Hanuman always faces South in the temples.





Swee Chan wrote:



Om Gurave Namah



Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


If you have the sanskrit version – read verse 31 over and over again.

The translation is not clear. But anyway, do go over the English

version and contemplate on that. It is an interesting concept. As far

as I know, Chandrashekharji has both versions. My sanskrit version if

from Nag Publishers.






On 10/10/06 10:48 AM, "Bipin Prag (Gmail)" <bipinprag >








Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


I extracted the others based on you’re the example.


I searched the GP, but didn’t find reference to signs attributed to

respective directions, except for two versus mentioning signs, but they

were not consistent. Please have a look at GP I.46.30-31 (p149)


If there is another verse – pls let me know. I shall continue

searching again tonight.









On Behalf Of Swee Chan

11 October 2006 03:55 AM


Re: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Vastu Q - Plot




Om Gurave



Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


Did you refer to Garuda P.?









On 10/10/06 6:45 AM, "Bipin Prag (Gmail)" <bipinprag >








Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


Is this what you are referring to ….


??In jyotish, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are denoted by the Southerly

direction. The question is, is Moon happy in that sign or is it in

enmity? Do the rest as a simple exercise :-)


Ca, Sc & Pi are denoted by Northerly direction

Ar, Le and Sa are denoted by the Easterly direction

Ge, Li & Aq are denoted by Westerly direction












< %5d>

On Behalf Of Swee Chan

06 October 2006 06:19 AM


Re: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Vastu Q - Plot




Om Gurave Namah


Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


If the breadwinner actually lives there, it is different to that of a

second home. The cure for the East for now, is lighting. Normal lights

and not fluorescent light. - Not a floor lamp. Small spotlights can be

suspended over a false valance/ceiling panel. Weight out the costs of

the two. If the cost of window is cheaper, then it is the better


A small bowl of water can be placed in the NE corner of the living

room. Make sure that it is changed everyday in fact, at the local plant

shop, you should be able to purchase a cheap bubble water bowl – it can

be quite restful just watching the water “bubble” over the tube back

into the bowl.

The very steep slope suggests more investment than its worth to build a

wooden trellis with high gum poles – the South has to be built up

higher than the house itself and some sort of netting suspended across

to enable the Thumbergia spp. (common name – mile-o-minute) to almost

immediately cover up the 2 areas until the trees grow.

Do you remember which planet rules the NW? Look up your notes you got

from me the last time we met. Then look up where that planet is placed

in his chart – you may also indicate the nakshatra.


The reference for the entrances is in your collection of the Garuda

Purana. The Vishnu Dharmottara details the entire vastu puja –


(Summer’s here, though I heard it snowed in CT a few days

ago...explains the funny weather we are getting over here, blowing from

your end :-))!! That’s the aftermath of wars overflowing to your side

of the world!)

Sunday is my charity Golf day and I think I am due to come over the

following w/end. This time I’m making sure I arrive 2 days before,

incase I have the same foggy mist yet again.






On 10/5/06 11:35 AM, "Bipin Prag (Gmail)" <bipinprag >









Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


North is indicated on both diagrams. The Main Entrance door is NW

(looking out of front door) – see indication



The Lagna of the main bread winner is Dhanus, therefore making North or

East good for Dhanus Lagna (incidentally, could you please refer me to

source of various entrances for Lagnas – I cant find it)


I agree that remedy for NE is water, I was referring to the NE wall of

living Room completely blocked – no windows, hence placing mirror there

– I guess picture of Water would then do the job. Agree – West and

South should be higher, but the slope is quite steep in the West (photo

is quite deceiving) and not sure how long trees in the West would take

to grow - Trees in South is a great possibility. The Property is

walled, but the shadow of the mountain is caste on the property in the

morning, hence my concern


The occupants are away and back at the weekend – will enquire about

drainage – ill remember to always consider this.


The Owner of the property is more away from home – could this be

attributed to NW Entrance??








Suggestions in books are based on the Primary directions, but you will

note that there are 8 main directions and 4 others, making up the 12

directions for each sign of the zodiac. Depending on the lagna of the

main breadwinner, the front door, from inside looking out is the main

bearing one should take. Your diagram is not clear as to which

direction the house is facing.

The actual aerial photo of the house is not as bad as in the diagram

drawn up by you :-))


Mirror is representative of Metal element and the cure for the NE is

water. Quick growing trees can be grown in the West and the South. The

South section has to be higher than the house and the West has to be

higher than the East. This can be resolved by filling in soil to the

West area for now until the trees grow. The mountain in the East is not

a problem if the property is walled up. Generally, the plot of the

house has to be higher than the main road.

In the SW, make a rockery. This area has to be higher than the NE. I

generally plant a tree around this area.

As soon as you’ve given the exact direction as to where the front door

is pointing, we can begin on the cures for the house.

Would you like to give the lagna of the person and then tell me where

the main door should be facing? Also, choose a good muhurta as to when

work should begin. What about the drainage? Which direction is the

water flowing?







(Gmail) [bipinprag ]

<bipinprag %5d>

<bipinprag %5d>


05 October 2006 10:41 AM

' '

Vastu Q - Plot Orientation



Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee,

Hare Krishna


I have a few questions regarding plots orientated 45 deg. Ideally, one

would want to orientate the house according to the primary Vastu

directions, but unfortunately ‘modern’ architects are so ill-informed.


Anyway, looking at this property (pic attached)




The plot is almost square, and on a slope with the mountain along the

East side of the property. The ground is relatively flat except for a

slope from NE to SW. The r










Link to comment
Share on other sites

Om Gurave Namah


Dear Chandrashekharji,



[it is obvious that the reference is to doors of a house in a Vaastu and that

the direction that a door faces is dependent on the Lagna of the owner and there

is no general direction given as is the practice amongst modern Vaastu



Thank you the texts in sanskrit. I am using a friend's pc and it comes out

gobbly-gook :| but wanted to clarify the sloka on Vrischikha etc. and drive home

the idea that vastu practitioners do not incorporate one's natal chart.

The other point is that the vastu purusha's head points in a certain direction

during a particular ritu and this is the time to install the main door. The

choice of wood is also important. The choice of nakshatra that conglomerates in

a pattern at the front door is also considered. The lagna of the muhurta is also

of importance.


My notes from various sashtras on the subject is more than that on gemstones ;-)










On Wednesday, October 18, 2006, at 07:59PM, Chandrashekhar

<sharma.chandrashekhar wrote:



><<Original Attached>>







Dear Swee,

There is not much difference. However for the record I am giving the

Sanskrit shlokas and rough translation. As usual the first line is in

Sanskrit 99 font followed by ULW Palladio fonts, alternately. The

translation is in Times new roman. First two shlokas are of two lines

each and the third one is of three lines.




g & h< k…yaRÚ p & óe manv> sda,

västukroòe gåhaà


påñöhe mänavaù sadä|



naÇ kayaR ivcar[a.46,28.


svapiti nätra

käryä vicäraëä||46|28||

No one shall

build house

behind the Vaastu. He shall sleep on the left side and one need


dispute this.


Öar< zuÏedwaeÄrm!,





v & iíkadaE SyaTpUvRdi][piímm!.46,29.




For those born

in Simha, Kanyaa and Tula the doors built

in north are pure (good). Similarly for those in rasis like Vrishchika

etc the

door should be in east, south and the west (respectively).


dI"aRÏRdivStar< Öara{yòaE Sm & tain c.46,30.



dväräëyañöau småtäni ca||46|30||


PlvnIcTv< speR[ sUÇÉajnm!,



sarpeëa sütrabhäjanam|



vIyR¹< di][e twa.46,31.


raudreëa véryaghnaà dakñiëe tathä||46|31||

The doors shall be in proportion of 1:2 width


length/height. Remember that there shall be 8 doors. If the bed is


towards south, death from Snake, lack of progeny and impotency may



It is obvious that the

reference is to doors of a house in a Vaastu and that the direction

that a door faces is dependent on the Lagna of the owner and there is

no general direction given as is the practice amongst modern Vaastu










Swee Chan wrote:



Om Gurave Namah


Dear Chandrashekharji,



But these are verbatim from Banarsidass. Can you please quote from the

sanskrit version/Nag publishers. I am travelling, hence cannot do so.

Bipin has since been to see me and I have given him further hints, so

it is now clear in his mind how go about it.


Thank you.






On Tuesday, October 17, 2006, at 08:32PM, Chandrashekhar <sharma.chandrashekhar >




><<Original Attached>>







Dear Swee,

The description of deities in certain directions begins quite early in

the chapter. They appear in shlokas from 2 to 12.

As to the shlokas 30 and 31 of the chapter 46, here it is.


30. He shall sleep on his left side. No hesitation in this matter. For

persons born in zodiacal signs of Simha (Leo), Kanya (Virgo) and Tula

(Libra) the main door is good if made in the north.


31. For the persons born in Vrishchika etc. the door is in the east,

south and west in that order ( three rasis for each direction). The

door shall have two units in length and one unit in width. There must

be at least eight doors in the house.


By the way, Mr. Joshi of Parimal sent me the contract which I returned

duly signed.





Swee Chan wrote:




Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Chandrashekharji,



Can re-translate sloka 30 and 31 in Ch 46? Thank you.





On Friday, October 13, 2006, at 08:35PM, Chandrashekhar <sharma.chandrashekhar >




><<Original Attached>>







Dear Swee,

You are right, I do have both the versions, thanks to you. Chapter 46

tells about the directions in which different deities are to be

worshiped when performing the Puja of Vaastu. But it does not indicate

where they should face. This implies that the deities face inwards

towards the vaastu Madhya. In the chapter of installation of Idols,

again elaborate rituals are given quite clearly but there is no mention

of the direction in which the deities would face. The only indication

is that the idol should be placed slightly off center and towards north

of such center. This does not necessarily mean that it must face North.

Lord Hanuman always faces South in the temples.





Swee Chan wrote:



Om Gurave Namah



Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


If you have the sanskrit version – read verse 31 over and over again.

The translation is not clear. But anyway, do go over the English

version and contemplate on that. It is an interesting concept. As far

as I know, Chandrashekharji has both versions. My sanskrit version if

from Nag Publishers.






On 10/10/06 10:48 AM, "Bipin Prag (Gmail)" <bipinprag >








Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


I extracted the others based on you’re the example.


I searched the GP, but didn’t find reference to signs attributed to

respective directions, except for two versus mentioning signs, but they

were not consistent. Please have a look at GP I.46.30-31 (p149)


If there is another verse – pls let me know. I shall continue

searching again tonight.









On Behalf Of Swee Chan

11 October 2006 03:55 AM


Re: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Vastu Q - Plot




Om Gurave



Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


Did you refer to Garuda P.?









On 10/10/06 6:45 AM, "Bipin Prag (Gmail)" <bipinprag >








Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


Is this what you are referring to ….


??In jyotish, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are denoted by the Southerly

direction. The question is, is Moon happy in that sign or is it in

enmity? Do the rest as a simple exercise :-)


Ca, Sc & Pi are denoted by Northerly direction

Ar, Le and Sa are denoted by the Easterly direction

Ge, Li & Aq are denoted by Westerly direction












< %5d>

On Behalf Of Swee Chan

06 October 2006 06:19 AM


Re: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Vastu Q - Plot




Om Gurave Namah


Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


If the breadwinner actually lives there, it is different to that of a

second home. The cure for the East for now, is lighting. Normal lights

and not fluorescent light. - Not a floor lamp. Small spotlights can be

suspended over a false valance/ceiling panel. Weight out the costs of

the two. If the cost of window is cheaper, then it is the better


A small bowl of water can be placed in the NE corner of the living

room. Make sure that it is changed everyday in fact, at the local plant

shop, you should be able to purchase a cheap bubble water bowl – it can

be quite restful just watching the water “bubble” over the tube back

into the bowl.

The very steep slope suggests more investment than its worth to build a

wooden trellis with high gum poles – the South has to be built up

higher than the house itself and some sort of netting suspended across

to enable the Thumbergia spp. (common name – mile-o-minute) to almost

immediately cover up the 2 areas until the trees grow.

Do you remember which planet rules the NW? Look up your notes you got

from me the last time we met. Then look up where that planet is placed

in his chart – you may also indicate the nakshatra.


The reference for the entrances is in your collection of the Garuda

Purana. The Vishnu Dharmottara details the entire vastu puja –


(Summer’s here, though I heard it snowed in CT a few days

ago...explains the funny weather we are getting over here, blowing from

your end :-))!! That’s the aftermath of wars overflowing to your side

of the world!)

Sunday is my charity Golf day and I think I am due to come over the

following w/end. This time I’m making sure I arrive 2 days before,

incase I have the same foggy mist yet again.






On 10/5/06 11:35 AM, "Bipin Prag (Gmail)" <bipinprag >









Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna


North is indicated on both diagrams. The Main Entrance door is NW

(looking out of front door) – see indication



The Lagna of the main bread winner is Dhanus, therefore making North or

East good for Dhanus Lagna (incidentally, could you please refer me to

source of various entrances for Lagnas – I cant find it)


I agree that remedy for NE is water, I was referring to the NE wall of

living Room completely blocked – no windows, hence placing mirror there

– I guess picture of Water would then do the job. Agree – West and

South should be higher, but the slope is quite steep in the West (photo

is quite deceiving) and not sure how long trees in the West would take

to grow - Trees in South is a great possibility. The Property is

walled, but the shadow of the mountain is caste on the property in the

morning, hence my concern


The occupants are away and back at the weekend – will enquire about

drainage – ill remember to always consider this.


The Owner of the property is more away from home – could this be

attributed to NW Entrance??








Suggestions in books are based on the Primary directions, but you will

note that there are 8 main directions and 4 others, making up the 12

directions for each sign of the zodiac. Depending on the lagna of the

main breadwinner, the front door, from inside looking out is the main

bearing one should take. Your diagram is not clear as to which

direction the house is facing.

The actual aerial photo of the house is not as bad as in the diagram

drawn up by you :-))


Mirror is representative of Metal element and the cure for the NE is

water. Quick growing trees can be grown in the West and the South. The

South section has to be higher than the house and the West has to be

higher than the East. This can be resolved by filling in soil to the

West area for now until the trees grow. The mountain in the East is not

a problem if the property is walled up. Generally, the plot of the

house has to be higher than the main road.

In the SW, make a rockery. This area has to be higher than the NE. I

generally plant a tree around this area.

As soon as you’ve given the exact direction as to where the front door

is pointing, we can begin on the cures for the house.

Would you like to give the lagna of the person and then tell me where

the main door should be facing? Also, choose a good muhurta as to when

work should begin. What about the drainage? Which direction is the

water flowing?







(Gmail) [bipinprag ]

<bipinprag %5d>

<bipinprag %5d>


05 October 2006 10:41 AM

' '

Vastu Q - Plot Orientation



Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Swee,

Hare Krishna


I have a few questions regarding plots orientated 45 deg. Ideally, one

would want to orientate the house according to the primary Vastu

directions, but unfortunately ‘modern’ architects are so ill-informed.


Anyway, looking at this property (pic attached)




The plot is almost square, and on a slope with the mountain along the

East side of the property. The ground is relatively flat except for a

slope from NE to SW. The r










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Dear Swee,

You are absolutely right. There is no thumb rule as such and the

directions vary from individual to individual. You are also right about

the change of head of Vaastu Purusha. One will also have to factor in

whether one is in northern or southern hemisphere when considering

Vaastu parameters. You are also right about the wood to be used and the

Nakshatra connection with the door. So also Lagna Muhurta.


I know you understand that. My comments were about the mushrooming crop

of Vaastu consultants that you see now a days. Do send me your notes

on other shastras. I would love to read them as I did your notes on






Swee Chan wrote:



Om Gurave Namah


Dear Chandrashekharji,



[it is obvious that the reference is to doors of a house in a Vaastu

and that the direction that a door faces is dependent on the Lagna of

the owner and there is no general direction given as is the practice

amongst modern Vaastu practitioners.]


Thank you the texts in sanskrit. I am using a friend's pc and it comes

out gobbly-gook :| but wanted to clarify the sloka on Vrischikha etc.

and drive home the idea that vastu practitioners do not incorporate

one's natal chart.

The other point is that the vastu purusha's head points in a certain

direction during a particular ritu and this is the time to install the

main door. The choice of wood is also important. The choice of

nakshatra that conglomerates in a pattern at the front door is also

considered. The lagna of the muhurta is also of importance.


My notes from various sashtras on the subject is more than that on

gemstones ;-)





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  • 2 weeks later...

Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Chandrashekharji,



Can you please elaborate on the factors which one has to consider when living in the Southern Hemisphere and why there should be a difference and that there are no parameters to consider when living in the East or the West. I would appreciate it if you can give me references from the sashtras.





On 10/19/06 11:21 AM, " Chandrashekhar " <sharma.chandrashekhar wrote:






Dear Swee,

You are absolutely right. There is no thumb rule as such and the directions vary from individual to individual. You are also right about the change of head of Vaastu Purusha. One will also have to factor in whether one is in northern or southern hemisphere when considering Vaastu parameters. You are also right about the wood to be used and the Nakshatra connection with the door. So also Lagna Muhurta.


I know you understand that. My comments were about the mushrooming crop of Vaastu consultants that you see now a days. Do send me your notes on other shastras. I would love to read them as I did your notes on Gemstones.





Swee Chan wrote:




Om Gurave Namah


Dear Chandrashekharji,



[it is obvious that the reference is to doors of a house in a Vaastu and that the direction that a door faces is dependent on the Lagna of the owner and there is no general direction given as is the practice amongst modern Vaastu practitioners.]


Thank you the texts in sanskrit. I am using a friend's pc and it comes out gobbly-gook :| but wanted to clarify the sloka on Vrischikha etc. and drive home the idea that vastu practitioners do not incorporate one's natal chart.

The other point is that the vastu purusha's head points in a certain direction during a particular ritu and this is the time to install the main door. The choice of wood is also important. The choice of nakshatra that conglomerates in a pattern at the front door is also considered. The lagna of the muhurta is also of importance.


My notes from various sashtras on the subject is more than that on gemstones ;-)










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Dear Swee,


I am sorry for the delay in reply. Part of the reason was my reluctance

to speak plain on Vaastu in open forum as my opinion may raise the

hackles of die hard Vaastu fans. I am sure you understand.


The reason that Vaastu in northern and Southern hemisphere will have to

be viewed in different manner is pretty simple, if we understand that

Vaastu is part of Jyotish and Samhitas give much information on them.

Primarily, in my personal view, the treatment of Vaastu is from the

point of view of sound architectural principles based on the flow of

air, hot and cold area etc related to different directions.


I know that for die hard Vaastu aficionados this may sound strange but

this is the conclusion a person can draw when one reads through the

vast literature on Vaastu that is available in Samhitas and other texts

like Vasturaj Vallabh etc. Even the directions Vaayavya, Ishaanya,

Aagneya and Nairutya relate to movement of Air, Cold province hot area



However leaving this controversial part, it is necessary to understand

that in the Northern hemisphere Sun rises to the East, moves in

southernly direction and sets in the West where as in Southern

hemisphere it rises in the east moves in northerly direction and sets

in the west. So the way sun rays will fall in a place at a particular

time of the day will differ and hence the direction of a door. So to

satisfy the condition that a Temple, monastery or house in which the

rays of Sun and air do not enter in the first part of the day is not

auspicious, it is obvious that the direction of the doors will have to

be different in Northern and Southern Hemisphere. same for the

injunction about shadow of a house falling on the well in 2nd and 3rd

part of the day being inauspicious. In both cases the door and well

will have to be located in different direction in the two hemisphere.

If you want the original shlokas indicating this, kindly let me know. I

shall be glad to furnish them.





Swee Chan wrote:




Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Chandrashekharji,



Can you please elaborate on the factors which one has to consider when

living in the Southern Hemisphere and why there should be a difference

and that there are no parameters to consider when living in the East or

the West. I would appreciate it if you can give me references from the






On 10/19/06 11:21 AM, "Chandrashekhar" <sharma.chandrashekhar >










You are absolutely right. There is no thumb rule as such and the

directions vary from individual to individual. You are also right about

the change of head of Vaastu Purusha. One will also have to factor in

whether one is in northern or southern hemisphere when considering

Vaastu parameters. You are also right about the wood to be used and the

Nakshatra connection with the door. So also Lagna Muhurta.


I know you understand that. My comments were about the mushrooming crop

of Vaastu consultants that you see now a days. Do send me your notes on

other shastras. I would love to read them as I did your notes on






Swee Chan wrote:





Om Gurave Namah


Dear Chandrashekharji,



[it is obvious that the reference is to doors of a house in a Vaastu

and that the direction that a door faces is dependent on the Lagna of

the owner and there is no general direction given as is the practice

amongst modern Vaastu practitioners.]


Thank you the texts in sanskrit. I am using a friend's pc and it comes

out gobbly-gook :| but wanted to clarify the sloka on Vrischikha etc.

and drive home the idea that vastu practitioners do not incorporate

one's natal chart.

The other point is that the vastu purusha's head points in a certain

direction during a particular ritu and this is the time to install the

main door. The choice of wood is also important. The choice of

nakshatra that conglomerates in a pattern at the front door is also

considered. The lagna of the muhurta is also of importance.


My notes from various sashtras on the subject is more than that on

gemstones ;-)











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Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Chandrashekhar



Thanks for your reply in providing some perspective. What you say makes logical sense about the Sun's rays transversing a house being different in the two hemispheres.


My further question is, does prana also flow in opposite directions and further does the Vastu Purusha then also move in opposite directions. Should this be the case, then am I correct in saying that in the Southern Hemisphere, the Kitchen should be in the North East and Pooja Room in the South East as examples to clarify this point of view.



Best Wishes




On 11/3/06, Chandrashekhar <sharma.chandrashekhar wrote:






Dear Swee,I am sorry for the delay in reply. Part of the reason was my reluctance to speak plain on Vaastu in open forum as my opinion may raise the hackles of die hard Vaastu fans. I am sure you understand.

The reason that Vaastu in northern and Southern hemisphere will have to be viewed in different manner is pretty simple, if we understand that Vaastu is part of Jyotish and Samhitas give much information on them. Primarily, in my personal view, the treatment of Vaastu is from the point of view of sound architectural principles based on the flow of air, hot and cold area etc related to different directions. I know that for die hard Vaastu aficionados this may sound strange but this is the conclusion a person can draw when one reads through the vast literature on Vaastu that is available in Samhitas and other texts like Vasturaj Vallabh etc. Even the directions Vaayavya, Ishaanya, Aagneya and Nairutya relate to movement of Air, Cold province hot area etc.

However leaving this controversial part, it is necessary to understand that in the Northern hemisphere Sun rises to the East, moves in southernly direction and sets in the West where as in Southern hemisphere it rises in the east moves in northerly direction and sets in the west. So the way sun rays will fall in a place at a particular time of the day will differ and hence the direction of a door. So to satisfy the condition that a Temple, monastery or house in which the rays of Sun and air do not enter in the first part of the day is not auspicious, it is obvious that the direction of the doors will have to be different in Northern and Southern Hemisphere. same for the injunction about shadow of a house falling on the well in 2nd and 3rd part of the day being inauspicious. In both cases the door and well will have to be located in different direction in the two hemisphere. If you want the original shlokas indicating this, kindly let me know. I shall be glad to furnish them.


Swee Chan wrote:


Jaya JagannathaDear Chandrashekharji,NamasteCan you please elaborate on the factors which one has to consider when living in the Southern Hemisphere and why there should be a difference and that there are no parameters to consider when living in the East or the West. I would appreciate it if you can give me references from the sashtras.

Love,SweeOn 10/19/06 11:21 AM, " Chandrashekhar " <sharma.chandrashekhar wrote:

Dear Swee,You are absolutely right. There is no thumb rule as such and the directions vary from individual to individual. You are also right about the change of head of Vaastu Purusha. One will also have to factor in whether one is in northern or southern hemisphere when considering Vaastu parameters. You are also right about the wood to be used and the Nakshatra connection with the door. So also Lagna Muhurta.

I know you understand that. My comments were about the mushrooming crop of Vaastu consultants that you see now a days. Do send me your notes on other shastras. I would love to read them as I did your notes on Gemstones.

Love,Chandrashekhar.Swee Chan wrote:

Om Gurave Namah Dear Chandrashekharji,Namaste [it is obvious that the reference is to doors of a house in a Vaastu and that the direction that a door faces is dependent on the Lagna of the owner and there is no general direction given as is the practice amongst modern Vaastu practitioners.]

Thank you the texts in sanskrit. I am using a friend's pc and it comes out gobbly-gook :| but wanted to clarify the sloka on Vrischikha etc. and drive home the idea that vastu practitioners do not incorporate one's natal chart. The other point is that the vastu purusha's head points in a certain direction during a particular ritu and this is the time to install the main door. The choice of wood is also important. The choice of nakshatra that conglomerates in a pattern at the front door is also considered. The lagna of the muhurta is also of importance.

My notes from various sashtras on the subject is more than that on gemstones ;-) love, Swee

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Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Bipin,

Hare Krishna


There is ONLY ONE purusha and the Sun still rises in the East and sets in the West and the Moon is dependant of the Sun’s rays. So the flow of water flows out differently and the magnetic flow of the Earth goes from the South to the North. The Northern hemisphere is the Uttara ayana of the Sun where more “superior” nakshatras preside or so we think. But according to sanjay ji’s lesson, it is evident that the energy flows in a biorhythmic wave.







On 11/10/06 9:56 AM, " Bipin Prag " <bipinprag wrote:






Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Chandrashekhar



Thanks for your reply in providing some perspective. What you say makes logical sense about the Sun's rays transversing a house being different in the two hemispheres.


My further question is, does prana also flow in opposite directions and further does the Vastu Purusha then also move in opposite directions. Should this be the case, then am I correct in saying that in the Southern Hemisphere, the Kitchen should be in the North East and Pooja Room in the South East as examples to clarify this point of view.


Best Wishes






On 11/3/06, Chandrashekhar <sharma.chandrashekhar wrote:

Dear Swee,


I am sorry for the delay in reply. Part of the reason was my reluctance to speak plain on Vaastu in open forum as my opinion may raise the hackles of die hard Vaastu fans. I am sure you understand.


The reason that Vaastu in northern and Southern hemisphere will have to be viewed in different manner is pretty simple, if we understand that Vaastu is part of Jyotish and Samhitas give much information on them. Primarily, in my personal view, the treatment of Vaastu is from the point of view of sound architectural principles based on the flow of air, hot and cold area etc related to different directions.


I know that for die hard Vaastu aficionados this may sound strange but this is the conclusion a person can draw when one reads through the vast literature on Vaastu that is available in Samhitas and other texts like Vasturaj Vallabh etc. Even the directions Vaayavya, Ishaanya, Aagneya and Nairutya relate to movement of Air, Cold province hot area etc.


However leaving this controversial part, it is necessary to understand that in the Northern hemisphere Sun rises to the East, moves in southernly direction and sets in the West where as in Southern hemisphere it rises in the east moves in northerly direction and sets in the west. So the way sun rays will fall in a place at a particular time of the day will differ and hence the direction of a door. So to satisfy the condition that a Temple, monastery or house in which the rays of Sun and air do not enter in the first part of the day is not auspicious, it is obvious that the direction of the doors will have to be different in Northern and Southern Hemisphere. same for the injunction about shadow of a house falling on the well in 2nd and 3rd part of the day being inauspicious. In both cases the door and well will have to be located in different direction in the two hemisphere. If you want the original shlokas indicating this, kindly let me know. I shall be glad to furnish the! m.





Swee Chan wrote:


Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Chandrashekharji,



Can you please elaborate on the factors which one has to consider when living in the Southern Hemisphere and why there should be a difference and that there are no parameters to consider when living in the East or the West. I would appreciate it if you can give me references from the sashtras.





On 10/19/06 11:21 AM, " Chandrashekhar " <sharma.chandrashekhar wrote:






Dear Swee,

You are absolutely right. There is no thumb rule as such and the directions vary from individual to individual. You are also right about the change of head of Vaastu Purusha. One will also have to factor in whether one is in northern or southern hemisphere when considering Vaastu parameters. You are also right about the wood to be used and the Nakshatra connection with the door. So also Lagna Muhurta.


I know you understand that. My comments were about the mushrooming crop of Vaastu consultants that you see now a days. Do send me your notes on other shastras. I would love to read them as I did your notes on Gemstones.





Swee Chan wrote:




Om Gurave Namah


Dear Chandrashekharji,



[it is obvious that the reference is to doors of a house in a Vaastu and that the direction that a door faces is dependent on the Lagna of the owner and there is no general direction given as is the practice amongst modern Vaastu practitioners.]


Thank you the texts in sanskrit. I am using a friend's pc and it comes out gobbly-gook :| but wanted to clarify the sloka on Vrischikha etc. and drive home the idea that vastu practitioners do not incorporate one's natal chart.

The other point is that the vastu purusha's head points in a certain direction during a particular ritu and this is the time to install the main door. The choice of wood is also important. The choice of nakshatra that conglomerates in a pattern at the front door is also considered. The lagna of the muhurta is also of importance.


My notes from various sashtras on the subject is more than that on gemstones ;-)















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Dear Bipin,


I am glad you understand my views. Vasturaj Vallabha has made this fact



As to your next question, the answer has to be based more on common

sense than the texts. The texts say that Vastu Purusha was thrown

downwards by the Devas and the body part that was held by a certain

Deva is related to that Deva. If we want to take this statement

literally, then we can not even apply what is said at other parts of

the text. However if you, like me, think that the sages did not even

name anything in vain then one must think why the southeast is called

Agneya, if it does not indicate high degree of heat in that direction.

if we accept my contention then it follows that the South east in

southern hemisphere would not be related to the hottest part and there

fore the indications of Agneya disha (direction) must necessarily shift

to diagonally opposite direction.


I generally do not like to comment on these matters as plain speaking

raises many a hackles. So I suggest everybody should use his common

sense and experience in real life situation to understand his/her own

truth of the complex Vedic sciences.


Take care,



Bipin Prag wrote:



Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Chandrashekhar



Thanks for your reply in providing some perspective. What you

say makes logical sense about the Sun's rays transversing a house being

different in the two hemispheres.


My further question is, does prana also flow in opposite

directions and further does the Vastu Purusha then also move in

opposite directions. Should this be the case, then am I correct in

saying that in the Southern Hemisphere, the Kitchen should be in the

North East and Pooja Room in the South East as examples to clarify this

point of view.



Best Wishes






On 11/3/06, Chandrashekhar <sharma.chandrashekhar >







Dear Swee,


I am sorry for the delay in reply. Part of the reason was my reluctance

to speak plain on Vaastu in open forum as my opinion may raise the

hackles of die hard Vaastu fans. I am sure you understand.



The reason that Vaastu in northern and Southern hemisphere will have to

be viewed in different manner is pretty simple, if we understand that

Vaastu is part of Jyotish and Samhitas give much information on them.

Primarily, in my personal view, the treatment of Vaastu is from the

point of view of sound architectural principles based on the flow of

air, hot and cold area etc related to different directions.


I know that for die hard Vaastu aficionados this may sound strange but

this is the conclusion a person can draw when one reads through the

vast literature on Vaastu that is available in Samhitas and other texts

like Vasturaj Vallabh etc. Even the directions Vaayavya, Ishaanya,

Aagneya and Nairutya relate to movement of Air, Cold province hot area




However leaving this controversial part, it is necessary to understand

that in the Northern hemisphere Sun rises to the East, moves in

southernly direction and sets in the West where as in Southern

hemisphere it rises in the east moves in northerly direction and sets

in the west. So the way sun rays will fall in a place at a particular

time of the day will differ and hence the direction of a door. So to

satisfy the condition that a Temple, monastery or house in which the

rays of Sun and air do not enter in the first part of the day is not

auspicious, it is obvious that the direction of the doors will have to

be different in Northern and Southern Hemisphere. same for the

injunction about shadow of a house falling on the well in 2nd and 3rd

part of the day being inauspicious. In both cases the door and well

will have to be located in different direction in the two hemisphere.

If you want the original shlokas indicating this, kindly let me know. I

shall be glad to furnish them.







Swee Chan wrote:




Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Chandrashekharji,



Can you please elaborate on the factors which one has to consider when

living in the Southern Hemisphere and why there should be a difference

and that there are no parameters to consider when living in the East or

the West. I would appreciate it if you can give me references from the







On 10/19/06 11:21 AM, "Chandrashekhar" <sharma.chandrashekhar >










You are absolutely right. There is no thumb rule as such and the

directions vary from individual to individual. You are also right about

the change of head of Vaastu Purusha. One will also have to factor in

whether one is in northern or southern hemisphere when considering

Vaastu parameters. You are also right about the wood to be used and the

Nakshatra connection with the door. So also Lagna Muhurta.



I know you understand that. My comments were about the mushrooming crop

of Vaastu consultants that you see now a days. Do send me your notes on

other shastras. I would love to read them as I did your notes on







Swee Chan wrote:





Om Gurave Namah


Dear Chandrashekharji,



[it is obvious that the reference is to doors of a house in a Vaastu

and that the direction that a door faces is dependent on the Lagna of

the owner and there is no general direction given as is the practice

amongst modern Vaastu practitioners.]



Thank you the texts in sanskrit. I am using a friend's pc and it comes

out gobbly-gook :| but wanted to clarify the sloka on Vrischikha etc.

and drive home the idea that vastu practitioners do not incorporate

one's natal chart.

The other point is that the vastu purusha's head points in a certain

direction during a particular ritu and this is the time to install the

main door. The choice of wood is also important. The choice of

nakshatra that conglomerates in a pattern at the front door is also

considered. The lagna of the muhurta is also of importance.



My notes from various sashtras on the subject is more than that on

gemstones ;-)











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Jaya Jaganantha


Jay Chandracheckharji



I have had time to think about all of this. I dont have a reference for this, except as an excerpt from a book. We know that the Vastu Purusha moves according to three different conditions:


Sthira Vastu - where the head is permanently established toward the NE

Chara Vastu - where the head changes position every 3 months, and

Nitya Vastu - where the head changes every 3 hours


My simple understanding in selecting the door is that there are many exalted positions in all the 4 directions that are acceptable. The Puranas do mention to select the front door according to the Ascendant of the native. These together with the chart of the house, can guide us with options for selecting the main entrance.


Im not really following your reasoning as to how the shadow of the Sun supercedes the selection of the front door over the above, other than if one had a choice then Sun's rays is another consideration amongst many.



We have all these various considerations for selecting the front door. What I want to know is what is the first and most important consideration and logically there must be the others to follow. So far, selecting the door based on Ascendant as per Puranas is preferred over the others.



The other dilemma I have is that how can we consider the Sun's rays, magnetic flow vs considering the direction that prana flows, surely these energies are not the same. Am I correct in saying that Prana is Spiritual energy and Sun's rays (often we use the Ultra-Violet) and magnetic flow is material energy or is it incorrect to mix the two paradigms



Thanks again for engaging in this discussion and enlightening us


Best Wishes




On 11/10/06, Chandrashekhar <sharma.chandrashekhar

> wrote:





Dear Bipin,I am glad you understand my views. Vasturaj Vallabha has made this fact clear. As to your next question, the answer has to be based more on common sense than the texts. The texts say that Vastu Purusha was thrown downwards by the Devas and the body part that was held by a certain Deva is related to that Deva. If we want to take this statement literally, then we can not even apply what is said at other parts of the text. However if you, like me, think that the sages did not even name anything in vain then one must think why the southeast is called Agneya, if it does not indicate high degree of heat in that direction. if we accept my contention then it follows that the South east in southern hemisphere would not be related to the hottest part and there fore the indications of Agneya disha (direction) must necessarily shift to diagonally opposite direction. I generally do not like to comment on these matters as plain speaking raises many a hackles. So I suggest everybody should use his common sense and experience in real life situation to understand his/her own truth of the complex Vedic sciences. Take care,Chandrashekhar.

Bipin Prag wrote:


Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Chandrashekhar



Thanks for your reply in providing some perspective. What you say makes logical sense about the Sun's rays transversing a house being different in the two hemispheres.


My further question is, does prana also flow in opposite directions and further does the Vastu Purusha then also move in opposite directions. Should this be the case, then am I correct in saying that in the Southern Hemisphere, the Kitchen should be in the North East and Pooja Room in the South East as examples to clarify this point of view.


Best Wishes




On 11/3/06, Chandrashekhar <sharma.chandrashekhar > wrote:





Dear Swee,I am sorry for the delay in reply. Part of the reason was my reluctance to speak plain on Vaastu in open forum as my opinion may raise the hackles of die hard Vaastu fans. I am sure you understand. The reason that Vaastu in northern and Southern hemisphere will have to be viewed in different manner is pretty simple, if we understand that Vaastu is part of Jyotish and Samhitas give much information on them. Primarily, in my personal view, the treatment of Vaastu is from the point of view of sound architectural principles based on the flow of air, hot and cold area etc related to different directions. I know that for die hard Vaastu aficionados this may sound strange but this is the conclusion a person can draw when one reads through the vast literature on Vaastu that is available in Samhitas and other texts like Vasturaj Vallabh etc. Even the directions Vaayavya, Ishaanya, Aagneya and Nairutya relate to movement of Air, Cold province hot area etc. However leaving this controversial part, it is necessary to understand that in the Northern hemisphere Sun rises to the East, moves in southernly direction and sets in the West where as in Southern hemisphere it rises in the east moves in northerly direction and sets in the west. So the way sun rays will fall in a place at a particular time of the day will differ and hence the direction of a door. So to satisfy the condition that a Temple, monastery or house in which the rays of Sun and air do not enter in the first part of the day is not auspicious, it is obvious that the direction of the doors will have to be different in Northern and Southern Hemisphere. same for the injunction about shadow of a house falling on the well in 2nd and 3rd part of the day being inauspicious. In both cases the door and well will have to be located in different direction in the two hemisphere. If you want the original shlokas indicating this, kindly let me know. I shall be glad to furnish them. Love,Chandrashekhar.

Swee Chan wrote:


Jaya JagannathaDear Chandrashekharji,NamasteCan you please elaborate on the factors which one has to consider when living in the Southern Hemisphere and why there should be a difference and that there are no parameters to consider when living in the East or the West. I would appreciate it if you can give me references from the sashtras. Love,SweeOn 10/19/06 11:21 AM, " Chandrashekhar " <sharma.chandrashekhar > wrote:

Dear Swee,You are absolutely right. There is no thumb rule as such and the directions vary from individual to individual. You are also right about the change of head of Vaastu Purusha. One will also have to factor in whether one is in northern or southern hemisphere when considering Vaastu parameters. You are also right about the wood to be used and the Nakshatra connection with the door. So also Lagna Muhurta. I know you understand that. My comments were about the mushrooming crop of Vaastu consultants that you see now a days. Do send me your notes on other shastras. I would love to read them as I did your notes on Gemstones. Love,Chandrashekhar.Swee Chan wrote:

Om Gurave Namah Dear Chandrashekharji,Namaste [it is obvious that the reference is to doors of a house in a Vaastu and that the direction that a door faces is dependent on the Lagna of the owner and there is no general direction given as is the practice amongst modern Vaastu practitioners.] Thank you the texts in sanskrit. I am using a friend's pc and it comes out gobbly-gook :| but wanted to clarify the sloka on Vrischikha etc. and drive home the idea that vastu practitioners do not incorporate one's natal chart. The other point is that the vastu purusha's head points in a certain direction during a particular ritu and this is the time to install the main door. The choice of wood is also important. The choice of nakshatra that conglomerates in a pattern at the front door is also considered. The lagna of the muhurta is also of importance. My notes from various sashtras on the subject is more than that on gemstones ;-) love, Swee


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