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Vastu Q - Plot Orientation

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Dear Bipin,


Let me make it clear that I am not a die hard Vastu fan and neither am

I an authority on Vaastu, barring having some knowledge of what is

given in samhita portion of astrology, like Brihat Samhita, Bhadrabaahu

Samhita etc. Therefore my opinions may not always toe the line drawn by

Vastu experts. None the less I will try to base my comments on what is

available in some text or other and also sound logic.


Vastu Purusha is said to be positioned in only one direction that is

the head in NE, feet in SW and joints of hands and feet in NW and SE,

with its body in contracted form.


For the purpose of location of door, the Solar month, The rasi of the

house owner,direction of the mouth of Vatsa depending on Solar month.

There is no clear cut position as to which methods supersedes all other

methods as some times they give contrary indications.


As to Shadow of the Sun superseding the direction of door, look at it

logically. When the direction of door is related to sun being in a

certain rasi it is obvious that the Sun's rays will fall in a certain

direction in that month and the direction of door is related to that.

So if the way Sun moves differs in the two hemisphere, it follows that

the parameters for deciding the direction of door in the two

hemispheres ought to differ and the relation between the rasi and the

direction of the door will change.


As you have yourself said with many parameters it is difficult to

understand what parameters to choose for location of the front door.

There are two primary parameters one is the rasi of house owner and

other is the tenancy of Sun in a rasi. The first would necessitate

changing the door every time the house changes hands and the second

parameter suggests that the front door ought to change based on the

month in which the door is erected. there is no harm in this as long as

one does not correlate the construction of Vastu with the bhagya of the

house holder. But if like all Vaastu aficionados you want to do that

then we might have a serious problem on hand.


The only way out is to try to understand the reason that the front door

needs to be located in a particular direction. The position of the

organs of Vastupurusha and the very names of the directions concerned

can provide a direction for locating various parts of the house and

these would obviously depend on the attributes of those directions. For

example, wind blows from North west to southeast in the northern

hemisphere and one does not have to be a great Sanskrit scholar to

correlate the name Vayavya, given to the North West direction to Vayu

meaning air, and so on.


I am sure you will understand why I think the falling of Sun's rays has

a relevance in location of the front door of a Vastu. As I have said

earlier, this is my personal opinion and those more knowledgeable than

me might hold a different opinion in this matter.


Take care,





Bipin Prag wrote:



Jaya Jaganantha


Jay Chandracheckharji



I have had time to think about all of this. I dont have a

reference for this, except as an excerpt from a book. We know that the

Vastu Purusha moves according to three different conditions:


Sthira Vastu - where the head is permanently established toward

the NE

Chara Vastu - where the head changes position every 3

months, and

Nitya Vastu - where the head changes every 3 hours


My simple understanding in selecting the door is that there are

many exalted positions in all the 4 directions that are acceptable.

The Puranas do mention to select the front door according to the

Ascendant of the native. These together with the chart of the house,

can guide us with options for selecting the main entrance.


Im not really following your reasoning as to how the shadow of

the Sun supercedes the selection of the front door over the above,

other than if one had a choice then Sun's rays is another consideration

amongst many.



We have all these various considerations for selecting the front

door. What I want to know is what is the first and most important

consideration and logically there must be the others to follow. So

far, selecting the door based on Ascendant as per Puranas is preferred

over the others.



The other dilemma I have is that how can we consider the Sun's

rays, magnetic flow vs considering the direction that prana flows,

surely these energies are not the same. Am I correct in saying that

Prana is Spiritual energy and Sun's rays (often we use the

Ultra-Violet) and magnetic flow is material energy or is it incorrect

to mix the two paradigms



Thanks again for engaging in this discussion and enlightening us


Best Wishes





On 11/10/06, Chandrashekhar <sharma.chandrashekhar

> wrote:






Dear Bipin,


I am glad you understand my views. Vasturaj Vallabha has made this fact



As to your next question, the answer has to be based more on common

sense than the texts. The texts say that Vastu Purusha was thrown

downwards by the Devas and the body part that was held by a certain

Deva is related to that Deva. If we want to take this statement

literally, then we can not even apply what is said at other parts of

the text. However if you, like me, think that the sages did not even

name anything in vain then one must think why the southeast is called

Agneya, if it does not indicate high degree of heat in that direction.

if we accept my contention then it follows that the South east in

southern hemisphere would not be related to the hottest part and there

fore the indications of Agneya disha (direction) must necessarily shift

to diagonally opposite direction.


I generally do not like to comment on these matters as plain speaking

raises many a hackles. So I suggest everybody should use his common

sense and experience in real life situation to understand his/her own

truth of the complex Vedic sciences.


Take care,




Bipin Prag wrote:



Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Chandrashekhar



Thanks for your reply in providing some perspective. What

you say makes logical sense about the Sun's rays transversing a house

being different in the two hemispheres.


My further question is, does prana also flow in opposite

directions and further does the Vastu Purusha then also move in

opposite directions. Should this be the case, then am I correct in

saying that in the Southern Hemisphere, the Kitchen should be in the

North East and Pooja Room in the South East as examples to clarify this

point of view.


Best Wishes






On 11/3/06, Chandrashekhar <sharma.chandrashekhar

> wrote:






Dear Swee,


I am sorry for the delay in reply. Part of the reason was my reluctance

to speak plain on Vaastu in open forum as my opinion may raise the

hackles of die hard Vaastu fans. I am sure you understand.


The reason that Vaastu in northern and Southern hemisphere will have to

be viewed in different manner is pretty simple, if we understand that

Vaastu is part of Jyotish and Samhitas give much information on them.

Primarily, in my personal view, the treatment of Vaastu is from the

point of view of sound architectural principles based on the flow of

air, hot and cold area etc related to different directions.


I know that for die hard Vaastu aficionados this may sound strange but

this is the conclusion a person can draw when one reads through the

vast literature on Vaastu that is available in Samhitas and other texts

like Vasturaj Vallabh etc. Even the directions Vaayavya, Ishaanya,

Aagneya and Nairutya relate to movement of Air, Cold province hot area



However leaving this controversial part, it is necessary to understand

that in the Northern hemisphere Sun rises to the East, moves in

southernly direction and sets in the West where as in Southern

hemisphere it rises in the east moves in northerly direction and sets

in the west. So the way sun rays will fall in a place at a particular

time of the day will differ and hence the direction of a door. So to

satisfy the condition that a Temple, monastery or house in which the

rays of Sun and air do not enter in the first part of the day is not

auspicious, it is obvious that the direction of the doors will have to

be different in Northern and Southern Hemisphere. same for the

injunction about shadow of a house falling on the well in 2nd and 3rd

part of the day being inauspicious. In both cases the door and well

will have to be located in different direction in the two hemisphere.

If you want the original shlokas indicating this, kindly let me know. I

shall be glad to furnish them.






Swee Chan wrote:




Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Chandrashekharji,



Can you please elaborate on the factors which one has to consider when

living in the Southern Hemisphere and why there should be a difference

and that there are no parameters to consider when living in the East or

the West. I would appreciate it if you can give me references from the






On 10/19/06 11:21 AM, "Chandrashekhar" <sharma.chandrashekhar

> wrote:







Dear Swee,

You are absolutely right. There is no thumb rule as such and the

directions vary from individual to individual. You are also right about

the change of head of Vaastu Purusha. One will also have to factor in

whether one is in northern or southern hemisphere when considering

Vaastu parameters. You are also right about the wood to be used and the

Nakshatra connection with the door. So also Lagna Muhurta.


I know you understand that. My comments were about the mushrooming crop

of Vaastu consultants that you see now a days. Do send me your notes on

other shastras. I would love to read them as I did your notes on






Swee Chan wrote:





Om Gurave Namah


Dear Chandrashekharji,



[it is obvious that the reference is to doors of a house in a Vaastu

and that the direction that a door faces is dependent on the Lagna of

the owner and there is no general direction given as is the practice

amongst modern Vaastu practitioners.]


Thank you the texts in sanskrit. I am using a friend's pc and it comes

out gobbly-gook :| but wanted to clarify the sloka on Vrischikha etc.

and drive home the idea that vastu practitioners do not incorporate

one's natal chart.

The other point is that the vastu purusha's head points in a certain

direction during a particular ritu and this is the time to install the

main door. The choice of wood is also important. The choice of

nakshatra that conglomerates in a pattern at the front door is also

considered. The lagna of the muhurta is also of importance.


My notes from various sashtras on the subject is more than that on

gemstones ;-)
























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Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Chandrashekharji

NamasteThanks for clarifying your points further, the logic you present is a valid consideration and more than that, it is practical and observable.


I guess the best way to establish the efficacy of this is to test it for a short time and see if there are any results. Not sure if this applies to most, but would you say that a safe bet would be to have the front door to face East for most poeple - in this way at least its directed for spirituality as opposed to North facing for Material gain - im speaking generally.



Best Wishes




On 11/15/06, Chandrashekhar <sharma.chandrashekhar wrote:






Dear Bipin,Let me make it clear that I am not a die hard Vastu fan and neither am I an authority on Vaastu, barring having some knowledge of what is given in samhita portion of astrology, like Brihat Samhita, Bhadrabaahu Samhita etc. Therefore my opinions may not always toe the line drawn by Vastu experts. None the less I will try to base my comments on what is available in some text or other and also sound logic.

Vastu Purusha is said to be positioned in only one direction that is the head in NE, feet in SW and joints of hands and feet in NW and SE, with its body in contracted form. For the purpose of location of door, the Solar month, The rasi of the house owner,direction of the mouth of Vatsa depending on Solar month. There is no clear cut position as to which methods supersedes all other methods as some times they give contrary indications.

As to Shadow of the Sun superseding the direction of door, look at it logically. When the direction of door is related to sun being in a certain rasi it is obvious that the Sun's rays will fall in a certain direction in that month and the direction of door is related to that. So if the way Sun moves differs in the two hemisphere, it follows that the parameters for deciding the direction of door in the two hemispheres ought to differ and the relation between the rasi and the direction of the door will change.

As you have yourself said with many parameters it is difficult to understand what parameters to choose for location of the front door. There are two primary parameters one is the rasi of house owner and other is the tenancy of Sun in a rasi. The first would necessitate changing the door every time the house changes hands and the second parameter suggests that the front door ought to change based on the month in which the door is erected. there is no harm in this as long as one does not correlate the construction of Vastu with the bhagya of the house holder. But if like all Vaastu aficionados you want to do that then we might have a serious problem on hand.

The only way out is to try to understand the reason that the front door needs to be located in a particular direction. The position of the organs of Vastupurusha and the very names of the directions concerned can provide a direction for locating various parts of the house and these would obviously depend on the attributes of those directions. For example, wind blows from North west to southeast in the northern hemisphere and one does not have to be a great Sanskrit scholar to correlate the name Vayavya, given to the North West direction to Vayu meaning air, and so on.

I am sure you will understand why I think the falling of Sun's rays has a relevance in location of the front door of a Vastu. As I have said earlier, this is my personal opinion and those more knowledgeable than me might hold a different opinion in this matter. Take care,Chandrashekhar.Bipin Prag wrote:


Jaya Jaganantha


Jay Chandracheckharji



I have had time to think about all of this. I dont have a reference for this, except as an excerpt from a book. We know that the Vastu Purusha moves according to three different conditions:


Sthira Vastu - where the head is permanently established toward the NE

Chara Vastu - where the head changes position every 3 months, and

Nitya Vastu - where the head changes every 3 hours


My simple understanding in selecting the door is that there are many exalted positions in all the 4 directions that are acceptable. The Puranas do mention to select the front door according to the Ascendant of the native. These together with the chart of the house, can guide us with options for selecting the main entrance.


Im not really following your reasoning as to how the shadow of the Sun supercedes the selection of the front door over the above, other than if one had a choice then Sun's rays is another consideration amongst many.


We have all these various considerations for selecting the front door. What I want to know is what is the first and most important consideration and logically there must be the others to follow. So far, selecting the door based on Ascendant as per Puranas is preferred over the others.


The other dilemma I have is that how can we consider the Sun's rays, magnetic flow vs considering the direction that prana flows, surely these energies are not the same. Am I correct in saying that Prana is Spiritual energy and Sun's rays (often we use the Ultra-Violet) and magnetic flow is material energy or is it incorrect to mix the two paradigms


Thanks again for engaging in this discussion and enlightening us


Best Wishes




On 11/10/06, Chandrashekhar <sharma.chandrashekhar > wrote:





Dear Bipin,I am glad you understand my views. Vasturaj Vallabha has made this fact clear. As to your next question, the answer has to be based more on common sense than the texts. The texts say that Vastu Purusha was thrown downwards by the Devas and the body part that was held by a certain Deva is related to that Deva. If we want to take this statement literally, then we can not even apply what is said at other parts of the text. However if you, like me, think that the sages did not even name anything in vain then one must think why the southeast is called Agneya, if it does not indicate high degree of heat in that direction. if we accept my contention then it follows that the South east in southern hemisphere would not be related to the hottest part and there fore the indications of Agneya disha (direction) must necessarily shift to diagonally opposite direction. I generally do not like to comment on these matters as plain speaking raises many a hackles. So I suggest everybody should use his common sense and experience in real life situation to understand his/her own truth of the complex Vedic sciences. Take care,Chandrashekhar.

Bipin Prag wrote:


Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Chandrashekhar



Thanks for your reply in providing some perspective. What you say makes logical sense about the Sun's rays transversing a house being different in the two hemispheres.


My further question is, does prana also flow in opposite directions and further does the Vastu Purusha then also move in opposite directions. Should this be the case, then am I correct in saying that in the Southern Hemisphere, the Kitchen should be in the North East and Pooja Room in the South East as examples to clarify this point of view.


Best Wishes




On 11/3/06, Chandrashekhar <sharma.chandrashekhar > wrote:





Dear Swee,I am sorry for the delay in reply. Part of the reason was my reluctance to speak plain on Vaastu in open forum as my opinion may raise the hackles of die hard Vaastu fans. I am sure you understand. The reason that Vaastu in northern and Southern hemisphere will have to be viewed in different manner is pretty simple, if we understand that Vaastu is part of Jyotish and Samhitas give much information on them. Primarily, in my personal view, the treatment of Vaastu is from the point of view of sound architectural principles based on the flow of air, hot and cold area etc related to different directions. I know that for die hard Vaastu aficionados this may sound strange but this is the conclusion a person can draw when one reads through the vast literature on Vaastu that is available in Samhitas and other texts like Vasturaj Vallabh etc. Even the directions Vaayavya, Ishaanya, Aagneya and Nairutya relate to movement of Air, Cold province hot area etc. However leaving this controversial part, it is necessary to understand that in the Northern hemisphere Sun rises to the East, moves in southernly direction and sets in the West where as in Southern hemisphere it rises in the east moves in northerly direction and sets in the west. So the way sun rays will fall in a place at a particular time of the day will differ and hence the direction of a door. So to satisfy the condition that a Temple, monastery or house in which the rays of Sun and air do not enter in the first part of the day is not auspicious, it is obvious that the direction of the doors will have to be different in Northern and Southern Hemisphere. same for the injunction about shadow of a house falling on the well in 2nd and 3rd part of the day being inauspicious. In both cases the door and well will have to be located in different direction in the two hemisphere. If you want the original shlokas indicating this, kindly let me know. I shall be glad to furnish them. Love,Chandrashekhar.

Swee Chan wrote:


Jaya JagannathaDear Chandrashekharji,NamasteCan you please elaborate on the factors which one has to consider when living in the Southern Hemisphere and why there should be a difference and that there are no parameters to consider when living in the East or the West. I would appreciate it if you can give me references from the sashtras. Love,SweeOn 10/19/06 11:21 AM, " Chandrashekhar " <sharma.chandrashekhar > wrote:

Dear Swee,You are absolutely right. There is no thumb rule as such and the directions vary from individual to individual. You are also right about the change of head of Vaastu Purusha. One will also have to factor in whether one is in northern or southern hemisphere when considering Vaastu parameters. You are also right about the wood to be used and the Nakshatra connection with the door. So also Lagna Muhurta. I know you understand that. My comments were about the mushrooming crop of Vaastu consultants that you see now a days. Do send me your notes on other shastras. I would love to read them as I did your notes on Gemstones. Love,Chandrashekhar.Swee Chan wrote:

Om Gurave Namah Dear Chandrashekharji,Namaste [it is obvious that the reference is to doors of a house in a Vaastu and that the direction that a door faces is dependent on the Lagna of the owner and there is no general direction given as is the practice amongst modern Vaastu practitioners.] Thank you the texts in sanskrit. I am using a friend's pc and it comes out gobbly-gook :| but wanted to clarify the sloka on Vrischikha etc. and drive home the idea that vastu practitioners do not incorporate one's natal chart. The other point is that the vastu purusha's head points in a certain direction during a particular ritu and this is the time to install the main door. The choice of wood is also important. The choice of nakshatra that conglomerates in a pattern at the front door is also considered. The lagna of the muhurta is also of importance. My notes from various sashtras on the subject is more than that on gemstones ;-) love, Swee

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Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Swee

Hare Krishna

Thanks for correcting me - I overlooked it, but did qualify my statement - cant wait for the Vishnudharmottara and other puranas. On the one hand Ive learnt many basics of Vastu from various books, but the writers have often let me down with incorrect info - looks like im gonna put them away for a while.








On 11/16/06, Swee Chan <sweechan wrote:






Jaya JagannathaDear Bipin,Hare Krishna1 ritu (season) is two months. Basics! Where did you get 3?Love,Swee

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Dear Bipin,


I agree with you that East is the best direction to have, if possible.


Take care,




Bipin Prag wrote:



Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Chandrashekharji



Thanks for clarifying your points further, the logic you present is a

valid consideration and more than that, it is practical and observable.


I guess the best way to establish the efficacy of this is to

test it for a short time and see if there are any results. Not sure if

this applies to most, but would you say that a safe bet would be to

have the front door to face East for most poeple - in this way at least

its directed for spirituality as opposed to North facing for Material

gain - im speaking generally.



Best Wishes




On 11/15/06, Chandrashekhar <sharma.chandrashekhar >







Dear Bipin,


Let me make it clear that I am not a die hard Vastu fan and neither am

I an authority on Vaastu, barring having some knowledge of what is

given in samhita portion of astrology, like Brihat Samhita, Bhadrabaahu

Samhita etc. Therefore my opinions may not always toe the line drawn by

Vastu experts. None the less I will try to base my comments on what is

available in some text or other and also sound logic.



Vastu Purusha is said to be positioned in only one direction that is

the head in NE, feet in SW and joints of hands and feet in NW and SE,

with its body in contracted form.


For the purpose of location of door, the Solar month, The rasi of the

house owner,direction of the mouth of Vatsa depending on Solar month.

There is no clear cut position as to which methods supersedes all other

methods as some times they give contrary indications.



As to Shadow of the Sun superseding the direction of door, look at it

logically. When the direction of door is related to sun being in a

certain rasi it is obvious that the Sun's rays will fall in a certain

direction in that month and the direction of door is related to that.

So if the way Sun moves differs in the two hemisphere, it follows that

the parameters for deciding the direction of door in the two

hemispheres ought to differ and the relation between the rasi and the

direction of the door will change.



As you have yourself said with many parameters it is difficult to

understand what parameters to choose for location of the front door.

There are two primary parameters one is the rasi of house owner and

other is the tenancy of Sun in a rasi. The first would necessitate

changing the door every time the house changes hands and the second

parameter suggests that the front door ought to change based on the

month in which the door is erected. there is no harm in this as long as

one does not correlate the construction of Vastu with the bhagya of the

house holder. But if like all Vaastu aficionados you want to do that

then we might have a serious problem on hand.



The only way out is to try to understand the reason that the front door

needs to be located in a particular direction. The position of the

organs of Vastupurusha and the very names of the directions concerned

can provide a direction for locating various parts of the house and

these would obviously depend on the attributes of those directions. For

example, wind blows from North west to southeast in the northern

hemisphere and one does not have to be a great Sanskrit scholar to

correlate the name Vayavya, given to the North West direction to Vayu

meaning air, and so on.



I am sure you will understand why I think the falling of Sun's rays has

a relevance in location of the front door of a Vastu. As I have said

earlier, this is my personal opinion and those more knowledgeable than

me might hold a different opinion in this matter.



Take care,





Bipin Prag wrote:



Jaya Jaganantha


Jay Chandracheckharji



I have had time to think about all of this. I dont have a

reference for this, except as an excerpt from a book. We know that the

Vastu Purusha moves according to three different conditions:


Sthira Vastu - where the head is permanently established

toward the NE

Chara Vastu - where the head changes position every 3

months, and

Nitya Vastu - where the head changes every 3 hours


My simple understanding in selecting the door is that there

are many exalted positions in all the 4 directions that are

acceptable. The Puranas do mention to select the front door according

to the Ascendant of the native. These together with the chart of the

house, can guide us with options for selecting the main entrance.


Im not really following your reasoning as to how the shadow

of the Sun supercedes the selection of the front door over the above,

other than if one had a choice then Sun's rays is another consideration

amongst many.


We have all these various considerations for selecting the

front door. What I want to know is what is the first and most

important consideration and logically there must be the others to

follow. So far, selecting the door based on Ascendant as per Puranas

is preferred over the others.


The other dilemma I have is that how can we consider the

Sun's rays, magnetic flow vs considering the direction that prana

flows, surely these energies are not the same. Am I correct in saying

that Prana is Spiritual energy and Sun's rays (often we use the

Ultra-Violet) and magnetic flow is material energy or is it incorrect

to mix the two paradigms


Thanks again for engaging in this discussion and

enlightening us


Best Wishes





On 11/10/06, Chandrashekhar <sharma.chandrashekhar

> wrote:






Dear Bipin,


I am glad you understand my views. Vasturaj Vallabha has made this fact



As to your next question, the answer has to be based more on common

sense than the texts. The texts say that Vastu Purusha was thrown

downwards by the Devas and the body part that was held by a certain

Deva is related to that Deva. If we want to take this statement

literally, then we can not even apply what is said at other parts of

the text. However if you, like me, think that the sages did not even

name anything in vain then one must think why the southeast is called

Agneya, if it does not indicate high degree of heat in that direction.

if we accept my contention then it follows that the South east in

southern hemisphere would not be related to the hottest part and there

fore the indications of Agneya disha (direction) must necessarily shift

to diagonally opposite direction.


I generally do not like to comment on these matters as plain speaking

raises many a hackles. So I suggest everybody should use his common

sense and experience in real life situation to understand his/her own

truth of the complex Vedic sciences.


Take care,




Bipin Prag wrote:



Jaya Jaganantha


Dear Chandrashekhar



Thanks for your reply in providing some perspective.

What you say makes logical sense about the Sun's rays transversing a

house being different in the two hemispheres.


My further question is, does prana also flow in opposite

directions and further does the Vastu Purusha then also move in

opposite directions. Should this be the case, then am I correct in

saying that in the Southern Hemisphere, the Kitchen should be in the

North East and Pooja Room in the South East as examples to clarify this

point of view.


Best Wishes






On 11/3/06, Chandrashekhar <sharma.chandrashekhar

> wrote:






Dear Swee,


I am sorry for the delay in reply. Part of the reason was my reluctance

to speak plain on Vaastu in open forum as my opinion may raise the

hackles of die hard Vaastu fans. I am sure you understand.


The reason that Vaastu in northern and Southern hemisphere will have to

be viewed in different manner is pretty simple, if we understand that

Vaastu is part of Jyotish and Samhitas give much information on them.

Primarily, in my personal view, the treatment of Vaastu is from the

point of view of sound architectural principles based on the flow of

air, hot and cold area etc related to different directions.


I know that for die hard Vaastu aficionados this may sound strange but

this is the conclusion a person can draw when one reads through the

vast literature on Vaastu that is available in Samhitas and other texts

like Vasturaj Vallabh etc. Even the directions Vaayavya, Ishaanya,

Aagneya and Nairutya relate to movement of Air, Cold province hot area



However leaving this controversial part, it is necessary to understand

that in the Northern hemisphere Sun rises to the East, moves in

southernly direction and sets in the West where as in Southern

hemisphere it rises in the east moves in northerly direction and sets

in the west. So the way sun rays will fall in a place at a particular

time of the day will differ and hence the direction of a door. So to

satisfy the condition that a Temple, monastery or house in which the

rays of Sun and air do not enter in the first part of the day is not

auspicious, it is obvious that the direction of the doors will have to

be different in Northern and Southern Hemisphere. same for the

injunction about shadow of a house falling on the well in 2nd and 3rd

part of the day being inauspicious. In both cases the door and well

will have to be located in different direction in the two hemisphere.

If you want the original shlokas indicating this, kindly let me know. I

shall be glad to furnish them.






Swee Chan wrote:




Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Chandrashekharji,



Can you please elaborate on the factors which one has to consider when

living in the Southern Hemisphere and why there should be a difference

and that there are no parameters to consider when living in the East or

the West. I would appreciate it if you can give me references from the






On 10/19/06 11:21 AM, "Chandrashekhar" <sharma.chandrashekhar

> wrote:







Dear Swee,

You are absolutely right. There is no thumb rule as such and the

directions vary from individual to individual. You are also right about

the change of head of Vaastu Purusha. One will also have to factor in

whether one is in northern or southern hemisphere when considering

Vaastu parameters. You are also right about the wood to be used and the

Nakshatra connection with the door. So also Lagna Muhurta.


I know you understand that. My comments were about the mushrooming crop

of Vaastu consultants that you see now a days. Do send me your notes on

other shastras. I would love to read them as I did your notes on






Swee Chan wrote:





Om Gurave Namah


Dear Chandrashekharji,



[it is obvious that the reference is to doors of a house in a Vaastu

and that the direction that a door faces is dependent on the Lagna of

the owner and there is no general direction given as is the practice

amongst modern Vaastu practitioners.]


Thank you the texts in sanskrit. I am using a friend's pc and it comes

out gobbly-gook :| but wanted to clarify the sloka on Vrischikha etc.

and drive home the idea that vastu practitioners do not incorporate

one's natal chart.

The other point is that the vastu purusha's head points in a certain

direction during a particular ritu and this is the time to install the

main door. The choice of wood is also important. The choice of

nakshatra that conglomerates in a pattern at the front door is also

considered. The lagna of the muhurta is also of importance.


My notes from various sashtras on the subject is more than that on

gemstones ;-)


































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