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Consorts of Dasa Mahavidyas Given in Todala Tantra

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> Great... so because crows are black, as is Krishna's complexion, so

> Crows and Krishna are both Moon. People here know better than that.


I never talked of superficial things such as " complexion " . Moreover, you are

replacing Kaalika with crows in your sircasm and making fun really of Tantra and



* * *


> Here's another list for you from Todala Tantra:


> <see below for list>


> These are the Mahavidya (left) and their spouses (right side). See that

> Mahatripurasundari's spouse is Somanatha, and surely the name Soma-Natha

> implies that he is the Jyotirlinga associated with the Moon. But in your

> list Moon is Kali, so where are we at now with the logic you used and

> the list you have derived?


Instead of getting caught in superficial and extraneous factors, let us go to

the crux.


Mahavidyas and their consorts are not showing the same thing, but two different

things that have a synergy. The list of planets mapping to mahavidyas and those

mapping to mahavidya consorts will accordingly have to be different. I will

elaborate with examples.


Each mahavidya represents one form of liberating supreme knowledge that helps

one overcome duality and become liberated, starting from different vantage

points within duality and approaching liberation from them. Consorts are the

factors that aid in that approach.


* * *


For example, Kaali is equated to Krishna by Munda Maalaa Tantra and Krishna is

equated to Moon by Parasara. So Kaali is shown by Moon. From the perspective of

Moon (mind), this duality is a very troublesome temptation and the way to

overcome it is to realize its impermanence and destroy the duality so that it

cannot tempt again.


During this process, the ideal companion of Moon is Saturn (vairagya and

discipline). So the consort of Kaali shown by Moon is Mahakala shown by Saturn.


Take Taaraa. She is equated to Raama by Munda Maalaa Tantra and Raama is equated

to Sun by Parasara. So Taaraa is shown by Sun. From the perspective of Sun

(soul), this duality is an ocean of delusion that needs to be waded across to

reach the supreme cosmic soul.


During this process, the ideal companion of Sun is Jupiter (intelligence and

discrimination). Just as rajaguru (Jupiter) guides king (Sun), the intellect and

discrimination will aid soul in the process of wading the ocean of duality and

reaching the supreme. So the consort of Taaraa shown by Sun is Akshobhya shown

by Jupiter.


Take Chhinnamasta. She is equated to Bhaargava Raama by Munda Maalaa Tantra and

Bhaargava Raama is equated to Venus by Parasara. So Chhinnamasta is shown by

Venus. From the perspective of Venus (enjoyment), this duality needs to be

enjoyed and not run away from. The symbolism behind Chhinnamasta depicted

accompanied by a naked couple in copulation and associates drinking wine is that

nothing is impure and all is Brahman. That is the take of Venus (enjoyment).


During this process, the ideal companion of Venus (enjoyment) is Ketu

(detachment and egolessness). Only when the enjoyment is gone through without

ego and identification can it be conducive to liberation. So the consort of

Chhinnamasta shown by Venus is Shiva-Kabandha shown by Ketu. Kabandha means the

headless one.


As Dhumaavati is shown by Jupiter (dhee, i.e. intellect and discrimination),

there is no need for a companion. If the force of dhee is there, one realizes

that all is god and does not distinguish between good and bad, happy and sad etc

and becomes liberated easily. One with a strong aatmabala or manobala can waver

and may need supplementing influences, but one with a strong dheeshakti is fine.

There is no supplementing influence.


* * *


Now let us take your example. Mahatripuarasundari is equated to Kalki by Munda

Mala Tantra and Kalki is equated to lagna by Maharshi Parasara. So Tripura is



While Sun and Moon show the soul and mind, lagna shows the individualized

consciousness through which we operate in the world. It includes body and more.

It is lagna through which we act in the world. From the point of view of lagna,

duality is to be overcome by doing what is expected from us by Nature and

engaging in actions. Tripura personifies the supreme liberating knowledge of

using the individualized consciousness to engage in perfect actions in the world

to liberate oneself.


Now, the most useful companion of lagna in this process is Moon (mind). The

actor within you (lagna) needs mind as mind tells the actor what to do. Thus,

the ideal companion of lagna is Moon. Accordingly, the consort of

Mahatripurasundari shown by lagna is Somanatha shown by Moon.


* * *


You can find similar logic for all of them. Here is the full list:


1. Kaali (Moon) - Mahaa Kaala (Saturn)

2. Taaraa (Sun) - Akshobhya (Jupiter)

3. Mahatripurisundari (Lagna) - Somanaatha (Moon)

4. Bhuvaneswari (Rahu) - Tryambaka (Venus)

5. Bhairavi (Mars) - Dakshinaamurti (Sun)

6. Chhinamastaa (Venus) - Shiva-Kabandha (Ketu)

7. Dhumavati (Jupiter) - None

8. Bagalaamukhi (Saturn) - Mahaa Rudra (Mars)

9. Maatangi (Mercury) - Shiva Maatanga (Rahu)

10. Kamalatmika (Ketu) - Vishnurupi Sadaashiva (Mercury)


Short notes on the ones I did not cover before:


Bhairavi represents the path of Mars, i.e. viewing the duality as a challenge

that needs to be fought hard and fearlessly and not fear anything, including

death and pain. The ideal companion is aatmabala, represented by Sun, just as a

good king (Sun) is an ideal supplement for a good commander (Mars).


Bagalaamukhi represents the path of Saturn, i.e. viewing the duality as that

which results from one's own weaknesses, sins and internal enemies and seeing a

conquest of internal enemies as the key to overcoming duality. The fighting

spirit represented by Mars is the ideal companion in the process of overcoming

enemies. Mahaa Rudra shown by Mars is hence the consort of Bagalamukhi.


Maatangi represents the path of Mercury, i.e. viewing the duality as that which

needs to be learnt, understood, mastered and then overcome. Free thinking

without boundaries, represented by Rahu, is the ideal companion in this path.

Maatanga means free spirited one or free roamer and Shiva Maatanga is such a

form of Shiva. He is the consort of Maatangi.


* * *


Friends, there may be an outcry to my writings from astrologers used to a

different planet-mahavidya map (which is NOT sanctioned by any scripture and yet

popular today in some circles). I may not be able to respond to all the mails.


But please do bear in mind that there is a simple and uniform philosophy behind

the concept of Mahavidyas. Flowery expositions without a uniform philosophy and

even a basic uniform understanding of what Mahavidyas are for are useless. If

you are told logic like " Tripurasundari holds sugarcane. Mercury shows sugar

cane. So Tripurasundari is shown by Mercury " , reject such superficial logic. If

somebody tells you that a mahavidya is for winning lawsuits or for getting power

or getting wealth, reject such things.


Please remember that mahavidyas are forms of *supreme liberating knowledge*. The

path to liberation looks different from the point of view of different planets.


Best regards,



Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

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Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org



sohamsa , Visti Larsen <visti wrote:


> ??? ??? ?????

> Dear Narasimha, Namaskar.

> Great... so because crows are black, as is Krishna's complexion, so

> Crows and Krishna are both Moon. People here know better than that.

> Here's another list for you from Todala Tantra:


> 1. Dakshina/Kali - MahaKaal

> 2. Tara - Akshobya

> 3. Mahatripurisundari - Panchanan/Somanath

> 4. Bhuvaneswari - Tryambaka

> 5. Bhairavi - Dakshinamurti

> 6. Chinamaste - Shiva-Kabandha

> 7. Dhumavati -

> 8. Bagalamukhi - Maharudra

> 9. Matangi - Shiva Matanga

> 10. Kamalatmika - Sadashiva


> These are the Mahavidya (left) and their spouses (right side). See that

> Mahatripurasundari's spouse is Somanatha, and surely the name Soma-Natha

> implies that he is the Jyotirlinga associated with the Moon. But in your

> list Moon is Kali, so where are we at now with the logic you used and

> the list you have derived?

> Again I re-iterate that the logic you have used is not right as it

> cannot be replicated.

> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

> ----------

> Jyotish Guru (Vedic Astrologer)

> www: http://srigaruda.com

> @: visti


> Narasimha P.V.R. Rao skrev:

> >

> >

> > Namaste friends,

> >

> > > Narasimha's list is his own invention...

> >

> > Parasara *equated* planets to dasavataras of Vishnu in Brihat

> > Paaraasara Horaa Saastram, an authoritative Jyotish treatise.

> >

> > As you can see in the verse quoted by Narayan below, dasavataras of

> > Vishnu are *equated* to dasa mahavidyas in Munda Maalaa Tantra, a

> > respected tantra treatise regarding mahavidyas. For example,

> > " kR^iShnastu kaalikaa saakShaat raamamUrtishca taariNI " literally

> > means " Krishna is literally Kaalika and Rama is Taarini " . In Hindi, it

> > can be translated as " Krishen ji to saakshaat Kaalika hain aur Raam ji

> > Taarini hain " .

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > If a and b are *equated* and also b and c are *equated*, it is logical

> > to infer that a and c can be equated.

> >

> > It is mischievous to label this logical inference as my " own

> > invention " . The philosophical justification of the mapping is mine,

> > but the list is NOT my invention.

> >

> > Those who want to accept the list given by author Bhattacharya, who,

> > according to Sarbani, does not quote a scriptural basis for his list,

> > are free to do so. But it is mischievous to call what I gave as my

> > " own invention " .

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

> >

> > sohamsa <sohamsa >, Visti

> > Larsen <visti@> wrote:

> > >

> > > ??? ??? ?????

> > > Dear Sarbani and Swee, Namaskar.

> > > The verse that Narayan Iyer has given mentions nothing about the Graha

> > > corresponding to the Mahavidya. The verse is otherwise mentioned in

> > MANY

> > > tantras and is a well known one which shows which Mahavidya corresponds

> > > to which Vishnu Avatara.

> > > Narasimha has merely inferred the Graha linkages and therefore the list

> > > is his own research and is NOT supported by any treatise at all.

> > > In fact everyone SHOULD be encouraged to follow the list given by Sri

> > > Jyotirbhushan Bhattacharya, as he HAS given a direct list of Graha and

> > > corresponding Mahavidya. Narasimha's list is his own invention... the

> > > sloka mentions nothing about the graha linkages.

> > >

> > > Just because Parasara equates Sun to Rama we should think Sun should

> > > also be Tarini as per the Mahavidya-Vishnu avatara link? This is not a

> > > proper logic, in fact when we were taught the Agni Purana on the second

> > > year of Jaimini Sutras, and the names of Vishnu therein, we saw a

> > > completely different concept of mapping of the grahas to the name of

> > the

> > > avataras.

> > > This mapping that Narasimha has suggested is simply not acceptable

> > as it

> > > is too simple an explanation, and doesn't bring out the real importance

> > > as to how the Mahavidya and Vishnu Avatara are connected. I.e. how the

> > > left foot corresponds to Tara and the right hand corresponds to Rama,

> > > whilst the right foot is Kali and the left hand is Krishna and how the

> > > hands and feet walk together in sync showing the Gati (feet) and karma

> > > (hands) that are connected. This itself was taught to us on the

> > first year.

> > > Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

> > > ----------

> > > Jyotish Guru (Vedic Astrologer)

> > > www: http://srigaruda.com <http://srigaruda.com>

> > > @: visti@


Original mail:


> Dear Narayan,


> Thanks for the verse from Munda Maalaa Tantra. Out of all planet-mahavidya

> mappings I have seen, this is the most philosophically sound mapping.


> Sun - Taaraa - Raama

> Moon - Kaali - Krishna

> Mars - Bhairavi - Nrisimha

> Mercury - Maatangi - Buddha

> Jupiter - Dhumaavati - Vaamana

> Venus - Chhinnamastaa - Bhaargava Rama

> Saturn - Bagalamukhi - Koorma

> Rahu - Bhuvaneswari - Varaaha

> Ketu - Kamala - Matsya


> * * *


> Vidya is knowledge. Mahavidya is supreme knowledge. Dasa mahavidyas are the

> ten highest forms of knowledge that take us to moksha or liberation,

> approaching from different angles. Other kinds of knowledge (e.g.

> mathematics, physics, astronomy, astrology, grammar etc) do not liberate us.

> But these ten kinds of knowledge liberate us. The deities (names and forms

> described in books for ten mahavidyas) are personifications of those ten

> types of supreme knowledge that liberate us.


> * * *


> Please note one thing here. Moksha means overcoming the maayaa of the

> duality around us. Seeing some things as desirable, some as undesirable,

> some as pleasurable, some as painful, some as beautiful, some as ugly etc is

> what binds us. Overcoming the duality and seeing all as Brahman is

> liberation or moksha.


> Different planets represent different aspects of our selves. The duality

> around us and the way to overcome it seem different from different angles.

> From the point of view of individual soul (Sun), this maayaa is something

> that needs to be overcome by crossing and reaching the other end (supreme

> cosmic soul). From the point of view of mind (Moon), this duality is

> something that clouds the vision and needs to be destroyed so that it cannot

> tempt again. From the point of view of the intellect/discrimination/dhee

> (Jupiter), it issomething that is non-existent anyway ( " so what was the

> problem in the first place? " ), like shapes made of smoke. From the point of

> view of initiative and energy within us (Mars), it is something that needs

> to be fought hard and fearlessly. From the point of view of the learning

> ability within us (Mercury), it is something that needs to be learnt and

> understood fully so that we can overcome it. From the point of view of

> enjoyment and happiness (Venus), it is something that needs to be accepted

> and enjoyed and not something to fear or avoid ( " after all, all is Brahman.

> Then why stay away from enjoyments? " ). And so on.


> But remember one important thing. Whichever approach is taken to overcoming

> duality, the end result is the same. One first masters the approach. It

> becomes part of one's common sense and thinking. One eventually overcomes

> duality. One becomes self-realized and becomes liberated. That end result is

> the same irrespective of the approach chosen.


> * * *


> Sun is the soul within us. The highest form of knowledge coming from delving

> deep into this aspect is what makes one wade (tar=swim/wade/cross) the ocean

> of delusion and get to the source. If you master the knowledge that helps

> one view the world as an ocean that needs to be crossed to reach the

> supreme, other things will follow and you eventually get liberation. Taaraa

> personifies this knowledge.


> Moon is the mind within us. The highest form of knowledge coming from

> delving deep into this aspect is an understanding of attachments and

> desires, their impermanence and how to kill them. If you master the

> knowledge that kills all attachments and desires and gives perfect control

> on the mind, other things will follow and you eventually get liberation.

> Kaali personifies this knowledge.


> Mars is the energy and initiative within us. The highest form of knowledge

> coming from delving deep into this aspect is what gives one fearlessness of

> anything in the universe. If you master the knowledge that makes you utterly

> fearless and you do not fear anything (including death or pain!) other

> things will follow and you eventually get liberation. Bhairavi personifies

> this knowledge.


> Mercury is knowledge and learning ability within us. The highest form of

> knowledge coming from delving deep into this aspect is what gives one

> learning of various topics. If you master the knowledge that give you

> mastery of all kinds of learning through logical and rational thinking,

> other things will follow and you eventually get liberation. Maatangi

> personifies this knowledge. In fact, some people associate Maatangi with

> Saraswati. Saraswati is also known as " Maatanga Kanya " .


> Jupiter is the intellect, wisdom and discrimination (dhee shakti) within us.

> The highest form of knowledge coming from delving deep into this aspect is

> that all is delusion. The individual soul and individual mind and everything

> they perceive is just an illusion. All that is there is Brahman. Any other

> perceptions, of various good or bad things, are just a delusion, like

> figures made of smoke. If you master the knowledge that makes your intellect

> shine, you will realize that the entire world is a delusion and not deluded

> by anything anymore. Then other things will follow and you eventually get

> liberation. Dhumaavati personifies this knowledge.


> Venus is the spirit of enjoyment and bliss. The highest form of knowledge

> coming from delving deep into this aspect is what makes one egoless and

> blissful. If you master the knowledge that makes you utterly fearless and

> you do not fear anything, including death or pain, other things will follow

> and you eventually get liberation. Chhinnamasta personifies this knowledge.

> She is depicted as a deity holding her own severed head, standing near a

> naked couple in copulation and surrounded by associates who are drinking

> wine. One mastering this knowledge need not stay away from any pleasures,

> but one learns to see god even those pleasures. However, pleasure obtained

> with an ego ( " *I* am enjoying this act or object " ) binds. The headless state

> symbolizes egolessness. If one has overcome I-ness, pleasures are not

> binding. One not thinking in terms of " *I* am enjoying " but having no sense

> of " I " can live life without running away from any pleasures or undertaking

> any austerities and yet become liberated.


> Saturn is the spirit of hard work within us. He also represents our

> weaknesses and sins. The highest form of knowledge coming from delving deep

> into this aspect is what makes us realize our internal enemies and destroy

> them. If you master the knowledge that makes you overcome weaknesses such as

> laziness and internal enemies such as lust, anger, greed, jealosy etc, other

> things will follow and you eventually get liberation. Bagalamukhi

> personifies this knowledge. Most of her mantras ask to destroy enemies and

> so people foolishly think that she is the one who gives success in

> litigation and worship her for court cases. This is like going to a king to

> ask for two spoons of sugar for your milk. You go to the king for bigger

> things and a neighbor is enough for giving you two spoons of sugar. The

> enemies destroyed by Bagalamukhi are internal enemies and your own laziness.

> Remember, she is a mahavidya, i.e. a type of supreme knowledge that

> liberates you!


> Rahu is the spirit of material well-being within us. Rahu is the one who

> binds us to rebirth (this is why Saturn showing sins and Rahu showing

> rebirth are important in the death chart). The highest form of knowledge

> coming from delving deep into this aspect is what gives us worldly success

> in a dhaarmik way. If you master the knowledge that makes you materially

> successful in a dharmik way, you become successful and fulfil all your

> duties and debts in the world and eventually get liberation. Bhuvaneswari

> personifies this knowledge.


> Ketu is the spirit of of detachment and Vedic knowledge within us. The

> highest form of knowledge coming from delving deep into this aspect is the

> essense of Veda. If you master the knowledge that enables you to be in

> oneness with the supreme cosmic being, you eventually get liberation. Kamala

> (Mahaalakshmi) personifies this knowledge. According to saptashati rahasya

> also, Mahaalakshmi is the Aadyaa (the first One). She is the energy of

> supreme cosmic being. She divides Herself into 3 parts - Mahaakaali,

> Mahaalakshmi and MahaaSaraswati and they create Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and

> their consorts. Kamala represents the knowledge of the supreme cosmic energy

> of the supreme cosmic being.


> * * *


> One of the above is not superior to the other. Depending on your vasanas

> (mental conditioning), attitudes, likes and dislikes, depending on which

> aspect of your personality dominates over other aspects (the sinfulness and

> weaknesses? or the interest in learning things? or the spirit of fighting?

> or the sense of enjoyment? etc), one Mahavidya may be more suitable than

> others, as that knowledge uses your strong aspect and moulds that aspect to

> take you towards liberation. Do not compare them. Take the one that is most

> suitable, but do master that aspect.


> * * *


> There are some who do Dasa Mahavidya sadhana by doing one Mahavidya's mantra

> for one month, then switch to another and so on. They think that by doing

> each mahavidya mantra for a certain count, they " finish " the mahavidya

> sadhana. This is wrong and serves no useful purpose. Instead, one should

> pick any ONE mahavidya and succeed in that sadhana. The definition of

> success is that the knowledge represented by that deity becomes part of your

> common sense - you understand that knowledge and ooze that knowledge in your

> thoughts and actions. Whether you experience the deity as an external

> human-like form (who may impart some knowledge to you) or as an internal

> human-like form or as light or as sound is secondary, but the end result

> should be that the knowledge represented by Her should become common sense

> and second nature to you. One claiming visions or siddhi of a mahavidya but

> not showing the corresponding knowledge is bluffing.


> There are many people who do mahavidya sadhana and yet many others who claim

> to have siddhi in one or more mahavidyas, but very few who actually possess

> any of the ten mahavidyas. The area of mahavidya sadhana is one of the most

> ill-understood in today's age of ignorance and half-baked knowledge. It is

> easier to possess lower vidyas or lower shaktis, but mahavidyas are beyond

> the capability of understanding for most people.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha




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Hare Rama Krishna


Namastestu Mahamaye...


Dear Narsimha,


(Narasimha) Friends, there may be an outcry to my writings from astrologers

used to a different planet-mahavidya map (which is NOT sanctioned by any

scripture and yet popular today in some circles). I may not be able to

respond to all the mails.


An outcry??? Regarding what?? No, no you have got the wrong end of the stick

here. The planet-mahavidya mapping is used by many priests and pundits who

are in no way associated with SJC. They even have them up in their websites.

So please do not start an agenda of saying this is " SJC " 's

version/unsanctioned etc. Let us instead have an intellectual theological

debate, which is far more interesting. YOU can say that though in practice

most priests and books follow a certain norm of planet-mahavidya

co-relation, but on reflection a different order appeals to you and you are

sharing that with us.


Mundamala Tantra is just one of the tantras, and not the top of the rung. It

would be interesting to see what the Mahanirvan, the Gyanarnava, the

Pranatoshini, the Mahanil, the Kularnava tantras and specially the Yamala

texts have to say on this. I am delighted that you have at last succumbed to

Devi worship. I remember 2-3 years back in Boston you rejected all kinds of

Devi worship including the Sri Sri Chandi.


Mahavidya is THE supreme knowledge. When you write:


(Narasimha) From the perspective of Venus (enjoyment), this duality needs to

be enjoyed and not run away from. The symbolism behind Chhinnamasta depicted

accompanied by a naked couple in copulation and associates drinking wine is

that nothing is impure and all is Brahman. That is the take of Venus



Correctly you have pointed out that we should not be superficial. To say

that the symbolism behind the copulating couple in Chhinnamasta's

iconography is about enjoyment is highly superficial. You have missed the

boat here. Chhinnamasta is all about suppressing that. There have been many

works by renowned scholars in both east and the west on this. There is

surely nothing wrong with Venus. The problem occurs when Rahu is associated

Venus. That's when we talk of re-directing that undesirable carnal energy.

Chhinnamasta represents that unleashed carnality of Rahu. Venus on the other

hand is the purest of them all. After all he gets exalted in the sign of

maharishis. Venus has the capacity to bloom like the lotus from the cesspool

like mud of life. At a deeper level, this blooming of the lotus is really

the blooming of our soul, the awakening. That is why the Sharadatilaka

tantra advises us to worship Kamalatmika in water as the sun rises. In her

mantra she is addressed as Jagatprasutyai ...the one who gives birth h to

this world. I think you need to work a little more on this, and I am sure

Mother will show the way. There are fantastic works done on the mahavidyas

by many exponents from the different gurukuls of India, though of course no

one writes the really deeper level experiences which can only stem from



Incidentally, there are many quiet members in these lists who are extremely

spiritual and any of whom have years of experience in devi worship. I appeal

to them to share their experiences with us.


Best Regards,


Sarbani Rath


Homepage: <http://sarbani.com/> http://sarbani.com


Sagittarius Publications: <http://sagittariuspublications.com/>



Sohamsa: <http://sohamsa.com/> http://sohamsa.com


Sri Jagannath Centre: <http://.org/> http://.org




sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of

Narasimha P.V.R. Rao

09 June 2009 09:48

sohamsa ; ;

vedic astrology ;

Consorts of Dasa Mahavidyas Given in Todala Tantra













> Great... so because crows are black, as is Krishna's complexion, so

> Crows and Krishna are both Moon. People here know better than that.



I never talked of superficial things such as " complexion " . Moreover, you are

replacing Kaalika with crows in your sircasm and making fun really of Tantra

and Parasara.




* * *




> Here's another list for you from Todala Tantra:


> <see below for list>



> These are the Mahavidya (left) and their spouses (right side). See that

> Mahatripurasundari's spouse is Somanatha, and surely the name Soma-Natha

> implies that he is the Jyotirlinga associated with the Moon. But in your

> list Moon is Kali, so where are we at now with the logic you used and

> the list you have derived?



Instead of getting caught in superficial and extraneous factors, let us go

to the crux.




Mahavidyas and their consorts are not showing the same thing, but two

different things that have a synergy. The list of planets mapping to

mahavidyas and those mapping to mahavidya consorts will accordingly have to

be different. I will elaborate with examples.




Each mahavidya represents one form of liberating supreme knowledge that

helps one overcome duality and become liberated, starting from different

vantage points within duality and approaching liberation from them. Consorts

are the factors that aid in that approach.




* * *




For example, Kaali is equated to Krishna by Munda Maalaa Tantra and Krishna

is equated to Moon by Parasara. So Kaali is shown by Moon. From the

perspective of Moon (mind), this duality is a very troublesome temptation

and the way to overcome it is to realize its impermanence and destroy the

duality so that it cannot tempt again.




During this process, the ideal companion of Moon is Saturn (vairagya and

discipline). So the consort of Kaali shown by Moon is Mahakala shown by





Take Taaraa. She is equated to Raama by Munda Maalaa Tantra and Raama is

equated to Sun by Parasara. So Taaraa is shown by Sun. From the perspective

of Sun (soul), this duality is an ocean of delusion that needs to be waded

across to reach the supreme cosmic soul.




During this process, the ideal companion of Sun is Jupiter (intelligence and

discrimination). Just as rajaguru (Jupiter) guides king (Sun), the intellect

and discrimination will aid soul in the process of wading the ocean of

duality and reaching the supreme. So the consort of Taaraa shown by Sun is

Akshobhya shown by Jupiter.




Take Chhinnamasta. She is equated to Bhaargava Raama by Munda Maalaa Tantra

and Bhaargava Raama is equated to Venus by Parasara. So Chhinnamasta is

shown by Venus. From the perspective of Venus (enjoyment), this duality

needs to be enjoyed and not run away from. The symbolism behind Chhinnamasta

depicted accompanied by a naked couple in copulation and associates drinking

wine is that nothing is impure and all is Brahman. That is the take of Venus





During this process, the ideal companion of Venus (enjoyment) is Ketu

(detachment and egolessness). Only when the enjoyment is gone through

without ego and identification can it be conducive to liberation. So the

consort of Chhinnamasta shown by Venus is Shiva-Kabandha shown by Ketu.

Kabandha means the headless one.




As Dhumaavati is shown by Jupiter (dhee, i.e. intellect and discrimination),

there is no need for a companion. If the force of dhee is there, one

realizes that all is god and does not distinguish between good and bad,

happy and sad etc and becomes liberated easily. One with a strong aatmabala

or manobala can waver and may need supplementing influences, but one with a

strong dheeshakti is fine. There is no supplementing influence.




* * *




Now let us take your example. Mahatripuarasundari is equated to Kalki by

Munda Mala Tantra and Kalki is equated to lagna by Maharshi Parasara. So

Tripura is lagna.




While Sun and Moon show the soul and mind, lagna shows the individualized

consciousness through which we operate in the world. It includes body and

more. It is lagna through which we act in the world. From the point of view

of lagna, duality is to be overcome by doing what is expected from us by

Nature and engaging in actions. Tripura personifies the supreme liberating

knowledge of using the individualized consciousness to engage in perfect

actions in the world to liberate oneself.




Now, the most useful companion of lagna in this process is Moon (mind). The

actor within you (lagna) needs mind as mind tells the actor what to do.

Thus, the ideal companion of lagna is Moon. Accordingly, the consort of

Mahatripurasundari shown by lagna is Somanatha shown by Moon.




* * *




You can find similar logic for all of them. Here is the full list:




1. Kaali (Moon) - Mahaa Kaala (Saturn)

2. Taaraa (Sun) - Akshobhya (Jupiter)

3. Mahatripurisundari (Lagna) - Somanaatha (Moon)

4. Bhuvaneswari (Rahu) - Tryambaka (Venus)

5. Bhairavi (Mars) - Dakshinaamurti (Sun)

6. Chhinamastaa (Venus) - Shiva-Kabandha (Ketu)

7. Dhumavati (Jupiter) - None

8. Bagalaamukhi (Saturn) - Mahaa Rudra (Mars)

9. Maatangi (Mercury) - Shiva Maatanga (Rahu)

10. Kamalatmika (Ketu) - Vishnurupi Sadaashiva (Mercury)




Short notes on the ones I did not cover before:




Bhairavi represents the path of Mars, i.e. viewing the duality as a

challenge that needs to be fought hard and fearlessly and not fear anything,

including death and pain. The ideal companion is aatmabala, represented by

Sun, just as a good king (Sun) is an ideal supplement for a good commander





Bagalaamukhi represents the path of Saturn, i.e. viewing the duality as that

which results from one's own weaknesses, sins and internal enemies and

seeing a conquest of internal enemies as the key to overcoming duality. The

fighting spirit represented by Mars is the ideal companion in the process of

overcoming enemies. Mahaa Rudra shown by Mars is hence the consort of





Maatangi represents the path of Mercury, i.e. viewing the duality as that

which needs to be learnt, understood, mastered and then overcome. Free

thinking without boundaries, represented by Rahu, is the ideal companion in

this path. Maatanga means free spirited one or free roamer and Shiva

Maatanga is such a form of Shiva. He is the consort of Maatangi.




* * *




Friends, there may be an outcry to my writings from astrologers used to a

different planet-mahavidya map (which is NOT sanctioned by any scripture and

yet popular today in some circles). I may not be able to respond to all the





But please do bear in mind that there is a simple and uniform philosophy

behind the concept of Mahavidyas. Flowery expositions without a uniform

philosophy and even a basic uniform understanding of what Mahavidyas are for

are useless. If you are told logic like " Tripurasundari holds sugarcane.

Mercury shows sugar cane. So Tripurasundari is shown by Mercury " , reject

such superficial logic. If somebody tells you that a mahavidya is for

winning lawsuits or for getting power or getting wealth, reject such things.




Please remember that mahavidyas are forms of *supreme liberating knowledge*.

The path to liberation looks different from the point of view of different





Best regards,



Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam

Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana


Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net

Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org




sohamsa , Visti Larsen <visti wrote:


> ??? ??? ?????

> Dear Narasimha, Namaskar.

> Great... so because crows are black, as is Krishna's complexion, so

> Crows and Krishna are both Moon. People here know better than that.

> Here's another list for you from Todala Tantra:


> 1. Dakshina/Kali - MahaKaal

> 2. Tara - Akshobya

> 3. Mahatripurisundari - Panchanan/Somanath

> 4. Bhuvaneswari - Tryambaka

> 5. Bhairavi - Dakshinamurti

> 6. Chinamaste - Shiva-Kabandha

> 7. Dhumavati -

> 8. Bagalamukhi - Maharudra

> 9. Matangi - Shiva Matanga

> 10. Kamalatmika - Sadashiva


> These are the Mahavidya (left) and their spouses (right side). See that

> Mahatripurasundari's spouse is Somanatha, and surely the name Soma-Natha

> implies that he is the Jyotirlinga associated with the Moon. But in your

> list Moon is Kali, so where are we at now with the logic you used and

> the list you have derived?

> Again I re-iterate that the logic you have used is not right as it

> cannot be replicated.

> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

> ----------

> Jyotish Guru (Vedic Astrologer)

> www: http://srigaruda.com

> @: visti


> Narasimha P.V.R. Rao skrev:

> >

> >

> > Namaste friends,

> >

> > > Narasimha's list is his own invention...

> >

> > Parasara *equated* planets to dasavataras of Vishnu in Brihat

> > Paaraasara Horaa Saastram, an authoritative Jyotish treatise.

> >

> > As you can see in the verse quoted by Narayan below, dasavataras of

> > Vishnu are *equated* to dasa mahavidyas in Munda Maalaa Tantra, a

> > respected tantra treatise regarding mahavidyas. For example,

> > " kR^iShnastu kaalikaa saakShaat raamamUrtishca taariNI " literally

> > means " Krishna is literally Kaalika and Rama is Taarini " . In Hindi, it

> > can be translated as " Krishen ji to saakshaat Kaalika hain aur Raam ji

> > Taarini hain " .

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > If a and b are *equated* and also b and c are *equated*, it is logical

> > to infer that a and c can be equated.

> >

> > It is mischievous to label this logical inference as my " own

> > invention " . The philosophical justification of the mapping is mine,

> > but the list is NOT my invention.

> >

> > Those who want to accept the list given by author Bhattacharya, who,

> > according to Sarbani, does not quote a scriptural basis for his list,

> > are free to do so. But it is mischievous to call what I gave as my

> > " own invention " .

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Narasimha

> >

> > sohamsa <sohamsa >, Visti

> > Larsen <visti@> wrote:

> > >

> > > ??? ??? ?????

> > > Dear Sarbani and Swee, Namaskar.

> > > The verse that Narayan Iyer has given mentions nothing about the Graha

> > > corresponding to the Mahavidya. The verse is otherwise mentioned in

> > MANY

> > > tantras and is a well known one which shows which Mahavidya


> > > to which Vishnu Avatara.

> > > Narasimha has merely inferred the Graha linkages and therefore the


> > > is his own research and is NOT supported by any treatise at all.

> > > In fact everyone SHOULD be encouraged to follow the list given by Sri

> > > Jyotirbhushan Bhattacharya, as he HAS given a direct list of Graha and

> > > corresponding Mahavidya. Narasimha's list is his own invention... the

> > > sloka mentions nothing about the graha linkages.

> > >

> > > Just because Parasara equates Sun to Rama we should think Sun should

> > > also be Tarini as per the Mahavidya-Vishnu avatara link? This is not a

> > > proper logic, in fact when we were taught the Agni Purana on the


> > > year of Jaimini Sutras, and the names of Vishnu therein, we saw a

> > > completely different concept of mapping of the grahas to the name of

> > the

> > > avataras.

> > > This mapping that Narasimha has suggested is simply not acceptable

> > as it

> > > is too simple an explanation, and doesn't bring out the real


> > > as to how the Mahavidya and Vishnu Avatara are connected. I.e. how the

> > > left foot corresponds to Tara and the right hand corresponds to Rama,

> > > whilst the right foot is Kali and the left hand is Krishna and how the

> > > hands and feet walk together in sync showing the Gati (feet) and karma

> > > (hands) that are connected. This itself was taught to us on the

> > first year.

> > > Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

> > > ----------

> > > Jyotish Guru (Vedic Astrologer)

> > > www: http://srigaruda.com <http://srigaruda.com>

> > > @: visti@



Original mail:




> Dear Narayan,


> Thanks for the verse from Munda Maalaa Tantra. Out of all planet-mahavidya

> mappings I have seen, this is the most philosophically sound mapping.


> Sun - Taaraa - Raama

> Moon - Kaali - Krishna

> Mars - Bhairavi - Nrisimha

> Mercury - Maatangi - Buddha

> Jupiter - Dhumaavati - Vaamana

> Venus - Chhinnamastaa - Bhaargava Rama

> Saturn - Bagalamukhi - Koorma

> Rahu - Bhuvaneswari - Varaaha

> Ketu - Kamala - Matsya


> * * *


> Vidya is knowledge. Mahavidya is supreme knowledge. Dasa mahavidyas are


> ten highest forms of knowledge that take us to moksha or liberation,

> approaching from different angles. Other kinds of knowledge (e.g.

> mathematics, physics, astronomy, astrology, grammar etc) do not liberate


> But these ten kinds of knowledge liberate us. The deities (names and forms

> described in books for ten mahavidyas) are personifications of those ten

> types of supreme knowledge that liberate us.


> * * *


> Please note one thing here. Moksha means overcoming the maayaa of the

> duality around us. Seeing some things as desirable, some as undesirable,

> some as pleasurable, some as painful, some as beautiful, some as ugly etc


> what binds us. Overcoming the duality and seeing all as Brahman is

> liberation or moksha.


> Different planets represent different aspects of our selves. The duality

> around us and the way to overcome it seem different from different angles.

> From the point of view of individual soul (Sun), this maayaa is something

> that needs to be overcome by crossing and reaching the other end (supreme

> cosmic soul). From the point of view of mind (Moon), this duality is

> something that clouds the vision and needs to be destroyed so that it


> tempt again. From the point of view of the intellect/discrimination/dhee

> (Jupiter), it issomething that is non-existent anyway ( " so what was the

> problem in the first place? " ), like shapes made of smoke. From the point


> view of initiative and energy within us (Mars), it is something that needs

> to be fought hard and fearlessly. From the point of view of the learning

> ability within us (Mercury), it is something that needs to be learnt and

> understood fully so that we can overcome it. From the point of view of

> enjoyment and happiness (Venus), it is something that needs to be accepted

> and enjoyed and not something to fear or avoid ( " after all, all is


> Then why stay away from enjoyments? " ). And so on.


> But remember one important thing. Whichever approach is taken to


> duality, the end result is the same. One first masters the approach. It

> becomes part of one's common sense and thinking. One eventually overcomes

> duality. One becomes self-realized and becomes liberated. That end result


> the same irrespective of the approach chosen.


> * * *


> Sun is the soul within us. The highest form of knowledge coming from


> deep into this aspect is what makes one wade (tar=swim/wade/cross) the


> of delusion and get to the source. If you master the knowledge that helps

> one view the world as an ocean that needs to be crossed to reach the

> supreme, other things will follow and you eventually get liberation.


> personifies this knowledge.


> Moon is the mind within us. The highest form of knowledge coming from

> delving deep into this aspect is an understanding of attachments and

> desires, their impermanence and how to kill them. If you master the

> knowledge that kills all attachments and desires and gives perfect control

> on the mind, other things will follow and you eventually get liberation.

> Kaali personifies this knowledge.


> Mars is the energy and initiative within us. The highest form of knowledge

> coming from delving deep into this aspect is what gives one fearlessness


> anything in the universe. If you master the knowledge that makes you


> fearless and you do not fear anything (including death or pain!) other

> things will follow and you eventually get liberation. Bhairavi personifies

> this knowledge.


> Mercury is knowledge and learning ability within us. The highest form of

> knowledge coming from delving deep into this aspect is what gives one

> learning of various topics. If you master the knowledge that give you

> mastery of all kinds of learning through logical and rational thinking,

> other things will follow and you eventually get liberation. Maatangi

> personifies this knowledge. In fact, some people associate Maatangi with

> Saraswati. Saraswati is also known as " Maatanga Kanya " .


> Jupiter is the intellect, wisdom and discrimination (dhee shakti) within


> The highest form of knowledge coming from delving deep into this aspect is

> that all is delusion. The individual soul and individual mind and


> they perceive is just an illusion. All that is there is Brahman. Any other

> perceptions, of various good or bad things, are just a delusion, like

> figures made of smoke. If you master the knowledge that makes your


> shine, you will realize that the entire world is a delusion and not


> by anything anymore. Then other things will follow and you eventually get

> liberation. Dhumaavati personifies this knowledge.


> Venus is the spirit of enjoyment and bliss. The highest form of knowledge

> coming from delving deep into this aspect is what makes one egoless and

> blissful. If you master the knowledge that makes you utterly fearless and

> you do not fear anything, including death or pain, other things will


> and you eventually get liberation. Chhinnamasta personifies this


> She is depicted as a deity holding her own severed head, standing near a

> naked couple in copulation and surrounded by associates who are drinking

> wine. One mastering this knowledge need not stay away from any pleasures,

> but one learns to see god even those pleasures. However, pleasure obtained

> with an ego ( " *I* am enjoying this act or object " ) binds. The headless


> symbolizes egolessness. If one has overcome I-ness, pleasures are not

> binding. One not thinking in terms of " *I* am enjoying " but having no


> of " I " can live life without running away from any pleasures or


> any austerities and yet become liberated.


> Saturn is the spirit of hard work within us. He also represents our

> weaknesses and sins. The highest form of knowledge coming from delving


> into this aspect is what makes us realize our internal enemies and destroy

> them. If you master the knowledge that makes you overcome weaknesses such


> laziness and internal enemies such as lust, anger, greed, jealosy etc,


> things will follow and you eventually get liberation. Bagalamukhi

> personifies this knowledge. Most of her mantras ask to destroy enemies and

> so people foolishly think that she is the one who gives success in

> litigation and worship her for court cases. This is like going to a king


> ask for two spoons of sugar for your milk. You go to the king for bigger

> things and a neighbor is enough for giving you two spoons of sugar. The

> enemies destroyed by Bagalamukhi are internal enemies and your own


> Remember, she is a mahavidya, i.e. a type of supreme knowledge that

> liberates you!


> Rahu is the spirit of material well-being within us. Rahu is the one who

> binds us to rebirth (this is why Saturn showing sins and Rahu showing

> rebirth are important in the death chart). The highest form of knowledge

> coming from delving deep into this aspect is what gives us worldly success

> in a dhaarmik way. If you master the knowledge that makes you materially

> successful in a dharmik way, you become successful and fulfil all your

> duties and debts in the world and eventually get liberation. Bhuvaneswari

> personifies this knowledge.


> Ketu is the spirit of of detachment and Vedic knowledge within us. The

> highest form of knowledge coming from delving deep into this aspect is the

> essense of Veda. If you master the knowledge that enables you to be in

> oneness with the supreme cosmic being, you eventually get liberation.


> (Mahaalakshmi) personifies this knowledge. According to saptashati rahasya

> also, Mahaalakshmi is the Aadyaa (the first One). She is the energy of

> supreme cosmic being. She divides Herself into 3 parts - Mahaakaali,

> Mahaalakshmi and MahaaSaraswati and they create Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and

> their consorts. Kamala represents the knowledge of the supreme cosmic


> of the supreme cosmic being.


> * * *


> One of the above is not superior to the other. Depending on your vasanas

> (mental conditioning), attitudes, likes and dislikes, depending on which

> aspect of your personality dominates over other aspects (the sinfulness


> weaknesses? or the interest in learning things? or the spirit of fighting?

> or the sense of enjoyment? etc), one Mahavidya may be more suitable than

> others, as that knowledge uses your strong aspect and moulds that aspect


> take you towards liberation. Do not compare them. Take the one that is


> suitable, but do master that aspect.


> * * *


> There are some who do Dasa Mahavidya sadhana by doing one Mahavidya's


> for one month, then switch to another and so on. They think that by doing

> each mahavidya mantra for a certain count, they " finish " the mahavidya

> sadhana. This is wrong and serves no useful purpose. Instead, one should

> pick any ONE mahavidya and succeed in that sadhana. The definition of

> success is that the knowledge represented by that deity becomes part of


> common sense - you understand that knowledge and ooze that knowledge in


> thoughts and actions. Whether you experience the deity as an external

> human-like form (who may impart some knowledge to you) or as an internal

> human-like form or as light or as sound is secondary, but the end result

> should be that the knowledge represented by Her should become common sense

> and second nature to you. One claiming visions or siddhi of a mahavidya


> not showing the corresponding knowledge is bluffing.


> There are many people who do mahavidya sadhana and yet many others who


> to have siddhi in one or more mahavidyas, but very few who actually


> any of the ten mahavidyas. The area of mahavidya sadhana is one of the


> ill-understood in today's age of ignorance and half-baked knowledge. It is

> easier to possess lower vidyas or lower shaktis, but mahavidyas are beyond

> the capability of understanding for most people.


> Best regards,

> Narasimha







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Om Namah Shivaya!

The moment illogical experiences achieves logical expression, they loose their illogical status!!!

My best wishes to all logical minds!!!

Very important quote from BG - chapter 7 - shloka 4 to ponder: "Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego - altogether these eight comprise My separated material energies"




Thanks and Regards,





---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------



Subject : RE: Consorts of Dasa Mahavidyas Given in Todala Tantra



Date : Tue, 9 Jun 2009 13:04:45 +0530



From : "Sarbani Rath" <sarbani



To : <sohamsa >,



Cc : <vedic astrology >,






Hare Rama Krishna






Namastestu Mahamaye...






Dear Narsimha,






(Narasimha) Friends, there may be an outcry to my writings from astrologers



used to a different planet-mahavidya map (which is NOT sanctioned by any



scripture and yet popular today in some circles). I may not be able to



respond to all the mails.






An outcry??? Regarding what?? No, no you have got the wrong end of the stick



here. The planet-mahavidya mapping is used by many priests and pundits who



are in no way associated with SJC. They even have them up in their websites.



So please do not start an agenda of saying this is "SJC"'s



version/unsanctioned etc. Let us instead have an intellectual theological



debate, which is far more interesting. YOU can say that though in practice



most priests and books follow a certain norm of planet-mahavidya



co-relation, but on reflection a different order appeals to you and you are



sharing that with us.






Mundamala Tantra is just one of the tantras, and not the top of the rung. It



would be interesting to see what the Mahanirvan, the Gyanarnava, the



Pranatoshini, the Mahanil, the Kularnava tantras and specially the Yamala



texts have to say on this. I am delighted that you have at last succumbed to



Devi worship. I remember 2-3 years back in Boston you rejected all kinds of



Devi worship including the Sri Sri Chandi.






Mahavidya is THE supreme knowledge. When you write:






(Narasimha) From the perspective of Venus (enjoyment), this duality needs to



be enjoyed and not run away from. The symbolism behind Chhinnamasta depicted



accompanied by a naked couple in copulation and associates drinking wine is



that nothing is impure and all is Brahman. That is the take of Venus









Correctly you have pointed out that we should not be superficial. To say



that the symbolism behind the copulating couple in Chhinnamasta's



iconography is about enjoyment is highly superficial. You have missed the



boat here. Chhinnamasta is all about suppressing that. There have been many



works by renowned scholars in both east and the west on this. There is



surely nothing wrong with Venus. The problem occurs when Rahu is associated



Venus. That's when we talk of re-directing that undesirable carnal energy.



Chhinnamasta represents that unleashed carnality of Rahu. Venus on the other



hand is the purest of them all. After all he gets exalted in the sign of



maharishis. Venus has the capacity to bloom like the lotus from the cesspool



like mud of life. At a deeper level, this blooming of the lotus is really



the blooming of our soul, the awakening. That is why the Sharadatilaka



tantra advises us to worship Kamalatmika in water as the sun rises. In her



mantra she is addressed as Jagatprasutyai ...the one who gives birth h to



this world. I think you need to work a little more on this, and I am sure



Mother will show the way. There are fantastic works done on the mahavidyas



by many exponents from the different gurukuls of India, though of course no



one writes the really deeper level experiences which can only stem from









Incidentally, there are many quiet members in these lists who are extremely



spiritual and any of whom have years of experience in devi worship. I appeal



to them to share their experiences with us.






Best Regards,






Sarbani Rath






Homepage: http://sarbani.com






Sagittarius Publications:









Sohamsa: http://sohamsa.com






Sri Jagannath Centre: http://.org












sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of



Narasimha P.V.R. Rao



09 June 2009 09:48



sohamsa ; ;



vedic astrology ;



Consorts of Dasa Mahavidyas Given in Todala Tantra







































> Great... so because crows are black, as is Krishna's complexion, so



> Crows and Krishna are both Moon. People here know better than that.









I never talked of superficial things such as "complexion". Moreover, you are



replacing Kaalika with crows in your sircasm and making fun really of Tantra



and Parasara.












* * *












> Here's another list for you from Todala Tantra:















> These are the Mahavidya (left) and their spouses (right side). See that



> Mahatripurasundari's spouse is Somanatha, and surely the name Soma-Natha



> implies that he is the Jyotirlinga associated with the Moon. But in your



> list Moon is Kali, so where are we at now with the logic you used and



> the list you have derived?









Instead of getting caught in superficial and extraneous factors, let us go



to the crux.












Mahavidyas and their consorts are not showing the same thing, but two



different things that have a synergy. The list of planets mapping to



mahavidyas and those mapping to mahavidya consorts will accordingly have to



be different. I will elaborate with examples.












Each mahavidya represents one form of liberating supreme knowledge that



helps one overcome duality and become liberated, starting from different



vantage points within duality and approaching liberation from them. Consorts



are the factors that aid in that approach.












* * *












For example, Kaali is equated to Krishna by Munda Maalaa Tantra and Krishna



is equated to Moon by Parasara. So Kaali is shown by Moon. From the



perspective of Moon (mind), this duality is a very troublesome temptation



and the way to overcome it is to realize its impermanence and destroy the



duality so that it cannot tempt again.












During this process, the ideal companion of Moon is Saturn (vairagya and



discipline). So the consort of Kaali shown by Moon is Mahakala shown by















Take Taaraa. She is equated to Raama by Munda Maalaa Tantra and Raama is



equated to Sun by Parasara. So Taaraa is shown by Sun. From the perspective



of Sun (soul), this duality is an ocean of delusion that needs to be waded



across to reach the supreme cosmic soul.












During this process, the ideal companion of Sun is Jupiter (intelligence and



discrimination). Just as rajaguru (Jupiter) guides king (Sun), the intellect



and discrimination will aid soul in the process of wading the ocean of



duality and reaching the supreme. So the consort of Taaraa shown by Sun is



Akshobhya shown by Jupiter.












Take Chhinnamasta. She is equated to Bhaargava Raama by Munda Maalaa Tantra



and Bhaargava Raama is equated to Venus by Parasara. So Chhinnamasta is



shown by Venus. From the perspective of Venus (enjoyment), this duality



needs to be enjoyed and not run away from. The symbolism behind Chhinnamasta



depicted accompanied by a naked couple in copulation and associates drinking



wine is that nothing is impure and all is Brahman. That is the take of Venus















During this process, the ideal companion of Venus (enjoyment) is Ketu



(detachment and egolessness). Only when the enjoyment is gone through



without ego and identification can it be conducive to liberation. So the



consort of Chhinnamasta shown by Venus is Shiva-Kabandha shown by Ketu.



Kabandha means the headless one.












As Dhumaavati is shown by Jupiter (dhee, i.e. intellect and discrimination),



there is no need for a companion. If the force of dhee is there, one



realizes that all is god and does not distinguish between good and bad,



happy and sad etc and becomes liberated easily. One with a strong aatmabala



or manobala can waver and may need supplementing influences, but one with a



strong dheeshakti is fine. There is no supplementing influence.












* * *












Now let us take your example. Mahatripuarasundari is equated to Kalki by



Munda Mala Tantra and Kalki is equated to lagna by Maharshi Parasara. So



Tripura is lagna.












While Sun and Moon show the soul and mind, lagna shows the individualized



consciousness through which we operate in the world. It includes body and



more. It is lagna through which we act in the world. From the point of view



of lagna, duality is to be overcome by doing what is expected from us by



Nature and engaging in actions. Tripura personifies the supreme liberating



knowledge of using the individualized consciousness to engage in perfect



actions in the world to liberate oneself.












Now, the most useful companion of lagna in this process is Moon (mind). The



actor within you (lagna) needs mind as mind tells the actor what to do.



Thus, the ideal companion of lagna is Moon. Accordingly, the consort of



Mahatripurasundari shown by lagna is Somanatha shown by Moon.












* * *












You can find similar logic for all of them. Here is the full list:












1. Kaali (Moon) - Mahaa Kaala (Saturn)



2. Taaraa (Sun) - Akshobhya (Jupiter)



3. Mahatripurisundari (Lagna) - Somanaatha (Moon)



4. Bhuvaneswari (Rahu) - Tryambaka (Venus)



5. Bhairavi (Mars) - Dakshinaamurti (Sun)



6. Chhinamastaa (Venus) - Shiva-Kabandha (Ketu)



7. Dhumavati (Jupiter) - None



8. Bagalaamukhi (Saturn) - Mahaa Rudra (Mars)



9. Maatangi (Mercury) - Shiva Maatanga (Rahu)



10. Kamalatmika (Ketu) - Vishnurupi Sadaashiva (Mercury)












Short notes on the ones I did not cover before:












Bhairavi represents the path of Mars, i.e. viewing the duality as a



challenge that needs to be fought hard and fearlessly and not fear anything,



including death and pain. The ideal companion is aatmabala, represented by



Sun, just as a good king (Sun) is an ideal supplement for a good commander















Bagalaamukhi represents the path of Saturn, i.e. viewing the duality as that



which results from one's own weaknesses, sins and internal enemies and



seeing a conquest of internal enemies as the key to overcoming duality. The



fighting spirit represented by Mars is the ideal companion in the process of



overcoming enemies. Mahaa Rudra shown by Mars is hence the consort of















Maatangi represents the path of Mercury, i.e. viewing the duality as that



which needs to be learnt, understood, mastered and then overcome. Free



thinking without boundaries, represented by Rahu, is the ideal companion in



this path. Maatanga means free spirited one or free roamer and Shiva



Maatanga is such a form of Shiva. He is the consort of Maatangi.












* * *












Friends, there may be an outcry to my writings from astrologers used to a



different planet-mahavidya map (which is NOT sanctioned by any scripture and



yet popular today in some circles). I may not be able to respond to all the















But please do bear in mind that there is a simple and uniform philosophy



behind the concept of Mahavidyas. Flowery expositions without a uniform



philosophy and even a basic uniform understanding of what Mahavidyas are for



are useless. If you are told logic like "Tripurasundari holds sugarcane.



Mercury shows sugar cane. So Tripurasundari is shown by Mercury", reject



such superficial logic. If somebody tells you that a mahavidya is for



winning lawsuits or for getting power or getting wealth, reject such things.












Please remember that mahavidyas are forms of *supreme liberating knowledge*.



The path to liberation looks different from the point of view of different















Best regards,









Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam



Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana






Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net



Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org



Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org












sohamsa , Visti Larsen wrote:






> ??? ??? ?????



> Dear Narasimha, Namaskar.



> Great... so because crows are black, as is Krishna's complexion, so



> Crows and Krishna are both Moon. People here know better than that.



> Here's another list for you from Todala Tantra:






> 1. Dakshina/Kali - MahaKaal



> 2. Tara - Akshobya



> 3. Mahatripurisundari - Panchanan/Somanath



> 4. Bhuvaneswari - Tryambaka



> 5. Bhairavi - Dakshinamurti



> 6. Chinamaste - Shiva-Kabandha



> 7. Dhumavati -



> 8. Bagalamukhi - Maharudra



> 9. Matangi - Shiva Matanga



> 10. Kamalatmika - Sadashiva






> These are the Mahavidya (left) and their spouses (right side). See that



> Mahatripurasundari's spouse is Somanatha, and surely the name Soma-Natha



> implies that he is the Jyotirlinga associated with the Moon. But in your



> list Moon is Kali, so where are we at now with the logic you used and



> the list you have derived?



> Again I re-iterate that the logic you have used is not right as it



> cannot be replicated.



> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen



> ----------



> Jyotish Guru (Vedic Astrologer)



> www: http://srigaruda.com



> @: visti






> Narasimha P.V.R. Rao skrev:



> >



> >



> > Namaste friends,



> >



> > > Narasimha's list is his own invention...



> >



> > Parasara *equated* planets to dasavataras of Vishnu in Brihat



> > Paaraasara Horaa Saastram, an authoritative Jyotish treatise.



> >



> > As you can see in the verse quoted by Narayan below, dasavataras of



> > Vishnu are *equated* to dasa mahavidyas in Munda Maalaa Tantra, a



> > respected tantra treatise regarding mahavidyas. For example,



> > "kR^iShnastu kaalikaa saakShaat raamamUrtishca taariNI" literally



> > means "Krishna is literally Kaalika and Rama is Taarini". In Hindi, it



> > can be translated as "Krishen ji to saakshaat Kaalika hain aur Raam ji



> > Taarini hain".



> >



> > * * *



> >



> > If a and b are *equated* and also b and c are *equated*, it is logical



> > to infer that a and c can be equated.



> >



> > It is mischievous to label this logical inference as my "own



> > invention". The philosophical justification of the mapping is mine,



> > but the list is NOT my invention.



> >



> > Those who want to accept the list given by author Bhattacharya, who,



> > according to Sarbani, does not quote a scriptural basis for his list,



> > are free to do so. But it is mischievous to call what I gave as my



> > "own invention".



> >



> > Best regards,



> > Narasimha



> >



> > sohamsa , Visti



> > Larsen wrote:



> > >



> > > ??? ??? ?????



> > > Dear Sarbani and Swee, Namaskar.



> > > The verse that Narayan Iyer has given mentions nothing about the Graha



> > > corresponding to the Mahavidya. The verse is otherwise mentioned in



> > MANY



> > > tantras and is a well known one which shows which Mahavidya






> > > to which Vishnu Avatara.



> > > Narasimha has merely inferred the Graha linkages and therefore the






> > > is his own research and is NOT supported by any treatise at all.



> > > In fact everyone SHOULD be encouraged to follow the list given by Sri



> > > Jyotirbhushan Bhattacharya, as he HAS given a direct list of Graha and



> > > corresponding Mahavidya. Narasimha's list is his own invention... the



> > > sloka mentions nothing about the graha linkages.



> > >



> > > Just because Parasara equates Sun to Rama we should think Sun should



> > > also be Tarini as per the Mahavidya-Vishnu avatara link? This is not a



> > > proper logic, in fact when we were taught the Agni Purana on the






> > > year of Jaimini Sutras, and the names of Vishnu therein, we saw a



> > > completely different concept of mapping of the grahas to the name of



> > the



> > > avataras.



> > > This mapping that Narasimha has suggested is simply not acceptable



> > as it



> > > is too simple an explanation, and doesn't bring out the real






> > > as to how the Mahavidya and Vishnu Avatara are connected. I.e. how the



> > > left foot corresponds to Tara and the right hand corresponds to Rama,



> > > whilst the right foot is Kali and the left hand is Krishna and how the



> > > hands and feet walk together in sync showing the Gati (feet) and karma



> > > (hands) that are connected. This itself was taught to us on the



> > first year.



> > > Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen



> > > ----------



> > > Jyotish Guru (Vedic Astrologer)



> > > www: http://srigaruda.com



> > > @: visti@









Original mail:












> Dear Narayan,






> Thanks for the verse from Munda Maalaa Tantra. Out of all planet-mahavidya



> mappings I have seen, this is the most philosophically sound mapping.






> Sun - Taaraa - Raama



> Moon - Kaali - Krishna



> Mars - Bhairavi - Nrisimha



> Mercury - Maatangi - Buddha



> Jupiter - Dhumaavati - Vaamana



> Venus - Chhinnamastaa - Bhaargava Rama



> Saturn - Bagalamukhi - Koorma



> Rahu - Bhuvaneswari - Varaaha



> Ketu - Kamala - Matsya






> * * *






> Vidya is knowledge. Mahavidya is supreme knowledge. Dasa mahavidyas are






> ten highest forms of knowledge that take us to moksha or liberation,



> approaching from different angles. Other kinds of knowledge (e.g.



> mathematics, physics, astronomy, astrology, grammar etc) do not liberate






> But these ten kinds of knowledge liberate us. The deities (names and forms



> described in books for ten mahavidyas) are personifications of those ten



> types of supreme knowledge that liberate us.






> * * *






> Please note one thing here. Moksha means overcoming the maayaa of the



> duality around us. Seeing some things as desirable, some as undesirable,



> some as pleasurable, some as painful, some as beautiful, some as ugly etc






> what binds us. Overcoming the duality and seeing all as Brahman is



> liberation or moksha.






> Different planets represent different aspects of our selves. The duality



> around us and the way to overcome it seem different from different angles.



> From the point of view of individual soul (Sun), this maayaa is something



> that needs to be overcome by crossing and reaching the other end (supreme



> cosmic soul). From the point of view of mind (Moon), this duality is



> something that clouds the vision and needs to be destroyed so that it






> tempt again. From the point of view of the intellect/discrimination/dhee



> (Jupiter), it issomething that is non-existent anyway ("so what was the



> problem in the first place?"), like shapes made of smoke. From the point






> view of initiative and energy within us (Mars), it is something that needs



> to be fought hard and fearlessly. From the point of view of the learning



> ability within us (Mercury), it is something that needs to be learnt and



> understood fully so that we can overcome it. From the point of view of



> enjoyment and happiness (Venus), it is something that needs to be accepted



> and enjoyed and not something to fear or avoid ("after all, all is






> Then why stay away from enjoyments?"). And so on.






> But remember one important thing. Whichever approach is taken to






> duality, the end result is the same. One first masters the approach. It



> becomes part of one's common sense and thinking. One eventually overcomes



> duality. One becomes self-realized and becomes liberated. That end result






> the same irrespective of the approach chosen.






> * * *






> Sun is the soul within us. The highest form of knowledge coming from






> deep into this aspect is what makes one wade (tar=swim/wade/cross) the






> of delusion and get to the source. If you master the knowledge that helps



> one view the world as an ocean that needs to be crossed to reach the



> supreme, other things will follow and you eventually get liberation.






> personifies this knowledge.






> Moon is the mind within us. The highest form of knowledge coming from



> delving deep into this aspect is an understanding of attachments and



> desires, their impermanence and how to kill them. If you master the



> knowledge that kills all attachments and desires and gives perfect control



> on the mind, other things will follow and you eventually get liberation.



> Kaali personifies this knowledge.






> Mars is the energy and initiative within us. The highest form of knowledge



> coming from delving deep into this aspect is what gives one fearlessness






> anything in the universe. If you master the knowledge that makes you






> fearless and you do not fear anything (including death or pain!) other



> things will follow and you eventually get liberation. Bhairavi personifies



> this knowledge.






> Mercury is knowledge and learning ability within us. The highest form of



> knowledge coming from delving deep into this aspect is what gives one



> learning of various topics. If you master the knowledge that give you



> mastery of all kinds of learning through logical and rational thinking,



> other things will follow and you eventually get liberation. Maatangi



> personifies this knowledge. In fact, some people associate Maatangi with



> Saraswati. Saraswati is also known as "Maatanga Kanya".






> Jupiter is the intellect, wisdom and discrimination (dhee shakti) within






> The highest form of knowledge coming from delving deep into this aspect is



> that all is delusion. The individual soul and individual mind and






> they perceive is just an illusion. All that is there is Brahman. Any other



> perceptions, of various good or bad things, are just a delusion, like



> figures made of smoke. If you master the knowledge that makes your






> shine, you will realize that the entire world is a delusion and not






> by anything anymore. Then other things will follow and you eventually get



> liberation. Dhumaavati personifies this knowledge.






> Venus is the spirit of enjoyment and bliss. The highest form of knowledge



> coming from delving deep into this aspect is what makes one egoless and



> blissful. If you master the knowledge that makes you utterly fearless and



> you do not fear anything, including death or pain, other things will






> and you eventually get liberation. Chhinnamasta personifies this






> She is depicted as a deity holding her own severed head, standing near a



> naked couple in copulation and surrounded by associates who are drinking



> wine. One mastering this knowledge need not stay away from any pleasures,



> but one learns to see god even those pleasures. However, pleasure obtained



> with an ego ("*I* am enjoying this act or object") binds. The headless






> symbolizes egolessness. If one has overcome I-ness, pleasures are not



> binding. One not thinking in terms of "*I* am enjoying" but having no






> of "I" can live life without running away from any pleasures or






> any austerities and yet become liberated.






> Saturn is the spirit of hard work within us. He also represents our



> weaknesses and sins. The highest form of knowledge coming from delving






> into this aspect is what makes us realize our internal enemies and destroy



> them. If you master the knowledge that makes you overcome weaknesses such






> laziness and internal enemies such as lust, anger, greed, jealosy etc,






> things will follow and you eventually get liberation. Bagalamukhi



> personifies this knowledge. Most of her mantras ask to destroy enemies and



> so people foolishly think that she is the one who gives success in



> litigation and worship her for court cases. This is like going to a king






> ask for two spoons of sugar for your milk. You go to the king for bigger



> things and a neighbor is enough for giving you two spoons of sugar. The



> enemies destroyed by Bagalamukhi are internal enemies and your own






> Remember, she is a mahavidya, i.e. a type of supreme knowledge that



> liberates you!






> Rahu is the spirit of material well-being within us. Rahu is the one who



> binds us to rebirth (this is why Saturn showing sins and Rahu showing



> rebirth are important in the death chart). The highest form of knowledge



> coming from delving deep into this aspect is what gives us worldly success



> in a dhaarmik way. If you master the knowledge that makes you materially



> successful in a dharmik way, you become successful and fulfil all your



> duties and debts in the world and eventually get liberation. Bhuvaneswari



> personifies this knowledge.






> Ketu is the spirit of of detachment and Vedic knowledge within us. The



> highest form of knowledge coming from delving deep into this aspect is the



> essense of Veda. If you master the knowledge that enables you to be in



> oneness with the supreme cosmic being, you eventually get liberation.






> (Mahaalakshmi) personifies this knowledge. According to saptashati rahasya



> also, Mahaalakshmi is the Aadyaa (the first One). She is the energy of



> supreme cosmic being. She divides Herself into 3 parts - Mahaakaali,



> Mahaalakshmi and MahaaSaraswati and they create Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and



> their consorts. Kamala represents the knowledge of the supreme cosmic






> of the supreme cosmic being.






> * * *






> One of the above is not superior to the other. Depending on your vasanas



> (mental conditioning), attitudes, likes and dislikes, depending on which



> aspect of your personality dominates over other aspects (the sinfulness






> weaknesses? or the interest in learning things? or the spirit of fighting?



> or the sense of enjoyment? etc), one Mahavidya may be more suitable than



> others, as that knowledge uses your strong aspect and moulds that aspect






> take you towards liberation. Do not compare them. Take the one that is






> suitable, but do master that aspect.






> * * *






> There are some who do Dasa Mahavidya sadhana by doing one Mahavidya's






> for one month, then switch to another and so on. They think that by doing



> each mahavidya mantra for a certain count, they "finish" the mahavidya



> sadhana. This is wrong and serves no useful purpose. Instead, one should



> pick any ONE mahavidya and succeed in that sadhana. The definition of



> success is that the knowledge represented by that deity becomes part of






> common sense - you understand that knowledge and ooze that knowledge in






> thoughts and actions. Whether you experience the deity as an external



> human-like form (who may impart some knowledge to you) or as an internal



> human-like form or as light or as sound is secondary, but the end result



> should be that the knowledge represented by Her should become common sense



> and second nature to you. One claiming visions or siddhi of a mahavidya






> not showing the corresponding knowledge is bluffing.






> There are many people who do mahavidya sadhana and yet many others who






> to have siddhi in one or more mahavidyas, but very few who actually






> any of the ten mahavidyas. The area of mahavidya sadhana is one of the






> ill-understood in today's age of ignorance and half-baked knowledge. It is



> easier to possess lower vidyas or lower shaktis, but mahavidyas are beyond



> the capability of understanding for most people.






> Best regards,



> Narasimha

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Sorry to butt in - I am complete ignorant of most of these knowledge and just taking the baby steps. I feel like a pre-primary student stepping in a discussion on quantum theory between the nobel laurates.


However, with my very very limited knowledge and intelligence, I see here a line of argument, which sounds to a layman like me  - If the mapping like this is correct, it should have been mentioned by one of our great sages earlier. Since it has not been mentioned anywhere, this is incorrect.


If I extend this logic to other physical sciences, it may sound like if the quantum theory is correct, Einstein should have found it - since he did not find it , therefore it's incorrect. (my physics is weak, but hope you got the logic/ lack of logic behind it).


From a layman's perspective, Even if something is not explicitly mentioned - It should not stop us from building on the great work done by the sages earlier and come up with newer perspectives - some of it may be wrong - others may be right. A theory should be proved/debunked on the basis of its own merit (and of course, available work). But, debunking a theory just on the basis of the fact that it was not explicitly mentioned  earlier  may not be correct.


In the end, At the risk of being called blasphemous,  Who knows we may have a greater work waiting for us in 21st century!!!!


Since all mistakes by Pre-primary kids are overlooked - therefore, do ignore if you find this mail completely irrelevant.






On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 9:28 AM, Vishnu Jandhyala <jvishnu wrote:






Hare Rama Krishna,Dear Sri Rajarshi,Let us (for the sake of completeness) assume mahavidyas did not exist during Parasara's time. Can anyone explain why then was this mapping ignored by others? It is puzzling that Jaimini, Vyasa also ignored, so did Varahamihira, et al. Are we to infer that these later day saints had no understanding of mahavidyas or their intellectual acumen so poor that they couldn't conjure up a mapping, if it merely meant referring to a verse from any of the myriad tantras?

On the other hand,it becomes an even bigger issue if mahavidyas did exist and Parasara deliberately ignored this mapping.It is disconcerting that all these mappings being provided have no grounding in Shakta Philosophy(tantrik and/or vedic)!  They are merely catering to intellectual fancies while ignoring the very essence of Shaktipatha!

warm regards,Vishnu



On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 12:55 PM, rajarshi nandy <rajarshi14 wrote:













One possibility could be that during Parashara's time, the worship of the Mahavidyas was not prevelant as much as it was in later periods of history. That is why there is no direct correlation provided by him.


Or, if the worship was prevelant even those days, then Parashara may have deliberately not included such a co relation mybe because each of Mahavidyas have a more complex connection, not a direct one to one mapping.








The upsurge (of consciousness) is Bhairava - Shiva Sutra

--- On Tue, 9/6/09, Vishnu Jandhyala <jvishnu wrote:

Vishnu Jandhyala <jvishnuRe: Consorts of Dasa Mahavidyas Given in Todala Tantra

sohamsa Date: Tuesday, 9 June, 2009, 7:50 PM



Hare Rama Krishna,Dear Narasimha, Visti, Sarbani et al,Namaste,Could all of you please tone down the rhetoric so that we can discuss the issue at hand. I have a few basic questions and hope atleast one among you can answer it/them!

1) Can any of you provide a direct quote from any of the 64 authentic tantras that relates maha vidyas to planets? 2) Who do tantras stop after mapping/relating maha vidyas to dasa avataras?3) Why hasn't Parasara related grahas to maha vidyas, where as he found it so convenient to relate them to dasa avataras?

warm regards,Vishnu

On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 2:34 AM, Sarbani Rath <sarbani@srijagannat h.org> wrote:









Hare Rama Krishna

Namastestu Mahamaye...

Dear Narsimha,

 (Narasimha) Friends, there may be an outcry to my writings from astrologers used to a different planet-mahavidya map (which is NOT sanctioned by any scripture and yet popular today in some circles). I may not be able to respond to all the mails.

An outcry??? Regarding what?? No, no you have got the wrong end of the stick here. The planet-mahavidya mapping is used by many priests and pundits who are in no way associated with SJC. They even have them up in their websites. So please do not start an agenda of saying this is “SJC”’s version/unsanctione d etc. Let us instead have an intellectual theological debate, which is far more interesting. YOU can say that though in practice most priests and books follow a certain norm of planet-mahavidya co-relation, but on reflection a different order appeals to you and you are sharing that with us.

Mundamala Tantra is just one of the tantras, and not the top of the rung. It would be interesting to see what the Mahanirvan, the Gyanarnava, the Pranatoshini, the Mahanil, the Kularnava tantras and specially the Yamala texts have to say on this. I am delighted that you have at last succumbed to Devi worship. I remember 2-3 years back in Boston you rejected all kinds of Devi worship including the Sri Sri Chandi.

Mahavidya is THE supreme knowledge. When you write:

(Narasimha) From the perspective of Venus (enjoyment), this duality needs to be enjoyed and not run away from. The symbolism behind Chhinnamasta depicted accompanied by a naked couple in copulation and associates drinking wine is that nothing is impure and all is Brahman. That is the take of Venus (enjoyment).

Correctly you have pointed out that we should not be superficial. To say that the symbolism behind the copulating couple in Chhinnamasta’ s iconography is about enjoyment is highly superficial. You have missed the boat here. Chhinnamasta is all about suppressing that. There have been many works by renowned scholars in both east and the west on this. There is surely nothing wrong with Venus. The problem occurs when Rahu is associated Venus. That’s when we talk of re-directing that undesirable carnal energy. Chhinnamasta represents that unleashed carnality of Rahu. Venus on the other hand is the purest of them all. After all he gets exalted in the sign of maharishis. Venus has the capacity to bloom like the lotus from the cesspool like mud of life. At a deeper level, this blooming of the lotus is really the blooming of our soul, the awakening. That is why the Sharadatilaka tantra advises us to worship Kamalatmika in water as the sun rises. In her mantra she is addressed as Jagatprasutyai ...the one who gives birth h to this world.  I think you need to work a little more on this, and I am sure Mother will show the way. There are fantastic works done on the mahavidyas by many exponents from the different gurukuls of India, though of course no one writes the really deeper level experiences which can only stem from sadhana.

Incidentally, there are many quiet members in these lists who are extremely spiritual and any of whom have years of experience in devi worship. I appeal to them to share their experiences with us.

Best Regards,

Sarbani Rath

Homepage: http://sarbani. com

Sagittarius Publications: http://sagittariusp ublications. com

Sohamsa: http://sohamsa. com

Sri Jagannath Centre: http:// .org




sohamsa@ .com [sohamsa@ .com] On Behalf Of Narasimha P.V.R. Rao

09 June 2009 09:48sohamsa@ .com; ; vedic astrology;

Consorts of Dasa Mahavidyas Given in Todala Tantra














> Great... so because crows are black, as is Krishna's complexion, so > Crows and Krishna are both Moon. People here know better than that. 



I never talked of superficial things such as " complexion " . Moreover, you are replacing Kaalika with crows in your sircasm and making fun really of Tantra and Parasara.





*        *        *




> Here's another list for you from Todala Tantra:> > <see below for list>


> > These are the Mahavidya (left) and their spouses (right side). See that > Mahatripurasundari's spouse is Somanatha, and surely the name Soma-Natha > implies that he is the Jyotirlinga associated with the Moon. But in your

> list Moon is Kali, so where are we at now with the logic you used and > the list you have derived? 


Instead of getting caught in superficial and extraneous factors, let us go to the crux.




Mahavidyas and their consorts are not showing the same thing, but two different things that have a synergy. The list of planets mapping to mahavidyas and those mapping to mahavidya consorts will accordingly have to be different. I will elaborate with examples.





Each mahavidya represents one form of liberating supreme knowledge that helps one overcome duality and become liberated, starting from different vantage points within duality and approaching liberation from them. Consorts are the factors that aid in that approach.





*        *        *




For example, Kaali is equated to Krishna by Munda Maalaa Tantra and Krishna is equated to Moon by Parasara. So Kaali is shown by Moon. From the perspective of Moon (mind), this duality is a very troublesome temptation and the way to overcome it is to realize its impermanence and destroy the duality so that it cannot tempt again.





During this process, the ideal companion of Moon is Saturn (vairagya and discipline). So the consort of Kaali shown by Moon is Mahakala shown by Saturn.




Take Taaraa. She is equated to Raama by Munda Maalaa Tantra and Raama is equated to Sun by Parasara. So Taaraa is shown by Sun. From the perspective of Sun (soul), this duality is an ocean of delusion that needs to be waded across to reach the supreme cosmic soul.





During this process, the ideal companion of Sun is Jupiter (intelligence and discrimination) . Just as rajaguru (Jupiter) guides king (Sun), the intellect and discrimination will aid soul in the process of wading the ocean of duality and reaching the supreme. So the consort of Taaraa shown by Sun is Akshobhya shown by Jupiter.





Take Chhinnamasta. She is equated to Bhaargava Raama by Munda Maalaa Tantra and Bhaargava Raama is equated to Venus by Parasara. So Chhinnamasta is shown by Venus. From the perspective of Venus (enjoyment), this duality needs to be enjoyed and not run away from. The symbolism behind Chhinnamasta depicted accompanied by a naked couple in copulation and associates drinking wine is that nothing is impure and all is Brahman. That is the take of Venus (enjoyment).





During this process, the ideal companion of Venus (enjoyment) is Ketu (detachment and egolessness) . Only when the enjoyment is gone through without ego and identification can it be conducive to liberation. So the consort of Chhinnamasta shown by Venus is Shiva-Kabandha shown by Ketu. Kabandha means the headless one.





As Dhumaavati is shown by Jupiter (dhee, i.e. intellect and discrimination) , there is no need for a companion. If the force of dhee is there, one realizes that all is god and does not distinguish between good and bad, happy and sad etc and becomes liberated easily. One with a strong aatmabala or manobala can waver and may need supplementing influences, but one with a strong dheeshakti is fine. There is no supplementing influence.






*        *        *




Now let us take your example. Mahatripuarasundari is equated to Kalki by Munda Mala Tantra and Kalki is equated to lagna by Maharshi Parasara. So Tripura is lagna.




While Sun and Moon show the soul and mind, lagna shows the individualized consciousness through which we operate in the world. It includes body and more. It is lagna through which we act in the world. From the point of view of lagna, duality is to be overcome by doing what is expected from us by Nature and engaging in actions. Tripura personifies the supreme liberating knowledge of using the individualized consciousness to engage in perfect actions in the world to liberate oneself.





Now, the most useful companion of lagna in this process is Moon (mind). The actor within you (lagna) needs mind as mind tells the actor what to do. Thus, the ideal companion of lagna is Moon. Accordingly, the consort of Mahatripurasundari shown by lagna is Somanatha shown by Moon.





*        *        *




You can find similar logic for all of them. Here is the full list:




1. Kaali (Moon) - Mahaa Kaala (Saturn)2. Taaraa (Sun) - Akshobhya (Jupiter)3. Mahatripurisundari (Lagna) - Somanaatha (Moon)4. Bhuvaneswari (Rahu) - Tryambaka (Venus)5. Bhairavi (Mars) - Dakshinaamurti (Sun)

6. Chhinamastaa (Venus) - Shiva-Kabandha (Ketu)7. Dhumavati (Jupiter) - None8. Bagalaamukhi (Saturn) - Mahaa Rudra (Mars)9. Maatangi (Mercury) - Shiva Maatanga (Rahu)10. Kamalatmika (Ketu) - Vishnurupi Sadaashiva (Mercury)





Short notes on the ones I did not cover before:




Bhairavi represents the path of Mars, i.e. viewing the duality as a challenge that needs to be fought hard and fearlessly and not fear anything, including death and pain. The ideal companion is aatmabala, represented by Sun, just as a good king (Sun) is an ideal supplement for a good commander (Mars).





Bagalaamukhi represents the path of Saturn, i.e. viewing the duality as that which results from one's own weaknesses, sins and internal enemies and seeing a conquest of internal enemies as the key to overcoming duality. The fighting spirit represented by Mars is the ideal companion in the process of overcoming enemies. Mahaa Rudra shown by Mars is hence the consort of Bagalamukhi.





Maatangi represents the path of Mercury, i.e. viewing the duality as that which needs to be learnt, understood, mastered and then overcome. Free thinking without boundaries, represented by Rahu, is the ideal companion in this path. Maatanga means free spirited one or free roamer and Shiva Maatanga is such a form of Shiva. He is the consort of Maatangi.





*        *        *




Friends, there may be an outcry to my writings from astrologers used to a different planet-mahavidya map (which is NOT sanctioned by any scripture and yet popular today in some circles). I may not be able to respond to all the mails.





But please do bear in mind that there is a simple and uniform philosophy behind the concept of Mahavidyas. Flowery expositions without a uniform philosophy and even a basic uniform understanding of what Mahavidyas are for are useless. If you are told logic like " Tripurasundari holds sugarcane. Mercury shows sugar cane. So Tripurasundari is shown by Mercury " , reject such superficial logic. If somebody tells you that a mahavidya is for winning lawsuits or for getting power or getting wealth, reject such things.





Please remember that mahavidyas are forms of *supreme liberating knowledge*. The path to liberation looks different from the point of view of different planets.




Best regards,Narasimha------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ homam

Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAst rologer.org/ tarpanaSpirituality: http://groups. / group/vedic- wisdom

Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro. home.comcast. netFree Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAst rologer.org

Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagan nath.org------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------  



sohamsa@ .com, Visti Larsen <visti wrote:

>> ??? ??? ?????> Dear Narasimha, Namaskar.> Great... so because crows are black, as is Krishna's complexion, so > Crows and Krishna are both Moon. People here know better than that.

> Here's another list for you from Todala Tantra:> > 1. Dakshina/Kali - MahaKaal> 2. Tara - Akshobya> 3. Mahatripurisundari - Panchanan/Somanath> 4. Bhuvaneswari - Tryambaka> 5. Bhairavi  - Dakshinamurti

> 6. Chinamaste - Shiva-Kabandha> 7. Dhumavati -> 8. Bagalamukhi - Maharudra> 9. Matangi - Shiva Matanga> 10. Kamalatmika - Sadashiva> > These are the Mahavidya (left) and their spouses (right side). See that

> Mahatripurasundari's spouse is Somanatha, and surely the name Soma-Natha > implies that he is the Jyotirlinga associated with the Moon. But in your > list Moon is Kali, so where are we at now with the logic you used and

> the list you have derived?> Again I re-iterate that the logic you have used is not right as it > cannot be replicated.> Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen> ------------ --------- --------- --------- ----

> Jyotish Guru (Vedic Astrologer)> www: http://srigaruda. com> @: visti > Narasimha P.V.R. Rao skrev:> >

> >> > Namaste friends,> >  > > > Narasimha's list is his own invention...> >  > > Parasara *equated* planets to dasavataras of Vishnu in Brihat > > Paaraasara Horaa Saastram, an authoritative Jyotish treatise.

> >  > > As you can see in the verse quoted by Narayan below, dasavataras of > > Vishnu are *equated* to dasa mahavidyas in Munda Maalaa Tantra, a > > respected tantra treatise regarding mahavidyas. For example,

> > " kR^iShnastu kaalikaa saakShaat raamamUrtishca taariNI " literally > > means " Krishna is literally Kaalika and Rama is Taarini " . In Hindi, it > > can be translated as " Krishen ji to saakshaat Kaalika hain aur Raam ji

> > Taarini hain " .> >  > > *        *        *> >  > > If a and b are *equated* and also b and c are *equated*, it is logical > > to infer that a and c can be equated.

> >  > > It is mischievous to label this logical inference as my " own > > invention " . The philosophical justification of the mapping is mine, > > but the list is NOT my invention.

> >  > > Those who want to accept the list given by author Bhattacharya, who, > > according to Sarbani, does not quote a scriptural basis for his list, > > are free to do so. But it is mischievous to call what I gave as my

> > " own invention " .> >  > > Best regards,> > Narasimha> >  > > sohamsa@ .com <sohamsa>, Visti

> > Larsen <visti@> wrote:> > >> > > ??? ??? ?????> > > Dear Sarbani and Swee, Namaskar.> > > The verse that Narayan Iyer has given mentions nothing about the Graha

> > > corresponding to the Mahavidya. The verse is otherwise mentioned in > > MANY> > > tantras and is a well known one which shows which Mahavidya corresponds> > > to which Vishnu Avatara.

> > > Narasimha has merely inferred the Graha linkages and therefore the list> > > is his own research and is NOT supported by any treatise at all.> > > In fact everyone SHOULD be encouraged to follow the list given by Sri

> > > Jyotirbhushan Bhattacharya, as he HAS given a direct list of Graha and> > > corresponding Mahavidya. Narasimha's list is his own invention... the> > > sloka mentions nothing about the graha linkages.

> > >> > > Just because Parasara equates Sun to Rama we should think Sun should> > > also be Tarini as per the Mahavidya-Vishnu avatara link? This is not a> > > proper logic, in fact when we were taught the Agni Purana on the second

> > > year of Jaimini Sutras, and the names of Vishnu therein, we saw a> > > completely different concept of mapping of the grahas to the name of > > the> > > avataras.> > > This mapping that Narasimha has suggested is simply not acceptable

> > as it> > > is too simple an explanation, and doesn't bring out the real importance> > > as to how the Mahavidya and Vishnu Avatara are connected. I.e. how the> > > left foot corresponds to Tara and the right hand corresponds to Rama,

> > > whilst the right foot is Kali and the left hand is Krishna and how the> > > hands and feet walk together in sync showing the Gati (feet) and karma> > > (hands) that are connected. This itself was taught to us on the

> > first year.> > > Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen> > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- ----> > > Jyotish Guru (Vedic Astrologer)> > > www: http://srigaruda. com <http://srigaruda. com>

> > > @: visti@ 


Original mail:




> Dear Narayan,>  > Thanks for the verse from Munda Maalaa Tantra. Out of all planet-mahavidya> mappings I have seen, this is the most philosophically sound mapping.

> > Sun - Taaraa - Raama> Moon - Kaali - Krishna> Mars - Bhairavi - Nrisimha> Mercury - Maatangi - Buddha> Jupiter - Dhumaavati - Vaamana> Venus - Chhinnamastaa - Bhaargava Rama

> Saturn - Bagalamukhi - Koorma> Rahu - Bhuvaneswari - Varaaha> Ketu - Kamala - Matsya> > *        *        *> > Vidya is knowledge. Mahavidya is supreme knowledge. Dasa mahavidyas are the

> ten highest forms of knowledge that take us to moksha or liberation,> approaching from different angles. Other kinds of knowledge (e.g.> mathematics, physics, astronomy, astrology, grammar etc) do not liberate us.

> But these ten kinds of knowledge liberate us. The deities (names and forms> described in books for ten mahavidyas) are personifications of those ten> types of supreme knowledge that liberate us.>

> *        *        *> > Please note one thing here. Moksha means overcoming the maayaa of the> duality around us. Seeing some things as desirable, some as undesirable,> some as pleasurable, some as painful, some as beautiful, some as ugly etc is

> what binds us. Overcoming the duality and seeing all as Brahman is> liberation or moksha.> > Different planets represent different aspects of our selves. The duality> around us and the way to overcome it seem different from different angles.

> From the point of view of individual soul (Sun), this maayaa is something> that needs to be overcome by crossing and reaching the other end (supreme> cosmic soul). From the point of view of mind (Moon), this duality is

> something that clouds the vision and needs to be destroyed so that it cannot> tempt again. From the point of view of the intellect/discrimin ation/dhee> (Jupiter), it issomething that is non-existent anyway ( " so what was the

> problem in the first place? " ), like shapes made of smoke. From the point of> view of initiative and energy within us (Mars), it is something that needs> to be fought hard and fearlessly. From the point of view of the learning

> ability within us (Mercury), it is something that needs to be learnt and> understood fully so that we can overcome it. From the point of view of> enjoyment and happiness (Venus), it is something that needs to be accepted

> and enjoyed and not something to fear or avoid ( " after all, all is Brahman.> Then why stay away from enjoyments? " ). And so on.> > But remember one important thing. Whichever approach is taken to overcoming

> duality, the end result is the same. One first masters the approach. It> becomes part of one's common sense and thinking. One eventually overcomes> duality. One becomes self-realized and becomes liberated. That end result is

> the same irrespective of the approach chosen.> > *        *        *>  > Sun is the soul within us. The highest form of knowledge coming from delving> deep into this aspect is what makes one wade (tar=swim/wade/ cross) the ocean

> of delusion and get to the source. If you master the knowledge that helps> one view the world as an ocean that needs to be crossed to reach the> supreme, other things will follow and you eventually get liberation. Taaraa

> personifies this knowledge.>  > Moon is the mind within us. The highest form of knowledge coming from> delving deep into this aspect is an understanding of attachments and> desires, their impermanence and how to kill them. If you master the

> knowledge that kills all attachments and desires and gives perfect control> on the mind, other things will follow and you eventually get liberation.> Kaali personifies this knowledge.>  > Mars is the energy and initiative within us. The highest form of knowledge

> coming from delving deep into this aspect is what gives one fearlessness of> anything in the universe. If you master the knowledge that makes you utterly> fearless and you do not fear anything (including death or pain!) other

> things will follow and you eventually get liberation. Bhairavi personifies> this knowledge.>  > Mercury is knowledge and learning ability within us. The highest form of> knowledge coming from delving deep into this aspect is what gives one

> learning of various topics. If you master the knowledge that give you> mastery of all kinds of learning through logical and rational thinking,> other things will follow and you eventually get liberation. Maatangi

> personifies this knowledge. In fact, some people associate Maatangi with> Saraswati. Saraswati is also known as " Maatanga Kanya " .> > Jupiter is the intellect, wisdom and discrimination (dhee shakti) within us.

> The highest form of knowledge coming from delving deep into this aspect is> that all is delusion. The individual soul and individual mind and everything> they perceive is just an illusion. All that is there is Brahman. Any other

> perceptions, of various good or bad things, are just a delusion, like> figures made of smoke. If you master the knowledge that makes your intellect> shine, you will realize that the entire world is a delusion and not deluded

> by anything anymore. Then other things will follow and you eventually get> liberation. Dhumaavati personifies this knowledge.> > Venus is the spirit of enjoyment and bliss. The highest form of knowledge

> coming from delving deep into this aspect is what makes one egoless and> blissful. If you master the knowledge that makes you utterly fearless and> you do not fear anything, including death or pain, other things will follow

> and you eventually get liberation. Chhinnamasta personifies this knowledge.> She is depicted as a deity holding her own severed head, standing near a> naked couple in copulation and surrounded by associates who are drinking

> wine. One mastering this knowledge need not stay away from any pleasures,> but one learns to see god even those pleasures. However, pleasure obtained> with an ego ( " *I* am enjoying this act or object " ) binds. The headless state

> symbolizes egolessness. If one has overcome I-ness, pleasures are not> binding. One not thinking in terms of " *I* am enjoying " but having no sense> of " I " can live life without running away from any pleasures or undertaking

> any austerities and yet become liberated.> > Saturn is the spirit of hard work within us. He also represents our> weaknesses and sins. The highest form of knowledge coming from delving deep> into this aspect is what makes us realize our internal enemies and destroy

> them. If you master the knowledge that makes you overcome weaknesses such as> laziness and internal enemies such as lust, anger, greed, jealosy etc, other> things will follow and you eventually get liberation. Bagalamukhi

> personifies this knowledge. Most of her mantras ask to destroy enemies and> so people foolishly think that she is the one who gives success in> litigation and worship her for court cases. This is like going to a king to

> ask for two spoons of sugar for your milk. You go to the king for bigger> things and a neighbor is enough for giving you two spoons of sugar. The> enemies destroyed by Bagalamukhi are internal enemies and your own laziness.

> Remember, she is a mahavidya, i.e. a type of supreme knowledge that> liberates you!>  > Rahu is the spirit of material well-being within us. Rahu is the one who> binds us to rebirth (this is why Saturn showing sins and Rahu showing

> rebirth are important in the death chart). The highest form of knowledge> coming from delving deep into this aspect is what gives us worldly success> in a dhaarmik way. If you master the knowledge that makes you materially

> successful in a dharmik way, you become successful and fulfil all your> duties and debts in the world and eventually get liberation. Bhuvaneswari> personifies this knowledge.> > Ketu is the spirit of of detachment and Vedic knowledge within us. The

> highest form of knowledge coming from delving deep into this aspect is the> essense of Veda. If you master the knowledge that enables you to be in> oneness with the supreme cosmic being, you eventually get liberation. Kamala

> (Mahaalakshmi) personifies this knowledge. According to saptashati rahasya> also, Mahaalakshmi is the Aadyaa (the first One). She is the energy of> supreme cosmic being. She divides Herself into 3 parts - Mahaakaali,

> Mahaalakshmi and MahaaSaraswati and they create Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and> their consorts. Kamala represents the knowledge of the supreme cosmic energy> of the supreme cosmic being.> > *        *        *

> > One of the above is not superior to the other. Depending on your vasanas> (mental conditioning) , attitudes, likes and dislikes, depending on which> aspect of your personality dominates over other aspects (the sinfulness and

> weaknesses? or the interest in learning things? or the spirit of fighting?> or the sense of enjoyment? etc), one Mahavidya may be more suitable than> others, as that knowledge uses your strong aspect and moulds that aspect to

> take you towards liberation. Do not compare them. Take the one that is most> suitable, but do master that aspect.> > *        *        *> > There are some who do Dasa Mahavidya sadhana by doing one Mahavidya's mantra

> for one month, then switch to another and so on. They think that by doing> each mahavidya mantra for a certain count, they " finish " the mahavidya> sadhana. This is wrong and serves no useful purpose. Instead, one should

> pick any ONE mahavidya and succeed in that sadhana. The definition of> success is that the knowledge represented by that deity becomes part of your> common sense - you understand that knowledge and ooze that knowledge in your

> thoughts and actions. Whether you experience the deity as an external> human-like form (who may impart some knowledge to you) or as an internal> human-like form or as light or as sound is secondary, but the end result

> should be that the knowledge represented by Her should become common sense> and second nature to you. One claiming visions or siddhi of a mahavidya but> not showing the corresponding knowledge is bluffing.

> > There are many people who do mahavidya sadhana and yet many others who claim> to have siddhi in one or more mahavidyas, but very few who actually possess> any of the ten mahavidyas. The area of mahavidya sadhana is one of the most

> ill-understood in today's age of ignorance and half-baked knowledge. It is> easier to possess lower vidyas or lower shaktis, but mahavidyas are beyond> the capability of understanding for most people.

> > Best regards,> Narasimha



-- Om Akhanda mandalaakaaramvyaptam yena charaa charamtatpadam darsita yena tasmai sri gurave namaha






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-- Om Akhanda mandalaakaaramvyaptam yena charaa charamtatpadam darsita yena tasmai sri gurave namaha

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Dear Rakesh,

I follow and share you thoughts on this and would like to add a few points

regarding logic in explaining Vidyas that some in the thread were insisting on.

I appreciate logic very much, but it must be a solid system to get us somewhere.

Constancy cannot be definied by a variation. To have a discussion based on logic

we should first define what is constant and what is a variation.

tat tvam asi - Inner core of a planet (mentioned by Sri Narasimhaji) is the

inner core of everything. Inner core is the most unappropriate term to define


Graha is that which tends to grab or eclipse (grahana) and as such is endowed

with the Shakti (iccha, jnana or kriya). Graha is defined with one of the gunas

and is essentialy saguna. Guna defines grahas impact on kshetra (experience

field). To say that inner core of a planet is nirguna is correct the same as the

statement that the inner core of everything existing is nirguna. That will not

help. At least, it doesn`t help me.

Correlation between planets and Mahavidyas lacks the criterion of comparison.

Mahavidyas are that from where the gunas emerges. By understanding planets we

can understand guna, but not their source.

We should also be puzzled on the different number - ten Vidyas and nine planets

which makes the correlation irregular. However, out of the ten Vidyas two are

known as Mahavidyas. The remaining eight Vidyas I can equate only to eight

bondages to soul that emerges from Prakriti (as mentioned in chapter of Gita you

have pointed out). Two Mahavidyas - explain processes of evolution and

maintanance of jiva and Universe (Tara) and dissolution or distruction (Kali).

Grahas are primarily to be understood as Karma done in a different fields of

material existence. Only if understood as the consequence of karmic interactions

they can be related to Vidyas, where nine of them will corespond to nine planets

and the tenth Vidya - Kali will be dissolver, the One who destroys karma.

We could also set another logical correlation based upon the Sun, the Moon and

lagna where they would correspond to three main Vidyas. Sun - Kali, Moon - Tara

and lagna - Tripura...

But what is the criterion?

Vidyas are the only explanation for everything as the evolving/involving

principle behind every process in the universe is Vidya/Avidya. So, not only

nine planets, but tattvas, nakshatras, lokas, planes of consciousness...are to

be understood through Vidyas. It seems we often stumble over a figures.

Namastestu Mahamaye! :)

As long as some interpretation forms a consistent system in one`s thinking and

knowledge it is the way to reach higher meaning. But the basis in everyone`s

thinking (no matter how different form others) must be firm. For that the

decision has to be made. The hardest decision of all. That could be the very

essence of the Kali yuga - thick forest of the meanings that veils the wood.

Thus - gatistvam gatistvam tvam eka bhavani...






, " Rakesh Sawant " <rak1001 wrote:



> Om Namah Shivaya!


> The moment illogical experiences achieves logical expression, they loose their

illogical status!!!


> My best wishes to all logical minds!!!


> Very important quote from BG - chapter 7 - shloka 4 to ponder: " Earth, water,

fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego - altogether these eight

comprise My separated material energies "


Thanks and Regards,


> Rakesh






> ---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------





> Subject : RE: Consorts of Dasa Mahavidyas Given in Todala Tantra





> Date : Tue, 9 Jun 2009 13:04:45 +0530





> From : " Sarbani Rath " <sarbani





> To : <sohamsa >,





> Cc : <vedic astrology >,




Hare Rama Krishna




Namastestu Mahamaye...




Dear Narsimha,




(Narasimha) Friends, there may be an outcry to my writings from astrologers





> used to a different planet-mahavidya map (which is NOT sanctioned by any





> scripture and yet popular today in some circles). I may not be able to





> respond to all the mails.




An outcry??? Regarding what?? No, no you have got the wrong end of the stick





> here. The planet-mahavidya mapping is used by many priests and pundits who





> are in no way associated with SJC. They even have them up in their websites.





> So please do not start an agenda of saying this is " SJC " 's





> version/unsanctioned etc. Let us instead have an intellectual theological





> debate, which is far more interesting. YOU can say that though in practice





> most priests and books follow a certain norm of planet-mahavidya





> co-relation, but on reflection a different order appeals to you and you are





> sharing that with us.




Mundamala Tantra is just one of the tantras, and not the top of the rung. It





> would be interesting to see what the Mahanirvan, the Gyanarnava, the





> Pranatoshini, the Mahanil, the Kularnava tantras and specially the Yamala





> texts have to say on this. I am delighted that you have at last succumbed to





> Devi worship. I remember 2-3 years back in Boston you rejected all kinds of





> Devi worship including the Sri Sri Chandi.




Mahavidya is THE supreme knowledge. When you write:




(Narasimha) From the perspective of Venus (enjoyment), this duality needs to





> be enjoyed and not run away from. The symbolism behind Chhinnamasta depicted





> accompanied by a naked couple in copulation and associates drinking wine is





> that nothing is impure and all is Brahman. That is the take of Venus





> (enjoyment).




Correctly you have pointed out that we should not be superficial. To say





> that the symbolism behind the copulating couple in Chhinnamasta's





> iconography is about enjoyment is highly superficial. You have missed the





> boat here. Chhinnamasta is all about suppressing that. There have been many





> works by renowned scholars in both east and the west on this. There is





> surely nothing wrong with Venus. The problem occurs when Rahu is associated





> Venus. That's when we talk of re-directing that undesirable carnal energy.





> Chhinnamasta represents that unleashed carnality of Rahu. Venus on the other





> hand is the purest of them all. After all he gets exalted in the sign of





> maharishis. Venus has the capacity to bloom like the lotus from the cesspool





> like mud of life. At a deeper level, this blooming of the lotus is really





> the blooming of our soul, the awakening. That is why the Sharadatilaka





> tantra advises us to worship Kamalatmika in water as the sun rises. In her





> mantra she is addressed as Jagatprasutyai ...the one who gives birth h to





> this world. I think you need to work a little more on this, and I am sure





> Mother will show the way. There are fantastic works done on the mahavidyas





> by many exponents from the different gurukuls of India, though of course no





> one writes the really deeper level experiences which can only stem from





> sadhana.




Incidentally, there are many quiet members in these lists who are extremely





> spiritual and any of whom have years of experience in devi worship. I appeal





> to them to share their experiences with us.




Best Regards,




Sarbani Rath




Homepage: http://sarbani.com




Sagittarius Publications:





> http://sagittariuspublications.com




Sohamsa: http://sohamsa.com




Sri Jagannath Centre: http://.org














sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of





> Narasimha P.V.R. Rao





> 09 June 2009 09:48





> sohamsa ; ;





> vedic astrology ;





> Consorts of Dasa Mahavidyas Given in Todala Tantra





















































> Great... so because crows are black, as is Krishna's complexion, so





> > Crows and Krishna are both Moon. People here know better than that.









I never talked of superficial things such as " complexion " . Moreover, you are





> replacing Kaalika with crows in your sircasm and making fun really of Tantra





> and Parasara.














* * *














> Here's another list for you from Todala Tantra:





> >





> >









> > These are the Mahavidya (left) and their spouses (right side). See that





> > Mahatripurasundari's spouse is Somanatha, and surely the name Soma-Natha





> > implies that he is the Jyotirlinga associated with the Moon. But in your





> > list Moon is Kali, so where are we at now with the logic you used and





> > the list you have derived?









Instead of getting caught in superficial and extraneous factors, let us go





> to the crux.














Mahavidyas and their consorts are not showing the same thing, but two





> different things that have a synergy. The list of planets mapping to





> mahavidyas and those mapping to mahavidya consorts will accordingly have to





> be different. I will elaborate with examples.














Each mahavidya represents one form of liberating supreme knowledge that





> helps one overcome duality and become liberated, starting from different





> vantage points within duality and approaching liberation from them. Consorts





> are the factors that aid in that approach.














* * *














For example, Kaali is equated to Krishna by Munda Maalaa Tantra and Krishna





> is equated to Moon by Parasara. So Kaali is shown by Moon. From the





> perspective of Moon (mind), this duality is a very troublesome temptation





> and the way to overcome it is to realize its impermanence and destroy the





> duality so that it cannot tempt again.














During this process, the ideal companion of Moon is Saturn (vairagya and





> discipline). So the consort of Kaali shown by Moon is Mahakala shown by





> Saturn.














Take Taaraa. She is equated to Raama by Munda Maalaa Tantra and Raama is





> equated to Sun by Parasara. So Taaraa is shown by Sun. From the perspective





> of Sun (soul), this duality is an ocean of delusion that needs to be waded





> across to reach the supreme cosmic soul.














During this process, the ideal companion of Sun is Jupiter (intelligence and





> discrimination). Just as rajaguru (Jupiter) guides king (Sun), the intellect





> and discrimination will aid soul in the process of wading the ocean of





> duality and reaching the supreme. So the consort of Taaraa shown by Sun is





> Akshobhya shown by Jupiter.














Take Chhinnamasta. She is equated to Bhaargava Raama by Munda Maalaa Tantra





> and Bhaargava Raama is equated to Venus by Parasara. So Chhinnamasta is





> shown by Venus. From the perspective of Venus (enjoyment), this duality





> needs to be enjoyed and not run away from. The symbolism behind Chhinnamasta





> depicted accompanied by a naked couple in copulation and associates drinking





> wine is that nothing is impure and all is Brahman. That is the take of Venus





> (enjoyment).














During this process, the ideal companion of Venus (enjoyment) is Ketu





> (detachment and egolessness). Only when the enjoyment is gone through





> without ego and identification can it be conducive to liberation. So the





> consort of Chhinnamasta shown by Venus is Shiva-Kabandha shown by Ketu.





> Kabandha means the headless one.














As Dhumaavati is shown by Jupiter (dhee, i.e. intellect and discrimination),





> there is no need for a companion. If the force of dhee is there, one





> realizes that all is god and does not distinguish between good and bad,





> happy and sad etc and becomes liberated easily. One with a strong aatmabala





> or manobala can waver and may need supplementing influences, but one with a





> strong dheeshakti is fine. There is no supplementing influence.














* * *














Now let us take your example. Mahatripuarasundari is equated to Kalki by





> Munda Mala Tantra and Kalki is equated to lagna by Maharshi Parasara. So





> Tripura is lagna.














While Sun and Moon show the soul and mind, lagna shows the individualized





> consciousness through which we operate in the world. It includes body and





> more. It is lagna through which we act in the world. From the point of view





> of lagna, duality is to be overcome by doing what is expected from us by





> Nature and engaging in actions. Tripura personifies the supreme liberating





> knowledge of using the individualized consciousness to engage in perfect





> actions in the world to liberate oneself.














Now, the most useful companion of lagna in this process is Moon (mind). The





> actor within you (lagna) needs mind as mind tells the actor what to do.





> Thus, the ideal companion of lagna is Moon. Accordingly, the consort of





> Mahatripurasundari shown by lagna is Somanatha shown by Moon.














* * *














You can find similar logic for all of them. Here is the full list:














1. Kaali (Moon) - Mahaa Kaala (Saturn)





> 2. Taaraa (Sun) - Akshobhya (Jupiter)





> 3. Mahatripurisundari (Lagna) - Somanaatha (Moon)





> 4. Bhuvaneswari (Rahu) - Tryambaka (Venus)





> 5. Bhairavi (Mars) - Dakshinaamurti (Sun)





> 6. Chhinamastaa (Venus) - Shiva-Kabandha (Ketu)





> 7. Dhumavati (Jupiter) - None





> 8. Bagalaamukhi (Saturn) - Mahaa Rudra (Mars)





> 9. Maatangi (Mercury) - Shiva Maatanga (Rahu)





> 10. Kamalatmika (Ketu) - Vishnurupi Sadaashiva (Mercury)














Short notes on the ones I did not cover before:














Bhairavi represents the path of Mars, i.e. viewing the duality as a





> challenge that needs to be fought hard and fearlessly and not fear anything,





> including death and pain. The ideal companion is aatmabala, represented by





> Sun, just as a good king (Sun) is an ideal supplement for a good commander





> (Mars).














Bagalaamukhi represents the path of Saturn, i.e. viewing the duality as that





> which results from one's own weaknesses, sins and internal enemies and





> seeing a conquest of internal enemies as the key to overcoming duality. The





> fighting spirit represented by Mars is the ideal companion in the process of





> overcoming enemies. Mahaa Rudra shown by Mars is hence the consort of





> Bagalamukhi.














Maatangi represents the path of Mercury, i.e. viewing the duality as that





> which needs to be learnt, understood, mastered and then overcome. Free





> thinking without boundaries, represented by Rahu, is the ideal companion in





> this path. Maatanga means free spirited one or free roamer and Shiva





> Maatanga is such a form of Shiva. He is the consort of Maatangi.














* * *














Friends, there may be an outcry to my writings from astrologers used to a





> different planet-mahavidya map (which is NOT sanctioned by any scripture and





> yet popular today in some circles). I may not be able to respond to all the





> mails.














But please do bear in mind that there is a simple and uniform philosophy





> behind the concept of Mahavidyas. Flowery expositions without a uniform





> philosophy and even a basic uniform understanding of what Mahavidyas are for





> are useless. If you are told logic like " Tripurasundari holds sugarcane.





> Mercury shows sugar cane. So Tripurasundari is shown by Mercury " , reject





> such superficial logic. If somebody tells you that a mahavidya is for





> winning lawsuits or for getting power or getting wealth, reject such things.














Please remember that mahavidyas are forms of *supreme liberating knowledge*.





> The path to liberation looks different from the point of view of different





> planets.














Best regards,





> Narasimha










> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam





> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana





> Spirituality:





> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net





> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org





> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org














sohamsa , Visti Larsen wrote:





> >





> > ??? ??? ?????





> > Dear Narasimha, Namaskar.





> > Great... so because crows are black, as is Krishna's complexion, so





> > Crows and Krishna are both Moon. People here know better than that.





> > Here's another list for you from Todala Tantra:





> >





> > 1. Dakshina/Kali - MahaKaal





> > 2. Tara - Akshobya





> > 3. Mahatripurisundari - Panchanan/Somanath





> > 4. Bhuvaneswari - Tryambaka





> > 5. Bhairavi - Dakshinamurti





> > 6. Chinamaste - Shiva-Kabandha





> > 7. Dhumavati -





> > 8. Bagalamukhi - Maharudra





> > 9. Matangi - Shiva Matanga





> > 10. Kamalatmika - Sadashiva





> >





> > These are the Mahavidya (left) and their spouses (right side). See that





> > Mahatripurasundari's spouse is Somanatha, and surely the name Soma-Natha





> > implies that he is the Jyotirlinga associated with the Moon. But in your





> > list Moon is Kali, so where are we at now with the logic you used and





> > the list you have derived?





> > Again I re-iterate that the logic you have used is not right as it





> > cannot be replicated.





> > Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen





> > ----------





> > Jyotish Guru (Vedic Astrologer)





> > www: http://srigaruda.com





> > @: visti@





> >





> > Narasimha P.V.R. Rao skrev:





> > >





> > >





> > > Namaste friends,





> > >





> > > > Narasimha's list is his own invention...





> > >





> > > Parasara *equated* planets to dasavataras of Vishnu in Brihat





> > > Paaraasara Horaa Saastram, an authoritative Jyotish treatise.





> > >





> > > As you can see in the verse quoted by Narayan below, dasavataras of





> > > Vishnu are *equated* to dasa mahavidyas in Munda Maalaa Tantra, a





> > > respected tantra treatise regarding mahavidyas. For example,





> > > " kR^iShnastu kaalikaa saakShaat raamamUrtishca taariNI " literally





> > > means " Krishna is literally Kaalika and Rama is Taarini " . In Hindi, it





> > > can be translated as " Krishen ji to saakshaat Kaalika hain aur Raam ji





> > > Taarini hain " .





> > >





> > > * * *





> > >





> > > If a and b are *equated* and also b and c are *equated*, it is logical





> > > to infer that a and c can be equated.





> > >





> > > It is mischievous to label this logical inference as my " own





> > > invention " . The philosophical justification of the mapping is mine,





> > > but the list is NOT my invention.





> > >





> > > Those who want to accept the list given by author Bhattacharya, who,





> > > according to Sarbani, does not quote a scriptural basis for his list,





> > > are free to do so. But it is mischievous to call what I gave as my





> > > " own invention " .





> > >





> > > Best regards,





> > > Narasimha





> > >





> > > sohamsa , Visti





> > > Larsen wrote:





> > > >





> > > > ??? ??? ?????





> > > > Dear Sarbani and Swee, Namaskar.





> > > > The verse that Narayan Iyer has given mentions nothing about the Graha





> > > > corresponding to the Mahavidya. The verse is otherwise mentioned in





> > > MANY





> > > > tantras and is a well known one which shows which Mahavidya





> corresponds





> > > > to which Vishnu Avatara.





> > > > Narasimha has merely inferred the Graha linkages and therefore the





> list





> > > > is his own research and is NOT supported by any treatise at all.





> > > > In fact everyone SHOULD be encouraged to follow the list given by Sri





> > > > Jyotirbhushan Bhattacharya, as he HAS given a direct list of Graha and





> > > > corresponding Mahavidya. Narasimha's list is his own invention... the





> > > > sloka mentions nothing about the graha linkages.





> > > >





> > > > Just because Parasara equates Sun to Rama we should think Sun should





> > > > also be Tarini as per the Mahavidya-Vishnu avatara link? This is not a





> > > > proper logic, in fact when we were taught the Agni Purana on the





> second





> > > > year of Jaimini Sutras, and the names of Vishnu therein, we saw a





> > > > completely different concept of mapping of the grahas to the name of





> > > the





> > > > avataras.





> > > > This mapping that Narasimha has suggested is simply not acceptable





> > > as it





> > > > is too simple an explanation, and doesn't bring out the real





> importance





> > > > as to how the Mahavidya and Vishnu Avatara are connected. I.e. how the





> > > > left foot corresponds to Tara and the right hand corresponds to Rama,





> > > > whilst the right foot is Kali and the left hand is Krishna and how the





> > > > hands and feet walk together in sync showing the Gati (feet) and karma





> > > > (hands) that are connected. This itself was taught to us on the





> > > first year.





> > > > Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen





> > > > ----------





> > > > Jyotish Guru (Vedic Astrologer)





> > > > www: http://srigaruda.com





> > > > @: visti@









Original mail:














> Dear Narayan,





> >





> > Thanks for the verse from Munda Maalaa Tantra. Out of all planet-mahavidya





> > mappings I have seen, this is the most philosophically sound mapping.





> >





> > Sun - Taaraa - Raama





> > Moon - Kaali - Krishna





> > Mars - Bhairavi - Nrisimha





> > Mercury - Maatangi - Buddha





> > Jupiter - Dhumaavati - Vaamana





> > Venus - Chhinnamastaa - Bhaargava Rama





> > Saturn - Bagalamukhi - Koorma





> > Rahu - Bhuvaneswari - Varaaha





> > Ketu - Kamala - Matsya





> >





> > * * *





> >





> > Vidya is knowledge. Mahavidya is supreme knowledge. Dasa mahavidyas are





> the





> > ten highest forms of knowledge that take us to moksha or liberation,





> > approaching from different angles. Other kinds of knowledge (e.g.





> > mathematics, physics, astronomy, astrology, grammar etc) do not liberate





> us.





> > But these ten kinds of knowledge liberate us. The deities (names and forms





> > described in books for ten mahavidyas) are personifications of those ten





> > types of supreme knowledge that liberate us.





> >





> > * * *





> >





> > Please note one thing here. Moksha means overcoming the maayaa of the





> > duality around us. Seeing some things as desirable, some as undesirable,





> > some as pleasurable, some as painful, some as beautiful, some as ugly etc





> is





> > what binds us. Overcoming the duality and seeing all as Brahman is





> > liberation or moksha.





> >





> > Different planets represent different aspects of our selves. The duality





> > around us and the way to overcome it seem different from different angles.





> > From the point of view of individual soul (Sun), this maayaa is something





> > that needs to be overcome by crossing and reaching the other end (supreme





> > cosmic soul). From the point of view of mind (Moon), this duality is





> > something that clouds the vision and needs to be destroyed so that it





> cannot





> > tempt again. From the point of view of the intellect/discrimination/dhee





> > (Jupiter), it issomething that is non-existent anyway ( " so what was the





> > problem in the first place? " ), like shapes made of smoke. From the point





> of





> > view of initiative and energy within us (Mars), it is something that needs





> > to be fought hard and fearlessly. From the point of view of the learning





> > ability within us (Mercury), it is something that needs to be learnt and





> > understood fully so that we can overcome it. From the point of view of





> > enjoyment and happiness (Venus), it is something that needs to be accepted





> > and enjoyed and not something to fear or avoid ( " after all, all is





> Brahman.





> > Then why stay away from enjoyments? " ). And so on.





> >





> > But remember one important thing. Whichever approach is taken to





> overcoming





> > duality, the end result is the same. One first masters the approach. It





> > becomes part of one's common sense and thinking. One eventually overcomes





> > duality. One becomes self-realized and becomes liberated. That end result





> is





> > the same irrespective of the approach chosen.





> >





> > * * *





> >





> > Sun is the soul within us. The highest form of knowledge coming from





> delving





> > deep into this aspect is what makes one wade (tar=swim/wade/cross) the





> ocean





> > of delusion and get to the source. If you master the knowledge that helps





> > one view the world as an ocean that needs to be crossed to reach the





> > supreme, other things will follow and you eventually get liberation.





> Taaraa





> > personifies this knowledge.





> >





> > Moon is the mind within us. The highest form of knowledge coming from





> > delving deep into this aspect is an understanding of attachments and





> > desires, their impermanence and how to kill them. If you master the





> > knowledge that kills all attachments and desires and gives perfect control





> > on the mind, other things will follow and you eventually get liberation.





> > Kaali personifies this knowledge.





> >





> > Mars is the energy and initiative within us. The highest form of knowledge





> > coming from delving deep into this aspect is what gives one fearlessness





> of





> > anything in the universe. If you master the knowledge that makes you





> utterly





> > fearless and you do not fear anything (including death or pain!) other





> > things will follow and you eventually get liberation. Bhairavi personifies





> > this knowledge.





> >





> > Mercury is knowledge and learning ability within us. The highest form of





> > knowledge coming from delving deep into this aspect is what gives one





> > learning of various topics. If you master the knowledge that give you





> > mastery of all kinds of learning through logical and rational thinking,





> > other things will follow and you eventually get liberation. Maatangi





> > personifies this knowledge. In fact, some people associate Maatangi with





> > Saraswati. Saraswati is also known as " Maatanga Kanya " .





> >





> > Jupiter is the intellect, wisdom and discrimination (dhee shakti) within





> us.





> > The highest form of knowledge coming from delving deep into this aspect is





> > that all is delusion. The individual soul and individual mind and





> everything





> > they perceive is just an illusion. All that is there is Brahman. Any other





> > perceptions, of various good or bad things, are just a delusion, like





> > figures made of smoke. If you master the knowledge that makes your





> intellect





> > shine, you will realize that the entire world is a delusion and not





> deluded





> > by anything anymore. Then other things will follow and you eventually get





> > liberation. Dhumaavati personifies this knowledge.





> >





> > Venus is the spirit of enjoyment and bliss. The highest form of knowledge





> > coming from delving deep into this aspect is what makes one egoless and





> > blissful. If you master the knowledge that makes you utterly fearless and





> > you do not fear anything, including death or pain, other things will





> follow





> > and you eventually get liberation. Chhinnamasta personifies this





> knowledge.





> > She is depicted as a deity holding her own severed head, standing near a





> > naked couple in copulation and surrounded by associates who are drinking





> > wine. One mastering this knowledge need not stay away from any pleasures,





> > but one learns to see god even those pleasures. However, pleasure obtained





> > with an ego ( " *I* am enjoying this act or object " ) binds. The headless





> state





> > symbolizes egolessness. If one has overcome I-ness, pleasures are not





> > binding. One not thinking in terms of " *I* am enjoying " but having no





> sense





> > of " I " can live life without running away from any pleasures or





> undertaking





> > any austerities and yet become liberated.





> >





> > Saturn is the spirit of hard work within us. He also represents our





> > weaknesses and sins. The highest form of knowledge coming from delving





> deep





> > into this aspect is what makes us realize our internal enemies and destroy





> > them. If you master the knowledge that makes you overcome weaknesses such





> as





> > laziness and internal enemies such as lust, anger, greed, jealosy etc,





> other





> > things will follow and you eventually get liberation. Bagalamukhi





> > personifies this knowledge. Most of her mantras ask to destroy enemies and





> > so people foolishly think that she is the one who gives success in





> > litigation and worship her for court cases. This is like going to a king





> to





> > ask for two spoons of sugar for your milk. You go to the king for bigger





> > things and a neighbor is enough for giving you two spoons of sugar. The





> > enemies destroyed by Bagalamukhi are internal enemies and your own





> laziness.





> > Remember, she is a mahavidya, i.e. a type of supreme knowledge that





> > liberates you!





> >





> > Rahu is the spirit of material well-being within us. Rahu is the one who





> > binds us to rebirth (this is why Saturn showing sins and Rahu showing





> > rebirth are important in the death chart). The highest form of knowledge





> > coming from delving deep into this aspect is what gives us worldly success





> > in a dhaarmik way. If you master the knowledge that makes you materially





> > successful in a dharmik way, you become successful and fulfil all your





> > duties and debts in the world and eventually get liberation. Bhuvaneswari





> > personifies this knowledge.





> >





> > Ketu is the spirit of of detachment and Vedic knowledge within us. The





> > highest form of knowledge coming from delving deep into this aspect is the





> > essense of Veda. If you master the knowledge that enables you to be in





> > oneness with the supreme cosmic being, you eventually get liberation.





> Kamala





> > (Mahaalakshmi) personifies this knowledge. According to saptashati rahasya





> > also, Mahaalakshmi is the Aadyaa (the first One). She is the energy of





> > supreme cosmic being. She divides Herself into 3 parts - Mahaakaali,





> > Mahaalakshmi and MahaaSaraswati and they create Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and





> > their consorts. Kamala represents the knowledge of the supreme cosmic





> energy





> > of the supreme cosmic being.





> >





> > * * *





> >





> > One of the above is not superior to the other. Depending on your vasanas





> > (mental conditioning), attitudes, likes and dislikes, depending on which





> > aspect of your personality dominates over other aspects (the sinfulness





> and





> > weaknesses? or the interest in learning things? or the spirit of fighting?





> > or the sense of enjoyment? etc), one Mahavidya may be more suitable than





> > others, as that knowledge uses your strong aspect and moulds that aspect





> to





> > take you towards liberation. Do not compare them. Take the one that is





> most





> > suitable, but do master that aspect.





> >





> > * * *





> >





> > There are some who do Dasa Mahavidya sadhana by doing one Mahavidya's





> mantra





> > for one month, then switch to another and so on. They think that by doing





> > each mahavidya mantra for a certain count, they " finish " the mahavidya





> > sadhana. This is wrong and serves no useful purpose. Instead, one should





> > pick any ONE mahavidya and succeed in that sadhana. The definition of





> > success is that the knowledge represented by that deity becomes part of





> your





> > common sense - you understand that knowledge and ooze that knowledge in





> your





> > thoughts and actions. Whether you experience the deity as an external





> > human-like form (who may impart some knowledge to you) or as an internal





> > human-like form or as light or as sound is secondary, but the end result





> > should be that the knowledge represented by Her should become common sense





> > and second nature to you. One claiming visions or siddhi of a mahavidya





> but





> > not showing the corresponding knowledge is bluffing.





> >





> > There are many people who do mahavidya sadhana and yet many others who





> claim





> > to have siddhi in one or more mahavidyas, but very few who actually





> possess





> > any of the ten mahavidyas. The area of mahavidya sadhana is one of the





> most





> > ill-understood in today's age of ignorance and half-baked knowledge. It is





> > easier to possess lower vidyas or lower shaktis, but mahavidyas are beyond





> > the capability of understanding for most people.





> >





> > Best regards,





> > Narasimha


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Guest guest

Dear Rakesh,

I follow and share you thoughts on this and would like to add a few points

regarding logic in explaining Vidyas that some in the thread were insisting on.

I appreciate logic very much, but it must be a solid system to get us somewhere.

Constancy cannot be definied by a variation. To have a discussion based on logic

we should first define what is constant and what is a variation.

tat tvam asi - Inner core of a planet is the inner core of everything. Inner

core is the most unappropriate term to define Brahman.

Graha is that which tends to grab or eclipse (grahana) and as such is endowed

with the Shakti (iccha, jnana or kriya). Graha is defined with one of the gunas

and is essentialy saguna. Guna defines grahas impact on kshetra (experience

field). To say that inner core of a planet is nirguna is correct the same as the

statement that the inner core of everything existing is nirguna. That will not

help. At least, it doesn`t help me.

Correlation between planets and Mahavidyas lacks the criterion of comparison.

Mahavidyas are that from where the gunas emerges. By understanding planets we

can understand guna, but not their source.

We should also be puzzled on the different number - ten Vidyas and nine planets

which makes the correlation irregular. However, out of the ten Vidyas two are

known as Mahavidyas. The remaining eight Vidyas I can equate only to eight

bondages to soul that emerges from Prakriti. Two Mahavidyas - explain processes

of evolution and maintanance of jiva and Universe (Tara) and dissolution or

distruction (Kali).

Grahas are primarily to be understood as Karma done in a different fields of

material existence. Only if understood as the consequence of karmic interactions

they can be related to Vidyas, where nine of them will corespond to nine planets

and the tenth Vidya - Kali will be dissolver, the One who destroys karma.

We could also set another logical correlation based upon the Sun, the Moon and

lagna where they would correspond to three main Vidyas. Sun - Kali, Moon - Tara

and lagna - Tripura...

What is the criterion?

Vidyas are the only explanation for everything as the evolving/involving

principle behind every process in the universe is Vidya/Avidya. So, not only

nine planets, but tattvas, nakshatras, lokas, planes of consciousness...are to

be understood through Vidyas. It seems as if stumble over the figures.

Namastestu Mahamaye! :)

As long as some interpretation forms a consistent system in one`s thinking and

knowledge it is the way to reach higher meaning. But the basis in everyone`s

thinking (no matter how different form others) must be firm. For that the

decision has to be made. The hardest decision of all. That could be the very

essence of the Kali yuga - thick forest of the meanings that veils the wood.

Thus - gatistvam gatistvam tvam eka bhavani...


Tijana D.



, " Rakesh Sawant " <rak1001 wrote:



> Om Namah Shivaya!


> The moment illogical experiences achieves logical expression, they loose their

illogical status!!!


> My best wishes to all logical minds!!!


> Very important quote from BG - chapter 7 - shloka 4 to ponder: " Earth, water,

fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego - altogether these eight

comprise My separated material energies "


Thanks and Regards,


> Rakesh






> ---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------





> Subject : RE: Consorts of Dasa Mahavidyas Given in Todala Tantra





> Date : Tue, 9 Jun 2009 13:04:45 +0530





> From : " Sarbani Rath " <sarbani





> To : <sohamsa >,





> Cc : <vedic astrology >,




Hare Rama Krishna




Namastestu Mahamaye...




Dear Narsimha,




(Narasimha) Friends, there may be an outcry to my writings from astrologers





> used to a different planet-mahavidya map (which is NOT sanctioned by any





> scripture and yet popular today in some circles). I may not be able to





> respond to all the mails.




An outcry??? Regarding what?? No, no you have got the wrong end of the stick





> here. The planet-mahavidya mapping is used by many priests and pundits who





> are in no way associated with SJC. They even have them up in their websites.





> So please do not start an agenda of saying this is " SJC " 's





> version/unsanctioned etc. Let us instead have an intellectual theological





> debate, which is far more interesting. YOU can say that though in practice





> most priests and books follow a certain norm of planet-mahavidya





> co-relation, but on reflection a different order appeals to you and you are





> sharing that with us.




Mundamala Tantra is just one of the tantras, and not the top of the rung. It





> would be interesting to see what the Mahanirvan, the Gyanarnava, the





> Pranatoshini, the Mahanil, the Kularnava tantras and specially the Yamala





> texts have to say on this. I am delighted that you have at last succumbed to





> Devi worship. I remember 2-3 years back in Boston you rejected all kinds of





> Devi worship including the Sri Sri Chandi.




Mahavidya is THE supreme knowledge. When you write:




(Narasimha) From the perspective of Venus (enjoyment), this duality needs to





> be enjoyed and not run away from. The symbolism behind Chhinnamasta depicted





> accompanied by a naked couple in copulation and associates drinking wine is





> that nothing is impure and all is Brahman. That is the take of Venus





> (enjoyment).




Correctly you have pointed out that we should not be superficial. To say





> that the symbolism behind the copulating couple in Chhinnamasta's





> iconography is about enjoyment is highly superficial. You have missed the





> boat here. Chhinnamasta is all about suppressing that. There have been many





> works by renowned scholars in both east and the west on this. There is





> surely nothing wrong with Venus. The problem occurs when Rahu is associated





> Venus. That's when we talk of re-directing that undesirable carnal energy.





> Chhinnamasta represents that unleashed carnality of Rahu. Venus on the other





> hand is the purest of them all. After all he gets exalted in the sign of





> maharishis. Venus has the capacity to bloom like the lotus from the cesspool





> like mud of life. At a deeper level, this blooming of the lotus is really





> the blooming of our soul, the awakening. That is why the Sharadatilaka





> tantra advises us to worship Kamalatmika in water as the sun rises. In her





> mantra she is addressed as Jagatprasutyai ...the one who gives birth h to





> this world. I think you need to work a little more on this, and I am sure





> Mother will show the way. There are fantastic works done on the mahavidyas





> by many exponents from the different gurukuls of India, though of course no





> one writes the really deeper level experiences which can only stem from





> sadhana.




Incidentally, there are many quiet members in these lists who are extremely





> spiritual and any of whom have years of experience in devi worship. I appeal





> to them to share their experiences with us.




Best Regards,




Sarbani Rath




Homepage: http://sarbani.com




Sagittarius Publications:





> http://sagittariuspublications.com




Sohamsa: http://sohamsa.com




Sri Jagannath Centre: http://.org














sohamsa [sohamsa ] On Behalf Of





> Narasimha P.V.R. Rao





> 09 June 2009 09:48





> sohamsa ; ;





> vedic astrology ;





> Consorts of Dasa Mahavidyas Given in Todala Tantra





















































> Great... so because crows are black, as is Krishna's complexion, so





> > Crows and Krishna are both Moon. People here know better than that.









I never talked of superficial things such as " complexion " . Moreover, you are





> replacing Kaalika with crows in your sircasm and making fun really of Tantra





> and Parasara.














* * *














> Here's another list for you from Todala Tantra:





> >





> >









> > These are the Mahavidya (left) and their spouses (right side). See that





> > Mahatripurasundari's spouse is Somanatha, and surely the name Soma-Natha





> > implies that he is the Jyotirlinga associated with the Moon. But in your





> > list Moon is Kali, so where are we at now with the logic you used and





> > the list you have derived?









Instead of getting caught in superficial and extraneous factors, let us go





> to the crux.














Mahavidyas and their consorts are not showing the same thing, but two





> different things that have a synergy. The list of planets mapping to





> mahavidyas and those mapping to mahavidya consorts will accordingly have to





> be different. I will elaborate with examples.














Each mahavidya represents one form of liberating supreme knowledge that





> helps one overcome duality and become liberated, starting from different





> vantage points within duality and approaching liberation from them. Consorts





> are the factors that aid in that approach.














* * *














For example, Kaali is equated to Krishna by Munda Maalaa Tantra and Krishna





> is equated to Moon by Parasara. So Kaali is shown by Moon. From the





> perspective of Moon (mind), this duality is a very troublesome temptation





> and the way to overcome it is to realize its impermanence and destroy the





> duality so that it cannot tempt again.














During this process, the ideal companion of Moon is Saturn (vairagya and





> discipline). So the consort of Kaali shown by Moon is Mahakala shown by





> Saturn.














Take Taaraa. She is equated to Raama by Munda Maalaa Tantra and Raama is





> equated to Sun by Parasara. So Taaraa is shown by Sun. From the perspective





> of Sun (soul), this duality is an ocean of delusion that needs to be waded





> across to reach the supreme cosmic soul.














During this process, the ideal companion of Sun is Jupiter (intelligence and





> discrimination). Just as rajaguru (Jupiter) guides king (Sun), the intellect





> and discrimination will aid soul in the process of wading the ocean of





> duality and reaching the supreme. So the consort of Taaraa shown by Sun is





> Akshobhya shown by Jupiter.














Take Chhinnamasta. She is equated to Bhaargava Raama by Munda Maalaa Tantra





> and Bhaargava Raama is equated to Venus by Parasara. So Chhinnamasta is





> shown by Venus. From the perspective of Venus (enjoyment), this duality





> needs to be enjoyed and not run away from. The symbolism behind Chhinnamasta





> depicted accompanied by a naked couple in copulation and associates drinking





> wine is that nothing is impure and all is Brahman. That is the take of Venus





> (enjoyment).














During this process, the ideal companion of Venus (enjoyment) is Ketu





> (detachment and egolessness). Only when the enjoyment is gone through





> without ego and identification can it be conducive to liberation. So the





> consort of Chhinnamasta shown by Venus is Shiva-Kabandha shown by Ketu.





> Kabandha means the headless one.














As Dhumaavati is shown by Jupiter (dhee, i.e. intellect and discrimination),





> there is no need for a companion. If the force of dhee is there, one





> realizes that all is god and does not distinguish between good and bad,





> happy and sad etc and becomes liberated easily. One with a strong aatmabala





> or manobala can waver and may need supplementing influences, but one with a





> strong dheeshakti is fine. There is no supplementing influence.














* * *














Now let us take your example. Mahatripuarasundari is equated to Kalki by





> Munda Mala Tantra and Kalki is equated to lagna by Maharshi Parasara. So





> Tripura is lagna.














While Sun and Moon show the soul and mind, lagna shows the individualized





> consciousness through which we operate in the world. It includes body and





> more. It is lagna through which we act in the world. From the point of view





> of lagna, duality is to be overcome by doing what is expected from us by





> Nature and engaging in actions. Tripura personifies the supreme liberating





> knowledge of using the individualized consciousness to engage in perfect





> actions in the world to liberate oneself.














Now, the most useful companion of lagna in this process is Moon (mind). The





> actor within you (lagna) needs mind as mind tells the actor what to do.





> Thus, the ideal companion of lagna is Moon. Accordingly, the consort of





> Mahatripurasundari shown by lagna is Somanatha shown by Moon.














* * *














You can find similar logic for all of them. Here is the full list:














1. Kaali (Moon) - Mahaa Kaala (Saturn)





> 2. Taaraa (Sun) - Akshobhya (Jupiter)





> 3. Mahatripurisundari (Lagna) - Somanaatha (Moon)





> 4. Bhuvaneswari (Rahu) - Tryambaka (Venus)





> 5. Bhairavi (Mars) - Dakshinaamurti (Sun)





> 6. Chhinamastaa (Venus) - Shiva-Kabandha (Ketu)





> 7. Dhumavati (Jupiter) - None





> 8. Bagalaamukhi (Saturn) - Mahaa Rudra (Mars)





> 9. Maatangi (Mercury) - Shiva Maatanga (Rahu)





> 10. Kamalatmika (Ketu) - Vishnurupi Sadaashiva (Mercury)














Short notes on the ones I did not cover before:














Bhairavi represents the path of Mars, i.e. viewing the duality as a





> challenge that needs to be fought hard and fearlessly and not fear anything,





> including death and pain. The ideal companion is aatmabala, represented by





> Sun, just as a good king (Sun) is an ideal supplement for a good commander





> (Mars).














Bagalaamukhi represents the path of Saturn, i.e. viewing the duality as that





> which results from one's own weaknesses, sins and internal enemies and





> seeing a conquest of internal enemies as the key to overcoming duality. The





> fighting spirit represented by Mars is the ideal companion in the process of





> overcoming enemies. Mahaa Rudra shown by Mars is hence the consort of





> Bagalamukhi.














Maatangi represents the path of Mercury, i.e. viewing the duality as that





> which needs to be learnt, understood, mastered and then overcome. Free





> thinking without boundaries, represented by Rahu, is the ideal companion in





> this path. Maatanga means free spirited one or free roamer and Shiva





> Maatanga is such a form of Shiva. He is the consort of Maatangi.














* * *














Friends, there may be an outcry to my writings from astrologers used to a





> different planet-mahavidya map (which is NOT sanctioned by any scripture and





> yet popular today in some circles). I may not be able to respond to all the





> mails.














But please do bear in mind that there is a simple and uniform philosophy





> behind the concept of Mahavidyas. Flowery expositions without a uniform





> philosophy and even a basic uniform understanding of what Mahavidyas are for





> are useless. If you are told logic like " Tripurasundari holds sugarcane.





> Mercury shows sugar cane. So Tripurasundari is shown by Mercury " , reject





> such superficial logic. If somebody tells you that a mahavidya is for





> winning lawsuits or for getting power or getting wealth, reject such things.














Please remember that mahavidyas are forms of *supreme liberating knowledge*.





> The path to liberation looks different from the point of view of different





> planets.














Best regards,





> Narasimha










> Do a Short Homam Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/homam





> Do Pitri Tarpanas Yourself: http://www.VedicAstrologer.org/tarpana





> Spirituality:





> Free Jyotish lessons (MP3): http://vedicastro.home.comcast.net





> Free Jyotish software (Windows): http://www.VedicAstrologer.org





> Sri Jagannath Centre (SJC) website: http://www.SriJagannath.org














sohamsa , Visti Larsen wrote:





> >





> > ??? ??? ?????





> > Dear Narasimha, Namaskar.





> > Great... so because crows are black, as is Krishna's complexion, so





> > Crows and Krishna are both Moon. People here know better than that.





> > Here's another list for you from Todala Tantra:





> >





> > 1. Dakshina/Kali - MahaKaal





> > 2. Tara - Akshobya





> > 3. Mahatripurisundari - Panchanan/Somanath





> > 4. Bhuvaneswari - Tryambaka





> > 5. Bhairavi - Dakshinamurti





> > 6. Chinamaste - Shiva-Kabandha





> > 7. Dhumavati -





> > 8. Bagalamukhi - Maharudra





> > 9. Matangi - Shiva Matanga





> > 10. Kamalatmika - Sadashiva





> >





> > These are the Mahavidya (left) and their spouses (right side). See that





> > Mahatripurasundari's spouse is Somanatha, and surely the name Soma-Natha





> > implies that he is the Jyotirlinga associated with the Moon. But in your





> > list Moon is Kali, so where are we at now with the logic you used and





> > the list you have derived?





> > Again I re-iterate that the logic you have used is not right as it





> > cannot be replicated.





> > Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen





> > ----------





> > Jyotish Guru (Vedic Astrologer)





> > www: http://srigaruda.com





> > @: visti@





> >





> > Narasimha P.V.R. Rao skrev:





> > >





> > >





> > > Namaste friends,





> > >





> > > > Narasimha's list is his own invention...





> > >





> > > Parasara *equated* planets to dasavataras of Vishnu in Brihat





> > > Paaraasara Horaa Saastram, an authoritative Jyotish treatise.





> > >





> > > As you can see in the verse quoted by Narayan below, dasavataras of





> > > Vishnu are *equated* to dasa mahavidyas in Munda Maalaa Tantra, a





> > > respected tantra treatise regarding mahavidyas. For example,





> > > " kR^iShnastu kaalikaa saakShaat raamamUrtishca taariNI " literally





> > > means " Krishna is literally Kaalika and Rama is Taarini " . In Hindi, it





> > > can be translated as " Krishen ji to saakshaat Kaalika hain aur Raam ji





> > > Taarini hain " .





> > >





> > > * * *





> > >





> > > If a and b are *equated* and also b and c are *equated*, it is logical





> > > to infer that a and c can be equated.





> > >





> > > It is mischievous to label this logical inference as my " own





> > > invention " . The philosophical justification of the mapping is mine,





> > > but the list is NOT my invention.





> > >





> > > Those who want to accept the list given by author Bhattacharya, who,





> > > according to Sarbani, does not quote a scriptural basis for his list,





> > > are free to do so. But it is mischievous to call what I gave as my





> > > " own invention " .





> > >





> > > Best regards,





> > > Narasimha





> > >





> > > sohamsa , Visti





> > > Larsen wrote:





> > > >





> > > > ??? ??? ?????





> > > > Dear Sarbani and Swee, Namaskar.





> > > > The verse that Narayan Iyer has given mentions nothing about the Graha





> > > > corresponding to the Mahavidya. The verse is otherwise mentioned in





> > > MANY





> > > > tantras and is a well known one which shows which Mahavidya





> corresponds





> > > > to which Vishnu Avatara.





> > > > Narasimha has merely inferred the Graha linkages and therefore the





> list





> > > > is his own research and is NOT supported by any treatise at all.





> > > > In fact everyone SHOULD be encouraged to follow the list given by Sri





> > > > Jyotirbhushan Bhattacharya, as he HAS given a direct list of Graha and





> > > > corresponding Mahavidya. Narasimha's list is his own invention... the





> > > > sloka mentions nothing about the graha linkages.





> > > >





> > > > Just because Parasara equates Sun to Rama we should think Sun should





> > > > also be Tarini as per the Mahavidya-Vishnu avatara link? This is not a





> > > > proper logic, in fact when we were taught the Agni Purana on the





> second





> > > > year of Jaimini Sutras, and the names of Vishnu therein, we saw a





> > > > completely different concept of mapping of the grahas to the name of





> > > the





> > > > avataras.





> > > > This mapping that Narasimha has suggested is simply not acceptable





> > > as it





> > > > is too simple an explanation, and doesn't bring out the real





> importance





> > > > as to how the Mahavidya and Vishnu Avatara are connected. I.e. how the





> > > > left foot corresponds to Tara and the right hand corresponds to Rama,





> > > > whilst the right foot is Kali and the left hand is Krishna and how the





> > > > hands and feet walk together in sync showing the Gati (feet) and karma





> > > > (hands) that are connected. This itself was taught to us on the





> > > first year.





> > > > Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen





> > > > ----------





> > > > Jyotish Guru (Vedic Astrologer)





> > > > www: http://srigaruda.com





> > > > @: visti@









Original mail:














> Dear Narayan,





> >





> > Thanks for the verse from Munda Maalaa Tantra. Out of all planet-mahavidya





> > mappings I have seen, this is the most philosophically sound mapping.





> >





> > Sun - Taaraa - Raama





> > Moon - Kaali - Krishna





> > Mars - Bhairavi - Nrisimha





> > Mercury - Maatangi - Buddha





> > Jupiter - Dhumaavati - Vaamana





> > Venus - Chhinnamastaa - Bhaargava Rama





> > Saturn - Bagalamukhi - Koorma





> > Rahu - Bhuvaneswari - Varaaha





> > Ketu - Kamala - Matsya





> >





> > * * *





> >





> > Vidya is knowledge. Mahavidya is supreme knowledge. Dasa mahavidyas are





> the





> > ten highest forms of knowledge that take us to moksha or liberation,





> > approaching from different angles. Other kinds of knowledge (e.g.





> > mathematics, physics, astronomy, astrology, grammar etc) do not liberate





> us.





> > But these ten kinds of knowledge liberate us. The deities (names and forms





> > described in books for ten mahavidyas) are personifications of those ten





> > types of supreme knowledge that liberate us.





> >





> > * * *





> >





> > Please note one thing here. Moksha means overcoming the maayaa of the





> > duality around us. Seeing some things as desirable, some as undesirable,





> > some as pleasurable, some as painful, some as beautiful, some as ugly etc





> is





> > what binds us. Overcoming the duality and seeing all as Brahman is





> > liberation or moksha.





> >





> > Different planets represent different aspects of our selves. The duality





> > around us and the way to overcome it seem different from different angles.





> > From the point of view of individual soul (Sun), this maayaa is something





> > that needs to be overcome by crossing and reaching the other end (supreme





> > cosmic soul). From the point of view of mind (Moon), this duality is





> > something that clouds the vision and needs to be destroyed so that it





> cannot





> > tempt again. From the point of view of the intellect/discrimination/dhee





> > (Jupiter), it issomething that is non-existent anyway ( " so what was the





> > problem in the first place? " ), like shapes made of smoke. From the point





> of





> > view of initiative and energy within us (Mars), it is something that needs





> > to be fought hard and fearlessly. From the point of view of the learning





> > ability within us (Mercury), it is something that needs to be learnt and





> > understood fully so that we can overcome it. From the point of view of





> > enjoyment and happiness (Venus), it is something that needs to be accepted





> > and enjoyed and not something to fear or avoid ( " after all, all is





> Brahman.





> > Then why stay away from enjoyments? " ). And so on.





> >





> > But remember one important thing. Whichever approach is taken to





> overcoming





> > duality, the end result is the same. One first masters the approach. It





> > becomes part of one's common sense and thinking. One eventually overcomes





> > duality. One becomes self-realized and becomes liberated. That end result





> is





> > the same irrespective of the approach chosen.





> >





> > * * *





> >





> > Sun is the soul within us. The highest form of knowledge coming from





> delving





> > deep into this aspect is what makes one wade (tar=swim/wade/cross) the





> ocean





> > of delusion and get to the source. If you master the knowledge that helps





> > one view the world as an ocean that needs to be crossed to reach the





> > supreme, other things will follow and you eventually get liberation.





> Taaraa





> > personifies this knowledge.





> >





> > Moon is the mind within us. The highest form of knowledge coming from





> > delving deep into this aspect is an understanding of attachments and





> > desires, their impermanence and how to kill them. If you master the





> > knowledge that kills all attachments and desires and gives perfect control





> > on the mind, other things will follow and you eventually get liberation.





> > Kaali personifies this knowledge.





> >





> > Mars is the energy and initiative within us. The highest form of knowledge





> > coming from delving deep into this aspect is what gives one fearlessness





> of





> > anything in the universe. If you master the knowledge that makes you





> utterly





> > fearless and you do not fear anything (including death or pain!) other





> > things will follow and you eventually get liberation. Bhairavi personifies





> > this knowledge.





> >





> > Mercury is knowledge and learning ability within us. The highest form of





> > knowledge coming from delving deep into this aspect is what gives one





> > learning of various topics. If you master the knowledge that give you





> > mastery of all kinds of learning through logical and rational thinking,





> > other things will follow and you eventually get liberation. Maatangi





> > personifies this knowledge. In fact, some people associate Maatangi with





> > Saraswati. Saraswati is also known as " Maatanga Kanya " .





> >





> > Jupiter is the intellect, wisdom and discrimination (dhee shakti) within





> us.





> > The highest form of knowledge coming from delving deep into this aspect is





> > that all is delusion. The individual soul and individual mind and





> everything





> > they perceive is just an illusion. All that is there is Brahman. Any other





> > perceptions, of various good or bad things, are just a delusion, like





> > figures made of smoke. If you master the knowledge that makes your





> intellect





> > shine, you will realize that the entire world is a delusion and not





> deluded





> > by anything anymore. Then other things will follow and you eventually get





> > liberation. Dhumaavati personifies this knowledge.





> >





> > Venus is the spirit of enjoyment and bliss. The highest form of knowledge





> > coming from delving deep into this aspect is what makes one egoless and





> > blissful. If you master the knowledge that makes you utterly fearless and





> > you do not fear anything, including death or pain, other things will





> follow





> > and you eventually get liberation. Chhinnamasta personifies this





> knowledge.





> > She is depicted as a deity holding her own severed head, standing near a





> > naked couple in copulation and surrounded by associates who are drinking





> > wine. One mastering this knowledge need not stay away from any pleasures,





> > but one learns to see god even those pleasures. However, pleasure obtained





> > with an ego ( " *I* am enjoying this act or object " ) binds. The headless





> state





> > symbolizes egolessness. If one has overcome I-ness, pleasures are not





> > binding. One not thinking in terms of " *I* am enjoying " but having no





> sense





> > of " I " can live life without running away from any pleasures or





> undertaking





> > any austerities and yet become liberated.





> >





> > Saturn is the spirit of hard work within us. He also represents our





> > weaknesses and sins. The highest form of knowledge coming from delving





> deep





> > into this aspect is what makes us realize our internal enemies and destroy





> > them. If you master the knowledge that makes you overcome weaknesses such





> as





> > laziness and internal enemies such as lust, anger, greed, jealosy etc,





> other





> > things will follow and you eventually get liberation. Bagalamukhi





> > personifies this knowledge. Most of her mantras ask to destroy enemies and





> > so people foolishly think that she is the one who gives success in





> > litigation and worship her for court cases. This is like going to a king





> to





> > ask for two spoons of sugar for your milk. You go to the king for bigger





> > things and a neighbor is enough for giving you two spoons of sugar. The





> > enemies destroyed by Bagalamukhi are internal enemies and your own





> laziness.





> > Remember, she is a mahavidya, i.e. a type of supreme knowledge that





> > liberates you!





> >





> > Rahu is the spirit of material well-being within us. Rahu is the one who





> > binds us to rebirth (this is why Saturn showing sins and Rahu showing





> > rebirth are important in the death chart). The highest form of knowledge





> > coming from delving deep into this aspect is what gives us worldly success





> > in a dhaarmik way. If you master the knowledge that makes you materially





> > successful in a dharmik way, you become successful and fulfil all your





> > duties and debts in the world and eventually get liberation. Bhuvaneswari





> > personifies this knowledge.





> >





> > Ketu is the spirit of of detachment and Vedic knowledge within us. The





> > highest form of knowledge coming from delving deep into this aspect is the





> > essense of Veda. If you master the knowledge that enables you to be in





> > oneness with the supreme cosmic being, you eventually get liberation.





> Kamala





> > (Mahaalakshmi) personifies this knowledge. According to saptashati rahasya





> > also, Mahaalakshmi is the Aadyaa (the first One). She is the energy of





> > supreme cosmic being. She divides Herself into 3 parts - Mahaakaali,





> > Mahaalakshmi and MahaaSaraswati and they create Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and





> > their consorts. Kamala represents the knowledge of the supreme cosmic





> energy





> > of the supreme cosmic being.





> >





> > * * *





> >





> > One of the above is not superior to the other. Depending on your vasanas





> > (mental conditioning), attitudes, likes and dislikes, depending on which





> > aspect of your personality dominates over other aspects (the sinfulness





> and





> > weaknesses? or the interest in learning things? or the spirit of fighting?





> > or the sense of enjoyment? etc), one Mahavidya may be more suitable than





> > others, as that knowledge uses your strong aspect and moulds that aspect





> to





> > take you towards liberation. Do not compare them. Take the one that is





> most





> > suitable, but do master that aspect.





> >





> > * * *





> >





> > There are some who do Dasa Mahavidya sadhana by doing one Mahavidya's





> mantra





> > for one month, then switch to another and so on. They think that by doing





> > each mahavidya mantra for a certain count, they " finish " the mahavidya





> > sadhana. This is wrong and serves no useful purpose. Instead, one should





> > pick any ONE mahavidya and succeed in that sadhana. The definition of





> > success is that the knowledge represented by that deity becomes part of





> your





> > common sense - you understand that knowledge and ooze that knowledge in





> your





> > thoughts and actions. Whether you experience the deity as an external





> > human-like form (who may impart some knowledge to you) or as an internal





> > human-like form or as light or as sound is secondary, but the end result





> > should be that the knowledge represented by Her should become common sense





> > and second nature to you. One claiming visions or siddhi of a mahavidya





> but





> > not showing the corresponding knowledge is bluffing.





> >





> > There are many people who do mahavidya sadhana and yet many others who





> claim





> > to have siddhi in one or more mahavidyas, but very few who actually





> possess





> > any of the ten mahavidyas. The area of mahavidya sadhana is one of the





> most





> > ill-understood in today's age of ignorance and half-baked knowledge. It is





> > easier to possess lower vidyas or lower shaktis, but mahavidyas are beyond





> > the capability of understanding for most people.





> >





> > Best regards,





> > Narasimha


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