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The experience of time; intelligence; intuition

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Jaya Jagannath

Dear Beatrice,

As usual you ask very specific questions and that too very relevant. Answers are given below:


[sri Guru] The experience of time; intelligence; intuition

> Namaste Sanjay,> Namaste Narasimha, Robert, and all> Hari Om> I would appreciate it if you could help me understand this.>



Beatrice [Q1] For some people their life experience is predominantly past-centered, for others it is predominantly present-centered, and for others it is predominantly future-centered. What are the grahas, rasis, bhavas, naksatras related to past, present, or future experiential focus?

RATH: The past present and future are to be studied from the houses, planets and nakshatra on the basis of the three-fold division of the zodiac as follows:


Bhava: The present is seen from the Kendra (1,4,7,10 houses) that are overlorded by Brahma. The past is seen from the Apoklimas (3,6,9,12 houses) which are lorded by Vishnu and the future is seen from the Panapara (2,5,8,11 houses) which are lorded by Shiva. Thus, for example, the present represents the self or present generation and can indicate the individual from the lagna; the future in the fifth house will show the children and the past in the 9th house will show the father.


Rasi: The natural Kendra houses are the Chara Rasi (Movable signs 1,4,7,10) which are lorded by Brahma and indicate the present; the natural Apoklimas are the Dwisbhav Rasi (Dual signs 3,6,9,12) which are lorded by Visnu and indicate the past; the natural Panapara are the Sthira Rasi (Fixed signs 2,5,8,11) which are lorded by Shiva and indicate the future.


Nakshatra: Every fourth nakshatra counted from Krittika, Rohini and Margasira are respectively indicating present, future and past. Similarly, every fourth nakshatra counted from the Janma Nakshatra shall indicate the present and so on.


Graha: The planets are not like the Rasi/Bhava or Nakshatra and have considerable aspect (Drishti almost 75%) on the trines. This aspect is often ignored by astrologers. It plays a very crucial role in the navams and all charts. All Graha have the ability to see the ninth house and influence the housee they sit as well as the fifth house from their position. Thus, they can translate the past karma into present experiences and future expectaions. Of these, the special aspects of Rahu on 9 & 12 (reckoned on reverse as Rahu is travelling in reverse always) shows the "Adharma" and "Secret Sins" we have committed for which Rahu is sure to prove diabolical. He has no daya (mercy) and shall tend to be evil. Rahu also has full aspect on the fifth and has a comprehensive say on the 1st house from where he is stationed thereby translating the sins into present shocks and future horror. Look at Jupiter, Dayawan the merciful Guru. He accounts for the good deeds of the past related to Dharma (9th aspect) and translates them to the future of the family, good Sisya, mantra, bhakti etc in the 5th house. Thus there is a fundamental clash between Guru and Rahu; one believes that it is best to see good in the past present and future and the other who is bent upon punishing the sins. Similarly, Saturn accounts for the misuse of Parakrama (3sd house, Maithuna etc ruled by the 3rd house) and translates these sins into present day suffering by its aspect on the 10th house. Thus, Saturn is more keen to punish immediately for the past sins and weaknesses rather than defer it to a future date unlike Rahu. That is why Saturn doen not relent easily and does not defer punishment as he is not against Dharma. He afflicts the Karma Kshetra instead, gives poverty and loss of livelihood, status etc. Mars is the deadliest from this point. He has no aspect on the past and is not bothered about what good things anybody did at what time. He sees the house of happiness and can make the home (4th house aspect) a hell front in the present. He sees the house of death and his anger can give sure instant death, injury etc in the future (8th house aspect).


Coming to Upaya or balanced remedial measures (this is slightly different from the normal remedy in that its focus is on balancing out or blocking the evil), this negative anger of Mars is quenched by the Moon who guards the Home front and also gives good health and long life ie. protection and sustenance to the Body. Thus the best Upaya for Mars is to worship the Moon. Similarly, the best Upaya for Saturn is to worship the Sun and for Rahu is to worship Guru. The sweetest words for these planets/ God in these forms are "Krishna" for Moon, "Rama" for Sun and "Hari" for the Amrita of Guru (That is also why the Gurudwara at Amritsar where this nectar is taken is called "Har-Mandir-Sahib". Now, add these three words/names of God to get the most fantastic mantra "HARE RAMA KRISHNA".


I hope you all realise the importance of the Guru Mantra of our Parampara now.

Beatrice Q[2] Intelligence is basically of two kinds: linear thinking (buddhi, left brain) and structural insight (jnana/dhi, right brain). What are the grahas, rasis, bhavas, naksatras related to each type of intelligence?

Rath: In any human being, either of the two sides shall be predominant and almost 50% of the world is right brained dominance whereas the other 50% is left brain dominated. Every Rasi and bhava has this two fold division into left and right that are ruled by the Hora division of the sign or house. For example, the twelfth house rules feet and the first half will rule the right foot and second half will rule the left foot. The division of the head is seen from the Hora where the Sun's hora (1st in Odd sign and 2nd in even sign) rules the right side of the brain whereas the Moon's hora (2nd in odd signs and 1st in odd signs rules the left brain). The left brain has to do with the immediate (Vartamana) and will react naturally and instictively to hot/cold and tastes etc, whereas the right has to do with the learning experience called Dhi Shakti. Sun with the Guru Jupiter rules over this right side. Moon with the Guru Venus rules over the left side. Similarly, the Sukla paksha is ruled by Visnu and is analogous to the day half & Sun while the Krishna Paksha is ruled by Shiva and is analogous to the night half & Moon. Similarly the Udu Dasa of the Mind are also divided into two types: One having the Moksh Karak Ketu in line with Day half like Vimsottari and the other without Ketu and with focus on the body's existance analogous to the Moon, night half and like Ashttotari Dasa. In this way understand the two fold division of the Brain and the Udu dasa which are related to the Mind.


Let us apply this knowledge to a case study of a boy born 1 June 1995 at 4:34' PM at Delhi. Chart is Given below.

1. Lagna is at 14th Deg of Libra and in the Hora chart, this is in Leo showing that the predominance is of the right side of the brain. This side is ruled by Sun & Jupiter. Next is to se the placement of these planets. We find the Sun in the 8th house and Jupiter in the second house (both Rudra Sthana) indicating that the right side of the brain shall dominate, but in a very negative way.


2. Next step is to examine the placement of the two enemies of these planets Sun & Jupiter. Saturn is the natural enemy of the Sun and Rahu is of Jupiter. If, these plaets are ill placed from Lagna and their enemies influence Lagna strongly, then the case of imbalance sets in. Saturn is placed in the fifth house in its Moolatrikona whereas Rahu is placed in rapt conjunction with Lagna. Thus this right brained child shall have a serious obstruction at the brain caused by Rahu and Saturn. The child is Autistic and cannot speak. Not that he is violent, but instead is kind, very kind - regressice autism.


3. Learn: If Jupiter and Sun are well placed intrines etc to Lagna then the right brain is very beneficial and well developed whereas if the Moon & Venus sre in trines, then the left brain is well developed. In this case we find the Moon in the ninth house ... the clue and solution lies here. Parasara says 1 lakh gayatri Manta; I add visit to Jagannath Krishna temple...What do you say?


4. Jupiter dasa is not good as it is lord of the trimsamsa lagna in addition to its placement in the 2nd house from Lagna having Rahu. What is the way out?


Date of Birth: June 1, 1995Time of Birth: 4:34:00 pmTime Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMTLongitude of Birth: 77 E 13Latitude of Birth: 28 N 39Lunar month (maasa): Jyeshtha Lunar day (tithi): Sukla TritiyaVara (weekday): Thursday


Sunrise = 5:24:43 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)Ayanamsa = 23-47-44.17Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days


Planet Position Pada CharaK


Ascdt 13 Li 26'46.13" Swathi 3 - Sun 16 Ta 42'51.06" Rohini 3 GKMoon 20 Ge 06'17.65" Punarvasu 1 MKMars 9 Le 21'06.10" Makha 3 DKMercury ® 22 Ta 20'50.95" Rohini 4 BKJupiter ® 16 Sc 43'07.03" Jyeshtha 1 PKVenus 25 Ar 00'34.38" Bharani 4 AmKSaturn 29 Aq 57'42.53" Poo.Bhaa. 3 AKRahu 9 Li 57'03.79" Swathi 1 PiKKetu 9 Ar 57'03.79" Aswini 3 -

+----------------------+| | Ket | | || | | Sun | || | HL | | Moo || | | MerR | || | Ven | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | || | | Glk || Sat | | || | | Mnd || | | ||-------------| R A S I |-------------|| | | || | | || | | Mar || | | || | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | || | BL | Rah | || | | | GL || | JupR | Asc | || | | | |+----------------------+


+----------------------+| | | | || | Moo | | Ket Sun || | | | || | GL | | Mar Sat || | | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | || | | MerR || Asc | | || | | Glk || | | ||-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|| | | || | | || | | BL || | | || | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | || Rah | Ven | | || | | HL | || JupR | Mnd | | || | | | |+----------------------+


Vimsottari Dasa:


Jupi Jupi 1995-04-16 Satu 1997-06-03 Merc 1999-12-15 Ketu 2002-03-22 Venu 2003-02-26 Sun 2005-10-27 Moon 2006-08-15 Mars 2007-12-15 Rahu 2008-11-20+----------------------+| | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | HL Ven || | | Moo Glk || | | || | | Mnd GL || | | BL Sat ||-------------| H O R A |-------------|| | | Ket Sun || | | MerR || | | Mar || | | Rah || | | Asc JupR ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | |+----------------------+

+----------------------+| | | | || Sun Mnd | | Glk | HL || | | | || GL JupR | | BL | Moo || | | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| Ket | | || | | || Mar | | || | | || Rah | | ||-------------| D - 3 0 |-------------|| | | || | | || MerR | | || | | || | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | || | | Ven | || Asc | | | || | | Sat | || | | | |+----------------------+


Beatrice [Q3] One's intuition may reveal itself by visual, auditory, or kinesthetic signals. What are the grahas, rasis, bhavas, naksatras related to each form of intuition?Rath: The intuition is in the right side of the brain and this can be due to Jupiter or Sun predominantly. The intuition can reveal itself through any of the five Tatwa with the Jupiter in strength. Thus if it is the Akash Tatwa, then it shall be auditory, if Agni Tatwa then it shall be visual, and similarly the other tatwa ruling the other senses [Make a table for this including the actions]. The signs ruling the Tatwa and the Bhava have been taught earlier and you can refer to earlier texts or add the material here for ready reference.


One day when I was seeing the chart of a printer, I suddenly got the smell of something burning. Shiv Pujan was sitting beside me and learning that day (I prefer one of the students at Delhi to be present and learn at these times). The smell was strong and soon everyone got the smell, but there was no fire as we learnt after a search of the kitchen etc at SJVC. Then I saw the chart and said that the native had a fire accident at his work place and his problems related to work had started after that fire hazard. This was 100% correct. Call it intuition, but the knowledge that Smell is ruled by the Prithvi Tatwa will generally indicate Mercury, which was his work area (no need to see chart). The smell of fire indicated the problem and it was a fire in his work area. Solution to fire hazards caused by the negative influence of Rahu on Sun can be solved by worshipping Durga as She can put Rahu at bay. So, that remedy was suggested. Intuition, knowledge etc go hand in hand.


What is kinesthetic signal?


Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

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Dear Gurudeva,




This was a farout posting. Thank you for this. I still get confused whether Rahu aspects the 2nd or 12th from it reckoned zodiacally?


Your shishya,

Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer <gauranga Phone:+36-309-140-839


-----Eredeti üzenet-----

Feladó: Sanjay Rath

Címzett: varahamihira

Elküldve: 2000. december 25. 22:34

Tárgy: Re: [sri Guru] The experience of time; intelligence; intuition


Jaya Jagannath

Dear Beatrice,

As usual you ask very specific questions and that too very relevant. Answers are given below:


[sri Guru] The experience of time; intelligence; intuition

> Namaste Sanjay,> Namaste Narasimha, Robert, and all> Hari Om> I would appreciate it if you could help me understand this.>



Beatrice [Q1] For some people their life experience is predominantly past-centered, for others it is predominantly present-centered, and for others it is predominantly future-centered. What are the grahas, rasis, bhavas, naksatras related to past, present, or future experiential focus?

RATH: The past present and future are to be studied from the houses, planets and nakshatra on the basis of the three-fold division of the zodiac as follows:


Bhava: The present is seen from the Kendra (1,4,7,10 houses) that are overlorded by Brahma. The past is seen from the Apoklimas (3,6,9,12 houses) which are lorded by Vishnu and the future is seen from the Panapara (2,5,8,11 houses) which are lorded by Shiva. Thus, for example, the present represents the self or present generation and can indicate the individual from the lagna; the future in the fifth house will show the children and the past in the 9th house will show the father.


Rasi: The natural Kendra houses are the Chara Rasi (Movable signs 1,4,7,10) which are lorded by Brahma and indicate the present; the natural Apoklimas are the Dwisbhav Rasi (Dual signs 3,6,9,12) which are lorded by Visnu and indicate the past; the natural Panapara are the Sthira Rasi (Fixed signs 2,5,8,11) which are lorded by Shiva and indicate the future.


Nakshatra: Every fourth nakshatra counted from Krittika, Rohini and Margasira are respectively indicating present, future and past. Similarly, every fourth nakshatra counted from the Janma Nakshatra shall indicate the present and so on.


Graha: The planets are not like the Rasi/Bhava or Nakshatra and have considerable aspect (Drishti almost 75%) on the trines. This aspect is often ignored by astrologers. It plays a very crucial role in the navams and all charts. All Graha have the ability to see the ninth house and influence the housee they sit as well as the fifth house from their position. Thus, they can translate the past karma into present experiences and future expectaions. Of these, the special aspects of Rahu on 9 & 12 (reckoned on reverse as Rahu is travelling in reverse always) shows the "Adharma" and "Secret Sins" we have committed for which Rahu is sure to prove diabolical. He has no daya (mercy) and shall tend to be evil. Rahu also has full aspect on the fifth and has a comprehensive say on the 1st house from where he is stationed thereby translating the sins into present shocks and future horror. Look at Jupiter, Dayawan the merciful Guru. He accounts for the good deeds of the past related to Dharma (9th aspect) and translates them to the future of the family, good Sisya, mantra, bhakti etc in the 5th house. Thus there is a fundamental clash between Guru and Rahu; one believes that it is best to see good in the past present and future and the other who is bent upon punishing the sins. Similarly, Saturn accounts for the misuse of Parakrama (3sd house, Maithuna etc ruled by the 3rd house) and translates these sins into present day suffering by its aspect on the 10th house. Thus, Saturn is more keen to punish immediately for the past sins and weaknesses rather than defer it to a future date unlike Rahu. That is why Saturn doen not relent easily and does not defer punishment as he is not against Dharma. He afflicts the Karma Kshetra instead, gives poverty and loss of livelihood, status etc. Mars is the deadliest from this point. He has no aspect on the past and is not bothered about what good things anybody did at what time. He sees the house of happiness and can make the home (4th house aspect) a hell front in the present. He sees the house of death and his anger can give sure instant death, injury etc in the future (8th house aspect).


Coming to Upaya or balanced remedial measures (this is slightly different from the normal remedy in that its focus is on balancing out or blocking the evil), this negative anger of Mars is quenched by the Moon who guards the Home front and also gives good health and long life ie. protection and sustenance to the Body. Thus the best Upaya for Mars is to worship the Moon. Similarly, the best Upaya for Saturn is to worship the Sun and for Rahu is to worship Guru. The sweetest words for these planets/ God in these forms are "Krishna" for Moon, "Rama" for Sun and "Hari" for the Amrita of Guru (That is also why the Gurudwara at Amritsar where this nectar is taken is called "Har-Mandir-Sahib". Now, add these three words/names of God to get the most fantastic mantra "HARE RAMA KRISHNA".


I hope you all realise the importance of the Guru Mantra of our Parampara now.

Beatrice Q[2] Intelligence is basically of two kinds: linear thinking (buddhi, left brain) and structural insight (jnana/dhi, right brain). What are the grahas, rasis, bhavas, naksatras related to each type of intelligence?

Rath: In any human being, either of the two sides shall be predominant and almost 50% of the world is right brained dominance whereas the other 50% is left brain dominated. Every Rasi and bhava has this two fold division into left and right that are ruled by the Hora division of the sign or house. For example, the twelfth house rules feet and the first half will rule the right foot and second half will rule the left foot. The division of the head is seen from the Hora where the Sun's hora (1st in Odd sign and 2nd in even sign) rules the right side of the brain whereas the Moon's hora (2nd in odd signs and 1st in odd signs rules the left brain). The left brain has to do with the immediate (Vartamana) and will react naturally and instictively to hot/cold and tastes etc, whereas the right has to do with the learning experience called Dhi Shakti. Sun with the Guru Jupiter rules over this right side. Moon with the Guru Venus rules over the left side. Similarly, the Sukla paksha is ruled by Visnu and is analogous to the day half & Sun while the Krishna Paksha is ruled by Shiva and is analogous to the night half & Moon. Similarly the Udu Dasa of the Mind are also divided into two types: One having the Moksh Karak Ketu in line with Day half like Vimsottari and the other without Ketu and with focus on the body's existance analogous to the Moon, night half and like Ashttotari Dasa. In this way understand the two fold division of the Brain and the Udu dasa which are related to the Mind.


Let us apply this knowledge to a case study of a boy born 1 June 1995 at 4:34' PM at Delhi. Chart is Given below.

1. Lagna is at 14th Deg of Libra and in the Hora chart, this is in Leo showing that the predominance is of the right side of the brain. This side is ruled by Sun & Jupiter. Next is to se the placement of these planets. We find the Sun in the 8th house and Jupiter in the second house (both Rudra Sthana) indicating that the right side of the brain shall dominate, but in a very negative way.


2. Next step is to examine the placement of the two enemies of these planets Sun & Jupiter. Saturn is the natural enemy of the Sun and Rahu is of Jupiter. If, these plaets are ill placed from Lagna and their enemies influence Lagna strongly, then the case of imbalance sets in. Saturn is placed in the fifth house in its Moolatrikona whereas Rahu is placed in rapt conjunction with Lagna. Thus this right brained child shall have a serious obstruction at the brain caused by Rahu and Saturn. The child is Autistic and cannot speak. Not that he is violent, but instead is kind, very kind - regressice autism.


3. Learn: If Jupiter and Sun are well placed intrines etc to Lagna then the right brain is very beneficial and well developed whereas if the Moon & Venus sre in trines, then the left brain is well developed. In this case we find the Moon in the ninth house ... the clue and solution lies here. Parasara says 1 lakh gayatri Manta; I add visit to Jagannath Krishna temple...What do you say?


4. Jupiter dasa is not good as it is lord of the trimsamsa lagna in addition to its placement in the 2nd house from Lagna having Rahu. What is the way out?


Date of Birth: June 1, 1995Time of Birth: 4:34:00 pmTime Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMTLongitude of Birth: 77 E 13Latitude of Birth: 28 N 39Lunar month (maasa): Jyeshtha Lunar day (tithi): Sukla TritiyaVara (weekday): Thursday


Sunrise = 5:24:43 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)Ayanamsa = 23-47-44.17Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days


Planet Position Pada CharaK


Ascdt 13 Li 26'46.13" Swathi 3 - Sun 16 Ta 42'51.06" Rohini 3 GKMoon 20 Ge 06'17.65" Punarvasu 1 MKMars 9 Le 21'06.10" Makha 3 DKMercury ® 22 Ta 20'50.95" Rohini 4 BKJupiter ® 16 Sc 43'07.03" Jyeshtha 1 PKVenus 25 Ar 00'34.38" Bharani 4 AmKSaturn 29 Aq 57'42.53" Poo.Bhaa. 3 AKRahu 9 Li 57'03.79" Swathi 1 PiKKetu 9 Ar 57'03.79" Aswini 3 -

+----------------------+| | Ket | | || | | Sun | || | HL | | Moo || | | MerR | || | Ven | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | || | | Glk || Sat | | || | | Mnd || | | ||-------------| R A S I |-------------|| | | || | | || | | Mar || | | || | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | || | BL | Rah | || | | | GL || | JupR | Asc | || | | | |+----------------------+


+----------------------+| | | | || | Moo | | Ket Sun || | | | || | GL | | Mar Sat || | | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | || | | MerR || Asc | | || | | Glk || | | ||-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|| | | || | | || | | BL || | | || | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | || Rah | Ven | | || | | HL | || JupR | Mnd | | || | | | |+----------------------+


Vimsottari Dasa:


Jupi Jupi 1995-04-16 Satu 1997-06-03 Merc 1999-12-15 Ketu 2002-03-22 Venu 2003-02-26 Sun 2005-10-27 Moon 2006-08-15 Mars 2007-12-15 Rahu 2008-11-20+----------------------+| | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | HL Ven || | | Moo Glk || | | || | | Mnd GL || | | BL Sat ||-------------| H O R A |-------------|| | | Ket Sun || | | MerR || | | Mar || | | Rah || | | Asc JupR ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | |+----------------------+

+----------------------+| | | | || Sun Mnd | | Glk | HL || | | | || GL JupR | | BL | Moo || | | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| Ket | | || | | || Mar | | || | | || Rah | | ||-------------| D - 3 0 |-------------|| | | || | | || MerR | | || | | || | | ||-------------|---------------------------|-------------|| | | | || | | Ven | || Asc | | | || | | Sat | || | | | |+----------------------+


Beatrice [Q3] One's intuition may reveal itself by visual, auditory, or kinesthetic signals. What are the grahas, rasis, bhavas, naksatras related to each form of intuition?Rath: The intuition is in the right side of the brain and this can be due to Jupiter or Sun predominantly. The intuition can reveal itself through any of the five Tatwa with the Jupiter in strength. Thus if it is the Akash Tatwa, then it shall be auditory, if Agni Tatwa then it shall be visual, and similarly the other tatwa ruling the other senses [Make a table for this including the actions]. The signs ruling the Tatwa and the Bhava have been taught earlier and you can refer to earlier texts or add the material here for ready reference.


One day when I was seeing the chart of a printer, I suddenly got the smell of something burning. Shiv Pujan was sitting beside me and learning that day (I prefer one of the students at Delhi to be present and learn at these times). The smell was strong and soon everyone got the smell, but there was no fire as we learnt after a search of the kitchen etc at SJVC. Then I saw the chart and said that the native had a fire accident at his work place and his problems related to work had started after that fire hazard. This was 100% correct. Call it intuition, but the knowledge that Smell is ruled by the Prithvi Tatwa will generally indicate Mercury, which was his work area (no need to see chart). The smell of fire indicated the problem and it was a fire in his work area. Solution to fire hazards caused by the negative influence of Rahu on Sun can be solved by worshipping Durga as She can put Rahu at bay. So, that remedy was suggested. Intuition, knowledge etc go hand in hand.


What is kinesthetic signal?


Best Wishes

Sanjay RathOM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraInfo: varahamihira/info.html

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Dear Gauranga,

Zodiacally counted, the second house from its station is aspected by Rahu.

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath


Gauranga Das <gauranga

<varahamihira >

Sunday, December 31, 2000 7:37 AM

Re: [sri Guru] The experience of time; intelligence; intuition





Dear Gurudeva,




This was a farout posting. Thank you for this. I still get confused whether

Rahu aspects the 2nd or 12th from it reckoned zodiacally?


Your shishya,


Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer




-----Eredeti üzenet-----

Feladó: Sanjay Rath

Címzett: varahamihira

Elküldve: 2000. december 25. 22:34

Tárgy: Re: [sri Guru] The experience of time; intelligence; intuition



Jaya Jagannath

Dear Beatrice,

As usual you ask very specific questions and that too very relevant.

Answers are given below:


[sri Guru] The experience of time; intelligence; intuition

> Namaste Sanjay,

> Namaste Narasimha, Robert, and all

> Hari Om

> I would appreciate it if you could help me understand this.





Beatrice [Q1] For some people their life experience is predominantly

past-centered, for others it is predominantly present-centered, and for

others it is predominantly future-centered. What are the grahas, rasis,

bhavas, naksatras related to past, present, or future experiential focus?


RATH: The past present and future are to be studied from the houses,

planets and nakshatra on the basis of the three-fold division of the zodiac

as follows:


Bhava: The present is seen from the Kendra (1,4,7,10 houses) that are

overlorded by Brahma. The past is seen from the Apoklimas (3,6,9,12 houses)

which are lorded by Vishnu and the future is seen from the Panapara

(2,5,8,11 houses) which are lorded by Shiva. Thus, for example, the present

represents the self or present generation and can indicate the individual

from the lagna; the future in the fifth house will show the children and the

past in the 9th house will show the father.


Rasi: The natural Kendra houses are the Chara Rasi (Movable signs

1,4,7,10) which are lorded by Brahma and indicate the present; the natural

Apoklimas are the Dwisbhav Rasi (Dual signs 3,6,9,12) which are lorded by

Visnu and indicate the past; the natural Panapara are the Sthira Rasi (Fixed

signs 2,5,8,11) which are lorded by Shiva and indicate the future.


Nakshatra: Every fourth nakshatra counted from Krittika, Rohini and

Margasira are respectively indicating present, future and past. Similarly,

every fourth nakshatra counted from the Janma Nakshatra shall indicate the

present and so on.


Graha: The planets are not like the Rasi/Bhava or Nakshatra and have

considerable aspect (Drishti almost 75%) on the trines. This aspect is often

ignored by astrologers. It plays a very crucial role in the navams and all

charts. All Graha have the ability to see the ninth house and influence the

housee they sit as well as the fifth house from their position. Thus, they

can translate the past karma into present experiences and future

expectaions. Of these, the special aspects of Rahu on 9 & 12 (reckoned on

reverse as Rahu is travelling in reverse always) shows the " Adharma " and

" Secret Sins " we have committed for which Rahu is sure to prove diabolical.

He has no daya (mercy) and shall tend to be evil. Rahu also has full aspect

on the fifth and has a comprehensive say on the 1st house from where he is

stationed thereby translating the sins into present shocks and future

horror. Look at Jupiter, Dayawan the merciful Guru. He accounts for the good

deeds of the past related to Dharma (9th aspect) and translates them to the

future of the family, good Sisya, mantra, bhakti etc in the 5th house. Thus

there is a fundamental clash between Guru and Rahu; one believes that it is

best to see good in the past present and future and the other who is bent

upon punishing the sins. Similarly, Saturn accounts for the misuse of

Parakrama (3sd house, Maithuna etc ruled by the 3rd house) and translates

these sins into present day suffering by its aspect on the 10th house. Thus,

Saturn is more keen to punish immediately for the past sins and weaknesses

rather than defer it to a future date unlike Rahu. That is why Saturn doen

not relent easily and does not defer punishment as he is not against Dharma.

He afflicts the Karma Kshetra instead, gives poverty and loss of livelihood,

status etc. Mars is the deadliest from this point. He has no aspect on the

past and is not bothered about what good things anybody did at what time. He

sees the house of happiness and can make the home (4th house aspect) a hell

front in the present. He sees the house of death and his anger can give sure

instant death, injury etc in the future (8th house aspect).


Coming to Upaya or balanced remedial measures (this is slightly different

from the normal remedy in that its focus is on balancing out or blocking the

evil), this negative anger of Mars is quenched by the Moon who guards the

Home front and also gives good health and long life ie. protection and

sustenance to the Body. Thus the best Upaya for Mars is to worship the Moon.

Similarly, the best Upaya for Saturn is to worship the Sun and for Rahu is

to worship Guru. The sweetest words for these planets/ God in these forms

are " Krishna " for Moon, " Rama " for Sun and " Hari " for the Amrita of Guru

(That is also why the Gurudwara at Amritsar where this nectar is taken is

called " Har-Mandir-Sahib " . Now, add these three words/names of God to get

the most fantastic mantra " HARE RAMA KRISHNA " .


I hope you all realise the importance of the Guru Mantra of our Parampara



Beatrice Q[2] Intelligence is basically of two kinds: linear thinking

(buddhi, left brain) and structural insight (jnana/dhi, right brain). What

are the grahas, rasis, bhavas, naksatras related to each type of



Rath: In any human being, either of the two sides shall be predominant and

almost 50% of the world is right brained dominance whereas the other 50% is

left brain dominated. Every Rasi and bhava has this two fold division into

left and right that are ruled by the Hora division of the sign or house. For

example, the twelfth house rules feet and the first half will rule the right

foot and second half will rule the left foot. The division of the head is

seen from the Hora where the Sun's hora (1st in Odd sign and 2nd in even

sign) rules the right side of the brain whereas the Moon's hora (2nd in odd

signs and 1st in odd signs rules the left brain). The left brain has to do

with the immediate (Vartamana) and will react naturally and instictively to

hot/cold and tastes etc, whereas the right has to do with the learning

experience called Dhi Shakti. Sun with the Guru Jupiter rules over this

right side. Moon with the Guru Venus rules over the left side. Similarly,

the Sukla paksha is ruled by Visnu and is analogous to the day half & Sun

while the Krishna Paksha is ruled by Shiva and is analogous to the night

half & Moon. Similarly the Udu Dasa of the Mind are also divided into two

types: One having the Moksh Karak Ketu in line with Day half like Vimsottari

and the other without Ketu and with focus on the body's existance analogous

to the Moon, night half and like Ashttotari Dasa. In this way understand the

two fold division of the Brain and the Udu dasa which are related to the



Let us apply this knowledge to a case study of a boy born 1 June 1995 at

4:34' PM at Delhi. Chart is Given below.

1. Lagna is at 14th Deg of Libra and in the Hora chart, this is in Leo

showing that the predominance is of the right side of the brain. This side

is ruled by Sun & Jupiter. Next is to se the placement of these planets. We

find the Sun in the 8th house and Jupiter in the second house (both Rudra

Sthana) indicating that the right side of the brain shall dominate, but in a

very negative way.


2. Next step is to examine the placement of the two enemies of these

planets Sun & Jupiter. Saturn is the natural enemy of the Sun and Rahu is of

Jupiter. If, these plaets are ill placed from Lagna and their enemies

influence Lagna strongly, then the case of imbalance sets in. Saturn is

placed in the fifth house in its Moolatrikona whereas Rahu is placed in rapt

conjunction with Lagna. Thus this right brained child shall have a serious

obstruction at the brain caused by Rahu and Saturn. The child is Autistic

and cannot speak. Not that he is violent, but instead is kind, very kind -

regressice autism.


3. Learn: If Jupiter and Sun are well placed intrines etc to Lagna then

the right brain is very beneficial and well developed whereas if the Moon &

Venus sre in trines, then the left brain is well developed. In this case we

find the Moon in the ninth house ... the clue and solution lies here.

Parasara says 1 lakh gayatri Manta; I add visit to Jagannath Krishna

temple...What do you say?


4. Jupiter dasa is not good as it is lord of the trimsamsa lagna in

addition to its placement in the 2nd house from Lagna having Rahu. What is

the way out?


Date of Birth: June 1, 1995

Time of Birth: 4:34:00 pm

Time Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMT

Longitude of Birth: 77 E 13

Latitude of Birth: 28 N 39

Lunar month (maasa): Jyeshtha

Lunar day (tithi): Sukla Tritiya

Vara (weekday): Thursday


Sunrise = 5:24:43 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)

Ayanamsa = 23-47-44.17

Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days


Planet Position Pada CharaK


Ascdt 13 Li 26'46.13 " Swathi 3 -

Sun 16 Ta 42'51.06 " Rohini 3 GK

Moon 20 Ge 06'17.65 " Punarvasu 1 MK

Mars 9 Le 21'06.10 " Makha 3 DK

Mercury ® 22 Ta 20'50.95 " Rohini 4 BK

Jupiter ® 16 Sc 43'07.03 " Jyeshtha 1 PK

Venus 25 Ar 00'34.38 " Bharani 4 AmK

Saturn 29 Aq 57'42.53 " Poo.Bhaa. 3 AK

Rahu 9 Li 57'03.79 " Swathi 1 PiK

Ketu 9 Ar 57'03.79 " Aswini 3 -



| | Ket | | |

| | | Sun | |

| | HL | | Moo |

| | | MerR | |

| | Ven | | |


| | | |

| | | Glk |

| Sat | | |

| | | Mnd |

| | | |

|-------------| R A S I |-------------|

| | | |

| | | |

| | | Mar |

| | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | BL | Rah | |

| | | | GL |

| | JupR | Asc | |

| | | | |




| | | | |

| | Moo | | Ket Sun |

| | | | |

| | GL | | Mar Sat |

| | | | |


| | | |

| | | MerR |

| Asc | | |

| | | Glk |

| | | |

|-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|

| | | |

| | | |

| | | BL |

| | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| Rah | Ven | | |

| | | HL | |

| JupR | Mnd | | |

| | | | |




Vimsottari Dasa:


Jupi Jupi 1995-04-16 Satu 1997-06-03 Merc 1999-12-15

Ketu 2002-03-22 Venu 2003-02-26 Sun 2005-10-27

Moon 2006-08-15 Mars 2007-12-15 Rahu 2008-11-20


| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


| | | HL Ven |

| | | Moo Glk |

| | | |

| | | Mnd GL |

| | | BL Sat |

|-------------| H O R A |-------------|

| | | Ket Sun |

| | | MerR |

| | | Mar |

| | | Rah |

| | | Asc JupR |


| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |



| | | | |

| Sun Mnd | | Glk | HL |

| | | | |

| GL JupR | | BL | Moo |

| | | | |


| Ket | | |

| | | |

| Mar | | |

| | | |

| Rah | | |

|-------------| D - 3 0 |-------------|

| | | |

| | | |

| MerR | | |

| | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | | Ven | |

| Asc | | | |

| | | Sat | |

| | | | |



Beatrice [Q3] One's intuition may reveal itself by visual, auditory, or

kinesthetic signals. What are the grahas, rasis, bhavas, naksatras related

to each form of intuition?

Rath: The intuition is in the right side of the brain and this can be due

to Jupiter or Sun predominantly. The intuition can reveal itself through any

of the five Tatwa with the Jupiter in strength. Thus if it is the Akash

Tatwa, then it shall be auditory, if Agni Tatwa then it shall be visual, and

similarly the other tatwa ruling the other senses [Make a table for this

including the actions]. The signs ruling the Tatwa and the Bhava have been

taught earlier and you can refer to earlier texts or add the material here

for ready reference.


One day when I was seeing the chart of a printer, I suddenly got the smell

of something burning. Shiv Pujan was sitting beside me and learning that day

(I prefer one of the students at Delhi to be present and learn at these

times). The smell was strong and soon everyone got the smell, but there was

no fire as we learnt after a search of the kitchen etc at SJVC. Then I saw

the chart and said that the native had a fire accident at his work place and

his problems related to work had started after that fire hazard. This was

100% correct. Call it intuition, but the knowledge that Smell is ruled by

the Prithvi Tatwa will generally indicate Mercury, which was his work area

(no need to see chart). The smell of fire indicated the problem and it was a

fire in his work area. Solution to fire hazards caused by the negative

influence of Rahu on Sun can be solved by worshipping Durga as She can put

Rahu at bay. So, that remedy was suggested. Intuition, knowledge etc go hand

in hand.


What is kinesthetic signal?


Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath


eGroups Sponsor




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Namaste Sanjay,

Hari Om


Thanks so much for the thorough essay you promptly wrote in

reply to my questions last week. I apologize I did not get a chance

to do e-mail all these days (and now am drowning in hundreds of



Rasi: The natural Kendra houses

are the Chara Rasi (Movable signs 1,4,7,10) which are lorded by

Brahma and indicate the present; the natural Apoklimas are the

Dwisbhav Rasi (Dual signs 3,6,9,12) which are lorded by Visnu and

indicate the past; the natural Panapara are the Sthira Rasi (Fixed

signs 2,5,8,11) which are lorded by Shiva and indicate the



Would you say that if someone's lagna is in Aries their

experience of the present is present-centered, if someone's lagna is

in Taurus their experience of the present is future-centered, if

someone's lagna is in Gemini their experience of the present is

past-centered, etc.?

If someone's fifth house is in Aries, their vision of the future

is present-colored, etc.?

If someone's ninth house is in Aries their recollection of the

past is present-colored, etc.?


Graha: The planets are not like the Rasi/Bhava or

Nakshatra and have considerable aspect (Drishti almost 75%) on the

trines.[...] All Grahas have the ability to see the ninth house and

influence the houses they sit in as well as the fifth house from

their position. Thus, they can translate the past karma into present

experiences and future expectations.



I had thought, though, that every graha would naturally have a

preference for one or another aspect of time -- say, Rahu & Sani

would emphasize the past, Vena & Ketu would place more weight on

the future, etc. -- but Budha would be indifferent. I may be totally

wrong on this, though.


Rath: In

any human being, either of the two sides shall be predominant and

almost 50% of the world is right brained dominance whereas the other

50% is left brain dominated.


I guess that by looking at the rasi chart and the divisional

charts one should be able to tell how the family background and the

educational system have made most of the so-called

" educated " people into left-brainers (excessively

analytical mentalities). If that is the case, I don't know how to do

it, though.

To mention a trivial example, educated people are satisfied

knowing that water = h2o (i.e. an analysis of water into its

molecular components). Most of those people would never stop and

wonder what are the cleaning or the healing powers of water -- which

are not the sum of h2+o.



division of the head is seen from the Hora where the Sun's hora (1st

in Odd sign and 2nd in even sign) rules the right side of the brain

whereas the Moon's hora (2nd in odd signs and 1st in even signs rules

the left brain).


This should read like this, no? I think there was a typo



Could one say, as well, that the surya grahas are natural

advocates of right brainism whereas the candra grahas are natural

advocates of left brainism -- regardless of their position in

anyone's hora chart -- and Budha is either indifferent or



At the beginning of the chapter on the 12th house in COVA you

say that Ketu is the karaka of meditation. Would it be that Ketu

rules the structural-insight type of meditation and visualization,

whereas Rahu would rule meditation based on linear, analytical

thinking, logical reasoning, and verbal language?


Now, I wonder how to understand the following.

The instructors of pranayama talk about surya-bhedana (inhaling

through the right nostril, which has a heating effect) and

candra-bhedana (inhaling through the left nostril, which has a

cooling effect). They also agree with the common idea that the right

side of the body -- the nostril in this case -- is connected with the

left brain hemisphere whereas the left side of the body is connected

with the right hemisphere.

However, if the surya hora rules the right brain hemisphere, one

would expect that the right brain was the site of the heating effect

and, conversely, if the candra hora rules the left hemisphere it

would be expected that the left brain would be the site of the

cooling effect. Yet pranayama seems to be claiming the opposite.


The left

brain has to do with the immediate (Vartamana) and will react

naturally and instictively to hot/cold and tastes etc, whereas the

right has to do with the learning experience called Dhi



In other words, left brain (linear thinking) relates to the

immediate, sensorial present, whareas right brain (structural

insight) relates to a contextualized or more meaningful or

personalistic present. Is that it?


1. Lagna is at 14th Deg of



Present-centered mentality?



in the Hora chart, this is in Leo showing that the predominance is of

the right side of the brain. This side is ruled by Sun & Jupiter.

Next is to see the placement of these planets. We find the Sun in the

8th house and Jupiter in the second house (both Rudra Sthana)

indicating that the right side of the brain shall dominate, but in a

very negative way.


2 & 8 = future-related houses ruled by Shiva. Must that

future necessarily be all negative?


Saturn is placed in the fifth house in its

Moolatrikona whereas Rahu is placed in rapt conjunction with Lagna.

Thus this right-brained child shall have a serious obstruction at the

brain caused by Rahu and Saturn.


But Saturn is the boy's atmakaraka, isn't he? Wouldn't the

atmakaraka help?



child is autistic and cannot speak. Not that he is violent, but

instead is kind, very kind - regressive autism.


Jupiter retrograde in 2nd house.


In this chart the 2nd house is a future-related house, ruled by




Learn: If Jupiter and Sun are well placed in trines etc to Lagna

then the right brain is very beneficial and well developed whereas if

the Moon & Venus are in trines, then the left brain is well

developed. In this case we find the Moon in the ninth house ... the

clue and solution lies here. Parasara says 1 lakh gayatri Mantra; I

add visit to Jagannath Krishna temple...What do you



Jupiter in 2nd (Sc): RV 10.71 (Brhaspati) & RV 10.125 (Vac);

drawing/painting (Agni, sight).

9th house = past-related bhava; Gem = past-related rasi. All

past = ruled by Visnu.

Moon in Gem: writing -- both as artistic hand writing (right

brain) and a communication means (left brain). Somanatha.


4. Jupiter

dasa is not good as it is lord of the trimsamsa lagna in addition to

its placement in the 2nd house from Lagna having Rahu. What is the

way out?


I thought Jupiter was in the 4th house (Pi) in the D-30 you

posted for the boy.

Way out: mantras, music, empowered sounds to impact the boy's

internal akasa, his consciousness. RV suktas mentioned above. Maybe

he can sing -- Jup in 2nd house & Merc. in natural 2nd (his



What is

kinesthetic signal?


Touch and movement. Intuition as a sensation. Related to

vayu-tattva -- Gem, Li, Aq; Sani, Rahu.

Would intuition be seen from the 5th house, from the 12th house,

from D-24, or...?


Thanks again, Sanjay, for enlightening us.




om tat sat

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