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Upapada - ple-e-e-e-e-ase reply

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Jai Jai Sri Jagannath !!!


Dear YND,


The 12th house indicates our past (the family from which we have descended - our forefathers etc.,) and the 2nd, our future (our own family). When we talk of our past, we mean our genetics - the family geneology. When the family geneology is worked backwards i.e., when you begin tracing our forefathers you will find that all of us belong to a particular Gotra which would have begun from a Maharishi - eg., Kashyapa gotra from Kashyapa Maharishi, Atri or Rathattreya gotra from Atri Maharishi and so on. No other house other than the 12th indicates this family geneology. From this has come the Lagna and from the Lagna comes the 2nd or our own family. Therefore, we consider only the 12th house for Upapada matters. Thus, Upapada is important.


Upapada is the maya of marriage. In our traditional marriage, the mandapa (the stage/podium) is set up and a sthamba (pillar - representing the Dharma - also representing the deity blessing the dharma of marriage and its fruits, which is good, comfortable life and good children to carry on the family geneology and the tradition and culture) is set up. All the relatives - near and dear ones - gather to bless the wedding. Thus, the first marriage is seen from the 1st UL and the second from the 2nd UL and so on. In fact, according to shastras if a man and woman would be associated with each other for a year at the least even at the mana level (without formal marriage) it is considered a marriage and will be taken as the 1st UL. Jupiter's aspect on the 2nd from UL indicates the ideal year of solmenizing the marriage, because Jupiter (physically) represents the Brahmana who performs the marriage and his aspect on the 2nd from UL indicates the arrival of the brahmana to perform the wedding. Thus the periods of Nayarayana Dasa/Antardasa rasis aspecting the rasi dispositing UL will indicate marriage.


What is gained from marriage and what is seen from the Upapada?


The 7th house is the eleventh from 9th house - gains of Dharma is marriage. 5th house is eleventh to the 7th and children are the gains of marriage. The 12th house is fourth from the 9th - the sukhasthana of Dharma. Thus, the main thing associated with marriage is Dharma. We know that Dharma comes from father and Peace comes from mother - "Sarva Dharma Pitrupade, Sarva Sukha Matrupade". The coming together of these two - father and mother gives rise to the Lagna. You have studied that sustenance of the Upapada is seen from its 2nd house and the planets conjoining it. While all planets in the 2nd give one reason or the other to damage the marriage (the Upapada) only Surya (who is the true representative of Dharma) protects the marriage while Rahu and Saturn, who are opposed to Surya, are first rate malefics to Upapada and will inflict considerable damage on the Upapada. Thus, as understood from the teachings of Sri Krishna in the Bhagavat Gita, any corruption of dharma will lead to corruption of women and the corruption of women will lead to begetting undesired children.


Why do we consider Upapada and not the Arudha of the 7th house for marriage purposes?


Upapada is also called Gaunapada - anuchara - or that which follows. The family geneology follows one after the other. The blessings of all elders (including those of the Maharishi associated/indicated) are obtained from the Upapada and not from A7. As we know, the 7th house is for partnerships/relationships/interactions etc. Therefore, the Arudha of the 7th can only indicate the contacts that one will have. For such a contact to become the spouse, there should be a sambandha between the Lagnapada and A7. The type of sambandha will indicate where the contact will come from - ie., whether from office, neighbourhood or elsewhere as the signification would suggest. A7 will indicate other contacts also.


Thus, in the overall perspective of dharma which is imbibed from the forefathers and passed on to the next generation as explained above, Upapada is more important to a horoscope ( to an individual) than the A7 which is merely a maya of his association with others. I hope I have cleared this to an extent and Sanjay ji may correct me if I am short of explaining certain other points or if they are wrong.


Hare Rama Krishna !!


Warm regards,





Yasomatinandana das


Tuesday, September 19, 2000 6:46 AM

[sri Guru] Upapada - ple-e-e-e-e-ase reply



Dear Gurudev,

Please accept my respectful obeisances. Jaya Jagannath!

There are some questions I've been wondering about ever since I read the UPSJ first. They are about the Upapada. I would be very much obliged to you if you could explain them as this is a very important area in human life.


Why it is the 12th house which Aruddha idicates marriage. Why 12th and not some other house? And if Aruddhas generally indiate illusions, externals and nonessencials concerned with the particular house then why the UP is so important? Why not just deal with the 7th house?


your shishya,

Yasomatinandana das

OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraInfo: varahamihira/info.html

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Dear Yasomatinandana Prabhu,


Jaya Jagannatha!


Although your question was addressed to Sanjayji I will attempt to answer it since it seems like none attempted to do so for a while and of course Sanjayji will probably find it useful to add his comments.

>Why it is the 12th house which Aruddha idicates marriage. Why 12th and not some >other house?


Upapada is also called Gauna pada, and actually represents the blessings of the holy cow for the propagation of the family and is related to kula - family. It also indicates that which follows (anuchara) the person. A house that represents the person is Lagna and that which follows it is the house behind it or the 12th house. Traditionally in Vedic system wife is the one who always follows the husband and even walks behind him. That is why aruda pada of 12th house is among other things connected to spouse, like servants that come with spouse and several other things...


>And if Aruddhas generally indiate illusions, externals and nonessencials concerned >with the particular house then why the UP is so important? Why not just deal with the >7th house?


7th house shows only physical relationships between man and woman. Upapada shows the inner nature of wife. Marriage is also a form of illusion because it exists only in the minds of the husband and wife, it doesn't really exists on physical level and hence it has to be seen from aruda pada which in this case is aruda pada of 12th house.


Upapada is used not only for marriage but for renunciation too, moral of the person and the most important thing is that it shows the blessings for continuing one's linage, but as I mentioned other things can be seen from Upapada also.


I hope that this helps.


Hare Krishna,

Dina-natha Das.


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Dear Yasomatinandana Prabhu,


Jaya Jagannatha!


Although your question was addressed to Sanjayji I will attempt to

answer it since it seems like none attempted to do so for a while and

of course Sanjayji will probably find it useful to add his comments.


>Why it is the 12th house which Aruddha idicates marriage. Why 12th and

not some >other house?


Upapada is also called Gauna pada, and actually represents the

blessings of the holy cow for the propagation of the family and is

related to kula or family. It also indicates that which follows

(anuchara) the person. A house that represents the person is Lagna and

that which follows it is the house behind it or the 12th house.

Traditionally in Vedic system wife is the one who always follows the

husband and even walks behind him. That is why aruda pada of 12th house

is among other things connected to spouse, servants that come with

spouse and several other things...


>And if Aruddhas generally indiate illusions, externals and

> nonessencials concerned with the particular house then why the UP is

>so important? Why not just deal with the 7th house?


7th house shows only physical relationships between man and woman.

Upapada shows the inner nature of wife. Marriage is also a form of

illusion because it exists only in the minds of the husband and wife,

it doesn't really exists on physical level and hence it has to be seen

from aruda pada which in this case is aruda pada of 12th house.


Upapada is used not only for marriage but for renunciation too, moral

of the person can be seen from Upapada and the most important thing is

that it shows the blessings for continuing one's linage, but as I

mentioned other things can be seen from Upapada also.


I hope that this helps.


Hare Krishna,

Dina-natha Das.








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The explanation re Upapada works for a male chart but cannot therefore by definition be symmetric and work for a female chart. Both cannot be followers!



Dina-natha Das


Tuesday, September 19, 2000 6:59 PM

Re: [sri Guru] Upapada - ple-e-e-e-e-ase reply



Dear Yasomatinandana Prabhu,


Jaya Jagannatha!


Although your question was addressed to Sanjayji I will attempt to answer it since it seems like none attempted to do so for a while and of course Sanjayji will probably find it useful to add his comments.

>Why it is the 12th house which Aruddha idicates marriage. Why 12th and not some >other house?


Upapada is also called Gauna pada, and actually represents the blessings of the holy cow for the propagation of the family and is related to kula - family. It also indicates that which follows (anuchara) the person. A house that represents the person is Lagna and that which follows it is the house behind it or the 12th house. Traditionally in Vedic system wife is the one who always follows the husband and even walks behind him. That is why aruda pada of 12th house is among other things connected to spouse, like servants that come with spouse and several other things...


>And if Aruddhas generally indiate illusions, externals and nonessencials concerned >with the particular house then why the UP is so important? Why not just deal with the >7th house?


7th house shows only physical relationships between man and woman. Upapada shows the inner nature of wife. Marriage is also a form of illusion because it exists only in the minds of the husband and wife, it doesn't really exists on physical level and hence it has to be seen from aruda pada which in this case is aruda pada of 12th house.


Upapada is used not only for marriage but for renunciation too, moral of the person and the most important thing is that it shows the blessings for continuing one's linage, but as I mentioned other things can be seen from Upapada also.


I hope that this helps.


Hare Krishna,

Dina-natha Das.

OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraInfo: varahamihira/info.html

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Namaste Dina-natha Prabhu,


> Upapada is also called Gauna pada, and actually represents the

> blessings of the holy cow for the propagation of the family and is

> related to kula or family. It also indicates that which follows

> (anuchara) the person. A house that represents the person is Lagna


> that which follows it is the house behind it or the 12th house.

> Traditionally in Vedic system wife is the one who always follows the

> husband and even walks behind him. That is why aruda pada of 12th


> is among other things connected to spouse,


True, wife may follow husband and walk behind him. But I don't

think that is the point. After all, we use the arudha pada of

12th to show the spouse in both male and female charts! So who

walks first and who follows is not the point.


Sarat has beautifully expanded on the nice reply you gave. His

reply is extremely elegant and very insightful. Members may read

it twice to understand all the points!


The 12th shows one's evolution. It shows the blessings of the

vamsa (lineage), which is part of one's evolution. That is why

D-12 shows parents.


The blessings of vamsa enjoyed by one are judged in this world

by the kind of spouse one has. If one has a noble spouse, the

world assumes that (s)he will beget noble progeny and that (s)he

has the blessings of Maharshis, ancestors etc in that matter. If

one has an unworthy wife, the world may think that the native

lacks blessings of vamsa. Of course, this is only an illusion.

For example, one may have the blessings of Maharshis and

ancestors and one's lineage may flourish despite a cruel and

mean wife. But the nature and background of spouse is what guides

the world as it forms an impression about the blessings of

Maharshis and ancestors towards a native.


Yasomati-nandana Prabhu, I do not pretend to comprehend this

issue completely, but I hope the above makes atleast *some* sense

to you. I will be very happy if Sanjay or others correct me.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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Namaste Narasimha,


Jaya Jagannnatha!


> True, wife may follow husband and walk behind him. But I don't

> think that is the point. After all, we use the arudha pada of

> 12th to show the spouse in both male and female charts! So who

> walks first and who follows is not the point.


Wife walking behind the husband is not a reason for Upapada being upapada,

that was just analogy (maybe not the best one) to help illustrate the

previous point that I also mention and that is that a house that represents

the person is Lagna and that which follows it is the house behind it or the

12th house.


> Sarat has beautifully expanded on the nice reply you gave. His

> reply is extremely elegant and very insightful. Members may read

> it twice to understand all the points!


Yes, Sarat has expanded it very nicely. However I am still waiting for

Sanjayji to throw in his 2 cents on the matter of upapada so that everyone

can get full understanding of it. There is much more to say on Upapada than

what 3 of us wrote. It is quite interesting. I gave one hint and that is

that Upapada also deals with renunciation not only marriage.


Hare Krishna,

Dina-natha Das.

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Dear Dinanath and Sarat Prabhus,

Hare Krishna. Jaya Jagannath!


Thank you for your kind clarifications. Two more questions.


1. I am a little confused as Dinanath Prabhu writes that the 12th signifies those who follow us, whereas Sarat Prabhu likns that with our predecessors or lineage. Is this a contradiction?


2. Why is the 2nd from UL determines the durability of marriate? Is it because the 2nd house signifies it's sustainence or just because the 2nd is a maraka house &


kindest regards,

Yasomatinandana das


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Namaste Yasomati-nandana Prabhu,


> Dear Dinanath and Sarat Prabhus,

> Hare Krishna. Jaya Jagannath!


> Thank you for your kind clarifications. Two more questions.


> 1. I am a little confused as Dinanath Prabhu writes that

> the 12th signifies those who follow us, whereas Sarat

> Prabhu likns that with our predecessors or lineage. Is

> this a contradiction?


Dina-natha prabhu clarified later that he was only giving

a loose analogy.


The points of Sarat are sound. I hope you read my mail

also. I tried to expand a little more on Sarat's reply and

show why " arudha pada " is involved. If you somehow missed

my mail, I'll send it to you privately.


The logic of 12th showing one who follows and wife

following husband were meant by Dina-natha prabhu as a

loose analogy, as he clarified. However it is interesting

to note that the same logic actually misled some people

into starting a new theory. There is a section of Indian

astrologers who define UL as the arudha of 12th/2nd in

male/female charts! Some people went a little further and

they defined UL as the arudha pada of the 12th/2nd based

on odd/even lagna. However, this controversy is due to the

imagination of some people and unneeded. UL is always the

arudha of 12th for the reasons already mentioned.


To clarify another point, the 12th house does not really

show one who follows a native.


> 2. Why is the 2nd from UL determines the durability of

> marriate? Is it because the 2nd house signifies it's

> sustainence or just because the 2nd is a maraka house &


I saw in many charts that Narayana dasa of the 2nd and 7th

from UL brings troubles in marriage (or even divorce), if

those houses are afflicted. If the 3rd and 8th from UL are

strong, then the marriage is saved.


> kindest regards,

> Yasomatinandana das


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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Dear Narasimha Prabhu,

Please accept my respetful obeisances. Jaya Jagannath!


Thank you very much. I got all the mails and enjoyed them much.


kindest regards,

Yasomatinandana das



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