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RE: Guruji recommendation on my chart! Please see!!!

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|| Hare Rama Krishna ||

Namaste Swee ji,

If i may, what metal will we want to do this in then, since its both venus and mercury involved...


Gaurav J

Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Pavan,



Worn round the neck, gemstones become a kavach. The ring finger is the finger of Sun for recognition and fame. An emerald with diamonds on either side is esthetically good.

The recommended sizes are 1.66 – 2.46 carats.




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Both are

to be worn in gold. Ref. Garuda Purana









On Behalf Of yobrevol

Monday, January 23, 2006

2:11 PM



Re: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE:

Guruji recommendation on my chart! Please see!!!




|| Hare Rama Krishna


Namaste Swee ji,

If i may, what metal will we want

to do this in then, since its both venus and mercury involved...


Gaurav J

Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Pavan,



Worn round the neck, gemstones

become a kavach. The ring finger is the finger of Sun for recognition and fame.

An emerald with diamonds on either side is esthetically good.

The recommended sizes are 1.66 –

2.46 carats.










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Hi Swee ji and Ramesh ji , I just have 1 doubt. I am very much interested in going foreign and working from there. I do believe that only thru this way I can earn a lot. Please let me know in my horoscope is there any chance of foreign travel and foreign stay. If yes for how many months/years. What are the planets which will influence foreign travel ?I heard if some one is going through sade sath he may travel abroad . Is that true ? Thanks a LOTregards,Pavan"Ramesh F. Gangaramani" <ramesh.gangaramani wrote: || Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat || Dear Pavan, You will need to download free JHL software from following site. http://www.vedicastrologer.org/ Best Wishes, Ramesh Pavan Kumar [bpavan2k1] Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:19 AMSwee Chan; ramesh.gangaramaniSubject: RE: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Guruji recommendation on my chart! Please see!!! Hi Swee ji, Ashlesha puja was not performed when I was born. Also in my chart which a local astrologer prepared after my birth he gave my star as Pushya 4 instead of Ashlesha. Only recently I came to know that I'm Ashlesha. Anyways Thanks a LOT for the insight into my chart P.S : How to open the attachment. I mean using what program ?ThanksPavanSwee Chan <swee

wrote: Jaya Jagannatha Dear Ramesh, Namaste Thank you for the chart. 8th from Aslesha is Sun and Ketu. I hope the Aslesha puja was performed. Initial time of 12:14 should indicate mathematical abilities. This also puts Ketu in trines to AK like Mars and Ju. Sun in navamsa is in papa with exalted Rahu in ayush matters. So can sustain life much longer than the affliction from Aslesha. May also be prone to foreign philosophy. Think

I shall call this a day as I am not apt to giving readings off line. Love, Swee Ramesh F. Gangaramani [ramesh.gangaramani] Wednesday, January 25, 2006 5:43 PM'Swee Chan'; 'Pavan Kumar'RE: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Guruji recommendation on my chart! Please see!!! || Satyam Bruyat Priyam Bruyat || Dear Swee, Please find the chart attached. D1 placements match. Haven't studied it but saw a few things mentioned below. 1. Afflicted Sun plus Mercury(Bhoomi

tatwa) + Ketu combination for Bone problems. 2. 4 retro planets and exalted Venus vergottama, strong ojhas and will power. 3. Venus is also AK and replacement by AmK Mercury. 4. Dispositor of Venus LL and AK afflicted by Rahu and Mars. Jupiter is also 8L. Jupiter is also varalord. 5. All of them, 11L, Rahu and Mars in 4H. Happiness of at home sure to get affected. Fortunately Moon is in own house! 6. Wonder if D9 lagna is accurate, Moon in trine would give singing abilities, Pavan says he is strong in Maths. 7. Also D12, strong Sun in 11H treating 9H as lagna! And Mercury-Moon conjunction makes dharma-karmadhipati yoga. Should income be a problem for father if D12 lagna is right? Best Wishes, Ramesh Pavan Kumar [bpavan2k1] Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:48 AMSwee ChanCc: ramesh.gangaramaniSubject: RE: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Guruji recommendation on my chart! Please see!!! Hi Sweeji and Ramesh ji , Im very sorry but the actual DOB is 28-02-1980 12:20 PM . I made a typo and typed the month as 12 instead of 02.

I'm really very sorry for that. ThanksPavanSwee Chan <swee wrote: Jaya Jagannatha Dear Ramesh, Namaste The mail here is 12:20pm and then another timing at 12:20am. Both do not indicate Taurus lagna. Can you check please. Love, Swee Pavan Kumar [bpavan2k1] Wednesday, January 25, 2006 1:37 PMSwee ChanCc: ramesh.gangaramaniSubject: RE: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Guruji

recommendation on my chart! Please see!!! Hi Swee ji, I was born in Hanamkonda, Dist Warangal State Andhra PradeshLatitude: 018:01:N / Longitude: 079:38:EThanksPavanSwee Chan <swee wrote: Jaya Jagannatha Dear Pavan, Namaste If you cannot attach your chart in JHL format, please indicate your POB (Place of birth). Ramesh, would you have his chart? Love, Swee Pavan Kumar [bpavan2k1] Wednesday, January 25, 2006 10:30 AMSwee ChanRE: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Guruji recommendation on my chart! Please see!!! Hello Swee ji, I have included my chart below. Please do check and let me know. m a cancerian with Taurus rising.(born on 28-12-1980 @ 12:20 PM )3rd House : Moon4th House : Jupiter, Mars and Rahu5th House : Saturn 10th House : Sun,Mercury,Ketu(in Aquarius)11th House : Venus (in Pisces)Lagna Vrishab 24° 48' 01" Mrigasira Pada: 1Surya Kumbh 15° 15' 47" Sathabhisha Pada: 3Chandra Karka 16° 54'

00" Asleesha Pada: 1Mangal Simha 10° 59' 35" R Magha Pada: 4Budh Kumbh 27° 31' 43" R Poorvabhadrapada Pada: 3Guru Simha 11° 14' 50" R Magha Pada: 4Shukra Meena 27° 52' 18" Revati Pada: 4Sani Kanya 01° 13' 10" R Uttaraphalguni Pada: 2Rahu Simha 05° 44' 53" Magha Pada: 2Ketu Kumbh 05° 44' 53" Dhanistha Pada: 4< br> R-above dentotes the respective planets in Retrogression.Navamsha chart is as follows :Lagna : Virgo3rd : Ketu (in Scorpio)4th : Moon (Saggitarius)5th : Saturn (Capricorn)6th : Sun (Aquarius)7th : Venus (Pisces)9th : Rahu (Taurus)10th : Mercury(Gemini)11th : Jupiter, Mars(Cancer)ThanksPavanSwee Chan <swee wrote: Jaya Jagannatha Dear Pavan, < font color="green" face="Bookman Old Style" size="3">Namaste Please include your chart. Bone is an affliction of the Sun. Love, Swee Pavan Kumar [bpavan2k1] Wednesday, January 25, 2006 8:58 AMSwee ChanRE: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Guruji recommendation on my chart! Please see!!! Hi Swee ji, Needed ur recommendation on my chart. I will let you know a little bit

about myself till now. Let me know how my life till now suited my chart.I was born on 28-02-1980 @ 12:20 AM. From my birth onwards my Budh Dasha has just started. on my 8th year that is on 1988 I had a severe ailment. The chances of my getting well were dim and I was about to go for a surgery(I had Bone TB). Somehow surgery didnt happen. Now when I check what happened then I learn that it was my Mangal dasha running under Budh Maha dasha. It had taken almost 1 yr for me to get well, Fortunately I didnt suffer a set back in academics. From 1992 onwards my interest in Mathematics grew and till 1995 when I left school I was topper in Maths. In between in 1992 my father has lost his job, was suffering a lot. All the mood at home was depressing. That was right from 1992 to 2004(till I got job). Home matters were never at an easy path. Due to dad's depression and lack of financial support we suffered a lot, during that period. Till 1997 I was in my college and was

doing good in academics. in 1997 my Ketu mahadasha has started. I was at my best in 1998 (in acads) when my Venus subdasha was running under Ketu Mahadasha. Then in 1998 I j oined my Engineering. Bad days had started for me. For all the 4 years from 1998 to 2002 I was never at my best and you can say I was the worst in my class. In academics, I flunked subjects(except Maths which I still hold good grip), was not able to compete, completely depressed, became lazy and had escapy attitude. In 2002 my Sade sath just started, and I think I was having a Ketu-Saturn Dasa running at that time. I became so depressed at that time that I wanted to commit suicide. This perception remained till 2003 start that Im unfit to live and good for nothing. From 2002 to 2003(after my college), I was

at home. In 2003 I came here to Bangalore and in 2004 May I got the job. My Venus Mahadasha has just started in 2004 March. Venus has been always kind on me. From 2004 onwards its a balanced life Im living. But whenever I remember the past I become depressed, fearful that it will be haunting me again. When I look back at my life now 5 imp things happened.1. My ailment in 1988 2. Dad out of job and we all financially deprived from 1992-2004. 3. Me performing exceptionally well in academics in 19984. Me losing everything from 1998-2003. 5. Things becoming in a better shape after 2004 March.What are the planets all through my life helped me(like Venus) and what all which made me to suffer. One more imp Q is what can I do for a better living .My Mars is debiliated in my Navamsha(and I also hav manglik dosha). Is that the reason for the ailment I had in 1988 ?As my Ketu was with Sun did it deprived me all the self confidence I had when it was running for 7 yrs from 1997. ?I had worn a Blue sapp hire on ring finger(for 3 yrs) and middle finger (for 1 yr) starting from 1998 til l 2003. Did it give any malefic effect ?My chart is below. m a cancerian with Taurus rising.(born on 28-12-1980 @ 12:20 PM )3rd House : Moon4th House : Jupiter, Mars and Rahu5th House : Saturn 10th House : Sun,Mercury,Ketu(in Aquarius)11th House : Venus (in Pisces)Lagna Vrishab 24° 48' 01" Mrigasira Pada:

1Surya Kumbh 15° 15' 47" Sathabhisha Pada: 3Chandra Karka 16° 54' 00" Asleesha Pada: 1Mangal Simha 10° 59' 35" R Magha Pada: 4Budh ; Kumbh 27° 31' 43" R Poorvabhadrapada Pada: 3Guru Simha 11° 14' 50" R Magha Pada: 4Shukra Meena 27° 52' 18" Revati Pada: 4Sani Kanya 01° 13' 10" R Uttaraphalguni Pada: 2Rahu Simha 05° 44' 53" & nbs p; Magha Pada: 2Ketu Kumbh 05° 44' 53" Dhanistha P ada: 4R-above dentotes the respective planets in Retrogression.Navamsha chart is as follow s :Lagna : Virgo3rd : Ketu (in Scorpio)4th : Moon (Saggitarius)5th : Saturn (Capricorn)6th : Sun (Aquarius)7th : Venus (Pisces)9th : Rahu (Taurus)10th : Mercury(Gemini)11th : Jupiter, Mars(Cancer)Thanks a LOTPavan_____________Thanks and Regards,Pavan Kumar BExtn: 411291-80-25004112Jaya Jagannatha Dear Gaurav,Namaste Both are to be worn in gold. Ref. Garuda Purana Love,Swee On Behalf Of yobrevolSent: Monday, January 23 , 2006 2:11 PM ; pbiyyala mRe: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Guruji recommendation on my chart! Please see!!! || Hare Rama Krishna ||Namaste Swee ji,If i may, what metal will we want to do this in then, since its both venus and mercury involved...NamasteGaurav JJaya Jagannatha Dear

Pavan,Namaste Worn round the neck, gemstones become a kavach. The ring finger is the finger of Sun for recognition and fame. An emerald with diamonds on either side is esthetically good.The recommended sizes are 1.66 – 2.46 carats. Love,Swee

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An afflicted

4th makes the native leave his homeland on a permanent basis. The 7th,

8th and 9th indicate different aspects. The 7th

can be due to business or travel on consultancy. The 8th maybe due

marriage with a foreigner and staying on in his/her country. The 9th

show long distance and someone on a long term contract.


Looking at

your chart, there are 4 planets involved in parivatana and your 4th is

afflicted. The sign Simha and its lord is in parivatana with Rahu and in rapt aspect

with Mars. Saturn as lord of badhakesh in a trine and in parivatana with

Mercury suggests that you can easily unblock your luck by offering mantras. A

Vishnu mantra can especially tap into the lord of Shree Lagna (Mithun –

Mercury. This also helps to connect to Pisces via rasi drishti where your Lagna

Lord is placed. The parivatana for Mercury in this case, makes Mercury rather

weak (in debility).


A gemstone

for the Sun – especially Rudhira can help to accelerate the process of HL.

Gaurav, in case you are asking why

Rudhira, look at the nature of the minerals in the gem to denote Mars (moolatrikona

of 12th and 7th lord). This gemstone can also help with

his profession, no doubt.



this year can see the process of Sudasa lagna in Dual sign activity; hence

mantra is foremost. But the trines to Venus is Moon. The period Ve-Mo most

definitely indicates a relocation with Cancer being the 12th sign in

navamsa. To propitiate both Jupiter (birth tithi and hora lord) and Venus, your

lagna lord in 8th in navamsa, offer a piece of white cloth, til, ghee,

chandan, food and gold (what you can afford). You may do this on Thursday

during Jupiter’s hora or when Jupiter traverses in Pushya (Cancer) in



Should you

feel the urge to install a gemstone, do get in touch with Gaurav who will

provide you with genuine jyotish quality gems.


On the

matter of sade sati, I don’t know if it is effective for Vrishabha lagna.

Instead, can you recollect your fall out with people in authority- principal or

a father figure who simply brought you ego down to earth. If you’ve

learnt from it, the traversal of Saturn into Simha may finally give what you

have been searching for for a while now. It will determine the direction in

life’s path.









On Behalf Of Pavan Kumar

Saturday, January 28, 2006

6:53 AM


Fwd: RE: [Jaya

Jagannatha] RE: Guruji recommendation on my chart! Please see!!!







Hi Swee ji and Ramesh ji ,

I just have 1 doubt. I am very much interested in going foreign and

working from there. I do believe that only thru this way I can earn a lot.

Please let me know in my horoscope is there any chance of foreign travel and

foreign stay. If yes for how many months/years. What are the planets which will

influence foreign travel ?

I heard if some one is going through sade sath he may travel abroad . Is that

true ?

Thanks a LOT




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Hi Swee ji,

Thanks for such a nice reply. I have always had a very good

understanding of the topic whenever you have replied to my queries.


Recently I was going through some of the audio classes that were there

in Jagannath site on astrology. I was going through this particular

subject Navamsha, where I learnt that 7th house in navamsha indicates

the spouse characters/strengths etc. Also it was noted in the same

audio that 8th house lord as well as the planet in the 8th house will

try to destroy the marriage,no matter how well or how bad they are

placed. I think my understanding is correct.

I hope so, please correct me if I am wrong.

If my understanding is correct, then I am a bit

worried about my horoscope. My Lagna lord(in Navamsha) being Sun

placed in 7th House, and Venus is at its best in Pisces in 8th. Also

8th lord Jupiter is again exalted in Navamsha which is also with

debilaited Mars in Cancer. Please let me know how these positions of

planets will effect my marriage life.


Thanks again a TON,


Pavan K




, " Swee Chan " <swee@c...> wrote:


> Jaya Jagannatha




> Dear Pavan,


> Namaste




> An afflicted 4th makes the native leave his homeland on a permanent


> The 7th, 8th and 9th indicate different aspects. The 7th can be due to

> business or travel on consultancy. The 8th maybe due marriage with a

> foreigner and staying on in his/her country. The 9th show long

distance and

> someone on a long term contract.




> Looking at your chart, there are 4 planets involved in parivatana

and your

> 4th is afflicted. The sign Simha and its lord is in parivatana with

Rahu and

> in rapt aspect with Mars. Saturn as lord of badhakesh in a trine and in

> parivatana with Mercury suggests that you can easily unblock your

luck by

> offering mantras. A Vishnu mantra can especially tap into the lord

of Shree

> Lagna (Mithun - Mercury. This also helps to connect to Pisces via rasi

> drishti where your Lagna Lord is placed. The parivatana for Mercury

in this

> case, makes Mercury rather weak (in debility).




> A gemstone for the Sun - especially Rudhira can help to accelerate the

> process of HL. Gaurav, in case you are asking why Rudhira, look at the

> nature of the minerals in the gem to denote Mars (moolatrikona of

12th and

> 7th lord). This gemstone can also help with his profession, no doubt.




> December this year can see the process of Sudasa lagna in Dual sign

> activity; hence mantra is foremost. But the trines to Venus is Moon. The

> period Ve-Mo most definitely indicates a relocation with Cancer

being the

> 12th sign in navamsa. To propitiate both Jupiter (birth tithi and

hora lord)

> and Venus, your lagna lord in 8th in navamsa, offer a piece of white


> til, ghee, chandan, food and gold (what you can afford). You may do

this on

> Thursday during Jupiter's hora or when Jupiter traverses in Pushya


> in Navamsa.




> Should you feel the urge to install a gemstone, do get in touch with

> Gaurav@h... who will provide you with genuine jyotish quality

> gems.




> On the matter of sade sati, I don't know if it is effective for


> lagna. Instead, can you recollect your fall out with people in


> principal or a father figure who simply brought you ego down to

earth. If

> you've learnt from it, the traversal of Saturn into Simha may

finally give

> what you have been searching for for a while now. It will determine the

> direction in life's path.




> Love,


> Swee




> _____


> On

> Behalf Of Pavan Kumar

> Saturday, January 28, 2006 6:53 AM


> Fwd: RE: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Guruji recommendation on my


> Please see!!!






> Hi Swee ji and Ramesh ji ,

> I just have 1 doubt. I am very much interested in going foreign and

> working from there. I do believe that only thru this way I can earn

a lot.

> Please let me know in my horoscope is there any chance of foreign

travel and

> foreign stay. If yes for how many months/years. What are the planets


> will influence foreign travel ?

> I heard if some one is going through sade sath he may travel abroad . Is

> that true ?

> Thanks a LOT


> regards,

> Pavan


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Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Pavan,



Your understanding is wrong. The 2nd from any house is the house of

sustenance. If a benefic is in it, it will sustain that house. The navamsa

and 7th describes your wife and what she will be like. her parents, her

profession etc.

Your Jupiter is very weak in Navamsa and it is your 8th lord in Rasi. Hence,

I would recommend that you chant " Om Gurave Namah " 9 rounds in the 4


Would you like to give us the English transcripts of the lesson?








Behalf Of bpavan2k1

Monday, January 30, 2006 10:21 AM


Re: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Guruji recommendation on my chart! Please



Hi Swee ji,

Thanks for such a nice reply. I have always had a very good

understanding of the topic whenever you have replied to my queries.


Recently I was going through some of the audio classes that were there

in Jagannath site on astrology. I was going through this particular

subject Navamsha, where I learnt that 7th house in navamsha indicates

the spouse characters/strengths etc. Also it was noted in the same

audio that 8th house lord as well as the planet in the 8th house will

try to destroy the marriage,no matter how well or how bad they are

placed. I think my understanding is correct.

I hope so, please correct me if I am wrong.

If my understanding is correct, then I am a bit

worried about my horoscope. My Lagna lord(in Navamsha) being Sun

placed in 7th House, and Venus is at its best in Pisces in 8th. Also

8th lord Jupiter is again exalted in Navamsha which is also with

debilaited Mars in Cancer. Please let me know how these positions of

planets will effect my marriage life.


Thanks again a TON,


Pavan K




, " Swee Chan " <swee@c...> wrote:


> Jaya Jagannatha




> Dear Pavan,


> Namaste




> An afflicted 4th makes the native leave his homeland on a permanent


> The 7th, 8th and 9th indicate different aspects. The 7th can be due to

> business or travel on consultancy. The 8th maybe due marriage with a

> foreigner and staying on in his/her country. The 9th show long

distance and

> someone on a long term contract.




> Looking at your chart, there are 4 planets involved in parivatana

and your

> 4th is afflicted. The sign Simha and its lord is in parivatana with

Rahu and

> in rapt aspect with Mars. Saturn as lord of badhakesh in a trine and in

> parivatana with Mercury suggests that you can easily unblock your

luck by

> offering mantras. A Vishnu mantra can especially tap into the lord

of Shree

> Lagna (Mithun - Mercury. This also helps to connect to Pisces via rasi

> drishti where your Lagna Lord is placed. The parivatana for Mercury

in this

> case, makes Mercury rather weak (in debility).




> A gemstone for the Sun - especially Rudhira can help to accelerate the

> process of HL. Gaurav, in case you are asking why Rudhira, look at the

> nature of the minerals in the gem to denote Mars (moolatrikona of

12th and

> 7th lord). This gemstone can also help with his profession, no doubt.




> December this year can see the process of Sudasa lagna in Dual sign

> activity; hence mantra is foremost. But the trines to Venus is Moon. The

> period Ve-Mo most definitely indicates a relocation with Cancer

being the

> 12th sign in navamsa. To propitiate both Jupiter (birth tithi and

hora lord)

> and Venus, your lagna lord in 8th in navamsa, offer a piece of white


> til, ghee, chandan, food and gold (what you can afford). You may do

this on

> Thursday during Jupiter's hora or when Jupiter traverses in Pushya


> in Navamsa.




> Should you feel the urge to install a gemstone, do get in touch with

> Gaurav@h... who will provide you with genuine jyotish quality

> gems.




> On the matter of sade sati, I don't know if it is effective for


> lagna. Instead, can you recollect your fall out with people in


> principal or a father figure who simply brought you ego down to

earth. If

> you've learnt from it, the traversal of Saturn into Simha may

finally give

> what you have been searching for for a while now. It will determine the

> direction in life's path.




> Love,


> Swee




> _____


> On

> Behalf Of Pavan Kumar

> Saturday, January 28, 2006 6:53 AM


> Fwd: RE: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Guruji recommendation on my


> Please see!!!






> Hi Swee ji and Ramesh ji ,

> I just have 1 doubt. I am very much interested in going foreign and

> working from there. I do believe that only thru this way I can earn

a lot.

> Please let me know in my horoscope is there any chance of foreign

travel and

> foreign stay. If yes for how many months/years. What are the planets


> will influence foreign travel ?

> I heard if some one is going through sade sath he may travel abroad . Is

> that true ?

> Thanks a LOT


> regards,

> Pavan











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Dear Swee ji,

The classes I was mentioning are in the link

http://sjcerc.com/sjcatri.htm .

The class Navamsha is the 3rd and unfortunately it doesnt have an

English translation.

If you didnt check the link before you can find other PDFs interesting.


Thanks & Regards,

Pavan K



, " Swee Chan " <swee@c...> wrote:


> Jaya Jagannatha


> Dear Pavan,

> Namaste


> Your understanding is wrong. The 2nd from any house is the house of

> sustenance. If a benefic is in it, it will sustain that house. The


> and 7th describes your wife and what she will be like. her parents, her

> profession etc.

> Your Jupiter is very weak in Navamsa and it is your 8th lord in

Rasi. Hence,

> I would recommend that you chant " Om Gurave Namah " 9 rounds in the 4

> sandhis.

> Would you like to give us the English transcripts of the lesson?


> Love,

> Swee




> On

> Behalf Of bpavan2k1

> Monday, January 30, 2006 10:21 AM


> Re: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Guruji recommendation on my

chart! Please

> see!!!


> Hi Swee ji,

> Thanks for such a nice reply. I have always had a very good

> understanding of the topic whenever you have replied to my queries.


> Recently I was going through some of the audio classes that were there

> in Jagannath site on astrology. I was going through this particular

> subject Navamsha, where I learnt that 7th house in navamsha indicates

> the spouse characters/strengths etc. Also it was noted in the same

> audio that 8th house lord as well as the planet in the 8th house will

> try to destroy the marriage,no matter how well or how bad they are

> placed. I think my understanding is correct.

> I hope so, please correct me if I am wrong.

> If my understanding is correct, then I am a bit

> worried about my horoscope. My Lagna lord(in Navamsha) being Sun

> placed in 7th House, and Venus is at its best in Pisces in 8th. Also

> 8th lord Jupiter is again exalted in Navamsha which is also with

> debilaited Mars in Cancer. Please let me know how these positions of

> planets will effect my marriage life.


> Thanks again a TON,

> Regards,

> Pavan K




> , " Swee Chan " <swee@c...> wrote:

> >

> > Jaya Jagannatha

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Pavan,

> >

> > Namaste

> >

> >

> >

> > An afflicted 4th makes the native leave his homeland on a permanent

> basis.

> > The 7th, 8th and 9th indicate different aspects. The 7th can be due to

> > business or travel on consultancy. The 8th maybe due marriage with a

> > foreigner and staying on in his/her country. The 9th show long

> distance and

> > someone on a long term contract.

> >

> >

> >

> > Looking at your chart, there are 4 planets involved in parivatana

> and your

> > 4th is afflicted. The sign Simha and its lord is in parivatana with

> Rahu and

> > in rapt aspect with Mars. Saturn as lord of badhakesh in a trine

and in

> > parivatana with Mercury suggests that you can easily unblock your

> luck by

> > offering mantras. A Vishnu mantra can especially tap into the lord

> of Shree

> > Lagna (Mithun - Mercury. This also helps to connect to Pisces via rasi

> > drishti where your Lagna Lord is placed. The parivatana for Mercury

> in this

> > case, makes Mercury rather weak (in debility).

> >

> >

> >

> > A gemstone for the Sun - especially Rudhira can help to accelerate the

> > process of HL. Gaurav, in case you are asking why Rudhira, look at the

> > nature of the minerals in the gem to denote Mars (moolatrikona of

> 12th and

> > 7th lord). This gemstone can also help with his profession, no doubt.

> >

> >

> >

> > December this year can see the process of Sudasa lagna in Dual sign

> > activity; hence mantra is foremost. But the trines to Venus is

Moon. The

> > period Ve-Mo most definitely indicates a relocation with Cancer

> being the

> > 12th sign in navamsa. To propitiate both Jupiter (birth tithi and

> hora lord)

> > and Venus, your lagna lord in 8th in navamsa, offer a piece of white

> cloth,

> > til, ghee, chandan, food and gold (what you can afford). You may do

> this on

> > Thursday during Jupiter's hora or when Jupiter traverses in Pushya

> (Cancer)

> > in Navamsa.

> >

> >

> >

> > Should you feel the urge to install a gemstone, do get in touch with

> > Gaurav@h... who will provide you with genuine jyotish quality

> > gems.

> >

> >

> >

> > On the matter of sade sati, I don't know if it is effective for

> Vrishabha

> > lagna. Instead, can you recollect your fall out with people in

> authority-

> > principal or a father figure who simply brought you ego down to

> earth. If

> > you've learnt from it, the traversal of Saturn into Simha may

> finally give

> > what you have been searching for for a while now. It will

determine the

> > direction in life's path.

> >

> >

> >

> > Love,

> >

> > Swee

> >

> >

> >

> > _____

> >

> >


> > Behalf Of Pavan Kumar

> > Saturday, January 28, 2006 6:53 AM

> >

> > Fwd: RE: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Guruji recommendation on my

> chart!

> > Please see!!!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Hi Swee ji and Ramesh ji ,

> > I just have 1 doubt. I am very much interested in going foreign and

> > working from there. I do believe that only thru this way I can earn

> a lot.

> > Please let me know in my horoscope is there any chance of foreign

> travel and

> > foreign stay. If yes for how many months/years. What are the planets

> which

> > will influence foreign travel ?

> > I heard if some one is going through sade sath he may travel

abroad . Is

> > that true ?

> > Thanks a LOT

> >

> > regards,

> > Pavan

> >




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Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Pavan,



So are you able to give the English transcripts or not? I am aware of the








Behalf Of bpavan2k1

Monday, January 30, 2006 2:57 PM


Re: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Guruji recommendation on my chart! Please



Dear Swee ji,

The classes I was mentioning are in the link

http://sjcerc.com/sjcatri.htm .

The class Navamsha is the 3rd and unfortunately it doesnt have an

English translation.

If you didnt check the link before you can find other PDFs interesting.


Thanks & Regards,

Pavan K



, " Swee Chan " <swee@c...> wrote:


> Jaya Jagannatha


> Dear Pavan,

> Namaste


> Your understanding is wrong. The 2nd from any house is the house of

> sustenance. If a benefic is in it, it will sustain that house. The


> and 7th describes your wife and what she will be like. her parents, her

> profession etc.

> Your Jupiter is very weak in Navamsa and it is your 8th lord in

Rasi. Hence,

> I would recommend that you chant " Om Gurave Namah " 9 rounds in the 4

> sandhis.

> Would you like to give us the English transcripts of the lesson?


> Love,

> Swee




> On

> Behalf Of bpavan2k1

> Monday, January 30, 2006 10:21 AM


> Re: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Guruji recommendation on my

chart! Please

> see!!!


> Hi Swee ji,

> Thanks for such a nice reply. I have always had a very good

> understanding of the topic whenever you have replied to my queries.


> Recently I was going through some of the audio classes that were there

> in Jagannath site on astrology. I was going through this particular

> subject Navamsha, where I learnt that 7th house in navamsha indicates

> the spouse characters/strengths etc. Also it was noted in the same

> audio that 8th house lord as well as the planet in the 8th house will

> try to destroy the marriage,no matter how well or how bad they are

> placed. I think my understanding is correct.

> I hope so, please correct me if I am wrong.

> If my understanding is correct, then I am a bit

> worried about my horoscope. My Lagna lord(in Navamsha) being Sun

> placed in 7th House, and Venus is at its best in Pisces in 8th. Also

> 8th lord Jupiter is again exalted in Navamsha which is also with

> debilaited Mars in Cancer. Please let me know how these positions of

> planets will effect my marriage life.


> Thanks again a TON,

> Regards,

> Pavan K




> , " Swee Chan " <swee@c...> wrote:

> >

> > Jaya Jagannatha

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear Pavan,

> >

> > Namaste

> >

> >

> >

> > An afflicted 4th makes the native leave his homeland on a permanent

> basis.

> > The 7th, 8th and 9th indicate different aspects. The 7th can be due to

> > business or travel on consultancy. The 8th maybe due marriage with a

> > foreigner and staying on in his/her country. The 9th show long

> distance and

> > someone on a long term contract.

> >

> >

> >

> > Looking at your chart, there are 4 planets involved in parivatana

> and your

> > 4th is afflicted. The sign Simha and its lord is in parivatana with

> Rahu and

> > in rapt aspect with Mars. Saturn as lord of badhakesh in a trine

and in

> > parivatana with Mercury suggests that you can easily unblock your

> luck by

> > offering mantras. A Vishnu mantra can especially tap into the lord

> of Shree

> > Lagna (Mithun - Mercury. This also helps to connect to Pisces via rasi

> > drishti where your Lagna Lord is placed. The parivatana for Mercury

> in this

> > case, makes Mercury rather weak (in debility).

> >

> >

> >

> > A gemstone for the Sun - especially Rudhira can help to accelerate the

> > process of HL. Gaurav, in case you are asking why Rudhira, look at the

> > nature of the minerals in the gem to denote Mars (moolatrikona of

> 12th and

> > 7th lord). This gemstone can also help with his profession, no doubt.

> >

> >

> >

> > December this year can see the process of Sudasa lagna in Dual sign

> > activity; hence mantra is foremost. But the trines to Venus is

Moon. The

> > period Ve-Mo most definitely indicates a relocation with Cancer

> being the

> > 12th sign in navamsa. To propitiate both Jupiter (birth tithi and

> hora lord)

> > and Venus, your lagna lord in 8th in navamsa, offer a piece of white

> cloth,

> > til, ghee, chandan, food and gold (what you can afford). You may do

> this on

> > Thursday during Jupiter's hora or when Jupiter traverses in Pushya

> (Cancer)

> > in Navamsa.

> >

> >

> >

> > Should you feel the urge to install a gemstone, do get in touch with

> > Gaurav@h... who will provide you with genuine jyotish quality

> > gems.

> >

> >

> >

> > On the matter of sade sati, I don't know if it is effective for

> Vrishabha

> > lagna. Instead, can you recollect your fall out with people in

> authority-

> > principal or a father figure who simply brought you ego down to

> earth. If

> > you've learnt from it, the traversal of Saturn into Simha may

> finally give

> > what you have been searching for for a while now. It will

determine the

> > direction in life's path.

> >

> >

> >

> > Love,

> >

> > Swee

> >

> >

> >

> > _____

> >

> >


> > Behalf Of Pavan Kumar

> > Saturday, January 28, 2006 6:53 AM

> >

> > Fwd: RE: [Jaya Jagannatha] RE: Guruji recommendation on my

> chart!

> > Please see!!!

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Hi Swee ji and Ramesh ji ,

> > I just have 1 doubt. I am very much interested in going foreign and

> > working from there. I do believe that only thru this way I can earn

> a lot.

> > Please let me know in my horoscope is there any chance of foreign

> travel and

> > foreign stay. If yes for how many months/years. What are the planets

> which

> > will influence foreign travel ?

> > I heard if some one is going through sade sath he may travel

abroad . Is

> > that true ?

> > Thanks a LOT

> >

> > regards,

> > Pavan

> >




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