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I thought you were a beginner. You seem to be very accomplished and I am delighted to see the progress you have made. The day is not be far when my words will prove prophetic "You will teach Jyotish to Syamasundara dasa".

Notes are as under in blue ink:




Gauranga Das <gauranga

Sanjay Rath <srath

Cc: Varahamihira <varahamihira >

Sunday, September 12, 1999 10:15 PM

Re: Letters


> > SOME HOME WORK:> > By the way, my birthdata is Sanjay Rath, s/o Sri Umakant Rath, 7th of August> > 1963, 9:15' PM IST, Sambalpur, Orissa, India. 21N28'; 84E01'. Place of birth> > was my Maternal Grandfathers house. There were 7 Ladies inside the bedroom> > where the delivery occured and one of them was giving a running commentary!> > I was born with a lot of hair and they wanted to call me Keshav, but seeing> > my calm temperament called me Sushant. Later my Grandfather changed this to> > Sanjay at the time of the Namakarana Samskara. There was a lot of rain at> > the time of my birth. It had rained the whole day and was still raining. Let> > me hear your views about these things from my birth chart. Does it show?> > Please mail this part to the Class.> > JAYA JAGANNATHA!> > Dear Sanjay Prabhu and borothers!> > I have received this task from Sanjay Rath Prabhu, so I'm trying to solve it.> > I got Your ascendant as 14*10' in Pisces. Is this correct? Jupiter was in the Lagna at the time of Your birth and has a strong influence in Your chart. It's position in the Lagna gives benefic inflyence on all the areas of Your life, it's lord of 10th also so Idicates a brahminical type of personallity and work. It's also the strongest in Sahd Bala aind Vimsopaka. Aspected by Mars from the 7th, which is Yoga karak, and by Retrograde Sani in 11th. Sani is Atmakarak and in own house. It's said to be a Marak for Pisces ascendant but I'm not sure whether it gives good or bad effects. Anyway Parasara says theat Saturn in Karakamsha makes the person to continue the profession of his family. Pisces is the sign which helps in knowing the future, so it's also good in Lagna for an astrologer. Perfect analysis. Your point about Sanidev is the amongst the finest I have heard from any sisya till now. Is sani a Maraka? Leave this to the discussions on Ayus. yes, being the AK it can punish very severely and removed my desire for wealth or going to the USA. I was deeply engrossed in Jyotish and was able to learn a lot during its Dasa. Being in kalatramsa (Navamsa of the seventh house from Lagna in Rasi Chart. Virgo is my seventh house), it made me to marry and that too to a poor, but sincere girl called Sushama. Some promises (of Last birth) had to be kept. See D-60 for a very clear picture.

A point to study..this Saturn and also Mars aspects Jupiter in lagna showing the curse of a Brahmin that will cause re-birth or the cause of birth. Saturn is also linked to the Kalatramsa and is the Lord of the seventh in D-60...Rest is for you to examine and tell me. Is there a curse of a Brahmin from last birth? What was this curse and why was it there. What do I have to do to get out of this curse-both Karma and Pooja/Worship be indicated clearly.

> As Your birth occurred during night time (the Moon was strong, so it's auspicious) the Mother and Father are represented by the Moon and Saturn respectively.

Very correct. Thus Sanidev will also show that internally my father will be happy with my following the footsteps of grandfather although he will show opposite reactions externally (retrograde).


The maternal grandfather is represented by the ninth from the fourth, i.e. the 12th house. The Moon is in the 12th, so this would show that she were in her maternal grandfather's house at birth.

Good Logic, but not perfect. Srila Prabhupada also appeared (was born) in his maternal Grandfathers house. He has the moon exalted in the sixth house with 5th Lord. So, this rule is not working. Your line of thinking is correct. Look for the link between the 12 Lord and the 4th house or Lord.

I have Pisces lagna and Rahu (12th Lord) is in the 4th house. Srila has Sagittarius lagna and Jupiter (4th Lord) and Ketu (12th Lord) conjoin. My younger brother has Cancer Lagna and Mercury (12th Lord) and venus (4th Lord) conjoin. We were all born in the house of our Maternal Grandfather.

My elder brother has the 4th Lord in the 12th house (this is the opposite) showing that my maternal grandfather and other people had to come to my fathers house during his sudden premature birth. The most important influence on the 4th house shows the place of birth.


The number of ladies present is counted from the number of planets present betewwe tne Lagna and the Moon's sign. Interestingly, this would give 7 if I don't count the nodes, as the Moon is in hte 12th sign. But Jupiter is in own house, so has to be taken as two persons, and Saturn is retrograde, so it's three persons. So altogehter it's ten, but those who were in ht bedroom would be presented by Saturn and Moon only, so that's four or five if we add Ketu as well, because we have to count from the 7th house cusp to the Ascendant. I don't know how seven would be indicated.

The number of attendants is seen from the planets counted from Lagna to the Moon. Moon is the Mother, so she be left out of the counting. All other planets are present. Mars in the 7th in Virgo shows the Lady doctor. A retrograde Saturn shall indicate someone who has just left the room. Thus, we are left with seven planets (graha) including the nodes. The doubling of Jupiter or the trebling of Saturn is not necessary as the Moon is in the 12th and saturn is retrograde respectively.

> Hair is indicated by Saturn. It is strong in birth chart and aspects the 1st house which is head or physique. But Sani aspects more houses, so You should have had hair on more places not only the head.

Saturn gives curly hair, and very small curls, but are you sure that it is the Karaka for Hair instead of Ketu? Please check.

> Sushant may have been because of Pisces Lagna. Now I don't really know how rain would be indicated. Indra is the lord of rains and of Jupiter also, so it might have been because Jupiter was in the Lagna and in watery sign. Venus and Sun were in watery signs as well, and Venus is a watery planet herself.Janma Lakshana are very important for a good astrologer. If it has rained very heavily, there is water all around showing the predominant influence of the Moon in the chart. This gave the Namakshara from the Moon (Sa). The Moon is in the 12th house aspected by my Ista Devata Mercury (represents Him being in the 12th in Vargottama from karakamsa). This aspect of Mercury brought the change in the name.> This was all that I could find out from Your birth chart. Please comment on this!> > Your servant, Gauranga dasGauranga Prabhu, You are my Sisya and Krishna's servant.

Hare Rama krishna,

Sanjay Rath> ------

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Dear Gurudev and Gauranga Prabhu,

Hare Krishna. Jaya Jagannath!


Some attempts to comment.


Perfect analysis. Your point about Sanidev is the amongst the finest I have heard from any sisya till now. Is sani a Maraka? Leave this to the discussions on Ayus. yes, being the AK it can punish very severely and removed my desire for wealth or going to the USA. I was deeply engrossed in Jyotish and was able to learn a lot during its Dasa. Being in kalatramsa (Navamsa of the seventh house from Lagna in Rasi Chart. Virgo is my seventh house), it made me to marry and that too to a poor, but sincere girl called Sushama. Some promises (of Last birth) had to be kept. See D-60 for a very clear picture.

A point to study..this Saturn and also Mars aspects Jupiter in lagna showing the curse of a Brahmin that will cause re-birth or the cause of birth. Saturn is also linked to the Kalatramsa and is the Lord of the seventh in D-60...Rest is for you to examine and tell me. Is there a curse of a Brahmin from last birth? What was this curse and why was it there. What do I have to do to get out of this curse-both Karma and Pooja/Worship be indicated clearly.

YND: By repeatedly stressing connection of Saturn with 7th house you hint that the curse must could be because of some affair with a brahmana's wife/daughter (maybe rape as Mars is involved). Being Kalatrakaraka, Saturn must also punish for soming in connection with ladies. Saturn, the 7th lord in D-60 is in the 12th there. Probably you promised to attone your sin by marrying a poor girl and that will give you liberation from the curse as well as other past karma. As for Karma, you should keep very stict on the eka-patni principle and things related to it which, as I can observe, you stick very strictly to. And you can preach this also. As for Puja, Lord Shiva stands for Saturn, and you could go to Vrindavan and worship there Gopesvara Mahadev.



Very correct. Thus Sanidev will also show that internally my father will be happy with my following the footsteps of grandfather although he will show opposite reactions externally (retrograde).


Is that because of Saturn being in the 11th - which means that externally your father checks your ambitions but internally he is happy. Then what indicates there that your ambitions are to follow the footsteps of your grandfather?


The number of ladies present is counted from the number of planets present betewwe tne Lagna and the Moon's sign. Interestingly, this would give 7 if I don't count the nodes, as the Moon is in hte 12th sign. But Jupiter is in own house, so has to be taken as two persons, and Saturn is retrograde, so it's three persons. So altogehter it's ten, but those who were in ht bedroom would be presented by Saturn and Moon only, so that's four or five if we add Ketu as well, because we have to count from the 7th house cusp to the Ascendant. I don't know how seven would be indicated.

The number of attendants is seen from the planets counted from Lagna to the Moon. Moon is the Mother, so she be left out of the counting. All other planets are present. Mars in the 7th in Virgo shows the Lady doctor. A retrograde Saturn shall indicate someone who has just left the room. Thus, we are left with seven planets (graha) including the nodes. The doubling of Jupiter or the trebling of Saturn is not necessary as the Moon is in the 12th and saturn is retrograde respectively.


I tried it in case of my son. Seems to be working. There were the doctor, myself, two midwives and the children doctor, though I forget if they were present at the same time. I wonder if all of the indications given by Parasara are applicable to our present artificial civilization. For example, where in the world would you get a birth in maternal grandfather house in the West? It is just for rare parents who go against the conventional ways.




Saturn gives curly hair, and very small curls, but are you sure that it is the Karaka for Hair instead of Ketu? Please check.


In GJ I did not find Ketu for Hair. But it has 10th house, and Ketu is exalted in it in your case. Can it have some connection?


Your servant

Yasomatinandana das

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Excellent analysis. Further notes in red ink.


Dear Gurudev and Gauranga Prabhu,

Hare Krishna. Jaya Jagannath!


Some attempts to comment.


Perfect analysis. Your point about Sanidev is the amongst the finest I have heard from any sisya till now. Is sani a Maraka? Leave this to the discussions on Ayus. yes, being the AK it can punish very severely and removed my desire for wealth or going to the USA. I was deeply engrossed in Jyotish and was able to learn a lot during its Dasa. Being in kalatramsa (Navamsa of the seventh house from Lagna in Rasi Chart. Virgo is my seventh house), it made me to marry and that too to a poor, but sincere girl called Sushama. Some promises (of Last birth) had to be kept. See D-60 for a very clear picture.

A point to study..this Saturn and also Mars aspects Jupiter in lagna showing the curse of a Brahmin that will cause re-birth or the cause of birth. Saturn is also linked to the Kalatramsa and is the Lord of the seventh in D-60...Rest is for you to examine and tell me. Is there a curse of a Brahmin from last birth? What was this curse and why was it there. What do I have to do to get out of this curse-both Karma and Pooja/Worship be indicated clearly.

YND: By repeatedly stressing connection of Saturn with 7th house you hint that the curse must could be because of some affair with a brahmana's wife/daughter (maybe rape as Mars is involved). Being Kalatrakaraka, Saturn must also punish for soming in connection with ladies Saturn, the 7th lord in D-60 is in the 12th there. Probably you promised to attone your sin by marrying a poor girl and that will give you liberation from the curse as well as other past karma. As for Karma, you should keep very stict on the eka-patni principle and things related to it which, as I can observe, you stick very strictly to. And you can preach this also. As for Puja, Lord Shiva stands for Saturn, and you could go to Vrindavan and worship there Gopesvara Mahadev.

RATH: Was it a Brahmana's wife or a Dancing Girl? Please see carefully. I went to reform her and she transformed me..some Sanyasi Vrata indeed!! Yes, my present wife is from a very poor background. The point about promise is correct. I kept it in this life at least if the readings are indicative. How do you say "RAPE"?? Is it because of Mars in 7th or 7th lord having Papakartari Yoga? But that has to do with this life and indicates my present wife. The exaltation of Ketu keeps many things under Check. It is also in lagnamsa in my chart..Thanks to Ganapati, in this life I should reform and have only the wife (I promised to marry in my last birth) and Thanks to Jagannatha, do my Dharma...Teach jyotish.


Very correct. Thus Sanidev will also show that internally my father will be happy with my following the footsteps of grandfather although he will show opposite reactions externally (retrograde).


Is that because of Saturn being in the 11th - which means that externally your father checks your ambitions but internally he is happy. Then what indicates there that your ambitions are to follow the footsteps of your grandfather?



The number of ladies present is counted from the number of planets present betewwe tne Lagna and the Moon's sign. Interestingly, this would give 7 if I don't count the nodes, as the Moon is in hte 12th sign. But Jupiter is in own house, so has to be taken as two persons, and Saturn is retrograde, so it's three persons. So altogehter it's ten, but those who were in ht bedroom would be presented by Saturn and Moon only, so that's four or five if we add Ketu as well, because we have to count from the 7th house cusp to the Ascendant. I don't know how seven would be indicated.

The number of attendants is seen from the planets counted from Lagna to the Moon. Moon is the Mother, so she be left out of the counting. All other planets are present. Mars in the 7th in Virgo shows the Lady doctor. A retrograde Saturn shall indicate someone who has just left the room. Thus, we are left with seven planets (graha) including the nodes. The doubling of Jupiter or the trebling of Saturn is not necessary as the Moon is in the 12th and saturn is retrograde respectively.


I tried it in case of my son. Seems to be working. There were the doctor, myself, two midwives and the children doctor, though I forget if they were present at the same time. I wonder if all of the indications given by Parasara are applicable to our present artificial civilization. For example, where in the world would you get a birth in maternal grandfather house in the West? It is just for rare parents who go against the conventional ways.

I cannot say. It seems to work after so many thousands of years, then what are these modern ways? It will also work tommorrow.


Saturn gives curly hair, and very small curls, but are you sure that it is the Karaka for Hair instead of Ketu? Please check.

In GJ I did not find Ketu for Hair. But it has 10th house, and Ketu is exalted in it in your case. Can it have some connection?

Yes ketu in the 10th house. Next time look for the answers in Standard texts. that way you learn more.

Your servant

Yasomatinandana das

You are not my servant Prabhuji. I have been assigned the task to teach you. Hence, I am to do a service for you. Hence, I am your servant and not vice-versa. Please write "Your sisya" instead.

Hare Krishna,Sanjay Rath

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Dear Gurudev,

Hare Krishna. Jaya Jagannath!




YND: By repeatedly stressing connection of Saturn with 7th house you hint that the curse must could be because of some affair with a brahmana's wife/daughter (maybe rape as Mars is involved). Being Kalatrakaraka, Saturn must also punish for soming in connection with ladies Saturn, the 7th lord in D-60 is in the 12th there. Probably you promised to attone your sin by marrying a poor girl and that will give you liberation from the curse as well as other past karma. As for Karma, you should keep very stict on the eka-patni principle and things related to it which, as I can observe, you stick very strictly to. And you can preach this also. As for Puja, Lord Shiva stands for Saturn, and you could go to Vrindavan and worship there Gopesvara Mahadev.

RATH: Was it a Brahmana's wife or a Dancing Girl? Please see carefully. I went to reform her and she transformed me..some Sanyasi Vrata indeed!!


In D-60 7th lord Sani is in Gemini. Looks more like a Dancing Girl rather then a Brahmana's wife. As for trasnsforming - this is because of it's location in the 12th.


Your sisya,

Yasomatinandana das

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