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ACG - Line through Zambia (:-)

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Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Swee



I have nothing going through my birth place,

but have an interesting Mercury line going straight through Mumbai and this is

the interp. According to Astro.com

“…Communication is most important here. The urge to

search for new knowledge to broaden your mind makes you reach out for

intellectual challenge. Your thinking becomes more subtle, you learn new

languages, and attend institutions that further your education.” That’s

another reason why im moving mountains to go to the SJC Delhi Conference J

Also, I have my Neptune Mc line smacking

right through Zambia

and this is what it says..


“…….You strive for higher, spiritual

ideals. You are interested in mysticism and spirituality. You might even become

involved in religious sects, become a devotee of a charismatic guru or see

yourself as an emissary of a far-reaching ideology……”

I know we don’t look at Neptune, but thought it was

interesting that my Neptune is in Li in Rasi 9th aspecting your Neptune in Li in Nav 9th


Im not convinced that ACG can be used to predict

accurately. Hearing from Western Astrologers who use it alot, they find it

only working for some, but there have been some very interesting observations.

If memory serves me, I think Bush’s Mars line goes smack bang through Iraq

or Afganistan.


I had a family friend who used ACG as a tool to

relocate. He was from India

who looked at possible places to go and find work. He ended up in South Africa because both his and his wife’s

Jup (his Asc Lord) went through South

Africa. It didn’t work out and

he went back to India.



There is an American Vedic Astrologer, Dennis Flaherty, who

has done a lot of work using ACG with Jyotish – he calls it Astro

Locality. Ive read an article by him a while ago and he uses planetary

friends in his analysis together with Jyotish aspects. I have written to

him several times but haven’t been successful – so gave up on ACG










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