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Jyotish & Moral Codes

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|| Hare Rama Krishna ||Dear Anuraag-ji, namaskar. My humble opinion: Guidence/motivation always comes from the 9H (and its trines as they are 9th from one another) whereas support comes from the kendras. Both these should be strong for spiritual advancement (which includes morals and ethics). Only strong 5H will not be suffice as 5H also stands for fame and following what can dominate and cloud one's perspective. By implication, Navamsa should also be strong.Trying to establish which path (jnana/bhakti/karma etc) is supirior, itself is an indicator of lack of spiritual maturity. And there is always a danger of fall in ones sadhana. However, if a sadhaka advanced to a certain extent and then fell from the path (becoming a yoga-bhrashta) then in the next life he doesn't have to" go back at the end of the line" to start. His maturity will be evident in the next life. I read about a little boy who was a favourite of Sarada Mata and was very devoted to Gods even when he was a little boy. He died in his childhood and Mother (inspite of crying over his death due to her intense compassion) commented that the boy was a yoga-bhrasta in his earlier birth and merely came to finish off his debts of karma.As far Jyotishi's Moral Codes are concerned, Maharshi Parasara found it so important that he started BPHS with it ! Some time back Sarbani-ji gave a nice write-up on the same.At the end of the day, so to speak, it is Mother who directs this creation. So its not a good idea to be critical of other's defects. Focus should be always on God and not the apparent defects in her creation. That way internal purification can be faster. Also, deep devotion to Ishta devata will prevent all possibility of wrong guidence coming to you. Maharshi Parasara gave a warning not to teach jyotisha to non-believers of God (which can also mean those who are not developed spiritually), because through mere calculation one cannot see the real light of Jyotisha.Best regards,Sourav=================================================================================sohamsa , "anuraagsharma27" <anuraagsharma27@h...> wrote:>> Dear Members,> > It is quite true that there are differences in Hinduism about > spiritual paths, let alone other religions and spiritual systems. > One example could be Bhakti Marga/ Jnana Marga. Adherents of one > path find theirs superior to others.> > In the framework of Jyotish too the differences are visible and > accounted for. Unless I am mistaken, Visti Larsen or Pt. Rath wrote > about the effect of Grahas in the 5th from the Lagna and the form of > worship that the native consequently takes to. For example, if Guru > is in the 5th then the native worships/ advances spiritually through > Gurus, teachers or through the Formless/ Nirguna.> > Likewise, the Vimshamsha is also seen. I think I recall all this has > been written about on Visti Larsen's page as well.> > I also recall that in a class at SJC Delhi, Pt. Rath had remarked > that the Atmakaraka or the Sun can indicate the spiritual quotient, > or words to that effect, but that the Way would be shown by the > Guru/ the BK.> > The reason for giving this background is that how far do the > differnces in charts, say the Rashi 5th House etc can be extended to > lead to an individual path to spirituality? Are there areas that > just cannot be ventured into, and is there any rational basis for > the same/ including Jyotish reasoning? Is it that even though > considerable spiritual ground has been covered in previous > incarnations/ in this incarnation, there are dangers of serious > pitfalls that could damage the path to Moksha?> > I recall an argument in my Sade-Sati with another astrologer who was > suffering with some sexual issues and was simultaneously advocating > abstinence. While no linkages were alleged between the two, there > was reasonable ground to suspect that personal realities of his life > had made him formulate a code whereby his own choices would stand > validated.> > Is a person born in Fiji, who may have indulged in Cannibalism or > say, some other grossness, completely disqualified from the chances > of attaining Moksha in that specific incarnation/ otherwise?> > I watch Grahas and Dasha systems filter through the carcasses that > appear to populate this world and the benign and dangerous just > appear to be functions of the activity of the Grahas. It looks like > a puppet show.> > One's own birth data for reference is: 11th June, 1972; 10:17AM; > Cuttack, Orissa, India.> > Is there a right way/ a group of right ways or should the power of > the AK/ Surya, the Graha in the 5th and the other Jyotish > considerations decide the individual path of the person?> > These are sentiments from the heart and ought to be taken in that > spirit.> > Best Wishes.> > Anurag Sharma.>

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Dear Anuraag, Sourav,


Moral codes comes from Navamsa and Shastyamsa.

Deities of Lagna and Ninth lord should be seen.

Dasamsa Lagna and Lagnesh should also be seen.

This same applies to D-24.



Rafal Gendarz




Sourav Chowdhury


Monday, October 31, 2005 4:32 PM

Re: Jyotish & Moral Codes


|| Hare Rama Krishna ||

Dear Anuraag-ji,

namaskar. My humble opinion: Guidence/motivation always comes from the 9H (and its trines as they are 9th from one another) whereas support comes from the kendras. Both these should be strong for spiritual advancement (which includes morals and ethics). Only strong 5H will not be suffice as 5H also stands for fame and following what can dominate and cloud one's perspective. By implication, Navamsa should also be strong.

Trying to establish which path (jnana/bhakti/karma etc) is supirior, itself is an indicator of lack of spiritual maturity. And there is always a danger of fall in ones sadhana. However, if a sadhaka advanced to a certain extent and then fell from the path (becoming a yoga-bhrashta) then in the next life he doesn't have to" go back at the end of the line" to start. His maturity will be evident in the next life. I read about a little boy who was a favourite of Sarada Mata and was very devoted to Gods even when he was a little boy. He died in his childhood and Mother (inspite of crying over his death due to her intense compassion) commented that the boy was a yoga-bhrasta in his earlier birth and merely came to finish off his deaths of karma.

As far Jyotishi's Moral Codes are concerned, Maharshi Parasara found it so important that he started BPHS with it ! Some time back Sarbani-ji gave a nice write-up on the same.

At the end of the day, so to speak, it is Mother who directs this creation. So its not a good idea to be critical of other's defects. Focus should be always on God and not the apparent defects in her creation. That way internal purification can be faster. Also, deep devotion to Ishta devata will prevent all possibility of wrong guidence coming to you. Maharshi Parasara gave a warning not to teach jyotisha to non-believers of God (which can also mean those who are not developed spiritually), because through mere calculation one cannot see the real light of Jyotisha.

Best regards,




sohamsa , "anuraagsharma27" <anuraagsharma27@h...> wrote:>> Dear Members,> > It is quite true that there are differences in Hinduism about > spiritual paths, let alone other religions and spiritual systems. > One example could be Bhakti Marga/ Jnana Marga. Adherents of one > path find theirs superior to others.> > In the framework of Jyotish too the differences are visible and > accounted for. Unless I am mistaken, Visti Larsen or Pt. Rath wrote > about the effect of Grahas in the 5th from the Lagna and the form of > worship that the native consequently takes to. For example, if Guru > is in the 5th then the native worships/ advances spiritually through > Gurus, teachers or through the Formless/ Nirguna.> > Likewise, the Vimshamsha is also seen. I think I recall all this has > been written about on Visti Larsen's page as well.> > I also recall that in a class at SJC Delhi, Pt. Rath had remarked > that the Atmakaraka or the Sun can indicate the spiritual quotient, > or words to that effect, but that the Way would be shown by the > Guru/ the BK.> > The reason for giving this background is that how far do the > differnces in charts, say the Rashi 5th House etc can be extended to > lead to an individual path to spirituality? Are there areas that > just cannot be ventured into, and is there any rational basis for > the same/ including Jyotish reasoning? Is it that even though > considerable spiritual ground has been covered in previous > incarnations/ in this incarnation, there are dangers of serious > pitfalls that could damage the path to Moksha?> > I recall an argument in my Sade-Sati with another astrologer who was > suffering with some sexual issues and was simultaneously advocating > abstinence. While no linkages were alleged between the two, there > was reasonable ground to suspect that personal realities of his life > had made him formulate a code whereby his own choices would stand > validated.> > Is a person born in Fiji, who may have indulged in Cannibalism or > say, some other grossness, completely disqualified from the chances > of attaining Moksha in that specific incarnation/ otherwise?> > I watch Grahas and Dasha systems filter through the carcasses that > appear to populate this world and the benign and dangerous just > appear to be functions of the activity of the Grahas. It looks like > a puppet show.> > One's own birth data for reference is: 11th June, 1972; 10:17AM; > Cuttack, Orissa, India.> > Is there a right way/ a group of right ways or should the power of > the AK/ Surya, the Graha in the 5th and the other Jyotish > considerations decide the individual path of the person?> > These are sentiments from the heart and ought to be taken in that > spirit.> > Best Wishes.> > Anurag Sharma.>

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Dear Sourav,


Thank you for your response. I appreciate and understand your

message. The reason for my post was this: is there a correct path or

assemblage of paths leading to the Goal OR is there leeway in this

depending on the chart in question. The various roles of the Ishta

Devata and the Dharma Devata in the Navamsha Chakra and relative to

the Karakamsha are understood to a degree as per teaching in this

regard. The idea is also not to study the Moral Codes of a Jyotishi

only. It is well dosumented that the ancient writers gave specific

rules for the Jyotishi to follow and emulate.


The question is broader: for a spiritually inclimed/ relatively

awakened person, based on spiritual merit accumulated/ the like, how

open is the question of devising the path to the goal. Is one

entitled to trust the heart and one's instinct in this regard? Or

are there paths laid down from which one CANNOT deviate.


These questions are central to my own life. Ketu occupies the 12th

Bhava from the Lagna in the Rashi Chakra. It is in the 12th Bhava

from the Karakamsha in the 4th from Navamsha Lagna. Yet, there is

the aspect by Graha Drishti of Shani. Jaimini Sutra says that this

position of Ketu makes one aspire for Moksha or brings one closer to



However, this is something that I look at only after all the

thoughts sprout in the mind. The thoughts and instincts are not

borne out of the placements and Yogas as the Mayik eyes see them. Of

course they are borne out of the Yogas metaphysically. How else

would they manifest!


Finally, lest the point get lost in verbiage: The question is this:

Is a person finally entitled to seek his own path, suppose these

things are indicated in the charts or otherwise or are the dangers

in spiritual individualism very great...too great?













sohamsa , " Sourav Chowdhury " <souravc108>




> || Hare Rama Krishna ||


> Dear Anuraag-ji,


> namaskar. My humble opinion:

Guidence/motivation always comes from the 9H (and its trines as they

are 9th from one another) whereas support comes from the kendras.

Both these should be strong for spiritual advancement (which

includes morals and ethics). Only strong 5H will not be suffice as

5H also stands for fame and following what can dominate and cloud

one's perspective. By implication, Navamsa should also be strong.


> Trying to establish which path (jnana/bhakti/karma etc) is

supirior, itself is an indicator of lack of spiritual maturity. And

there is always a danger of fall in ones sadhana. However, if a

sadhaka advanced to a certain extent and then fell from the path

(becoming a yoga-bhrashta) then in the next life he doesn't have to "

go back at the end of the line " to start. His maturity will be

evident in the next life. I read about a little boy who was a

favourite of Sarada Mata and was very devoted to Gods even when he

was a little boy. He died in his childhood and Mother (inspite of

crying over his death due to her intense compassion) commented that

the boy was a yoga-bhrasta in his earlier birth and merely came to

finish off his debts of karma.


> As far Jyotishi's Moral Codes are concerned, Maharshi Parasara

found it so important that he started BPHS with it ! Some time back

Sarbani-ji gave a nice write-up on the same.


> At the end of the day, so to speak, it is Mother who directs this

creation. So its not a good idea to be critical of other's defects.

Focus should be always on God and not the apparent defects in her

creation. That way internal purification can be faster. Also, deep

devotion to Ishta devata will prevent all possibility of wrong

guidence coming to you. Maharshi Parasara gave a warning not to

teach jyotisha to non-believers of God (which can also mean those

who are not developed spiritually), because through mere calculation

one cannot see the real light of Jyotisha.


> Best regards,


> Sourav





> sohamsa , " anuraagsharma27 "

<anuraagsharma27@h...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Members,

> >

> > It is quite true that there are differences in Hinduism about

> > spiritual paths, let alone other religions and spiritual


> > One example could be Bhakti Marga/ Jnana Marga. Adherents of one

> > path find theirs superior to others.

> >

> > In the framework of Jyotish too the differences are visible and

> > accounted for. Unless I am mistaken, Visti Larsen or Pt. Rath


> > about the effect of Grahas in the 5th from the Lagna and the

form of

> > worship that the native consequently takes to. For example, if


> > is in the 5th then the native worships/ advances spiritually


> > Gurus, teachers or through the Formless/ Nirguna.

> >

> > Likewise, the Vimshamsha is also seen. I think I recall all this


> > been written about on Visti Larsen's page as well.

> >

> > I also recall that in a class at SJC Delhi, Pt. Rath had


> > that the Atmakaraka or the Sun can indicate the spiritual


> > or words to that effect, but that the Way would be shown by the

> > Guru/ the BK.

> >

> > The reason for giving this background is that how far do the

> > differnces in charts, say the Rashi 5th House etc can be

extended to

> > lead to an individual path to spirituality? Are there areas that

> > just cannot be ventured into, and is there any rational basis


> > the same/ including Jyotish reasoning? Is it that even though

> > considerable spiritual ground has been covered in previous

> > incarnations/ in this incarnation, there are dangers of serious

> > pitfalls that could damage the path to Moksha?

> >

> > I recall an argument in my Sade-Sati with another astrologer who


> > suffering with some sexual issues and was simultaneously


> > abstinence. While no linkages were alleged between the two,


> > was reasonable ground to suspect that personal realities of his


> > had made him formulate a code whereby his own choices would


> > validated.

> >

> > Is a person born in Fiji, who may have indulged in Cannibalism


> > say, some other grossness, completely disqualified from the


> > of attaining Moksha in that specific incarnation/ otherwise?

> >

> > I watch Grahas and Dasha systems filter through the carcasses


> > appear to populate this world and the benign and dangerous just

> > appear to be functions of the activity of the Grahas. It looks


> > a puppet show.

> >

> > One's own birth data for reference is: 11th June, 1972; 10:17AM;

> > Cuttack, Orissa, India.

> >

> > Is there a right way/ a group of right ways or should the power


> > the AK/ Surya, the Graha in the 5th and the other Jyotish

> > considerations decide the individual path of the person?

> >

> > These are sentiments from the heart and ought to be taken in


> > spirit.

> >

> > Best Wishes.

> >

> > Anurag Sharma.

> >


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|| Hare Rama Krishna ||Dear Anuraag-ji, namaskar. My humble comments below.Best regards,Sourav===================================================================sohamsa , "anuraagsharma27" <anuraagsharma27@h...> wrote:>> Dear Sourav,> > Thank you for your response. I appreciate and understand your > message. The reason for my post was this: is there a correct path or > assemblage of paths leading to the Goal OR is there leeway in this > depending on the chart in question. [sourav]: In Navamsa, Trines to Lagna shows talent (physical manifestation like arts, singing etc) and Trines to karakaamsa shows spiritual 'talents' (not a very good term) or inclinations or path the Spirit wants to follow.The various roles of the Ishta > Devata and the Dharma Devata in the Navamsha Chakra and relative to > the Karakamsha are understood to a degree as per teaching in this > regard. The idea is also not to study the Moral Codes of a Jyotishi > only. It is well dosumented that the ancient writers gave specific > rules for the Jyotishi to follow and emulate.[sourav]: Yes, of course.> > The question is broader: for a spiritually inclimed/ relatively > awakened person, based on spiritual merit accumulated/ the like, how > open is the question of devising the path to the goal.[sourav]: Goal is one and the same. Path is the shortest possible distance between where you are now and the Goal. The essence of tons of genuine spiritual literature is renunciation and God's name. Path is not a physical path or a trajectory in Kaala. It is just a process of purification of the self i.e. removal of the bindings. There is a beautiful saying: "Beware of the differences that blind us to the unity that binds us". Is one > entitled to trust the heart and one's instinct in this regard? Or > are there paths laid down from which one CANNOT deviate.[sourav]: Yes, some prior analyis is necessary, however. Ask yourself if your instincts have led to right or wrong in the past ? Do you have experiences of a strong conscience ? Are you aware of some of your weaknesses ? Don't use chart for this kind of analysis, because you might end up telling yourself what you are comfortable to believe; instead ask these from core of your heart. If you think you lack something, seek guidence from a highly advanced Guru or pray to Ishtam to provide you with guidance. First the external Guru and then the internal Guru will bring sufficient guidence to you.You seem to have an inclination for something rigid and definite because you know that you have an oscillatory nature. Its not unique and everyone of us have that. Bhrastaamsa of AK also shows that there is a strong internal drive not to make mistakes in this incarnation.But my friend, I want to assure you that there is no need to follow anything rigid. If you want to follow anything sincerely, you can follow the dictas of yama and niyama with some moderation. Lord has spoken in Gita to remain in the middle path and not go to extremes. Infact, He has said that he is not a yogi who goes to the extremes. Lord Gautama Buddha has focused on majjhimapantha. Can you show me any saint in the history who has followed only one path of jnana or bhakti or karma and neglected the other path? Jnana or Bhakti or Karma etc are not 'paths in exclusion'. They are just philosophical angles or veiwpoints of an ideal path. In a real case they are all mixed, one of them will be 10% more or 10% less.> > These questions are central to my own life. Ketu occupies the 12th > Bhava from the Lagna in the Rashi Chakra. It is in the 12th Bhava > from the Karakamsha in the 4th from Navamsha Lagna. Yet, there is > the aspect by Graha Drishti of Shani. Jaimini Sutra says that this > position of Ketu makes one aspire for Moksha or brings one closer to > it.> [sourav]: That is a very good indication.> However, this is something that I look at only after all the > thoughts sprout in the mind. The thoughts and instincts are not > borne out of the placements and Yogas as the Mayik eyes see them. [sourav]: Let many thoughts sprout and analyse them. If you put fertilizer in the garden soil, wont you expect weeds as well as flower and fruit bearing planets to grow together? You have to root out the bad and cultivate the good. Don't get unsettled by thinking " Why am I having improper or irrelevant thoughts !"Of > course they are borne out of the Yogas metaphysically. How else > would they manifest!> > Finally, lest the point get lost in verbiage: The question is this: > Is a person finally entitled to seek his own path, suppose these > things are indicated in the charts or otherwise or are the dangers > in spiritual individualism very great...too great?[sourav]: Religion is in itself an individual experience; then what to talk about Spirituality ! ! Spiritual individualism is most encouraged but is nevertheless convergent to the final goal. The Lord has wished to experience Himself through multitude, what can be done.A person should and must seek his own salvation before seeking it for others. It is a dangerous path and the solution lies in exercise. Nayamaatma balahinena labhya. If its not ought to be without danger then why is that call for bala or strength ? With chart analysis you can get a better understand (not that without it you absolutely cannot) but 90% of the solution is in exercise of the right. > > Regards.> > Anurag. > > > > > > > > > sohamsa , "Sourav Chowdhury" souravc108 > wrote:> >> > > > || Hare Rama Krishna ||> > > > Dear Anuraag-ji,> > > > namaskar. My humble opinion: > Guidence/motivation always comes from the 9H (and its trines as they > are 9th from one another) whereas support comes from the kendras. > Both these should be strong for spiritual advancement (which > includes morals and ethics). Only strong 5H will not be suffice as > 5H also stands for fame and following what can dominate and cloud > one's perspective. By implication, Navamsa should also be strong.> > > > Trying to establish which path (jnana/bhakti/karma etc) is > supirior, itself is an indicator of lack of spiritual maturity. And > there is always a danger of fall in ones sadhana. However, if a > sadhaka advanced to a certain extent and then fell from the path > (becoming a yoga-bhrashta) then in the next life he doesn't have to" > go back at the end of the line" to start. His maturity will be > evident in the next life. I read about a little boy who was a > favourite of Sarada Mata and was very devoted to Gods even when he > was a little boy. He died in his childhood and Mother (inspite of > crying over his death due to her intense compassion) commented that > the boy was a yoga-bhrasta in his earlier birth and merely came to > finish off his debts of karma.> > > > As far Jyotishi's Moral Codes are concerned, Maharshi Parasara > found it so important that he started BPHS with it ! Some time back > Sarbani-ji gave a nice write-up on the same.> > > > At the end of the day, so to speak, it is Mother who directs this > creation. So its not a good idea to be critical of other's defects. > Focus should be always on God and not the apparent defects in her > creation. That way internal purification can be faster. Also, deep > devotion to Ishta devata will prevent all possibility of wrong > guidence coming to you. Maharshi Parasara gave a warning not to > teach jyotisha to non-believers of God (which can also mean those > who are not developed spiritually), because through mere calculation > one cannot see the real light of Jyotisha.> > > > Best regards,> > > > Sourav> > > > > =====================================================================> ============> > sohamsa , "anuraagsharma27" > anuraagsharma27@h... wrote:> > >> > > Dear Members,> > > > > > It is quite true that there are differences in Hinduism about > > > spiritual paths, let alone other religions and spiritual > systems. > > > One example could be Bhakti Marga/ Jnana Marga. Adherents of one > > > path find theirs superior to others.> > > > > > In the framework of Jyotish too the differences are visible and > > > accounted for. Unless I am mistaken, Visti Larsen or Pt. Rath > wrote > > > about the effect of Grahas in the 5th from the Lagna and the > form of > > > worship that the native consequently takes to. For example, if > Guru > > > is in the 5th then the native worships/ advances spiritually > through > > > Gurus, teachers or through the Formless/ Nirguna.> > > > > > Likewise, the Vimshamsha is also seen. I think I recall all this > has > > > been written about on Visti Larsen's page as well.> > > > > > I also recall that in a class at SJC Delhi, Pt. Rath had > remarked > > > that the Atmakaraka or the Sun can indicate the spiritual > quotient, > > > or words to that effect, but that the Way would be shown by the > > > Guru/ the BK.> > > > > > The reason for giving this background is that how far do the > > > differnces in charts, say the Rashi 5th House etc can be > extended to > > > lead to an individual path to spirituality? Are there areas that > > > just cannot be ventured into, and is there any rational basis > for > > > the same/ including Jyotish reasoning? Is it that even though > > > considerable spiritual ground has been covered in previous > > > incarnations/ in this incarnation, there are dangers of serious > > > pitfalls that could damage the path to Moksha?> > > > > > I recall an argument in my Sade-Sati with another astrologer who > was > > > suffering with some sexual issues and was simultaneously > advocating > > > abstinence. While no linkages were alleged between the two, > there > > > was reasonable ground to suspect that personal realities of his > life > > > had made him formulate a code whereby his own choices would > stand > > > validated.> > > > > > Is a person born in Fiji, who may have indulged in Cannibalism > or > > > say, some other grossness, completely disqualified from the > chances > > > of attaining Moksha in that specific incarnation/ otherwise?> > > > > > I watch Grahas and Dasha systems filter through the carcasses > that > > > appear to populate this world and the benign and dangerous just > > > appear to be functions of the activity of the Grahas. It looks > like > > > a puppet show.> > > > > > One's own birth data for reference is: 11th June, 1972; 10:17AM; > > > Cuttack, Orissa, India.> > > > > > Is there a right way/ a group of right ways or should the power > of > > > the AK/ Surya, the Graha in the 5th and the other Jyotish > > > considerations decide the individual path of the person?> > > > > > These are sentiments from the heart and ought to be taken in > that > > > spirit.> > > > > > Best Wishes.> > > > > > Anurag Sharma.> > >> >>

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Dear Saurav Ji,


It is kind of you to have put it all so lucidly. It confirms my

innermost feelings. I am comfortable with my heart, my instinct and

the trajectory my life is taking. But sometimes it is so innate and

natural to me that I feel it might be a matter of convenience.

Evidently not.


It is also interesting that the trines to Karakamsha show an adept

in Mantra/ Tantra and Yantra depending on the number of malefics. In

my chart, there are two malefics in trines while a third Shani

aspects the Karakamsha by Rashi Drishti. Once again, like with the

Shakti Yoga in the Rashi Chart, this Yoga in the Navamsha shows that

whatever few words of understanding of these arts and systems are

obtained, shall be for the alleviation of the misery of others. The

Shakti Yoga has only malefic influence, showing the destruction of

evil while the malefic in the 9th from Karakamsha is aspected by the

Gajkesari Yoga from Karka Rashi.


In any case, I am grateful for the clarity you have provided in the

Chandra Grahan atmosphere, where the transit proximity of the Moon

to Ketu demands clarity in certain charts.


Thank you very much indeed.








sohamsa , " Sourav Chowdhury " <souravc108>




> || Hare Rama Krishna ||


> Dear Anuraag-ji,


> namaskar. My humble comments below.


> Best regards,


> Sourav


> ===================================================================



> sohamsa , " anuraagsharma27 "

<anuraagsharma27@h...> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sourav,

> >

> > Thank you for your response. I appreciate and understand your

> > message. The reason for my post was this: is there a correct

path or

> > assemblage of paths leading to the Goal OR is there leeway in


> > depending on the chart in question.


> [sourav]: In Navamsa, Trines to Lagna shows talent (physical

manifestation like arts, singing etc) and Trines to karakaamsa shows

spiritual 'talents' (not a very good term) or inclinations or path

the Spirit wants to follow.


> The various roles of the Ishta

> > Devata and the Dharma Devata in the Navamsha Chakra and relative


> > the Karakamsha are understood to a degree as per teaching in


> > regard. The idea is also not to study the Moral Codes of a


> > only. It is well dosumented that the ancient writers gave


> > rules for the Jyotishi to follow and emulate.


> [sourav]: Yes, of course.



> >

> > The question is broader: for a spiritually inclimed/ relatively

> > awakened person, based on spiritual merit accumulated/ the like,


> > open is the question of devising the path to the goal.


> [sourav]: Goal is one and the same. Path is the shortest possible

distance between where you are now and the Goal. The essence of tons

of genuine spiritual literature is renunciation and God's name.

Path is not a physical path or a trajectory in Kaala. It is just a

process of purification of the self i.e. removal of the bindings.

There is a beautiful saying: " Beware of the differences that blind

us to the unity that binds us " .




> Is one

> > entitled to trust the heart and one's instinct in this regard?


> > are there paths laid down from which one CANNOT deviate.


> [sourav]: Yes, some prior analyis is necessary, however. Ask

yourself if your instincts have led to right or wrong in the past ?

Do you have experiences of a strong conscience ? Are you aware of

some of your weaknesses ? Don't use chart for this kind of analysis,

because you might end up telling yourself what you are comfortable

to believe; instead ask these from core of your heart. If you think

you lack something, seek guidence from a highly advanced Guru or

pray to Ishtam to provide you with guidance. First the external Guru

and then the internal Guru will bring sufficient guidence to you.


> You seem to have an inclination for something rigid and definite

because you know that you have an oscillatory nature. Its not unique

and everyone of us have that. Bhrastaamsa of AK also shows that

there is a strong internal drive not to make mistakes in this



> But my friend, I want to assure you that there is no need to

follow anything rigid. If you want to follow anything sincerely, you

can follow the dictas of yama and niyama with some moderation. Lord

has spoken in Gita to remain in the middle path and not go to

extremes. Infact, He has said that he is not a yogi who goes to the

extremes. Lord Gautama Buddha has focused on majjhimapantha.


> Can you show me any saint in the history who has followed only one

path of jnana or bhakti or karma and neglected the other path? Jnana

or Bhakti or Karma etc are not 'paths in exclusion'. They are just

philosophical angles or veiwpoints of an ideal path. In a real case

they are all mixed, one of them will be 10% more or 10% less.



> >

> > These questions are central to my own life. Ketu occupies the


> > Bhava from the Lagna in the Rashi Chakra. It is in the 12th


> > from the Karakamsha in the 4th from Navamsha Lagna. Yet, there


> > the aspect by Graha Drishti of Shani. Jaimini Sutra says that


> > position of Ketu makes one aspire for Moksha or brings one

closer to

> > it.

> >


> [sourav]: That is a very good indication.



> > However, this is something that I look at only after all the

> > thoughts sprout in the mind. The thoughts and instincts are not

> > borne out of the placements and Yogas as the Mayik eyes see



> [sourav]: Let many thoughts sprout and analyse them. If you put

fertilizer in the garden soil, wont you expect weeds as well as

flower and fruit bearing planets to grow together? You have to root

out the bad and cultivate the good. Don't get unsettled by

thinking " Why am I having improper or irrelevant thoughts ! "


> Of

> > course they are borne out of the Yogas metaphysically. How else

> > would they manifest!

> >

> > Finally, lest the point get lost in verbiage: The question is


> > Is a person finally entitled to seek his own path, suppose these

> > things are indicated in the charts or otherwise or are the


> > in spiritual individualism very great...too great?


> [sourav]: Religion is in itself an individual experience; then

what to talk about Spirituality ! ! Spiritual individualism is most

encouraged but is nevertheless convergent to the final goal. The

Lord has wished to experience Himself through multitude, what can be



> A person should and must seek his own salvation before seeking it

for others. It is a dangerous path and the solution lies in

exercise. Nayamaatma balahinena labhya. If its not ought to be

without danger then why is that call for bala or strength ? With

chart analysis you can get a better understand (not that without it

you absolutely cannot) but 90% of the solution is in exercise of the




> >

> > Regards.

> >

> > Anurag.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > sohamsa , " Sourav Chowdhury "


> > wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > || Hare Rama Krishna ||

> > >

> > > Dear Anuraag-ji,

> > >

> > > namaskar. My humble opinion:

> > Guidence/motivation always comes from the 9H (and its trines as


> > are 9th from one another) whereas support comes from the


> > Both these should be strong for spiritual advancement (which

> > includes morals and ethics). Only strong 5H will not be suffice


> > 5H also stands for fame and following what can dominate and


> > one's perspective. By implication, Navamsa should also be strong.

> > >

> > > Trying to establish which path (jnana/bhakti/karma etc) is

> > supirior, itself is an indicator of lack of spiritual maturity.


> > there is always a danger of fall in ones sadhana. However, if a

> > sadhaka advanced to a certain extent and then fell from the path

> > (becoming a yoga-bhrashta) then in the next life he doesn't have

to "

> > go back at the end of the line " to start. His maturity will be

> > evident in the next life. I read about a little boy who was a

> > favourite of Sarada Mata and was very devoted to Gods even when


> > was a little boy. He died in his childhood and Mother (inspite


> > crying over his death due to her intense compassion) commented


> > the boy was a yoga-bhrasta in his earlier birth and merely came


> > finish off his debts of karma.

> > >

> > > As far Jyotishi's Moral Codes are concerned, Maharshi Parasara

> > found it so important that he started BPHS with it ! Some time


> > Sarbani-ji gave a nice write-up on the same.

> > >

> > > At the end of the day, so to speak, it is Mother who directs


> > creation. So its not a good idea to be critical of other's


> > Focus should be always on God and not the apparent defects in


> > creation. That way internal purification can be faster. Also,


> > devotion to Ishta devata will prevent all possibility of wrong

> > guidence coming to you. Maharshi Parasara gave a warning not to

> > teach jyotisha to non-believers of God (which can also mean


> > who are not developed spiritually), because through mere


> > one cannot see the real light of Jyotisha.

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > >

> > > Sourav

> > >

> > >

> >


> > ============

> > > sohamsa , " anuraagsharma27 "

> > anuraagsharma27@h... wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear Members,

> > > >

> > > > It is quite true that there are differences in Hinduism


> > > > spiritual paths, let alone other religions and spiritual

> > systems.

> > > > One example could be Bhakti Marga/ Jnana Marga. Adherents of


> > > > path find theirs superior to others.

> > > >

> > > > In the framework of Jyotish too the differences are visible


> > > > accounted for. Unless I am mistaken, Visti Larsen or Pt.


> > wrote

> > > > about the effect of Grahas in the 5th from the Lagna and the

> > form of

> > > > worship that the native consequently takes to. For example,


> > Guru

> > > > is in the 5th then the native worships/ advances spiritually

> > through

> > > > Gurus, teachers or through the Formless/ Nirguna.

> > > >

> > > > Likewise, the Vimshamsha is also seen. I think I recall all


> > has

> > > > been written about on Visti Larsen's page as well.

> > > >

> > > > I also recall that in a class at SJC Delhi, Pt. Rath had

> > remarked

> > > > that the Atmakaraka or the Sun can indicate the spiritual

> > quotient,

> > > > or words to that effect, but that the Way would be shown by


> > > > Guru/ the BK.

> > > >

> > > > The reason for giving this background is that how far do the

> > > > differnces in charts, say the Rashi 5th House etc can be

> > extended to

> > > > lead to an individual path to spirituality? Are there areas


> > > > just cannot be ventured into, and is there any rational


> > for

> > > > the same/ including Jyotish reasoning? Is it that even


> > > > considerable spiritual ground has been covered in previous

> > > > incarnations/ in this incarnation, there are dangers of


> > > > pitfalls that could damage the path to Moksha?

> > > >

> > > > I recall an argument in my Sade-Sati with another astrologer


> > was

> > > > suffering with some sexual issues and was simultaneously

> > advocating

> > > > abstinence. While no linkages were alleged between the two,

> > there

> > > > was reasonable ground to suspect that personal realities of


> > life

> > > > had made him formulate a code whereby his own choices would

> > stand

> > > > validated.

> > > >

> > > > Is a person born in Fiji, who may have indulged in


> > or

> > > > say, some other grossness, completely disqualified from the

> > chances

> > > > of attaining Moksha in that specific incarnation/ otherwise?

> > > >

> > > > I watch Grahas and Dasha systems filter through the


> > that

> > > > appear to populate this world and the benign and dangerous


> > > > appear to be functions of the activity of the Grahas. It


> > like

> > > > a puppet show.

> > > >

> > > > One's own birth data for reference is: 11th June, 1972;


> > > > Cuttack, Orissa, India.

> > > >

> > > > Is there a right way/ a group of right ways or should the


> > of

> > > > the AK/ Surya, the Graha in the 5th and the other Jyotish

> > > > considerations decide the individual path of the person?

> > > >

> > > > These are sentiments from the heart and ought to be taken in

> > that

> > > > spirit.

> > > >

> > > > Best Wishes.

> > > >

> > > > Anurag Sharma.

> > > >

> > >

> >


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