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Dear Gurudeva,


First my congratulation for the release your new book. I don't think it is coincidence that you get this dream on the day of your book release. Lord shiva is so pleased by your book and your service. So, he wanted you to get the same ecstasy. By showing his "Vishvarubam" he has blessed you.


Thanks & my prayer for your service to continue.




Sanjay Rath [srath]Saturday, June 03, 2000 11:38 AMVaraha Mihira Jyotish List[sri Guru] Dreamology


Lesson # 4


Dreams Assignment


(By Sanjay Rath)

Yesterday early in the morning I dreamt that there was some rush in my home and my wife is waking me up and yelling “Why are you sleeping so late? Just see what is happening outside!” I go out to find a milk white colored spotless Shiva Linga in the Drawing Room. It is so big that its top is almost touching the ceiling. Ashok (my student and Jyotish Guru of SJVC) is lying prostrated near by and in silent worship while many others are in awe. There is a lot of noise from outside the house and I rush to the balcony to find another huge Shiva Linga, again of spotless milk white color. It is so big that its top reaches the third floor and it is placed in its full majesty in the central lawn of our building. People are trying to make a ladder to reach its top to bathe it as they feel that the heat of the day could trouble Mahadeva. Everybody is in state of shock and awe. My son goes running to the Shiva Linga and touches it and starts to tell me something…the dream ends..


The Chart ( 3 June 2000, about 5 am IST, New Delhi) for the probable time for seeing the dream is given below: -



Q: What is the meaning of this dream?


Please make an attempt. I could not go to SJVC to see the charts today due to the impact of this dream that is still so vivid and clear in my mind. Please try to quote a few references in the interpretation of this dream besides analyzing the chart given. This is a true incident of last night and I am sending this assignment to determine the level of knowledge you possess in this subject.


Hari Om Tat Sat



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Jaya Jaya Jagannath,

Namasthe Gurudeva Sanjay,


There is no doubt about the beneficial results through you to us. That is why Ashok was there.

How ever, without go far I was able to find some classic text exactly mach with this. I cannot understand this but I think this will help you.


Kraimineiya dana labdhirambutharane

shokasya nasho bhave

dwrparoditha shovithadishu thatha dehe vivurdhimrtha


bhupashcha ye santhiyath

swapne thantiyamadh bhavanthya vithathan

proktham shubham vashubham


(Diwagna Kamadhenu)


Your Sishya


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Pranaam Sanjay,


Congratulations on the release of the remedies book! I

look forward to reading it.


> The Chart ( 3 June 2000, about 5 am IST, New Delhi) for the

> probable time for seeing the dream is given below: -


In the mail, you said " yesterday " and the date you are giving

is 4-5 days old. Is the data correct? Perhaps you typed this 3

days back and sent it only now.


> Q: What is the meaning of this dream?


> Please make an attempt. I could not go to SJVC to see the charts

> today due to the impact of this dream that is still so vivid and

> clear in my mind. Please try to quote a few references in the

> interpretation of this dream besides analyzing the chart given.

> This is a true incident of last night and I am sending this

> assignment to determine the level of knowledge you possess in this

> subject.


The level of knowledge I possess in this subject is zero. I

have no clue about dreamology. Of course, some standard

results are taught by elders and I know them, but I don't

know much more.


Elders teach that sighting of Gods and their idols is a

harbinger of very auspicious results and progress. So I think

something auspicious is going to happen soon.


Just yesterday, I sent you a mail wishing you good luck

during Saturn's Ta transit. I consider it an excellent

transit for you based on the rekhas in D-10 SAV. Ta contains

your D-20 lagna and Saturn is a yogakaraka in D-20. So

Saturn's Ta transit must bring excellent results in religious

activities as well as in your job.


* * *


I also had a similar dream in March 1998.


I had this dream on the first day of the lunar new year

1998-1999. In my DREAM, we did " sthaapana " of human-sized

idols (vigrahas made of black stone) of Lord Mahavishnu,

Sri Lakshmi, Sri Narayana, Sri Sakti etc in the frontyard

of our house (in India!), along with adhi and pratyadhi

devatas. (I vividly remebered the idols after waking up.)

After sthaapana, everyone went to sleep (in my dream). I

wanted to offer a namaskaar to the idols before sleeping

and went into the frontyard. I was surprised to see that

the positions of idols had changed! Then, I actually saw

one idol move. In a split second, the whole area came

alive. The whole area became so brightly illuminated (in

a yellowish colour) and became full of auspicious sounds/

music and the idols took the form of human bodies. Sri

Lakshmi who was massaging Narayana's feet looked at me

and I woke up!


The data of the dream:

March 28, 1998

6 am (5:00 West of GMT)

71 W 12, 42 N 30 (Burlington, MA)


Within 3 weeks from this dream, I was accepted by you as a

sishya and became a part of SJVC parampara. Also, within a

week from this dream, I gave a lecture at Arsha Vidya



* * *


Interestingly, both our dreams happened when there were

many planets in the rising sign! The rising sign of dream

also happens to belong to Kaama Trikona in natal rasi.


I never studied the correlations between the planets and

dreams. I hope to study these two charts soon. Dreams are

related to the subconscious self. Probably D-27, D-30 and

D-40 should be related to dreams. Probably the 5th house

of perception or the 3rd house of communication should be

involved (and houses in the invisible half). AK may be

involved.D-40 shows auspicious and inauspicious matters,

as per Parasara and it may be important.


Your sishya,


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Jaya Jaya Jagannath!


Dear Guru-deva,


Dandavats! Jayasri Guru and Gouranga! Your dream is certainly very

auspicious. I am no expert in dreamology, but the repetition of the blessed

purity of two milk white Shiva Lingams- one within your abode and one without

your abode, just nearby your home, speaks volumes regarding the blessings of

both the Lord and the Vaisnava Parampara, Lord Shiva being foremost.


It is evident that your enlightening seva has been accepted and the Lord is

showing you His pleasure in the form of manifesting a guest in your home.....

Milk White Lingams. His joy can not be contained, so it is manifesting both

internally and externally.


Your wife is alarmed but is also awakening to these blessings although her

mood may indicate she doesn't understand the significance taking place as

yet. Your son, on the other hand has a message that has yet to be disclosed,

being first in the family to contact the Lingam. Your son's purity brought

his touch first, your family and friends are blessed.


The scorching heat that caused sevites to climb to bathe the Lingam

represents the natural urge or inspiration for continuous seva.


Yours in Vrinda-devi's seva,

Your shisa, Kusha devi dasi

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Dear Gurudeva,








Yesterday early in the morning I dreamt that there was some rush

in my home and my wife is waking me up and yelling " Why are you

sleeping so late? Just see what is happening outside! " I go out

to find a milk white colored spotless Shiva Linga in the Drawing

Room. It is so big that its top is almost touching the ceiling.

Ashok (my student and Jyotish Guru of SJVC) is lying prostrated

near by and in silent worship while many others are in awe. There

is a lot of noise from outside the house and I rush to the

balcony to find another huge Shiva Linga, again of spotless milk

white color. It is so big that its top reaches the third floor

and it is placed in its full majesty in the central lawn of our

building. People are trying to make a ladder to reach its top to

bathe it as they feel that the heat of the day could trouble

Mahadeva. Everybody is in state of shock and awe. My son goes

running to the Shiva Linga and touches it and starts to tell me

something...the dream ends..


The Chart ( 3 June 2000, about 5 am IST, New Delhi) for the

probable time for seeing the dream is given below: -



Q: What is the meaning of this dream?


I will try to give some hints according to the Prashna Marga. We

can accept the chart given by You as a Prashna Kundli. The Sun's

occuppation of the Ascendant together with the Moon shows that

you had a dream the previous night. Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Mars and

Moon were present in the Ascendant lorded by Venus. So Venus and

Moon are particularly strong despite New Moon. The Sun's presence

relates to the Shiva Linga, and according to Jaimini Jupiter may

also relate to Shiva, therfore you saw two Lingams. The white

color realtes to the elevated Moon's presence. Moon also shows

women appearing in the dream ( Your wife) and Darakarak Jupiter

shows the same. Jupiter's presence alsow shows the gahtering of

worshippers in your house and outside of it. Sun as 4th lord also

indicate the dream taking place in your house. The presence of

Venus shows the water that they used to bathe the Lingam, and

Jupiter may indicate You and Ashok as well (Jup. is lord of A5).


Many planets in the Lagna give dreams in turns (the motive of

white Shiva Linga worshipped appeared twice). Moon and Mars are

combust, so the dream was disjointed, i.e. began and ended

unexpectedly. The combustion event may also relate to tha fact

the the people wanted to bathe the large Shivalinga in the

courtyard as they were afraid of Mahadava getting hot from the

SUN. Maybe he was Somanath, so this could then be indicated by

the Moon's combustion.


Harihara says that the nature f the dream is ascertained on the

basis of the stronges between AL, Lagna, Chatra or 4th house.

Here Lagna is the strongest I suppose. So Taurus refers to sseing

devas in the dream, and Lord Shiva came here.


Dreams seen in the early morning hours bear friuts the next day.

AL is in the 10th, which is lorded by Saturn, the AK of the chart

and of Gurudeva. So it may indicate some success in career. I

would say that Saturn in the 12th in A9 shows that the book will

be sold out and Lord Shiva will be pleased and at the same time

the desire of Your Atma will be fulfilled. Jupiter is the lord of

A10, so this may indicate books on astrology, especially as

Jupiter is in Taurus, which means wood/paper/books. Venus tends

to make people comfortabe so this may show the nature of the book

as suggesting remedies ofr planetary afflictions. Isn't Shiva on

the cover of the book with Rama?


Seeing Deities, brahmins (worshippers) and we could consider

seeing Ashok to be auspicious as well. I know that he helps a lot

in many ways and is encouraging You to write books. He is a very

nice person. Also seeint living realtives, clear water, white

colour, and rooftops is consedered to be auspicious. The dream

occurred at dawn, which indicates a quick result.


So the dream is quite auspicious, and I think it mainly indicates

the success of Your new book and the Lord's being pleased with

You. Still, Rahu's lordship over the AL may indicate some

inimical or envious persons criticizing it, as would Saturn the

Atmakaraka, because he always makes you struggle hard, and maybe

the immediate result is not so utstanding, but hte Lord is always

pleased with Your endeavors. I also expect some tossle because of

the many planets in the Lagna, but those that are out of

combustion are auspicious (Jup and Ven.)


Please evaluate.


Your shishya, Gauranga das

AK Saturn is in the 12



Please make an attempt. I could not go to SJVC to see the charts

today due to the impact of this dream that is still so vivid and

clear in my mind. Please try to quote a few references in the

interpretation of this dream besides analyzing the chart given.

This is a true incident of last night and I am sending this

assignment to determine the level of knowledge you possess in

this subject.


Hari Om Tat Sat

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Dear Jyotisha,


From Prasna Marga:

ravi lagnae SaSi dRsTae raviSaSissaptamae vilagnaadvaa

svapnoe dRshTa: pravadaet prashTurlagnaantaraat kaala:


Translation: If in a query chart, the Sun occupies the ascendant or the Moon aspects the ascendant,

or the 7th house happens to be the Sun sign, it must be inferred that the person had dreams the previous night. The duration of the dreams will correspond to the expired portion of the ascendant. The time can be ascertained from the lord of lagna also. If the lord of Lagna is the Moon, it was only for a few seconds (kshana). For other planets take the Naisarga periods.


I think, the translation by B.V. Raman is not extact.

It should be:

If Sun in Ascendant, Moon aspecting Ascendant or Ravi,Moon in seventh from Ascendant,

then dream was seen, one should tell the time from the expired portion of Ascendant.

Probably, B.V.Raman added some more to the second line due to his own experiance or experiments.

B.V.Raman does not tell it is a translation. So, he could have intendedly given a different meaning.


In case of Gurudev's dream, the Asc has Sun. The duration must be approximately for 11 min.

Here we should note that, this method will not be effective for dreams that are lengthy. If the duration is more than

30 min., we should not attempt to analyse it astrologically. It will be in-effective any way.



First determine stronger of Arudha, Chatra, Ascendant, and Fourth source.

I do not know what is "Chatra" sign. Out of the remaining, Asc is a clear winner. Probaly Aries is the only sign

comparable to Ta in this chart (Aries has AK). So, nature of dream is to be learn from Lagna. It is taurus. So, the dream is about "devas"

(Ar - temples, Tau - devas, Gemini - Brahmins and saints, Cancer - water containing plant life and grass cut from the earth,

Leo - Hill men and buffaloes, Virgo - cohabination with women, Libra - gold merchants and those in power, Sco - horses, beetles, poison, Sag - barks of trees, flowers, and fruits, Cap - men and women together, Aqu - looking glass, and Pis - gold and oceans)


There are seven kinds of dreams:

1. drishTa: The dreams of those which one has already seen. What we see may leave a lasting impression, and our mind

may re-collect those scenes while we are sleeping resulting in a dream.

2. Sruta: The dreams of those which one had heard about. Once some one tells us about some thing, and we have not

seen, if the narration was good, we would want to see it and our mind is powerfull enough to give a shape for them on its own.

3. anubhava - The dreams of those which one has physical experiance (like smelling, touching apart from just seeing).

4. prarthita: The dreams of those which one desired to. One may have wanted to become a king very strongly. His mind tries to

satisfy his desire by making an illusion of becoming a king in a dream!

5. kalpita: fancied/imagined dreams.

6. bhavita: non-explicable as of above five

7. doshaja: dreams caused by a surchage of tridoshaas. One having a breathing problem may get a dream where some one is sitting on one's chest and trying to kill him by pressing his neck. This is due to the dosha one is having.


Only dreams falling in last two catogories give results.


Dreams that are forgotten soon after waking, those seen for a long time with out gap or seen before midnight are in-effectibe. Even if they give results, they will do so only after a long time. Dreams seen in early morning time will give results next day. If one sleeps after the dream, the effect will be little.


sloka 68:

Dreams see in first, second, thrid and fourd yama of night fruitify in 12 months, 8 months, 3 months and 10 days respectively.


sloka 47:

Dreams see in first, second, thrid and fourd yama of night fruitify in 12 months, 6 months, 3 months and 1 month respectively.


Sunrise was approximately at 5.28 am on June and Sunset was approximately at 7.11 pm on June 2nd (at New Delhi).

So, gurdev must have had the dream between 4.50 - 5 or 5 - 5.10.

Now this is before dawn and falls in 4th yama. So, the result is felt with in one month nad most likely with in 10 days.

But the time is very close to dawn. So, the result will be seen in 10 days!


Now result:

In the dream gurudev rushed to balcony. As per stanza 63, if one enters a terrace, one will become a king though born in a low family. Gurudev has gone to balcony in the third floor (if I felt correctly). This may indicate that he will reach new hight of power!

He may be given more power in his job.


Before, trying to analyse the dream, I would first like to do some checking. Will the dream be effective. If Gurudev was thinking of somnath resently and wanting to go to a piligrimage, then this dream is "prarthita". If his son was asking Gurudev to take him

to a Siva temple or asking for a Siva linga, Gurudev may have imagined a big Siva linga in dream. Then it becomes "kalpita and shruta". So, first, if Gurudev confirms that it is "bhavita" only then we can try to analyse it.


But as Gurudev has given this assignment, he must have given a though about it and it must have been a "bhavita" swapna.

I wrote the above passage just to show how we should poroceed while attempting a swapna prasna. In this case, let us agree

that it is a "bhavita" dream.


As per which results, I am not quite sure. As per Gurudeva's wife's words in dream: She woke up Gurudeva who would have otherwise missed the glimse of Siva linga. So, here I would dis-agree with Kusa Devi's interpretation.


Gurudeva's Sun has touched the Siva linga and was excited about it. It shows some blessing coming for the young kid. He may

happen to find his teacher soon. Gurudeva should give him a free hand in learning what he likes. It shows that he will get good



As per people trying to bath lord siva, it shows that Gurudevas own karma is to be purfied. It is a mesage.

When I first read the mail, I personally felt that Gurudev's kula daiva Somanath is appreciating Gurudeva's work,

and is reminding him about his future assignments (that are pertaining to his family - may be about bringing an other

book on devisional charts, with some of his grand fathers technics etc).


The fact that, Gurudev ran to balcony even after seeing Ashok praying to the Siva lingam, signify that Gurudev will

be having lot of distractions in spiritual life due to increase in responsibilities and power.

Ashok will get rid of distractions which he may have now, and concentrate more on Astrology and spirituality.


If it was not Sanjay, I would have also added that "Siva wanted to remind him to pray Siva".


About planet in Lagna, I would agree with Gauranga.






Gauranga Das


Thursday, June 08, 2000 10:27 PM

Re: [sri Guru] Dreamology

JAYA JAGANNATHA!Dear Gurudeva,Pranaams.LESSON # 4DREAMS ASSIGNMENT(BY SANJAY RATH)Yesterday early in the morning I dreamt that there was some rushin my home and my wife is waking me up and yelling "Why are yousleeping so late? Just see what is happening outside!" I go outto find a milk white colored spotless Shiva Linga in the DrawingRoom. It is so big that its top is almost touching the ceiling.Ashok (my student and Jyotish Guru of SJVC) is lying prostratednear by and in silent worship while many others are in awe. Thereis a lot of noise from outside the house and I rush to thebalcony to find another huge Shiva Linga, again of spotless milkwhite color. It is so big that its top reaches the third floorand it is placed in its full majesty in the central lawn of ourbuilding. People are trying to make a ladder to reach its top tobathe it as they feel that the heat of the day could troubleMahadeva. Everybody is in state of shock and awe. My son goesrunning to the Shiva Linga and touches it and starts to tell mesomething...the dream ends..The Chart ( 3 June 2000, about 5 am IST, New Delhi) for theprobable time for seeing the dream is given below: -Q: What is the meaning of this dream?I will try to give some hints according to the Prashna Marga. Wecan accept the chart given by You as a Prashna Kundli. The Sun'soccuppation of the Ascendant together with the Moon shows thatyou had a dream the previous night. Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Mars andMoon were present in the Ascendant lorded by Venus. So Venus andMoon are particularly strong despite New Moon. The Sun's presencerelates to the Shiva Linga, and according to Jaimini Jupiter mayalso relate to Shiva, therfore you saw two Lingams. The whitecolor realtes to the elevated Moon's presence. Moon also showswomen appearing in the dream ( Your wife) and Darakarak Jupitershows the same. Jupiter's presence alsow shows the gahtering ofworshippers in your house and outside of it. Sun as 4th lord alsoindicate the dream taking place in your house. The presence ofVenus shows the water that they used to bathe the Lingam, andJupiter may indicate You and Ashok as well (Jup. is lord of A5).Many planets in the Lagna give dreams in turns (the motive ofwhite Shiva Linga worshipped appeared twice). Moon and Mars arecombust, so the dream was disjointed, i.e. began and endedunexpectedly. The combustion event may also relate to tha factthe the people wanted to bathe the large Shivalinga in thecourtyard as they were afraid of Mahadava getting hot from theSUN. Maybe he was Somanath, so this could then be indicated bythe Moon's combustion.Harihara says that the nature f the dream is ascertained on thebasis of the stronges between AL, Lagna, Chatra or 4th house.Here Lagna is the strongest I suppose. So Taurus refers to sseingdevas in the dream, and Lord Shiva came here.Dreams seen in the early morning hours bear friuts the next day.AL is in the 10th, which is lorded by Saturn, the AK of the chartand of Gurudeva. So it may indicate some success in career. Iwould say that Saturn in the 12th in A9 shows that the book willbe sold out and Lord Shiva will be pleased and at the same timethe desire of Your Atma will be fulfilled. Jupiter is the lord ofA10, so this may indicate books on astrology, especially asJupiter is in Taurus, which means wood/paper/books. Venus tendsto make people comfortabe so this may show the nature of the bookas suggesting remedies ofr planetary afflictions. Isn't Shiva onthe cover of the book with Rama?Seeing Deities, brahmins (worshippers) and we could considerseeing Ashok to be auspicious as well. I know that he helps a lotin many ways and is encouraging You to write books. He is a verynice person. Also seeint living realtives, clear water, whitecolour, and rooftops is consedered to be auspicious. The dreamoccurred at dawn, which indicates a quick result.So the dream is quite auspicious, and I think it mainly indicatesthe success of Your new book and the Lord's being pleased withYou. Still, Rahu's lordship over the AL may indicate someinimical or envious persons criticizing it, as would Saturn theAtmakaraka, because he always makes you struggle hard, and maybethe immediate result is not so utstanding, but hte Lord is alwayspleased with Your endeavors. I also expect some tossle because ofthe many planets in the Lagna, but those that are out ofcombustion are auspicious (Jup and Ven.)Please evaluate.Your shishya, Gauranga dasAK Saturn is in the 12Please make an attempt. I could not go to SJVC to see the chartstoday due to the impact of this dream that is still so vivid andclear in my mind. Please try to quote a few references in theinterpretation of this dream besides analyzing the chart given.This is a true incident of last night and I am sending thisassignment to determine the level of knowledge you possess inthis subject.Hari Om Tat Sat

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Dear Gurudeva, Pranaams.


In the chart you have sent Venus is the Putrakaraka, and may

indeed show a devout and pure son. Venus was direct and was the

closest planet to the Sun at that time. If we take the Sun

signifying Shiva Lingam, then Your son was the closest and he

wasn't afraid of touching Him, as direct Venus is not combust, so

Your son was not disturbed by the heat and awe emanating from



Lord of the 5th is in the 2nd (Mercury) in own house, so this may

refer to Your son speaking something. Gemini is also Upapada, so

there were two persons speaking to You, your wife and Your son.

Rahu in the 2nd from Upapada may show that she was not completely

favourable towards the situation.


This was a little adition to that which I already sent to You.


Your shishya, Gauranga das



-----Eredeti üzenet-----

Feladó: <Vrinda

Címzett: <varahamihira >

Elküldve: 2000. június 8. 21:22

Tárgy: Re: [sri Guru] Dreamology



> Jaya Jaya Jagannath!


> Dear Guru-deva,


> Dandavats! Jayasri Guru and Gouranga! Your dream is

certainly very

> auspicious. I am no expert in dreamology, but the repetition

of the blessed

> purity of two milk white Shiva Lingams- one within your abode

and one without

> your abode, just nearby your home, speaks volumes regarding the

blessings of

> both the Lord and the Vaisnava Parampara, Lord Shiva being



> It is evident that your enlightening seva has been accepted and

the Lord is

> showing you His pleasure in the form of manifesting a guest in

your home.....

> Milk White Lingams. His joy can not be contained, so it is

manifesting both

> internally and externally.


> Your wife is alarmed but is also awakening to these blessings

although her

> mood may indicate she doesn't understand the significance

taking place as

> yet. Your son, on the other hand has a message that has yet to

be disclosed,

> being first in the family to contact the Lingam. Your son's

purity brought

> his touch first, your family and friends are blessed.


> The scorching heat that caused sevites to climb to bathe the


> represents the natural urge or inspiration for continuous seva.


> Yours in Vrinda-devi's seva,

> Your shisa, Kusha devi dasi


> ------------------------------


> Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes, explosive


> experiments.

> http://click./1/4051/7/_/2192/_/960492184/

> ------------------------------




> Archive: varahamihira

> Info: varahamihira/info.html




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Sanjay Rath wrote:



> Please make an attempt. I could not go to SJVC to see the charts today due to

the impact of this dream that is still so vivid and clear in my mind. Please try

to quote a few references in the interpretation of this dream besides analyzing

the chart given. This is a true incident of last night and I am sending this

assignment to determine the level of knowledge you possess in this subject.


Dear Guru,


I am still learning the very basics, and as yet know too little about

analyzing the chart, and know even less about analyzing the dream.

Please forgive my ignorance.


your sishya,





Ajit Krishnan



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Dear Gurudev,My respecful obeisances. Jaya Jagannath!


Just few observations.


* Lagna Lord Venus conjoins 12th Lord Mars and Moon in Lagna Taurus confirming the event - sleep, dreaming. It is strong confirming that the dream had a deep impression on you.


* Saturn 9th and 10th lord neechabhanga in the 12th - the dream was caused by hard work, despite hardships (like your fingers problems) to establish dharma.


* The nature of the dream should be seen from the 12th lord and the Moon which in this case conjoin in Taurus. So you dreamed about how you slept at the same place as you did physically (conjoins Lagna and Lagna lord) that is in your home. Both Mars and Moon are combust - the sleep (in the dream) was broken. Strong Venus indicates your wife who woke you up. Venus is within combustion orb but direct - she was excited but could not express herself properly. You looked into your Drawing Room (Lagna lord, Venus) and saw a huge Siva Lingam there (Sun). Asok (Jpiter) was lying next to it in dandavat, while everybody else (7th lord Mars combust) were just standing in awe. The same combination practically reappears outside the door (aspecting 7th house) with your son (Jupiter) replacing Asok. 5th lord Mercury (son) in the 2nd terminates your dream.


Your shisyaYasomatinandana das

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Om Vishnave Namah

Dear Yasomatinandana,

You have given the Jyotish interpretation of the dream most perfectly. I

have nothing more to add to this.

Gauranga's analysis and quote from the Prasna Marga has been the other very

outstanding contribution. The shastra's say that to dream the deities is an

indication of prosperity and well being. The dream in the early part of the

morning fructifies early (whereas dreams in the early part of the night or

midnight fructify late).

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath


Yasomatinandana das <yasomati

<varahamihira >

Saturday, June 10, 2000 1300 SJVC

Re: [sri Guru] Dreamology



Dear Gurudev,

My respecful obeisances. Jaya Jagannath!


Just few observations.


* Lagna Lord Venus conjoins 12th Lord Mars and Moon in Lagna Taurus

confirming the event - sleep, dreaming. It is strong confirming that the

dream had a deep impression on you.


* Saturn 9th and 10th lord neechabhanga in the 12th - the dream was caused

by hard work, despite hardships (like your fingers problems) to establish



* The nature of the dream should be seen from the 12th lord and the Moon

which in this case conjoin in Taurus. So you dreamed about how you slept at

the same place as you did physically (conjoins Lagna and Lagna lord) that is

in your home. Both Mars and Moon are combust - the sleep (in the dream) was

broken. Strong Venus indicates your wife who woke you up. Venus is within

combustion orb but direct - she was excited but could not express herself

properly. You looked into your Drawing Room (Lagna lord, Venus) and saw a

huge Siva Lingam there (Sun). Asok (Jpiter) was lying next to it in

dandavat, while everybody else (7th lord Mars combust) were just standing in

awe. The same combination practically reappears outside the door (aspecting

7th house) with your son (Jupiter) replacing Asok. 5th lord Mercury (son) in

the 2nd terminates your dream.


Your shisya

Yasomatinandana das

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Om Vishnave Namah

Dear Gauranga,

Simply outstanding. You are by far the best in this. Keep it up.

With Warm Regards,

Sanjay Rath



Gauranga Das <gauranga

<varahamihira >

Friday, June 09, 2000 1620 SJVC

Re: [sri Guru] Dreamology





> Dear Gurudeva, Pranaams.


> In the chart you have sent Venus is the Putrakaraka, and may

> indeed show a devout and pure son. Venus was direct and was the

> closest planet to the Sun at that time. If we take the Sun

> signifying Shiva Lingam, then Your son was the closest and he

> wasn't afraid of touching Him, as direct Venus is not combust, so

> Your son was not disturbed by the heat and awe emanating from

> Shiva.


> Lord of the 5th is in the 2nd (Mercury) in own house, so this may

> refer to Your son speaking something. Gemini is also Upapada, so

> there were two persons speaking to You, your wife and Your son.

> Rahu in the 2nd from Upapada may show that she was not completely

> favourable towards the situation.


> This was a little adition to that which I already sent to You.


> Your shishya, Gauranga das



> -----Eredeti üzenet-----

> Feladó: <Vrinda

> Címzett: <varahamihira >

> Elküldve: 2000. június 8. 21:22

> Tárgy: Re: [sri Guru] Dreamology



> > Jaya Jaya Jagannath!

> >

> > Dear Guru-deva,

> >

> > Dandavats! Jayasri Guru and Gouranga! Your dream is

> certainly very

> > auspicious. I am no expert in dreamology, but the repetition

> of the blessed

> > purity of two milk white Shiva Lingams- one within your abode

> and one without

> > your abode, just nearby your home, speaks volumes regarding the

> blessings of

> > both the Lord and the Vaisnava Parampara, Lord Shiva being

> foremost.

> >

> > It is evident that your enlightening seva has been accepted and

> the Lord is

> > showing you His pleasure in the form of manifesting a guest in

> your home.....

> > Milk White Lingams. His joy can not be contained, so it is

> manifesting both

> > internally and externally.

> >

> > Your wife is alarmed but is also awakening to these blessings

> although her

> > mood may indicate she doesn't understand the significance

> taking place as

> > yet. Your son, on the other hand has a message that has yet to

> be disclosed,

> > being first in the family to contact the Lingam. Your son's

> purity brought

> > his touch first, your family and friends are blessed.

> >

> > The scorching heat that caused sevites to climb to bathe the

> Lingam

> > represents the natural urge or inspiration for continuous seva.

> >

> > Yours in Vrinda-devi's seva,

> > Your shisa, Kusha devi dasi

> >

> > ------------------------------

> ---------

> > Remember four years of good friends, bad clothes, explosive

> chemistry

> > experiments.

> > http://click./1/4051/7/_/2192/_/960492184/

> > ------------------------------

> ---------

> >


> > Archive: varahamihira

> > Info: varahamihira/info.html

> >

> >

> >



> ------

> Visit Expedia.com for a chance to win airfare to Vegas for you and

> 20 friends, $15,000 and a suite at Bellagio for New Year's. Or get a

> shot at 2 roundtrip tickets anywhere in the U.S. given away daily.

> http://click./1/5291/7/_/2192/_/960549031/

> ------



> Archive: varahamihira

> Info: varahamihira/info.html




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Pranaam Sanjay and Gauranga,


> > Lord of the 5th is in the 2nd (Mercury) in own house, so this may

> > refer to Your son speaking something. Gemini is also Upapada, so

> > there were two persons speaking to You, your wife and Your son.

> > Rahu in the 2nd from Upapada may show that she was not completely

> > favourable towards the situation.


I am not comfortable with logic such as " 5th lord in the 2nd

shows son speaking " . It is true that the 2nd house stands for

speech. But whose speech?


* * *


When interpreting a dream like this, it is easy to speculate

what different planetary combinations show. This is why I gave

the data of another similar dream. Interested people can use

it for comparison.


For example, YND said that 12th lord and Moon in lagna denote

a dream in the same place. It is true in one case, but untrue

in the other. Comparing more charts will help one figure out

which principles really work.


I am reproducing the details of the dream below. Vijay, this

is not a dream based on desires or past happenings. I had not

thought of anything related in a while, when I got this dream.


* * *


I also had a similar dream in March 1998.


I had this dream on the first day of the lunar new year

1998-1999. In my DREAM, we did " sthaapana " of human-sized

idols (vigrahas made of black stone) of Lord Mahavishnu,

Sri Lakshmi, Sri Narayana, Sri Sakti etc in the frontyard

of our house (in India!), along with adhi and pratyadhi

devatas. (I vividly remebered the idols after waking up.)

After sthaapana, everyone went to sleep (in my dream). I

wanted to offer a namaskaar to the idols before sleeping

and went into the frontyard. I was surprised to see that

the positions of idols had changed! Then, I actually saw

one idol move. In a split second, the whole area came

alive. The whole area became so brightly illuminated (in

a yellowish colour) and became full of auspicious sounds/

music and the idols took the form of human bodies. Sri

Lakshmi who was massaging Narayana's feet looked at me

and I woke up!


The data of the dream:

March 28, 1998

6 am (5:00 West of GMT)

71 W 12, 42 N 30 (Burlington, MA)


Within 3 weeks from this dream, I was accepted by you as a

sishya and became a part of SJVC parampara. Also, within a

week from this dream, I gave a lecture at Arsha Vidya



May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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Pranaam Yasomatinandana,


> For example, YND said that 12th lord and Moon in lagna denote

> a dream in the same place. It is true in one case, but untrue

> in the other. Comparing more charts will help one figure out

> which principles really work.


> I am a novice in Jyotish but my firm conviction is that

> the knowledge comes not from the chart, but from the Lord.

> In my humble experience When I try 'to figure out which

> principles really work' - that is to make a general recepy

> for all cases - with my own tiny brain I end up nowhere. At

> the same time I noticed that in each particular case Krishna

> gives the exact knowledge necessary to give the correct answer.

> The knowledge comes first in some way or another and then after

> looking at the chart you get it confirmed and some detailes are

> clarified. I remember very well the statement by Sanjay

> Prabhu: 'With Lord Jagannath I never fail'. I took it to the

> heart.


Many of us including me are novices in Jyotish and my comment

is not meant to criticize you or anyone. I am sorry if you

were offended.


I am glad to notice your unflinching faith in Jagannatha.


If we are working completely with intuition (sphurana) given by

Lord Jagannatha, we don't need all the formulas of Jyotish. We

don't need to look at the planets.


When we look at the planets, we must try to follow the correct

procedures. There ARE correct procedures and we will understand

them with practice, penance, patience, devotion and disciplined

research. The correct knowledge in each matter will come to us

when Lord Jagannatha grants it.


Looking at more charts and verifying that a principle really

works is a must when the principle is a product of our own

intelligence. If my guru teaches something to me and I decide

to accept it without testing, it is fine. But if I imagine a

principle with my own limited intelligence, use it in an

analysis and then refuse to test it in more cases saying I

cannot do so with my limited intelligence and the principle

is from Jagannatha, it is an incorrect approach. The

principle was a product of my own limited intelligence in the

first place and it is not from my guru or from a maharshi. So

it is my responsibility to evaluate it with an open mind.


Actually, my aim was to see if someone can explain why one

dream happened at the same place the native was and the other

dream happened at a far-away place. Sanjay's dream was at his

house. My dream was at our family home in my hometown in India

(and I was in US when I had the dream). In both cases, 12th

lord and Moon are in lagna.


Again, my aim wasn't to criticize you or anyone. In general,

we should get used to testing with more charts, especially

when we have data to test against.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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Dear Sanjay Ji,

As you asked, I am reposting this e-mail.


Zoran Radosavljevic wrote:


> Dear Sanjay,

> I will analyse the chart using the standard rules.

> Lagna is owned by venus and there is mars in lagna. With chandra

> (mind,dreams)

> as well.

> Mars is ruler of 12.house dreams. All planets have unobstracted argala

> over 12.house. Thus the dream is about Shiva Linga, confirmed by saturn

> in 12.house, as well as mars lord of 7.house.

> Mars and moon are not in deep combustion, thus could these planets in

> lagna form

> Pravrayja yoga? Ketu is in trines, and saturn is 9.house lord in

> 12.house, thus a dream could be a spiritual experience. There could be 2

> significant events followed

> by a dream, since AL is ruled by 2 grahas, rahu and saturn. Rahu is in

> 3.house of publishing(your new book) and saturn is in 12 house of

> moksha. Saturn apart creates Rajyog, and could also indicate succes

> abroad(ghati lagna there as well) I wonder whether this dream has to do

> something with sex termination, since A7 is the same as Al, lorded by

> saturn in 12.house, and argala of ketu over mars/venus? Lagnesh is venus

> and karyesha(dream significator) is mars, thus clearly indicating that

> dream is about Shiva Linga. Lagna being in 4.from AL, indicates that the

> Linga was dreamt in a house. Saturn atmakarak could indicate some

> purification effects over 12.house(bed pleasures)?Upapada is in mithun,


> with mercury there, having argala over lagna.Mercury ruling speech/news,


could indicate the commuinication with a wife and a child(lord of 5.house)


ruling garden,(virgo) could indicate your son touching Shiva Linga. Ketu and


both rule 7.house, thus 2. shivalingas were seen.


> Zoran

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Dear Narasimha,

Namaste. Jaya Jagannath!

Many of us including me are novices in Jyotish and my commentis not meant to criticize you or anyone. I am sorry if youwere offended.

I am really sorry to have made you feel you offended me. Not the least. Nor do I have any disagreements with what you wrote in response to my letter. All your statements are bona-fide.


Actually, my aim was to see if someone can explain why onedream happened at the same place the native was and the otherdream happened at a far-away place. Sanjay's dream was at hishouse. My dream was at our family home in my hometown in India(and I was in US when I had the dream). In both cases, 12thlord and Moon are in lagna.

Sorry, I was lazy to do that. Just few observations. Why I talked about 12th and Moon - because they are siginificators for sleep. In your chart again there are planets in the 12th - strong Jupiter Lagna and 10th Lord along with Ketu - making the character and nature of your dream quite remarkable. Also both Moon and 12th lord are in Lagna combust. Take notice that your dream also involves yourself going to sleep. And like in Sanjay

Prabhu's case that you never made it (significators combust). Again Sun in Pisces along with so many other planets - accounts nicely for the the Deities of Lord Mahavisnu, Lord Narayana, Sri Laxmiji etc. Moon combust by the Sun can be Laxmiji massaging the lotus feet of Lord Narayan etc.


As the same indications can signify many different things, the readings can differ from chart to chart. But, without going into further details (which you can do by far better then me), I have an intuitive feeling of harmony between the chart and your dream description.


Kindest regards,

Yasomatinandana das

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Jaya Jagannath

Dear Zoran,


The Shiva Linga is the symbol of all creation and cannot be linked in

any form or manner to Saturn the God of death. These are exactly the

opposites. Again, Venus does show Shiva Bhakti, but only as a Tapaswi i.e.

Shiva with a form and not of the Shiva Linga. There is this attraction to

Shiva as Naga Shasti or Chaturdasi of the Bull Nandi...Tithi's ruled by



The only lin of Saturn to Shiva is in the form of Tryambakeshwara or

Mrityunjaya i.e. the one Who defeated Yama the God of Mrityu

(Death...Markandeya Rishi's case when his devotion to Shiva averted a sure

shot case of apamrityu.


Other comments are below: -



Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa

<varahamihira >

Tuesday, June 13, 2000 0816 SJVC

Re: [sri Guru] Dreamology



> Dear Sanjay Ji,

> As you asked, I am reposting this e-mail.


> Zoran Radosavljevic wrote:


> > Dear Sanjay,

> > I will analyse the chart using the standard rules.

> > Lagna is owned by venus and there is mars in lagna. With chandra

> > (mind,dreams)

> > as well.

> > Mars is ruler of 12.house dreams. All planets have unobstracted argala

> > over 12.house. Thus the dream is about Shiva Linga, confirmed by saturn

> > in 12.house, as well as mars lord of 7.house.

> > Mars and moon are not in deep combustion, thus could these planets in

> > lagna form

> > Pravrayja yoga? Ketu is in trines, and saturn is 9.house lord in

> > 12.house, thus a dream could be a spiritual experience. There could be 2

> > significant events followed

> > by a dream, since AL is ruled by 2 grahas, rahu and saturn. Rahu is in

> > 3.house of publishing(your new book) and saturn is in 12 house of

> > moksha. Saturn apart creates Rajyog, and could also indicate succes

> > abroad(ghati lagna there as well)



I wonder whether this dream has to do

> > something with sex termination, since A7 is the same as Al, lorded by

> > saturn in 12.house, and argala of ketu over mars/venus? Lagnesh is venus

> > and karyesha(dream significator) is mars, thus clearly indicating that

> > dream is about Shiva Linga. Lagna being in 4.from AL, indicates that the

> > Linga was dreamt in a house. Saturn atmakarak could indicate some

> > purification effects over 12.house(bed pleasures)?Upapada is in mithun,


> > with mercury there, having argala over lagna.Mercury ruling speech/news,


> could indicate the commuinication with a wife and a child(lord of 5.house)

> Mercury

> ruling garden,(virgo) could indicate your son touching Shiva Linga. Ketu


> Mars

> both rule 7.house, thus 2. shivalingas were seen.














> > Zoran







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Dear Narasimha,

Can we have the charts..If there is one name that can put me to perfect

rest, it is NARAYANA. Yes your dream has been most auspicious. To see

Narayana means to get Guru and proper " AYANA " or direction in life. It is

the greatest thing a person can get. Money and fame cease to have meaning

above a point.


The part that the deities started moving showed that the new life was going

to start. The others sleeping indicates that they are still hovering in

darkness without proper AYANA (No offence meant, but truth can be harsh).

Lakshmi smiling at you indicates prosperity and PURITY coming your way. The

bright light is the Light of the Kundalini shakti that normally happens when

one is sleeping. Even Osho had such an experience, but he was aware and

conscious. This normally happens in the early hours before sunrise. When

this shakti rises to the Trinetra (Third eye) it illuminates the mind.


You are blessed




Narasimha Rao <pvr

<varahamihira >

Monday, June 12, 2000 0948 SJVC

[sri Guru] Re: Dreamology



> Pranaam Sanjay and Gauranga,


> > > Lord of the 5th is in the 2nd (Mercury) in own house, so this may

> > > refer to Your son speaking something. Gemini is also Upapada, so

> > > there were two persons speaking to You, your wife and Your son.

> > > Rahu in the 2nd from Upapada may show that she was not completely

> > > favourable towards the situation.


> I am not comfortable with logic such as " 5th lord in the 2nd

> shows son speaking " . It is true that the 2nd house stands for

> speech. But whose speech?


> * * *


> When interpreting a dream like this, it is easy to speculate

> what different planetary combinations show. This is why I gave

> the data of another similar dream. Interested people can use

> it for comparison.


> For example, YND said that 12th lord and Moon in lagna denote

> a dream in the same place. It is true in one case, but untrue

> in the other. Comparing more charts will help one figure out

> which principles really work.


> I am reproducing the details of the dream below. Vijay, this

> is not a dream based on desires or past happenings. I had not

> thought of anything related in a while, when I got this dream.


> * * *


> I also had a similar dream in March 1998.


> I had this dream on the first day of the lunar new year

> 1998-1999. In my DREAM, we did " sthaapana " of human-sized

> idols (vigrahas made of black stone) of Lord Mahavishnu,

> Sri Lakshmi, Sri Narayana, Sri Sakti etc in the frontyard

> of our house (in India!), along with adhi and pratyadhi

> devatas. (I vividly remebered the idols after waking up.)

> After sthaapana, everyone went to sleep (in my dream). I

> wanted to offer a namaskaar to the idols before sleeping

> and went into the frontyard. I was surprised to see that

> the positions of idols had changed! Then, I actually saw

> one idol move. In a split second, the whole area came

> alive. The whole area became so brightly illuminated (in

> a yellowish colour) and became full of auspicious sounds/

> music and the idols took the form of human bodies. Sri

> Lakshmi who was massaging Narayana's feet looked at me

> and I woke up!


> The data of the dream:

> March 28, 1998

> 6 am (5:00 West of GMT)

> 71 W 12, 42 N 30 (Burlington, MA)


> Within 3 weeks from this dream, I was accepted by you as a

> sishya and became a part of SJVC parampara. Also, within a

> week from this dream, I gave a lecture at Arsha Vidya

> Gurukulam.


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha




> ------

> Remember Father's Day Is June 18th

> Click Here For Great Gifts!

> http://click./1/5037/7/_/2192/_/960783528/

> ------



> Archive: varahamihira

> Info: varahamihira/info.html




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Pranaam Sanjay,


> Dear Narasimha,

> Can we have the charts..If there is one name that can put me to

> perfect

> rest, it is NARAYANA. Yes your dream has been most auspicious. To

> see

> Narayana means to get Guru and proper " AYANA " or direction in life.

> It is

> the greatest thing a person can get. Money and fame cease to have

> meaning

> above a point.


> The part that the deities started moving showed that the new life

> was going

> to start. The others sleeping indicates that they are still

> hovering in

> darkness without proper AYANA (No offence meant, but truth can be

> harsh).

> Lakshmi smiling at you indicates prosperity and PURITY coming your

> way. The

> bright light is the Light of the Kundalini shakti that normally

> happens when

> one is sleeping. Even Osho had such an experience, but he was aware

> and

> conscious. This normally happens in the early hours before sunrise.

> When

> this shakti rises to the Trinetra (Third eye) it illuminates the



> You are blessed

> Sanjay


Sure, I can give the chart. However, there is one problem.


When Sri Lakshmi looked at me in the dream, the dream ended

and I woke up. However, I remained in a weird sleep-like state

for some more time. I am not really sure if I was awake or

asleep. I am not sure how long this state lasted. Finally,

when I completely woke up, it was about 6 am (20 min after

sunrise). The actual dream may have taken place earlier. It

may have been before or after the sunrise. When I woke up and

still remained in a sleep-like condition, I did not think of

noting the time or looking out of the window to see if there

was sunlight. I could not do anything then. I just stayed

like that. So I am giving the chart for 6 am, but please note

that it may have started earlier.


Actually, there wasn't just Narayana, but there was also Maha

Vishnu. I never saw the vigrahas (idols) of both distinguished

at temples. But there were two distinctly different idols of

both in the dream. That's strange.


When I went out to offer namaskara before sleeping, I noted

that the positions of the idols had changed, compared to how

we installed them. (What does that mean?) I was surprised and

wondered what happened. (What does that mean? Does it show my

analytical nature?) It was then that I saw one idol move and

in a split second the whole area came alive. Until then it was

dark and they were idols. And all of a sudden, it was full of

a bright auspicious yellow light and auspicious sounds as well

as gods speaking among themselves.


I never did any tantra or mantra saadhana. My use of

beejaaksharas was also very minimal. My path was that of

devotion, kavachas, hridayas and stotras. I was hardly into

mantra and tantra. So, how can it be Kundalini Sakti? Moreover,

the 8th house of the dream chart has nothing going on. Isn't

that the house for Kundalini Sakti? Having said that, there are

two fatcors: lagna was in Pi and it had 5 planets. In my natal

chart, Pi is the 7th house. Can too many planets in 7th

activate Kundalini?? Can it happen to one without any tantrik

or mantrik sadhana? Will the activation of Kundalini bring any

difference in the native later? In my case, I continued to be

the same short-tempered, fearless, frank, inquisitive,

analytical and brash person that I was before the dream.

Except being accepted you and except some progress in

intuitively understanding some special concepts of Jyotish,

there wasn't any change in me after the dream. Despite seeing

Sri Lakshmi, I became detached with money and decided not to

make any money on Jyotish later.


What combination in a dream chart shows remaining in a weird

state between dream and sleep after the dream ends? In this

chart, lagna lord Jupiter is in 12th with Ketu in Aq. In a

natal chart, this may show moksha. In the chart of a temporary

new existence for one's subconscious self (i.e. dream), does

this combination show a mystic/vague end of the dream? Does the

presence of Jupiter and Ketu in the 12th house (of sleep)

explain why I wanted to offer namaskar to the gods before

sleeping (in the dream)?


I am not competent enough to discuss my own dream intelligently.

So I will read your comments with great interest. What you said

is true - I found the direction a couple of weeks after the

dream, when you accepted me as a sishya. I am giving the chart

below. I am not giving vargas, because 6 am can be significantly

wrong. But lagna in rasi may be correct.



These calculations were made with " Jagannatha Hora " . A free

version of it from Sri Jagannath Vedic Centre can be downloaded

from http://www.sjvc.net or http://www.geocities.com/~astrowhiz.



Date of Birth: March 28, 1998

Time of Birth: 6:00:00 am

Time Zone of Birth: 5:00 West of GMT

Longitude of Birth: 71 W 12

Latitude of Birth: 42 N 30

Lunar month (maasa): Chaitra

Lunar day (tithi): Sukla Pratipat

Tithi balance: 0.615476

Nakshatra balance: 0.873449

Sun-Moon Yoga: Brahma

Sun-Moon Karana: Kimstughna

Vara (weekday): Saturday


Sunrise = 5:37:7 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)

Ayanamsa = 23-49-50.39

Dasa year length chosen = 360.0000 days


Planet Position Pada CharaK


Ascdt 23 Pi 05'00.04 " Revathi 2 -

Sun 13 Pi 44'22.98 " U.Bhaa. 4 DK

Moon 18 Pi 21'14.43 " Revathi 1 PK

Mars 24 Pi 26'10.68 " Revathi 3 MK

Mercury ® 27 Pi 38'17.57 " Revathi 4 AK

Jupiter 18 Aq 33'17.80 " Satabhisham 4 PiK

Venus 27 Cp 15'16.46 " Dhanishtha 2 BK

Saturn 27 Pi 30'16.67 " Revathi 4 AmK

Rahu 15 Le 18'59.29 " Poo.Pha. 1 GK

Ketu 15 Aq 18'59.29 " Satabhisham 3 -

SreeLg 8 Ta 38'29.74 " Krittika 4 -

BhavaLg 19 Pi 26'33.89 " Revathi 1 -

HoraLg 25 Pi 09'41.39 " Revathi 3 -

GhatiLg 12 Ar 19'03.89 " Aswini 4 -

VighLg 8 Cn 05'56.39 " Pushyami 2 -

PrnpdLg 8 Sc 06'52.98 " Anuradha 2 -

VarndLg 18 Pi 14'41.43 " Revathi 1 -

Dhooma 27 Cn 04'22.98 " Aasresha 4 -

Vyati 2 Sg 55'37.02 " Moola 1 -

Pari 2 Ge 55'37.02 " Mrigasira 3 -

I.Chapa 27 Cp 04'22.98 " Dhanishtha 2 -

Upaketu 13 Aq 44'22.98 " Satabhisham 3 -

Kaala 2 Ge 14'35.12 " Mrigasira 3 -

Mrityu 11 Cn 27'25.67 " Pushyami 3 -

ArthaPr 29 Cn 32'50.58 " Aasresha 4 -

YamaGha 17 Le 40'09.16 " Poo.Pha. 2 -

Mandi 3 Ar 18'53.74 " Aswini 1 -

Gulika 12 Pi 53'44.48 " U.Bhaa. 3 -

Kunda 9 Vi 45'03.04 " U.Pha. 4 -



| Glk Sun | | | |

| Moo BL | Mnd | | |

| Asc | | | |

| Mar HL | GL | | |

| Sat MerR | | | |


| | | |

| Ket | | |

| | | |

| Jup | | |

| | | |

|-------------| R A S I |-------------|

| | | |

| AL | | |

| | | Rah |

| Ven | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |




| Jup | | | |

| | | | |

| Sat | Mnd | AL | |

| | | | |

| MerR | | | |


| Ket | | |

| | | |

| Mar | | GL |

| | | |

| HL | | |

|-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|

| | | |

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| Asc? | | Rah |

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Your sishya,


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