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Some thoughts on Srila Prabhupada's chart

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Jaya Jagannath

Dear Gauranga,

Simply marvellous. I am very very proud of your work. You have understood the essence behind chart correction. It must fir siblings, children, spouse..Upapada etc are also vey vital. Make the Upapada for Capricorn and Sagittarius and you will see the great difference there.


Kindly thank your Guru Maharaj on my behalf for having given you the most vital direction of learning Jyotish. At that time I had promised that within a year or so, you will teach Syama sundara "What Jyotish is", and with the blessings of Sri Jagannath, these words of mine (recall my old letter to you when you had requested to learn this subject and the way you were insulted by Syamasundara), will also not fail. I do not forget esily. Well done again. It shall be the greatest gift to me and to your Guru Maharaj if you work towards authoring a small book on Srila's Horoscope that can be distributed free over the net.


Best Wishes and Blessings of Mahaprabhu be on you,

Sanjay Rath

- Gauranga Das

varahamihira ; VA

Cc: Jyotish Services ; Vedic.Astrology

Monday, December 11, 2000 6:06 AM

[sri Guru] Some thoughts on Srila Prabhupada's chart

JAYA JAGANNATHA!Dear members,Hare Krishna.I have seen the exchange of emails on Srila Prabhupada's chart, and my understanding isthat the yogas mentioned can be explained in various ways, maybe to give even quite theopposite ideas. We have seen this about Jupiter being in the 8th. I'm sure, that if welook deeply into the classics, we will find at least the same amount of quotations pro andcontra. Let's just see a few examples:(notes in brackets are from me)Bhrigu Sutram 38-43.:If Jupiter is in the 8th house, the native will be short-lived, and indulge in undesirableactivities. If Jupiter is associated with a malefic, the native will be sinful (Sun can betaken as a natural and functional malefic as well in this chart). If the lord of the 8this associated with a benefic and is posited in the 8th, the native will be longlived. Ifthe lord of 8th is weak, he will be shotlived. If the 8th lord is associated with amalefic the native will have illicit realtions with widows after his 17th year. If Jupiteris in his own sign or in his sign of exaltation, the native will be longlived, free fromdiseases, a saintly person, learned and well versed in Vedas and Shastras.(so we see here a multitude of meanings for Jupiter in 8th, and almost any of them may betaken as valid in our case).Brihat Jataka 20.7: Jupiter in 8th makes the person mean or debased.Saravali 30.57: If Jupiter ocuppies the 8th bhava, the native will be insluted, longlived, be a servant, will serve his own people, be pitiable and will have union with dirtywomen.Chamatkar Chintamani: The native with Jupiter in 8th house does not live long in the houseof his father. His residence and body are not stable and sattionary for long. Alwaysailing. Life hereafter in heaven.Phala Dipika 8.15: The native will be poor and helpless, and earns his livelihood throughservants or menials (meaning that he will be such), He will indluge in mean action, butwill be long lived.Jatak Bharnam 17.56: The native is a serving man, base (foul and dirty), extremely humbleand poor, lacks discrimination, is discorteous, given to laziness and has a weak body.Garga Hora 797: If Sun and Jupiter are in the 8yh bahva, the native will be devoid ofself-respect, be wicked, be interested in other man's wife, and be devoid of intelligence.Phala Dipika 6.51 speaks of Asura yoga (although in translation it's msisspelled as Astrayoga). If teh 8th house is ocuppied or aspected by benefics and the lord of 8th is in anaauspicious house (kendra or trikona) then Asura yoga is formed. Its effects: The natviewill disturb others in their work and will become a talebearer. He will be selfish, poorand have forbidden cravings. He will indulge in mean doings and will ultimately suffer forhis unwanted doings.Of course we may argue whether the above rules for Asura yoga are fulfilled inPrabhupada's chart, as 8th lord is in 8th, and Jupiter as lord of 12th would give rise toViparita Rajayoga, and of course someone may argue for the above readings in some cases,but we see that most of them would not hold true for Srila Prabhupada.Now I could do the above exercise also with readings for Jupiter in the 9th, and I wouldassure you that much more of them would really fit Him. I just cite one example, right thenext shloka from Phala Dipika, which gives Bhagya yoga with the same conditions as above,but for the 9th house. If we take Sagittarius Lagna, then we woul definitely get it:The person who has his birth in the Bhagya yoga (benefics in 9th and 9th lord in kendra ortrikona), will move in palanquins or other excellen vehicles, in the midst of sounds ofmusical instruments, and with chowries waving to and fro. He will always be equipped withwealth and will observe a righteous code of conduct. Gods and Brahmins will be pleasedwith him for his devotion and virtues. He will make his family illustrious and will have alowering disposition.Of course this would be to some extent true for the 9th house with Carpicorn Lagna aswell, ahtough it is weaker there as besides the exalted 9th lord, we have only adebilitated Venus there.After all, I think that quotes from classics, especially because they relate to commoncases, and not specific enough, could carry us either way. So for rectification I suggestto see how the life events fot the planetary positions in Rasi and Vargas. As one of themost fundamelta issues in a chart would be siblings and children. Now for Srila Prabhupadawe don;t have th exact data (at least I don't have), but from Srila Prabhupada Lilamritaand Hari Sauri prabhu's comments I could gather the following:Prabhupada stated that His father gave four daughters in marriage, so he must have had atleast four sisters. It looks like three of them (Rajeswari, Bhavatarini and another girl)were elder, and one younger, although some state that Bhavatarini was younger. And Abhayalso had a younger brother called Krishna Charan.usually we calculate the number of the elder and younger siblings from the 3rd and 11thfrom Arudha Lagna. But Arudha Lagna would fall into Aries with both ascendants. So weleave this out for rectification, and try to see the number of siblings from 3rd/11th fromJanma Lagna.Reported Birth Data: 1st September, 1896, around 4 pm, Calcutta, 88E22, 22N32. LMT was5.53 min east of GMT.Taking Lahiri Ayanamsha, at that time Lagna was at 7 deg 50 min in Capricorn. This is the1st Dreskana of Capricorn. If we are to do a rectification, we could check the possibilityof the Lagna being in the previous or the next Dreskana as well. The Lagna entered the 3rdDreskana of Sagittarius at 14.50 and it crossed the border of Capricorn and Sagittarius atappr. 15.30 LMT. It entered the 2nd Dreskana of Capricorn at about 16.10 and left it at16.45. So if we take the possibility of at most 1 hour distrortion of the actual birthtime in either direction then the Lagna should fall somewhere between 20 deg ofSagittarius and 20 deg of Capricorn.Let's first see the indications in Rasi and D-3 with Sagittarius lagna.As this is a male sign, we count backwards for elder sisters. So it is indicated by Librawhich has Saturn and Rasi Dristi by Rahu, Mars, Moon, Jupiter, Sun and Ketu. Planets inAquarius and Taurus would give girls, this is three. Those in Leo would give boys,especialy because we have male planets there. So from this even more senior siblings areopssible, but at least we match the actual number.For youger siblings (one girl and a boy) we should see the 3rd house of Aquarius. We haveRahu there ans Saturn giving Rasi Dristi. Rahu could give the girl, and Saturn the boy, ashe is in male sign. Saturn is usualy not good at giving siblings, as he is napumsaka, butin this case he is also Chara Bhratrikaraka, which makes him to lose his maleficencetowards siblings.With this ascendant Dreskana Lagna is in Leo, having Jupiter and Ketu. Relatively good forsiblings. This is a male sign, so we count elder siblings in Manduka Gati (jumping everythird house) antizodiacally. The immediate elder sibling is indicated by Gemini. Its lordMercury conjuncts Moon in a female sign, so this is a sister. The next elder is Aries. Itslord mars again conjuncts debilitated Venus in a female sign, so again a girl. The nextelder (if there was one) is indicated by Aquarius. Its lord Saturn is in Gemini, whichdespite being a male sign, gives usually girls. Rahu in Aquarius means that there will beno more elder siblings. So three elder sisters is established.For younger siblings, we go forward in Manduka Gati from D-3 Lagna. 3rd house is Libra,its lord Venus conjoins Mars, a male planet, so it will be a boy. Krishna Charan probanlyhad Virgo Lagna or trines. The next co-born is from Pisces. Its lord Jupiter conjoins Ketuin Leo. Ketu would usually give girls, so he had another younger sister. This more or lessfits the actual picture.Now let's see the whole thing with Capricorn lagna. The Lagna in in female sign now, so wereverse the count, and see the 3rd house for elder siblings, and the 11th for youngerones.3rd from Capricorn is Pisces. it is aspected by Venus and Mercury from Virgo, which couldgive two elder sisters, although exalted planets would rather give a boy, even if Mercuryis napumsaka. But the sign being in dual sign and apsected by Mercury form dual sign,could oduble the number, so this gives four, which suits the biographical data.For younger siblings we look at Scorpio. And here rises the problem, as Scorpio is eiterocuppied nor aspected by any planets by Rasi Dristi. So this would make younger siblingsimpossible, whereas we hear of two of them, a boy and a girl.Anyway, let's also examine the Drekkane with this birth time. Dreskana Lagna is also inCapricorn. Again the count is antizodiacal Immediate eldes sibling (Pisces) is lorded byJupiter, so it can be a girl, as per above. The next one (Taurus) however is more likelyto be a boy, as Mars conjoins Venus. The next one (Cancer) may again be a girl, as Moon iswith Mercury. There was ne flaw with the middle girl for the eder ones.For younger ones the first (Scorpio) would be a boy as Ketu is stronger and he is withJupiter, So this may fit in. The next one (Virgo) is a girl, as Mercury conjoins the Moon.So there was one flaw with the eLder siblings.If we mve the time forward, so as to get the Lagna in the 2nd Dreskana of Capricorn, theD-3 Lagna is in Taurus, again a female sign. Elder siblings:1. Cancer - girl2. Virgo - girl3. Scorpio - a boy is more likely as per the above. (which is incopmatible with thereality)Younger siblings:1. Pisces - girl (Krishna Charan was a boy)2. Capricorn - girlSo we may conclude that Capricorn lagna in D-1 chart was not able to explain the number ofsiblings, and neither the first nor 2nd Drekkana of it gave perfect results in D-3 chart,whereas D-1 with Sagittarius Lagna suited the data as well as D-3 with Leo Lagna, whichwould move the birth time back before 15.30 LMT.Now let's see the children as well. According to my data Srila Prabhupada had five livingchildren in the following order: Prayag Raj, Sulakshmana, Madan Mohan, Vrindavan andBhakti Lata. Some speak of other children who died beofre birth or shirtly after that.Anyway, Abhay got married in 1919, and Prayag was born in 1921. In 1924 Sulaskhmana wasborn, and in madan Mohan was supposedly born in 1932> the rest might have been born lateron.With Sagittarius lagna the 5th from Lagna is Aries, and it has the aspects of Jupiter,Sun, Rahu and Ketu, which would give four children, of which two are mentaly unstable(indicated by the nodes). We can consider that the joint unobstructed Argala of Mars (lordof 5th) and exalted Moon on the 5th would give the rest of the children. Again the nodeswould indicate loss of some children.Now if we take the Lagna to be between 25 and 30 deg of Sagittairus, then Saptamsa Lagnais in Gemini. The controller of the children in male charts is the 5th house from Lagna,which is libra, and has the aspects of 6 planets, including the nodes, which again mayindicate some losses. 6th is the marak sthan for children, and He has Sun there, which isa malefic, again indicating the loss of children. Now let's see the children one by one.The first child is indicated by Libra, but the aspect of the nodes will indicatemiscarriage. The next child is indicated by Sagittairus, and its lord Jupiter would giva agirl because of Ketu's association, but I would conclude that she also did not survive,because of the Paapargala or Rahu and Mars from the 3rd. Afterall two miscarriages beforePrayag Raj are possible. The 3rd pregnancy is Aquarius, lorded by Saturn who conjoinsexalted Venus in Pisces. Exalted planets and sign Pisces give boys. The next child isAries, where Mars being in Aquarius culd give a girl (Sulaskhmana) Aquarius gives girls,and Rahu is napumsaka.The next child is Gemini, its lord is in Taurus with exalted Moon, where exalted planetsgive boys, so Vrindavan De was a boy. The next child is Leo, which is lorded by Sun inScorpio (female sign), giving the last girl, Bhakti Lata. Ketu indicates the last child.Rahu could have done also, but he didn't, because of two factors: he is in own house, andhe is the Atmakaraka, so will not do evil.Although because of the incomplete data it is quite difficult to be accurate in Saptamshaanalysis, for me this makes sense.Now let's see the 5th house with Capricorn lagna: The 5th house has got two planets: Marsand Moon, and is aspected only by exalted Saturn. This would not account for five or morechildren I think. In Saptamsha we could get the Lagna either in Cancer, or the followingsigns upto Scorpio. You may experiment with these D-7 Lagnas and try to fit in theresults. For Leo and Libra Lagnas the above count will shift by one or two, and for therest you should count backwards.Thus I have found two deficiencies regarding Capricorn Lagna:1. it does not fit the number of siblings,2. It does not fit the number of children.Both of the facts can be better explained by Sagittarius. Of course whe should do similarcheckup with other life events which I'm presently compiling from Srila PrabhupadaLilamrita, and will do later on when time permits. With the help of these we could anrrowdown the time frame through identifying the position of the lagna in the higher divisionalcharts, and arrive at a correct birth time.Also in favour of Lagna in 3rd Drekkana of Sagittarius goes the fact that Srila Prabhupadahad scars and wounds more on the lower part of His body, like in 1899 He narrowly escapeda fatal burning and retained a scar on his leg. According to Varahamihira, if the 3rdDrekkana is rising, the 6th house represents the right ankle, which probably had the scar.Mars in the 6th would give fire hazard, but the presence of exalted Moon would save him.By the way He had Mars/Venus Vimsottari running.Of course this may not be completely convincing, but the rectification should certainly bedone down to D-60, using Kunda and Vighati lagna as well.Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer <gauranga Phone:+36-309-140-839-------------------------- eGroups Sponsor -------------------------~-~>eGroups eLertsIt's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!>OM'>http://click./1/9698/1/_/2192/_/976543577/---_->OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraInfo: varahamihira/info.html

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Dear Gurudeva,





Jaya Jagannath

Dear Gauranga,

Simply marvellous. I am very very proud of your work. You have understood

the essence

behind chart correction. It must fir siblings, children, spouse..Upapada etc are

also vey

vital. Make the Upapada for Capricorn and Sagittarius and you will see the great

difference there.


With Sagittarius Upapada is in Aquarius, having Atmakarak Rahu in it. Srila


wanted two wives, and he took Radharani on the advice of his father. Then he

wanted the

other one also, but his father told him to bear with this one. No problem if he

is not so

atthached, he will be ale to renounce her later easier. So Aquarius has dual


which may indicate the two wives. Rahu is in there, so that's the actual wife,

but Saturn

becomes the overlord, indicating that he wanted the other one. Saturn aspects

Aquarius, so

he knew her, nut he is in the badhak sthan from Aquarius, so he could not take

her as a

wife. Saturn is aspected by Pitrikarak Mars (both disposited by Badhakesh

Venus), so the

father obstructed him marrying her.


Abhay got married in 1919 in Jupiter's Vimsottari Dasa. This is not fitting so


although can be explained. Jupiter has Graha Drishti on Upapada, and ins lord of


Lagna. He was transitting in Gemini (trines to Upapadaand 7th from Navamsha

Lagna) in that

year. In the Varsaphal chart for 1918-19 Vivaha Saham closely conjoins the

Lagna. So it

must have been before Janmashtami 1919. I will ask for confirmation.


In Navamsha Narayana Dasa it was Gemini-Gemini (7th house) from May 1919. So

it's most

likely that his marriage was between may and August 1919.


Rahu being in Upapada is quite appropriate in my view. Bacause when Rahu is the

Atmakaraka, it will push the natvie into Krishna's hands. Till the time that he


Grihastha, he could not do so much preaching. But when he saw that his wife was


cooperative, he took vanaprastha. So in this way Rahu, the most materalistic

planet made

him disappointed in married life and he took complete shelter of Krishna.


Outcome of marriage is seen from the 2nd from Upapada. It is aspected by two

benefics, so

he did not become a widower, but renounced his wife out of his free will, as

these two

planets are in 6th from Arudha Lagna, indicating Viparita Pravrajya yoga.


Abhay became Vanaprastha at 50 years of age, in Saturn-Sun Vimsottari. Saturn is

lord of

Upapada and 12th from it, Sun aspects both of the either by Rasi or Graha

Drishti. Saturn

is also lord of 8th from 7th in navamsha.


With 16.00 birthtime Upapada conjoins Arudha Lagna in Aries. This would make Him

famous as

a Grihastha, but He becama famous actually as a sannyasi. Upapada is aspected by


Jupiter, Sun and Ketu, which would indicate more marriages. 2nd from Upapada has

Mars and

exalted Moon. In my view it would cause the death of spouse in young age and


another one after that. Jupiter was aspecting Upapada in this way also, but not

transitting in trines to it in the year of marriage.


Navamsha with this time is Pisces. 7th from it has Moon and Sun, which would

have given

more influence and power to his wife than she was actually able to exert upon

him. The 8th

from 7th has four planets which could suit taking sannyas as a reason for

leaving his

wife. So with Capricorn the events could still be fitted in, but with greater

effort I

think. Sagittairus describes his married situation more naturally I think.


Well done again. It shall be the greatest gift to me and to your Guru Maharaj

if you work

towards authoring a small book on Srila's Horoscope that can be distributed free

over the



Thank you for your blessings. I will try to do so in due course of time. But it

has to be

discussed from more anlges I think.


Your shishya,


Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer



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