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Om Jai Janardana.....


Namaste Brendan ( et. all)

I have been reading BPHS and spending some on Bhava, Hora Lagna and Ghati Lagna.


Can you add more insight into these special Lagnas?



1 What are some of the key concepts and ideas on how to think about these Lagna's i.e. their use and impact?2.If Surya, Langa and Chandra are the cornerstone of ones Janma Kundali, what of Langa, BL, HL and GL?

3. Their ranking of importance or strength? first Lagna, then BL, then HL, then GL?

4. Representation of the Lagna's - as we think of Lagna as ascendant and the lord of the ascendant represents the body/heath/individual - what of BL,HL, and GL?

5. Use in Divisional charts? appropriate?

6. What is the influence of the BL, HL, and GL as they transits house? and that of their depositor?

7. The significance if any if BL, HL, and GL are in angles or trines from ascendant?



Thanks for your comments and help ...

Siksyati Iti sisya




Bpfeeley [bpfeeley]Friday, September 29, 2000 9:55 PMvarahamihira Subject: Re: [sri Guru] Re: Tatwa and Akasha: one last point

Hare Rama KrishnaNamaste Frank,I would like to add the following to all the wonderful comments that have already been made about the tattwas and particularly akasha. Hopefully I can give you some practical examples of Akasha. The Pancha Mahabhutas are a manifestation of the three Gunas. From Sattva arises Akasha, Rajas arises Agni and from Tamas comes Prithvi. Vayu comes from both Sattva and Rajas and Jala tattwa comes from both Rajas and Tamas. The Tattwas represent the five states of matter - solid, liquid, gaseous and ethereal and they represent the five densities of all substances, all the visible and invisible matter in the universe. The tattwas work on both the gross and subtle levels and we tend to relate only to their physical manifestation. Even invisible matter is composed of the five tattwas. In the mind, for instance, the tattwas work on thoughts and emotions and even the dream state is a manifestation of the tattwas. The tattwas even give rise to our ideas and understanding of creation itself. Akasha is the idea of connection and communication between all mediums, Vayu is the movement and change of ideas (direction) and therefore time itself, Agni is the idea of light and therefore of perception, Jala is the idea of fluidity giving rise to life itself, Prithvi is the idea of stability and solidity or inaction. In this manifest world, there has to be coordination between the sense organs and the sense object theselves. This is accomplished through the five Tanmantras and Pancha Tattwas. The Tanmantras are not the senses in themselves, but the five primal cosmic forces that give rise to the senses and represent subtle forms of these organs that exist beyond the physical body. What we think in our minds and perceive in the world is programmed into our physiology through the interaction of the pancha tattwas and tanmantras. What is in the world is a manifestation of same and the coordination of the sensing of the object and the existence of the object itself is of course a work of Divine order.The five Tanmantras are the subtle or causal forms of the tattwas as well as the subtle or seed form of the senses. The gross or physical form of the tattwas are derived from the subtle forms, the Tanmantras. Each gross element contains all five of the subtle elements, plus itself. Therefore gross or physical Akasha, for space is a physical thing, contains all five of the subtle tattwas.The structure of creation is indeed a great mystery. The Atma is not part of creation and is not composed of any of these gross or subtle elements while the mind is a material thing composed of the tattwas. Thus, the mind is an object of perception and so also are our thoughts and emotions and all other activities of the mind. They are all part of the material creation and we must therefore go beyond the mind to achieve spiritual evolution.As my Guru always said, this material phenomena is so vast, subtle and amazing that in the abscense of adequate knowledge about the character and nature of Divinity, extroadinary psychic experiences (of the subtle form of the material world) are misunderstood to be Divine.When I view the mind in this way, the teachings of the Gita and the Bhagavatam make perfect sense to me. According to the Vedas, Godhead is the animator of the human mind and beyond human consciousness. HE has no senses but HE perceives. The Ramayana tells us that the mind cannot approach Godhead as HE is beyond the reach and understanding of the finite human mind because HE is infinite. This is why Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Ji tells us to surrender to Krishna and that it is only through the Grace of Krishna (or any other aspect of Godhead) that we can acheive Divine understanding. Based on the nature of the tattwas, the human mind and the subtle structure of the cosmos, it is easy to see why the Saints, Rishis and great Acharyas and Jagadgurus advocate devotion and surrender as the path to Godhead. This is why meditation itself can be a purely materialistic activity if it does not have surrender and Divine attainment through worship as its goal. The mind is itself a material object, a manifestation of the tattwas, and it cannot go beyond itself. We have to surrender the object (mind) to God so that it will be in alignment with the Divine through which Grace enters the mind and it becomes Divine. Now for some examples in the world. In the plant kingdom, for example, the root of the plant is Prithvi tattwa (connection to earth), the stem and branches are Jala tattwa (flow of sap and water), the flowers are Agni tattwa (light and color), leaves are Vayu tattwa (blowing in the wind), and the fruit is Akasha - as it contains the essence of the plant. The seed contains all the five tattwas, as the entire potential is contained within it.In the human body there are many spaces and these are a manifestation of Akasha and within these spaces Vayu moves. The Cosmic sound or vibration, OM, is the first manifestation of consciousness, and it is said that from this vibration or sound Akasha manifests. Akasha then is the medium through which sound is transmitted, both gross and subtle, and it therefore governs the function of hearing and speech in the human body as well as the organs of hearing (ears) and speech (tongue, vocal cords and mouth).Jai Shree Radhey,Brendan> Looking at PanchaTatwa it is easy for us to recognize Agni, Prithvi, Vayu, & Jala > because we cook with the grace of Agni , Prathvi is the material world we touch, > Vayu is the wind in our hair, and Jala is the rain that we splash,> we drink, we wash... the play and display of the triguna... yet what of this Akasha ? > where do we touch or feel this?> Thinking of akasha some associate it to vacuum. For me this it too abstract.OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraInfo: varahamihira/info.html

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In a message dated 10/1/2000 2:11:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

fschmidt writes:


Hare Krishn

Dear Frank,


Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. A little overwhelmed these days.

Will be in your town from Oct 7 - 11, visiting my Guru. If you have time

maybe we could meet for a short time. No big deal if you are busy or can't

make it. Let me know.


Now for some comments re L, AL, GL, HL and BL.


Lagna represents self and the physical incarnation of self, the body. AL

shows maya and illusion and how others perceive us and therefore represents

one's status (an illusory state of being in the mayic realm/world).


GL or Ghati Lagna is said to represent one's power and authority as well as

capacity for recognition. Its placement and strength of planets that are

associated with it become the indicators of the type of power, position and

recognition that one will receive.


From Hora lagna (HL) we examine financial prosperity.


Varnada Lagna (VL): According to an earlier post by Narasimha, Varna means

caste or class and therefore shows the type of people one associates with. So

VL in D-10 or D-24 will show the types of people a native will associate with

in career and education. Exalted benefics would show people of high status

benefically inclined towards the native. Weak malefics would show

questionable people, etc.


A planet that has association with the Lagna, Hora Lagna and Ghati Lagna, by

way of lordship, aspect or conjunction is said to be a yogada and give the

equivalent of yogakaraka and gives Raj Yoga according to Prasara.


All these Lagnas are to be used in the various Varga charts to indicate

specifics in that area of life. So in D-10, GL indicates the power and

position one can maintain in one's career. All the yogas, placement wrt to

lagna, transits, etc are to be applied to these lagnas in both Rasi and Varga



Each of these lagnas represent different aspects of self and their importance

wrt to each other cannot be rated. Consider HL for wealth, GL for power and

position, etc.


I have seen very little written on the BL so we will have to wait on that



Narasimha wrote an excellent article on this topic some time back and I will

look for it for you.

Best Regards,




> Namaste Brendan ( et. all)

> I have been reading BPHS and spending some on Bhava, Hora Lagna and Ghati

> Lagna.


> Can you add more insight into these special Lagnas?


> Inquiry

> 1 What are some of the key concepts and ideas on how to think about these

> Lagna's i.e. their use and impact?

> 2.If Surya, Langa and Chandra are the cornerstone of ones Janma Kundali,

> what of Langa, BL, HL and GL?

> 3. Their ranking of importance or strength? first Lagna, then BL, then HL,

> then GL?

> 4. Representation of the Lagna's - as we think of Lagna as ascendant and

> the lord of the ascendant

> represents the body/heath/individual - what of BL,HL, and GL?

> 5. Use in Divisional charts? appropriate?

> 6. What is the influence of the BL, HL, and GL as they transits house? and

> that of their depositor?

> 7. The significance if any if BL, HL, and GL are in angles or trines from

> ascendant?


> Thanks for your comments and help ...

> Siksyati Iti sisya

> Praanam,

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Namaste Brendan,


Your post is excellent.


> Varnada Lagna (VL): According to an earlier post by Narasimha,

Varna means

> caste or class and therefore shows the type of people one

associates with.


Sanjay indeed said this to me long back. However, Varnada dasa

based on Varnada lagna was explicitly recommended by Parasara

for timing the death of a native. Parasara recommended various

Varnada dasas for the deaths of relatives. So I think that

there is more to VL than we know at this time. Similarly,

Sanjay taught that HL shows self from the point of view of

what is considered wealth in this world, but he also taught

that it can be used for the death of relatives in some charts.

Moreover, Parasara and Jaimini both taught the rule of three

pairs for estimating longevity and HL is used there!


I am sure there is more to HL and VL than we know now. I guess

the correct knowledge will come to us when we are destined...


> Narasimha wrote an excellent article on this topic some time back

and I will

> look for it for you.


Is this what you had in mind:


/message/vedic astrology/337


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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In a message dated 10/4/2000 8:54:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

pvr writes:


Namaste Narasimha,


Thanks for the comments on Varnada Lagna and Varnada dasa. Varnada dasa

sounds similar to Shoola dasa for death of relatives but presumably it has

its own special applications!


Yes, /message/vedic astrology/337 is the very article I

had in mind and it is excellent and has many examples of AL, GL, HL, etc. A

very early article in the list!


Hare Rama Krishna



> Namaste Brendan,


> Your post is excellent.


> > Varnada Lagna (VL): According to an earlier post by Narasimha,

> Varna means

> > caste or class and therefore shows the type of people one

> associates with.


> Sanjay indeed said this to me long back. However, Varnada dasa

> based on Varnada lagna was explicitly recommended by Parasara

> for timing the death of a native. Parasara recommended various

> Varnada dasas for the deaths of relatives. So I think that

> there is more to VL than we know at this time. Similarly,

> Sanjay taught that HL shows self from the point of view of

> what is considered wealth in this world, but he also taught

> that it can be used for the death of relatives in some charts.

> Moreover, Parasara and Jaimini both taught the rule of three

> pairs for estimating longevity and HL is used there!


> I am sure there is more to HL and VL than we know now. I guess

> the correct knowledge will come to us when we are destined...


> > Narasimha wrote an excellent article on this topic some time back

> and I will

> > look for it for you.


> Is this what you had in mind:


> /message/vedic astrology/337


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha

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