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Charakarak disappearance - to Ramadas Ji and other learned Guru Jis

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Dear Ramadas Ji, Other Guru Jis and learned members, Namaskar. I read Sanjay Ji's article on Atamakarak. I have several doubts. I understand the principles but when does it happen? It is said that AK, AmK and BK replacement signifies major changes in the life of a

native. I read in one mail the natural age of different planets. Does it happen at end of the natural age of a planet? In case of Gandhiji and Alan Leo it closely matches with the age given. Gandhiji started working for welfare of Indians in SA at age of @36yrs. He has Jupiter as AK, Moon as AmK. The age for Ju is given as 34 yrs so it almost matches. In case of AK replacement the native turns into Karma Yogi. But when the AmK is replaced by sthirakarka then what happens? What is the field of AmK? And how does it get modified by sthirakarak taking over the reins? I give below the birth data for three persons including myself for which I have

difficulty in the application. It is said that when natural charakarak place is vacant it indicates a loss or lack of support from that realation. In my chart MK Mercury gets replaced by Mars. PiK’s (Mars) place is taken by sthirakarak. In my chart Venus has more shadabala and hence I assume that PiK’s slot will get assigned to it instead of to the Sun. Can a choice be made based upon shadabala? Mars’s age is given as 28 yrs. That brings me to the year 1977 but at that time I was closer to my father in every way. Actually my mother passed away in October 1975. Hence in my case loss of natural PiK does not get properly explained or related. In my daughter’s case AmK Jupiter will be replaced by BK Saturn. What can that signify? What is the sthirakarak for BK? Mars? The article hints that when any charakark’s place is taken by sthirakarak the native looses support from that aspect of life. If it is MK then native’s mother may die or he may loose love/ warmth of the mother due to some reasons. According to Sanjay Ji BK signifies Guru and Career as well. Here 3rd lord Venus is in 11th with Sun but it is not combust. 3rd house has aspect from yogakarak Mars and Moon. Does it bid bad omen for younger brother? In her chart Saturn is 7th lord and is placed in ninth house owned by Jupiter. It is also aspected by AK Sun, Jupiter and Mercury. Will this Saturn lead the native towards more religious/ spiritual life? In case of Ms. D three planets are involved signifying AmK, BK and MK. Sun is AmK1, Mars AmK2 and Venus AmK3. Sun is Lagna Lord, Mars Lord of 4th, 9th houses and Venus is lord of 3rd, 10th houses. All these three planets are in 8th house, in Mercury’s asterism, aspected by Jupiter and Saturn. Where does all this lead to? Generally conjuction of Mars and Venus is considered bad. By grace of the Almighty they are in asterism of Mercury and can save the native. But still I am afraid of Mars at the second stage and Venus during last phase leading to some sort of corruption of mind since Moon is also in conjunction here. When can it happen? If we consider natural age of planets then second stage would be already in. She is now leading normal ordinary life. She is religious and confined to home. Venus taking over at end of natural lives of Sun (22

y) and Mars (28 y) i.e. at the native’s age of 50 years? Please guide me how to go about analyzing this important part of the chart study. Thanks for sparing your valuable time. With warm regards, Rajendra. Birth data: Rajendra February 18, 1949 Time: 3:20:00 AM Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) Place: 72 E 48' 00", 22 N 40' 01" Daughter July 16, 1990 Time: 8:50:00 AM Time Zone: 3:00:00 (East of GMT) Place: 51 E 33' 00", 25 N 18' 00" Ms. D April 4, 1981 Time: 15:48:00 Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) Place: 70 E 33' 36", 22 N 09' 00"

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om namo näräyaëäya Dear Rajendra Ji, You attach jhd.charts of all and I am sure some experts like Sanjay Ji,Narasimha Ji and others can throw some more light on this topic. With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana, Ramadas Rao.Rajendra Bhatt <rajendra_bhatt wrote: Dear Ramadas Ji, Other Guru Jis and learned members, Namaskar. I read Sanjay Ji's article on Atamakarak. I have several doubts. I understand the principles but when does it happen? It is said that AK, AmK and BK replacement signifies major changes in the life of a native. I read in one mail the natural age of different planets.

Does it happen at end of the natural age of a planet? In case of Gandhiji and Alan Leo it closely matches with the age given. Gandhiji started working for welfare of Indians in SA at age of @36yrs. He has Jupiter as AK, Moon as AmK. The age for Ju is given as 34 yrs so it almost matches. In case of AK replacement the native turns into Karma Yogi. But when the AmK is replaced by sthirakarka then what happens? What is the field of AmK? And how does it get modified by sthirakarak taking over the reins? I give below the birth data for three persons including myself for which I have difficulty in the application. It is said that when natural

charakarak place is vacant it indicates a loss or lack of support from that realation. In my chart MK Mercury gets replaced by Mars. PiK’s (Mars) place is taken by sthirakarak. In my chart Venus has more shadabala and hence I assume that PiK’s slot will get assigned to it instead of to the Sun. Can a choice be made based upon shadabala? Mars’s age is given as 28 yrs. That brings me to the year 1977 but at that time I was closer to my father in every way. Actually my mother passed away in October 1975. Hence in my case loss of natural PiK does not get properly explained or related. In my daughter’s case AmK Jupiter will be replaced by BK Saturn. What can that signify? What is the sthirakarak for BK? Mars? The article hints that when

any charakark’s place is taken by sthirakarak the native looses support from that aspect of life. If it is MK then native’s mother may die or he may loose love/ warmth of the mother due to some reasons. According to Sanjay Ji BK signifies Guru and Career as well. Here 3rd lord Venus is in 11th with Sun but it is not combust. 3rd house has aspect from yogakarak Mars and Moon. Does it bid bad omen for younger brother? In her chart Saturn is 7th lord and is placed in ninth house owned by Jupiter. It is also aspected by AK Sun, Jupiter and Mercury. Will this Saturn lead the native towards more religious/ spiritual life? In case of Ms. D three planets are involved signifying AmK, BK and MK. Sun is AmK1, Mars AmK2 and Venus AmK3. Sun is Lagna Lord, Mars Lord of 4th,

9th houses and Venus is lord of 3rd, 10th houses. All these three planets are in 8th house, in Mercury’s asterism, aspected by Jupiter and Saturn. Where does all this lead to? Generally conjuction of Mars and Venus is considered bad. By grace of the Almighty they are in asterism of Mercury and can save the native. But still I am afraid of Mars at the second stage and Venus during last phase leading to some sort of corruption of mind since Moon is also in conjunction here. When can it happen? If we consider natural age of planets then second stage would be already in. She is now leading normal ordinary life. She is religious and confined to home. Venus taking over at end of natural lives of Sun (22 y) and Mars (28 y) i.e. at the native’s age of 50 years? Please guide me how

to go about analyzing this important part of the chart study. Thanks for sparing your valuable time. With warm regards, Rajendra. Birth data: Rajendra February 18,

1949 Time: 3:20:00 AM Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) Place: 72 E 48' 00", 22 N 40' 01" Daughter July 16, 1990 Time: 8:50:00 AM Time Zone: 3:00:00 (East of GMT) Place: 51 E 33' 00", 25 N 18' 00" Ms. D April 4, 1981 Time: 15:48:00 Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) Place: 70 E 33' 36", 22 N 09' 00" Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.

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Dear Ramadas Ji, Namaskar. Thank you very much for your suggestion. I have uploaded three jhd files on Sohamsa group. Three files are saved in folder 'CharaKarakQuestion'. I request all Guru Jis and learned members to review the charts and guide me. Thank you once again. With regards, RajendraRamadas Rao <ramadasrao wrote: om namo näräyaëäya Dear Rajendra Ji, You attach

jhd.charts of all and I am sure some experts like Sanjay Ji,Narasimha Ji and others can throw some more light on this topic. With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana, Ramadas Rao.Rajendra Bhatt <rajendra_bhatt wrote: Dear Ramadas Ji, Other Guru Jis and learned members, Namaskar. I read Sanjay Ji's article on Atamakarak. I have several doubts. I understand the principles but when does it happen? It is said that AK, AmK and BK replacement signifies major changes in the life of a native. I read in one mail the natural age of different planets. Does it happen at end of the natural age of a planet? In case of Gandhiji and Alan Leo it closely matches with the age given. Gandhiji started working for welfare of Indians in SA at age of @36yrs. He has Jupiter as AK, Moon as AmK. The age for Ju is given as 34 yrs so it almost matches. In case of AK replacement the native turns into Karma Yogi. But when the AmK is replaced by sthirakarka then what happens? What is the field of AmK? And how

does it get modified by sthirakarak taking over the reins? I give below the birth data for three persons including myself for which I have difficulty in the application. It is said that when natural charakarak place is vacant it indicates a loss or lack of support from that realation. In my chart MK Mercury gets replaced by Mars. PiK’s (Mars) place is taken by sthirakarak. In my chart Venus has more shadabala and hence I assume that PiK’s slot will get assigned to it instead of to the Sun. Can a choice be made based upon shadabala? Mars’s age is given as 28 yrs. That brings me to the year 1977 but at that time I was closer to my father in every way.

Actually my mother passed away in October 1975. Hence in my case loss of natural PiK does not get properly explained or related. In my daughter’s case AmK Jupiter will be replaced by BK Saturn. What can that signify? What is the sthirakarak for BK? Mars? The article hints that when any charakark’s place is taken by sthirakarak the native looses support from that aspect of life. If it is MK then native’s mother may die or he may loose love/ warmth of the mother due to some reasons. According to Sanjay Ji BK signifies Guru and Career as well. Here 3rd lord Venus is in 11th with Sun but it is not combust. 3rd house has aspect from yogakarak Mars and Moon.

Does it bid bad omen for younger brother? In her chart Saturn is 7th lord and is placed in ninth house owned by Jupiter. It is also aspected by AK Sun, Jupiter and Mercury. Will this Saturn lead the native towards more religious/ spiritual life? In case of Ms. D three planets are involved signifying AmK, BK and MK. Sun is AmK1, Mars AmK2 and Venus AmK3. Sun is Lagna Lord, Mars Lord of 4th, 9th houses and Venus is lord of 3rd, 10th houses. All these three planets are in 8th house, in Mercury’s asterism, aspected by Jupiter and Saturn. Where does all this lead to? Generally conjuction of Mars and Venus is considered bad. By grace of the Almighty they are in asterism of Mercury and can save the native. But still I am afraid of Mars at the second stage and

Venus during last phase leading to some sort of corruption of mind since Moon is also in conjunction here. When can it happen? If we consider natural age of planets then second stage would be already in. She is now leading normal ordinary life. She is religious and confined to home. Venus taking over at end of natural lives of Sun (22 y) and Mars (28 y) i.e. at the native’s age of 50 years? Please guide me how to go about analyzing this important part of the chart study. Thanks for sparing your valuable time. With warm regards, Rajendra. Birth data: Rajendra February 18, 1949 Time: 3:20:00 AM Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of

GMT) Place: 72 E 48' 00", 22 N 40' 01" Daughter July 16, 1990 Time: 8:50:00

AM Time Zone: 3:00:00 (East of GMT) Place: 51 E 33' 00", 25 N 18' 00" Ms. D April 4, 1981 Time: 15:48:00 Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) Place: 70 E 33' 36", 22 N 09' 00" Music Unlimited - Access over 1

million songs. Try it free. Enjoy this Diwali with Y! India Click here

Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.

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Dear Ramadas Ji and other learned Guru Jis, Namaskar. After sending last mail I realised that many list members receive mails on their individual address. For such members I am attaching three jhd files for quick reference. Thanks you all. With kind regards, Rajnedra Rajendra Bhatt <rajendra_bhatt wrote: Dear Ramadas Ji, Namaskar. Thank you very much for your suggestion. I have uploaded three jhd files on Sohamsa group. Three files are saved in folder 'CharaKarakQuestion'. I request all Guru Jis and learned members to review the charts and guide me. Thank you once again. With regards, RajendraRamadas Rao <ramadasrao

wrote: om namo näräyaëäya Dear Rajendra Ji, You attach jhd.charts of all and I am sure some experts like Sanjay Ji,Narasimha Ji and others can throw some more light on this topic. With Shri Hari Vaayu Naama Smarana, Ramadas Rao.Rajendra Bhatt <rajendra_bhatt wrote: Dear Ramadas Ji, Other Guru Jis and learned members, Namaskar. I read Sanjay Ji's article on Atamakarak. I have several doubts. I understand the principles but when does it happen? It is said that AK, AmK and BK replacement signifies major changes in the life of a native. I read in one mail the natural age of different planets. Does it happen at end of the natural age of a planet? In case of Gandhiji and Alan Leo it closely matches with the age given. Gandhiji started working for welfare of Indians in SA at age of @36yrs. He has Jupiter as AK, Moon as AmK. The age for Ju is given as 34 yrs so it almost matches. In case of AK replacement the native turns into Karma Yogi. But when the AmK is replaced by sthirakarka then what happens? What is the field of AmK? And how does it get modified by sthirakarak taking over the reins? I give below the birth data for three persons including myself for which I have difficulty in the application. It is said that when natural charakarak place is vacant it indicates a loss or lack of support from that realation. In my chart MK Mercury gets replaced by Mars. PiK’s (Mars) place is taken by sthirakarak. In my chart Venus has more shadabala and hence I assume that PiK’s slot will get assigned to it instead of to the Sun. Can a choice be made based upon shadabala? Mars’s age is given as 28 yrs. That brings me to the year 1977 but at that time I was closer to my father in every way. Actually my mother passed away in October 1975. Hence in my case loss of natural PiK does not get properly explained or related. In my daughter’s case AmK Jupiter will be

replaced by BK Saturn. What can that signify? What is the sthirakarak for BK? Mars? The article hints that when any charakark’s place is taken by sthirakarak the native looses support from that aspect of life. If it is MK then native’s mother may die or he may loose love/ warmth of the mother due to some reasons. According to Sanjay Ji BK signifies Guru and Career as well. Here 3rd lord Venus is in 11th with Sun but it is not combust. 3rd house has aspect from yogakarak Mars and Moon. Does it bid bad omen for younger brother? In her chart Saturn is 7th lord and is placed in ninth house owned by Jupiter. It is also aspected by AK Sun, Jupiter and Mercury. Will this Saturn lead the native towards more religious/ spiritual life? In case of Ms. D three planets are involved

signifying AmK, BK and MK. Sun is AmK1, Mars AmK2 and Venus AmK3. Sun is Lagna Lord, Mars Lord of 4th, 9th houses and Venus is lord of 3rd, 10th houses. All these three planets are in 8th house, in Mercury’s asterism, aspected by Jupiter and Saturn. Where does all this lead to? Generally conjuction of Mars and Venus is considered bad. By grace of the Almighty they are in asterism of Mercury and can save the native. But still I am afraid of Mars at the second stage and Venus during last phase leading to some sort of corruption of mind since Moon is also in conjunction here. When can it happen? If we consider natural age of planets then second stage would be already in. She is now leading normal ordinary life. She is religious and confined to home. Venus taking over at end of natural lives of Sun (22 y) and Mars (28 y) i.e. at the native’s age of 50 years? Please guide me how to go about analyzing this important part of the chart study. Thanks for sparing your valuable time. With warm regards, Rajendra. Birth data: Rajendra February 18, 1949 Time: 3:20:00 AM Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) Place: 72 E 48' 00", 22 N 40' 01" Daughter July 16, 1990 Time: 8:50:00 AM Time Zone: 3:00:00 (East of GMT) Place: 51 E 33' 00", 25

N 18' 00" Ms. D April 4, 1981 Time: 15:48:00 Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) Place: 70 E 33' 36", 22 N 09' 00" Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free. Enjoy this Diwali with Y! India Click here

Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.

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