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Visti mantra questions

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Hare Rama KRishna

Dear Visti,

Oh, I do chant other mantras,

Gayatri, Brhaspati,Mrtunjaya,etc.In fact there are many mantras and such that I chant.

I also give Jyotirlinga mantra,Ganesh mantra etc,as remedies to people as well.


BUt when It comes to a superior sound vibration that would work on ALL aspects of the mind, body soul , and sort of like a super ( maha) karma clean up for deep rooted karmas,I rely on the direct names of the Lord.Am I wrong?


So the part I was focusing on is the ability of the potency of Gods names to cross all levels and penetrate time, place and such.Since the Varga divisions are just different levels of the rasi- I believe, maybe IM wrong -that due to the intrinsic "spirit" level nature of Gods names that it is more effective/capable of mitigating karmas.Also, the spirit level working of the lords name balances our various bodily chakras.


OUr bad karmas are likened to violating rules of the universe,the various devatas etc are working under the Supreme, so who better to go to than Lord Vishnu, LOrd SHiva, Krishna, Rama Etc.?Then we can throw into the equation the guru ,factor as representative

of the Lord.And that it is best to have connection through guru.


When a person is sick from bad karmas all avenues of medicine should be employed,as much as possible.

Of course sometimes the medicine is too much and a person cant handle that level of purification.

I have so much bad karmas, and maybe I am in a hurry to unburden myself from such, I like to employ various medicines for such, like ekadasi as well as mantras, pujas etc.Sorry if I am repeating myself, just want to clarify my thoughts and also, I will try and understand your point of view on this( the teaching) as I just dont get it completely at the moment,

I think I need more information, so it all falls into place in a comprehesive view.

thanks again, for all your efforts in teaching us, year after year.

I know you are busy with a family now, and so time is precious, so thanks again for your giving, giving.

with best wishes





Visti Larsen <visti Sat, March 27, 2010 3:27:13 AMRe: [Om Krishna Guru] (unknown)

ॠगà¥à¤°à¤µà¥‡ नमः Dear Lakshmi, Namaste.

Glad to see you liked my posts. I tend to cite my Guruji like a parrot, and if its not from his lips then I give references. So, Guruji told me.

What you say sounds fine for a spiritual aspirant, and is likely very correct, but for a technical guy like me I need a clearer picture.

Let me elucidate: If the Mahamantra works at all levels of consciousness, and some of these levels of consciousness are inaudible, then the Mahamantra referred to is not the same that we recite audibly every day?


If instead we say that the Mahamantra, or Yuga Sanatana Mantra, enables us to worship Sri Krishna and therefore enable us to be blessed with the Shodasakala- jña or complete awareness/conscious ness that he possesses, as we can find from the chart of his Avataranam, then I find this perfectly understandable.


As for heirachy. Maybe you should do some Graha Mantras, atleast Navagraha puja once a year, as these are pivotal to keep the body in a proper state of health. Rejecting any form of divinity is like rejecting an aspect of Sri Krishna himself... Its like saying that you want God, but only the heart of God and not the feet... so also he will not give you his feet, right?

Afterall, he incarnated as the Grahas to give us the results of our karmas.


Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen------------ --------- --------- --------- ----Jyotish Guru (Vedic Astrologer)www: http://srigaruda. comwww2: http://thejyotishdigest.com@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

On 27 March 2010 02:39, Lakshmi Kary <lakshmikary@ > wrote:







Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Visti,

thanks for the interesting posts/

Its seems that mantra ment for liberation from the material creation, and mantras such as the Hare Krishna Mahamantra would be good as those mantras and mantras containing the LOrds names are purifying mantras, that purify us on all levels of conciousness.I guess that is if the person is sick of his suffering and ready to go back home to Godhead.


THese transcendental mantras can burn karmas from the past and clean the present, and these spiritual mantras chanted and performed are taken with us into the next birth.

My understanding is that mantras that contain the name of Krishna, Rama etc have the power and potency to affect ALL levels, even ones we are completely unaware of.Past ,present and future.


I was curious where you got the information you gave, was it from some readings, Sanjay or yout own personal realizations, etc.?

It is said when you chant the name 'Krishna'not only is Krishna present, but since he is always accompanied by his associates that they are present at that moment as well.

Since this action of chanting the Lords name is on the "spirit' level it is not confined to our ideas of "reality" the present ,etc.


It seems that the highest mantras and most effective are mantras who address the Lord himself,

then those who work and serve under him,

and also like the planets.

That is why I never offer remedies that involve chanting the names of Shani per say.

It is better to acknowledge our bad karmas, understand WHY and how we got them , accept it and do our best not to do the same, and then try and clean our hearts of our anarthas, sadri[us etc/

If we have afflicted Shani then change behavoir this life to elders, cripples, the poor etc etc. serve them, take care, feed them etc. ie make concious change, while chanting purifcation mantras and perform sadhana etc.


BUt maybe I missed your point all together.




All the best







Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> <>Fri, March 26, 2010 4:03:11 AMRe: [Om Krishna Guru] (unknown)

ॠगà¥à¤°à¤µà¥‡ नमः

Dear Raphael, Namaste.

There is only one remedy for the Shastyamsa and that is OM. No other mantra can penetrate the level of consciousness (Anandamaya koá¹£a or Supraconsciousness) indicated by the Shastyamsa.

So remedies are primarily for the remaining divisional charts, and even then the remedies are more limited the higher we go through the divisional charts, i.e. The unconscious level as indicated by Vargas d-27 and d-30 requires mantras for the Atmatattva, i.e. namah shivaaya in its five variations for the five tattvas.

For less accurate divisions, i.e. numbers below D-27, the mantras become much 'bigger' or detailed. The same way that creation started from OM and as this developed the creation became more and more detailed, and thus also the mantras become so.

Therefore remedies are FIRST and foremost ascertained from the Rashi chart as from here we can understand our immediate problems.


Mantra Sadhana and Diksha works in the reverse of the principle expounded. One begins with smaller mantras like bija, and even our name is a mantra. Then as one progresses one is given bigger and bigger mantras where after 64 syllables the mantras become mala mantras like some of those we see in the Puranas as taught by Narada and others. As the mantra gets bigger it attempts to prepare the sadhaka to pierce the higher levels of consciousness


I hope this helps.Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen------------ --------- --------- --------- ----Jyotish Guru (Vedic Astrologer)www: http://srigaruda. comwww2: http://thejyotishdi gest.com@: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

On 24 March 2010 05:01, Raphael Silva <ralmsilva82@ . br> wrote:




Hare Rama KrishnaDear Visti, all SJC Gurus and learned members, namaste. Please, kindly clarify the question bellow.As Maharishi Parashara says, D-60 is everything. I wanted to know more about this subject.This question arose while studying my own Shastyamsa: if I pick Lahiri Ayanamsa, ketu would be in twelf house mithuna sign yuti Guru, Sani and Surya. On the other hand, if I chose Jagannatha ayanamsa, ketu would be in Karka (Which is the lagna) and fifth from AL.Knowing how the curse (of twelf house) would work on this life and how to make it at least a little bit less painful if possible is very important, right? With lahiri ayanamsa the nodes would take part on the curse in twelf house. With Jagannatha, it is different, as the nodes would change its position to another sign and rahu and mars would be affecting Moon.Please, clarify: which ayanamsa to chose, and

based on which judgement should we do so? The results from picking one or another would differ much in many vargas and ultimately could mislead the astrologer in applying the right remedy for each situation. Should we chose the ayanamsa based on intuition, or the tradition is the final word on which one should be chosen?Best wishes,RaphaelPs: My tob and pob - 07:00:10 - Time Zone: 03:00/ Lon 47W54 Lat 15S47

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