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Lesson 8a Q#1

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OM namo narayanaya


Dear Gurus and fellow students,


Q1: Draw utpanna, kshema and adhana dasa in own chart and indicate evil



Vimsottari Dasa from janma: Vimsottari Dasa from kshema

--------------------------- ---------------------------

Mrigasira nakshatram Pushyami nakshatram

47.9983% of ma dasa left. 47.9982% of sa dasa left.

3.35988 years ma dasa left 9.11967 years sa dasa left

ma 26 Jun 1976 23:56 sa 3 May 1970 12:31

ra 21 May 1983 23:56 me 23 Jan 1989 12:31

ju 15 Feb 2001 23:56 ke 26 Oct 2005 12:31

sa 23 Nov 2016 23:56 ve 19 Sep 2012 12:31

me 16 Aug 2035 23:56 su 6 Jun 2032 12:31

ke 18 May 2052 23:56 mo 6 May 2038 12:31

ve 12 Apr 2059 23:56 ma 14 Mar 2048 12:31

su 28 Dec 2078 23:56 ra 6 Feb 2055 12:31

mo 26 Nov 2084 23:56 ju 3 Nov 2072 12:31


Vimsottari Dasa from utpanna Vimsottari Dasa from adhana

---------------------------- ---------------------------

Aslesha nakshatram Uttara nakshatram

47.9983% of me dasa left. 47.9983% of su dasa left.

8.1597 years me dasa left 2.8799 years su dasa left

me 12 May 1971 22:25 su 31 Dec 1976 4:53

ke 12 Feb 1988 22:25 mo 30 Nov 1982 4:53

ve 6 Jan 1995 22:25 ma 8 Oct 1992 4:53

su 23 Sep 2014 22:25 ra 2 Sep 1999 4:53

mo 22 Aug 2020 22:25 ju 30 May 2017 4:53

ma 1 Jul 2030 22:25 sa 7 Mar 2033 4:53

ra 25 May 2037 22:25 me 28 Nov 2051 4:53

ju 20 Feb 2055 22:25 ke 30 Aug 2068 4:53

sa 28 Nov 2070 22:25 ve 25 Jul 2075 4:53


1) kshema:utpanna Feb 2055. Danger from 2048-2055.

End periods for Mars and Rahu dasas.


2) janma :adhana Nov 2016 & May 2017. Danger from 2001-2016

End periods for Jupiter and Rahu dasas.


3) janma :adhana May 2052 & Nov 2051. Danger from 2033 - 2051.

End periods for Mercury and Saturn dasas.


4) kshema:adhana June 2032 & March 2033. Danger from 2017-2033.

End periods for Venus and Jupiter dasas.


So bad periods are from 2001-2016, 2017-2033, 2033-2051 & 2048-2055. In

other words from 2001-2055 with an overlap from 2048-2051. The planets

involved in 1,2,4 have been good to me.


Real danger may come from Mercury and Saturn, particularly during the

overlap (2048-2051). Using janma dasa, Sep 2049 - 2051 is Me-Sa dasa.

Mercury is 3/6 lord, and Saturn in in 6th.


This would be at age of 69-71 (Madhya Ayus Jataka 36-72). Pratya dasa

(Mercury) can cause death for this Jataka. (death inflicting dasa #2)


Mercury is in Sravana owned by Moon. Moon is in 3rd close to Mandi, and

owns Rohini (where Gulika is).


This period is with overlap of Mars & Rahu dasa (#1). Sum of Sun and

Saturn falls in Aridra (owned by Rahu). (death inflicting dasa #7)


So death may occur during this period.


your sishya,





Ajit Krishnan



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