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Vim dasa -2=Q-1,2

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Jaya Jaya Jagannath,

Namasthe Gurudeva Sanjay,


My answers for the first 2 question of Vimsottari dasa part -2



1.Draw the Utpanna, Kshema and adhana dasa in your own chart and indicate the evil periods


(I have done a mistake in first lesson. Here it is again)

Moon's longitude in Capricorn = 6.12.14

Moon's longitude Uttrashada star. = 9.32.12

=34334 sec.

Dasa balance =1-(34334/48000)



Janma nakshatra is Uttrashada(21st), Kshema 4th is Satabhisa (24th), Utpanna 5th is Purvabhadra 25th and Adhana 8th is Aswini (1).


Kshema Dasa balance (Satabhisa)

Rahu 18 years. 0.2847

Rahu 5 years 1 month 14 days

DOB 1962.03.03

Rahu 5.01.14

Ending date 1967.04.17


Utpanna Dasa balance (Purvabhadra )

Jupiter 16 years. 0.2847

Jupiter 4 years 6 months and 19 days

DOB 1962 .03.03

Jupiter 4.06.19

Ending date 1966.09.22


Adhana star aswini

Ketu 7 years.2847

Ketu 1 year 11 months and 27 days

DOB 1962.03.03

Kethu 1.11.27

Ending date 1964.02.30


Janma Dasa .2847. 6 years (Sun)

= 1 year 8 months 15 days



Dasa Planet Period Age Starting date Ending Date

1.Janma Sun 1.8.15 1962.03.03 1963.11.18

2.Sampat Moon 10 1 1963.11.18 1973.11.18

3.Vipat Mars 07 11 1973.11.18 1980.11.18


4.Kshema Rahu 18 18 1980.11.18 1998.11.18

5.Pratya Jupiter 16 36 1998.11.18 2014.11.18

6.Sadha Saturn 19 52 2014.11.18 2033.11.18

7.Vadha Mercury 17 71 2033.11.18 2050.11.18

8.Mithra Kethu 07 88 2050.11.18 2057.11.18

9.Ati Mitra Venus 20 95 2057.11.18 2077.11.18 End with adhana Vada


Kshema dasa


Dasa Planet Period Age Starting date Ending Date

1.Kshema Rahu 5.01.14 1962.03.03 1967.04.17 A

2.Pratya Jupiter 16 5 1967.04.17 1983.04.17

3.Sadha Saturn 19 21 1983.04.17 2002.04.17 B

4.Vadha Mercury 17 40 2002.04.17 2019.04.17

5.Mithra Kethu 07 57 2019.04.17 2026.04.17

6.Ati Mitra Venus 20 77 2026.04.17 2046.04.17 C

7.Janma Sun 06 83 2046.04.17 2052.04.17 D

8.Sampat Moon 10 93 2052.04.17 2062.04.17

9.Vipat Mars 07 100 2062.04.17 2069.04.17 E

Uttpanna Dasa

Dasa Planet Period Age Starting date Ending Date


1.Pratya Jupiter 04.06.19 1962.03.03 1966.09.22 A

2.Sadha Saturn 19 4 1966.09.22 1985.09.22

3.Vadha Mercury 17 23 1985.09.22 2002.09.22 B

4.Mithra Kethu 07 40 2002.09.22 2009.09.22

5.Ati Mitra Venus 20 47 2009.09.22 2029.09.22

6.Janma Sun 06 67 2029.09.22 2035.09.22

7.Sampat Moon 10 73 2035.09.22 2045.09.22 C

8.Vipat Mars 07 83 2045.09.22 2052.09.22 D

9.Kshema Rahu 18 90 2052.09.22 2070.09.22 E



Adhana Dasa



Dasa Planet Period Age Starting date Ending Date


1.Mithra Kethu 01.11.27 1962.03.03 1964.02.30

2.Ati Mitra Venus 20 02 1964.02.30 1984.02.30

3.Janma Sun 06 22 1984.02.30 1990.02.30

4.Sampat Moon 10 28 1990.02.30 2000.02.30

5.Vipat Mars 07 38 2000.02.30 2007.02.30


6.Kshema Rahu 18 45 2007.02.30 2025.02.30

7.Pratya Jupiter 16 52 2025.02.30 2041.02.30

8.Sadha Saturn 19 68 2041.02.30 2060.02.30

9.Vadha Mercury 17 87 2060.02.30 2077.02.30 End with Janma dasa


I did not have any bad experience so far. When I was around age of 10 years, bitten by a dog

( just right hand) and burned right leg up to knee. Those were not critical.

from birth up to September 1966, according to Dasa, I must have undergo some danger period, but as far as I know I did not.


3rd Dasa from Kshema and Utpanna stars ending April 2002 and September 2002 respectively.

There are few months different and last antardasa operating at the movement. Maximum alpayush can go up to 40 years. Both Saturn and Mercury (dasa lords) in 8th house from lagna and Vimsottari dasa from Jnma is belong to Bhadakesh Jupiter. Further calculation need for conclusion. How ever this can be a evil period.


Again 2035 to 2045 ,2046 to 2052, 2062 to 2069 will be evil periods for me. But any of the Janma or Adhana dasa not contribute for this evil.

Again compare Janma and Adhana dasa only 2060 to 2077 will be danger.


THE DASA OF THE LORD OF THE 6th is Ketu from lagna and Mercury from Chandra lagna. Mercury is ruling up to 2002 according to Utpanna dasa.


THE STRONGER OF THE LORD OF 2ND AND 8TH. Moon and Saturn both in 8th house and conjoined Ketu, Mercury, Mars. All these planets ruling upto 2002 in Kshema and Utpanna Vimsottari dasa.


Nirayana dasa


Longitude of Sun =10 S 18.59.05

Longitude of Saturn =09 S 13.25.50

Total = 20 02.24.55

-12 =08 S 02.24.55

Sagittarius 02.24.55= This is Mula 1st pada.

8695/480000* 7

After 1 year, 3 months and 23 days in Ketu dasa, again danger.This is after year 2050 according to Vimsottari dasa from Janma nakshatra.


From Gulika;

Longitude of gulika 17 Aqua 50, Satabhisha 4th pada. It is 11deg 10 mins of Rahu's nakshastra or ( 11.10/13.20) after 15 years of Rahu MD or year 1995 according to Janma nakshastra dasa, body could be afflicted by poisonous.




Q-2 Why is the balance of Kshema, Utpanna and Adhana Dasa is calculated on the basis of the Moon's position and not hte Lagna


I am agree with the answer of Gauranga. How ever, BPHS says, Moon is mind. Moon or mind when strong in horoscope gives life and strength. We find that even the lagna is strong, if moon is week native can experience danger.

I think Moon is the planet who bring past karma as results of sins, desires for this life. Moon having vital responsible for unfulfilled desires in past life, and past karma Moon must indicate this all by placement. So we take Moon's longitude for check evil results of Vimsottari dasa. Can some one rectify me please ?


Hare Krishna


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