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Query - LESSON 13: Using Progressions in Jyotish

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Dear Solai,


I hope everyone had a happy and blessed Magha Pournima.


Here are my answers to your questions.





> Namaste Narasimha,


> I applied this to my chart for the marriage. But, I am unable to

find any

> relevance of the date of the marriage to the important marriage


> points.


> I give below the chart for reference.


> My marriage was on 21st October 1991.


> Sun's Navamsa progression at this date is 89 degree 43 minutes


> Calculation:

> 26 years 11 months = 26.916667

> 26.916667 x 3.333333 = 89.72 = 89 degree 43 minutes. = 2s29.43


> Sun's position is 7s5.41

> So, 2s29.43+7s5.41 = 10s5.24 = 5 Aq 24


> 1.My Vivaha seham is 22 Sc 21, which is not in trines or opposite.

> 2.UL lord (both in Rasi & Navamsa) Jupiter is not in trine or in


> 3.7th lord is Sun, it is also not in trine or opposite

> 4.7th lord in Navamsa is Mars. Sun's progression is opposite to

Mars, but

> the longitude is not exact or nearer.


> Question 1. What is wrong with my working?


Nothing is really wrong.


Note that 5Aq24 is very close to lagna lord Saturn's natal position

(5Aq19)! When no natal position particularly dominates, progression

over lagna lord can bring auspicious happenings.


In your natal chart, Saturn is lagna lord in lagna. He is very

strong. He represents progress in all matters. He aspects 7th, 7th

lord and upapada lord by graha drishti and his aspect on 7th lord is

exact. In navamsa, he is yogakaraka and occupies 7th.


In the absence of other interesting points coming at the right age,

Sun's progression over lagna lord Saturn as per navamsa progression

can bring marriage. So, it does make some sense.


> Question 2. Regarding this progressions, how far we can use this in

> predictive astrology?


Anything can be used in predictive astrology, but understand it

first. Work out as many examples as you can and then you will

completely grasp the governing principles.


> Question 3. I think we have to consider only the progression of sun


> particular point (or very nearer) and its trines or opposite. The

> 'particular points' can be Natal positions, seham, special lagnas.

Is my

> understanding correct? What are the other 'important points' other


> these to be considered?


Upagrahas too.


You can use progressed Sun & Moon. Sanjay said we don't really use



However, Sanjay once told me that important changes come in life when

a planet becomes retrograde or direct in a progression chart.


For example, take my chart (4th April 1970, 5:50 pm IST, 81e12,

16n15). Jupiter is retrograde in my chart. He becomes direct on June

23, 1970. When Jupiter became direct, Sun was at 8Ge03. Sun's

progression since birth (20Pi53) was 9 deg 7 min + 60 deg (Ar & Ta) +

8 deg 3 min = 77 deg 10 min = 77.17 deg.


Using navamsa progression (3.3333 deg per year), this corresponds to

an age of 77.17/3.3333=23.2 years. So some important positive change

is possible in navamsa matters around this age. I got married soon

after this date.


Using dasamsa progression (3 deg per year), this corresponds to an

age of 77.17/3=25.7 years. So an important change is possible in

dasamsa matters around this age. After working in 3 different jobs in

3 different countries in just 1.5 years, I found a job at the end of

1995 which brought stability.


> Question 4. In Example 7. For eye sight problem Gurudeva has


> dasamsa progression, in the sense that it is due to a karma or

action which

> lead to the poor eye sight. (a), how do we know that it is due to


> karma? firstly, there is no proven correlation in your case.

secondly, how


Though karma is normally used to mean the cumulative actions of past

lives, it really means " action " .


Because Saturn indicates poor eyesight in my chart, Sun's dasamsa

progression over him brought karma (actions) by me that activated

Saturn's result, i.e. poor eyesight.


> when some body come with an eye problem, we will decide it is due

to a karma

> or body composition? (b) this way we can correlate anything; the

effect of

> something will be the cause of some action or karma. So, is it

advisable to

> consider dasamsa progression for everything?


Let me put it this way. Dasamsa progression is a very popular

progression among some traditional pundits.


> Question 5. In hora progression within 24 years, Sun's one cycle of

> progression will be completed. So, the next progression will touch

all the

> points again in another 24 years. This identical happening is not


> So, the chart on the time of progression on certain point is

important. But,

> you didn't go into the details of analysing the progression chart.

When you

> have time please, elaborate on the interpretation of the

progression chart.

> I know it will be similar to any other chart analysis. But, if you

can do it

> with example it will help us.


I haven't worked with hora progressions.


> Question 6. Can this be extended to non Parasara vargas like, D-5,

D-6, D-8?


I request Gurudeva to answer this.


Anyway, concentrate on D-9, D-10, D-12, D-20, D-24 and D-30.


> Thanks

> Your sisya

> Solai Kannan


> Date of Birth: November 21, 1964

> Time of Birth: 1:35:35 pm

> Time Zone of Birth: 5:30 East of GMT

> Longitude of Birth: 78 E 50

> Latitude of Birth: 9 N 23


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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