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Visti ji Please comment Hiring the right engineer

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हरे राम कृष्ण॥

Dear Shobha, Namaskar

See the subordinates from the fifth house and the staff from the sixth.

Thats it. Your right, malefics are bad and benefics are good.


Yours sincerely,





Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

Jaimini SJC - Denmark

email: visti

For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com



shobha S wrote:



Respected Visti ji,

How do I find out following:

If native is a boss and wants to know how will be engineers

under him, will they be helpful, trouble maker, smart workers etc.

Benefics are good i suppose and malefics are bad, is it true?


Is it 7th house of D10? If so then

1. what would 7th lord represent?

2. What would aspect on 7th house represent?

3. What would aspect on 7th lord represent?







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OHM NAMO NAARAAYENAAYEDear Visti, For those who like to see the script of your lecture on May 19 2007 on D10 Below is the text.It does not mean that this is 100 perfect, so anyone who likes to go through this and remove or change the mistakes made? Are wellcome to do so. This script is according my capabilities. D10 Dasamsa Planets in Bhavas from Visti 1 http://www.srigaruda.com/jaimini-sjc/langswitch_lang/wp May 19, 2007 Now I have some chips how to use the Bhavas.How to analyse the Bhavas in Dasamsa when a certain job has to be identified.There are so many professions these days that an astrologer should know what kind of professions it gives when several Planets are together. This we have to research.Mars and Ketu give technical work.Mars work for real estate.Capricorn can give work with the partnersVenus; work with the eyes and design and what looks good and pretty, usually in the private sector.Sun; administration, global workMoon: helping mankind, nurturer. Mercury communication, deals with writing computerJupiter; teaching and consulting, also work with food, Mars; working with fire, cooking foodSaturn; strictly teaching, like training, hard labourRahu: Research, dealing, miningJupiter; astrologer Sun indicates executives, government service and organizational and political administrators Moon indicates commerce and occupations connected to water, the nurturing, care giving, and counselling professions, and professions that deal with the public Mercury generally indicates; merchants, writers, authors, journalists, information processing and telecommunications professions, as well as counsellors, astrologers and yes, thieves; that is the proverbial used car salesperson! Venus generally indicates professions involving personal enhancement, cosmeticians, clothier, jewellery and decorative professions, the hotel and entertainment profession Mars represents the military and all courageous professions such as police, fire department, etc. Mars also indicates mechanical ability represented in the engineering, service and medical professions Jupiter generally represents the judicial branch, such as lawyers, judges, as well as teaches, ministers, both politically and spiritually, bankers and general big picture corporate types Saturn generally speaking represents scientists, administrators, engineers, as well as the service industry and all professions associated with the earth, such as farming and agriculture. Saturn indicates recycling, waste management and anything dealing with waste or reusing waste. In our own body it is Saturn who handles our wastes and attempts to make them as usable as possible. The Nodes of the Moon basically have the same consideration as the planets in Vedic astrology Rahu, the north node of the Moon, is generally considered to represent researchers, psychotherapists, criminologists and all professions involved with penetrating insight into both the spiritual and dark side of life Ketu, the south node of the Moon, gives other worldly vocational trends, such as spiritual and religious professions, as well as vocations involving the aerospace-space industry(Rao / Divisions Amsas / Navamsa / Dharma Vocation and life purpose)When you are an astrologer, find the Sign in Dasamsa in which Jupiter is positively placed.If you are sane for your knowledge, predict about the characteristics of that Sign about your profession.Jupiter in Libra Dasamsa predict about marriage and relationships or about children and power when Jupiter is in Leo. Find the Sign in which Jupiter is placed in Dasamsa. The House will show; what you are doing to get this thing.The Sign will show the activities you will do in your profession to obtain the results from your work.When Jupiter is associated with the5H you must be loading or joining, the you must predict, that means tell about the future predictions.When Jupiter in association with the 4H; it will tell that your knowledge and primary education will work in your profession. When Jupiter in the 3House it will denote that what you write; books.Understand the activity, do that activity, it will give you fame. The basic principle is that Jupiter will give you fame. If you are a astrologer then it is the knowledge that decides on your profession.If you are a politician and you want to see your power; then you need Sun and Jupiter of course. Sloka for Dasamsa; exalted or debilitated Planets make you wealthy. Planets in Kendra in Dasamsa, which are exalted or debilitated, will get you money.Except when they are debilitated Benefics. When this Planet is a debilitated Benefic then it will get the normal strength.When a debilitated or exalted Planet is in the 8H then you will get a lot of money after retirement or when you have most your job, or when you have stopped your job. It tells what activity will be promoted for money to come.Check the House where this Planet is placed:7H: business6H: service5H: subordinates, power, authority, mission and so on. See the subordinates from the fifth house and the staff from the sixth. Thats it. You arer right, malefics are bad and benefics are good.When you look at this it will become clear which job to take and not to take. It is so hard with malefics, exalted or debilitated, you rather be without the money and without the job.Rather be without it because when we check the third level is so hard to check, you rather be without the money and without the job. The check level is too high. These are small principles of the Sun Let me add, make a new sectionThe Sun is the job giver and the Moon is you, getting support in the job. That will be in the Rasi chart. For a client; If an Antara Dasa comes for the Planet in the 10H from Moon in the Dasamsa, then the person will look desperately for a job. This example has been treated in earlier lessons in Rasi, but now it is only in Dasamsa.If the 4th from Sun in Dasamsa get activated in its Maha Dasa the there will be a lot of work for you available in the Maha Dasa. We see Dasa period levels:In the Dasamsa we see the Maha Dasa of Sun; to see the job availability Antara Dasa from Moon; we see how the community is supporting us or how it is satisfying our job, or do we want to get a new job.Pratiyamsa Dasa level from Lagna; we see which events is actual manifesting in the job. The principle to Lagna is actually the organ in the Maha Dasa and the Antara Dasa. And this is the predicament that the astrologer will face.From Sun we see the job availability, From Moon we see whether you want a new job, From Lagna we see the actual event happening in the job, the Narayana event.In the chart you must look to the main Karaka; the Sun Mercury, Moon;What about the Arudhas?When people change their work, you will have to see a different Arudha. The Arudha in DasamsaThe Arudha Lagna in Rasi is the actual ArudhaThe 8L in Dasamsa is actually the Arudha of the workplace. The Arudha is that what can be seen, that what is manifesting. The Image. The House itself is the truth, that which is actually going on. Your working is the 10H but there is also your working and the image of it. The image of what kind of company you are working for. The LL is associated with the Houses which call you to leave the job. For example the 8H, when there is Yoga between the LL and the 8L.When the LL is in the 8H then the person will change the job. And when the boss tries to kick you out, the there is an association between the 9H and the 8H. When there is a connection the 9H and the 8H, then the boss tries to kick you out, but sometimes the boss cannot kick you out and does political things. What the boss wants you can see from the 9H and the 9L.People sometimes have contract jobs, the also have short term bosses. In that case there is an association between the 6H and the 9H. These are contract jobs.There difficulties may arise when you analyse the job of a person in case he has contract jobs. Example Horoscope: ShangilaAug 7 1963 9.15 PMSambapoor India84E01 22N28Dasamsa Lagna Pisces.We should develop a systematic way of approach. LL and LagnaLagna is Pisces; LL Jupiter in 5H; the person does all the work instead of the subordinates. The person enjoys working a lot, he is an astrologer (Jupiter) he predicts and tells about the future. Cancer indicates the Moon which stands for the family unite, feeling good, being at home, happiness. Moon; mother, family, home, many people, natural disasters, politics and bureaucrats. The person was/is very well known about the predictions of Venus relationships. He is known because of the Upapada. The Moon which has to do about the Arudha. Lets take the first job.Moon is in 6H and Lords the 5H with Jupiter and Venus. This indicates astrology, but at first; it is a “third person†situation, so he did this as a hobby but not as a profession. Is the business stronger or is the service stronger. (6 or 7)Two Planets are in the 6H so service is stronger. Moon and Ketu. Which one is stronger? Moon is in 19 degrees and Ketu in 25 degrees. So Moon is stronger.Rahu is Darakaraka indicating to be the weakest Charakaraka in degrees. So we take Moon first.Moon is in the 6H in the Sign of the Sun.Moon indicates something with people; and a certain social level. In Leo; is politics.The first thing did in his job was the activities of the Moon. He worked in a bureautocratic department.Indeed the 5L Moon is in the 6H, and the 5H is about predicting in Jyotish (Jupiter), but this activity was not at a professional level. It occurred as a hobby, a third person level.After his job with Moon at this department he is doing Ketu work.Ketu is there; Ketu has affinity with Mars and Mars is engineering and Ketu is a more intricate work like computers and microprocessors. But Ketu is also in Leo again, so this work is again in the same political department; Still in Government, but he was encouraged to go into defence. Ketu relates to the internal defence and Rahu indicates spies and foreign ministries. About fines and this could be intelligence work. All this in Leo which is about Politics.Next level; Now the Lord of the 6H which is Sun and is debilitated in Libra. He tried to startup something with his father. He tried to start a business with his father, but he was not a business partner, he was helping his father. Sun is in the 8H and debilitated and it collapsed completely, it caused a lot of trouble. . Next we see the Planets who have Rasi Drishti on the 6H.There is no Planet that aspects the 6House except the Sun. And the influence of Sun we just wrote down.Now we have done with the House, the Lord and the aspecting Planets.Next step is the 10H and this is occupied by Mercury. Mercury is about writing.He wrote books on Jyotish because of Mercury in the 10H.Because Mercury is also the 7L and he wanted to do it as a business. Because of 7L in the 10H; writing magazines etc. because of the 7L Mercury in the 10H.The Lord of the 10H Jupiter:Jupiter the Lord of the 10H in the 5H; predictions, consultations, he could do Jyotish consultations because of this. The 3L Venus is together with Jupiter in the 5H; indicating that this job will be his last job because Venus is the L8H and he will be doing this job till the end of his days. Because of the 8L and the 3L. The 3L shows that he could take a lot of time off and could go on vacation. Question? Does the 4L placed in the 10H show that his office is in his home? Good point!However, this profession is highly connected with his working place so there is a strong connection with his office. He needs to sit in front of his computer to do his work. That is Mercury work and that means writing.We see that Mars in the 7H (Mercury business)Mars in Virgo uses to show something in printing.Virgo is a Sign of writing. The nature of his writing:To see the nature of writing, then you will have to see the Sign where Mercury is placed: this Sign is of Jupiter and Jupiter is about Jyotish – writing, prediction, consultations.Because the Sign Sagittarius is involved and Jupiter is involved and that is why it is about Jyotish. Mercury L4 (+ L7) is placed in 10HMercury is in the House of Jupiter and Jupiter is in exaltation in Cancer.The Arudha of the 4H is in Pisces: Lord of Pisces is Jupiter and Jupiter is in exaltation in Cancer.Again Jupiter and this person were working in US government offices. With big majestic buildings. Mercury is aspecting A4 so both Jupiter and Mercury influences re there like in Condalizza Rice example 1c., where Mercury and Jupiter have an influence on the A4 Lord. Next chart.Male august 17 19714.30 AM 6 hours west Wixla Mexico128W 60N09Dasamsa Lagna is Gemini. LL is placed in the 8H Retrograde.Prediction is that there will be a lot of change and determination in the work, and the person will leave his job quickly. Visti: I don’t know whether this is the case but we should use this information in the further prediction.Sun is in the 3rd House, own House, together with Jupiter; so there will be plenty opportunities to have a job. The first job; Venus and Moon are in the 7H so business is stronger (no Planets in the 6H).It shows that the person is not wanting to do service (LL in 8H) and is pushed to do business, because of the strong 7H.The Shukra Chandra Yoga in the 7H is related to people and in the Sign of Sagittarius it points towards spirituality. This person is a disciple and does most of the Puja for people. He does also astrology for people. Sagittarius is a temple. A lot of people are coming to he for consulting. Venus is consulting and the people are mostly from the opposite sexes. The 5L Venus in the 7H points towards Mantra Pada, Moon is L2H Karmasthana; generally Moon is related towards singing, in this case Mantra 5H. Sagittarius is the temple where he works.7L Jupiter L7H is in the 3H together with the Sun. This particularly points towards Jyotish consulting. Sun in Leo is related to administration. There is a lot of spirituality there. Because he is a priest, his Lagna should be different! In Dasamsa!It looks great isn’t it? Next chart.Male September 16 196711.15 AM 5.30 hours east Machilipadnam India81W08 16N10Dasamsa Lagna is Scorpio First thing.The ruler of the Lagna: LL Mars in 12H, LL Ketu in 2H, but Mars is with 2nd Planet so stronger. LL in 12H will make him move from country to country. Travel north.2H has to do with our motivation.Ketu in 2H has to do with microprocessors and computers.He likes to work with computers. He likes the technical work through Ketu.6H and 7H; AK Sun is in 7H and Saturn ® in 6H; sometimes he works as a consultant agent in business and he also works in a company as a servant. Correct!What does the Sun in the 7H; The business he is doing is through the Sun and the Sun provides work to others, so this person will provide work to others. He led the business that lend out consultancy of others. It is in the Sign of Venus so it shows marriaging the people, dealing with them in this way. In 6H there is Saturn debilitated and retrograde. This is an interesting scenario! Saturn is in the 6H and Mars is in the 12 House, which is a Yoga for madness. This guy has many menial jobs to do in his office, service job. He doing a computers job. His main work comes up when the computers crashed. Look in his chart where Saturn is debilitated; so people are fearing something and he is needed to do this and paid well for it. He is called to repair this and he gets a lot of money for this because Saturn is Neecha.Why is it computers? Saturn is in Sign of Mars: Saturn shows fixing things, hard labour, and repairMars is together with Mercury and Mercury shows software, database. He fixed the database. He does it in a foreign country. USA 12HSaturn L3 so sometimes he could choose to take leave, but Saturn also L4 and that means that when a computer crashes he is very busy. Moon in the 4H would give him a very nice stable job. With regular hours. Saturn Neecha, much money from it, Mars aspects, madness is going on in the office, computer crashes. Neecha causes to earn a lot of money from the work. Maki Brahmana Yoga. People are screaming that the computers are not working and they pay him well for repair.Many professions which he was doing, due to Saturn is in the 6H, but later on consulting came because Jupiter is on the 10H and. Condalizza Rice 1cNov 14 195411.18 AM6H West 86W48 33N31Scorpio Lagna. Ketu in 12H a lot of travel due to work.Mars in 6H offers stability in service work which is going on; What kind of service work? Mars joins Rahu and Saturn. Ones I said; Rahu is Bin Laden and Saturn is Sadam Housein, and these two Planets join Mars in the 6House, so it is a mess that is going on. And it is Mars who tries to establish security. There is a lot of hectic work going on. And you can also see that Rahu and Saturn own the 4H, and this shows sudden and crazy working hours, because of the 4L ship. Moon in the 4H shows very stable working hours but Moon in the 4H is aspected by Mars, Saturn and Rahu Rasi Drishti; shows a lot of instability hectic work surrounding. Due to Moon it is most of the time nice and stable, but suddenly unrest breaks out. Nice surrounding and architecture, marble tables, white walls etc (Moon). The Arudha of the 4H Which Yoga is involved?Jupiter and Mercury are having Rasi Drishti on each other. And people who work in the White House are governed by Jupiter.Buddha is aspected by Guru and Guru has Rasi Drishti on Buddha. So she has an association with people who have that kind of appearances. Which Yoga is there in the 8H?What happens when the 8L is in the 3H? While the person is on vacation, he might decide to stop his job. I have had enough of this work.Jupiter means consultations and Venus Sign is about people and how to manage things. When Venus is in the 9H it means that contracts can be made.How is her boss?Venus and Sun in the 9H and Moon is in the 4H; Moon L9 in 4H means; the boss spends a lot of time in the office. Venus and Sun in the 9H, so the boss can have a strong influence of Venus on his Lagna!Most probably the boss will have Cancer Lagna with Venus in it and Moon association.Sun in his Lagna means a very good boss. Look at the Sun and the work availabilities!Mercury in the 3H; Condaleezza Rice may write a lot and it will show growth 3H (and 6H)What is insuring the growth in the work. (writing)What is stimulating her work, what kind of motivation?There is no Planet in the 2nd House, so look at the Lord of the 2H.Working in the White House through Jupiter and the association with Mercury, a power full Yoga, she likes to go as a majesties person to her work, but also influence of Jupiter in Venus Sign; law, upholding law, protecting people, human rights.Jupiter is human beings with high intelligence. Taurus in this connection means; how she works; in a group of people, managing resources, so to get the right people for the right job. George W Bush Junior.Juli 6 19467.26 AM 4 hours West72W55 41N18Rasi Lagna: Cancer Moon in the 6H; So this person likes to some service; he likes to get his hands dirty.The motivation is from the 2H; so he is motivated by business. Growth in business L3Bush is trying to make an immigrating system and in that way US is going to make lots of money. He is working hard on that because he believes in that. He believes that business is making the world go round. Three Planets in the 6H and two Planets in the 7HService has a MKS Planet Venus in it. Sun is also there together with LL Moon.Venus is not good and something is going to flop because Venus is there. If he tries to get his hand on movies, cars, arts, design it goes wrong. Degrees; Venus is AK the strongest Planet. Venus is the initial work and this will flop.Moon LL in Sagittarius; He will do something related to burocracy. Moon in Sagittarius.Sun is profession in the Sign; PoliticsThe Lord of the 2H is placed in the 6H; Very much motivated to make his hands dirty and also his father pressed him to do as such and it is a “family†thing because Sun is Matrikaraka.What is going on with the business in the 7H?Sun is Matrikaraka; PoliticsWhat is going on with the business in the 7H?Mars is exalted and Jupiter is debilitated so there is a lot of stress involved because of this debilitation, but it is through Jupiter that he actually won and became president. Jupiter shows judges and Jupiter in 7H Neecha means a strong gain from judgesHe earned a lot through Jupiter being in the 11H from AL in Rasi. There Jupiter is in 11H from Arudha Lagna; means protection.He needed the law to do what he aimed at and Jupiter rules the law. Mars is exalted that means that he had to go to war and he also gets a lot of money from that, from fighting.Mars is but in Maraka Sthana and that means fighting. Mars being exalted in Dasamsa: means; earning money from this.Saturn is L7 and Neecha in 10H and brings also a lot of money; from what? From war.All these things made it more look like he is doing a kind of business. It looks he gets money from this. His boss is the 9H which is Pisces; and that means that his boss has to do with higher goods, high principles etc. principles. Ketu in Pisces. From: vistiDate: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 08:41:56 +0100Re: [Om Krishna Guru] >>>>>Visti ji <<<<<<Please comment>>>>> Hiring the right engineerहरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥Dear Shobha, NamaskarSee the subordinates from the fifth house and the staff from the sixth. Thats it. Your right, malefics are bad and benefics are good.Yours sincerely, -- Visti Larsen - SJC GuruJaimini SJC - Denmark email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) comFor consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com shobha S wrote: Respected Visti ji,How do I find out following:If native is a boss and wants to know how will be engineers under him, will they be helpful, trouble maker, smart workers etc. Benefics are good i suppose and malefics are bad, is it true? Is it 7th house of D10? If so then 1. what would 7th lord represent?2. What would aspect on 7th house represent?3. What would aspect on 7th lord represent? Shobha Deel al je foto's met je vrienden! Maak je eigen online plek! Windows Live Spaces

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dear visti, 5th you say is for subordinates and 6th for staff. as i understand the 6th house, it shows workers and servants right??we in india have helpers at home , so those have to be seen from the 6th , right? and what would ketu in 6th show?? i think you are online at the moment!! trust all is going fine with you. warm regards rhodaVisti Larsen <visti wrote: हरे राम कृष्ण॥ Dear Shobha, NamaskarSee the subordinates from the fifth house and the staff from the sixth. Thats it. Your right, malefics are bad and benefics are good. Yours sincerely, -- Visti Larsen - SJC GuruJaimini SJC - Denmark email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) comFor consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com shobha S wrote: Respected Visti ji, How do I find out following: If native is a boss and wants to know how will be engineers under him, will they

be helpful, trouble maker, smart workers etc. Benefics are good i suppose and malefics are bad, is it true? Is it 7th house of D10? If so then 1. what would 7th lord represent? 2. What would aspect on 7th house represent? 3. What would aspect on 7th lord represent? Shobha

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The beejaksharas are deposits of energy. Hence, they can not be recited with out the proper diksha.


Even then they can be recited only within the restrictions as placed by the Gurus.


For eg., a nityakshari recital (daily chanting of beejakshara) can not be done during shoucham(when somebody near or dear died), during the pitr karma( annual rituals for the departed), during the periods of the unmarried eldest daughter in the family etc. You will have to give that responsibility to someone else who is not connected with these problems during such period.


On the other hand, if a woman is to recite, which is in fact very dilegently discouraged, she should not do so during her periods and the child bearing time. She has to delegate the responsibility to someone else during such period.


Hope this clarifies.


Kishore patnaik



On 11/5/07, Rhoda Reporter <rhodes10 wrote:







dear visti,

5th you say is for subordinates and 6th for staff.

as i understand the 6th house, it shows workers and servants right??we in india have helpers at home , so those have to be seen from the 6th , right?

and what would ketu in 6th show??

i think you are online at the moment!! trust all is going fine with you.

warm regards

rhoda Visti Larsen <visti wrote:





हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥

Dear Shobha, NamaskarSee the subordinates from the fifth house and the staff from the sixth. Thats it. Your right, malefics are bad and benefics are good.

Yours sincerely, -- Visti Larsen - SJC GuruJaimini SJC - Denmark email: visti

For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com shobha S wrote:


Respected Visti ji,

How do I find out following:

If native is a boss and wants to know how will be engineers under him, will they be helpful, trouble maker, smart workers etc. Benefics are good i suppose and malefics are bad, is it true?


Is it 7th house of D10? If so then

1. what would 7th lord represent?

2. What would aspect on 7th house represent?

3. What would aspect on 7th lord represent?








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Respected Visitji, namaskar. What would 7th house in D10 represent? Is it business partners? ShobhaVisti Larsen <visti wrote: हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥ Dear Shobha, NamaskarSee the subordinates from the fifth house and the staff from the sixth. Thats it. Your right, malefics are bad and benefics are good. Yours sincerely, -- Visti Larsen - SJC GuruJaimini SJC -

Denmark email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) comFor consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com shobha S wrote: Respected Visti ji, How do I find out following: If native is a boss and wants to know how will be engineers under him, will they be helpful, trouble maker, smart workers etc. Benefics are good i suppose and malefics are bad, is it true? Is it 7th house of D10? If so then 1. what would 7th lord represent? 2. What would aspect on 7th house represent? 3. What would aspect on 7th lord represent? Shobha Tired of

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हरे राम कृष्ण॥

Dear Shobha, Namaskar



Yours sincerely,





Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

Jaimini SJC - Denmark

email: visti

For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com



shobha S wrote:



Respected Visitji,


What would 7th house in D10 represent? Is it business partners?




Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:



हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥

Dear Shobha, Namaskar

See the subordinates from the fifth house and the staff from the sixth.

Thats it. Your right, malefics are bad and benefics are good.


Yours sincerely,


Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

Jaimini SJC - Denmark

email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com



shobha S wrote:



Respected Visti ji,

How do I find out following:

If native is a boss and wants to know how will be engineers

under him, will they be helpful, trouble maker, smart workers etc.

Benefics are good i suppose and malefics are bad, is it true?


Is it 7th house of D10? If so then

1. what would 7th lord represent?

2. What would aspect on 7th house represent?

3. What would aspect on 7th lord represent?

















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||Namah Shivaya||

Dear Visti,


Aplogies for jumping in..on this..but correct me I am wrong:

In D10- 7H is judged differently for people in job or business. In business 7H shows the actual trade or business while the lord shows the partners.


Best wishes






Visti Larsen

Monday, November 05, 2007 6:00 PM

Re: [Om Krishna Guru] >>>>>Visti ji <<<<<<Please comment>>>>> Hiring the right engineer



हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥

Dear Shobha, NamaskarYes.

Yours sincerely, -- Visti Larsen - SJC GuruJaimini SJC - Denmark email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) comFor consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com shobha S wrote:

Respected Visitji,


What would 7th house in D10 represent? Is it business partners?


ShobhaVisti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:



हरे राम कृषà¥Âण॥

Dear Shobha, NamaskarSee the subordinates from the fifth house and the staff from the sixth. Thats it. Your right, malefics are bad and benefics are good.

Yours sincerely, -- Visti Larsen - SJC GuruJaimini SJC - Denmark email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) comFor consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com shobha S wrote:


Respected Visti ji,

How do I find out following:

If native is a boss and wants to know how will be engineers under him, will they be helpful, trouble maker, smart workers etc. Benefics are good i suppose and malefics are bad, is it true?


Is it 7th house of D10? If so then

1. what would 7th lord represent?

2. What would aspect on 7th house represent?

3. What would aspect on 7th lord represent?




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hare rama krsna


Dear Sharat  , Namaskar


7L is related to public relation in Dasamsa chart.



Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

Consultations & Articles: 





 Sharat napisał(a):






||Namah Shivaya||

Dear Visti,


Aplogies for jumping in..on this..but correct me I am wrong:

In D10- 7H is judged differently for people in job or business.

In business 7H shows the actual trade or business while the lord shows

the partners.


Best wishes






Visti Larsen

@ .


Monday, November 05, 2007 6:00 PM

Re: [Om Krishna Guru]

>>>>>Visti ji <<<<<<Please

comment>>>>> Hiring the right engineer




हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥


Dear Shobha, Namaskar



Yours sincerely,


Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

Jaimini SJC - Denmark

email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda. com


shobha S wrote:



Respected Visitji,


What would 7th house in D10 represent? Is it business





Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT)

com> wrote:



हरे राम कृषà¥Âण॥

Dear Shobha, Namaskar

See the subordinates from the fifth house and the staff from the sixth.

Thats it. Your right, malefics are bad and benefics are good.


Yours sincerely,


Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

Jaimini SJC - Denmark

email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda. com


shobha S wrote:



Respected Visti ji,

How do I find out following:

If native is a boss and wants to know how will be

engineers under him, will they be helpful, trouble maker, smart workers

etc. Benefics are good i suppose and malefics are bad, is it true?


Is it 7th house of D10? If so then

1. what would 7th lord represent?

2. What would aspect on 7th house represent?

3. What would aspect on 7th lord represent?



____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __










____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __




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||Namah Shivaya||

Dear Rafal,


Thanks for your reply.

In Job, 7L is public relations but in Business it shows the ' partners ', if any.

Do correct me if this is wrong.


Best wishes






Rafal Gendarz

Monday, November 05, 2007 9:35 PM

Re: [Om Krishna Guru] >>>>>Visti ji <<<<<<Please comment>>>>> Hiring the right engineer



hare rama krsnaDear Sharat , Namaskar7L is related to public relation in Dasamsa chart.Regards,Rafal Gendarz Sri Jagannath Center Guruemail: rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) comConsultations & Articles: http://rohinaa.com Sharat napisał(a):




||Namah Shivaya||

Dear Visti,


Aplogies for jumping in..on this..but correct me I am wrong:

In D10- 7H is judged differently for people in job or business. In business 7H shows the actual trade or business while the lord shows the partners.


Best wishes






Visti Larsen


Monday, November 05, 2007 6:00 PM

Re: [Om Krishna Guru] >>>>>Visti ji <<<<<<Please comment>>>>> Hiring the right engineer



हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥

Dear Shobha, NamaskarYes.

Yours sincerely, -- Visti Larsen - SJC GuruJaimini SJC - Denmark email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) comFor consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda. com shobha S wrote:


Respected Visitji,


What would 7th house in D10 represent? Is it business partners?


ShobhaVisti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:



हरे राम कृषà¥Âण॥

Dear Shobha, NamaskarSee the subordinates from the fifth house and the staff from the sixth. Thats it. Your right, malefics are bad and benefics are good.

Yours sincerely, -- Visti Larsen - SJC GuruJaimini SJC - Denmark email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) comFor consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda. com shobha S wrote:


Respected Visti ji,

How do I find out following:

If native is a boss and wants to know how will be engineers under him, will they be helpful, trouble maker, smart workers etc. Benefics are good i suppose and malefics are bad, is it true?


Is it 7th house of D10? If so then

1. what would 7th lord represent?

2. What would aspect on 7th house represent?

3. What would aspect on 7th lord represent?



____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __ http://mail.

____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __ http://mail.

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hare rama krsna


Dear Sharat  , Namaskar


Like Vistiji said.


Sanjayji says in last lecture that malefics in 7H gives jelous people

so their character naturally can be seen from seventh bhava. Public

relation is connected to your inteligence/efforts so lord is involved.



Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal

Consultations & Articles: 





 Sharat napisał(a):






||Namah Shivaya||

Dear Rafal,


Thanks for your reply.

In Job, 7L is public relations but in Business it shows the '

partners ', if any.

Do correct me if this is wrong.


Best wishes






Rafal Gendarz

@ .


Monday, November 05, 2007 9:35 PM

Re: [Om Krishna Guru]

>>>>>Visti ji <<<<<<Please

comment>>>>> Hiring the right engineer




hare rama krsna


Dear Sharat  , Namaskar


7L is related to public relation in Dasamsa chart.



Rafal Gendarz

Sri Jagannath Center Guru

email: rafal (AT) rohinaa (DOT) com

Consultations & Articles:  http://rohinaa.





 Sharat napisał(a):





||Namah Shivaya||

Dear Visti,


Aplogies for jumping in..on this..but correct me I am wrong:


In D10- 7H is judged differently for people in job or

business. In business 7H shows the actual trade or business while the

lord shows the partners.


Best wishes






Visti Larsen

@ .


Monday, November 05, 2007 6:00 PM

Re: [Om Krishna Guru]

>>>>>Visti ji <<<<<<Please

comment>>>>> Hiring the right engineer




हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥


Dear Shobha, Namaskar



Yours sincerely,


Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

Jaimini SJC - Denmark

email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda. com


shobha S wrote:



Respected Visitji,


What would 7th house in D10 represent? Is it business





Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT)

com> wrote:



हरे राम कृषà¥Âण॥

Dear Shobha, Namaskar

See the subordinates from the fifth house and the staff from the sixth.

Thats it. Your right, malefics are bad and benefics are good.


Yours sincerely,


Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

Jaimini SJC - Denmark

email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda. com


shobha S wrote:



Respected Visti ji,

How do I find out following:

If native is a boss and wants to know how will be

engineers under him, will they be helpful, trouble maker, smart workers

etc. Benefics are good i suppose and malefics are bad, is it true?


Is it 7th house of D10? If so then

1. what would 7th lord represent?

2. What would aspect on 7th house represent?

3. What would aspect on 7th lord represent?



____________ _________ _________ _________ _________











____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __




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Hello Visti sir,

What is the meaning of headless servants?

I have Ketu,Sun,Mercury,venus in 6th from lagna in

rasi. So what does all these planets mean in sixth?

Good to learn all these.




--- Visti Larsen <visti wrote:


> ??? ??? ??????


> Dear Rhoda, Namaskar

> Everything is fine. Lots of work keeping me busy,

> but i always have a

> mail for you.

> Sixth is ones servants, so the servants in ones

> daily life are seen from

> the sixth from lagna in rasi, whilst the servants at

> the job are seen

> from the sixth from lagna in dasamsa. So this is

> specifically with

> reference to those who serve us in the office.


> Ketu in sixth shows headless servants.


> Yours sincerely,


> --

> Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> email: visti

> <visti

> For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit:

> http://srigaruda.com

> <http://srigaruda.com>


> Rhoda Reporter wrote:

> > dear visti,

> > 5th you say is for subordinates and 6th for

> staff.

> > as i understand the 6th house, it shows workers

> and servants right??

> > we in india have helpers at home , so those have

> to be seen from the

> > 6th , right?

> > and what would ketu in 6th show??

> > i think you are online at the moment!! trust

> all is going fine

> > with you.

> > warm regards

> > rhoda

> > */Visti Larsen <visti/* wrote:

> >

> > ??? ??? ??????

> > Dear Shobha, Namaskar

> > See the subordinates from the fifth house and

> the staff from the

> > sixth. Thats it. Your right, malefics are bad

> and benefics are good.

> > Yours sincerely,

> > --

> > Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> > Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> > email: visti

> <visti

> > For consultations, free mp3's and articles

> visit:

> > http://srigaruda.com <http://srigaruda.com/>

> >

> > shobha S wrote:

> >> Respected Visti ji,

> >> How do I find out following:

> >> If native is a boss and wants to know how

> will be engineers under

> >> him, will they be helpful, trouble maker,

> smart workers etc.

> >> Benefics are good i suppose and malefics are

> bad, is it true?

> >>

> >> Is it 7th house of D10? If so then

> >> 1. what would 7th lord represent?

> >> 2. What would aspect on 7th house represent?

> >> 3. What would aspect on 7th lord represent?

> >>

> >> Shobha

> >>


> >>

> >> Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam

> protection around

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam

> protection around

> >

> >

> >








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हरे राम कृष्ण॥

Dear Prasad, Namaskar

Ketu causes one to act without thinking. We call this headlessness. Sun

in sixth will give servants who have alot of pride, to the extent that

it can give ego problems. Mercury there may end up making you the

servant instead, as its the karaka for work. Venus there shows servants

who will always catch your eye... this may not be healthy for married



Yours sincerely,





Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

Jaimini SJC - Denmark

email: visti

For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com



PRASAD BR wrote:



Hello Visti sir,

What is the meaning of headless servants?

I have Ketu,Sun,Mercury,venus in 6th from lagna in

rasi. So what does all these planets mean in sixth?

Good to learn all these.




--- Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>



> ??? ??? ??????


> Dear Rhoda, Namaskar

> Everything is fine. Lots of work keeping me busy,

> but i always have a

> mail for you.

> Sixth is ones servants, so the servants in ones

> daily life are seen from

> the sixth from lagna in rasi, whilst the servants at

> the job are seen

> from the sixth from lagna in dasamsa. So this is

> specifically with

> reference to those who serve us in the office.


> Ketu in sixth shows headless servants.


> Yours sincerely,


> --

> Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

> <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>

> For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit:

> http://srigaruda.com


> <http://srigaruda.com>


> Rhoda Reporter wrote:

> > dear visti,

> > 5th you say is for subordinates and 6th for

> staff.

> > as i understand the 6th house, it shows workers

> and servants right??

> > we in india have helpers at home , so those have

> to be seen from the

> > 6th , right?

> > and what would ketu in 6th show??

> > i think you are online at the moment!! trust

> all is going fine

> > with you.

> > warm regards

> > rhoda

> > */Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>/*


> >

> > ??? ??? ??????

> > Dear Shobha, Namaskar

> > See the subordinates from the fifth house and

> the staff from the

> > sixth. Thats it. Your right, malefics are bad

> and benefics are good.

> > Yours sincerely,

> > --

> > Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> > Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> > email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

> <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>

> > For consultations, free mp3's and articles

> visit:

> > http://srigaruda.com


> >

> > shobha S wrote:

> >> Respected Visti ji,

> >> How do I find out following:

> >> If native is a boss and wants to know how

> will be engineers under

> >> him, will they be helpful, trouble maker,

> smart workers etc.

> >> Benefics are good i suppose and malefics are

> bad, is it true?

> >>

> >> Is it 7th house of D10? If so then

> >> 1. what would 7th lord represent?

> >> 2. What would aspect on 7th house represent?

> >> 3. What would aspect on 7th lord represent?

> >>

> >> Shobha

> >>


> >>

> >> Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam

> protection around

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam

> protection around

> >

> >

> >







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dear visti, indeed very interesting what you write about the 6th house. what happens to those with sun, mercury , venus and rahu in 6th!!! i am really waiting to hear from you, as you will give me the correct answer. looking forward!! rhodaVisti Larsen <visti wrote: हरे राम

कृष्ण॥ Dear Prasad, NamaskarKetu causes one to act without thinking. We call this headlessness. Sun in sixth will give servants who have alot of pride, to the extent that it can give ego problems. Mercury there may end up making you the servant instead, as its the karaka for work. Venus there shows servants who will always catch your eye... this may not be healthy for married life. Yours sincerely, -- Visti Larsen - SJC GuruJaimini SJC - Denmark email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) comFor consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com PRASAD BR wrote: Hello Visti sir,What is the meaning of headless servants?I have

Ketu,Sun,Mercury,venus in 6th from lagna inrasi. So what does all these planets mean in sixth?Good to learn all these.RegardsPrasad--- Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:> ??? ??? ??????> > Dear Rhoda, Namaskar> Everything is fine. Lots of work keeping me busy,> but i always have a > mail for you.> Sixth is ones servants, so the servants in ones> daily life are seen from > the sixth from lagna in rasi, whilst the servants at> the job are seen > from the sixth from lagna in dasamsa. So this is> specifically with > reference to those who serve us in the office.> > Ketu in sixth shows headless servants.> > Yours sincerely,> > -- > Visti Larsen - SJC Guru> Jaimini SJC - Denmark> email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>> For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit:> http://srigaruda.com > <http://srigaruda.com>> > Rhoda Reporter wrote:> > dear visti,> > 5th you say is for subordinates and 6th for> staff.> > as i understand the 6th house, it shows workers> and servants right??> > we in india have helpers at home , so those have> to be seen from the > > 6th , right?> > and what would ketu in 6th show??> > i think you are online at the moment!! trust> all is going fine > > with you.> > warm regards> > rhoda> > */Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>/* wrote:> >> > ??? ??? ??????> > Dear Shobha, Namaskar> > See the subordinates from the fifth house and> the staff from the> > sixth. Thats it. Your right, malefics are bad> and benefics are good.> > Yours sincerely,> > -- > > Visti Larsen - SJC Guru> > Jaimini SJC - Denmark> > email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>> > For consultations, free mp3's and articles> visit:> > http://srigaruda.com <http://srigaruda.com/>> >> > shobha S wrote:> >> Respected Visti ji,> >> How do I find out

following:> >> If native is a boss and wants to know how> will be engineers under> >> him, will they be helpful, trouble maker,> smart workers etc.> >> Benefics are good i suppose and malefics are> bad, is it true?> >> > >> Is it 7th house of D10? If so then> >> 1. what would 7th lord represent?> >> 2. What would aspect on 7th house represent?> >> 3. What would aspect on 7th lord represent?> >> > >> Shobha> >> > > >> > >> Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam> protection around> >> > >> >> >

> > > > Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam> protection around> > > >> > >

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हरे राम कृष्ण॥

Dear Rhoda, Namaskar

I have only spoken of individual planetary placements in the sixth. A

combined yoga has a distinct result, and whether or not there are nodes

involved, these planets will create alot of greed (lobha) in the native.


The addition of Rahu in the sixth can cause cheating from servants,

or foreign servants.


Yours sincerely,





Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

Jaimini SJC - Denmark

email: visti

For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com



Rhoda Reporter wrote:



dear visti,

indeed very interesting what you write about the 6th house.

what happens to those with sun, mercury , venus and rahu in


i am really waiting to hear from you, as you will give me the

correct answer.

looking forward!!



Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:



हरे राम कृष्ण॥

Dear Prasad, Namaskar

Ketu causes one to act without thinking. We call this headlessness. Sun

in sixth will give servants who have alot of pride, to the extent that

it can give ego problems. Mercury there may end up making you the

servant instead, as its the karaka for work. Venus there shows servants

who will always catch your eye... this may not be healthy for married



Yours sincerely,


Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

Jaimini SJC - Denmark

email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com



PRASAD BR wrote:



Hello Visti sir,

What is the meaning of headless servants?

I have Ketu,Sun,Mercury,venus in 6th from lagna in

rasi. So what does all these planets mean in sixth?

Good to learn all these.




--- Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>



> ??? ??? ??????


> Dear Rhoda, Namaskar

> Everything is fine. Lots of work keeping me busy,

> but i always have a

> mail for you.

> Sixth is ones servants, so the servants in ones

> daily life are seen from

> the sixth from lagna in rasi, whilst the servants at

> the job are seen

> from the sixth from lagna in dasamsa. So this is

> specifically with

> reference to those who serve us in the office.


> Ketu in sixth shows headless servants.


> Yours sincerely,


> --

> Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

> <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>

> For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit:

> http://srigaruda.com


> <http://srigaruda.com>


> Rhoda Reporter wrote:

> > dear visti,

> > 5th you say is for subordinates and 6th for

> staff.

> > as i understand the 6th house, it shows workers

> and servants right??

> > we in india have helpers at home , so those have

> to be seen from the

> > 6th , right?

> > and what would ketu in 6th show??

> > i think you are online at the moment!! trust

> all is going fine

> > with you.

> > warm regards

> > rhoda

> > */Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>/*


> >

> > ??? ??? ??????

> > Dear Shobha, Namaskar

> > See the subordinates from the fifth house and

> the staff from the

> > sixth. Thats it. Your right, malefics are bad

> and benefics are good.

> > Yours sincerely,

> > --

> > Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> > Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> > email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

> <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>

> > For consultations, free mp3's and articles

> visit:

> > http://srigaruda.com <http://srigaruda.com/>

> >

> > shobha S wrote:

> >> Respected Visti ji,

> >> How do I find out following:

> >> If native is a boss and wants to know how

> will be engineers under

> >> him, will they be helpful, trouble maker,

> smart workers etc.

> >> Benefics are good i suppose and malefics are

> bad, is it true?

> >>

> >> Is it 7th house of D10? If so then

> >> 1. what would 7th lord represent?

> >> 2. What would aspect on 7th house represent?

> >> 3. What would aspect on 7th lord represent?

> >>

> >> Shobha

> >>


> >>

> >> Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam

> protection around

> >>

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam

> protection around

> >

> >

> >



















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Dear Sir,


Thank you so much for sharing the knowledge. What does

a Mars or Jupiter in 6th house mean? And do the

significations change when there are in Retrogade





--- Visti Larsen <visti wrote:


> ??? ??? ??????


> Dear Prasad, Namaskar

> Ketu causes one to act without thinking. We call

> this headlessness. Sun

> in sixth will give servants who have alot of pride,

> to the extent that

> it can give ego problems. Mercury there may end up

> making you the

> servant instead, as its the karaka for work. Venus

> there shows servants

> who will always catch your eye... this may not be

> healthy for married life.


> Yours sincerely,


> --

> Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> email: visti

> <visti

> For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit:

> http://srigaruda.com

> <http://srigaruda.com>


> PRASAD BR wrote:

> >

> > Hello Visti sir,

> > What is the meaning of headless servants?

> > I have Ketu,Sun,Mercury,venus in 6th from lagna in

> > rasi. So what does all these planets mean in

> sixth?

> > Good to learn all these.

> > Regards

> > Prasad

> >

> > --- Visti Larsen <visti

> <visti%40srigaruda.com>>

> > wrote:

> >

> > > ??? ??? ??????

> > >

> > > Dear Rhoda, Namaskar

> > > Everything is fine. Lots of work keeping me

> busy,

> > > but i always have a

> > > mail for you.

> > > Sixth is ones servants, so the servants in ones

> > > daily life are seen from

> > > the sixth from lagna in rasi, whilst the

> servants at

> > > the job are seen

> > > from the sixth from lagna in dasamsa. So this is

> > > specifically with

> > > reference to those who serve us in the office.

> > >

> > > Ketu in sixth shows headless servants.

> > >

> > > Yours sincerely,

> > >

> > > --

> > > Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> > > Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> > > email: visti

> <visti%40srigaruda.com>

> > > <visti

> <visti%40srigaruda.com>>

> > > For consultations, free mp3's and articles

> visit:

> > > http://srigaruda.com <http://srigaruda.com>

> > > <http://srigaruda.com <http://srigaruda.com>>

> > >

> > > Rhoda Reporter wrote:

> > > > dear visti,

> > > > 5th you say is for subordinates and 6th for

> > > staff.

> > > > as i understand the 6th house, it shows

> workers

> > > and servants right??

> > > > we in india have helpers at home , so those

> have

> > > to be seen from the

> > > > 6th , right?

> > > > and what would ketu in 6th show??

> > > > i think you are online at the moment!! trust

> > > all is going fine

> > > > with you.

> > > > warm regards

> > > > rhoda

> > > > */Visti Larsen <visti

> > <visti%40srigaruda.com>>/* wrote:

> > > >

> > > > ??? ??? ??????

> > > > Dear Shobha, Namaskar

> > > > See the subordinates from the fifth house and

> > > the staff from the

> > > > sixth. Thats it. Your right, malefics are bad

> > > and benefics are good.

> > > > Yours sincerely,

> > > > --

> > > > Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> > > > Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> > > > email: visti

> <visti%40srigaruda.com>

> > > <visti

> <visti%40srigaruda.com>>

> > > > For consultations, free mp3's and articles

> > > visit:

> > > > http://srigaruda.com <http://srigaruda.com>

> <http://srigaruda.com/

> > <http://srigaruda.com/>>

> > > >

> > > > shobha S wrote:

> > > >> Respected Visti ji,

> > > >> How do I find out following:

> > > >> If native is a boss and wants to know how

> > > will be engineers under

> > > >> him, will they be helpful, trouble maker,

> > > smart workers etc.

> > > >> Benefics are good i suppose and malefics are

> > > bad, is it true?

> > > >>

> > > >> Is it 7th house of D10? If so then

> > > >> 1. what would 7th lord represent?

> > > >> 2. What would aspect on 7th house represent?

> > > >> 3. What would aspect on 7th lord represent?

> > > >>

> > > >> Shobha

> > > >>

> > >


> > > >>

> > > >> Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam

> > > protection around

> > > >> <>

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >


> > > >

> > > > Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam

> > > protection around

> > > > <>

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> > Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam

> protection around

> > <>

> >

> >








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Hare Rama Krsna

Dear Visti ji,

Namaskar. What are the implications for the 6th lord, Mars exalted in 8th with 5th and 12th lord, shukra? Apart from the VRY and Curse?








Visti Larsen <visti Sent: Wednesday, 7 November, 2007 3:49:45 AMRe: [Om Krishna Guru] >>>>>Visti ji <<<<<<Please comment>>>>> Hiring the right engineer


हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥

Dear Rhoda, NamaskarI have only spoken of individual planetary placements in the sixth. A combined yoga has a distinct result, and whether or not there are nodes involved, these planets will create alot of greed (lobha) in the native.

The addition of Rahu in the sixth can cause cheating from servants, or foreign servants.

Yours sincerely, -- Visti Larsen - SJC GuruJaimini SJC - Denmark email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) comFor consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda. com Rhoda Reporter wrote:


dear visti,

indeed very interesting what you write about the 6th house.

what happens to those with sun, mercury , venus and rahu in 6th!!!

i am really waiting to hear from you, as you will give me the correct answer.

looking forward!!

rhodaVisti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:



हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥

Dear Prasad, NamaskarKetu causes one to act without thinking. We call this headlessness. Sun in sixth will give servants who have alot of pride, to the extent that it can give ego problems. Mercury there may end up making you the servant instead, as its the karaka for work. Venus there shows servants who will always catch your eye... this may not be healthy for married life.

Yours sincerely, -- Visti Larsen - SJC GuruJaimini SJC - Denmark email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) comFor consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda. com PRASAD BR wrote:


Hello Visti sir,What is the meaning of headless servants?I have Ketu,Sun,Mercury, venus in 6th from lagna inrasi. So what does all these planets mean in sixth?Good to learn all these.RegardsPrasad--- Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:> ??? ??? ??????> > Dear Rhoda, Namaskar> Everything is fine. Lots of work keeping me busy,> but i always have a > mail for you.> Sixth is ones servants, so the servants in ones> daily life are seen from > the sixth from lagna in rasi, whilst the servants at> the job are seen > from the sixth from lagna in dasamsa. So this is> specifically with > reference to those who serve us in the office.> > Ketu in sixth shows headless servants.> > Yours

sincerely,> > -- > Visti Larsen - SJC Guru> Jaimini SJC - Denmark> email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>> For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit:> http://srigaruda. com > <http://srigaruda. com>> > Rhoda Reporter wrote:> > dear visti,> > 5th you say is for subordinates and 6th for> staff.> > as i understand the 6th house, it shows workers> and servants right??> > we in india have helpers at home , so those have> to be seen from the

> > 6th , right?> > and what would ketu in 6th show??> > i think you are online at the moment!! trust> all is going fine > > with you.> > warm regards> > rhoda> > */Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>/* wrote:> >> > ??? ??? ??????> > Dear Shobha, Namaskar> > See the subordinates from the fifth house and> the staff from the> > sixth. Thats it. Your right, malefics are bad> and benefics are good.> > Yours sincerely,> > -- > > Visti Larsen - SJC Guru> > Jaimini SJC - Denmark> > email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>> > For consultations, free mp3's and articles> visit:> > http://srigaruda. com <http://srigaruda. com/>> >> > shobha S wrote:> >> Respected Visti ji,> >> How do I find out following:> >> If native is a boss and wants to know how> will be engineers under> >> him, will they be helpful, trouble maker,> smart workers etc.> >> Benefics are good i suppose and malefics are> bad, is it true?> >> > >> Is it 7th house of D10? If so then> >> 1. what would 7th lord represent?> >> 2. What would aspect on 7th house

represent?> >> 3. What would aspect on 7th lord represent?> >> > >> Shobha> >> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __> >> > >> Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam> protection around> >> http://mail. > >> >> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __> > > > Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam> protection around> > http://mail. > >> > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __ http://mail.

____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __ http://mail. Send instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger.

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हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥

Dear Nalini, Namaskar

There is little or no VRY in the case you cited, as the planets have to

be weak in Dusthana to constitute this. Alternatively they need to be

strong in kendra/trikona. Even then you must see the position from the

Arudha lagna.


A strong sixth lord and associated with Mars shows strong enemies.

They may work against you or for you depending on the position from

Arudha lagna.. i.e. is it benefiting you or not.


Yours sincerely,





Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

Jaimini SJC - Denmark

email: visti

For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com



nalini swamy wrote:




Hare Rama Krsna

Dear Visti ji,

Namaskar.  What are the implications for the

6th lord, Mars exalted in 8th with 5th and 12th lord, shukra? Apart

from the VRY and Curse?












Original Message ----

Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>


Wednesday, 7 November, 2007 3:49:45 AM

Re: [Om Krishna Guru] >>>>>Visti ji

<<<<<<Please comment>>>>> Hiring the

right engineer



हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥


Dear Rhoda, Namaskar

I have only spoken of individual planetary placements in the sixth. A

combined yoga has a distinct result, and whether or not there are nodes

involved, these planets will create alot of greed (lobha) in the native.


The addition of Rahu in the sixth can cause cheating from

servants, or foreign servants.


Yours sincerely,


Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

Jaimini SJC - Denmark

email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT)


For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda. com


Rhoda Reporter wrote:



   dear visti,

 indeed very interesting what you write about the 6th house.

what happens to those with sun, mercury , venus and rahu in


i am really waiting to hear from you, as you will give me the

correct answer.

    looking forward!!



Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:



हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥

Dear Prasad, Namaskar

Ketu causes one to act without thinking. We call this headlessness. Sun

in sixth will give servants who have alot of pride, to the extent that

it can give ego problems. Mercury there may end up making you the

servant instead, as its the karaka for work. Venus there shows servants

who will always catch your eye... this may not be healthy for married



Yours sincerely,


Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

Jaimini SJC - Denmark

email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT)


For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda. com


PRASAD BR wrote:



Hello Visti sir,

What is the meaning of headless servants?

I have Ketu,Sun,Mercury, venus in 6th from lagna in

rasi. So what does all these planets mean in sixth?

Good to learn all these.




--- Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>



> ??? ??? ??????


> Dear Rhoda, Namaskar

> Everything is fine. Lots of work keeping me busy,

> but i always have a

> mail for you.

> Sixth is ones servants, so the servants in ones

> daily life are seen from

> the sixth from lagna in rasi, whilst the servants at

> the job are seen

> from the sixth from lagna in dasamsa. So this is

> specifically with

> reference to those who serve us in the office.


> Ketu in sixth shows headless servants.


> Yours sincerely,


> --

> Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

> <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>

> For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit:

> http://srigaruda. com

> <http://srigaruda. com>


> Rhoda Reporter wrote:

> > dear visti,

> > 5th you say is for subordinates and 6th for

> staff.

> > as i understand the 6th house, it shows workers

> and servants right??

> > we in india have helpers at home , so those have

> to be seen from the

> > 6th , right?

> > and what would ketu in 6th show??

> > i think you are online at the moment!! trust

> all is going fine

> > with you.

> > warm regards

> > rhoda

> > */Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>/*


> >

> > ??? ??? ??????

> > Dear Shobha, Namaskar

> > See the subordinates from the fifth house and

> the staff from the

> > sixth. Thats it. Your right, malefics are bad

> and benefics are good.

> > Yours sincerely,

> > --

> > Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> > Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> > email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

> <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>

> > For consultations, free mp3's and articles

> visit:

> > http://srigaruda. com <http://srigaruda. com/>

> >

> > shobha S wrote:

> >> Respected Visti ji,

> >> How do I find out following:

> >> If native is a boss and wants to know how

> will be engineers under

> >> him, will they be helpful, trouble maker,

> smart workers etc.

> >> Benefics are good i suppose and malefics are

> bad, is it true?

> >>

> >> Is it 7th house of D10? If so then

> >> 1. what would 7th lord represent?

> >> 2. What would aspect on 7th house represent?

> >> 3. What would aspect on 7th lord represent?

> >>

> >> Shobha

> >>

> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __

> >>

> >> Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam

> protection around

> >> http://mail.

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __

> >

> > Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam

> protection around

> > http://mail.

> >

> >



____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __











____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __













Send instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger.

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Thanks vistiji..you are right-the combined planetary

placement of Venus,mercury,sun & ketu has brought me

lot of greed and also lot of drive to work.

During ketu antara i behave headless,take wrong

decision,judgement in my work front(Ketu is in 6th,6th

house is related to job).


Thanks again



--- Visti Larsen <visti wrote:


> हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥


> Dear Nalini, Namaskar

> There is little or no VRY in the case you cited, as

> the planets have to

> be weak in Dusthana to constitute this.

> Alternatively they need to be

> strong in kendra/trikona. Even then you must see the

> position from the

> Arudha lagna.


> A strong sixth lord and associated with Mars shows

> strong enemies. They

> may work against you or for you depending on the

> position from Arudha

> lagna.. i.e. is it benefiting you or not.


> Yours sincerely,


> --

> Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> email: visti

> <visti

> For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit:

> http://srigaruda.com

> <http://srigaruda.com>


> nalini swamy wrote:

> > Hare Rama Krsna

> >

> > Dear Visti ji,

> >

> > Namaskar. What are the implications for the 6th

> lord, Mars exalted in

> > 8th with 5th and 12th lord, shukra? Apart from the

> VRY and Curse?

> >

> >

> >

> > Regards

> >

> > Nalini

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Visti Larsen <visti

> >

> > Wednesday, 7 November, 2007 3:49:45 AM

> > Re: [Om Krishna Guru] >>>>>Visti ji

> <<<<<<Please comment>>>>>

> > Hiring the right engineer

> >

> > हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥

> >

> > Dear Rhoda, Namaskar

> > I have only spoken of individual planetary

> placements in the sixth. A

> > combined yoga has a distinct result, and whether

> or not there are

> > nodes involved, these planets will create alot of

> greed (lobha) in the

> > native.

> >

> > The addition of Rahu in the sixth can cause

> cheating from servants, or

> > foreign servants.

> >

> > Yours sincerely,

> >

> > --

> > Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> > Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> > email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

> <visti

> > For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit:

> http://srigaruda.

> > com <http://srigaruda.com/>

> >

> > Rhoda Reporter wrote:

> >> dear visti,

> >> indeed very interesting what you write about the

> 6th house.

> >> what happens to those with sun, mercury , venus

> and rahu in 6th!!!

> >> i am really waiting to hear from you, as you will

> give me the correct

> >> answer.

> >> looking forward!!

> >> rhoda

> >>

> >> */Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>/* wrote:

> >>

> >> हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥

> >> Dear Prasad, Namaskar

> >> Ketu causes one to act without thinking. We

> call this

> >> headlessness. Sun in sixth will give servants

> who have alot of

> >> pride, to the extent that it can give ego

> problems. Mercury there

> >> may end up making you the servant instead, as

> its the karaka for

> >> work. Venus there shows servants who will

> always catch your

> >> eye... this may not be healthy for married

> life.

> >> Yours sincerely,

> >> --

> >> Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> >> Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> >> email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

> <visti

> >> For consultations, free mp3's and articles

> visit:

> >> http://srigaruda. com <http://srigaruda.com/>

> >>

> >> PRASAD BR wrote:

> >>> Hello Visti sir,

> >>> What is the meaning of headless servants?

> >>> I have Ketu,Sun,Mercury, venus in 6th from

> lagna in

> >>> rasi. So what does all these planets mean in

> sixth?

> >>> Good to learn all these.

> >>> Regards

> >>> Prasad

> >>>

> >>> --- Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

> >>> <visti%40srigaruda.com>> wrote:

> >>>

> >>> > ??? ??? ??????

> >>> >

> >>> > Dear Rhoda, Namaskar

> >>> > Everything is fine. Lots of work keeping

> me busy,

> >>> > but i always have a

> >>> > mail for you.

> >>> > Sixth is ones servants, so the servants in

> ones

> >>> > daily life are seen from

> >>> > the sixth from lagna in rasi, whilst the

> servants at

> >>> > the job are seen

> >>> > from the sixth from lagna in dasamsa. So

> this is

> >>> > specifically with

> >>> > reference to those who serve us in the

> office.

> >>> >

> >>> > Ketu in sixth shows headless servants.

> >>> >

> >>> > Yours sincerely,

> >>> >

> >>> > --

> >>> > Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> >>> > Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> >>> > email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

> <visti%40srigaruda.com>

> >>> > <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

> <visti%40srigaruda.com>>

> >>> > For consultations, free mp3's and articles

> visit:

> >>> > http://srigaruda. com

> <http://srigaruda.com/>

> >>> > <http://srigaruda. com

> <http://srigaruda.com/>>

> >>> >

> >>> > Rhoda Reporter wrote:

> >>> > > dear visti,

> >>> > > 5th you say is for subordinates and 6th

> for

> >>> > staff.

> >>> > > as i understand the 6th house, it shows

> workers

> >>> > and servants right??

> >>> > > we in india have helpers at home , so

> those have

> >>> > to be seen from the

> >>> > > 6th , right?

> >>> > > and what would ketu in 6th show??

> >>> > > i think you are online at the moment!!

> trust

> >>> > all is going fine

> >>> > > with you.

> >>> > > warm regards

> >>> > > rhoda

> >>> > > */Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

> >>> <visti%40srigaruda.com>>/* wrote:

> >>> > >

> >>> > > ??? ??? ??????

> >>> > > Dear Shobha, Namaskar

> >>> > > See the subordinates from the fifth

> house and

> >>> > the staff from the

> >>> > > sixth. Thats it. Your right, malefics

> are bad

> >>> > and benefics are good.


=== message truncated ===







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Hare Rama Krsna


Dear Vistiji,

Namaskar. 8th house, Makar is 5th from AL, with Rahu AK in AL and 4th house. My subordinates have been very powerful and have been known to be part of various frauds and cheatings(financial) perpetrated against me at workplace. There also has been 'abuse of faith' I reposed in them. So is it right to surmise that they have been working against me? With AL involved, Rahu's drishti on 8th would that also mean tarnishing of reputation/scandals, though it came out that I was not involved, some of the mud stuck.. especially when it came to formal recognition of success, achievements etc.







Visti Larsen <visti Sent: Wednesday, 7 November, 2007 11:04:27 PMRe: [Om Krishna Guru] >>>>>Visti ji <<<<<<Please comment>>>>> Hiring the right engineer


हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥

Dear Nalini, NamaskarThere is little or no VRY in the case you cited, as the planets have to be weak in Dusthana to constitute this. Alternatively they need to be strong in kendra/trikona. Even then you must see the position from the Arudha lagna.

A strong sixth lord and associated with Mars shows strong enemies. They may work against you or for you depending on the position from Arudha lagna.. i.e. is it benefiting you or not.

Yours sincerely, -- Visti Larsen - SJC GuruJaimini SJC - Denmark email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) comFor consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda. com nalini swamy wrote:



Hare Rama Krsna

Dear Visti ji,

Namaskar. What are the implications for the 6th lord, Mars exalted in 8th with 5th and 12th lord, shukra? Apart from the VRY and Curse?








Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>Wednesday, 7 November, 2007 3:49:45 AMRe: [Om Krishna Guru] >>>>>Visti ji <<<<<<Please comment>>>>> Hiring the right engineer


हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥

Dear Rhoda, NamaskarI have only spoken of individual planetary placements in the sixth. A combined yoga has a distinct result, and whether or not there are nodes involved, these planets will create alot of greed (lobha) in the native.

The addition of Rahu in the sixth can cause cheating from servants, or foreign servants.

Yours sincerely, -- Visti Larsen - SJC GuruJaimini SJC - Denmark email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) comFor consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda. com Rhoda Reporter wrote:


dear visti,

indeed very interesting what you write about the 6th house.

what happens to those with sun, mercury , venus and rahu in 6th!!!

i am really waiting to hear from you, as you will give me the correct answer.

looking forward!!

rhodaVisti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:



हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥

Dear Prasad, NamaskarKetu causes one to act without thinking. We call this headlessness. Sun in sixth will give servants who have alot of pride, to the extent that it can give ego problems. Mercury there may end up making you the servant instead, as its the karaka for work. Venus there shows servants who will always catch your eye... this may not be healthy for married life.

Yours sincerely, -- Visti Larsen - SJC GuruJaimini SJC - Denmark email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) comFor consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda. com PRASAD BR wrote:


Hello Visti sir,What is the meaning of headless servants?I have Ketu,Sun,Mercury, venus in 6th from lagna inrasi. So what does all these planets mean in sixth?Good to learn all these.RegardsPrasad--- Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:> ??? ??? ??????> > Dear Rhoda, Namaskar> Everything is fine. Lots of work keeping me busy,> but i always have a > mail for you.> Sixth is ones servants, so the servants in ones> daily life are seen from > the sixth from lagna in rasi, whilst the servants at> the job are seen > from the sixth from lagna in dasamsa. So this is> specifically with > reference to those who serve us in the office.> > Ketu in sixth shows headless servants.> > Yours

sincerely,> > -- > Visti Larsen - SJC Guru> Jaimini SJC - Denmark> email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>> For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit:> http://srigaruda. com > <http://srigaruda. com>> > Rhoda Reporter wrote:> > dear visti,> > 5th you say is for subordinates and 6th for> staff.> > as i understand the 6th house, it shows workers> and servants right??> > we in india have helpers at home , so those have> to be seen from the

> > 6th , right?> > and what would ketu in 6th show??> > i think you are online at the moment!! trust> all is going fine > > with you.> > warm regards> > rhoda> > */Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>/* wrote:> >> > ??? ??? ??????> > Dear Shobha, Namaskar> > See the subordinates from the fifth house and> the staff from the> > sixth. Thats it. Your right, malefics are bad> and benefics are good.> > Yours sincerely,> > -- > > Visti Larsen - SJC Guru> > Jaimini SJC - Denmark> > email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>> > For consultations, free mp3's and articles> visit:> > http://srigaruda. com <http://srigaruda. com/>> >> > shobha S wrote:> >> Respected Visti ji,> >> How do I find out following:> >> If native is a boss and wants to know how> will be engineers under> >> him, will they be helpful, trouble maker,> smart workers etc.> >> Benefics are good i suppose and malefics are> bad, is it true?> >> > >> Is it 7th house of D10? If so then> >> 1. what would 7th lord represent?> >> 2. What would aspect on 7th house

represent?> >> 3. What would aspect on 7th lord represent?> >> > >> Shobha> >> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __> >> > >> Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam> protection around> >> http://mail. > >> >> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __> > > > Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam> protection around> > http://mail. > >> > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __ http://mail.

____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __ http://mail. Send instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger . Send instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger.

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हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥

Dear Nalini, Namaskar

Perfect analysis.


Yours sincerely,





Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

Jaimini SJC - Denmark

email: visti

For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.com



nalini swamy wrote:




Hare Rama Krsna


Dear Vistiji,

Namaskar. 8th house, Makar is 5th

from AL, with Rahu AK in AL and 4th house. My subordinates have been

very powerful and have been known to be  part of various frauds and

cheatings(financial) perpetrated against me at workplace.  There

also has been 'abuse of faith' I reposed in them. So is it right to

surmise that they have been working against me? With AL involved,

Rahu's drishti on 8th would that also mean tarnishing

of reputation/scandals, though it came out that I was not

involved, some of the mud stuck.. especially when it came to formal

recognition of success, achievements etc.











Original Message ----

Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>


Wednesday, 7 November, 2007 11:04:27 PM

Re: [Om Krishna Guru] >>>>>Visti ji

<<<<<<Please comment>>>>> Hiring the

right engineer



हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥


Dear Nalini, Namaskar

There is little or no VRY in the case you cited, as the planets have to

be weak in Dusthana to constitute this. Alternatively they need to be

strong in kendra/trikona. Even then you must see the position from the

Arudha lagna.


A strong sixth lord and associated with Mars shows strong enemies.

They may work against you or for you depending on the position from

Arudha lagna.. i.e. is it benefiting you or not.


Yours sincerely,


Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

Jaimini SJC - Denmark

email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT)


For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda. com


nalini swamy wrote:




Hare Rama Krsna

Dear Visti ji,

Namaskar.  What are the implications for

the 6th lord, Mars exalted in 8th with 5th and 12th lord, shukra? Apart

from the VRY and Curse?












Original Message ----

Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>


Wednesday, 7 November, 2007 3:49:45 AM

Re: [Om Krishna Guru] >>>>>Visti ji

<<<<<<Please comment>>>>> Hiring the

right engineer



हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥


Dear Rhoda, Namaskar

I have only spoken of individual planetary placements in the sixth. A

combined yoga has a distinct result, and whether or not there are nodes

involved, these planets will create alot of greed (lobha) in the native.


The addition of Rahu in the sixth can cause cheating from

servants, or foreign servants.


Yours sincerely,


Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

Jaimini SJC - Denmark

email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT)


For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda. com


Rhoda Reporter wrote:



   dear visti,

 indeed very interesting what you write about the 6th house.

what happens to those with sun, mercury , venus and rahu in


i am really waiting to hear from you, as you will give me

the correct answer.

    looking forward!!



Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT)

com> wrote:



हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥

Dear Prasad, Namaskar

Ketu causes one to act without thinking. We call this headlessness. Sun

in sixth will give servants who have alot of pride, to the extent that

it can give ego problems. Mercury there may end up making you the

servant instead, as its the karaka for work. Venus there shows servants

who will always catch your eye... this may not be healthy for married



Yours sincerely,


Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

Jaimini SJC - Denmark

email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT)


For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda. com


PRASAD BR wrote:



Hello Visti sir,

What is the meaning of headless servants?

I have Ketu,Sun,Mercury, venus in 6th from lagna in

rasi. So what does all these planets mean in sixth?

Good to learn all these.




--- Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>



> ??? ??? ??????


> Dear Rhoda, Namaskar

> Everything is fine. Lots of work keeping me busy,

> but i always have a

> mail for you.

> Sixth is ones servants, so the servants in ones

> daily life are seen from

> the sixth from lagna in rasi, whilst the servants at

> the job are seen

> from the sixth from lagna in dasamsa. So this is

> specifically with

> reference to those who serve us in the office.


> Ketu in sixth shows headless servants.


> Yours sincerely,


> --

> Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

> <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>

> For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit:

> http://srigaruda. com

> <http://srigaruda. com>


> Rhoda Reporter wrote:

> > dear visti,

> > 5th you say is for subordinates and 6th for

> staff.

> > as i understand the 6th house, it shows workers

> and servants right??

> > we in india have helpers at home , so those have

> to be seen from the

> > 6th , right?

> > and what would ketu in 6th show??

> > i think you are online at the moment!! trust

> all is going fine

> > with you.

> > warm regards

> > rhoda

> > */Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>/*


> >

> > ??? ??? ??????

> > Dear Shobha, Namaskar

> > See the subordinates from the fifth house and

> the staff from the

> > sixth. Thats it. Your right, malefics are bad

> and benefics are good.

> > Yours sincerely,

> > --

> > Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> > Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> > email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

> <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>

> > For consultations, free mp3's and articles

> visit:

> > http://srigaruda. com <http://srigaruda. com/>

> >

> > shobha S wrote:

> >> Respected Visti ji,

> >> How do I find out following:

> >> If native is a boss and wants to know how

> will be engineers under

> >> him, will they be helpful, trouble maker,

> smart workers etc.

> >> Benefics are good i suppose and malefics are

> bad, is it true?

> >>

> >> Is it 7th house of D10? If so then

> >> 1. what would 7th lord represent?

> >> 2. What would aspect on 7th house represent?

> >> 3. What would aspect on 7th lord represent?

> >>

> >> Shobha

> >>

> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __

> >>

> >> Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam

> protection around

> >> http://mail.

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __

> >

> > Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam

> protection around

> > http://mail.

> >

> >



____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __











____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __













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Hare Rama Krsna

Hraum Namaha Adityaya

Dear Vistiji,


Thank you indeed. Blessings and teachings from my Guru and all other Gurus in the Parampara and outside.


With gratitude,







Visti Larsen <visti Sent: Thursday, 8 November, 2007 9:09:47 PMRe: [Om Krishna Guru] >>>>>Visti ji <<<<<<Please comment>>>>> Hiring the right engineer


हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥

Dear Nalini, NamaskarPerfect analysis.

Yours sincerely, -- Visti Larsen - SJC GuruJaimini SJC - Denmark email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) comFor consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda. com nalini swamy wrote:



Hare Rama Krsna


Dear Vistiji,

Namaskar. 8th house, Makar is 5th from AL, with Rahu AK in AL and 4th house. My subordinates have been very powerful and have been known to be part of various frauds and cheatings(financial ) perpetrated against me at workplace. There also has been 'abuse of faith' I reposed in them. So is it right to surmise that they have been working against me? With AL involved, Rahu's drishti on 8th would that also mean tarnishing of reputation/ scandals , though it came out that I was not involved, some of the mud stuck.. especially when it came to formal recognition of success, achievements etc.







Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>Wednesday, 7 November, 2007 11:04:27 PMRe: [Om Krishna Guru] >>>>>Visti ji <<<<<<Please comment>>>>> Hiring the right engineer


हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥

Dear Nalini, NamaskarThere is little or no VRY in the case you cited, as the planets have to be weak in Dusthana to constitute this. Alternatively they need to be strong in kendra/trikona. Even then you must see the position from the Arudha lagna.

A strong sixth lord and associated with Mars shows strong enemies. They may work against you or for you depending on the position from Arudha lagna.. i.e. is it benefiting you or not.

Yours sincerely, -- Visti Larsen - SJC GuruJaimini SJC - Denmark email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) comFor consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda. com nalini swamy wrote:



Hare Rama Krsna

Dear Visti ji,

Namaskar. What are the implications for the 6th lord, Mars exalted in 8th with 5th and 12th lord, shukra? Apart from the VRY and Curse?








Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>Wednesday, 7 November, 2007 3:49:45 AMRe: [Om Krishna Guru] >>>>>Visti ji <<<<<<Please comment>>>>> Hiring the right engineer


हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥

Dear Rhoda, NamaskarI have only spoken of individual planetary placements in the sixth. A combined yoga has a distinct result, and whether or not there are nodes involved, these planets will create alot of greed (lobha) in the native.

The addition of Rahu in the sixth can cause cheating from servants, or foreign servants.

Yours sincerely, -- Visti Larsen - SJC GuruJaimini SJC - Denmark email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) comFor consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda. com Rhoda Reporter wrote:


dear visti,

indeed very interesting what you write about the 6th house.

what happens to those with sun, mercury , venus and rahu in 6th!!!

i am really waiting to hear from you, as you will give me the correct answer.

looking forward!!

rhodaVisti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:



हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥

Dear Prasad, NamaskarKetu causes one to act without thinking. We call this headlessness. Sun in sixth will give servants who have alot of pride, to the extent that it can give ego problems. Mercury there may end up making you the servant instead, as its the karaka for work. Venus there shows servants who will always catch your eye... this may not be healthy for married life.

Yours sincerely, -- Visti Larsen - SJC GuruJaimini SJC - Denmark email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) comFor consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda. com PRASAD BR wrote:


Hello Visti sir,What is the meaning of headless servants?I have Ketu,Sun,Mercury, venus in 6th from lagna inrasi. So what does all these planets mean in sixth?Good to learn all these.RegardsPrasad--- Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:> ??? ??? ??????> > Dear Rhoda, Namaskar> Everything is fine. Lots of work keeping me busy,> but i always have a > mail for you.> Sixth is ones servants, so the servants in ones> daily life are seen from > the sixth from lagna in rasi, whilst the servants at> the job are seen > from the sixth from lagna in dasamsa. So this is> specifically with > reference to those who serve us in the office.> > Ketu in sixth shows headless servants.> > Yours

sincerely,> > -- > Visti Larsen - SJC Guru> Jaimini SJC - Denmark> email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>> For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit:> http://srigaruda. com > <http://srigaruda. com>> > Rhoda Reporter wrote:> > dear visti,> > 5th you say is for subordinates and 6th for> staff.> > as i understand the 6th house, it shows workers> and servants right??> > we in india have helpers at home , so those have> to be seen from the

> > 6th , right?> > and what would ketu in 6th show??> > i think you are online at the moment!! trust> all is going fine > > with you.> > warm regards> > rhoda> > */Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>/* wrote:> >> > ??? ??? ??????> > Dear Shobha, Namaskar> > See the subordinates from the fifth house and> the staff from the> > sixth. Thats it. Your right, malefics are bad> and benefics are good.> > Yours sincerely,> > -- > > Visti Larsen - SJC Guru> > Jaimini SJC - Denmark> > email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>> > For consultations, free mp3's and articles> visit:> > http://srigaruda. com <http://srigaruda. com/>> >> > shobha S wrote:> >> Respected Visti ji,> >> How do I find out following:> >> If native is a boss and wants to know how> will be engineers under> >> him, will they be helpful, trouble maker,> smart workers etc.> >> Benefics are good i suppose and malefics are> bad, is it true?> >> > >> Is it 7th house of D10? If so then> >> 1. what would 7th lord represent?> >> 2. What would aspect on 7th house

represent?> >> 3. What would aspect on 7th lord represent?> >> > >> Shobha> >> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __> >> > >> Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam> protection around> >> http://mail. > >> >> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __> > > > Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam> protection around> > http://mail. > >> > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __ http://mail.

____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __ http://mail. Send instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger . Send instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger . Send instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger.

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Namaskar Vistiji,


I am an enthusiastic learner. I was amazed ny this thread on VRY. I

have gemini lagna, mercury exalted in virgo. I have saturn retro and

debilitated in mesha. Does this constitute jaya yoga/VRY because

saturn is lord of 8th . Mercury is neecha in my D-9. I was wondering

because I am fighting people who have cheated me. Please throw some

light. dob oct9, 1970, pob neyveli, tamilndu, india, tob 00.10hrs



mrs. bhagavathi



, nalini swamy <nalini2818



> Hare Rama Krsna


> Dear Vistiji,

> Namaskar. 8th house, Makar is 5th from AL, with Rahu AK in AL and

4th house. My subordinates have been very powerful and have been

known to be part of various frauds and cheatings(financial)

perpetrated against me at workplace. There also has been 'abuse of

faith' I reposed in them. So is it right to surmise that they have

been working against me? With AL involved, Rahu's drishti on 8th

would that also mean tarnishing of reputation/scandals, though it

came out that I was not involved, some of the mud stuck.. especially

when it came to formal recognition of success, achievements etc.


> Regards

> Nalini







> Visti Larsen <visti


> Wednesday, 7 November, 2007 11:04:27 PM

> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] >>>>>Visti ji <<<<<<Please

comment>>>>> Hiring the right engineer


> हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥


> Dear Nalini, Namaskar

> There is little or no VRY in the case you cited, as the planets

have to be weak in Dusthana to constitute this. Alternatively they

need to be strong in kendra/trikona. Even then you must see the

position from the Arudha lagna.


> A strong sixth lord and associated with Mars shows strong enemies.

They may work against you or for you depending on the position from

Arudha lagna.. i.e. is it benefiting you or not.


> Yours sincerely,

> --

> Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

> For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.



> nalini swamy wrote:

> Hare Rama Krsna

> Dear Visti ji,

> Namaskar. What are the implications for the 6th lord, Mars exalted

in 8th with 5th and 12th lord, shukra? Apart from the VRY and Curse?


> Regards

> Nalini






> Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>


> Wednesday, 7 November, 2007 3:49:45 AM

> Re: [Om Krishna Guru] >>>>>Visti ji <<<<<<Please

comment>>>>> Hiring the right engineer



> हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥


> Dear Rhoda, Namaskar

> I have only spoken of individual planetary placements in the sixth.

A combined yoga has a distinct result, and whether or not there are

nodes involved, these planets will create alot of greed (lobha) in

the native.


> The addition of Rahu in the sixth can cause cheating from servants,

or foreign servants.


> Yours sincerely,

> --

> Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

> For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.



> Rhoda Reporter wrote:

> dear visti,

> indeed very interesting what you write about the 6th house.

> what happens to those with sun, mercury , venus and rahu in 6th!!!

> i am really waiting to hear from you, as you will give me the

correct answer.

> looking forward!!

> rhoda


> Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:

> हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥


> Dear Prasad, Namaskar

> Ketu causes one to act without thinking. We call this headlessness.

Sun in sixth will give servants who have alot of pride, to the extent

that it can give ego problems. Mercury there may end up making you

the servant instead, as its the karaka for work. Venus there shows

servants who will always catch your eye... this may not be healthy

for married life.


> Yours sincerely,

> --

> Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

> For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit: http://srigaruda.



> PRASAD BR wrote:

> Hello Visti sir,

> What is the meaning of headless servants?

> I have Ketu,Sun,Mercury, venus in 6th from lagna in

> rasi. So what does all these planets mean in sixth?

> Good to learn all these.

> Regards

> Prasad


> --- Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com> wrote:


> > ??? ??? ??????

> >

> > Dear Rhoda, Namaskar

> > Everything is fine. Lots of work keeping me busy,

> > but i always have a

> > mail for you.

> > Sixth is ones servants, so the servants in ones

> > daily life are seen from

> > the sixth from lagna in rasi, whilst the servants at

> > the job are seen

> > from the sixth from lagna in dasamsa. So this is

> > specifically with

> > reference to those who serve us in the office.

> >

> > Ketu in sixth shows headless servants.

> >

> > Yours sincerely,

> >

> > --

> > Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> > Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> > email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

> > <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>

> > For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit:

> > http://srigaruda. com

> > <http://srigaruda. com>

> >

> > Rhoda Reporter wrote:

> > > dear visti,

> > > 5th you say is for subordinates and 6th for

> > staff.

> > > as i understand the 6th house, it shows workers

> > and servants right??

> > > we in india have helpers at home , so those have

> > to be seen from the

> > > 6th , right?

> > > and what would ketu in 6th show??

> > > i think you are online at the moment!! trust

> > all is going fine

> > > with you.

> > > warm regards

> > > rhoda

> > > */Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>/* wrote:

> > >

> > > ??? ??? ??????

> > > Dear Shobha, Namaskar

> > > See the subordinates from the fifth house and

> > the staff from the

> > > sixth. Thats it. Your right, malefics are bad

> > and benefics are good.

> > > Yours sincerely,

> > > --

> > > Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> > > Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> > > email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

> > <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>

> > > For consultations, free mp3's and articles

> > visit:

> > > http://srigaruda. com <http://srigaruda. com/>

> > >

> > > shobha S wrote:

> > >> Respected Visti ji,

> > >> How do I find out following:

> > >> If native is a boss and wants to know how

> > will be engineers under

> > >> him, will they be helpful, trouble maker,

> > smart workers etc.

> > >> Benefics are good i suppose and malefics are

> > bad, is it true?

> > >>

> > >> Is it 7th house of D10? If so then

> > >> 1. what would 7th lord represent?

> > >> 2. What would aspect on 7th house represent?

> > >> 3. What would aspect on 7th lord represent?

> > >>

> > >> Shobha

> > >>

> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __

> > >>

> > >> Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam

> > protection around

> > >> http://mail.

> > >

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __

> > >

> > > Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam

> > protection around

> > > http://mail.

> > >

> > >

> >


> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __



> http://mail.




> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __



> http://mail.




> Send instant messages to your online friends

http://au.messenger .



> Send instant messages to your online friends



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Dear Guru Ji,


Kindly help us to know the way to tackle this enemy. Is it

permissible to pray the eight lord or the planet (benefic) placed in

from the strong sixth Lord as a remedial measure for enemies/un

loyal servants.

With respects,

Yours Sincerely,





, Visti Larsen <visti wrote:


> हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥


> Dear Nalini, Namaskar

> There is little or no VRY in the case you cited, as the planets

have to

> be weak in Dusthana to constitute this. Alternatively they need to


> strong in kendra/trikona. Even then you must see the position from


> Arudha lagna.


> A strong sixth lord and associated with Mars shows strong enemies.


> may work against you or for you depending on the position from


> lagna.. i.e. is it benefiting you or not.


> Yours sincerely,


> --

> Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> email: visti <visti

> For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit:


> <http://srigaruda.com>


> nalini swamy wrote:

> > Hare Rama Krsna

> >

> > Dear Visti ji,

> >

> > Namaskar. What are the implications for the 6th lord, Mars

exalted in

> > 8th with 5th and 12th lord, shukra? Apart from the VRY and Curse?

> >

> >

> >

> > Regards

> >

> > Nalini

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Visti Larsen <visti

> >

> > Wednesday, 7 November, 2007 3:49:45 AM

> > Re: [Om Krishna Guru] >>>>>Visti ji <<<<<<Please


> > Hiring the right engineer

> >

> > हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥

> >

> > Dear Rhoda, Namaskar

> > I have only spoken of individual planetary placements in the

sixth. A

> > combined yoga has a distinct result, and whether or not there


> > nodes involved, these planets will create alot of greed (lobha)

in the

> > native.

> >

> > The addition of Rahu in the sixth can cause cheating from

servants, or

> > foreign servants.

> >

> > Yours sincerely,

> >

> > --

> > Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> > Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> > email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com <visti

> > For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit:


> > com <http://srigaruda.com/>

> >

> > Rhoda Reporter wrote:

> >> dear visti,

> >> indeed very interesting what you write about the 6th house.

> >> what happens to those with sun, mercury , venus and rahu in


> >> i am really waiting to hear from you, as you will give me the


> >> answer.

> >> looking forward!!

> >> rhoda

> >>

> >> */Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com>/* wrote:

> >>

> >> हरे राम कृषà¥à¤£à¥¥

> >> Dear Prasad, Namaskar

> >> Ketu causes one to act without thinking. We call this

> >> headlessness. Sun in sixth will give servants who have alot


> >> pride, to the extent that it can give ego problems. Mercury


> >> may end up making you the servant instead, as its the

karaka for

> >> work. Venus there shows servants who will always catch your

> >> eye... this may not be healthy for married life.

> >> Yours sincerely,

> >> --

> >> Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> >> Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> >> email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com <visti

> >> For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit:

> >> http://srigaruda. com <http://srigaruda.com/>

> >>

> >> PRASAD BR wrote:

> >>> Hello Visti sir,

> >>> What is the meaning of headless servants?

> >>> I have Ketu,Sun,Mercury, venus in 6th from lagna in

> >>> rasi. So what does all these planets mean in sixth?

> >>> Good to learn all these.

> >>> Regards

> >>> Prasad

> >>>

> >>> --- Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

> >>> <visti%40srigaruda.com>> wrote:

> >>>

> >>> > ??? ??? ??????

> >>> >

> >>> > Dear Rhoda, Namaskar

> >>> > Everything is fine. Lots of work keeping me busy,

> >>> > but i always have a

> >>> > mail for you.

> >>> > Sixth is ones servants, so the servants in ones

> >>> > daily life are seen from

> >>> > the sixth from lagna in rasi, whilst the servants at

> >>> > the job are seen

> >>> > from the sixth from lagna in dasamsa. So this is

> >>> > specifically with

> >>> > reference to those who serve us in the office.

> >>> >

> >>> > Ketu in sixth shows headless servants.

> >>> >

> >>> > Yours sincerely,

> >>> >

> >>> > --

> >>> > Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> >>> > Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> >>> > email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com <visti%


> >>> > <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com <visti%


> >>> > For consultations, free mp3's and articles visit:

> >>> > http://srigaruda. com <http://srigaruda.com/>

> >>> > <http://srigaruda. com <http://srigaruda.com/>>

> >>> >

> >>> > Rhoda Reporter wrote:

> >>> > > dear visti,

> >>> > > 5th you say is for subordinates and 6th for

> >>> > staff.

> >>> > > as i understand the 6th house, it shows workers

> >>> > and servants right??

> >>> > > we in india have helpers at home , so those have

> >>> > to be seen from the

> >>> > > 6th , right?

> >>> > > and what would ketu in 6th show??

> >>> > > i think you are online at the moment!! trust

> >>> > all is going fine

> >>> > > with you.

> >>> > > warm regards

> >>> > > rhoda

> >>> > > */Visti Larsen <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com

> >>> <visti%40srigaruda.com>>/* wrote:

> >>> > >

> >>> > > ??? ??? ??????

> >>> > > Dear Shobha, Namaskar

> >>> > > See the subordinates from the fifth house and

> >>> > the staff from the

> >>> > > sixth. Thats it. Your right, malefics are bad

> >>> > and benefics are good.

> >>> > > Yours sincerely,

> >>> > > --

> >>> > > Visti Larsen - SJC Guru

> >>> > > Jaimini SJC - Denmark

> >>> > > email: visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com <visti%


> >>> > <visti (AT) srigaruda (DOT) com <visti%


> >>> > > For consultations, free mp3's and articles

> >>> > visit:

> >>> > > http://srigaruda. com <http://srigaruda.com/>

> >>> <http://srigaruda. com/ <http://srigaruda.com/>>

> >>> > >

> >>> > > shobha S wrote:

> >>> > >> Respected Visti ji,

> >>> > >> How do I find out following:

> >>> > >> If native is a boss and wants to know how

> >>> > will be engineers under

> >>> > >> him, will they be helpful, trouble maker,

> >>> > smart workers etc.

> >>> > >> Benefics are good i suppose and malefics are

> >>> > bad, is it true?

> >>> > >>

> >>> > >> Is it 7th house of D10? If so then

> >>> > >> 1. what would 7th lord represent?

> >>> > >> 2. What would aspect on 7th house represent?

> >>> > >> 3. What would aspect on 7th lord represent?

> >>> > >>

> >>> > >> Shobha

> >>> > >>

> >>> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __

> >>> > >>

> >>> > >> Tired of spam? Mail has the best spam

> >>> > protection around

> >>> > >> http://mail. </>

> >>> > >

> >>> > >

> >>> > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __

> >>> > >

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