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Possible Nuclear War in 2008-2009

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Namaste, since there is important problem between Russia and Georgia, USA and

UE... And furthermore Pakistan is in a transition.. I recomend read this " old "

post about Nuclear matters.







, " Vladimir Mendoza Balcazar " <vladi98mb




> Namaste dear Jyotishers.

> I am read about nuclear test of India and Paquistan. I see the following

> data:


> May 11, 1998 - First fission nuclear explosive test by India - Shakti I

> In the astrological chart you can see the Sun and Mars in ARIES, the

> planets of energy in a sign of energy. This planets are far of Saturn in

> Aries (02º57') and Mercury begin to enter the same sign with

> 00º58'. Is very probably that Moon is in Libra, good positions

> receiving the aspect of MARS-SUN (saturn-mercury).


> For other hand, Venus is in exaltation, good situation. But Jupiter is

> between axis Rahu-Ketu (with Ketu). Then the more important axis is



> Respect of DASA ruled this day.. I have two posibilities... DASA OF RAHU

> or DASA OF JUPITER.. I think that is DASA OF JUPITER... (Rahu is in Leo,

> hostil sign) furthermore Jupiter is in aspect to Moon, relation 9/5.

> You can see the near FULL MOON in this test... important for COMPLET



> But it not end in May 11, 1998. The next test was in May 13, 1998. And

> after 2:10 am the Moon is not in LIBRA , is already in SCORPIO... and

> Mars is eighth aspect to Moon. Shakti II is the first FISSION weapon of

> India. And i am thinking... was a some problem with the FIRST TEST?

> beacuse astrologicaly the day of first (may 11) test is best than second

> test (may 13)... the second test was succesful but it happen in

> SCORPIO-MOON context... is a DESTRUCTIVE CONTEXT... if you consider the

> Moon = People, crowd... and MARS is in strong eighth aspect to MOON...

> then is a SIGNAL that the nuclear weapon of the Skati II type or

> subsecuent is DESTINED to be use for MASSIVE DESTRUCTION of people when



> The second test have two posibilites about DASA ruled. Dasa of Saturno

> or Dasa of Mercury. Since Saturn is weak (some cancellation surely) is

> more conflictive than Mercury, but both is involved in axis of energy

> Aries-Libra . Then I think... that if there was some problem in first

> test... was because dasa ruled of Rahu or Jupiter is not direct involved

> in the blowups AXIS (ARIES-LIBRA)....rather dasa of Mercury or Saturn

> have direct implication in axis ARIES-LIBRA.


> Respect to THE SMILING BUDDHA, may be the first nuclear of India... you

> can see the MOON in a other very diferent condition in PISCIS with VENUS

> exalted. Moon in Piscis... is not for a WAR, water sign, humanitary

> sign. But the energy is in SATURN-MARS conjunction in GEMINIS, where

> Saturn is aspecting Moon-Venus and Jupiter is aspecting Saturn-Mars.

> Curiosly, Jupiter is in the same SIGN (Aquarius) how in 1998 nuclear

> test. Mercury-Sol in the axis Rahu-Ketu without more trascendence in

> this event.


> But I am very inquisitive and I am see other IMPORTANT DATE: September

> 7, 1972. This day Prime Minister Indira Gandhi

> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indira_Gandhi> gave authorization to the

> scientists at the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre

> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhabha_Atomic_Research_Centre> (BARC) to

> manufacture the nuclear device they had designed and prepare it for a

> test. Throughout its development, the device was formally called the

> " Peaceful Nuclear Explosive "

> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peaceful_nuclear_explosions> , but it was

> usually referred to as the Smiling Buddha.


> In the astrological chart you can see some SURPRISING details:


> Mercury, Moon, Sun and Mars in LEO... wow.. do you remember Mercury,

> Saturn, Sun and Mars in Aries???.... in both the energy is a FIRE SIGN

> ZODIACAL... Leo and Aries.. and the position of MOON is important.. in

> the september 7, 1972 is near to NEW MOON... in the May 11, 1998 is FULL

> MOON. You can see again the conection Jupiter in ninth aspect to Moon,

> in september 7, 1972 is more STRONG that May 11, 1998. But the

> disadvantage is in the New Moon that need more time for COMPLET

> SUCCESSFUL. Then the SMILING BUDDHA is test when Jupiter is transit in

> opossition of MOON-SUN... compensate the New Moon.


> Now you can see the DASA ruled in september 7, 1972. There is only

> option: dasa of Venus. But with the adequate correction of time of

> authorization of Indhira Gandhi you can put the DASA OF MARS in the

> correct context of events. For example, if the authorization was at

> 9:10 AM (september 7, 1972) the dasa/bhukti for test of Shakti I and

> Shakti II is in MOON-MARS period and DASA OF MARS is start in march 24,

> 2007... a more or less one year after of India and USA seal Accord

> Nuclear ... it was in Moon-Sun dasa/bhukti (Sun-Moon is with Mars in

> Leo)... but is ONLY a EXAMPLE for find a correct time for authorization

> of Prime Minister Indhira Gandhi.


> But you can see that DASA OF MARS is near in the actual time... is GOOD

> for more progress in NUCLEAR TECNOLOGY for India. Rusia is now help to

> India in this matter, too.


> But what happen with TRANSIT OF SATURN in LEO... July 2007 until

> septemeber 2009... there is a some disturbance in some ACCORD NUCLEAR of

> India with Rusia or USA. Some near WAR will produce this disturbance.




> Now you can understand the GREAT DANGER of a NUCLEAR WAR in the Kargil

> War... because SATURN -MARS oposition -- in transit in May-July 1999

> (period of the Kargil war) -- have involved with ARIES-LIBRA axis.


> The first hint of the possible use of a nuclear bomb was on May 31

> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/May_31> when Pakistani foreign secretary

> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_minister> Shamshad Ahmad made a

> statement warning that an escalation of the limited conflict could lead

> Pakistan to use " any weapon " in its arsenal. And may 31, 1999 the MOON

> IS IN SCORPIO until 19:12. do you remember the Moon in Scorpio of the

> second nuclear test of India?.... This was THE BEGINNING... after you

> know that...


> The nature of the India-Pakistan conflict took a more sinister

> proportion when the U.S. received intelligence that Pakistani nuclear

> warheads were being moved towards the border. Bill Clinton tried to

> dissuade Pakistan prime minister Nawaz Sharif from nuclear brinkmanship,

> even threatening Pakistan of dire consequences. According to a White

> House official, Sharif seemed to be genuinely surprised by this supposed

> missile movement and responded that India was probably planning the

> same. This was later confirmed in an article in May 2000, which stated

> that India too had readied at least five nuclear-tipped ballistic

> missiles.[44] Sensing a deteriorating military scenario, diplomatic

> isolation, and the risks of a larger conventional and nuclear war,

> Sharif ordered the Pakistani army to vacate the Kargil heights. He later

> claimed in his official biography that General Pervez Musharraf had

> moved nuclear warheads without informing him.[45] Recently however,

> Pervez Musharraf revealed in his memoirs that Pakistan's nuclear

> delivery system was not operational during the Kargil war;[16] something

> that would have put Pakistan under serious disadvantage if the conflict

> went nuclear.


> You can see that the first nuclear test of Pakistan (may 28,1998) have

> not the same astrological energy of the nuclear test of Shakti of India.

> Moon in Geminy, Mars-Sun in Tauro... only Jupiter is strong in Piscis.

> Then the posibility of Nuclear War in 1999 had been more effective for

> India in his destructive force against Pakistan.


> I think that again the presence of Jupiter in Aries is an IMPORTANT

> factor for prevent the Nuclear War India-Pakistan. Furthermore august

> 23, 1999, Mars is going out of Libra and enter to Scorpio... The

> conflict is going to end.


> Ok... I am tired. Is all for now. I would like know your ideas about

> this subjects.


> Om Namo Bhagavate Rudraya


> Vladimir Mendoza B.


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