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Vipareeta Raj Yoga Q1. SKS

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Lesson VRY Steve Sufian




Q1. Raj Yoga definition.

a. A yoga that gives power (raj), status, kingly (raja) authority and

influence " worthiness for royal favors " Parashara Brihat Hora

Shastra, Sharma tr., p. 545.

b. Note that Raj Yoga is also a practice for spiritual growth. We

might appropriately consider the 10th house, the house of karma, as

the house which shows a person's gaining appreciation and


as a consequence of the karma of performing raj yoga. A Raj Yog in a

person's chart might then show the extent to which a person has,


or will be practicing Raj Yoga and gaining its fruits.

c. Note: Parasara (p. 545-555 ) gives many examples of combinations

of planets that show or produce Raj Yoga. I will mention a few below.

But looking through them it seems that taken altogether there will be

few people who won't have at least one raj yoga in their chart.


example, an RY is formed if the Lagna, GL or HL have the aspect of

even a single planet; result: the native will be a king. Consider

that each of the nine grahas has a 7th aspect, thus there could be as

many as 9 houses including the Rahu-Ketu axis getting RY. Then

Jupiter, Ra and Ketu also have 5 & 9 full aspects, Mars has 4 & 8, Saturn

has 3 & 10. There are few chances left that at least one among the

Lagna, HL or GL will not be aspected by at least one planet.

Therefore, we need not only to look in a chart for the other features

which may obstruct the RY's coming to fruition but also we need


think carefully what we mean by " Raj " , status, power,

kingship. And

here we have all the different levels with probably a spiritual

leader such as Prabbupada or Maharishi Mahesh Yogi at the highest

level, and from a material view, Bill Gates and other wealthy people

juggling for position with elected Heads of State and so on.


I feel most comfortable looking at Raj Yoga as I've stated above

as a

sign that the person is engaging, has engaged, or will engage in good

karma that will enable the person to achieve moksha through means

congruent particular with the lagna and its influences (the house of

attachment and desire, the theme of the person's life) and the


house (the house of loss of attachment and gain of universal



d. I've read several experienced jyotishas (I believe BV Raman,

Krishnamurti of Krishnamurti Paadhati, and KN Rao are among them) who

have commented that Raj Yogas are often seen in the charts of very

poor and low status (from an ordinary view) people whereas in

contrast there are often powerful people in society whose charts

don't have them. Again, we need to look at the other aspects of a

chart which might enhance or obstruct the Raj Yoga.


Raj Yogas are considered from karakamsa lagna or from janma lagna.

From karakamsa the raj yoga is formed by the relation of the Atma

Karaka ( most degrees traversed in its Rashi) and the Putra Karaka.

(6th most degrees traversed in its srashi) From janma lagna, the raj

yog is formed by relation between Lagna Lord and L5 (Lord of and

angle and a trine). The strength of the planets determines whether

the results of the raj yoga will be full, one half, or one quarter.



Parashara gives several examples of Raj Yogas:



1. Maharaja Yoga: (person will be famous and happy): exchange between

L1 & L5 WHILE AK and PK are in Lagna or in 5th House AND AK and PK

are in exaltation navamsha or own sign AND are aspected by benefic.

2. L9 AK in 1, 5,or 7 from janma lagna or karakamsa AND conjunct or

aspected by a benefic.

3. Benefics in 2,4, 5 from janma lagna or karakamsha

4. Malefics in 3 or 6 from janma lagna or karakamsha

5. 3 or 6 from JL or karakamsha aspected by malefics.

6. For situation 3,4,5 if there are both malefics and benefics, the

results will be mixed..


Parashara gives at least 35 examples total, involving, for eaxample,

combinations between an angle and a trine, VPRY yogas involving the

lords of 6,8, 12 and sometimes 3 placed in 6, 8, 12 or conjunct each

other. Argala, Arudha Pada, Shadvargas, mid-day and mid-night,

Varogottam Moon, avasthas, exaltation state, angular placement of

benefics are among the other factors considered.


Example charts: Queen Elizabeth II L4 in 1, L5-10 in 2, L7 in own

house aspecting lagna….

BV Raman: L1 conjunct exalted Moon. (king among astrologers)

Edward Duke of Windsor (abdicated king): Venus L5-10 conjuct

Jupiter and thus giving aspect to lagna through Jupiter's 9th


General Franco, dictator of Spain: Saturn L4 & 5 from Lagna

and L9 & 10 from Moon. Mars L2 & 7 in Saturn house.

Nehru. Five planets aspecting 10th house.


Would be nice to prepare a spreadsheet of as many major kings, major

CEOs, and extremely wealthy people (Bill Gates, JD Rockefeller, for

example) and to do a statistical analysis of which and how many Raj

Yogas there are. Has anybody done this? Where is the analysis



Also, it would be nice to do charts of people whose lives are not

routinely reported in the mass media and to compare their Rys and

other influences to those of the rich and famous. Has anyone done

this in a rigorous statistical way?



Jai Sri Ram,


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