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VRY Tuturial

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Dear Jyotisha and Jyotisha Guru,


I have enclosed a very elaborate tutorial on Vipareeta Rajyoga for

discussions. I have also given the dates/schedule for the Guru's to guide. i

hope everybody co-operates in this effort. The file Vipareeta rajyoga.exe is

attached and is in Hotsend so that any computer can open it. It may take

some time to download.


With this we enter the phase of hard work and I expect everyone to put in

his/her best. Those who have been very quiet for so long may kindly wake up.


With Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath.

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Dear Gurudeva,




1. A Raja yoga is a combination of planets causing power, fame, wealthand


According to BPHS, there are three dictums for forming a Raja yoga:


a) Sambandha between the Karakamsha Lagna and Janma Lagna (I don't quite

understand how

will a relationship be formed between a sign in Rasi and one in Navamsha.)

b) Sambandha between Atmakaraka and Putrakaraka

c) Sambandha between lord of Lagna and the 5th house


Maharishi Jaimini stresses the dictum also mentioned by Parasara, that the

Lagna, Hora

Lagna and Ghatika Lagna or the 7th from them should be aspected by a common



There's many more rules on this, which both of hte Maharishis explain.


Let's analyze the above dictums in Srila Prabhupada's chart, as besides

Pravrajya yoga

there must be some Raja yogas as well. Lagna in Sagittarius while Karkamsha is

Libra. In

Rasi Libra is aspected by Jupiter, while Lagna by Venus. AL and Darapada in

trines also

adds to this. Exalted saturn aspects Ghati Lagna and lord of Lagna (Jupiter)

which are

both in Leo. 4th lord Jupiter is conjunct with the 9th lord Sun in Leo.


G.C. Sharma gives the following interpretation to this: The native si mainly God


and has great devotion to God. He may achieve his highest goal on the path of

devotion. He

gets all the pleasures, wealth and grandeur without efforts. He is very famous

in the

world and has great hold on the general public.


Your shishya, Gauranga das


-----Eredeti üzenet-----

Feladó: Sanjay Rath <srath

Címzett: Varahamihira <varahamihira >

Elküldve: 2000. június 23. 23:32

Tárgy: [sri Guru] VRY Tuturial



> Dear Jyotisha and Jyotisha Guru,


> I have enclosed a very elaborate tutorial on Vipareeta Rajyoga for

> discussions. I have also given the dates/schedule for the Guru's to guide. i

> hope everybody co-operates in this effort. The file Vipareeta rajyoga.exe is

> attached and is in Hotsend so that any computer can open it. It may take

> some time to download.


> With this we enter the phase of hard work and I expect everyone to put in

> his/her best. Those who have been very quiet for so long may kindly wake up.


> With Best Wishes

> Sanjay Rath.


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Vyam Vyasa Devaya NamahNamasthe all Gurus and friendsMy understanding about Raja-Yoga.Graha Yoga are simply combination of planets, gives various resultsaccording to their natural qualities, placement and occupation. Thiscombinations can be occurred actual conjoins, aspects or having any other linksbetween two or more planets or Rasi/ house.Among this various type of yogas Raja-yoga is much important as this givesrise in life in various ways such as financially, power or knowledge etc.Natives with raja-yoga in their charts, facing rise in their life materiallyor spiritually and generally rule over material or spiritual world.According to my understanding rise of the life can be expected in threeimportant ways and hence, this can be categorize as following 3 way.1. Dhana Yoga; Gives rise in wealth.2. Yoga for power and authority; gives leadership such as politicians.3. Yoga for knowledge; gives knowledge and spirituality.When 1 and 2 is mainly related material life the 3rd type of combinationsleads to spiritual life. How ever, one of those is mostly indicategeneral rise while two or more from above mentioned will surely shows RAJAYOGA, as those who have this type of Wealth, Power,Authority and knowledge(or more of those) are naturally qualified to lead and guide others.In fact, if any one having Knowledge only, by the time goes, he would haveauthority and secondly power and thirdly wealth. This is the rise of life inmaterially.


Considering Vedic Jyotish, hundreds of various yogas given as Raja- yoga by Maharishis.Let's try to understand few important facs here.


Jaimini sutra, clearly says, the native -lagna, his wealth- Hora Lagna and his power and authority- Gatika lagna will be responsible for Raja yoga. If any planet aspect all above 3 lagna gives Raja Yoga and the strength yoga or rise of the native depends of the strength of various lagna and planets aspects above lagna. This must be seen in Rasi, Navamsa(fortune) and Drekkana (parakrama) as well, for proper results.


This is the best example that shows the combination of wealth, power and authority is the key for Raja yoga. Natives having this type of raja yoga, are qualified to rise in materially.


Parasara say, that Rajayoga must be consider from lagna and 5th house,atma karaka and putra karaka.

According to my understanding, AK is the ruler of life and guide for rise in materially or spiritually. One's AK is well placed, the path for the rise is very open to the native and easy to reach his goals, hence fulfill his desires easily. Results is seen from putra karaka or fifthhouse. Combination of this two lords or AK/PK is providing the rise of the life.


Same way combination of quadrant and Trines can give rise of the life as per combination. For example combination of 9th and 10th is popular " Dharma +Karma adipati yoga; gives rise in religious or spiritual path while combination of 5th and 10th can give knowledge (good later results- putra) and power in materially.


By destroy evils effects, one can rise is indicate from Viparita Rajayoga. In fact destroying enemies, disease, and loss is a rise of life and only who have knowledge, power or wealth can do this.


How ever to activate the results of Raja -yoga the strength of lumineries and lord of the lagna must be strong.




Thanks in advance for your feed back


Hare Krishna



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Dear Sanjay,


I am sorry for my long "sleep". It was partly because the last two assignments were above my ability.Also partly because my work committments have taken this month. I had two work extremely long hours in June, including weekends (the minimum hours on any day was 10 hours) in order to meet project times as we had to deliver by the 15th. And then fell sick. We also have visitors and that involves time.


I could calculate the latitude (ayana) from any ephemerisis or by program, but the real question as to why the sun and moon have only one house - I could only think that they are just two aspects of the same energy, as the moon reflects the sun's light. We cannot look directly at the sun but we can at the moon. It is almost like a softer and gentler form of the sun. (It reminds me of Vishvakarma shaping the sun's energy so it is not too strong.).


I couldn't say anything about the dream assignment except that it was obviously very auspicious, and perhaps to do with the establishment of truth.


Here is my attempt on this tutorial question. It is being done very quickly so please excuse any shortcomings. I should have done more research on Yeltsin and Hitler, but dont really have the time as my partner has just asked me to get ready to go out as we have visitors staying with us.

Raja yoga


This implies the experience of executive authority in some institution or society by the native, putting one in a situation of responsibility and power. As such it also implies a high profile for the individual.


The institution could be political, commercial or spiritual. Or it can be more general, giving a direct influence on society.


As an aside, I also think that it places the native in a crucial situation with regard to the karma it can generate, since the handling of the position can give rise to good or bad karma in quite a significant way, given the ability to have an effect on other lives.


The most common examples of raja yoga mainly quoted have to do with the sambhandha of the rulers of trikonas and kendras.


There are other rules based on the chara karakas. For example the sambhandha of atmakaraka and amatyakaraka. I have no experience using these and therefore cannot provide any examples. They are also harder to identify as the charakarakas have to be kept in memory while looking at the chart, whereas the ones in the above category are more obvious.


Then the vipareeta raja yogas which act due to the destruction of malefic influences as described in detail in the tutorial. I will try to find some examples and apply them.


Taking the sambhanda of kedra and kona rulers, the placement of the raja yoga and rulership of the planets involved show the area in which the results will be experienced. If the sambhandha happens in difficult houses, the results may be achieved with a great deal of hard work or in difficult circumstances. If they are well placed they are achieved easily. The strength of the planets


Example 1:


Capricorn ascendant

Venus, Mercury, Sun in 10th

Moon, Ketu and Saturn in 9th

Rahu in 2nd

Jupiter in 3rd

Mars in 12th


Atmakaraka is Rahu

GL - Aries

HL - Taurus

Saturn in own sign, Venus and sun exalted in navamsa


This person achieved recognition in his career. However the sun debilitated in the 10th (though neecha bhanga and exalted in navamsa) resulted in less executive power though being a consultant in every organization. There is also little desire to exercise authority over others.


The combination of ascendant ruler and 7th ruler in 9th house has also brought academic recognition, and a reputation for being very well read in a number of different academic disciplines. On the whole prefers a 9th house type of life, perhaps due to the ascendant ruler being there. Very significant career changes occurred in the sub periods of Venus. Mercury is within 2 degrees from the sun and is combust. Venus being direct is not combust. Currently in Jupiter dasa which aspects the 10th. Jupiter ruling the 12 brings travel and ruling 3rd some restlessness so that there has been a change of jobs.



Example 2:


Scorpio ascendant

Ketu in 6th

Sun, Moon, Venus and Mercury in Leo in 10. Mecury is not combust.

Saturn in Lagna

Mars in 7th

Jupiter and Rahu in 12th


Atmakaraka is Rahu, vargottama

GL - Leo

HL- Capricorn

Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury in own house in navamsa, none debilitated


This person achieved strong career success with executive power in a commercial organization. All grahas except Jupiter and Rahu aspect the 10th house. As the maha dasas from a young age were of the grahas in the 10th (venus, sun, moon) this happened quite early, with acting general manager status in a significant organization by early 30s. Has never had a backward step in his life. Currently in mars maha dasa. With mars and saturn also forming a raja yoga (both also aspecting the 10th) this has not changed. However, the other rulerships of mars and saturn have brought some interesting and underhand manipulations from competitors.


Hora Lagna is Capricorn, Ghatika Lagna is in the 10th (which must lend weight to the raja yoga in the 10th). Saturn from the ascendant aspects all three by graha drishti and Hora Lagna by rasi drishti as well. This should therefore prove a strong yoga planet.




Example 3:


Aries Ascendant

Sun, Mercury® and Ketu in 2nd

Venus in 3rd

Jupiter in 5th

Saturn and Rahu in 8th

Mars in 11

Moon in 12


Atmakaraka is sun

GL- Scorpio

HL - Pisces

Mercury and moon are both debilitated in navamsa


Ascendant ruler mars mutually aspects 9th lord Jupiter in 5th. 10th lord saturn mutually aspects 5th lord sun. Also 10th ruler aspects 9th lord by graha and rasi drishti.


However the difficult placement of 10th ruler and association with malefics delayed success. May also make success hard to sustain for long periods.


Strong (by parivartana) 7th ruler in 3rd brought sudden success in career in second half of venus maha dasa Venus/Jupiter and Venus/Saturn (with problems). This person has only 4 ordinary levels and was a secretary until 40. Then was promoted into team leader positions in the IT department and then a couple of years later head hunted to become IT manager for a franchise. Appeared in a leading IT newspaper article as one of the few examples of women breaking the glass ceiling.


Then there was a dip in Venus/Mercury as she quit her job to do independent work. Can make enemies for herself by her speech. Aspect from saturn, mars with sun and ketu to 2nd also 3rd/6th ruler mercury who is not combust. But very bright (Budha aditya) and confident to an extreme though not at all academic (4th lord in 12, debilitated in navamsa). Sun maha dasa should be good as first raja yoga planet dasa to be activated. However moon dasa could be difficult. The position of the moon also causes misunderstandings with mother.


For VRY, I thought Boris Yeltsin's chart should show this. I am not sure how correct the details I have here are, but they show a clear VRY.


Example 1: Boris Yeltsin


1st Feb 1931, 4:45 pm 63E30 57N0 TZ +3:00 GMT


Ascendant Leo

Ketu in 2nd

Saturn, Mercury, Venus in 5th

Sun in 6th

Rahu in 8th

Moon, Jupiter in 11

Mars in 12


AK is moon, vargottama

GL -Aquarius

HL - Scorpio


Venus lord 3rd and saturn lord of 6th are together, strongly placed in kona. Strengthened by the association of friend mercury and aspected by ruler of the house Jupiter and by the moon. They aspect atmakaraka moon. This fits the second case where rise is due to the downfall of an ally.



His rise to power was associated with the downfall of Gorbachev who was on the same political side.


However, there is also the mutual aspect between 5th lord Jupiter and 10th lord Venus which gives a raja yoga pertaining to the combination of kendra and kona rulers. As 5th is involved, it indicates political power.


He rose to power during Venus dasa. I am not sure of the sub period.


Example 2: Adolf Hitler


Adolf Hitler is another chart that should show this


Born 20th April 1889, 6:30 PM 13E02 48N15 TZ +1:00 GMT


Ascendant Libra

Jupiter, Moon, Ketu in 3rd

Sun, Mars, Venus®, Mercury in 7th. Venus is not combust. However it may have lost the war to mars.

Saturn in 10th


Venus is AK


GL - Capricorn

HL - Taurus


8th ruler venus and 12th ruler mercury are combined in the 7th. As venus is also AK and associated with exalted sun, and 7th ruler mars, this shows coming to power after the downfall of an ally.

Hitler came to power after the downfall of the the leader of his own government with which he was a nominal ally.


















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