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Detailed Reply to Shyamasundara Prabhu

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Om Hayagreevaaya Namah

Namaste Gauranga Prabhu,


You can forward this mail outside varahamihira if you want. I am sending it

to vedic astrology also, as there is some useful content. I cc'ed it to

Shyamasundara prabhu also. Egroups truncates emails addresses in its

archives and, when I read this mail in varahamihira archives, I

extrapolated Shyamasundara Prabhu's email address from "

Shyamasundara.ACBSP@p... " . Please tell me if what I used in cc is right.


My replies:


(1) ASURA YOGA: Sanjay was misunderstood. Sanjay is too learned to say that

a planet in 8th (or 12th) makes one a demon. To attack Sanjay's comment on

Asura yoga from Cp lagna in Srila's Cp lagna chart, these people referred

to the 4 planets in my 8th house and challenged Sanjay to call me an Asura.

However, technically, I do not have Asura yoga. Asura yoga does NOT mean

planets being in the 8th house. Planets in 8th give misfortune or setbacks.

When fortified, they can make one a hard-worker (karma yogi) or a pursuer

of occult knowledge. What they made *me* is irrelevant to the discussion.

Let us focus on Asura yoga.


To my knowledge, Asura yoga *requires* Jupiter in 8th and not just any

planet. The version I read in some classic actually requires Jupiter *and*

Venus in the 8th house from lagna.


Jupiter and Venus in 8th give Asura (demon) yoga. The only exceptions are

the lagnas of Jupiter and Venus (Ta, Li, Sg and Pi). In that case, lagna

lord in 8th puts arudha lagna (AL) in 3rd. So Jupiter and Venus will be in

the 6th from AL and that makes one a saint instead of a demon. This gives

Asura yoga bhanga.


I have Mercury, Venus, debilitated Saturn and Mars in 8th (and, BTW, not

Sun as Shyamasundara wrote). In any case, this combination is in the 6th

from AL.


(2) SANJAY'S USE: Srila has only Jupiter in Leo and not Venus. Sanjay was

presumably using a different variation involving Sun. I will appreciate a

clarification from Sanjay.


(3) In order to attack Asura yoga, Shyamasundara said that I am " considered

the best " of Sanjay's students and yet I have Asura yoga. Leaving aside the

subjective view here and the fact that I do not have Asura yoga, I want to

point out one fallacy:


If somebody has Asura yoga, he can still be a great scholar and an

extremely intelligent person. In fact, one with Jupiter and Venus in 8th

will be very learned and yet demonic.


(4) VIMSOTTARI: Shyamasundara said: " Parasara Rishi spent the greatest

amount of time on Vimshottari mahadasa, more time than all the other dasha

put together. I wonder why? "


This is inaccurate. After defining dasas, Parasara gave (a) guidelines for

interpreting nakshatra dasas like Vimsottari dasa, (b) guidelines for

interpreting Kalachakra dasa, and, © guidelines for interpreting rasi

dasas like Chara dasa. Some commentators may give you the impression that

(a) is exclusive for Vimsottari dasa. It is not. It is for all nakshatra



If Parasara spent most verses on one dasa, it is Kalachakra dasa and not

Vimsottari dasa.


Shyamasundara wrote: " Because he has stated it is the best. "


I request him to give a quote corroborating this view. Where did Parasara

say that Vimsottari dasa is " the best " ?


For Vimsottari dasa, he only used the adjective " mukhyaa " , meaning " an

important " . On the other hand, he said this about Kalachakra dasa:


" kaalachakra dasaa chaanyaa maanyaa sarvadasaasu yaa " .


It means " there is another dasa called Kalachakra dasa which the most

respectable of ALL dasas " .


(5) OTHER DASAS: Nevertheless, each dasa is important in its own right. We

have to understand the philosophy behind each dasa and understand what it

shows. I will quote from an article of mine that will soon be published by

a magazine:


" Maharshi Parasara described tens of dasa systems in his timeless classic

" Brihat Parasara Hora Sastram " . Different dasa systems are good at showing

different matters. Even when different dasa systems throw light on the same

matter, they do so in their own way. They throw light on different aspects

of the same matter. Different dasa systems are like vantage points

providing different angles to look at the same kaleidoscope that life is.


As far as general purpose phalita dasas are concerned, three dasas stand

out: (1) Vimsottari dasa, (2) Narayana dasa (Padakrama dasa), and, (3)

Kalachakra dasa. Vimsottari dasa is based on Moon's nakshatra and it shows

everything that happens in one's life from the vantage point of one's mind.

Narayana dasa is an exhaustive system of which Chara dasa is a part. It is

based on the movement of lagna in one's life and shows the changing

situations faced by the physical self. Kalachakra dasa is the subtlest of

all to understand. It is based on the navamsa of Moon. While rasi chart

shows what exists at the physical level, navamsa chart is subtle and shows

the inner matters and the dharma followed by one. As it is based on the

navamsa of the significator of mind, Kalachakra dasa shows the events in

one's life from the point of view of the inner spirit of one's mind.


These general purpose phalita dasas show events of all kinds, but each dasa

system has a different focus as already mentioned.


Many other dasas described by Parasara are limited to specific matters.

Many of these dasas enable us to time events related to a particular aspect

of one's life. For example, Drigdasa is a rasi dasa described by Parasara.

It is more useful than Vimsottari dasa in timing events related to one's

religious activities and spiritual evolution. However, one will fail if one

attempts to see all the matters one normally sees in Vimsottari dasa in



If one correctly understands the conditions of applicability and the

specific details of application, one can make intelligent use of any dasa

system. Each dasa system has an importance of its own. Parasara did not

teach tens of dasa systems for no reason. "


(6) My name is " PVR Narasimha Rao " and not " PVS Narasimha Rao " .


(7) MY RECTIFICATION: Personally, I too am inclined towards Makara lagna in

Srila's chart. Based on my own analysis of Srila's life events, I rectified

lagna to Cp and ghatilagna to Vi. However, blasting Sanjay's view based on

a misconception that Asura yoga is given by many planets in 8th is

unfortunate. Dismissing non-Vimsottari dasas is also equally unfortunate.


(8) SHOOLA DASA vs BRAHMA DASA: I saw in the enclosed mail that somebody

used Srila's Shoola dasa. I respectfully suggest using ayur dasas like

Brahma dasa instead of Shoola dasa here.


Shoola dasa shows suffering and death. It shows Shiva's punishment to the

soul. It shows when Shiva ends the maya of material existence.


For what he did in his latest existence, Srila Prabhupada probably got

moksha. Atleast his soul went to a divine world where it would rest before

entering this world again to benefit some more souls. Using Shoola dasa is

quite inappropriate here.


If you take Cp lagna, Maheswara is Jupiter and Brahma is Saturn (8th lord

from 7th). Brahma dasa of Sg runs during 1976-1980, which is when I think

Srila passed away.


Sg is the 12th house of moksha from Cp lagna. It is the 8th from AK Moon

(another change for soul) and owned by Maheswara. Maheswara, the final

bringer of the emancipation for the soul, is in a trine from it. So Sg dasa

is a perfect candidate for giving end to this existence.


(9) Gauranga, Jyotish has too many dissenting voices. We cannot convince

everyone about what we feel (sometimes know) is right. Maharshis did not

teach multiple techniques because they had nothing better to do. But one

will see it only when one is *destined to*. The spark has to go off inside

one. This is Kali Yuga and people with the best intentions sometimes cannot

see the obvious. People with the greatest respect for maharshis unknowingly

challenge their teachings.


Sanjay has a lot of treasure that he hasn't yet shown anyone. You and I

should concentrate on learning and digesting as much as possible. It is our

poorva punya that we are part of SJVC parampara and learning from Sanjay.

Time will come when the world will accept the superiority of the knowledge

preserved in this tradition. Sometimes Sanjay or I or you or others at SJVC

may err in applying the knowledge, but the knowledge itself at SJVC is

correct and well-preserved.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,




> Dear Dhira Krsna Prabhu,


> Please accept my best wishes. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

> Bhakta-vigna-vinasha Nrsimhadeva Bhagavan ki jaya.


> There are 40+ systems of Mahadasha avalable in BPHS, I suppose if

you chose

> the appropriate one you could have Srila Prabhupada with any lagna

you want.

> But in spite of such a plethora of Lagnas Parasara Rishi spent the


> amount of time on Vimshottari mahadasa, more time than all the other


> put together. I wonder why? Because he has stated it is the best. No ifs

> ands or buts.


> However, I have noticed a trend for the last 10+ years of actually


> Vimshottari Mahadasha and an attempt to marginalize it. I am all for

> expanding the horizons of jyotish as long as it is within the orbit

of the

> Rsis, but to introduce minor dasa sytems at the expense of

Vimshottari, I

> feel, is a great mistake that will actually hinder the development

of young

> astrologers who have not yet mastered Vimshottari. Go for the main entre

> first and eat the others as dessert. If you only eat dessert it will


> your growth and rot your astrological teeth.


> Using the very same data of Srila Prabhupada's life (38 points of

his life,

> the same later supplied to Sanjay Rath), another well known

astrologer K.N.

> Rao rectified the chart and came to the conclusion that Srila

Prabhupada had

> a Makara lagna. He has written about it in his book " Successful


> Techniques of Hindu Astrology " from pages 149-173. Regarding death of

> parents which you say can ONLY be explained by Shoola Dasa for

Dhanus Lagna,

> Sriman Rao had this to say using " plain old vanilla " Vimshottari dasa:


> " 5. In 1912/13 his mother Rajani died suddenly. (In birth horoscope,


> is the 4th lord in the 8th house from the Mahadasha Lord Rahu. In

> Dvadasamsa, Rahu_Shukra shows this event more clearly. Rahu, is in

Lagna and

> Venus, 4th Lord representing Mother is in the 8th house and is

debilitated. "

> pg. 160


> 6. 1930 Guru-Ravi, his father left his body. Jupiter as 3rd lord in Rasi

> represents the ayu of parents. In dvadasamsa the Sun owns the 7th and

> Jupiter is in the 7th. "


> (By the way compared to Shoola Dasa which you used Rahu/Venus is not


> than 3 years in duration but Shoola is 9 years long for each rasi.

Which is

> more precise? To narrow it down to 3 years or 9 years.)


> That is only one instance, I am not going to duplicate all 25 pages.

You can

> buy the book and read it for yourself. It should be stated that K.N.

Rao is

> also an advocate of Jaimini and alternate Dasa systems, but it seems


> even he based most of his explanation of SP using Vimshottari Dasa.

He gives

> 2 pages (out of 25) using Chara Dasa to confirm that it is Makara Lagna.


> Unless you have mastered Vimshottari Dasa how do you know that it


> explain things just as well or even better? Frankly I am not

familiar with

> Shoola Dasa and other Dasa systems other than Vimshottari, I figured

that if

> it was good enough that Parasara said it was the best, then I should


> my time really learning it. Later, if I felt the need I could learn


> dasas. . (Also during my studies in India I didn't know any

astrologers who

> used anything but Vimshottari Dasa, and the ones I studies with were


> good.) I should say that I am presently reading four different

editions of

> Jaimini Sutras just to keep with the times. It is nice and I like


> book the best but so far I have not seen anything that could not be done

> just as easily or better with non-Jaimini methods. Maybe this is why

in the

> vast astrological canon of classical texts Jaimini occupies only 1%


> to standard Parasara methods? This doesn't mean I am against

Jaimini. If I

> was against it I would say so as I have often declared that I am against

> Tajika, trans-Saturnian planets, etc. In fact I have asked Sanjay

Rath to

> teach me Jaimini when I have the time to really get into it and he has

> kindly agreed to do this favor for me. But the paucity of exegetical


> on Jaimini compared to the oceans of literature on Parasara

certainly raises

> the question as to why Jaimini's methods were not propagated by talented

> astrologers of the past? Being practical men maybe it just wasn't

worth the

> effort. I am wondering if my experience with Jiamini will turn to be the

> same as I my experience with analytical geometry compared to

calculus. In

> Analytical geometry we learned complex ways of doing things which

later were

> easily done using calculus. In this case Jaimini being Analytical


> and main stream Parasara being calculus. Considering that I am going

to go

> to the trouble of learning Jiamini system I hope it doesn't become a


> effort, just one more of a myriad ways of doing the same thing. How many

> ways can you cook a potato?


> Another point is that since I do not understand the myriad dasa

systems how

> do I know that you or anyone else is actually presenting it properly?

> Especially since you have been studying for maybe a few months. If


> were to make a presentation using Vimshottari Mahadasa I can

understand but

> not these others systems. It can all be bluff as far as I or anyone else

> knows. Especially when you make a statement that something can only be

> explained with Dhanus lagna using Shoola Dasha, but your explanation

is just

> Greek to me. But KN Rao's explanation makes perfectly clear sense

and shows

> that your proposition is incorrect.


> Another point I would like to raise is that even though Parasara Rsi has

> given a lot of explanation of Vimshottari Dasa, MUCH more so than he

has of

> all other dasha systems combined. And even though there are many

books which

> supplement the teaching, and I mean many. Still it is not easy to

learn this

> one system. It took me a long time, several years to really feel


> with it. So I would like to know how you or any of the other very new

> astrologers have suddenly mastered not one, not two but many dasha


> in a few months/weeks for which there is almost no extant explicatory

> literature? This is a mystery I would like to have answered.


> So where is this discussion now? KN Rao using the same bio data of Srila

> Prabhupada and using 38 points in SP life sent to him by Devarsi

Prabhu has

> concluded after carefully studying the chart, using shodasha vargas and

> Vimshottari Mahadasha that Srila Prabhupada indeed had a Makara

Lagna. While

> Sanjay Rath, and all his students say it is Dhanus.


> I hope that Sanjay will not become angry with me and retract his

promise to

> teach me. But now I must say something about his comments on Srila

> Prabhupada's chart. I have not wanted to do so up till now because I

had a

> very bad experience last time with a lot of ill feeling and hatred

> generated. Aside from that it took a lot of my time and frankly I


> that anyone who read my report would agree with me. But it seems

that is not

> the case, at least now. Since Sanjay has several students and he

favors the

> Dhanus lagna then all of a sudden many of his students, very junior

> astrologers I might add, are now all championing the Dhanus Lagna.

You could

> say that I feel ganged-up on as if this will be decided by majority



> So with great trepidation, hoping to avert a flame war, I shall make

a few

> comments on what Sanjay wrote about Srila Prabhupada. First I should

like to

> say that I actually do admire Sanjay Rath as a great scholar and

knower of

> jyotish otherwise I would not consider asking him to teach me about


> at some future time. This incident reminds me of when Keshava

Kasmiri met

> Lord Caitanya, even though Kesava was a greatly learned scholar

still he had

> flaws in his compositions (not that I am like Caitanya). It also

reminds me

> of the author of the Narayaniyam who similarly, though a great

scholar, made

> some mistakes not readily seen at first. Thus, even though Sanjay

Rath is an

> established Jyotish Pandit he is not above making mistakes, even simple

> glaring mistakes which others simply cannot or will not see.


> When I read Sanjay's analysis of Srila Prabhupada's chart I could

see that

> he made a fatal mistake. Basically Sanjay's paper of 11 pages can be


> into two portions. The first paragraph and then the rest of the article

> minus this paragraph. He makes the mistake in the first paragraph. And

> though the rest of the article is brilliant in its exposition and would

> probably be a good lesson for someone wanting to learn Shula Dasa which

> seems to be the main one he is using it is pointless because like a

> mathematical calculation if a mistake is made at the beginning then the

> whole thing is wrong. In fact after seeing the mistake at the

beginning I

> barely skimmed the rest. What would be the use? Let me reproduce the


> paragraph since that is more than sufficient. Sanjay writes:


> " When Sri Dinanathji of ISKCON asked me to comment on and explain

the chart

> of Srila Prabhupada, I was perplexed to find that the chart suffered


> certain strong deficiencies that fail to explain the life of the


> contemporary Vaishnava saint. The Birth date: 01 September 1896,


> time at about 16:00 Hrs and place (in his maternal grandmother's


> to a Bengali tradition in the suburbs of Tollygunj) Calcutta 22 N 30

88 E 23

> as given by himself were used to construct the first chart which had

> Capricorn in the ascendant and the Sun, Jupiter and Ketu in the

eighth house

> in Leo. The presence of both Sun and Jupiter in the eighth house


> Asura yoga and the native may not be religious or God-fearing. Although

> there is Dharmakarmadhipati yoga in the ninth house involving

Mercury and

> Venus, the yogakaraka Venus is in debility. The tenth lord in

debility will

> not give much name or fame, which is quite contrary to the real life


> of the saint. Instead, accepting the fact that the time was

approximate and

> that in the nineteenth century, use of time-pieces and watches was a


> thing in India, the chart has been suitably modified to Sagittarius

> ascendant (Chart A). "


> Here Pandita Rath makes the same error as Nalini Kanta Prabhu by saying:


> " The presence of both Sun and Jupiter in the eighth house indicates


> yoga and the native may not be religious or God-fearing. "


> Sanjay makes no effort what so ever to establish that Sun and Guru

in the

> 8th house is an Asura yoga. He just assumes it to be and then goes

on with

> the assumption that it must then be Dhanus lagna. No proofs, no


> nothing, just assumption. And nobody notices. At least Nalini Kanta

tried to

> show why this combination was an Asura yoga. Sanjay just expects us to

> accept it because he will show us using his analysis that it can all be

> explained using Dhanus. This is no good because this can be countered by

> someone like K N Rao who using the same data is able to explain it

all using

> Makara Lagna. Retro-active explanations don't save the day because

we have

> two very good astrologers who use retroactive analysis to get opposite

> conclusions. In fact there is no need for me to go and analyze what


> has said because it all collapses when the pillar of his first

assumption is

> pulled out by realizing it is very faulty.


> It all falls back on the assumption that Guru and Sun along with

Ketu in the

> 8th is Asura yoga. This is what lead Nalini to try Dhanus lagna and

it is

> the same impetus for Sanjay to do the same as he himself calls this


> " strong deficiencies. "


> Am I the only one who thinks that such statements should be proved

and not

> simply assumed? That before going to step two you must first

establish step

> one. Is this unreasonable? I say it is very reasonable to expect and


> such proof.


> We have in our paper " The Transcendental Horoscope of Srila Prabhupada "

> (a.k.a. Makara.doc) gone to great lengths to establish that this


> of the negative status of Guru, Sun and Ketu in the 8th is simply

wrong. I

> have given many proofs that everybody seems to have totally forgotten. I

> would strongly suggest that before anyone types another word on this


> they go back and read that section.


> I should like to point out that of all Sanjay Rath's students, PVS


> Rao is considered the best, yet he has about 4 planets in his 8th house

> including Sun and Lagna lord Mercury. Is he therefore an Asura? His


> can be seen on his homepage where he tells us that the active 8th house

> gives him the desire to investigate the occult mysteries and spiritual

> topics.


> This is what one member of my forum wrote to me back in December

1997. It is

> self-explanatory:


> Dear Shyamasundara Prabhu,


> Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


> I have just finished reading your paper on Srila Prabhupada's chart and

> found it most enlightening. Very well argued! I'm not writing you


> on that issue though. I found your analysis of the 8th and 12th

houses in

> that paper very interesting. Recently two devotee astrologers tried to

> convince me that my lagna was wrong, based on apparently simplistic

> reasoning that I seem to have Gemini traits and that with a Taurus

lagna I'd

> have four planets in the 12th and would be " too heavily afflicted. " My

> actual lagna is now verified as Taurus (according to hospital

records, as

> well as by my parents recollection). With Taurus lagna I have Venus,

> Mercury, Saturn (neecha), and Mars in the 12th. (Jup in 6, Moon and

Rahu in

> 10, Sun in 11) Many astrologers noticeably flinch when I tell them

my chart,

> especially with that loaded 12th. Recently I went through the agony

of an

> identity crisis trying to understand which chart is correct. With my

> birth time now confirmed, I'm satisfied that Taurus is my lagna. But I

> learnt

> first hand the difficulty people have understanding 12th house

karma. For

> the past eight years I've read quite a lot on astrology, always assuming

> that my lagna was Taurus, so to switch lagnas was quite a shocking


> Thus I found your explanation of the 8th and 12th houses relevant and

> helpful.


> Your servant,

> B dasa


> I have seen this kind of thing time and again so therefor I would

like to

> see someone demonstrate that everybody with planets in the 8th or 12th

> houses are demons. Such reasoning is excessively simplistic. And, while

> Pandita Rath is very learned it seems that he has made this same simple

> mistake. I hope that he is prepared to change his mind on this

issue. And if

> not to please demonstrate and prove the planet in 8th house = Asura

> equation. And, to also call P.V.S. Narasimha Rao, his student, an Asura.


> Some of you may be familiar with Dr. K.S. Charak, he has written

many books

> on Jyotish, he was the editor of Vedic Astrology magazine (now defunct I

> think), and I believe he is the one who runs the Jyotish School at


> Bhavan in Delhi. From the May-June 1997 issue till the Jan-Feb 1998

issue he

> serialized a long article called the " Enigma of the 8th House. " I am not

> going to attempt to reproduce the whole article as it is 20-30 pages


> He makes many cogent points which any beginning student of jyotish


> learn (and senior students as well). I will quote only a few relevant

> points:


> " The importance of this house in the field of research, extracting new

> meaning from sources where they lie hidden, cannot be

over-emphasized. Being

> the house belonging to the visible half of the zodiac, the several


> features of this house which are normally best concealed get exposed


> to scandals. For those detached from the worldly enticements, it is

a house

> for spiritual pursuits and attainments; it falls in the

Moksha-trikona, the

> trinal houses (4,8,12) indicating emancipation from the world... " VA 1.3

> May-June 1997


> " (where there is promise of spirituality indicated in the chart)

Jupiter in

> the 8th a spiritual house, augurs well for yogic practices and spiritual

> pursuits. " VA July-August, 1997


> " Generally, the native with an over crowded 8th house has an ordinary

> beginning but attains spectacular financial status as the 8th house


> begin to fructify. " (That is in the case of a strong chart.) VA

Jan-Feb 1998




> >

> > Dear Shyamasundara Prabhu,

> >

> > Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

> >

> > I checked Srila Prabhupada's chart regarding the demise of his

parents and

> > found that it is only valid to use the Dhanus lagna. In shoola

dasha we

> > can see the demise of relatives, sthirakaraka for mother is the


> > of Mars or Moon and for father the stronger of Sun/Venus. Mars and


> > are in same rasi, and maraka's are Mercury, Mars or Ketu.

Whichever lagna

> > we take (counting retroverse), that gives the possibility for

mother to

> > leave her body before his age of 18. But when we check for father,


> > leaves no doubt. Sthirakaraka for father is Sun in case of Makara


> > so Mercury, Rahu or Saturn become maraka's. Rahu will not act as a


> > since it is in own sign, thus will not act as the lord. Saturn is 1:47

> > degrees from it's highest point of exaltation, being in tremendous

> > shadbala strength, and it aspects Rahu in rasi dristi. So we look

at the

> > dispositors of Saturn or Mercury. Both come to Virgo, so Virgo or

rasis in

> > trines become maraka rasis. Counting from the 9th house using

Makara lagna

> > we get 5 rasis. Each rasi represents a maha-dasha of 9 years, so Srila

> > Prabhupada's father would have demised either before his age of 9

or after

> > age 36, which did not happen.

> > Now, when we take Dhanus lagna, sthirakaraka becomes Venus (it is

> > stronger) and so either Venus or Jupiter become maraka's.

Dispositor of

> > Venus is Mercury in own sign, again Virgo is maraka rasi, or Jupiter's

> > dispositor is Sun in own sign, so Leo could also be maraka rasi. Now

> > counting from 9th using Dhanus lagna, we get 4 rasis to the rasi

in trine

> > to maraka rasi, or 4 x 9 = 36. This explains why Srila

Prabhupada's father

> > left his body at his age of 34.

> >

> > Before checking shoola dasha I had accepted still the Makara

lagna, but in

> > your letter I found the information which made me conclude

otherwise. If

> > time in Calcutta was different from Madras LMT, why would it have been

> > Calcutta LMT? Is there any proof?


> The proof is that NC Lahiri stated it to be so. He is an authority

on the

> subject. He is the one for whom the Lahiri ayanamsa is named after.

And also

> happens to be a native of Calcutta. It is his business as an

astronomer and

> calendar maker to know about these things. He was also born in the early

> part of the century. If you don't accept the statement of a member

of the

> Government of India Calendar committee. A well respected astronomer and

> calendar maker, then who will you accept? Aside from that, if you

check any

> time change Atlas such as the ACS Atlas you will find that up to 1890-92

> almost every country in the world observed LMT. Even Netherlands,

where you

> are presently living, did not change over to standard time until Jan 5,

> 1892. France did not switch over until 1891 in some parts and others not

> until 1893. The whole idea of Standard Time was actually suggested by a

> Canadian Rail Road Official (if my Canadian history serves me well)

in the

> 1880s to help with Railway schedules. It was suggested at international

> conventions to become an international standard and it was gradually

> accepted. But not all at once. In some parts of Canada LMT was

dropped in

> 1884 and others not until 1897. Just remember that Srila Prabhupada

was born

> in 1896 just as the idea of switching from LMT to standard time was


> accepted. It took some countries longer than others. Many regions in


> didn't switch from LMT to standard time till 1928! Just consider

that many

> parts of Europe didn't switch from the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian

> Calendar for more than 200 years.



> >That gives us a difference of 32

> > minutes. As India was under the government of the British Empire,


> > they have adjusted their clocks 32 minutes every time they went

from Puri

> > to Calcutta? Why not 1 hour? After all, they also insisted on 1 hour

> > difference with the rest of Europe, not half an hour.


> As I have pointed out up to a 2-3 years before Srila Prabhupada was

born all

> of Europe was on LMT. That meant that the time in the Hague was


> than in Antwerp, or Paris, or London or any place in Europe that was

not on

> the same longitude as they were. So yes, they would adjust their

clocks in

> Europe what to speak of in Puri. UK adopted standard time in 1880.


> what you are saying doesn't make much sense to me.




> > And remarkable also

> > is that Nalini Kanta and others accept a rectification of 30 minutes

> > earlier! If we take time zone 6.21, then a rectification of ONLY 3



> You can take it. But I take Calcutta LMT which is 5h 53m East of



> > earlier than the time of 4 pm as given by Srila Prabhupada is

necessary to

> > come to Dhanus lagna. Is that coincidence?


> It is documented, and I have reproduced it in makara.doc that Srila

> Prabhupada asked if his chart would be different if the time was


> They said yes. He then suggested a time after 4 PM not before, say


> 4:30. Ojha then said it would stay Makara. Anyway, you arguments are

> becoming less cogent.


> Yours in the service of my eternal master Srila Prabhupada


> Shyamasundara Dasa


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