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Assignment : Swee's Chart

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Dear Shri Sanjayji ,


Hare Krsna ,


> Dear Jyotisha,


>Here we are back to some basics and for this I want to give you some

> homework. I want you to list out all the characteristics for YOUR LAGNA on

the basis of the following 22 heads/points. Please ensure that you do not

describe anything on the basis of the placement of planets in signs in your

chart, but ONLY on the basis of the 12

houses in your horoscope lorded by different signs and planets. Although

this may seem to be very simple, it is not so. Listing ALL points is not

easy. So, list as many points as you can and then start mailing them to the

list. as you receive points from others, add them to your own or if you have

doubts, ask the person who has sent the characteristics/ nature/ readings.


As from RASI Lagna only :


> 1. Physical Appearance


Taurus ascendant , ruled by Venus : Venusian/chiselled looks, slim

body stature modified by presence of Mars ; short stature 1.58m

Venusian round shaped eyes ,modified by Moon in Aslesha nakshatra

( snake ) of eyes/deep penetrating looks .

Slender long hands modified by presence of Saturn Rx in Libra ;

strong veins on hands . Weak teeth due to Rx Saturn in 6th .


> 2. Personality


Ascendant Taurus ruled by Venus , Lorded by Mars

11th House Pisces , Lorded by Sun and debilitated Mercury .


Charismatic of Venusian traits , modified by gutsy and determined

Mars in the ascendant . Sun's placement in Pisces , ruled

by Jupiter in 11th house aspects on it's own house

1 ) Strongly believe in integrity and strong sense of honour

2 ) Analytical ( not in math logic, strong Sun in Pisces , owned by

Jupiter )

3 ) Receptive ( 3rd house Moon in own MT )

4 ) Generous and benevolent ( Venus trait 10th house Lorded by

Venus )

5 ) Spiritual ( Pisces ( owned by Jupiter ) with Sun and Mercury )

6 ) Treat poor alike . Ability to reach to their level ( 11th house Pisces ,

Lorded by Sun and Mercury and the 5th aspect

7 ) Patient with children . Also look after street kids and old aged

Twice weekly services to them ( 11th house positive aspect upon 5th house )


> 3. Traits to be corrected


Lots of faults :

1 ) tenacious ( determination of Taurus with Mars in ascendant ) ,

2 ) temper slow to rise , but quickly over ( Mars upon the ascendant

and Moon in own MT )

3 ) too much affections and protectiveness placed onto my

children ( mother's and present husband's gripes ) , as my

affectionate behaviour towards them will soften my children

too much .) 4th house traits of maternal instincts ( pride and affection

traits shown by Leo , and is in the 11th house aspecting the 5th , children

.. )


4 ) Dislike emotional " suffocation " from partner and expect

the same . ( Would Rahu/Ketu's debilitation in the 8/2 houses in

Sagitarius/Gemini indicate this aspect ? )


AND lots more to correct .


> 4. Professions


Lord of 10th Saturn exalted in Libra and it's influence upon the 8th house ,

Sagitarius and the 3rd house in Cancer with Moon in it's moolatrikona . 10th

house lorded by Venus .


Therefore artistic talents , work with land/agriculture-luxury items .

So the following professions ;

1 ) Gemstones : mining , lapidary , jewellery design and jewellery .

2 ) Landscaper / horticulturist ; Lord of Saturn and Venus


3) Floriculture with spouse .


5. Business and Finances


Entreprenurial traits with Mars placement upon the

ascendant . Have been self employed since aged 23 .

Workforce of +/- 50 .


Financial position :


10th house Lord exalted in 6th .

No borrowings in own gemstone business .


> 6. Ideal Match


Partner's ascendant should be Pisces ( where my Sun is placed )

and his 7th house aspect will be Libra , preferably lorded with

Venus . Partner's Sun should be in Taurus ( my ascendant )


Suggestions for my spiritual advancement please .


> 7. Romance & Marriage


Fled from 1st marriage , he has Venus in Gemini . Ascendant

is Aries ( my 12th Lord in ascendant ) . But still have very

good amiable rapport with him .

2nd Marriage . A very understanding husband . Mutual love

and respect . Proud of his achievements as he does of mine .


> 8. Relationship and sex


Good and trusted monogamous relations .


> 9. Domestic Environment


Peaceful and mutual ( 4th House is Leo, strong Sun in

Pisces ) A protective and loving monogamous realm .

Intellectual discourse . Good exchange with the children in

a friendly and loving environment.


> 10. Health


Ascendant Taurus modified with Mar's energy.

Was prone to migraines ( Mars )


Pisces , 11th house with weak Mercury with trinal influence

upon Moon ( chest ) , gives allergic-skin reactions


> 11. Hobbies


1 )1000 piece jigsaw puzzles or abstract jigsaws ( Sun in Jupiter-Pisces

pursuit ).

2 ) Water skiing , White water rafting ( Pisces 11th with Sun ( legs

and bacbone / 3rd Moon in Cancer ( attrraction to water )/ Asc. Taurus with

Mars' pursuits.- daring adventurer )

3 ) Astrology ( 10th Lord exalted in Libra , and Venus in 10th - worldly

knowledge , astrology etc)

4 ) Gourmet cook ( Ascendant and 10th Venus traits and sensitivity

to taste and smells -- 3rd house Cancer with own MT lord ) . Enjoys

cooking for others . For self , the simplest of foods - modification

from Mars' influence upon the ascendant .



> 12. Moods


Weak Mercury in Jupiter , weak 2nd house , Gemini

( speech 9

1 ) intolerant to discordant sounds/din ) ......

2 ) Like to be on my own , with peace and quiet and

nature's sounds ( weak 2nd house and lord of 12th

house in the ascendant --- if ever the tv was not invented ! )


> 13. Fabrics


All natural cotton or very fine soft silk or very fine

pashmeena . ( Venusian trait from ascendant )


> 14. Furniture choice


Railway antique wood and soft eider down for cushions

and pillows. Soft colours with splashes of bright coloured

silk cushions .Plants are a must in the living room .

Settee in petroleum blue ( Traits from venusian

Taurus asc.and different colours for different planets in colour

scheme for the cushions )


> 15. Music


Blues and Jazz . ( 3rd house Moon's trait )

Low husky voice , good singer , powerful voice ( Ascendant Taurus

denoting larynx . Powerful voice from placement of Mars in Taurus and

strong chest , Moon in own MT )


> 16. Safety/Daring


White water rafting . ( Mar's trait on ascendant )

Able to withstand hardships/basic life in the African bush with no

electricity , dirty drinking water ( 10th lord Saturn, exalted in 6th and


7th aspect upon the 12 lord Mars in the ascendant, self -- Mar's pioneering

spirit )


> 17. Herbs


Knowledgeable in healing arts - plants , herb and homeopathy -

10th lord exalted in Libra and Venus placement upon it .


> 18. Lucky Day


Mostly Saturday . Exalted Saturn . And happens to be the days

when a public social-charitable event happens ( invitation from

charitable organisations because of donations ) The purchase of

lottery tickets for charity ....and 90% of the time I win multiple

prizes during the course of that evening's event .

Most days, I don't really take note of a particular unlucky day .


> 19. Lucky Colors


All shades of blue ( Saturn ), green ( Mercury ), fuschia ( Sun )

Yellow ( Jupiter ) , White ( Venus ) Shimmering shades of white

( Moon )


> 20. Lucky Gems/stones/metal


Metals :

Silver or White Gold ( Moon ) Red or Yellow Gold ( Sun )

Brass ( Jupiter and Sun )


Stones : Petrified wood with slight reddish streaks( Venus and Sun )

for my SW corner . Signifies an anchoring/earthing/stablilising the

relationship corner :)


Gemstones :

Doubleblue Aquamarine ( Saturn ) , for strenthening my 10th Lord

in the trik 6th , and it's aspects on 8th marital life and 3rd with

Moon in it's own MT a spiritual/peaceful calm on the mind pertaining

to marital life and own initiatives .


Emerald to strengthen the Mercurial abilities ( mathematical

calculations ! )


> 21. Lucky Numbers


Don't know . I don't gamble . Like to tell me ?


> 22. Miscellaneous


Maternal Grandmother where do I look ?

and Mother's in D 12 .


> With Best Wishes,

> Sanjay Rath

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Dear Swee,




I think that there are one or two things to be clarified. According to my

understanding a

sign is owned or lorded by the same planet. These expressions are synonimous. In


the lord of a sign containing the Lagna is the lagnapati or Lagnes. In your case

Taurus is

the Lagna so it's lord is Venus. Mars does not lord the Lagna, just occuppies

the same

sign. So a planet may lord a sign, occuppy it or disposit the planets placed in

it. This

last expression menas that the given planet lords over the sign where certain

planets are

placed, so he disposits them. Is this clear? The other thing is that Sanjayji

asked us to

leave out consideration of planets placed in the signs, so we were supposed to

do this

exercise only on the basis of the characteristics of the signs containing the

Janma Lagna

and other houses. So after I done my attempt I thought that were not even to use


ascendants, as they are based on planets placement in Rasis, only the Lagna and


therefrom. I guess that the idea of the assignment was to show that if Lagna is

in a

certain sign, then not only the indications of that sign would manifest in the

native, but

the indications of the other signs would also manifest in the respective life


Although this narrows the possibilities, like marriage and perfect match would

both be

seen from the 7th, as the Upapada cannot be considered because it's based on the


of the 12th lord.


Yours, Gauranga das



> Dear Shri Sanjayji ,


> Hare Krsna ,


> > Dear Jyotisha,

> >

> >Here we are back to some basics and for this I want to give you some

> > homework. I want you to list out all the characteristics for YOUR LAGNA on

> the basis of the following 22 heads/points. Please ensure that you do not

> describe anything on the basis of the placement of planets in signs in your

> chart, but ONLY on the basis of the 12

> houses in your horoscope lorded by different signs and planets. Although

> this may seem to be very simple, it is not so. Listing ALL points is not

> easy. So, list as many points as you can and then start mailing them to the

> list. as you receive points from others, add them to your own or if you have

> doubts, ask the person who has sent the characteristics/ nature/ readings.


> As from RASI Lagna only :

> >

> > 1. Physical Appearance


> Taurus ascendant , ruled by Venus : Venusian/chiselled looks, slim

> body stature modified by presence of Mars ; short stature 1.58m

> Venusian round shaped eyes ,modified by Moon in Aslesha nakshatra

> ( snake ) of eyes/deep penetrating looks .

> Slender long hands modified by presence of Saturn Rx in Libra ;

> strong veins on hands . Weak teeth due to Rx Saturn in 6th .


> > 2. Personality


> Ascendant Taurus ruled by Venus , Lorded by Mars

> 11th House Pisces , Lorded by Sun and debilitated Mercury .


> Charismatic of Venusian traits , modified by gutsy and determined

> Mars in the ascendant . Sun's placement in Pisces , ruled

> by Jupiter in 11th house aspects on it's own house

> 1 ) Strongly believe in integrity and strong sense of honour

> 2 ) Analytical ( not in math logic, strong Sun in Pisces , owned by

> Jupiter )

> 3 ) Receptive ( 3rd house Moon in own MT )

> 4 ) Generous and benevolent ( Venus trait 10th house Lorded by

> Venus )

> 5 ) Spiritual ( Pisces ( owned by Jupiter ) with Sun and Mercury )

> 6 ) Treat poor alike . Ability to reach to their level ( 11th house Pisces ,

> Lorded by Sun and Mercury and the 5th aspect

> 7 ) Patient with children . Also look after street kids and old aged

> Twice weekly services to them ( 11th house positive aspect upon 5th house )


> > 3. Traits to be corrected


> Lots of faults :

> 1 ) tenacious ( determination of Taurus with Mars in ascendant ) ,

> 2 ) temper slow to rise , but quickly over ( Mars upon the ascendant

> and Moon in own MT )

> 3 ) too much affections and protectiveness placed onto my

> children ( mother's and present husband's gripes ) , as my

> affectionate behaviour towards them will soften my children

> too much .) 4th house traits of maternal instincts ( pride and affection

> traits shown by Leo , and is in the 11th house aspecting the 5th , children

> . )


> 4 ) Dislike emotional " suffocation " from partner and expect

> the same . ( Would Rahu/Ketu's debilitation in the 8/2 houses in

> Sagitarius/Gemini indicate this aspect ? )


> AND lots more to correct .


> > 4. Professions


> Lord of 10th Saturn exalted in Libra and it's influence upon the 8th house ,

> Sagitarius and the 3rd house in Cancer with Moon in it's moolatrikona . 10th

> house lorded by Venus .


> Therefore artistic talents , work with land/agriculture-luxury items .

> So the following professions ;

> 1 ) Gemstones : mining , lapidary , jewellery design and jewellery .

> 2 ) Landscaper / horticulturist ; Lord of Saturn and Venus


> 3) Floriculture with spouse .


> 5. Business and Finances


> Entreprenurial traits with Mars placement upon the

> ascendant . Have been self employed since aged 23 .

> Workforce of +/- 50 .


> Financial position :


> 10th house Lord exalted in 6th .

> No borrowings in own gemstone business .


> > 6. Ideal Match


> Partner's ascendant should be Pisces ( where my Sun is placed )

> and his 7th house aspect will be Libra , preferably lorded with

> Venus . Partner's Sun should be in Taurus ( my ascendant )


> Suggestions for my spiritual advancement please .


> > 7. Romance & Marriage


> Fled from 1st marriage , he has Venus in Gemini . Ascendant

> is Aries ( my 12th Lord in ascendant ) . But still have very

> good amiable rapport with him .

> 2nd Marriage . A very understanding husband . Mutual love

> and respect . Proud of his achievements as he does of mine .


> > 8. Relationship and sex


> Good and trusted monogamous relations .


> > 9. Domestic Environment


> Peaceful and mutual ( 4th House is Leo, strong Sun in

> Pisces ) A protective and loving monogamous realm .

> Intellectual discourse . Good exchange with the children in

> a friendly and loving environment.


> > 10. Health


> Ascendant Taurus modified with Mar's energy.

> Was prone to migraines ( Mars )


> Pisces , 11th house with weak Mercury with trinal influence

> upon Moon ( chest ) , gives allergic-skin reactions


> > 11. Hobbies


> 1 )1000 piece jigsaw puzzles or abstract jigsaws ( Sun in Jupiter-Pisces

> pursuit ).

> 2 ) Water skiing , White water rafting ( Pisces 11th with Sun ( legs

> and bacbone / 3rd Moon in Cancer ( attrraction to water )/ Asc. Taurus with

> Mars' pursuits.- daring adventurer )

> 3 ) Astrology ( 10th Lord exalted in Libra , and Venus in 10th - worldly

> knowledge , astrology etc)

> 4 ) Gourmet cook ( Ascendant and 10th Venus traits and sensitivity

> to taste and smells -- 3rd house Cancer with own MT lord ) . Enjoys

> cooking for others . For self , the simplest of foods - modification

> from Mars' influence upon the ascendant .



> > 12. Moods


> Weak Mercury in Jupiter , weak 2nd house , Gemini

> ( speech 9

> 1 ) intolerant to discordant sounds/din ) ......

> 2 ) Like to be on my own , with peace and quiet and

> nature's sounds ( weak 2nd house and lord of 12th

> house in the ascendant --- if ever the tv was not invented ! )


> > 13. Fabrics


> All natural cotton or very fine soft silk or very fine

> pashmeena . ( Venusian trait from ascendant )


> > 14. Furniture choice


> Railway antique wood and soft eider down for cushions

> and pillows. Soft colours with splashes of bright coloured

> silk cushions .Plants are a must in the living room .

> Settee in petroleum blue ( Traits from venusian

> Taurus asc.and different colours for different planets in colour

> scheme for the cushions )


> > 15. Music


> Blues and Jazz . ( 3rd house Moon's trait )

> Low husky voice , good singer , powerful voice ( Ascendant Taurus

> denoting larynx . Powerful voice from placement of Mars in Taurus and

> strong chest , Moon in own MT )


> > 16. Safety/Daring


> White water rafting . ( Mar's trait on ascendant )

> Able to withstand hardships/basic life in the African bush with no

> electricity , dirty drinking water ( 10th lord Saturn, exalted in 6th and

> it's

> 7th aspect upon the 12 lord Mars in the ascendant, self -- Mar's pioneering

> spirit )


> > 17. Herbs


> Knowledgeable in healing arts - plants , herb and homeopathy -

> 10th lord exalted in Libra and Venus placement upon it .


> > 18. Lucky Day


> Mostly Saturday . Exalted Saturn . And happens to be the days

> when a public social-charitable event happens ( invitation from

> charitable organisations because of donations ) The purchase of

> lottery tickets for charity ....and 90% of the time I win multiple

> prizes during the course of that evening's event .

> Most days, I don't really take note of a particular unlucky day .


> > 19. Lucky Colors


> All shades of blue ( Saturn ), green ( Mercury ), fuschia ( Sun )

> Yellow ( Jupiter ) , White ( Venus ) Shimmering shades of white

> ( Moon )


> > 20. Lucky Gems/stones/metal


> Metals :

> Silver or White Gold ( Moon ) Red or Yellow Gold ( Sun )

> Brass ( Jupiter and Sun )


> Stones : Petrified wood with slight reddish streaks( Venus and Sun )

> for my SW corner . Signifies an anchoring/earthing/stablilising the

> relationship corner :)


> Gemstones :

> Doubleblue Aquamarine ( Saturn ) , for strenthening my 10th Lord

> in the trik 6th , and it's aspects on 8th marital life and 3rd with

> Moon in it's own MT a spiritual/peaceful calm on the mind pertaining

> to marital life and own initiatives .


> Emerald to strengthen the Mercurial abilities ( mathematical

> calculations ! )


> > 21. Lucky Numbers


> Don't know . I don't gamble . Like to tell me ?


> > 22. Miscellaneous


> Maternal Grandmother where do I look ?

> and Mother's in D 12 .

> >

> > With Best Wishes,

> > Sanjay Rath



> Archive: varahamihira

> Info: varahamihira/info.html




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Dear Gauranga das ,


Hare Krishna ,


The other thing is that Sanjayji asked us to

> leave out consideration of planets placed in the signs, so we were

supposed to do this

> exercise only on the basis of the characteristics of the signs containing

the Janma Lagna

> and other houses.


Understood .


Yours respectfully ,





Gauranga Das <gauranga

<varahamihira >

12 September 2000 13:21

Re: [sri Guru] Assignment : Swee's Chart






> Dear Swee,


> Namaste.


> I think that there are one or two things to be clarified. According to my

understanding a

> sign is owned or lorded by the same planet. These expressions are

synonimous. In Sanskrit

> the lord of a sign containing the Lagna is the lagnapati or Lagnes. In

your case Taurus is

> the Lagna so it's lord is Venus. Mars does not lord the Lagna, just

occuppies the same

> sign. So a planet may lord a sign, occuppy it or disposit the planets

placed in it. This

> last expression menas that the given planet lords over the sign where

certain planets are

> placed, so he disposits them. Is this clear? The other thing is that

Sanjayji asked us to

> leave out consideration of planets placed in the signs, so we were

supposed to do this

> exercise only on the basis of the characteristics of the signs containing

the Janma Lagna

> and other houses. So after I done my attempt I thought that were not even

to use special

> ascendants, as they are based on planets placement in Rasis, only the

Lagna and houses

> therefrom. I guess that the idea of the assignment was to show that if

Lagna is in a

> certain sign, then not only the indications of that sign would manifest in

the native, but

> the indications of the other signs would also manifest in the respective

life areas.

> Although this narrows the possibilities, like marriage and perfect match

would both be

> seen from the 7th, as the Upapada cannot be considered because it's based

on the placement

> of the 12th lord.


> Yours, Gauranga das



> > Dear Shri Sanjayji ,

> >

> > Hare Krsna ,

> >

> > > Dear Jyotisha,

> > >

> > >Here we are back to some basics and for this I want to give you some

> > > homework. I want you to list out all the characteristics for YOUR


> > the basis of the following 22 heads/points. Please ensure that you do


> > describe anything on the basis of the placement of planets in signs in


> > chart, but ONLY on the basis of the 12

> > houses in your horoscope lorded by different signs and planets. Although

> > this may seem to be very simple, it is not so. Listing ALL points is not

> > easy. So, list as many points as you can and then start mailing them to


> > list. as you receive points from others, add them to your own or if you


> > doubts, ask the person who has sent the characteristics/ nature/


> >

> > As from RASI Lagna only :

> > >

> > > 1. Physical Appearance

> >

> > Taurus ascendant , ruled by Venus : Venusian/chiselled looks, slim

> > body stature modified by presence of Mars ; short stature 1.58m

> > Venusian round shaped eyes ,modified by Moon in Aslesha nakshatra

> > ( snake ) of eyes/deep penetrating looks .

> > Slender long hands modified by presence of Saturn Rx in Libra ;

> > strong veins on hands . Weak teeth due to Rx Saturn in 6th .

> >

> > > 2. Personality

> >

> > Ascendant Taurus ruled by Venus , Lorded by Mars

> > 11th House Pisces , Lorded by Sun and debilitated Mercury .

> >

> > Charismatic of Venusian traits , modified by gutsy and determined

> > Mars in the ascendant . Sun's placement in Pisces , ruled

> > by Jupiter in 11th house aspects on it's own house

> > 1 ) Strongly believe in integrity and strong sense of honour

> > 2 ) Analytical ( not in math logic, strong Sun in Pisces , owned by

> > Jupiter )

> > 3 ) Receptive ( 3rd house Moon in own MT )

> > 4 ) Generous and benevolent ( Venus trait 10th house Lorded by

> > Venus )

> > 5 ) Spiritual ( Pisces ( owned by Jupiter ) with Sun and Mercury )

> > 6 ) Treat poor alike . Ability to reach to their level ( 11th house

Pisces ,

> > Lorded by Sun and Mercury and the 5th aspect

> > 7 ) Patient with children . Also look after street kids and old aged

> > Twice weekly services to them ( 11th house positive aspect upon 5th

house )

> >

> > > 3. Traits to be corrected

> >

> > Lots of faults :

> > 1 ) tenacious ( determination of Taurus with Mars in ascendant ) ,

> > 2 ) temper slow to rise , but quickly over ( Mars upon the ascendant

> > and Moon in own MT )

> > 3 ) too much affections and protectiveness placed onto my

> > children ( mother's and present husband's gripes ) , as my

> > affectionate behaviour towards them will soften my children

> > too much .) 4th house traits of maternal instincts ( pride and affection

> > traits shown by Leo , and is in the 11th house aspecting the 5th ,


> > . )

> >

> > 4 ) Dislike emotional " suffocation " from partner and expect

> > the same . ( Would Rahu/Ketu's debilitation in the 8/2 houses in

> > Sagitarius/Gemini indicate this aspect ? )

> >

> > AND lots more to correct .

> >

> > > 4. Professions

> >

> > Lord of 10th Saturn exalted in Libra and it's influence upon the 8th

house ,

> > Sagitarius and the 3rd house in Cancer with Moon in it's moolatrikona .


> > house lorded by Venus .

> >

> > Therefore artistic talents , work with land/agriculture-luxury items .

> > So the following professions ;

> > 1 ) Gemstones : mining , lapidary , jewellery design and jewellery .

> > 2 ) Landscaper / horticulturist ; Lord of Saturn and Venus

> >

> > 3) Floriculture with spouse .

> >

> > 5. Business and Finances

> >

> > Entreprenurial traits with Mars placement upon the

> > ascendant . Have been self employed since aged 23 .

> > Workforce of +/- 50 .

> >

> > Financial position :

> >

> > 10th house Lord exalted in 6th .

> > No borrowings in own gemstone business .

> >

> > > 6. Ideal Match

> >

> > Partner's ascendant should be Pisces ( where my Sun is placed )

> > and his 7th house aspect will be Libra , preferably lorded with

> > Venus . Partner's Sun should be in Taurus ( my ascendant )

> >

> > Suggestions for my spiritual advancement please .

> >

> > > 7. Romance & Marriage

> >

> > Fled from 1st marriage , he has Venus in Gemini . Ascendant

> > is Aries ( my 12th Lord in ascendant ) . But still have very

> > good amiable rapport with him .

> > 2nd Marriage . A very understanding husband . Mutual love

> > and respect . Proud of his achievements as he does of mine .

> >

> > > 8. Relationship and sex

> >

> > Good and trusted monogamous relations .

> >

> > > 9. Domestic Environment

> >

> > Peaceful and mutual ( 4th House is Leo, strong Sun in

> > Pisces ) A protective and loving monogamous realm .

> > Intellectual discourse . Good exchange with the children in

> > a friendly and loving environment.

> >

> > > 10. Health

> >

> > Ascendant Taurus modified with Mar's energy.

> > Was prone to migraines ( Mars )

> >

> > Pisces , 11th house with weak Mercury with trinal influence

> > upon Moon ( chest ) , gives allergic-skin reactions

> >

> > > 11. Hobbies

> >

> > 1 )1000 piece jigsaw puzzles or abstract jigsaws ( Sun in Jupiter-Pisces

> > pursuit ).

> > 2 ) Water skiing , White water rafting ( Pisces 11th with Sun ( legs

> > and bacbone / 3rd Moon in Cancer ( attrraction to water )/ Asc. Taurus


> > Mars' pursuits.- daring adventurer )

> > 3 ) Astrology ( 10th Lord exalted in Libra , and Venus in 10th - worldly

> > knowledge , astrology etc)

> > 4 ) Gourmet cook ( Ascendant and 10th Venus traits and sensitivity

> > to taste and smells -- 3rd house Cancer with own MT lord ) . Enjoys

> > cooking for others . For self , the simplest of foods - modification

> > from Mars' influence upon the ascendant .

> >

> >

> > > 12. Moods

> >

> > Weak Mercury in Jupiter , weak 2nd house , Gemini

> > ( speech 9

> > 1 ) intolerant to discordant sounds/din ) ......

> > 2 ) Like to be on my own , with peace and quiet and

> > nature's sounds ( weak 2nd house and lord of 12th

> > house in the ascendant --- if ever the tv was not invented ! )

> >

> > > 13. Fabrics

> >

> > All natural cotton or very fine soft silk or very fine

> > pashmeena . ( Venusian trait from ascendant )

> >

> > > 14. Furniture choice

> >

> > Railway antique wood and soft eider down for cushions

> > and pillows. Soft colours with splashes of bright coloured

> > silk cushions .Plants are a must in the living room .

> > Settee in petroleum blue ( Traits from venusian

> > Taurus asc.and different colours for different planets in colour

> > scheme for the cushions )

> >

> > > 15. Music

> >

> > Blues and Jazz . ( 3rd house Moon's trait )

> > Low husky voice , good singer , powerful voice ( Ascendant Taurus

> > denoting larynx . Powerful voice from placement of Mars in Taurus and

> > strong chest , Moon in own MT )

> >

> > > 16. Safety/Daring

> >

> > White water rafting . ( Mar's trait on ascendant )

> > Able to withstand hardships/basic life in the African bush with no

> > electricity , dirty drinking water ( 10th lord Saturn, exalted in 6th


> > it's

> > 7th aspect upon the 12 lord Mars in the ascendant, self -- Mar's


> > spirit )

> >

> > > 17. Herbs

> >

> > Knowledgeable in healing arts - plants , herb and homeopathy -

> > 10th lord exalted in Libra and Venus placement upon it .

> >

> > > 18. Lucky Day

> >

> > Mostly Saturday . Exalted Saturn . And happens to be the days

> > when a public social-charitable event happens ( invitation from

> > charitable organisations because of donations ) The purchase of

> > lottery tickets for charity ....and 90% of the time I win multiple

> > prizes during the course of that evening's event .

> > Most days, I don't really take note of a particular unlucky day .

> >

> > > 19. Lucky Colors

> >

> > All shades of blue ( Saturn ), green ( Mercury ), fuschia ( Sun )

> > Yellow ( Jupiter ) , White ( Venus ) Shimmering shades of white

> > ( Moon )

> >

> > > 20. Lucky Gems/stones/metal

> >

> > Metals :

> > Silver or White Gold ( Moon ) Red or Yellow Gold ( Sun )

> > Brass ( Jupiter and Sun )

> >

> > Stones : Petrified wood with slight reddish streaks( Venus and Sun )

> > for my SW corner . Signifies an anchoring/earthing/stablilising the

> > relationship corner :)

> >

> > Gemstones :

> > Doubleblue Aquamarine ( Saturn ) , for strenthening my 10th Lord

> > in the trik 6th , and it's aspects on 8th marital life and 3rd with

> > Moon in it's own MT a spiritual/peaceful calm on the mind pertaining

> > to marital life and own initiatives .

> >

> > Emerald to strengthen the Mercurial abilities ( mathematical

> > calculations ! )

> >

> > > 21. Lucky Numbers

> >

> > Don't know . I don't gamble . Like to tell me ?

> >

> > > 22. Miscellaneous

> >

> > Maternal Grandmother where do I look ?

> > and Mother's in D 12 .

> > >

> > > With Best Wishes,

> > > Sanjay Rath

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


> > Archive: varahamihira

> > Info: varahamihira/info.html

> >

> >

> >




> Archive: varahamihira

> Info: varahamihira/info.html



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