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Lordship of D charts article

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Dear Sarat,




Yes, why not? Maybe later the whole theme may be developed into a whole book on


charts. Of course my knowledge at the present time is not wide enough for this,

but we

will see through the years. Sanjayji also promised to translate a book by his


about the divisional charts.


Do you have any more info on the different forms lording D-20? that would be

very vital,

as they are forms of both Laxmidevi (Lord Vishnu's consort and the expansion of


Antaranga sakti, internal potency) and Ramadevi or Mayadevi (Lord Sambhu's

consort and the

expansion of the Bahiranga sakti, external potency), thereby showing how some

show their

devotion towards the material energy of maya, or illusory happiness of sense


which they desire to attain by following the four purusarthas (dharma, artha,

kama and

moksha) while others surrender to Krishna and make Him and His internal potency

the aim of

their devotion, thereby developing selfless love or bhakti. That's why Krishna


sarvadharmaan parityajya maam ekam sharanam vraja. He is also making difference


those following the path of external religiousness (demigod-worship, dhyana,

tapa, karma

and jnana etc) and internal religiousness (ananya-bhakti). He says Bhaktyaa


sakhya aham evam vidho'rjunah jnatum drashtum ca tattvena praveshtum ca

parantapa. All of

the Bhagavad-gita's philosophy is there in the Dwahdashamsha Chakra. I hope that


Sanjayji will empower me to bring out all the philisophical truths contained in


Bhagavad-gita so that they could shed a proper light on the principles of



Do you remeber, when I asked him about the three most important Shaastras in



His list was the following:


1. Shrimad Bhagavad Gita

2. Sri Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra

3. Jaimini Maharishi's Upadesha Sutram


Yours, Gauranga das


Yours, Gauranga das


PS. You have promised me to send Lesson #1. and 2. by Sanjayji. Could you do it

please? I

think a short discussion of them in the SJVC class would fill in the space while


is back to the list.


> Jai Jagannath !!!


> Dear Gauranga,


> Pranaam!!


> May I use this portion of your reply to Sri Solai Kannan as a continuation

> to your 3 part article as this would throw more light on the article!


> With regards,


> Sarat.

> -

> Gauranga Das <gauranga

> <vedic astrology >

> Monday, June 19, 2000 7:32 PM

> Re: [vedic astrology] Lordship of D charts article




> >

> > Dear Solai,

> >

> > Namaste.

> >

> >

> > > Dear Mr.Gauranga Das,

> > >

> > > The three parts article of the Lordship of Divisional Chart is highly

> > > analytical and highly informative for beginners like me. It has shown

> new

> > > line of thinking for us. I have a couple of questions.

> > >

> > > 1. In order to know the lordship of planets in each division, do we have

> to

> > > prepare a separate list comprising " The Planet - The portion occupied

> by

> > > this planet in a divisional chart - Lord of that portion " ? OR Is there

> any

> > > easy way to find the lord of the planet directly from the divisional

> chart?

> >

> > There's no thumb rule for that, so the easiest way is either to prepare a

> reckoner for

> > every D-chart or use the ones already given in Sagar's edition of BPHS.

> >

> > > 2. The characters of the Lords of Saptamsa D-7 and Vimsamsa D-20 are

> not

> > > given in detail. Atleast if you can give them in brief as you have

> mentioned

> > > for the Siddhamsa and Bhamsha, it will help us in analysing these

> charts.

> >

> > The lords of the Saptamsha may bew studied in grater detail. As the names

> listed in the

> > BPHS refer most probably to the seven oceans circumambulating the seven

> islands of the

> > Bhu-Mandala, the characteristics of each of the portions will reflect the

> characteristics

> > of the Deities worshipped on those islands. All this info comes from the

> 5th Canto of

> > Srimad Bhagavatam.

> >

> > Excerpt from my article:

> >

> > " Maharishi Parashara lists tha lords of the seven Saptamshas of a Rasi as

> follows: Kshara,

> > Ksheera, Dadhi, Ghrita, Ikshurasa, Madhya and Shuddha Jala in odd signs,

> and the reverse

> > in even signs. In the description of the universe given in the Puranas, we

> find the

> > following account: The Bhu-mandala, or the planetary system of the Earth

> is divided into

> > seven islands, which lie in concentric circles. The central island (of

> which our Earth is

> > a part) is called Jambudvipa, the next one is Plaksha, then Shalmali,

> Kusha, Krauncha,

> > Shaka and finally Pushkaradvipa forms the last and widest circle. In

> between every two

> > islands there is an ocean, each of different subtance. Jambudvipa is

> surrounded by

> > Ksara-uda, or salt-water ocean, Plakshadvipa by Ikshu-rasa, or sugarcane

> juice,

> > Shalmalidvipa is surrounded by Sura, or liquor, then the next is Ghrita

> (clarified

> > butter), Kshira (milk), Dadhi-manda (emulsified yogurt) and Suddha-uda

> (sweet water). The

> > names of these oceans are closely similar to the names of the seven

> Saptamshas. "

> >

> > So Kshara refers to Jambudvipa, the middle island, which is surrounded by

> it. Jambudvipa

> > is further divided into nine continents, where the different forms of the

> personality of

> > Godhead are worshipped. In Bhadrasva-varsha Hayagriva (the incarnation

> with a horse-head)

> > is worshipped. In Ilavrta-varsha Sankarsana (Lord of false ego) is

> worshipped. In

> > Hari-varsha Nrisimhadeva (the lion-headed incarnation) is worshipped. In

> Ketumala-Varsha

> > Kamadeva or Pradyumna (Cupid) is worshipped. In Ramyaka-varsha Matsya (the

> fish

> > incarnation) is worshipped. In Hiranmaya-varsha Kurma (the

> tortoise-incarnation) is

> > worshipped. In Uttarakuru-varsha Varahadeva (the Boar incarnation) is

> worshipped. In

> > Kimpurusa-varsha Lord Rama is worshipped. And in Bharata-varsha

> Nara-Narayana is

> > worshipped. So these deities all relate to the Kshara portions.

> >

> > Ikshurasa surrounds Plakshadvipa, the next island, in which Lord Surya

> (the Sun-god) is

> > worshipped.

> >

> > Madhya must refer to Sura, or the liquor ocean, which surrounds

> Shalmalidvipa where Soma

> > (the moongod) is worshipped. This is why intoxicants influence the mind,

> which is ruled by

> > Soma.

> >

> > Ghrita is the ocean o f ghee (clarified butter) which surrounds Kusadvipa,

> where Agni (the

> > fire-god) is worshipped.

> >

> > Ksheera is the ocean of milk, which surrounds Kraunchadvipa, where Varuna

> (the god of

> > waters) is worshipped.

> >

> > Dadhi is the ocean of yoghurt, which surrounds Sakadvipa, where Vayu (the

> wind god) is

> > worshipped.

> >

> > Suddha Jala is the ocean of sweet water, which surrounds Puskaradvipa,

> where Brahma (the

> > creator) is worshipped.

> >

> > You can find more info about these silands in the Srimad Bhagavatam, It is

> very

> > interesting. Why does the Saptamsha refer to sons and grandsons? Bcause it

> was Maharaja

> > Priyavrata, who divided the Bhu-mandala into these seven islands with the

> wheels of his

> > chariot, and then gave their rulership to his seven sons, who in turn

> divided each island

> > into seven parts and gave the rulership of each part to one of their sons

> in turn. So they

> > also had sevrn sons each. Maybe other Puranas have more info on this.

> >

> > As far as the different forms of Devi ruling the D-20 are concerned, I

> don't have much

> > information on that. Maybe there is someone on the ist who is more

> acquainted with the

> > tradition od the Devi and can introduce us the different forms which

> Maharishi Parashara

> > lists as the lords of the D-20 portions. By the way the Nadiamsha (D-150)

> portions are

> > also ruled by 150 different forms of Durga-devi or Maya-devi.

> >

> > Yours, Gauranga das

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ------


> > best agents competing for your business with our new FREE service.

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> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ...... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> >

> >

> >



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