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jaganath hora & Moola dasa

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Jaya Jagannath

Dear Rajesh,

You have asked a very fundamental question. Let us try to define Moola

Dasa. Firstly, the word Moola has been chosen verycarefully by our seers and

they use their words with such perfection as if they were the perfect Brahma

reincarnate..Aham Brahmasmi seems to be applicable to them. Moola is from

Moolatrikona which forms the basis of correctly determining the periods of

the planets associated with the Dasa. Secondly Moola is also a nakshatra

forming an important junction point of the Bha-Chakra. Moola also means

basic or the ROOT cause of our being or creation. Now, why were we created

in our present bodies? It is because of our own Karma of past life/existence

whether in a body or outside a body. Thus Moola dasa takes all this into

accoutn and brings out the planetary effects of our Karma of past birth.


Now let us understand Brahma, the Creator or the creative aspect of

Godhead..depending upon the context. Brahma Yoga is seen from the Kendra

(Quadrants) to the Lagna Lord. Thus the Kendra to Lagna, Panapara or

Apoklimas are mutually interrelated and shall form the three stages of our

existance as Youth, Middle age and Old age and shall roughly span 0-36,

36-72 aqnd 72-108 years. Note that Brahma is also associated with Ayus or

longevity and the wise saying " Brahma de Ayus, Vishnou de Dhanam Shivou de

Kalyanam " ..[Dhanam has a much deeper implication and not just wealth]. Thus

Moola Dasa is the Dasa of the Kendra, Panapara and Apoklimas respectively.


....I have to go and will finish later. Do remind me.

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath


rajesh lakhani <rajesh_lakhani

<varahamihira >

Saturday, November 04, 2000 22:38 Rath

[sri Guru] jaganath hora & Moola dasa



> dear solai

> pl dont take any offense that was not my intention. u

> have been very systematic.


> Moola dasa

> Is it to be used when all kendra s are occupied or for

> any chart. I remember reading in recent mail of

> narsimha that its applicability is unconditional


> secondly is the dictum of judging dasa lord antardasa

> and p dasa lord from sun moon and asct is universal

> i.e can it be applied to all nakshtra based dasa.


> the sequence/order of planetry period in moola dasa

> and vim or ast dasa are not same and result appear

> contradictory. pl comment


> thanks

> rajesh




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> Archive: varahamihira

> Info: varahamihira/info.html




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  • 3 weeks later...

-Hare Rama Hare Krishna


Dear Gurudev


Can I request u to complete yr message about moola dasa started vide

message no 3907.

Thanking U


-- In varahamihira , " Guru " <guru@s...> wrote:

> Jaya Jagannath

> Dear Rajesh,

> You have asked a very fundamental question. Let us try to

define Moola

> Dasa. Firstly, the word Moola has been chosen verycarefully by our

seers and

> they use their words with such perfection as if they were the

perfect Brahma

> reincarnate..Aham Brahmasmi seems to be applicable to them. Moola

is from

> Moolatrikona which forms the basis of correctly determining the

periods of

> the planets associated with the Dasa. Secondly Moola is also a


> forming an important junction point of the Bha-Chakra. Moola also


> basic or the ROOT cause of our being or creation. Now, why were we


> in our present bodies? It is because of our own Karma of past


> whether in a body or outside a body. Thus Moola dasa takes all this


> accoutn and brings out the planetary effects of our Karma of past



> Now let us understand Brahma, the Creator or the creative

aspect of

> Godhead..depending upon the context. Brahma Yoga is seen from the


> (Quadrants) to the Lagna Lord. Thus the Kendra to Lagna, Panapara or

> Apoklimas are mutually interrelated and shall form the three stages

of our

> existance as Youth, Middle age and Old age and shall roughly span 0-


> 36-72 aqnd 72-108 years. Note that Brahma is also associated with

Ayus or

> longevity and the wise saying " Brahma de Ayus, Vishnou de Dhanam

Shivou de

> Kalyanam " ..[Dhanam has a much deeper implication and not just

wealth]. Thus

> Moola Dasa is the Dasa of the Kendra, Panapara and Apoklimas



> ...I have to go and will finish later. Do remind me.

> Best Wishes

> Sanjay Rath

> -

> rajesh lakhani <rajesh_lakhani>

> <varahamihira >

> Saturday, November 04, 2000 22:38 Rath

> [sri Guru] jaganath hora & Moola dasa



> > dear solai

> > pl dont take any offense that was not my intention. u

> > have been very systematic.

> >

> > Moola dasa

> > Is it to be used when all kendra s are occupied or for

> > any chart. I remember reading in recent mail of

> > narsimha that its applicability is unconditional

> >

> > secondly is the dictum of judging dasa lord antardasa

> > and p dasa lord from sun moon and asct is universal

> > i.e can it be applied to all nakshtra based dasa.

> >

> > the sequence/order of planetry period in moola dasa

> > and vim or ast dasa are not same and result appear

> > contradictory. pl comment

> >

> > thanks

> > rajesh

> >

> >

> >

> > Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products. All in one Place.

> > /

> >

> >


> > Archive: varahamihira

> > Info: varahamihira/info.html

> >

> >

> >

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