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[Jagannath] LACK OF TRUST

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Jaya Jagannatha.


Dear Sanjayji,


> I apologise on behalf of Narasimha.


Actually it was me who wrote that " politicians or women are not to be

trusted " . I don't know if Narasimha also wrote that somewhere.


> This is very wrong. The Rig Veda is

> full of praise for such illustrious Devi's Who have made this world a


> place. Be it Usha Who wakes us early to meditate and pray for Shanti

, be it

> Durga who removes all evils (Vi Devi vi dwisha...Rig Veda -Durga


> be it the Mother India in the form of Bharati or Saraswati or in any


> The Divine mother is most respectable. Kindly accept my humble



I am sorry but I don't understand how person like Chanakya Pandit can

be wrong? That is his statement from Chanakya Niti Shastra. Also I

don't think that he was reffering to Devi or Sarasvati, but to woman in

general living on this planet.


Regarding Perls comment:


> Needless to say I find the comment offensive and unworthy of a place

in what

> has become for me such a nourishing space. I realise that such a

remark is

> pure

> Tamas but am disappointed that this learning/discussion group, which

> encourages

> higher thinking, would ignore such a comment coming from what I

presume to

> be

> a potential Astrologer. As a woman I certainly hope I never have

cause to

> consult

> an individual who would hold such a view.


I am sorry that you feel offended and that you think that this

statement is product of tamas. Well, it is coming from a person who was

one of the purest brahmanas and embodiment of Vedic knowledge. It is

Chanakya Pandit who after studying Vedas and other Vedic scriptures

wrote his famous work known as Chanakya Niti Shastra. Srila Prabhupada

very often quoted this statment which recently sparked big discussion

in ISKCON to that degree that some members of the female sex want to

change Srila Prabhupada's books and are trying to say that he was

wrong. It requires some degree of spiritual intelligence to understand

this point. However there are also examples of many female Vaishnavis

who used to be leaders of many man and recent famous example is Janava

Devi, wife of Lord Nityananda. After Nityananda Prabhu finished his

lila on this planet all his followers singlehearthedly elected his wife

to be their leader. The point here that she as his wife didn't demand

the respect of other, but rather by her spiritual purity and spiritual

energy that came naturally. So if we (men or woman) artificially on the

basis of external symptoms are demading equality it will not work. Man

and woman are not the same and they will never be. When Srila

Prabhupada was challenged on this issue by normal materialistc people

who were blaming him that he is against woman and equiality between man

and woman, Srila Prabhupada simply replied: " Then tell them (to the

woman) to beget a child in a womb of their husband " . It may sound like

a sexist statement, but it is a fact. It showes that female body is

made for certain purpose and male body is also made for certain

purpose, they have certain roles in this creation and they will never

be the same.


> >From an Astrology point of view I feel this is another example of


> helping to

> light the fire of purification on old thinking which needs to be


> before

> the ignition of a new era when he moves into Aries.


If you think that this is old thinking that needs to purified than

please don't study Jyotish, Jyotish is Vedanga (one of limbs of the

Vedas) and while studying Jyotish you may also find some statements

that you may think that should be purified, rather than taking them

with confidence from Guru and Shastra and in that way you may want to

invent your own Jyotish that is modern and advanced in some views. That

would be biggest disservice to Jyotish and your Guru that you could

possibly do.


There are also many more statements in the Vedas which are leading to

the same point on equality between man and woman. For example in

Varnashrama system (traditional Vedic system of life) independece is

never given to a woman. In her youth she is under care of her father,

after marriage she is under care of her husbansd and if husband dies

before her, than she is under care of her children. This are the

statments of the Vedas that are coming from Maha Vishnu Himself and

acaryas like Chanakya Pandit, Srila Prabhupada and others are just

reffering to them. All the injuctions of the scriptures are meant to

protect us and take us back to spiritual world where we originally



The only level on which we are all the same is spiritual level and only

with spiritual vision and spiritual knowledge we can see that. In

Bhagavad Gita whole 2nd chapter talks about the soul and the nature of

the soul and that is the only level on which all of us not only man and

woman but animals, plants and all other living enteties are all equal.

On material level we are always different and we'll remain to be



In your next life you may be born as a man and fight for the rights of

the man just like now you are fighting for the rights of the woman.

Don't you think that it makes any sense at all? These are all tricks of

Maya that is trying to divert us from our real business and if we

manage to get over it than everything in life will become very easy.


I am sorry if you still feel offended, I am simply reffering to previos

Gurus and Shastra. If they are wrong than I am wrong too.


Hare Krishna,

Dina-natha Das.


P.S. Sorry for the typos, I typed this letter on-line.

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