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Ashtottari Dasa v. other Dasa systems

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Dear Sanjayji


I have one more question in COVA u have mentioned that AST dasa

should be used only for Ayur matters and for Phalita only vimshottari

Dasa should be used.


Can v interpret this as " Even with the exceptions of rahu and birth

time Ast dasa should always only be used for ayur matters and not for

phalita matters.






varahamihira , " austin " <fschmidt@a...> wrote:

> Om Sri Rama Jai Jai Rama


> Namaste all,


> Can someone give light to my inquiry below....



> 2. Ashtottari Dasa v. other Dasa systems

> Subject

> Choosing the right ( or complementary dasa ) i.e. Vimshottri ( 120

yr) or

> Ashtottari ( 108 yr)

> Rule For Ashtottari:

> a. If birth is daytime in Krishna Paksha or night in Sukla


> b. if Rahu is in a quadrant or trine from Paka Lagna (sign

occupied by

> Lagna Lord)

> c. if a +b = True, then use Ashtottari - in my chart this is



> Now the inquiry

> 1. Using Ashtottari dasa, does Vimsottari have any merit or use once

> confirming that

> Ashtottari Dasa is the one to be used? If yes, how so?

> 2. Other than longevity, does Ashottari indicate anything about the

> individual in question ? does Vimsottari?

> 3. Does Narayan Dasa system apply to both i.e. if one dasa system

is used

> due to applying the

> correct rules given by Sage Parashara, do other dasa systems


> irrelevant or less useful?

> If so which ones, or what are the rules to be followed?

> ( 108 yr)


> Pranams,

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dear Gurudev



Thanks for the reply. As adviced by you we should take hint from

total span

of 108 years because of exclusion of contribution from Moksha karka

ketu. Which can be only in ayur matters. However in Phalita matters

contribution of ketu is also taken in to account.




varahamihira , " Sanjay Rath " <srath@v...> wrote:


> ~~~~~~~OM GURAVE NAMAH~~~~~~~

> Dear Rajesh,


> Everything is not black and white. Although I have tried to make it


> scientific as possible. Astottari is definitely better than

Vimsottari inta

> Ayur calculations, but that does not mean that Vimsottari will fail

in Ayur

> calculations. Ududasa are dasa's of the mind level and can tell a


> astrologer many tales of what is to be expected and what is likely


> happen. Rasi dasa like Narayana Dasa are necessary to confirm the

same. So,

> take one dasa and try to master it. Then take another and master

it. You

> must learn each dasa and try to master as many as you can. This will

> increase your depth of the subject, understanding and grasp.


> Why is astottari better for Ayus? [108 years is the age for most

Ayur dasa

> while 120 years is the age for most Phalita Dasa. Narayana dasa


> having a maximum of 144 years is on a base of 120 years. This base

is used

> in compression.]


> Blessings

> Sanjay RAth

> -

> <rajesh_lakhani>

> <varahamihira >

> Monday, November 13, 2000 6:31 PM

> [sri Guru] Re: Ashtottari Dasa v. other Dasa systems



> > Dear Sanjayji

> >

> > I have one more question in COVA u have mentioned that AST dasa

> > should be used only for Ayur matters and for Phalita only


> > Dasa should be used.

> >

> > Can v interpret this as " Even with the exceptions of rahu and


> > time Ast dasa should always only be used for ayur matters and not


> > phalita matters.

> >

> > thanks

> > Rajesh

> >

> >

> > varahamihira , " austin " <fschmidt@a...> wrote:

> > > Om Sri Rama Jai Jai Rama

> > >

> > > Namaste all,

> > >

> > > Can someone give light to my inquiry below....

> > >

> > >

> > > 2. Ashtottari Dasa v. other Dasa systems

> > > Subject

> > > Choosing the right ( or complementary dasa ) i.e. Vimshottri (


> > yr) or

> > > Ashtottari ( 108 yr)

> > > Rule For Ashtottari:

> > > a. If birth is daytime in Krishna Paksha or night in Sukla

> > Paksha

> > > b. if Rahu is in a quadrant or trine from Paka Lagna (sign

> > occupied by

> > > Lagna Lord)

> > > c. if a +b = True, then use Ashtottari - in my chart this


> > true.

> > >

> > > Now the inquiry

> > > 1. Using Ashtottari dasa, does Vimsottari have any merit or use


> > > confirming that

> > > Ashtottari Dasa is the one to be used? If yes, how so?

> > > 2. Other than longevity, does Ashottari indicate anything

about the

> > > individual in question ? does Vimsottari?

> > > 3. Does Narayan Dasa system apply to both i.e. if one dasa


> > is used

> > > due to applying the

> > > correct rules given by Sage Parashara, do other dasa systems

> > become

> > > irrelevant or less useful?

> > > If so which ones, or what are the rules to be followed?

> > > ( 108 yr)

> > >

> > > Pranams,

> >

> >

> >


> > Archive: varahamihira

> > Info: varahamihira/info.html

> >

> >

> >

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