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Nakshatra exercise

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~~~~~~~OM GURAVE NAMAH~~~~~~~Dear Lakshmi,

Clarifications and observations follow:


Laksmi (Lynne Kary) <laksmi_k

<varahamihira >

Thursday, November 16, 2000 4:34 AM

[sri Guru] Nakshatra exercise


> Jaya Jagannatha!> Jaya Radhe,Jaya Krishna!> > Dear Gurudevas and Fellow Students,> Namaste.> > Class homework Re: Nakshatra. I use Sanskrit names for practice. I'm not > sure if this was what you were expecting, but I tried to include the > influences in general.

GOOD> I learned that Chandra is influenced by every Graha in my chart, giving so > many influences.Some of them I'll describe.> Janma Nakshatra :Chandra is residing in the Nakshatra of Chitra, in the > Rasi of Thula in the 5th house.

THE RESULTS SHOULD BE SPELT OPUT AFTER THE STATEMENT. BEING IN THE FIFTH HOUSE IT GIVES POPULARITY AND VERY GOOD PLANNING. BEING A SHORT DURATION PLANET, PLANS MADE FOR A FORTNIGHT SHALL BE SUCCESSFUL. IMMEDIATE PLANS SHALL ALSO BE FRUITFUL. PLAN DURING THE NIGHT BEFORE GOING TO BED...LIKE THIS MAKE THE OBSERVATIONS ALSO.> Influencing Chandra(the mind,emotions,etc) are the following influences.> The Nakshatra of Chitra resides in the Rasi of Thula ,an Air Rashi owned by > Shukra.There will be a strong influence , or interest in things associated > with Shukra. I'm adaptable, easy going, and friendly. I like bright > colors,music is important to my mental state,and gives me much happiness. > Chitra is called the "bright one" represented by a pearl. Chitra is > associated with music, color and artists,nice handwriting,and things like > flowers etc. I have a large garden, lots of fruit trees,flowers ,and water > is near-by my home. I propagate different flowers. My favorite service is > to make garlands for our numerous Dieties. This is all connected to Chitra.

MANASA SHANTI (MENTAL PEACE) COMES OUT OF PERFORMING DUTIES RELATED TO THE MANA NAKSHATRA...GOOD OBSERVATION.> As the Moon is in the 5th (of children) I love my children and like to take > good care of them. I think I am a good teacher to them.(THIS TEACHING HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MOON) Chandra is the > depositor of Guru and is in a kendra from Chandra.This influence gave me > desire to be religious person, and good character. (THIS HAS TO DO WITH TEACHING) Guru is within 1' in > exact kendra, so I think it has strong influence.> The ruler of Chitra is Mangal and is aspected by him. This gives good and > bad results. Mangal gives some fanaticism, and strong opinions, and a > restless mind..Combined with the malefic restrictive influence of Sani, > during my early childhood(Chandra also shows early childhood) I was very > depressed,felt shy,self conscious, I felt like life was pointless and > constantly meditated(obsessed would be more accurate) on my self > destruction. It was literally an unbearable time. I learned compassion for > all those who suffer. Shani is my Atmakaraka planet and I take it that this > was some bad karma had I had to suffer through to progress spiritually. > Shani made me look very deep into things.Shani is ex 8/9 lord in 5th house > of intellect.Gave knowledge of scriptures.Good gurus,etc. Schooling in > astrology.(Interestingly,now Shani is giving me very karma is his > Dasha.)Shani also gives interest, and compassion for the downtrodden and > elders.Shani also gives dry,morbid sense of humor, interest in forensic > medicine, death and afterlife.Shani also gives hesitation, self doubt in > expressing myself.> Also influencing,Shani is airy graha, Thula is also.> .> Rasi aspects influencing Chandra : Thula is a Chara Rasi so is aspected by > the Shira Rasi- No planets occupy Vrishaba,Simha. I am steady worker and > protective of friends and family, but like my independence. The Rashi of > Maraka and the Grahas, Surya and Budha aspect Chandra also.Surya is within > 1' exact kendra from Chandra.This gave good intelligence, a > practical,hardworking,and serious, diligent nature. However, I'm very playful.> Chitras animal symbol is a female tiger. I guess I can be a tiger woman at > times.WE ARE TALKING ABOUT NAKSHATRA. WHAT ABOUT NAKSHATRA DRISHTI. TRY TO DRAW THE SARVATOBHADRA CHAKRA AND DELINEATE THE MOON STAR. YOU HAVE EXAMINED THE RASI INSTEAD.> My lagna Nakshatra is Punarvasu, residing in Mithuna. Punarvasu is ruled by > Guru. (THAT IS VIMSOTTARI-WHO IS THE DEITY? I THINK ADITI. SHE IS THE MOTHER OF VISHNU AND THE DEVA'S. THUS THE INTELLIGENCE IS DIRECTED BY ADITI...) The influence of Budha and Guru gives a intellectual,or knowledgeable > person inclined towards communication. I've read many descriptions of > Punarvasu, one is that its symbol is a quiver of arrows, and that it means" > that which repeats".. Adhiti is the Diety associated with Punarvasu.> Ketu ,Moksha karaka is also in Mithuna giving interest in liberation.Also, > Ketu gave restrictions, skin and breathing difficulties at different times > to the physical body..Some psychic intuition.

IS KETU IN LAGNA NAKSHATRA, 2ND OR 12TH FROM IT? WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES THIS MAKE?> Other Rasi influences would be from Kanya in 4th, and Sagittarius in the > 7th , which gives association with priests, doctors,etc. Rahu resides in > Sagittarius..Rahus influence gave misery from deceitful > persons,doctors,etc. association with bad situations,during Rahu Maha Dasha.> Other Rashi dristi would be from the Rasi of Meena. Meena gives > sensitivity , interest in higher knowledge,transcendental thoughts.residing > in Meena and thereby also influencing lagna is Mangal. Mangal also aspects > by 4th aspect. Mangal gives some fire to the lagna. I was very physically > active.Mangal rules over cuts and burns, so I had all those. Mangal rules > over muscles and I so I look very strong and fierce at times. I move a lot.> Animal symbol is a female cat. Curious and cautious> Thank-you for the class and your comments, Laksmi dasiPLEASE FOCUS ON NAKSHATRA. I KNOW THAT EVERYBODY HAS TO REDO THEIR HOMEWORK NOW AS ALL THE REPLIES HAVE HOVERED AROUND THE RASI. ALSO, WHAT IS THE INFLUENCE OF THE LAGNA NAKSHATRA ON YOUR INTELLIGENCE LEVEL AND THE DIRECTION OF APPLICATION OF THIS INTELLIGENCE...VIMSOTTARI LORDSHIP WORKS..


SANJAY> > -------------------------- eGroups Sponsor -------------------------~-~>> eLerts> It's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!> http://click./1/9699/3/_/2192/_/974330297/> ---_->> > OM TAT SAT> Archive: varahamihira> Info: varahamihira/info.html> > >

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