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Homework: Dhira Krsna das

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>~~~~~~~OM GURAVE NAMAH~~~~~~~

>Dear Jyotisha,

>I want you to completely forget that the Rasi chart exists. Draw a chart

>having 27 houses and four quarters for each house. Place the planets in it

>and try to delineate the chart. Draw the sarvatobhadra chakra with its 28

>constellations and try to again focus on Natal Lagna and Moon.

>Best Wishes

>Sanjay Rath


Here is my attempt to answer this homework for my chart. Hare Rama Krsna.


1) Ascendant in Aslesha, 2nd part: Aslesha is the serpent Ketu's birthstar.

People born in this star are cruel, harsh in speech, bound to do secret

works, fickle, enemical to their own people, of bad behaviour and thinking

bad of others. It is ruled by Mercury.


2) Sun in Krittika, 4th part: devata is Agni, the Sun in this star will be

able to purify and bring light and heat, it will bring forth knowledge and



3) Moon in Revati, 3rd part: it is the brith star of Sani. Cherishing of

protected people, Pusa being the devata, it gives nourishment, prosperity,

well-being, it gives practice of irreligious things, independent in pursuing

jobs, control over the senses. Lord is also Mercury.


4) Mars in Rohini, 3rd part: ruled by the Moon, it is the star of Lord

Brahma, as such it deals with everything in regard to creation or beginning

things. Production and creation, fine taste for arts, science, cosmetics

etc. Amazing is that Mars, being the 5th and 10th lord, is in this nakshatra

creating a Raja Yogakaraka in 11th house. It gives good intelligence, good

foods, good for religiousness, respect for brahmins, and pursuing accepted

jobs. They are loved by their children. Learned, poets, good mathematicians.


5) Mercury in Mrgasira, 3rd part: represents a deer or antilope, deity is

Chandra, it gives a search, a seeking to find, motherly instinct,

self-sacrifice, truthful, pure in mind (this star represents all mental

things), intelligent, soft-spoken, knowers of the sacred scriptures.

Interesting is that my Moon is in Revati, ruled by Mercury, while Mercury is

in Mrgashira, representing the mental state, and also the ascendant and

atmakaraka Saturn are in stars ruled by Mercury.


6) Jupiter in Magha, 2nd part: represented by the Royal Court, a throne, it

concerns things related to father's family, it is a very nice placement for

Guru, respect for ancestors, tradition and religiousness, wisdom, wealth,

glory and nobleness.


7) Venus in Krittika, 2nd part: the secretive nature comes here again, Venus

is an enemy of Sun, the ruler of this star, Sun gives brightness and burning

away everything (Venus is also combusted), it might give troubles with the



8) Saturn in Revati, 4th part: good for knowledge, performing religious

rituals, worshipping the Lord, control over the senses, philosophy and



9) Rahu in Revati, 2nd part: Rahu will cause some trouble here in regard to

the relations with friends and relatives, will lead to quarrels, differences

of opinion, speaking untruth and deceiving.


10) Ketu in Hastha, 4th part: Ketu would have an eclipsing power here over

the Sun and Moon, causing wicked intentions, untruth, though it could give

control over the senses and good intelligence.


As for the sarvatobhadra chakra, that would be including Abhijit nakshatra,

which does not exist anymore? I think that wouldn't change much to my chart.

Actually, I have a question concerning this, as for the gotra is determined

by the nakshatra in which lagna is placed, and 4 nakshatras each are given

to the 7 great rishis who are the preceptors to all population in the

universe. This is including Abhijit. Now, what to do when Abhijit does not

exist anymore? Do we take into account the chart with 27 nakshatras or with

28 nakshatras?


Your sishya,

Dhira Krsna dasa

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