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Sv: Dr. Seghal & Perfect Materia Medica of Mind

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In a message dated 12/12/2000 6:44:04 AM Eastern Standard Time,

vlarsen writes:


Namaste Ann,


This is in response to your note about Dr. Seghal. He is not the origin of

this method. Dr. Seghal is a classical homeopath with his own slant and I

have all of his books in my library. BTW, his books are available from

Minimum Price Homeopathic Books, Blaine, WA. Call the 800 information for the

number if you wish to purchase them. You would end up totally confused if you

start out with his books.


Perceiving symptoms of the mind and giving priority to those symptoms is

elementary to the science of classical homeopathy and that was Hahnemann's

method, the founder of homeopathy (year 1796). These notions have their

origin in ancient alchemy both east and west and homeopathy has its origin in

western alchemy, first brought to our attention or should I say popularized

by Paracelsus in the 1500's.


Hahnemann did not ignore the physical symptoms and neither does Dr. Seghal.

The person has to be seen as a totality, a constitutional state of being, a

state of consciousness and it is that state of consciousness that we treat in

homeopathy, not the physical symptoms. The physical symptoms are an

expression of the state as are the mental symptoms. The dis-ease is deeper

than the mind, and according to the homeopathic model it is a vitiation of

the life-force. Hahnemann was in the habit of saying that nobody has ever

seen a disease and he was correct. It is unseeable, unknowable for it is an

existential problem, and from the point of view of medicine, we have to use

the symptoms, the manifestation of the internal dis-ease, to guide us in the

selection of the medicine to unlock the life-force, the consciousness, based

on the use of medicine according to the " law of similars. "


Say a person suffers from raw red angry boils all over the skin... an

expression of fire (infection, blood is boiling) or in Ayurvedic terms,

excess Pitta. You will generally find that the events in the persons life,

the story of the recent events, will correspond to this condition (boiling,

fury, anger, rage). In homeopathy, we want to know this story, for our

Materia Medica is a compilation of " images/story " of sick people, " soul

sickness " rather than just physical ailments. To get permanent results we

must cure this inner condition. The body mind system is an expression of the

purest integrity, for that system spontaneouly obeys all the laws of



When medicine is practiced in this way it is so beautiful. The mind and the

body are linked together by prana, the life force. The mind is the container

of consciousness and the repository of our past negativity, our evil thoughts

and actions. The mind is the bridge between the inner and the outer, the

subjective and objective, and thus the mind is the source of all our

subjective views of 'self' and 'other', 'good' and 'evil', 'heaven' and



It is through the mind/Moon that all our negativity from the past must flow

for all our subjectivity was created by the mind. This is why the Moon is so

important in astrology. Since the mind and the body are linked by prana, it

is easy to see that our thoughts and actions influence our physical health.

Prana becomes disturbed by our thoughts, feelings and emotions, and these are

created by our own subjectivity, hence any system of medicine that is

curative, must be based on the mind or consciousness of the individual and

not just physical pathology.


This of course is what we see when we look at an astrological chart. We see

the past actions, deeds, failures, tragedies, mishaps and we have a story to

tell the native. And the native says, yes, yes, and we are able to instruct

the native on behavior, lifestyle, meditation practices, philosophy,

psychology, etc to help him/her overcome the chronic/pathological condition.

My fascination with astrology and alchemy (Homeopathy and Ayurveda) arose

because through the years I sought to understand our struggle in the human

world and I believed in the past and still do that our sickness is a

manifestion of our incapacity to digest the struggle/karmas.


Ayurveda has a very similar philosophy to homeopathy but a different model to

express similar ideas. As in homeopathy, Ayurveda sees all disease in terms

of ego distortion, Ahamkar, and this give rise to the various conditions in

the body. The doshas and sub-doshas have their movement of energy/life

force/prana, own psychology, attitude, philosophy, response to life,

environment, and hence disease. Ayurveda has a beautiful science of Anatomy

and Physiology to describe the dis-ease process in terms of the tattwas, the

three doshas, the dhatus (tissues), and the srotas (channels). Through

Ayurveda, we are able to see how the tattwas flow through the body and

influence the various organ systems through the dhatus and srotas.


All classical homeopaths are trained to treat chronic disease with a high

priority given to the story of an unlived life... the sorrows, the passions,

wrong thinking, distorted beliefs (God, religion, people, marriage, sex),

inappropriate responses (anger, jealousy, lust, greed, etc.). It is different

than Ayurveda, but as Dr. Vasant Lad, one of the great teachers of Ayurveda

who came to America, tells us that they are ultimately the same. They treat

the same consciousness using the intelligence/consciousnes of kingdoms of



One of my favorite Ayurvedic teachers used the Ayurvedic herbs according to

the law of similars, one herb at a time. This requires very clear perception

and very sensitive fingers so that we can accurately determine the state of

the person and the sub-dosha that is out of balance and it is my favorite

method to practice Ayurveda. Take the pulse, determine the sub-dosha, confirm

the symptoms and prescribe that single herb for a month to peel away that

layer of ignorance.... disease is based on our ignorance (ignoring our

fundamental nature). If Prana Vayu is out of balance, Ashwaghanda may well be

the herb.


Medicines prepared from the plant, mineral and animal kingdoms (say snake

venoms or spider venoms), are all imbued with a vibrant consciousness and for

some very mysterious reason, our state of imbalance always, always, always

corresponds to a single medicine from one of these kingdoms (dhatu, moola and

jeeva). It is the task of any practitioner of medicine to understand the

human being and to understand nature. The true healer is a " go-between " the

two, for he has to re-unite the two and establish wholeness. Fragmentation

leads to splitting in the personality and in the body. It leads to

multiplicity, growths within growths (compensatory or multiple personalities

or cancers, tumors, warts and the numerous other maladies).





> Dear Visti and Learned Scholars,

> I would like to concentrate my studies

> on

> Female Horoscopy through a deeper understanding of the moon; Navamsas and

> Kaala Chara Dasas.

> Could you please explain the philosophy/rationale for its use and any

> information you may deem useful in broadening my understanding for its

> responsible application?.

> I received notification from Indian Books and Periodicals Syndicate,


> a

> homeopathic text entitled " Perfect Materia Medica of Mind " by Drs Y,S


> P

> Sehgal (**do Sagar Pub carry this title?). Apparently Dr M Sehgal

> originated

> the idea of prescribing on the mind symptoms alone " since we have to

> prescribe for the patient and not for the disease... "

> I am way past aspiring to heal; my intention is to help alleviate

> suffering.

> Thank You for Your Help,

> Ann.


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